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Clinical Management of Bleeding Risk With Antidepressants

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AOPXXX10.1177/1060028018794005Annals of PharmacotherapyBixby et al

Review Article
Annals of Pharmacotherapy

Clinical Management of Bleeding

© The Author(s) 2018
Article reuse guidelines:
Risk With Antidepressants
DOI: 10.1177/1060028018794005

Alexandra L. Bixby, PharmD1 , Amy VandenBerg, PharmD, BCPP1,

and Jolene R. Bostwick, PharmD, BCPS, BCPP2

Objective: This nonsystematic review describes risk of bleeding in treatment with serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs)
and provide recommendations for the management of patients at risk of bleeding. Data Sources: Articles were identified
by English-language MEDLINE search published prior to June 2018 using the terms SRI, serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake
inhibitors, OR antidepressive agents, AND hemorrhage OR stroke. Study Selection and Data Extraction: Meta-analyses
were utilized to identify information regarding risk of bleeding with antidepressants. Individual studies were included if
they had information regarding bleeding risk with specific SRIs, timing of risk, or risk with medications of interest. Data
Synthesis: SRIs increase risk of bleeding by 1.16- to 2.36-fold. The risk is synergistic between SRIs and nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs; odds ratio [OR] range between studies 3.17-10.9). Acid-reducing medications may mitigate
risk of gastrointestinal bleeds in chronic NSAIDs and SRI users (OR range between studies 0.98-1.1). Antidepressants with
low or no affinity for the serotonin transporter, such as bupropion or mirtazapine, may be appropriate alternatives for
patients at risk of bleeding. Relevance to Patient Care and Clinical Practice: This review includes data regarding
bleeding risk for specific antidepressants, concomitant medications, and risk related to duration of SRI use. Considerations
and evidence-based recommendations are provided for management of SRI users at high bleeding risk. Conclusions:
Clinicians must be aware of the risk of bleeding with SRI use, especially for patients taking NSAIDs. Patient education is
prudent for those prescribed NSAIDs and SRIs concurrently.

serotonin, antidepressants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, proton pump inhibitors, anticoagulation, antiplatelets

Introduction (SSRIs) increase gastric acidity, which can increase the

risk of ulcer formation and gastrointestinal bleeds (GIBs).5
In the United States, the lifetime prevalence of depression It has also been hypothesized that SRIs with high serotonin
is 16.6%, and antidepressants are the third most commonly transporter binding affinity (eg, clomipramine, duloxetine,
prescribed medication class.1,2 Antidepressants, in particu- fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline, vilazodone, and vortiox-
lar serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs), are used for a vari- etine) place patients at a higher bleeding risk than interme-
ety of indications such as depression, anxiety, premenstrual diate (eg, amitriptyline, citalopram, escitalopram, imipramine,
dysphoric disorder, pain disorders, and vasomotor symp- and venlafaxine) and low (eg, bupropion, doxepin, mirtazap-
tom relief. Recently, more attention has been given to SRIs ine, nortriptyline, phenelzine, tranylcypromine, and trazo-
surrounding the risk of bleeding. Serotonin is taken up by done) binding affinity SRIs.5-7
the platelets via serotonin transporter and released follow- Furthermore, cytochrome-P450 (CYP)-mediated drug
ing vascular injury. Serotonin then binds to the platelet interactions may pose a risk of bleeding when medications
5-HT2A receptor, accelerating platelet aggregation and
leading to thrombus formation.3,4 Bleeding associated with
SRI use is hypothesized to be a result of inhibition of the 1
Michigan Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
serotonin transporter on platelets, leading to reduced plate- 2
University of Michigan College of Pharmacy, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
let aggregation. Based on the mechanism, any medication
Corresponding Author:
that involves inhibition of serotonin reuptake would put Alexandra L. Bixby, Department of Pharmacy, Michigan Medicine, 1111 E
patients at an increased risk of abnormal bleeding. Catherine St, Room 325, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA.
Additionally, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors Email:
2 Annals of Pharmacotherapy 00(0)

with additive bleeding risk are combined.8,9 Duloxetine and anticoagulants. Original research articles were consid-
(moderate CYP2D6 inhibition), fluvoxamine (strong ered if they examined the risk of bleeding among one of the
CYP1A2, 2C9, 2C19, moderate CYP3A4, and weak above agents in addition to antidepressants. Bleeding risk
CYP2D6 inhibition), fluoxetine (strong CYP2D6, 2C9, for specific antidepressants was analyzed by identifying
moderate CYP3A4, 2C19, and weak CYP1A2 inhibition), studies that discussed “affinity” for the serotonin trans-
and paroxetine (strong CYP2D6 and weak CYP1A2, 3A4, porter. Timing that bleeding risk is highest was determined
2C9, 2C19 inhibition) are the most notable CYP inhibitors by review of the 10 meta-analyses. Bibliographies of rele-
among the SRIs.8 Citalopram, escitalopram, sertraline, and vant articles were reviewed to identify additional applica-
venlafaxine are weak CYP2D6 inhibitors only. Drug-drug ble information.
interactions are crucial to consider when determining the
risk of bleeding with SRIs.8
Laporte et al3 summarized observational studies report- Data Synthesis
ing an increased risk of bleeding associated with SRI use. Overall Incidence of Bleeding With SRIs
Outcomes highlighted in these studies include abnormal
bleeding in the GI tract, postpartum hemorrhage (PPH), SRIs have been associated with a variety of bleeds, includ-
intracranial hemorrhage (ICH), and various other sites of ing GIB, ICH, PPH, and operative bleeding, but the inclu-
bleeding, such as female genital tract bleeding, epistaxis, sion of patients with differing sites and severities of bleeding
and hematoma. vary by the article, leading to significant heterogeneity.3 A
Despite the observed risk of bleeding with SRI use, there meta-analysis of observational studies examining bleeding
is little guidance on strategies to overcome this risk. The risk with SSRIs in 1 443 042 patients found a significant
purpose of this article is to review the risk of bleeding asso- increase in any bleeding type of 41% (odds ratio [OR] 1.41;
ciated with SRI use illustrated in meta-analyses, examine 95% CI = 1.27-1.57; P < 0.001).3 This risk was high espe-
the impact of concomitant medications, and discuss strate- cially in relation to GIBs, with an increased risk of 55%
gies to mitigate this risk. (OR = 1.55; 95% CI = 1.32-1.82), and lower for ICH, with
an increased risk of 16% (OR = 1.16; 95% CI = 1.01-
Data Sources 1.33). Most case-control studies explicitly focused on GIBs.
In contrast, 8 of 11 cohorts included in the meta-analysis
For this nonsystematic review, primary articles in the English- examined bleeding risk in the postsurgical population, and
language were identified by MEDLINE search for meta- 2 of 11 studies included warfarin-treated patients, which
analyses published prior to May 2018 using the following contributed to heterogeneity (P < 0.001). Despite differ-
search terms: (“Stroke”[Mesh] OR “Hemorrhage”[Mesh]) ences among these studies, most of the published literature
AND (((“Antidepressive Agents”[Mesh] OR “Serotonin examining the effect of SRIs on bleeding risk focuses on the
Uptake Inhibitors”[Mesh]) OR “Serotonin Uptake risk of GIB, making it difficult to determine the absolute
Inhibitors”[Pharmacological Action]) OR “Serotonin and risk of bleeding at other sites.
Noradrenaline Reuptake Inhibitors”[Mesh]). The impact of SRIs on bleeding at other sites, such as
brain hemorrhage, PPH, and operative-related bleeds, is dif-
ficult to demonstrate given the low incidence of events. In a
Study Selection and Data Extraction
meta-analysis, Hackam and Mrkobrada15 examined SSRI
A total of 35 meta-analyses were screened, and 25 were exposure associated with brain hemorrhage and found that
excluded because they were not designed to examine the risk that there was an increased risk of 61% (OR = 1.61; 95% CI
of bleeding with antidepressants. Nine relevant meta-analy- = 1.04-2.51). Similarly, women taking antidepressants dur-
ses were identified regarding the risk of bleeding with SRIs ing pregnancy have a 32% increase in the odds for develop-
(Table 1),3,10-17 and 1 meta-analysis was identified concern- ing PPH than those who do not use antidepressants (OR =
ing risk for bleeding with mirtazapine and bupropion. 1.32; 95% CI = 1.17-1.48; P < 0.001).16 The highest risk of
Original research studies were discussed in terms of PPH was for patients with antidepressant use within 30 days
whether they had information to answer questions regard- of delivery, those taking SNRIs, and for women who under-
ing bleeding risk with specific SRIs, the timing of risk, or went cesarean deliveries. The bleeding risk from preopera-
bleeding risk between SRIs and medications of interest. To tive use of serotonergic antidepressants remains difficult to
determine the impact of additional medications on bleed- ascertain. In a meta-analysis of cohort studies, there was no
ing risk among antidepressant users, the following search significant difference in reoperation caused by bleeding
terms were added to the above criteria: platelet aggrega- among antidepressant users (OR = 1.48; 95% CI = 0.84-
tion inhibitors, anti-inflammatory agents non-steroidal, 2.62).17 Failure to account for antiplatelet medications and
Bixby et al 3

Table 1. Risk of Bleeding Associated With SSRI Use.3,10-17

Study of Studies n OR 95% CI P Value Type of Bleed Control Group Intervention Group
Laporte et al, 2017 42 1 443 029 1.41 1.27-1.57 <0.0001 Any Non–SSRI users SSRI
Laporte et al,3 2017 NP NP 1.55 1.32-1.83 NP GIB Non–SSRI users SSRI
Loke et al,10 2008 4 153 000 2.36 1.44-3.85 0.0006 GIB Non–SSRI users SSRI
Jiang et al,11 2015 22 1 073 000 1.55 1.35-1.78 <0.001 UGIB Non–SSRI users SSRI users (included
duloxetine and
Anglin et al,12 2014 15 393 268 1.66 1.44-1.92 NP
UGIB No treatment SSRI
Oka et al,13 2014 6 223 947 1.73 0.65-2.82 NP
Laporte et al,3 2017 NP NP 1.16 1.01-1.33 NP
Shin et al,14 2014 13 964 252 1.32 1.02-1.71 NP
Hemorrhagic Non–SSRI users SSRI
Hackam and 4 223 873 1.61 1.04-2.51 NP Brain Non–SSRI users SSRI
Mrkobrada,15 2012 hemorrhage
Jiang et al,16 2016 8 572 686 1.32 (RR) 1.17-1.48 <0.001 PPH Non–antidepressant Antidepressant
users users
Singh et al,17 2015 8 565 312 1.48 0.84-2.62 NP Reoperation Non–antidepressant Serotonergic
bleeding users antidepressants

Abbreviations: GIB, gastrointestinal bleed; ICH, intracerebral hemorrhage; NP, not provided; OR, odds ratio; PPH, postpartum hemorrhage; RR, risk
ratio; SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors; UGIB, upper gastrointestinal bleed.

potential CYP enzyme inhibition may confound these Concomitant Medications That Affect SRIs’
results. More studies are necessary to determine how bleed- Impact on Bleeding
ing risk with SRI use can be correlated with brain hemor-
rhage, PPH, and surgical interventions. In addition to SRIs increasing the risk of bleeding, it is
vital to consider concomitant medications that may addi-
Gastrointestinal Bleeding Associated With SRI tively increase the risk, such as antiplatelet medications
and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). A
population-based retrospective study examined the risk of
Although significant bleeding is rare, with a baseline inci- GIBs associated with SSRIs (ie, citalopram, escitalopram,
dence of upper GIB of 23 per 10 000 patients per year, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, and sertraline) and
GIB-associated mortality is between 3% and 14%.16,18,19 antiplatelet therapy (eg, aspirin and clopidogrel) following
Thus, it is essential to recognize that SRIs can increase acute myocardial infarction.9 Compared with aspirin
this risk. In an observational study by Kim et al18 examin- alone, use of SSRIs with aspirin was associated with an
ing risk factors for GIBs in patients in South Korea, increased risk of bleeding (hazard ratio [HR] = 1.42; 95%
unspecified SSRI exposure was associated with a 0.44% CI = 1.08-1.87). Similarly, compared with dual antiplate-
annual prevalence of GIB. Risk of bleeding increased with let therapy alone (aspirin and clopidogrel), SSRI use in
the number of risk factors present (eg, comorbid condi- combination with dual antiplatelet therapy increased the
tions, concomitant drugs, and personal habits, such as risk of bleeding (HR = 1.57; 95% CI = 1.07-2.32).
smoking and alcohol consumption) and consistently Supporting these findings, a nationwide population-based
increased with age. In fact, 1.2% to 1.9% of SSRI users study of clopidogrel users found that SSRI use in addition
older than 70 years developed a GIB. In a meta-analysis to clopidogrel increases the risk of lower but not upper
examining the risk of upper GIB with SSRI use, the risk GIB (HR = 2.22, 95% CI = 1.91-4.58, P = 0.048 and HR
was increased by 55% (OR = 1.55; 95% CI = 1.35-1.78; = 1.27, 95% CI = 0.56-2.89, P = 0.565, respectively).20
P < 0.001) with SSRIs.16 Based on these results, the num- In contrast, an analysis of the French Spontaneous
ber needed to harm (NNH) was 791 patients. Other meta- Reporting Database examining bleeding adverse drug
analyses have reported similar findings, ranging from a reactions among those exposed to antiplatelet agents failed
1.55- to 2.36-fold increased risk of GIB among SRI users to show a significant association between bleeding events
(Table 1).3,11-13 These results solidify the association and SRI use (adjusted reporting OR = 0.8; 95% CI = 0.5-
between SRI use and risk of GIBs. 1.2; P = 0.3). However, there were only 62 cases (4.7%)
4 Annals of Pharmacotherapy 00(0)

Table 2. Additive Risk of Gastrointestinal Bleed With Concomitant SSRIs, NSAIDs, and Acid-Suppressing Agents.10-13,27-29

Anglin et al,12 2014 1.66 (1.44-1.92) NR 2.8 (2.2-3.56) 4.25 (2.82-6.42) NR
Loke et al,10 2008 2.36 (1.44-3.85) NR 3.16 (2.40-4.18) 6.33 (3.40-11.8) NR
Oka et al,13 2014 1.73 (0.65-2.82) NR 2.55 (1.51-2.59) 4.02 (2.89-5.15) NR
Dall et al,27 2009 1.67 (1.46-1.92) 0.96 (0.5-1.82) NR 8.0 (4.8-13) NR
Targownik et al,28 2009 1.43 (1.09-1.89) 0.56 (0.24-1.3) NR 3.17 (2.01-5.0) 0.93 (0.29-3.03)
de Abajo and García- 1.8 (1.1-2.9) 1.3 (0.5-3.3) NR 9.1 (4.8-17.3) 1.1 (0.3-3.4)b
Rodríguez,29 2008
Jiang et al,11 2015 1.55 (1.35-1.78) 0.81 (0.43-1.53) NR 10.9 (7.3-16.2) 0.98 (0.51-1.88)b

Abbreviations: NR, not reported; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; OR, odds ratio; PPI, proton pump inhibitor; SSRI, selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitor.
Reported as OR (95% CI).
PPIs were grouped with other acid-suppressing medications.

of combined SRI and antiplatelet users.21 Because aspirin, associated with a higher risk than either medication alone.
clopidogrel, and SRIs each inhibit platelet function, pro- Additionally, of the 101 postmarketing reports included in
viders must be aware that concomitant use can increase this meta-analysis, 80% had concomitant exposure to
the risk of bleeding and monitor patients appropriately. NSAIDs, antiplatelets, or anticoagulants. A similar meta-
In addition to antiplatelet agents, anticoagulants are asso- analysis was published to obtain a more precise estimate of
ciated with a risk of abnormal bleeding events. The risk of upper GIB risk with SSRIs with or without NSAIDs.12 Risk
bleeding associated with anticoagulants and SRIs has been of upper GIB was additive for the combination of SSRIs
examined throughout the literature. In a retrospective cohort and NSAIDs. Unfortunately, the authors did not describe
of patients treated with low-molecular-weight heparin for NSAID agent, dose, and duration of use, a significant limi-
venous thromboembolism, SSRI use (n = 92/575) was not tation of the published literature. Given the substantial
associated with an increased incidence of major bleeding increase in GIB rates for patients taking NSAIDs in combi-
when compared with patients without SSRI treatment (n = nation with SSRIs, providers must consider strategies to
483/575): 19.6% versus 17%; P = 0.548.22 However, sig- mitigate this risk.
nificantly more patients in the SSRI group were also on acid Because one proposed mechanism of increased GIB
suppressive therapy, which was shown to significantly rates is an increase in gastric acidity, one strategy to
reduce major bleeding (OR = 0.24; 95% CI = 0.07-0.90; P reduce the risk of GIB for patients on SSRIs is to utilize
= 0.014). Interestingly, 42.6% (n = 6/13) of patients on acid-suppressing agents.14,27-29 There is no single study
escitalopram experienced a major bleeding event, which strictly examining the use of proton-pump inhibitors
warrants further investigation. In addition, warfarin was (PPIs) with SSRIs to determine bleeding risk. However, a
associated with an increased rate of hemorrhage among few studies assess the combination of these medications
SSRI users in the AnTicoagulation and Risk factors In Atrial in subgroup analyses (Table 2).14,27-29 This evidence sug-
fibrillation (ATRIA) study (adjusted relative risk [RR] = gests that PPI use diminishes the risk of SSRI-associated
1.41; 95% CI = 1.04-1.92; P = 0.03).23 Similar studies have GIBs, especially when patients are taking NSAIDs con-
found an increased risk of clinically relevant bleeding with comitantly. Although PPIs may reduce the risk of GIBs
or without an increased risk of hospitalization among SSRI among SRI users, there are several adverse effects with
and warfarin users.24-26 Based on these studies, concomitant long-term use (eg, fracture, hypomagnesemia, vitamin
warfarin and SRI use should be done cautiously. B12 deficiency, dementia, kidney damage, Clostridium
NSAIDs increase the risk of GIBs through a variety of difficile infection, and pneumonia).30 Recent data suggest
mechanisms; therefore, their use with SRIs is of particular that PPI use increases the probability of depression among
interest. Consistently throughout the literature, the risk of the elderly population (adjusted OR = 2.38; 95% CI =
GIB is increased when SSRIs and NSAIDs are used simul- 0.49-4.38; P = 0.045).31 However, only 9% of partici-
taneously (Table 2).10,12,13 In a meta-analysis of observa- pants in the PPI group and 3% in the non-PPI group were
tional studies looking at SSRI use and GIBs, concomitant taking SSRIs at baseline. Therefore, this study does not
use of NSAIDs was associated with an increased risk of provide evidence that PPI use would worsen preexisting
bleeding (OR = 6.33; 95% CI = 3.40-11.8; P < 0.00001), depression. As with the initiation of any medication, the
with a NNH of 82 per year.10 This effect is synergistic risks and benefits must be deliberated to make the best
because concurrent use of SSRIs and NSAIDs was decision for an individual patient.
Bixby et al 5

Risks for Specific Antidepressants serotonin transporter. Additionally, the above literature does
not include newer antidepressants such as vortioxetine and
Beyond the use of acid-suppressive agents, another strategy vilazodone. However, these agents inhibit the reuptake of
for prescribers to reduce bleeding episodes in high-risk serotonin with high affinity for the serotonin transporter: Ki
patients is to consider an antidepressant agent with lower = 2.6 and 0.1 nM, respectively.6,7 Theoretically, vortiox-
binding affinity to the serotonin transporter. Several studies etine and vilazodone would have a risk of bleeding similar
have included subgroup analyses examining SRI by affinity to that of other high-affinity SSRIs. Despite the lack of lit-
and suggest that agents with high and even intermediate- erature regarding bleeding risk with these agents, the pre-
affinity for the serotonin transporter are associated with an scribing information includes caution that these serotonergic
increased risk of bleeding.32-37 However, some subgroup antidepressants may increase the risk of abnormal bleeding,
analyses indicate no significant association between SSRI which may be increased if administered with other medica-
affinity and bleeding.38,39 In a case-control study (n = 359) tions that affect coagulation.6,7 More evidence is needed
examining GI bleeds among SSRI users, high-affinity examining the bleeding risk associated with low-affinity
SSRIs, defined as having a dissociation constant (KD) less and non–serotonin transporter antidepressants. However,
than 1.0 (clomipramine, fluoxetine, paroxetine, and sertra- available data support that there is a lower risk of bleeding
line), and intermediate-affinity SSRIs, with KD 1.0 to 10.0 associated with these agents.
(amitriptyline, citalopram, escitalopram, imipramine, and
venlafaxine), were associated with an increased risk of upper
GIB (OR = 2.1, 95% CI = 1.3-3.3, OR = 2.0, 95% CI = Bleeding Risk Timeline
1.1-3.6, respectively).40 In contrast, low-affinity or non-
SSRI antidepressants, with KD greater than 10.0 (amoxap- In conjunction with concomitant medications and antide-
ine, bupropion, desipramine, doxepin, maprotiline, pressant selection, the impact of exposure time on bleeding
mirtazapine, nefazodone, nortriptyline, phenelzine, protrip- risk should be considered. SRIs can increase gastric acidity
tyline, tranylcypromine, trazodone, and trimipramine) were almost immediately, whereas it may take a week to deplete
not associated with significantly increased risk of GIB (OR platelets of serotonin.5 In a meta-analysis by Loke et al,10 the
= 1.0; 95% CI = 0.4-2.3). In a cohort study by Castro et al,41 median time to upper GIB was 25 weeks. In contrast, Dall
risk of bleeding was compared between high-affinity (dulox- et al27 and Targownik et al28 found the risk of bleeding to be
etine, escitalopram, fluoxetine, paroxetine, and sertraline) highest in the first 28 days of SRI use, making it difficult to
and low- to intermediate-affinity SRIs (bupropion, mirtazap- determine how duration of SRI use affects bleeding risk.
ine, and nefazodone); a higher risk of GIB (adjusted RR = Because, mechanistically, GIBs have a slightly differ-
1.17; 95% CI = 1.02-1.34) and stroke (adjusted RR = 1.18; ent pathophysiological mechanism, and other bleed types
95% CI = 1.06-1.32) was found in the high-affinity group. have different confounding variables, it may be difficult
Despite these studies, a consensus was still lacking on to compare the timing of risk of these bleed types. When
the risk of bleeding associated with agents with low or no looking at the timing of first-onset stroke among SSRI
affinity for the serotonin transporter. To bridge this gap, Na users, a survival analysis found cumulative incidence
et al42 conducted a meta-analysis of 7 studies to classify the ratios for ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke to be higher
bleeding risk with mirtazapine and bupropion. Neither during the first 3 years of SSRI exposure, with 20% of
agent significantly decreased the risk of bleeding when strokes occurring in the first 6 months.43 However, in the
compared with SSRIs (OR = 1.0, 95% CI = 0.87-1.14, and meta-analysis by Hackam and Mrkobrada,15 6 of the 7
OR = 0.90, 95% CI = 0.69-1.18, respectively). Mirtazapine studies that correlated time of SSRI exposure to brain
was associated with a significant risk of GIB when com- hemorrhage demonstrated that risk was highest with
pared with no antidepressants (OR = 1.18, 95% CI = 1.01- short-term recent exposure than long-term exposure. Risk
1.38), but there was no significant difference between all of PPH increased among those with antidepressant use
types of bleeding (OR = 1.12, 95% CI = 0.97-1.27). within 30 days before the delivery date; however, total
Information comparing the bupropion group with a control exposure time was not studied.16 Overall, bleeding risk
group free from antidepressant use was not available. This with SSRI use appears to be highest early in the course of
meta-analysis was limited by the small number of studies, therapy, likely within the first 30 days, but more studies
the limited number of patients taking mirtazapine or bupro- are needed to validate this conclusion.
pion compared with SSRIs, and the inability to control for
confounding bleeding risk factors.42 Relevance to Patient Care and Clinical
Based on the mechanism of bleeding associated with Practice
SRIs, any antidepressant that inhibits the reuptake of sero-
tonin, such as tricyclic antidepressants, would carry a risk Because GIB is the most common type of bleed associ-
of bleeding. The study by Lewis et al40 classifies tricyclic ated with SRI use, providers should consider preventive
antidepressants appropriately by their affinity for the strategies for GIBs in high-risk patients. When clinicians
6 Annals of Pharmacotherapy 00(0)

Table 3. Summary of Risk Factors for Abnormal Bleeding.3,10-17

Risk Factors

•• Gastrointestinal bleed
 Medications
   NSAIDs
   Antiplatelet agents
   Anticoagulants
 Current use of SRIs
   SSRIs
   SNRIs
 Increased age
 Comorbid conditions
   Peptic ulcer disease
   Diabetes
   Chronic liver disease
   Chronic renal failure
   Gastroesophageal reflux disease
 Personal habits
   Smoking
   Alcohol consumption
•• Brain hemorrhage
 Current use of SSRIs
 New and short-term use of SSRIs
 Depression
•• Postpartum hemorrhage
 Cesarean delivery
 Multiple pregnancies
 Prolonged labor
 Previous postpartum hemorrhage
 Hypertension
 Diabetes
 Coagulation disorders
 Anticoagulant use
 Maternal age
 SRI use within 30 days of delivery

Abbreviations: NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; SNRI, serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor; SRI, serotonin reuptake
inhibitor; SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.

stratify a patient’s risk factors for GIB, they must also Whereas most studies included PPIs, acid-reducing
include SRIs as one of these factors (Table 3). In a patient medications may reduce the risk of SRI-associated GIB.
at high risk for bleeding or with a history of bleeding, a However, risk versus benefit of adding a PPI must be con-
medication with little to no effect on the serotonin trans- sidered because long-term PPI use is not without risk. The
porter may be considered. Mirtazapine, bupropion, and elderly population presents a unique challenge because
trazodone theoretically have little effect on the serotonin advanced age is a risk factor for GIB and GIB-associated
transporter and would not have the same risk of bleeding mortality as well as adverse effects of PPIs.30
as SRIs. On the other hand, trazodone and mirtazapine are At this time, SSRI-induced bleeding risk among the sur-
antagonists of 5-HT2A, which theoretically would reduce gical population remains of unknown significance. Although
platelet response and aggregation.44 More studies are antiplatelet agents are often held before surgery, there is no
needed to establish the role of 5-HT2A antagonism in evidence to support stopping or tapering SRIs.17 Therefore,
platelet response. Additionally, prescribers should con- SRI treatment should continue in patients undergoing surgi-
sider patient history and response to prior antidepressants cal procedures because abruptly stopping these medications
when deciding between agents. Because bupropion has a may lead to serotonin withdrawal symptoms or negatively
mechanism of action independent of serotonin, it pro- affect management of target psychiatric symptoms.
vides a suitable alternative for patients at increased risk of Providers must inquire about all over-the-counter medi-
bleeding until further studies are conducted. cations, especially NSAID and aspirin use. For patients
Bixby et al 7

Table 4. Medication Prescribing and Patient Education Considerations.

•• Educate the patient about the increased risk of bleeding associated with SRIs before initiating therapy
•• Educate the patient on how to identify signs and symptoms associated with abnormal bleeding and when to seek medical treatment
•• Weigh the risks and benefits of antidepressant use against the risk of abnormal bleeding
•• Avoid discontinuing antidepressants in patients with an active indication for use based on bleeding risk alone
•• If a patient develops a GIB, the risks and benefits must be weighed before discontinuing antidepressant therapy, and an acid-
suppressing agent may be added to reduce the risk of developing additional bleeds
•• Avoid unnecessary NSAID use
•• When prescribers must use high doses of NSAIDs with SSRIs, they should consider acid-suppression therapy to reduce the risk of

Abbreviations: GIB, gastrointestinal bleed; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; SRI, serotonin reuptake inhibitor; SSRI, selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitor.

who routinely use these or other medications that increase Declaration of Conflicting Interests
bleeding risk, patient education among new SRI users The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
should include explaining that GIB is a rare but serious to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
adverse effect of SRIs and how to recognize symptoms of a
GIB (Table 4). Funding
Pharmacists may have a positive impact on patients The authors received no financial support for the research, author-
treated with SRIs at high risk of bleeding. Pharmacist inter- ship, and/or publication of this article.
ventions have been shown to increase medication adherence
and reduce side effects of antidepressants.45,46 Additionally, ORCID iD
high-risk medications, such as anticoagulants, are followed
Alexandra L. Bixby
by pharmacists in many inpatient hospitals and outpatient
clinics. Among patients starting warfarin, daily consultation
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