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Rivaroxaban or Aspirin For Extended Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism EINSTEIN CHOICE 2017 NEJM

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Original Article

Rivaroxaban or Aspirin for Extended

Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism
J.I. Weitz, A.W.A. Lensing, M.H. Prins, R. Bauersachs, J. BeyerWestendorf,
H. Bounameaux, T.A. Brighton, A.T. Cohen, B.L. Davidson, H. Decousus,
M.C.S. Freitas, G. Holberg, A.K. Kakkar, L. Haskell, B. vanBellen, A.F. Pap,
S.D. Berkowitz, P. Verhamme, P.S. Wells, and P. Prandoni,
for the EINSTEIN CHOICE Investigators*


Although many patients with venous thromboembolism require extended treatment, The authors full names, academic de-
it is uncertain whether it is better to use full- or lower-intensity anticoagulation grees, and affiliations are listed in the
Appendix. Address reprint requests to
therapy or aspirin. Dr. Weitz at the Thrombosis and Athero-
sclerosis Research Institute, 237 Barton
METHODS St. E., Hamilton, ON L8L 2X2, Canada, or
In this randomized, double-blind, phase 3 study, we assigned 3396 patients with at
venous thromboembolism to receive either once-daily rivaroxaban (at doses of 20 mg * A list of the Reduced-dosed Rivaroxaban
or 10 mg) or 100 mg of aspirin. All the study patients had completed 6 to 12 months in the Long-term Prevention of Recur-
rent Symptomatic Venous Thromboem-
of anticoagulation therapy and were in equipoise regarding the need for continued bolism (EINSTEIN CHOICE) investiga-
anticoagulation. Study drugs were administered for up to 12 months. The primary tors and collaborators is provided in the
efficacy outcome was symptomatic recurrent fatal or nonfatal venous thromboem- Supplementary Appendix, available at
bolism, and the principal safety outcome was major bleeding.
This article was published on March 18,
RESULTS 2017, at
A total of 3365 patients were included in the intention-to-treat analyses (median DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1700518
treatment duration, 351 days). The primary efficacy outcome occurred in 17 of Copyright 2017 Massachusetts Medical Society.

1107 patients (1.5%) receiving 20 mg of rivaroxaban and in 13 of 1127 patients

(1.2%) receiving 10 mg of rivaroxaban, as compared with 50 of 1131 patients
(4.4%) receiving aspirin (hazard ratio for 20 mg of rivaroxaban vs. aspirin, 0.34;
95% confidence interval [CI], 0.20 to 0.59; hazard ratio for 10 mg of rivaroxaban
vs. aspirin, 0.26; 95% CI, 0.14 to 0.47; P<0.001 for both comparisons). Rates of
major bleeding were 0.5% in the group receiving 20 mg of rivaroxaban, 0.4% in
the group receiving 10 mg of rivaroxaban, and 0.3% in the aspirin group; the rates
of clinically relevant nonmajor bleeding were 2.7%, 2.0%, and 1.8%, respectively.
The incidence of adverse events was similar inallthree groups.
Among patients with venous thromboembolism in equipoise for continued anti-
coagulation, the risk of a recurrent event was significantly lower with rivaroxaban at
either a treatment dose (20 mg) or a prophylactic dose (10 mg) than with aspirin,
without a significant increase in bleeding rates. (Funded by Bayer Pharmaceuticals;
EINSTEIN CHOICE number, NCT02064439.)

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

enous thromboembolism, which in- Me thods
cludes deep-vein thrombosis and pulmo-
nary embolism, is the third most common Study Design and Oversight
cause of vascular death after myocardial infarc- We conducted a randomized, double-blind,
tion and stroke.1-3 The mainstay of treatment is phase 3 study comparing the efficacy and safety
anticoagulation,4 and in patients without active of two doses of rivaroxaban with those of aspirin
cancer, guidelines suggest the use of direct oral for the extended treatment of venous thrombo-
anticoagulant agents such as rivaroxaban over embolism for up to 1 year after the initial 6 to
vitamin K antagonists such as warfarin.4 Antico- 12 months of therapy.22 The trial was sponsored
agulation therapy is administered for 3 months by Bayer Pharmaceuticals. The steering commit-
or longer, depending on the balance between the tee, which included both academic authors and
risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism and those employed by the sponsor, had final re-
the risk of bleeding.4 In patients without revers- sponsibility for the design of the study, the devel-
ible risk factors, the risk of recurrent venous opment of the protocol, the oversight of the
thromboembolism is as much as 10% in the first study, the verification of the data, and the analy-
year if anticoagulation therapy is stopped.5-9 Pa- ses. The sponsor collected, maintained, and an-
tients in whom thrombosis was triggered by non- alyzed the data; the academic authors had access
surgical risk factors or who have persistent risk to the data at all times through the sponsor. The
factors are at higher risk for recurrence than are protocol (available with the full text of this article
those with postoperative thrombosis.10 In addi- at was approved by the institutional
tion, because of overlapping risk factors, patients review board at each participating center. Written
with venous thromboembolism are at increased informed consent was obtained from all the
risk for arterial thrombotic events, including myo- patients.
cardial infarction, stroke, and vascular death.11-13 An independent committee whose members
Although extended anticoagulation therapy is were unaware of the study-group assignments
effective for the prevention of recurrent venous adjudicated the qualifying initial diagnosis (deep-
thromboembolism,5-9 concern about bleeding of- vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism) and
ten leads to a reluctance to continue anticoagu- all suspected outcomes that occurred during the
lant treatment beyond 6 to 12 months. Attempts study. An independent data and safety monitor-
to reduce the risk of bleeding when treatment is ing committee periodically reviewed the study
extended include the use of lower-dose antico- outcomes. All the members of the steering com-
agulant therapy and the use of aspirin in place mittee contributed to the interpretation of the
of an anticoagulant agent.6,12-14 results. The first three authors wrote the first
At a dose of 20 mg once daily, rivaroxaban is draft of the manuscript, and all the steering
effective for stroke prevention in patients with committee members contributed to subsequent
atrial fibrillation15 and for the treatment of ve- versions, made the decision to submit the manu-
nous thromboembolism after an initial 21-day script for publication, and vouch for the accuracy
course of higher-dose therapy.7,16,17 At a dose of and completeness of the data and for the fidelity
10 mg once daily, rivaroxaban provides effective of the study to the protocol.
thromboprophylaxis after elective hip or knee ar-
throplasty.18-21 In the Reduced-dosed Rivaroxaban Patients
in the Long-term Prevention of Recurrent Symp- Patients were eligible for inclusion in the study
tomatic Venous Thromboembolism (EINSTEIN if they were 18 years of age or older; had objec-
CHOICE) trial,22 we compared the efficacy and tively confirmed, symptomatic proximal deep-vein
safety of these two doses of rivaroxaban with thrombosis or pulmonary embolism; had been
those of aspirin in patients with venous throm- treated for 6 to 12 months with an anticoagulant
boembolism who had completed 6 to 12 months agent, including a vitamin K antagonist or a di-
of anticoagulation therapy and for whom there rect oral anticoagulant agent such as dabigatran,
was equipoise regarding the need for continued rivaroxaban, apixaban, or edoxaban; and had not
anticoagulation. Secondary aims of the study were interrupted therapy for more than 7 days before
to determine whether the lower dose of rivar- randomization.
oxaban was as effective as the higher dose and Patients were ineligible if they had a contra-
whether it was associated with less bleeding. indication to continued anticoagulant therapy or

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Rivaroxaban or Aspirin for Venous Thromboembolism

if they required extended anticoagulant therapy was defined as overt bleeding that was associ-
at therapeutic doses or antiplatelet therapy. Addi- ated with a decrease in the hemoglobin level of
tional ineligibility criteria included a calculated 2 g per deciliter or more, led to transfusion of 2
creatinine clearance of less than 30 ml per min- or more units of red cells, occurred in a critical
ute23,24 or hepatic disease associated with a co- site, or contributed to death. Clinically relevant
agulopathy. A full list of inclusion and exclusion nonmajor bleeding was defined as overt bleeding
criteria is provided in the Supplementary Appen- that did not meet the criteria for major bleeding
dix, available at but was associated with the need for medical
intervention, unscheduled contact with a physi-
Randomization cian, interruption or discontinuation of the study
Randomization with a block size of six was per- drug, or discomfort or impairment of activities
formed with the use of an interactive voice- of daily living.26 (Further details regarding the
response system and was stratified according to criteria are provided in the Supplementary Ap-
the index diagnosis (deep-vein thrombosis or pendix.)
pulmonary embolism) and country. Patients were
enrolled at least 24 hours after they had received Surveillance and Follow-up
the last dose of a direct oral anticoagulant agent Patients underwent assessment, either in the
or, if they were receiving a vitamin K antagonist, clinic or by telephone, at days 30, 90, 180, 270,
when the international normalized ratio was 2.5 and 360 and at 30 days after stopping the study
or lower. Patients were assigned, in a 1:1:1 ratio, medication. All the patients who stopped a study
to receive 20 mg of rivaroxaban, 10 mg of rivar- treatment earlier than scheduled were followed
oxaban, or 100 mg of aspirin, all given once until the end of the intended treatment period.
daily with food. Rivaroxaban (20 mg and 10 mg) Patients were instructed to report to the study
and matching placebo were provided as identical- center if they had symptoms suggestive of recur-
appearing, immediate-release film-coated tablets, rent venous thromboembolism or bleeding. Pre-
whereas aspirin and matching placebo were specified objective testing was required for pa-
provided as enteric-coated tablets. The intended tients in whom an outcome event was suspected.22
duration of administration of the study drug was Continuation of anticoagulant or antiplatelet ther-
12 months, but patients who underwent random- apy after study completion was at the discretion
ization after the requisite number of primary of the treating physician.
efficacy outcomes had been reached were treated
for at least 6 months. Statistical Analysis
The study was designed to test the hypothesis
Outcome Measures that each dose of rivaroxaban would be superior
The primary efficacy outcome was a composite to aspirin with respect to the primary efficacy
of symptomatic, recurrent fatal or nonfatal venous outcome. We determined that the occurrence of
thromboembolism and unexplained death for 80 primary efficacy outcome events would pro-
which pulmonary embolism could not be ruled vide a power of 90% to show the superiority of
out. Recurrent venous thromboembolism includ- each dose of rivaroxaban over aspirin (each at a
ed fatal and nonfatal pulmonary embolism and two-sided alpha level of 0.05), assuming a rela-
deep-vein thrombosis. Other efficacy outcomes tive risk reduction of 70% with 20 mg of rivar-
were myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, sys- oxaban and of 60% with 10 mg of rivaroxaban.7
temic embolism, venous thrombosis in locations On the basis of an expected frequency of the
other than the deep veins of the lower limbs, primary efficacy outcome of 5.0% at 12 months
and death from any cause. The definitions of the with aspirin,12,13 we calculated that we would
efficacy outcomes are provided in the Supple- need to enroll 2850 patients. However, this num-
mentary Appendix. ber was increased to 3300 when review of blinded
The principal safety outcome was major bleed- data revealed a lower-than-expected overall inci-
ing.25 Other safety outcomes were clinically rele- dence of the primary efficacy outcome.
vant nonmajor bleeding, a composite of major or The efficacy and safety analyses included all
clinically relevant nonmajor bleeding, and non- the patients who had undergone randomization
major bleeding that led to study-drug interrup- with valid informed consent and who had re-
tion for more than 14 days.12,13 Major bleeding ceived at least one dose of a study medication

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 1. Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of the Patients at Baseline.*

Characteristic Rivaroxaban Aspirin

20 mg 10 mg 100 mg
(N=1107) (N=1127) (N=1131)
Male sex no. (%) 602 (54.4) 620 (55.0) 643 (56.9)
Age yr
Mean SD 57.914.7 58.814.7 58.814.7
Median (IQR) 59.0 (48.069.0) 60.0 (48.069.0) 60.0 (48.069.0)
Weight no. (%)
<70 kg 276 (24.9) 283 (25.1) 277 (24.5)
70 to 90 kg 471 (42.5) 480 (42.6) 508 (44.9)
>90 kg 360 (32.5) 364 (32.3) 346 (30.6)
Body-mass index
<30 712 (64.3) 751 (66.6) 756 (66.8)
30 394 (35.6) 376 (33.4) 375 (33.2)
Missing data 1 (0.1) 0 0
Creatinine clearance no. (%)
<30 ml/min 1 (0.1) 2 (0.2) 1 (0.1)
30 to <50 ml/min 40 (3.6) 49 (4.3) 63 (5.6)
50 to <80 ml/min 279 (25.2) 302 (26.8) 277 (24.5)
80 ml/min 787 (71.1) 774 (68.7) 790 (69.8)
Index event no. (%)
Isolated deep-vein thrombosis 565 (51.0) 565 (50.1) 577 (51.0)
Isolated pulmonary embolism 381 (34.4) 381 (33.8) 366 (32.4)
Both deep-vein thrombosis and pulmonary 155 (14.0) 179 (15.9) 181 (16.0)
Index event asymptomatic or unconfirmed 6 (0.5) 2 (0.2) 7 (0.6)
Classification of index venous thromboembo-
lism no. (%)
Provoked 666 (60.2) 647 (57.4) 663 (58.6)
Unprovoked 441 (39.8) 480 (42.6) 468 (41.4)
Hormonal therapy no. (%)
Estrogens 8 (0.7) 6 (0.5) 8 (0.7)
Progestins 29 (2.6) 30 (2.7) 30 (2.7)
Known thrombophilia no. (%) 79 (7.1) 74 (6.6) 70 (6.2)
Previous venous thromboembolism no. 198 (17.9) 197 (17.5) 194 (17.2)
Active cancer no. (%) 25 (2.3) 27 (2.4) 37 (3.3)
Median duration of study-drug administration 349 (189362) 353 (190362) 350 (186362)
(IQR) days
Individual intended study duration no. (%)
6 mo 206 (18.6) 209 (18.5) 212 (18.7)
9 to <12 mo 229 (20.7) 240 (21.3) 238 (21.0)
12 mo 672 (60.7) 678 (60.2) 681 (60.2)

* There were no significant differences in the baseline characteristics among the groups. Percentages may not total 100
because of rounding. IQR denotes interquartile range.
The body-mass index is the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters.

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Rivaroxaban or Aspirin for Venous Thromboembolism

(intention-to-treat population). The per-protocol were enrolled. After the exclusion of 31 patients
population excluded patients who had a rate of (0.9%) because they did not receive any study
adherence to the study-drug regimen of less than drug, 3365 patients were included in the primary
80% or who had other major protocol violations. analyses. The characteristics of patients in the
Efficacy outcomes were considered during the three study groups were similar at baseline, as
individual intended treatment period, whereas was the median duration of study treatment
safety outcomes were considered during the time (Table1). Figure1 shows the random assign-
from administration of the first dose of a study ment and follow-up of the patients.
drug to 48 hours after the administration of the
last dose. Efficacy and safety outcomes were Efficacy
analyzed with the use of a Cox proportional- A primary efficacy outcome event occurred in 17
hazards model, stratified according to the indexof 1107 patients (1.5%) who were receiving 20 mg
diagnosis (deep-vein thrombosis or pulmonary of rivaroxaban and in 13 of 1127 patients (1.2%)
embolism). KaplanMeier curves were construct- who were receiving 10 mg of rivaroxaban, as com-
ed to display the distribution of events over time.
pared with 50 of 1131 patients (4.4%) who were
receiving aspirin. Fatal venous thromboembolism
occurred in 2 patients (0.2%) who were receiving
R e sult s
20 mg of rivaroxaban, in no patients who were
Study Patients receiving 10 mg of rivaroxaban, and in 2 patients
From March 2014 through March 2016, a total (0.2%) who were receiving aspirin (Table2).
of 3396 patients from 244 sites in 31 countries Both rivaroxaban doses were superior to aspirin

3396 Patients underwent randomization

1121 Were assigned to receive 1136 Were assigned to receive 1139 Were assigned to receive
rivaroxaban, 20 mg rivaroxaban, 10 mg aspirin, 100 mg

14 Did not take 9 Did not take 8 Did not take

study medication study medication study medication

1107 Were included in 1127 Were included in 1131 Were included in

intention-totreat intention-totreat intention-totreat
and safety analyses and safety analyses and safety analyses

1046 Were included 138 Prematurely 1063 Were included 143 Prematurely 1069 Were included 182 Prematurely
in per-protocol discontinued in per-protocol discontinued in per-protocol discontinued
analysis study treatment analysis study treatment analysis study treatment
8 Died 2 Died 7 Died
14 Withdrew 17 Withdrew 16 Withdrew
consent consent consent
3 Were lost to 3 Were lost to 4 Were lost to
followup followup followup

Figure 1. Enrollment and Outcomes.

The intention-to-treat population included all the patients who had undergone randomization with valid informed consent and who had
received at least one dose of a study medication. The per-protocol population included all those in the intention-to-treat population with
the exception of those who had a rate of adherence to the study-drug regimen of less than 80% or who had other major protocol violations.
The main reasons for premature discontinuation of a study medication were adverse events, nonadherence to the study-drug regimen,
protocol violations, and efficacy or safety outcomes.

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Table 2. Prespecified Efficacy Outcomes.*

Rivaroxaban, Rivaroxaban, Rivaroxaban,

Outcome Rivaroxaban Aspirin 20 mg, vs. Aspirin 10 mg, vs. Aspirin 20 mg vs. 10 mg
20 mg 10 mg 100 mg Hazard Ratio Hazard Ratio Hazard Ratio
(N=1107) (N=1127) (N=1131) (95% CI) (95% CI) (95% CI) P Value
number (percent)
Primary efficacy outcome
Recurrent venous thromboembolism 17 (1.5) 13 (1.2) 50 (4.4) 0.34 (0.200.59) 0.26 (0.140.47) 1.34 (0.652.75) 0.42
Deep-vein thrombosis 9 (0.8) 7 (0.6) 29 (2.6)
Pulmonary embolism 6 (0.5) 5 (0.4) 19 (1.7)
Deep-vein thrombosis and pulmo- 0 1 (0.1) 0
nary embolism
Fatal venous thromboembolism 2 (0.2) 0 2 (0.2)
Deep-vein thrombosis as index event

Deep-vein thrombosis 4 (0.4) 4 (0.4) 22 (1.9)

Pulmonary embolism 0 1 (0.1) 5 (0.4)
Fatal venous thromboembolism 1 (0.1) 0 0
Pulmonary embolism as index event
Deep-vein thrombosis 5 (0.5) 3 (0.3) 7 (0.6)
Pulmonary embolism 6 (0.5) 4 (0.4) 14 (1.2)
Deep vein thrombosis and pulmo- 0 1 (0.1) 0
nary embolism
Fatal venous thromboembolism 1 (0.1) 0 2 (0.2)
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l

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Other efficacy outcomes

Primary efficacy outcome, myocardial in- 19 (1.7) 18 (1.6) 56 (5.0) 0.34 (0.200.57) 0.32 (0.190.54) 1.08 (0.572.06) 0.80
farction, ischemic stroke, or sys-
temic embolism
Myocardial infarction 1 (0.1) 0 4 (0.4)

Copyright 2017 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

m e dic i n e

Ischemic stroke 2 (0.2) 4 (0.4) 2 (0.2)

Systemic embolism 0 1 (0.1) 1 (0.1)
Death from any cause 8 (0.7) 2 (0.2) 7 (0.6)
Bleeding 1 (0.1) 0 1 (0.1)

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Pulmonary embolism or unexplained 2 (0.2) 0 2 (0.2)
death and pulmonary embolism
not ruled out
Cancer 1 (0.1) 2 (0.2) 3 (0.3)
Rivaroxaban or Aspirin for Venous Thromboembolism

with respect to the primary efficacy outcome

(hazard ratio for 20 mg of rivaroxaban vs. aspirin,
0.34; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.20 to 0.59;
P Value



hazard ratio for 10 mg of rivaroxaban vs. aspirin,
20 mg vs. 10 mg

0.26; 95% CI, 0.14 to 0.47; P<0.001 for both


comparisons). The hazard ratio for the compari-

* Efficacy outcomes were assessed in all the patients who had undergone randomization and received at least one dose of a study drug (intention-to-treat population).
son between the 20-mg and 10-mg rivaroxaban
regimens was 1.34 (95% CI, 0.65 to 2.75; P=0.42).
1.57 (0.823.00)

1.28 (0.662.46)

1.07 (0.591.95)
Hazard Ratio

Similar results were found for the other efficacy

(95% CI)

outcomes (Table2, and Table S4 in the Supple-

mentary Appendix).
With aspirin, the rate of recurrent venous
thromboembolism was 3.6% among the patients
10 mg, vs. Aspirin

in whom the index event was provoked (i.e.,

0.27 (0.150.47)

0.28 (0.160.48)

0.33 (0.200.54)
Hazard Ratio

associated with a known event, such as surgery

(95% CI)

or hospital admission) and 5.6% among those

in whom the index event was unprovoked (i.e.,
idiopathic) (Table3). Rates of recurrence in pa-
tients whose index events were provoked or
unprovoked were lower in both the 20-mg riva-
20 mg, vs. Aspirin

0.42 (0.260.68)

0.35 (0.210.58)

0.35 (0.220.57)
Hazard Ratio

roxaban group (1.4% and 1.8%, respectively)

(95% CI)

and the 10-mg rivaroxaban group (0.9% and

1.5%, respectively) than in the aspirin group.
Figure2A shows the time course of symptom-
atic fatal or nonfatal recurrent venous thrombo-
P<0.001 for all the comparisons between the 10-mg and 20-mg doses of rivaroxaban and aspirin.

embolism. Of the 31 patients who were excluded

from the analyses because they did not take

55 (4.9)

57 (5.0)

63 (5.6)
100 mg

1 (0.1)

6 (0.5)
1 (0.1)

any study drug, 1 patient who was assigned to


receive 20 mg of rivaroxaban had a nonfatal

primary efficacy outcome event.
number (percent)


15 (1.3)

16 (1.4)

21 (1.9)
1 (0.1)
1 (0.1)
1 (0.1)
10 mg

Major bleeding occurred in 6 patients (0.5%) in


the 20-mg rivaroxaban group and in 5 patients


(0.4%) in the 10-mg rivaroxaban group, as com-

pared with 3 patients (0.3%) in the aspirin group
(Table4). Figure2B shows the time course of

23 (2.1)

20 (1.8)

22 (2.0)
2 (0.2)

2 (0.2)

4 (0.4)
20 mg

major bleeding episodes.



Clinically relevant nonmajor bleeding oc-

curred in 30 patients (2.7%) in the 20-mg riva-
roxaban group and in 22 patients (2.0%) in the
farction, ischemic stroke, system-
ic embolism, or venous thrombo-
Primary efficacy outcome, myocardial in-
Primary efficacy outcome or death from

10-mg rivaroxaban group, as compared with 20

thrombosis in other location
Primary efficacy outcome or venous

patients (1.8%) in the aspirin group (Table4).

Ophthalmic-vein thrombosis
Superficial-vein thrombosis

Similar results were found for the composite

Other respiratory failure

Upper-limb thrombosis

sis in other location

outcome of major or clinically relevant nonmajor

bleeding. Nonmajor bleeding that was associat-
Infectious disease

ed with a study-drug interruption for more than

any cause
Heart failure

14 days occurred in 17 patients (1.5%) in the

20-mg rivaroxaban group and in 12 patients

(1.1%) in the 10-mg rivaroxaban group, as com-

pared with 12 patients (1.1%) in the aspirin

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 3. Rates of Recurrent Venous Thromboembolism and Major Bleeding, According to Risk Profile and Duration of Anticoagulation before

Rivaroxaban, 20 mg Rivaroxaban, 10 mg Aspirin, 100 mg

Variable (N=1107) (N=1127) (N=1131)
Recurrent VTE Major Bleeding Recurrent VTE Major Bleeding Recurrent VTE Major Bleeding
number/total number (percent)
Risk profile
Provoked index event 9/666 (1.4) 2/666 (0.3) 6/647 (0.9) 3/647 (0.5) 24/663 (3.6) 2/663 (0.3)
Unprovoked index event 8/441 (1.8) 4/441 (0.9) 7/480 (1.5) 2/480 (0.4) 26/468 (5.6) 1/468 (0.2)
History of venous thrombo
Yes 3/198 (1.5) 2/198 (1.0) 2/197 (1.0) 0/197 17/194 (8.8) 1/194 (0.5)
No 14/909 (1.5) 4/909 (0.4) 11/930 (1.2) 5/930 (0.5) 33/937 (3.5) 2/937 (0.2)
Duration of anticoagulation
before randomization
<9 mo 12/774 (1.6) 3/774 (0.4) 7/782 (0.9) 3/782 (0.4) 35/793 (4.4) 3/793 (0.4)
9 mo 5/333 (1.5) 3/333 (0.9) 6/345 (1.7) 2/345 (0.6) 15/338 (4.4) 0/338

* Recurrent venous thromboembolism (VTE) was assessed in the intention-to-treat population. Major bleeding was assessed in the same
population but during the period of study-drug administration plus a window of 2 days.

Other Outcomes pared with placebo, aspirin reduced the relative

Myocardial infarction, stroke, or systemic embo- risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism by
lism occurred in 3 patients (0.3%) in the 20-mg 32% (2.4 percentage points),12,13 whereas a 20-mg
rivaroxaban group, in 5 patients (0.4%) in the dose of rivaroxaban reduced the relative risk by
10-mg rivaroxaban group, and in 7 patients (0.6%) 82% (6.8 percentage points).7 Consistent with
in the aspirin group (Table2). The rates of death those findings, our study shows that as com-
from any cause were 0.7% and 0.2% in the 20-mg pared with aspirin, both the 20-mg and 10-mg
and 10-mg rivaroxaban groups, respectively, as doses of rivaroxaban reduced the relative risk of
compared with 0.6% in the aspirin group. Rates recurrent venous thromboembolism by about
of adverse events were similar in the three study 70% (approximately 3 percentage points). These
groups (Table S1 in the Supplementary Appendix). benefits were observed with rates of major and
In prespecified subgroup analyses of the pri- clinically relevant nonmajor bleeding that were
mary efficacy outcome and the composite out- low and similar to those with aspirin. Therefore,
come of major and clinically relevant nonmajor we found that rivaroxaban was more effective
bleeding, results were consistent with the overall than aspirin for the prevention of recurrent ve-
treatment effects (Figs. S1 through S4 in the nous thromboembolism and was associated with
Supplementary Appendix). During the 30-day a similar risk of bleeding.
follow-up after the end of the active study period, What are the clinical implications of these
symptomatic recurrent venous thromboembolism findings? This study included patients with both
occurred in 2 patients (0.2%) in the 20-mg riva- provoked and unprovoked venous thromboem-
roxaban group, in 4 patients (0.4%) in the 10-mg bolism for whom there was equipoise regarding
rivaroxaban group, and in 6 patients (0.6%) in the need for continued anticoagulation. Patients
the aspirin group. with unprovoked venous thromboembolism are
known to be at high risk for recurrence, but the
risk of recurrence among those in whom venous
thromboembolism was provoked by minor tran-
Clinical strategies for extended anticoagulation in sient or persistent risk factors is less certain. We
patients with venous thromboembolism are un- found that patients with venous thromboembo-
certain. Previous studies have shown that as com- lism with ongoing risk factors have an apprecia-

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Rivaroxaban or Aspirin for Venous Thromboembolism

A Fatal or Nonfatal Venous Thromboembolism

100 5.0 Aspirin, 100 mg
80 3.5
Cumulative Incidence (%) 70 3.0
60 Rivaroxaban, 20 mg
50 1.5
40 Rivaroxaban, 10 mg
30 0.0
1 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 367


1 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 367

No. at Risk
Rivaroxaban, 20 mg 1107 1102 1095 1090 1084 1079 997 876 872 860 794 718 0
Rivaroxaban, 10 mg 1126 1124 1119 1118 1111 1109 1029 890 886 867 812 723 0
Aspirin, 100 mg 1131 1121 1111 1103 1094 1088 1010 859 857 839 776 707 0

B Major Bleeding
100 0.7 Rivaroxaban, 20 mg

90 0.6

80 0.5 Rivaroxaban, 10 mg
Cumulative Incidence (%)

70 0.4 Aspirin, 100 mg

60 0.3

50 0.2

40 0.1

30 0.0
1 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 480


1 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 480
No. at Risk
Rivaroxaban, 20 mg 1107 1081 1063 1048 1036 1024 963 818 801 780 712 642 449 10 0 0 0
Rivaroxaban, 10 mg 1126 1103 1080 1070 1058 1046 988 823 812 790 733 653 469 8 0 0 0
Aspirin, 100 mg 1131 1096 1075 1058 1040 1023 970 800 791 768 709 645 445 5 2 2 0

Figure 2. KaplanMeier Rates of Recurrent Fatal or Nonfatal Venous Thromboembolism and Major Bleeding.
KaplanMeier curves are shown for the first event of recurrent fatal or nonfatal venous thromboembolism during
the individual intended treatment periods (Panel A) and for the first episode of major bleeding during the period
between the administration of the first dose of a study drug and 48 hours after the administration of the last dose
(Panel B). In each panel, the inset shows the same data on an enlarged y axis.

ble risk of recurrence because even with aspirin, voked venous thromboembolism. Rivaroxaban
the rate of recurrent venous thromboembolism reduced the relative risk of recurrence by about
in such patients was 3.6%, as compared with a 70% in patients with both unprovoked and pro-
rate of recurrence of 5.6% in those with unpro- voked venous thromboembolism. Consequently,

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Table 4. Prespecified Safety Outcomes.*

Rivaroxaban, Rivaroxaban, Rivaroxaban,

Outcome Rivaroxaban Aspirin 20 mg, vs. Aspirin 10 mg, vs. Aspirin 20 mg vs. 10 mg

20 mg 10 mg 100 mg Hazard Ratio Hazard Ratio Hazard Ratio

(N=1107) (N=1127) (N=1131) (95% CI) P Value (95% CI) P Value (95% CI) P Value

number (percent)
Principal safety outcome
Major bleeding 6 (0.5) 5 (0.4) 3 (0.3) 2.01 (0.508.04) 0.32 1.64 (0.396.84) 0.50 1.23 (0.374.03) 0.74
Fatal 1 (0.1) 0 1 (0.1)

Intracranial 0 0 1 (0.1)
Pericardial 1 (0.1) 0 0
Nonfatal bleeding in a critical 4 (0.4) 2 (0.2) 1 (0.1)
Intracranial 3 (0.3) 1 (0.1) 1 (0.1)
Pulmonary 1 (0.1) 0 0
Intramuscular 0 1 (0.1) 0
Nonfatal, noncritical bleeding 1 (0.1) 3 (0.3) 1 (0.1)
with decrease in hemo-
globin of 2 g/dl or
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l

transfusion of 2 units

The New England Journal of Medicine

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Gastrointestinal 1 (0.1) 2 (0.2) 1 (0.1)

Abdominal 0 1 (0.1) 0
Other safety outcomes
Major or clinically relevant non- 36 (3.3) 27 (2.4) 23 (2.0) 1.59 (0.942.69) 0.08 1.16 (0.672.03) 0.60 1.37 (0.832.26) 0.21

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m e dic i n e

major bleeding
Clinically relevant nonmajor 30 (2.7) 22 (2.0) 20 (1.8) 1.53 (0.872.69) 0.14 1.09 (0.592.00) 0.78 1.40 (0.812.43) 0.23
Minor bleeding 160 (14.5) 133 (11.8) 122 (10.8)

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Nonmajor bleeding associated 17 (1.5) 12 (1.1) 12 (1.1) 1.44 (0.693.02) 0.33 0.99 (0.442.20) 0.96 1.46 (0.703.06) 0.31
with study drug interrup-
tion for >14 days

* Safety outcomes were assessed in the intention-to-treat population during the period of study-drug administration plus a 2-day window.
Bleeding episodes were defined according to the criteria of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis.
Rivaroxaban or Aspirin for Venous Thromboembolism

the number of patients who would need to be was given for up to 12 months. Consequently,
treated for up to 12 months with rivaroxaban additional studies are needed to determine the
instead of aspirin to prevent one episode of fatal utility of continuing treatment for longer periods.
or nonfatal recurrent venous thromboembolism Third, our study was not powered to show the
without increasing the risk of bleeding was 33 with noninferiority of the 10-mg dose of rivaroxaban
the 20-mg dose and 30 with the 10-mg dose. to the established treatment regimen of 20 mg,
Prevention of recurrent pulmonary embolism is so any conclusions with respect to this issue are
particularly important, because the case-fatality speculative.
rate at 30 days is at least twice as high with In conclusion, we found that rivaroxaban, at
pulmonary embolism as with deep-vein throm- both a treatment dose (20 mg) and a thrombo-
bosis.27 prophylactic dose (10 mg), was more effective
Our study has several potential limitations. than aspirin for the prevention of recurrent ve-
First, patients who required extended treatment nous thromboembolism among patients who were
with therapeutic doses of anticoagulant agents in equipoise for continued anticoagulation. The
were excluded. Therefore, it remains unknown lower risk of a recurrent event among the patients
whether the 10-mg dose of rivaroxaban would be who received rivaroxaban was associated with a
sufficient to prevent recurrence in such patients. rate of bleeding similar to that with aspirin.
Second, in this study and in the previous trial
Supported by Bayer Pharmaceuticals.
comparing rivaroxaban with placebo for extended Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
treatment of venous thromboembolism, therapy the full text of this article at

The authors full names and academic degrees are as follows: JeffreyI. Weitz, M.D., AnthonieW.A. Lensing, M.D., Ph.D., MartinH.
Prins, M.D., Ph.D., Rupert Bauersachs, M.D., Jan BeyerWestendorf, M.D., Henri Bounameaux, M.D., TimothyA. Brighton, M.D., Alexan-
derT. Cohen, M.D., BruceL. Davidson, M.D., M.P.H., Herv Decousus, M.D., MariaC.S. Freitas, M.D., Ph.D., Gerlind Holberg, V.D.,
Ph.D., AjayK. Kakkar, M.B., B.S., Ph.D., Lloyd Haskell, M.D., Bonno vanBellen, M.D., AkosF. Pap, M.Sc., ScottD. Berkowitz, M.D.,
Peter Verhamme, M.D., PhilipS. Wells, M.D., and Paolo Prandoni, M.D., Ph.D.
The authors affiliations are as follows: the Thrombosis and Atherosclerosis Research Institute and McMaster University, Hamilton,
ON (J.I.W.), and the Department of Medicine, University of Ottawa and the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa (P.S.W.) both
in Canada; Bayer Pharmaceuticals, Leverkusen (A.W.A.L., M.C.S.F., G.H., A.F.P., S.D.B.), Vascular Medicine, Klinikum Darmstadt,
Darmstadt (R.B.), the Center for Thrombosis and Hemostasis, University Medical Center Mainz, Mainz (R.B.), and the Department of
Hematology, Medical Clinic I, University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden (J.B.-W.) all in Germany; the Department of Epidemi-
ology and Technology Assessment, University of Maastricht, Maastricht, the Netherlands (M.H.P.); the Division of Angiology and He-
mostasis and the Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva, Geneva (H.B.); the Department of Haematology, Prince of Wales Hospital,
Sydney (T.A.B.); the Department of Haematology and Oncology, Kings College London (J.B.-W.), the Department of Haematological
Medicine, Guys and St. Thomas Hospitals, Kings College Hospital (A.T.C.), and Thrombosis Research Institute and University College
London (A.K.K.) all in London; the University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle (B.L.D.); Centre dInvestigation Clinique
1408, Sainbiose U1059, Investigation Network on Venous Thromboembolism, Service de Mdecine Vasculaire et Thrapeutique, Centre
Hospitalo-Universitaire, Hpital Nord, Saint Etienne, France (H.D.); Janssen Research and Development, Raritan, NJ (L.H.); Hospital
Beneficncia Portuguesa, So Paulo (B.B.); Vascular Medicine and Hemostasis, University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium (P.V.); and the
Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Sciences, Vascular Medicine Unit, University of Padua, Padua, Italy (P.P.).

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