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Installation (Mac) - Read First

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Installing the TK7 Panel for Photoshop CC


If you are currently using the TKActions V6 panel AND have recorded your
personal actions into the "TK-V6-Actions" action set on the regular Actions
panel, change the name of the action set to "TK-User-Actions" in order to
continue using the same actions with the TK7 panel. The Combo and Cx
modules have buttons to play your personal actions from actions you can record in
Photoshop's regular actions panel. If you are already using this function with the
TKActions V6 panel, the same action set can be used with the TK7 panel. The name
of the action set just needs to be changed. To do this, simply double-click the
action set name ("TK-V6-Actions") and when it highlights, type in "TK-User-Actions"
(without the quotation marks). Everything must match−uppercase letters,
lowercase letters, and the hyphens. Once this is done, the TK7 Combo and Cx
modules will play the actions from this newly renamed action set without having to
record them again. If personal names have been assigned to the action names in
the V6 panel, the same names will appear in the TK7 panel. If you have NOT been
using this personal actions function, skip this step. The panel automatically checks
for the presence of the needed action set when it opens and will install it if it's not
present, and you will then be able to record your personal actions and play them
from the panel. (NOTE: If you want to keep your current TK-V6-Actions action set,
you can also duplicate it by dragging it to the folder icon at the bottom of the
Actions panel and then giving the new copy the "TK-User-Actions" name.)

INSTALLATION: There is an installer in the download folder that will install the
panel on your computer. Follow the steps below.

1. Quit Photoshop.

2. Click the "TK7" folder in Downloads to open it in Finder.

3. In the "TK7" folder find the "Install TK7.pkg" file and double-click it.
Here's the path to the file:

"TK7" download folder > "3 - Mac Install" folder > "Install TK7.pkg" file

4. The installer then begins the installation process. Read the messages
and follow the prompts to complete the installation process.

5. Once installation has finished, open Photoshop CC and click the menu
command Window > Extensions. From the pop-out menu, click on a module
name to open that module. To open multiple modules, it is necessary to click
through Window > Extensions and open each one separately. The names of TK7
modules as they appear on the "Extensions" menu are shown in the image below.

6. Choose settings.
a) Open the settings by clicking the "TK" icon on each module or by choosing
"Settings…" from the fly-out menu in the upper right corner of each module.
b) Choose language, accent color, and selection indicator appearance using the
controls. (NOTE: TKActions V6 panel users should automatically have the TK7
modules open in the same language as their V6 panel).
c) Close the settings window by clicking the "X" in the upper right corner or
by clicking anywhere outside the settings window.

7. Save the download folder in safe place. You may need to reinstall the
modules after Photoshop, operating system, or other upgrades.

Contact Tony Kuyper if there are any problems, but please review the directions
above to make sure the modules have been properly installed. Also review the
troubleshooting section that starts on the next page. The panel works 100% of the
time when properly installed in a properly functioning version of Photoshop.

UNINSTALLING TKActions V6 MODULES: It is not necessary to uninstall the V6

modules. You can simply right click their tab or panel icon in Photoshop CC and
choose "Close" from the menu to remove them from the workspace. You can also
use the Window > Extensions menu to click the name of the module and it will be
removed from the workspace. However, if you wish to completely remove the V6
modules from your computer, follow the steps below.

1. Close Photoshop CC.

2. Go to the "extensions" folder at the end of the following path (see NOTE at
bottom of page):

Macintosh HD > Library > Application Support > Adobe > CEP > extensions

3. Delete the following folders:

UNINSTALLING TK7 MODULES: If you decide to remove the TK7 modules, follow
the steps below (which are exactly the same as deleting the V6 modules, except
you'll be removing modules with different names.)

1. Close Photoshop CC.

2. Go to the "extensions" folder at the end of the following path (see NOTE below):

Macintosh HD > Library > Application Support > Adobe > CEP > extensions

3. Delete the following folders:

NOTE: If you have trouble finding "Macintosh HD" in finder, see the last page of
these instructions

As with any software, there are occasionally problems. The situations below have
occurred for a few people. If you are having problems, please review these tips to
get the TK7 module working properly.

1. Error message: "The <module name> extension could not be loaded

because it was not properly signed."
This error means that the contents of the module's installation folder have been
altered. The panel has indeed been properly signed, but the signature chain, which
guarantees unaltered code, is broken. This can happen if the user accidentally or on
purpose opens the installation folder, but it also appears to happen spontaneously
sometimes during routine installation or periodic Photoshop updates by Adobe. The
solution is to use the download link to get a NEW download folder and then run the
installer again. It will replace all the modules with new, properly signed versions.

2. The modules have been installed but don't show up in Photoshop. There
are a several possibilities to consider here.

a) Make sure to click through the menu command Window > Extensions to
actually open the modules in Photoshop. Installation is not enough to actually
have modules appear in Photoshop. The menu command needs to be used to open
the modules. Once the modules are open, they will stay open and can be docked to
a panel docking bar.

b) Try rebooting the computer.

(Continued on next page.)


c) Make sure the workspace isn't

locked. Go to Window > Workspace
on the Photoshop CC menu and see if
there is a check mark beside the "Lock
Workspace" menu item. If there is,
click the menu item to remove the
check mark. This will unlock the
workspace and allow the modules for
the panel open.

d) Reset the workspace. Open the workspace menu at the

right of the Options bar and click the menu item near the bottom
to "Reset" your current workspace. This has worked for several

(More troubleshooting tips on next page)


e) There is a Photoshop preference setting that needs to be checked in

order for extension panels to be loaded. Make sure the checkbox "Load
Extensions Panels" under the "Plug-Ins" preferences is checked (red box, image

f) If you are using the original version of Photoshop CC (version 14.x), the
installer will not work. Upgrade to the latest version of Photoshop CC in order to
install and use the TK7 modules using the installer.

(More troubleshooting tips on next page)


e) Reinstalling Photoshop is
sometimes necessary. It's the
only way to get Photoshop to
recognize properly installed
extension panels like the TK7
modules. Use the Creative Cloud
desktop app to uninstall Photoshop.
On the Apps tab, click the arrow to
the right of "Open" and choose
"Manage > Uninstall" to start the
uninstall process.

Once Photoshop is uninstalled,

reboot the computer and use the
Creative Cloud desktop app to
reinstall the application.

3. Corrupted preferences files can also cause many different types of

problems in Photoshop. When unexpected, unexplainable things start happening
in Photoshop, it's a good idea to reset these preferences files. However, resetting
these files may cause display options, file-saving options, cursor options, etc. to be
reset to default values, so it's generally best to reserve this option until other things
have been tried. Here's a webpage that tells how to reset the preferences files:

(More troubleshooting tips on next page)


4. The masks generated by the module are inverted (the "Lights" masks
are negatives and the "Dark" masks are positives).

This is NOT a problem caused by the module. If you create a selection using one of
the Photoshop's other selection tools and then save the selection as a mask, it will
also be inverted. So this is a Photoshop problem. There are two possible solutions.

a) Double-click the Edit in

Quick Mask Mode button
(rectangle with a circle
inside) near the bottom of
the Tools panel. From the
window that opens, make
sure the radio button for
"Masked Areas" is selected.
If the "Selected Areas"
radio button is selected,
masks will be inverted.

b) If the first solution

doesn't work, it's possible
that the Photoshop
preferences files are
corrupt and need to be
reset. An online video to
help do this can be found

How to find "Macintosh HD" on

Apple computers: The modules to run
extension panels in Photoshop (like
TKActions V6 and TK7) are installed in
the SYSTEM Library. On Apple
computers, there is a USER Library and
a SYSTEM library. The SYSTEM Library
is harder to find. It is important to start
at "Macintosh HD" in order to find the
SYSTEM library. If you do not see the
"Macintosh HD" listed on your desktop
or in the Finder sidebar (Apple hides it
by default), here is how to make it

1. Open Finder.
2. Click the "Finder" menu at the top
and select "Preferences".
3. Click on the "Sidebar" tab.
4. Under "Devices" click the box to
place a check mark next to "Hard
disks" − this puts the "Macintosh
HD" in the sidebar of the Finder

Once you see "Macintosh HD" on the

Finder sidebar, you should be able to
click it and see a "Library" folder. This is
the SYSTEM library and the correct path
to follow to the "extensions" folder
where extension panels are installed.

Macintosh HD > Library > Application

Support > Adobe > CEP > extensions

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