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IAJPS 2017, 4 (11), 3951-3953 M.Hareesh Reddy and A.

Sambasiva Rao ISSN 2349-7750




Available online at: Review Article


M.Hareesh Reddy1* and Dr.A. Sambasiva Rao 2
Associate Professor, Shadan College of Pharmacy, Hyderabad
2Professor & Principal, Sri Indu Institute of Pharmacy, Hyderabad

Ramipril is an anti-hypertensive drug, a category of ACE inhibitor that inhibit the actions of angiotensin converting
enzyme (ACE), thereby decreasing the production of angiotensin II and decreasing the breakdown of bradykinin.
The decrease in an enzyme angiotensin II results in relaxation of arteriole smooth muscle leading to a lowering the
total peripheral resistance, reducing blood pressure(BP) as the blood is pumped through widened. Ramipril, a
precursor or prodrug, is converted to the active metabolite ramiprilat by carboxylesterase. It is mostly excreted by
the kidneys. Its half-life is 3-16 hours and is prolonged by heart and liver failure, as well as kidney failure. The
medication used alone or in combination with other medications to treat high blood pressure. The drug is also used
to reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack in patients at risk for these types of problems and to improve survival in
patients with heart failure after a heart attack.
Key words: Ramipril, Ramiprilat, Angiotensin II, Bradykinin, Carboxylesterase, Blood pressure.
Correspondence address:
QR code
M.Hareesh Reddy,
Associate Professor,
Shadan College of Pharmacy, Peerancheru,
Himayatsagar Road, Hyderabad.

Please cite this article in press as M.Hareesh Reddy and Dr.A. Sambasiva Rao, A Comprahensive Review of
Pharmacological and Therapeutical Activities of Anti-Hypertensive Drug Ramipril, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2017;
4(11). Page 1
IAJPS 2017, 4 (11), 3951-3953 M.Hareesh Reddy and A. Sambasiva Rao ISSN 2349-7750

INTRODUCTION: Chemical data

Hypertension, which affects one in four adults 1 Formula C23H32N2O5
worldwide, is an important cause of cardiovascular 2 Molecular 416.511 g/mol
morbidity and mortality, and antihypertensive weight
treatment is a common therapeutic intervention. 3 Melting point 109 C (228 F)
Clinical guidelines have recommended threshold Mechanism of action
levels for the implementation of antihypertensive ACE inhibitors inhibit the actions of angiotensin
therapy, typically based on blood pressure levels converting enzyme (ACE), thereby lowering the
assessed by the physician in an office environment. production of angiotensin II and decreasing the
Increasingly, however, it is being recognized that breakdown of bradykinin. The decrease in
such in-clinic measurements do not identify angiotensin II results in relaxation of arteriole smooth
accurately variations in daily activity and their impact muscle leading to a decrease in total peripheral
on blood pressure. Such measurements can, therefore, resistance and reducing blood pressure as the blood is
miss true hypertension. Exact prevalence of so-called pumped through widened vessels. Its effect on
reversed white-coat hypertension, masked bradykinin is responsible for the dry cough side
hypertension, or white-coat normotension is effect.
difficult to establish, but four studies found
incidences of between 9% and 23%. Masked Adverse effects
hypertension carries an increased cardiovascular risk Mouth dryness in the early stages
compared with the prognosis in individuals with Dizziness and light-headedness due to low blood
well-controlled home or ambulatory blood pressure. pressure.
In the elderly, the cardiovascular risk in those with Chest pain.
masked hypertension was equal to that in those with Shakiness
sustained hypertension[1-6]. Fatigue, especially in the early stages.
Dry cough
Signs of infection (example- fever, chills, persistent
sore throat)
Neutrogena (low white blood cells)
Impotence (erectile dysfunction)

Warnings and Precautions:

1) Use with caution in patients with history of an
allergic reaction which included swelling of
lips/tongue/face/throat (angioedema). Before using
the medicine, tell your pharmacist or doctor your
Structure of Ramipril medical history, especially liver disease, kidney
disease, heart problems, diabetes (poorly controlled),
2S,3aS,6aS)-1-[(2S)-2-[[(2S)-1-ethoxy-1-oxo-4- high blood levels of potassium, stroke, and severe
phenylbutan-2-yl]amino]propanoyl]-3,3a,4,5,6,6a- dehydration.
hexahydro-2H-cyclopenta[b]pyrrole-2-carboxylic 2) It may cause lightheadedness, dizziness, or
acid. fainting;-Alcohol, hot water, exercise, or fever may
Pharmacokinetic data of Ramipril increase these effects. Get up slowly from bed. Pharmacokinetic value 3) It may cause a serious side effect called
parameters angioedema with symptoms of swelling of the hands,
1 Bioavailability 28% eyes ,lips, face, throat or tongue: difficulty
swallowing or breathing: or hoarseness
2 Protein binding Ramipril (73%) 4) It may affect your blood sugar. Check blood sugar
Ramiprilat levels closely.
(56%) 5) Monitoring the kidney function before and during
3 Metabolism Hepatic treatment.
4 Biological half life 2 4 hrs 6) Regular monitoring of white blood cells in patient
5 Excretion Renal (60%) with vascular collagen disorder is recommended.
Fecal (40%) Page 2
IAJPS 2017, 4 (11), 3951-3953 M.Hareesh Reddy and A. Sambasiva Rao ISSN 2349-7750

Other Precautions: 3) Improving survival in people who have heart

Excessive sweating, diarrhea or vomiting, failure after suffering heart attack.
dehydration may increase the risk of low blood 4) Reducing the risk of heart attack, stroke and
pressure (low BP). So monitor blood pressure death due to heart disease, in people with any of
regularly. the following conditions.
A) A history of heart disease, for example, a
When it is not to be taken (Contraindications): people who have had angina, heart attack, or a
Contraindicated in patients with previous surgical procedure to improve blood
1) Hypersensitivity, supply to the heart, e.g heart bypass (coronary
2) Bilateral renal artery stenosis (narrowing of the artery bypass graft-CABG).
arteries going to the kidney) B) A history of stroke
3) A single kidney with unilateral renal artery C) Poor blood circulation in the hands or feet due
stenosis, to hardening of the arteries(peripheral vascular
4) Pregnancy and breastfeeding. disease)
5) Aortic stenosis or outflow tract obstruction. D) Diabetes plus one or more of the following risk
factors - high blood pressure, high total
Dosage & When it is to be taken (Indications): cholesterol levels, low HDL cholesterol levels,
1) Heart failure- Initial dose: 1.25 mg once smoking or protein in the urine.
daily.(Max: 10 mg/day.) 5) Treating kidney disease or delaying worsening of
kidney disease (nephropathy) in people either with or
2) Myocardial infarction (Heart Attack) - Start 3- without diabetes.
10 days after infarction. Initial dose: 2.5 mg
twice daily after 2 days, then 5 mg twice daily. -- Storage Conditions:
Maintenance dose: 2.5-5 mg twice daily. Store at 25 c. Store it in an airtight container and
keep away from children.
3)PO- Hypertension- Initial dose: 1.25 mg at
bedtime. -- Maintenance dose: 2.5-5 mg/day as a
single dose, up to 10 mg/day if needed. 1.Pilote L; Abrahamowicz M; Behlouli H; Eisenberg
M; Humphries K; Tu jv (May 2008). Effect of
different angiotensin- converting enzyme inhibitors
TRADE NAMES/BRAND NAMES (RAMIPRIL) on mortality among elderly patients with congestive
IN INDIA heart failure. CMAJ. 178 (10); 1306-12.
2.Remuzzi, Giuseppe (April 2006). Prevention and Brand name/Trade name Treatment of Diabetic Renal Disease in Type 2
(Ramipril) Diabetes: The BENEDICT study. Journal of the
1 Cardac-1.25 mg American Society of Nephrology. 2.14 (5): 590-597.
2 Ramil- 1.25 mg 3.Peters DH, Frampton JE (March1995). Ramipril,
3 Telmisat-R an updated review of its Therapeutic use in essential
4 Tazloc-R hypertension and heart failure. Drugs.49 (3):440-66.
5 Ramipro 4.Rasmussen; Thomsen; Linnet K; INDICES
6 Ramicard Consortium.(Jan2014). In vitro drug metabolism by
7 Ramilace human carboxylesterase 1 : focus on angiotensin-
8 Corpril converting enzyme inhibitors,
9 Ramilor 5.Effect of ramipril on mortality and morbidity of
10 Ramihart survivors of acute myocardial infarction with clinical
11 Ramizyl evidence of heart failure. The acute infarction
12 BB Best-R ramipril efficiency (AIRE) study investigators.
13 Omyl-R Lancet.342 (8875):
14 Hopace-AM 6.Yusuf S, Teo KK, Pogue J, et al.(April 2008).
15 Altace Telmisatran, ramipril, or both in patients at high risk
for vascular events. N. Engl. J.Med.356 (15):1547-
What is ramipril used for? 59.
1) High blood pressure (hypertension).
2) Heart failure. Page 3

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