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Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 00 : Dt.


Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology

(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)

Structure & Syllabus

B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering (Artificial Intelligence

and Machine Learning)
With Effect From Academic Year 2023-24
Prepared by: - Board of Studies in CSE(AIML)

Approved by: - Academic Board, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune

Chairman – BOS Chairman – Academic Board

Structure and syllabus of B.Tech Computer Sci. & Engineering.(AIML) w.e.f A.Y. 2023-24
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 00 : Dt. 01/08/22

Vision of the Institution

"To be globally acclaimed Institute in Technical Education and Research for holistic Socio-economic development".

Mission of the Institution

• To ensure that 100% students are employable and employed in Industry, Higher Studies, become Entrepreneurs,

Civil / Defense Services / Govt. Jobs and other areas like Sports and Theatre.

• To strengthen Academic Practices in terms of Curriculum, Pedagogy, Assessment and Faculty Competence.

• Promote Research Culture among Students and Faculty through Projects and Consultancy.

• To make students Socially Responsible Citizen.

Structure and syllabus of B.Tech Computer Sci. & Engineering.(AIML) w.e.f A.Y. 2023-24
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Vision of the Department

“To be one of the best academic excellence centers for developing globally competent AIML engineers and prospective

Mission of the Department

 To ensure students’ employability and entrepreneurial skills through knowledge of principles of computing, Artificial
Intelligence, Machine Learning and Soft skills.

 To enhance academic excellence through effectual course content, rigorous hands-on and active participation of industry.

 To cultivate research culture by investigating complex problems by using computing, Artificial Intelligence and Machine
learning approach.

 To develop a sense of responsibility and ethics among students to make them responsible citizens.

Structure and syllabus of B.Tech Computer Sci. & Engineering.(AIML) w.e.f A.Y. 2023-24
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List of Programme Outcomes [PO]

PO PO Statements

PO1 Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering

fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

PO2 Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering
problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences,
and engineering sciences.

PO3 Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design
system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for
the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

PO4 Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research
methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the
information to provide valid conclusions.

PO5 Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with
an understanding of the limitations.

PO6 The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess
societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the

Structure and syllabus of B.Tech Computer Sci. & Engineering.(AIML) w.e.f A.Y. 2023-24
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 00 : Dt. 01/08/22

professional engineering practice.

PO7 Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions
in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable

PO8 Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms
of the engineering practice.

PO9 Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in
diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

PO10 Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering
community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports
and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

PO11 Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering
and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team,
to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

PO12 Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in
independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Structure and syllabus of B.Tech Computer Sci. & Engineering.(AIML) w.e.f A.Y. 2023-24
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List of PSO Statements

PSO1: Demonstrate competence in programming with sound knowledge of principles of computing.
PSO2: Formulate coherent design, execute proficient implementation, and conduct testing to solve real world
problems using software paradigms and AIML methodologies.
PSO3: Adapt and exhibit skills in emerging domains of computer science, engineering and technology.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

PEO PEO Focus PEO Statements

PEO1 Core competence Demonstrate core competence in principles of computing and AIML based

PEO2 Breadth Apply engineering knowledge to solve industry problems with creative and
innovative design, development tools and AIML techniques.

PEO3 Professionalism Develop ethical and professional practices effectively to gain desired soft skills in
social and global context.

PEO4 Learning Aim for continuing education and entrepreneurship in emerging areas of
Environment computing and AIML.

Structure and syllabus of B.Tech Computer Sci. & Engineering.(AIML) w.e.f A.Y. 2023-24
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 00 : Dt. 01/08/22

Title: Course Structure FF No. 653

Branch: Computer Science & Engineering (AIML) Year: S.Y. A.Y.: 2023-24 Module: III

Note: WRT – indicates written examination, MCQ – indicates Multiple Choice Questions PPT – indicates presentation and GD – Group Discussion


Teaching Scheme Credits

Examination Scheme
Subject Subject Th Lab Tut CA MSA ESA Total
Subject Name
No. Code Course
Lab MSE HA Project CVV ESE
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
(%) (%)

20 30
S1 MD2201 Data Science 2 2 1 10 - - - 20 20 100 4
20 30
S2 CS2221 Internet of Things 2 2 1 10 - - - 20 20 100 4
(GD) (MCQ)
Object Oriented
S3 CS2218 2 2 1 10 - - 50 20 - 20 - 100 4
Database 20 30
S4 CS2227 2 2 1 10 - - 20 20 100 4
Management (PPT) (WRT)
S5 CS2249 Mathematics for AI 2 0 0 - - - - - - - 100 2
Design Thinking – - - - - - - - 100
S6 CS2229 - - - 100 1
Engineering Design
S7 CS2242 - 12 - - 30 - - - - - 70 100 4
and Innovation-III
Total 10 20 4 40 30 00 50 80 60 80 360 700 23

Structure and syllabus of B.Tech Computer Sci. & Engineering.(AIML) w.e.f A.Y. 2023-24
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Title: Course Structure FF No. 653

Branch: Computer Science & Engineering (AIML) Year: S.Y. A.Y.: 2023-24 Module: IV

Note: WRT – indicates written examination, MCQ – indicates Multiple Choice Questions PPT – indicates presentation and GD – Group Discussion

Teaching Scheme Credits

Examination Scheme
Subject Subject Th Lab Tut CA MSA ESA Total
Subject Name
No. Code Course
Lab MSE HA Project CVV ESE
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
(%) (%)

Advanced Data
S1 CS2041 2 2 1 10 - - 50 20 - 20 - 100 4
2 2 1 20 20 30 100
S2 CS2250 Artificial Intelligence 10 - 20 4
S3 CS2008 Operating Systems 2 2 1 10 - - 50 20 20 100 4
20 30
S4 CS2251 Data Visualization 2 2 1 10 - - - 20 20 100 4
Theory of 100
S5 CS2247 2 - - - - - - - 100 2
Computation (WRT)

S6 CS2229 Design Thinking – 3 - - - - - - - - - - 100 100 1

Engineering Design
S7 CS2242 - 12 - - 30 - - - - - 70 100 4
and Innovation-III
Total 10 20 4 40 30 20 100 80 20 80 330 700 23

Structure and syllabus of B.Tech Computer Sci. & Engineering.(AIML) w.e.f A.Y. 2023-24
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 00 : Dt. 01/08/22

Title: Course Structure FF No. 653

Branch: Computer Science & Engineering (AIML) Year: S.Y. A.Y.: 2023-24 Module: V

Teaching Scheme Credits

Examination Scheme
Subject Subject Th Lab Tut CA MSA ESA Total
Subject Name
No. Code Course
Lab MSE HA Project CVV ESE
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
(%) (%)

S1 CS3052 2 2 1 10 - 20 20 - 20 (WRT 100 4
Design and
S2 CS3205 Analysis of 2 2 1 10 - - 50 20 20 100 4
20 30
S3 CS3266 Machine Learning 2 2 1 10 - - - 20 20 100 4

2 2 1 - 20 20 20 30 100
S4 CS3054 Cloud Computing 10 - - 4
Design Thinking –
S5 CS3059 - - - - - - - - - - 100 100 1
Engineering Design
S6 CS 3060 - 12 - - 30 - - - - - 70 100 6
and Innovation – 3
Total 8 20 4 40 30 20 50 80 40 80 260 600 23

Structure and syllabus of B.Tech Computer Sci. & Engineering.(AIML) w.e.f A.Y. 2023-24
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 00 : Dt. 01/08/22


Title: Course Structure FF No. 653

Branch: Computer Science & Engineering (AIML) Year: S.Y. A.Y.: 2023-24 Module: VI

Teaching Scheme Credits

Examination Scheme
Subject Subject Th Lab Tut CA MSA ESA Total
Subject Name
No. Code Course
Lab MSE HA Project CVV ESE
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
(%) (%)

Software 20 30
S1 CS3063 2 2 1 10 - - - 20 20 100 4
Engineering (GD) (MCQ)
Optimization 30
S2 CS3067 2 2 1 10 - 20 - 20 20 100 4
Techniques (WRT)
20 30
S3 CS3068 Deep Learning 2 2 1 10 - - - 20 20 100 4

S4 CS3215 Web Technology 2 2 1 10 - 50 20 20 100 4

Design Thinking –
S5 CS3059 - - - - - - - - - - 100 100 1
Engineering Design
S6 CS 3060 - 12 - - 30 - - - - - 70 100 6
and Innovation - 3
Total 8 20 4 40 30 20 50 80 40 80 260 600 23

Structure and syllabus of B.Tech Computer Sci. & Engineering.(AIML) w.e.f A.Y. 2023-24
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SN Particular Page No

1 Second Year Module -III Content 02

2 Second Year Module -IV Content 34

3 Third Year Module -V Content 64

4 Third Year Module -VI Content 92

5 Assessment Guidelines 111

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S. Y. B. Tech. Computer Science

& Engineering (AIML)
AY 2023-24

Module III Course Content

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Syllabus Template FF No. : 654

MD2201: Data Science
Credits: 4 Teaching Scheme Theory: 2 Hours/Week
Tut: 1 Hour/Week
Lab: 2 Hours/Week
Course Prerequisites:
1. Linear Algebra Basics
2. Central Tendency & Measures of Dispersion – Mean, Mode, Median
3. Probability
4. Some exposure to programming environment – C programming; Python

Course Objectives:
1. Understand data processing pipeline
2. Perform dimensionality reduction operations
3. Optimize the performance of functions
4. Apply descriptive statistics tools
5. Deduce meaningful statistical inferences
6. Use unsupervised classification algorithms
7. Use supervised classification algorithms
8. Utilize the data science principles for an entire project life cycle as a case study

Course Relevance:
The course is offered in S.Y. B.Tech. to all branches of Engineering
Data Science is a multidisciplinary field. It uses scientific approaches, procedures, algorithms and
frameworks to extract knowledge and insight from a huge amount of data.
Data Science uses concepts and methods which belong to fields like information technology,
Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science etc.
Data Science influences the growth and improvements of the product by providing a lot of
intelligence about customers and operations, by using methods such as data mining and data analysis.
The course is relevant to all branches of Engineering and beyond, since data is generated as an
obvious outcome of many processes.

Section 1: Topics/Contents

Data science definition, raw data, processed data and their attributes, meta data, data cleaning, data
science pipeline. (3 Hours)
Normal distribution, evaluating normal distribution, Binomial distribution, confidence Intervals,
central limit Theorem, hypothesis testing (6 Hours)

Vector norms, Unconstrained Optimization (4 Hours)

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Section 2: Topics/Contents

Simple and multiple linear regressions; Logistic regression, non-linear regression, polynomial
regression (4 Hours)

Nearest Neighbor Classification – Knn approach, branch and bound algorithm, projection algorithm;
Naïve Bayes Classification; Classification using decision trees, divisive and agglomerative
clustering, K-means clustering (6 Hours)

Evaluation of model performance – Confusion matrices, sensitivity, specificity, precision, recall,

F-measure, Classifier performance measurement metrics – Training & Testing strategies,
Resubstitution, Hold-out, Cross validation, Bootstrap (3 Hours)

List of Tutorials:
1. Data Visualization
2. Distances and Projections
3. Singular Value Decomposition
4. Principal Component Analysis
5. Optimization
6. Normal & Binomial Distribution
7. Hypothesis Testing
8. ANOVA test
9. Linear Regression
10. Logistic Regression
11. Nearest Neighbor Classification
12. Decision Trees based classification
13. Naive Bayes classification
14. Clustering
15. Evaluation of model performance
16. Bagging & Boosting approaches

List of Practical’s: (Any Six)

1. Data visualization
2. Unconstrained Optimization
3. Hypothesis Testing
4. Linear regression
5. Logistic Regression
6. Nearest Neighbor classification
7. Naive Bayes classification
8. Clustering

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9. Classifier performance using Confusion matrix and other attributes

10. Cross Validation methods

List of Course Projects:

1. Movie recommendation system
2. Customer Segmentation using Machine Learning
3. Sentiment analysis
4. Uber Data analysis
5. Loan prediction
6. HVAC needs forecasting
7. Customer relationship management
8. Clinical decision support systems
9. Development of machine learning solutions using available data sets (multiple projects)
10. Fraud detection

List of Course Seminar Topics:

1. Data wrangling
2. Predictive modeling
3. Data analytics in life science (multiple topics)
4. Ensemble modeling techniques
5. Text pre-processing
6. Feature scaling for machine learning
7. Multivariate normal distribution applications
8. Distance metrics and their applications
9. Visualization techniques such as Chernoff’s faces
10. Tree based algorithms
11. Ridge regression

List of Course Group Discussion Topics:

1. PCA and ICA
2. Hierarchical and nonhierarchical systems
3. Linear - Non linear regression
4. Parametric-non parametric estimation
5. Overfitting and underfitting in the context of classification
6. Linear and Quadratic discriminant analysis
7. Regression v/s classification
8. Classifier performance measures
9. Supervised and unsupervised learning
10. Various clustering approaches

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11. Classifiers and classifier combinations

12. Balancing errors in hypothesis testing
13. Standard sampling practices for a successful survey for reliable sample data

List of Home Assignments:

Case Study: A very large number of resources are available for data generated out of case study.
Unique Home assignments will be set up for all groups
Surveys: Principles of surveying will be implemented by groups to demonstrate use of data science
principles in home assignments

Assessment Scheme: Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360
degree assessment and check if it covers all aspects of Bloom's Taxonomy.

Laboratory Continuous Assessment: 100 Marks converted to 10 Marks

Course Project: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks
Presentation: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks
Theory: End Semester Examination (Written): 60 Marks converted to 30 Marks
Comprehensive Viva Voce: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks

Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. ‘A Beginner’s Guide to R’ – Zuur, Leno, Meesters; Springer, 2009
2. ‘Introduction to Data Science’ – Igual, Segui; Springer, 2017
3. ‘Mathematics for Machine Learning’ – Diesenroth, Faisal, Ong; Cambridge University Press, 2017
4. ‘Machine Learning with R’ – Lantz, Packt Publishing, 2018

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. ‘Elements of Statistical Learning’ - Hastie, Tibshirani, Friedman; Springer; 2011
2. ‘Data Science from Scratch’ - Grus; Google Books; 2015
3. ‘The art of Data Science’ - Matsui, Peng; 2016
4. ‘Machine Learning for absolute beginners’ - Theobald; Google Books; 2017

MOOCs Links and additional reading material:


Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, student will be able to –
1. Apply data processing and data visualization techniques
2. Perform descriptive and inferential statistical analysis

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3. Utilize appropriate distance metrics and optimization techniques

4. Implement supervised algorithms for classification and prediction
5. Implement unsupervised classification algorithms
6. Evaluate the performance metrics of supervised and unsupervised algorithms

CO-PO Mapping:

CO Program Outcomes (PO) PSO

CO1 2 2 1 2
CO2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2
CO3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2
CO4 3 3 3 2 2 3 2
CO5 3 3 3 2 3 3 2
CO6 2 2 2
Average 2.66 2.66 2.5 2.5 2.25 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.0

Future Courses Mapping:

Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Big Data, Data Mining, Information Retrieval,
Recommendation Systems, Cloud Computing – AWS, IOT

Job Mapping:
Job opportunities that one can get after learning this course
Data Scientist, Data Analyst, AI Engineer, Data Architect, Data Engineer, Statistician.
Database Administrator, Business Analyst, Business Intelligence Developer, Infrastructure Architect
Enterprise Architect, Machine Learning Engineering, Machine Learning Scientist

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Syllabus Template FF No. : 654

MD2221: Internet of Things

Credits: 4 Teaching Scheme Theory: 2 Hours/Week

Tut: 1 Hour/Week
Lab: 2 Hours/Week
Course Prerequisites:
Understanding of the Internet, Cloud, Networking Concepts and Sensors

Course Objectives:
The student will be able to
1. Understand IoT Architecture and framework.
2. Recognize and differentiate between the various use cases of different sensors, actuators,
solenoid valve etc
3. Learn about fundamental concepts of networking and protocols.
4. Understand IoT Physical, Data link and Higher layer Protocols.
5. Apply theoretical knowledge for Cloud computing.
6. Implement an IoT solution practically

Course Relevance:
The Internet of Things is transforming our physical world into a complex and dynamic system of
connected devices on an unprecedented scale. Interne of Things is a system of interrelated
computing and sensing devices and has the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring
human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.
Advances in technology are making possible a more widespread adoption of IoT, from pill-shaped
micro-cameras that can pinpoint thousands of images within the body, to smart sensors that can
assess crop conditions on a farm, to the smart home devices that are becoming increasingly popular.
IoT is highly relevant in this growing ecosystem of internet-enabled devices. IoT offers increasing
opportunities to collect, exchange, analyse and interpret data in real-time. This robust access to data
will result in opportunities to further enhance and improve operations. In a world which is moving
towards an increasingly connected future, Internet of Things (IoT) is the next big thing. Right from
our homes to our cars to our cities, everything is being connected and the technology of IoT is right
in the middle of it.

Section 1: Topics/Contents

Introduction to IoT
Physical Design of IOT, Logical Design of IOT, IOT Enabling Technologies, IOT Levels &
Deployment Templates (4 Hours)

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IOT Platform Design Methodology

IoT Design Methodology Steps, Home Automation Case Study, Smart Cities, Health Care,
Agriculture (4 Hours)
IoT Devices
IoT System Design Cycle, Sensors - Terminologies, Calibration, Types, Specification, Use,
Actuators - Types and Use, Prototype Development Platform - Arduino / Raspberry pi / Node
MCU, Interface with Embedded System. (6 Hours)

Section 2: Topics/Contents

Introduction to Wireless Sensor Network

Sensor Node, Smart Sensor Network, Wireless Sensor Network, RFID - Principles and
Components, Node MCU (4 Hours)
Connectivity Technologies
Network Configuration in IoT, IoT Stack and Web Stack, IEEE 802.15.4 Standard, Zigbee,
Bluetooth, MQTT, Cloud Architecture and Types, Cloud Service Providers (8 Hours)
Case Studies (Any Two from following List to be covered)
Smart lighting, Home Intrusion Detection, Smart Parking, Weather Monitoring System, Weather
Report Bot, Air Pollution Monitoring, Forest fire Detection, Smart Irrigation, IoT Printer, IoT in
Manufacturing Industry, IoT in Process Industry, IoT in Quality, Control Applications in
Industry, IoT in Material Handling System in Industry, IoT in Automobile Industry, Navigation
System, Connected Vehicles, Industry 4.0 (4 Hours)

List of Practical’s: (Minimum Six)

1. Setting up Arduino / Raspberry Pi/ Node MCU ESP8266 : Basic handling , programming
2. LED Interfacing
3. Sensor interface to Node MCU/Arduino / Raspberry Pi Temperature measurement using
4. Actuator interface to Node MCU /Arduino / Raspberry Pi Traffic Signal Control
5. Node MCU /Arduino / Raspberry Pi wireless communication Raspberry Pi as a web server
6. Node MCU/Arduino / Raspberry Pi Cloud interfacing and programming like Thingspeak
Email alert using SMTP protocol
7. Sensor data acquisition on Mobile (Mobile APP) / Developing Application (WEB APP) with
Django Text transfer using MQTT protocol
8. Home Automation using Cisco Packet Tracer

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List of Course Projects:

1. Smart Agriculture System

2. Weather Reporting System
3. Home Automation System
4. Face Recognition Bot
5. Smart Garage Door
6. Smart Alarm Clock
7. Air Pollution Monitoring System
8. Smart Parking System
9. Smart Traffic Management System
10. Smart Cradle System
11. Smart Gas Leakage Detector Bot
12. Streetlight Monitoring System
13. Smart Anti-Theft System
14. Liquid Level Monitoring System
15. Night Patrol Robot
16. Health Monitoring System
17. Smart Irrigation System
18. Flood Detection System
19. Mining Worker Safety Helmet
20. Smart Energy Grid

List of Course Seminar Topics:

1. IoT Architecture
2. Sensor Characteristics
3. IoT for supply chain management and inventory systems
4. IoT Ethics
5. Security in IoT
6. Cloud Computing Platform
7. IoT Best Practices
8. 5GinIoT
9. Middleware Technology
10. M2M energy efficiency routing protocol
11. IoT based Biometric Implementation
12. Complete IoT solution using AWS
13. A smart patient health monitoring system
14. IoT for intelligent traffic monitoring
15. Home automation of lights and fan using IoT

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List of Group Discussion Topics:

1. Role of Internet of Things in development of India.

2. Manufacturing industries should make efforts to limit contribution to IoT.
3. Should countries put a ban on IoT for children?
4. Should IoT pay more attention to security rather than just expanding its horizon to the
5. IoT is the next big thing in technology.
6. IoT poses a huge risk to privacy, if they your system is hacked.
7. IoT is the next big thing for hackers trying to have access to your intimate data.
8. Pros and cons of over-usage of IoT at homes and offices.
9. IoT at battlefields will make life of soldiers safer and easier.
10. IoT will make way for robots to rule over humans one day.
11. IoT devices are making people lazier and obese.
12. IoT needs to be regulated before it goes out of limits and poses serious threat.

List of Home Assignments:

1. Smart City
2. Smart Transportation
3. Smart Healthcare
4. Smart Industry using IoT
5. Design of IoT framework
Case Study:
1. Open Source in IoT
2. IoT solutions for automobile
3. Cloud Computing
4. AWS
5. Microsoft Azure
1. Network Selection for IoT
2. Need of secure protocols
3. Future of IoT
4. IIoT
5. IoT and Industry4.0
1. Autonomous Vehicles
2. ListofIndiancompanieswhichofferIoTsolutionsforagricultureandfarming.Describetheproble
m they are addressing and their solution.
3. Make a list of Indian companies which offer IoT solutions for healthcare. Describe the

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problem they are addressing and their solution.

4. Makeanexhaustivelistofeverythinginside,justoutside(immediatesurroundings)andon the auto
body which must be “observed” for safe and comfortable driving using autonomous
5. Compare different Cloud Service providers in the market.

Assessment Scheme: Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360
degree assessment and check if it covers all aspects of Bloom's Taxonomy.

Laboratory Continuous Assessment: 100 Marks converted to 10 Marks

Course Project: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks
Group Discussion: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks
Theory: End Semester Examination (MCQ): 60 Marks converted to 30 Marks
Comprehensive Viva Voce: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks

Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Arshdeep Bahga and Vijay Madisetti, Internet of Things: A Hands-on Approach", (Universities Press)
2. PethuruRajandAnupamaC.Raman,"TheInternetofThings:EnablingTechnologies,Platforms,and Use Cases",
(CRC Press)

Reference Books:
1. Adrian McEwen, Hakim Cassimally “Designing the Internet of Things”, Wiley
2. OvidiuVermesan&PeterFriess“InternetofThingsApplications-FromResearchandInnovationtoMarket
Deployment”, ISBN:987-87-93102-94-1,RiverPublishers
3. Joe Biron and Jonathan Follett, "Foundational Elements of an IoT Solution," by Joe Biron

MOOCs Links and additional reading material:


Course Outcomes
1. Demonstrate fundamental concepts of Internet of Things (CO Attainmentlevel:2)
2. Recognize IoT Design Methodology Steps(COAttainmentlevel:3)
3. Select sensors for different IoT applications (COAttainmentlevel:3)
4. Analyze fundamentals of networking (COAttainmentlevel:4)
5. Apply basic Protocols in IoT (CO Attainmentlevel:4)
6. Provide IoT solutions practically with the help of case study(COAttainmentlevel:5)

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CO-PO Mapping [Department]

CO Program Outcomes (PO) PSO
CO1 2 2 2
CO2 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 3 3 3
CO3 2 2 3 1 2 2 3
CO4 2 3 2 2 3
CO5 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3
CO6 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3
Average 2.0 2.5 3.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

Future Courses Mapping:

Other courses that can be taken after completion of this course
1. Ad-Hoc Networks
2. Cyber Security
3. Wireless Networks
4. Industry 4.0
5. Big Data

Job Mapping:

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the most emerging field in today’s world. It is revolutionizing every
industry, from home appliances to agriculture to space exploration. Since the advent of cloud
computing, there has been an exponential growth in the number of sensor-enabled devices
connected to the internet and expecting further growth accelerating in the coming years. There are
diversified career opportunities in this field. The various career positions available as IoT Research
Developer, IoT Design Engineer, IoT Product Manager, IoT Software Developer, IoT Solution
Architect, IoT Service Manager and many more.

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Syllabus Template FF No. : 654

CS2218: Object Oriented Programming

Credits: 4 Teaching Scheme Theory: 2 Hours/Week

Tut: 1 Hour/Week
Lab: 2 Hours/Week
Course Prerequisites: Basic course on programming

Course Objectives:
1. Understand Object Oriented programming concepts
2. Demonstrate Object Oriented programming concepts by writing suitable Java programs
3. Model a given computational problem in Object Oriented fashion
4. To develop problem solving ability using Object Oriented programming constructs like
5. Develop effective solutions using for real world problems using the concepts such as file
handling and GUI
6. Implement applications using Java I/O and event-based GUI handling principles

Course Relevance:
This is an important course for engineering students. It develops computational problem solving and
logic building capability of students. Acquiring programming skills has a high relevance in all
branches of Engineering. Once the student gains expertise in coding, this course proves to be
beneficial to them to excel in industry demanding coding in specific software.

Section 1: Topic and Contents


What is Object Oriented Programming (OOP)? The need of OOP, Characteristics of OOP.

Java overview: Classes and Objects, Java object storage, Access Modifiers, this reference, main
method, Static vs Instance block, Static methods vs Instance methods in Java.

Constructors: Constructors in Java, Default constructor, Parameterized constructor.

Input and Output: Byte Stream vs Character Stream, use of Scanner Class.

Arrays in Java: Arrays in Java, initialization, Default Array values, multi-dimensional array,
java.util .Arrays class, string class, string buffer, string builder.

Methods in Java: Methods, Parameters passing, Returning Multiple values.

Inheritance: Inheritance in Java, Types, Constructor in Inheritance, Using final with Inheritance,
Accessing superclass member, Parent and Child classes having same data member, Base vs derived

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class reference. Polymorphism: Method Overloading, Overloading main(), Static vs Dynamic

Binding, Method Hiding. Private and final methods, Passing and Returning Objects in Java

Exception Handling: Exceptions, types, types of handling exception, Checked vs Unchecked

Exceptions, Throw and Throws, User-defined Exception.

Interfaces and Abstract Classes: Interface and its usage, Abstract Class and its usage, Difference
between Abstract Class and Interface, Nested Interface, Nested Class, Inner class, Anonymous

Collection in Java: Collections Class, Using Iterators, Iterator vs Foreach, Array List, Vector, Map,

Multithreading: Thread life Cycle, Thread Priority, Thread Methods.

File Handling: File Processing, Primitive Data Processing, Object Data Processing, Connecting Java
with database (JDBC/ODBC).

Java GUI: Swing, Components. Layout Manager: Flow, Border, Grid and Card. Label, Button,
Choice, List, Event Handling (mouse, key).

File Handling: File Processing, Primitive Data Processing, Object Data Processing, Connecting Java
with database (JDBC/ODBC).

Section 2: Topic and Contents


What is Object Oriented Programming (OOP)? The need of OOP, Characteristics of OOP.

Java overview: Classes and Objects, Java object storage, Access Modifiers, this reference, main
method, Static vs Instance block, Static methods vs Instance methods in Java.

Constructors: Constructors in Java, Default constructor, Parameterized constructor.

Input and Output: Byte Stream vs Character Stream, use of Scanner Class.

Arrays in Java: Arrays in Java, initialization, Default Array values, multi-dimensional array,
java.util .Arrays class, string class, string buffer, string builder.

Methods in Java: Methods, Parameters passing, Returning Multiple values.

Inheritance: Inheritance in Java, Types, Constructor in Inheritance, Using final with Inheritance,
Accessing superclass member, Parent and Child classes having same data member, Base vs derived
class reference. Polymorphism: Method Overloading, Overloading main(), Static vs Dynamic
Binding, Method Hiding. Private and final methods, Passing and Returning Objects in Java

Exception Handling: Exceptions, types, types of handling exception, Checked vs Unchecked

Exceptions, Throw and Throws, User-defined Exception.

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Interfaces and Abstract Classes: Interface and its usage, Abstract Class and its usage, Difference
between Abstract Class and Interface, Nested Interface, Nested Class, Inner class, Anonymous

Collection in Java: Collections Class, Using Iterators, Iterator vs Foreach, Array List, Vector, Map,

Multithreading: Thread life Cycle, Thread Priority, Thread Methods.

File Handling: File Processing, Primitive Data Processing, Object Data Processing, Connecting Java
with database (JDBC/ODBC).

Java GUI: Swing, Components. Layout Manager: Flow, Border, Grid and Card. Label, Button,
Choice, List, Event Handling (mouse, key).Swing, Components. Layout Manager: Flow, Border,
Grid and Card. Label, Button, Choice, List, Event Handling (mouse, key).

List of Practical’s:

1. Implement Student class using following Concepts

 All types of Constructors
 Static variables and instance variables
 Static blocks and instance blocks
 Static methods and instance methods

2. There is a class Adder which has two data members of type 1D int array and int variable. It
has two functions: getdata and numsum. Function getdata accepts non-empty array of distinct
integers from user in 1D int array data member and a targetsum in another data member. The
function numsum adds any two elements from an input array which is equal to targetsum and
return an array of resulting two elements, in any order. If no two numbers sum up to the target
sum, the function should return an empty array. Note that the target sum is to be obtained by
summing two different integers in the array; you can’t add a single integer to itself in order to
obtain the target sum. You can assume that there will be at most one pair of numbers
summing up to the target sum. Use constructor. Use extra variables if needed

Array=[3,5,-4,8,11,1,-1,7] targetsum=15
Output: [8,7]
Array=[3,5,-4,8,11,1,-1,6] targetsum=15
Output: []

3. Write Java program to calculate area of triangle, square & circle using function overloading.
Function parameter accept from user (Use function Overloading concepts and Inheritance).

4. Write a program for following exception, develop a suitable scenario in which the following
exceptions occur:
a. divide by zero
b. Array index out of bounds exception

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c. Null pointer Exception

5. Write a java program to solve producer-consumer problem where there are two producer
threads and one consumer thread.

6. Implement various operations using JDBC Connectivity.

7. Display bank account information ( Use interface and inheritance using java)
8. Develop a GUI in java which reads, update the file.

List of Course Seminar Topics:

1. Introduction of Arrays and 1D Array programming examples
2. Multidimensional arrays
3. Variants of main() and command line arguments
4. Input and Output stream classes
5. String concepts and various methods of comparing strings
6. Methods in Java
7. Java String Methods
8. Passing array to a function and Jagged array examples
9. Reading input using Scanner and Buffer Reader Class
10. String, String buffer and String builder

List of Group Discussion Topics:

1. Introduction of Arrays and 1D Array programming examples
2. Multidimensional arrays
3. Variants of main () and command line arguments
4. Input and Output stream classes
5. String concepts and various methods of comparing strings
6. Methods in Java
7. Java String Methods
8. Passing array to a function and Jagged array examples
9. Reading input using Scanner and Buffer Reader Class
10. String, String buffer and String builder

List of Course Projects:

1. Airline reservation system
2. Course management system
3. Data visualization software
4. Electricity billing system
5. e-Healthcare management system
6. Email client software
7. Library management system
8. Network packet sniffer
9. Online bank management system
10. Online medical management system

List of Home Assignments:

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1. Single and Multidimensional arrays in Java

2. Comparison Inheritance & Polymorphism
3. Need of abstract classes and interfaces in Java
4. Multithreading concept in Java
5. Signed & Unsigned arithmetic operations usin JAVA
6. Role of start() and run() methods in multithreading
1. Strategies for Migration from C++ to Java
2. Product development using Inheritance and Polymorphism in Industry
3. on Java/OOP features popular amongst developers
4. Which other (non-JVM) languages does your application use?
5. How Java Impacted the Internet
6. How can aArrayList be synchronised without using vector?
1. Implementation of Singleton design pattern in Java
2. Notes Repository System for Academic
3. Design for employee management system
4. Design for student management system
5. Inventory Management System
6. Write a program to delete duplicate numbers from the file
Case Study:
1. Java development milestones from 1.0 to 16.0
2. Implementation of Different Methods in Polymorphism
3. Real world systems which use java for its implementation
4. Drawing a flag using java
5. Use of different methods of Class object
6. Drawing a flag using java

Assessment Scheme: Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360
degree assessment and check if it covers all aspects of Bloom's Taxonomy.

Laboratory Continuous Assessment: 100 Marks converted to 10 Marks

Course Project: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks
Laboratory Practical: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 50 Marks
Comprehensive Viva Voce: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks

Text Books:
1. Herbert Schildt, “JAVA- The Complete Reference”, , 11th Edition, McGraw Hill Education

Reference Books:
1. Bruce Eckel, “Thinking In Java – The Definitive Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming in the Language of
the World-Wide Web”, Fourth Edition, Pearson Education, Inc.

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2. R. Morelli and R. Walde, “Java, java, Java – Object-Oriented Problem Solving”, 3rd edition, Pearson Education,

MOOCs Links and additional reading material:

Programming using Java| Java Tutorial | By Infosys Technology

An Introduction to Programming through C++ – Prof A.G. Ranade- NPTEL- computer science and
engineering – NOC

Course Outcomes:

The student will be able to –

1. Understand object-oriented programming features
2. Develop real world applications using class, inheritance and polymorphism
3. Adapt Best Practices of Class Design by using Standard Templates Library
4. Solve computing problems by applying the knowledge of Exception handling and Multithreading
5. Design solutions by choosing suitable data structures such as Array, Vector, Map etc
6. Implement applications using Java I/O and event-based GUI handling principles

CO-PO Mapping:

CO Program Outcomes (PO) PSO

CO1 3 2 2 2 3
CO2 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
CO3 3 2 3 1 1 2 2 3 3 3
CO4 3 3 3 1 2 2 3 3
CO5 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 3 3
CO6 3 2 3 2 3 3
Average 3 2.5 2.83 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.25 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

Future Courses Mapping:

1. Advanced Data Structures, Advanced Java, Spring Frame Work, Grails Frame Work

Job Mapping:

1. Java Programmer, Application Developer, Design Engineer, Senior Software Developer

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Syllabus Template FF No. : 654

CS2227: Database Management Systems
Credits: 4 Teaching Scheme Theory: 2 Hours/Week
Tut: 1 Hour/Week
Lab: 2 Hours/Week
Course Prerequisites: Data structures, Discrete Mathematics
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the fundamentals of different data modeling techniques.
2. To design and development of relational database management systems.
3. To Study the theory behind database systems, the issues that affect their functionality and
4. To design of query languages and the use of semantics for query optimization.
5. To understand the latest trends of data management systems.

Course Relevance: The course emphasizes on the fundamentals of database modeling and design,
the languages and models provided by the database management systems, and database system
implementation techniques. The goal is to provide an in-depth and up-to-date presentation of the
most important aspects of database systems and applications, and related technologies.

Section 1: Topics/Contents

Introduction: Need of Database Management Systems, Evolution, Database System Concepts and
Architecture, Database Design Process
Data Modeling: Entity Relationship (ER) Model, Extended ER Model, Relational Model, Codd's
Database Design: Need of Normalization, Functional Dependencies, Inference Rules, Functional
Dependency Closure, Minimal Cover, Decomposition Properties, Normal Forms: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF
and BCNF, Multi-valued Dependency, 4NF, Relational Synthesis Algorithms
Query Languages: Relational Algebra, SQL: DDL, DML, Select Queries, Set, String, Date and
Numerical Functions, Aggregate Functions ,Group by and Having Clause, Join Queries, Nested
queries, DCL, TCL, PL/SQL: Procedure, Function, Trigger, Mapping of Relational Algebra to SQL

Section 2: Topics/Contents

Storage and Querying: Storage and File structures, Indexed Files, Single Level and Multi Level
Indexes; Query Processing, Query Optimization, Parquet file format.
Transaction Management: Basic concept of a Transaction, ACID Properties, State diagram,
Concept of Schedule, Serializability – Conflict and View, Concurrency Control Protocols, Recovery

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Parallel and Distributed Databases: Architecture, I/O Parallelism, Interquery, Intraquery,

Intraoperation and Interoperation Parallelism, Types of Distributed Database Systems, Distributed
Data Storage, Distributed Query Processing, Introduction to Elastic Search index.
NOSQL Databases and Big Data Storage Systems: Introduction to NOSQL Databases, Types of
NOSQL Databases, BASE properties, CAP theorem, Big Data, HADOOP: HDFS, MapReduce.
Data Warehousing: Architecture and Components of Data Warehouse, Warehouse Schemas, OLAP

List of Practicals: (Any Six)

1) Create a database with appropriate constraints using DDL and populate/modify it with the help of
2) Design and Execute "SELECT" queries using conditional, logical, like/not like, in/not in,
between...and, is null/is not null operators in where clause, order by, group by, aggregate functions,
having clause, and set operators. Use SQL single row functions for date, time, string etc.
3) Write equijoin, non equijoin, self join and outer join queries. Write queries containing single row /
multiple row / correlated sub queries using operators like =, in, any, all, exists etc. Write DML
queries containing sub queries. Study a set of query processing strategies.
4) Write PL/SQL blocks to implement all types of cursor.
5) Write useful stored procedures and functions in PL/SQL to perform complex computation.
6) Write and execute all types of database triggers in PL/SQL.
7)Execute DDL statements which demonstrate the use of views. Try to update the base table using its
corresponding view. Also consider restrictions on updatable views and perform view creation from
multiple tables.
8) Create a database with suitable example using MongoDB and implement Inserting and saving
document, Removing document, Updating document
9) Execute at least 10 queries on any suitable MongoDB database that demonstrates following
querying techniques: find and findOne, Query criteria, Type-specific queries
10) Implement Map Reduce operation with suitable example using MongoDB.

List of Tutorial (Any 6)

1) Draw ER Diagram for any information system application
2) Draw Extended ER Diagram for any information system application
3) Convert ER Diagram to Relational Model
4) Convert EER Diagram to Relational Model
5) Solving the Queries using Relational Algebra
6) Normalization using Minimal Cover,
7) Normalization using Synthesis Algorithm
8) Creation of Data warehouse for any organisation.
10) Advanced SQL
List of Projects:
Designing and Implementing a Small-scale Relational DBMS
Phase 1: SQL interpreter
Phase 2: Persistent data management
Phase 3: Relational Operations
List of Course Seminar Topics:

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1. Object and Object-Relational Databases

2. XML data model, XML documents and associated languages
3. Database Security
4. Modern Storage Architectures
5. Google Cloud- SQL Databases
6. Google Cloud- NOSQL Databases
7. Amazon Databases
8. Oracle NoSQL Database
9. Cassandra DB
10. Data Center Engineering
List of Course Group Discussion Topics:
2. ER model Vs UML diagrams
3. Normalized vs unnormalized database
5. Data Warehouse Vs Data Lake
7. Neo4J and GraphBase
8. DynamoDB Vs Voldemort
9. Google File System (GFS) Vs HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System)
10. Hive SQL Vs Pig Latin
List of Home Assignments:
1. Suppose you want to build a video site similar to YouTube. Identify disadvantages of keeping data
in a file-processing system. Discuss the relevance of each of these points to the storage of actual
video data, and to metadata about the video, such as title, the user who uploaded it, tags, and which
users viewed it.
2. Illustrate data model that might be used to store information in a social-networking system such as
3.Describe the circumstances in which you would choose to use embedded SQL rather than SQL
alone or only a general-purpose programming language.
4. Give the DTD and XML Schema for Library Management System. Give a small example of data
corresponding to this DTD and XML.Write ten queries in Xpath and XQuery
5.If you were designing a Web-based system to make airline reservations and sell airline tickets,
which DBMS architecture would you choose? Why? Why would the other architectures not be a
good choice?Design a schema and show a sample database for that application. What types of
additional information and constraints would you like to represent in the schema? Think of several
users of your database, and design a view for each.

Case Study:
1. PostgreSQL
2. Oracle
3. IBM DB2 Universal Database
4. Microsoft SQL Server
5. SQLite database

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1.OLAP tools from Microsoft Corp. and SAP
2.Views in database
3. Dynamic SQL and Embedded SQL
4. Active databases and Triggers
5. SQL injection attack

1. Keyword queries used in Web search are quite different from database queries. List key
differences between the two, in terms of the way the queries are specified, and in terms of what is the
result of a query.
2. List responsibilities of a database-management system. For each responsibility,explain the
problems that would arise if the responsibility were not discharged
3. List reasons why database systems support data manipulation using a declarative query language
such as SQL, instead of just providing a a library of C or C++ functions to carry out data
4. Consider a bank that has a collection of sites, each running a database system. Suppose the only
way the databases interact is by electronic transfer of money between themselves, using persistent
messaging. Would such a system qualify as a distributed database? Why?
5. Data warehousing products coupled with database systems

Assessment Scheme: Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360
degree assessment and check if it covers all aspects of Bloom's Taxonomy.

Laboratory Continuous Assessment: 100 Marks converted to 10 Marks

Course Project: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks
Presentation: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks
Theory: End Semester Examination (Written): 60 Marks converted to 30 Marks
Comprehensive Viva Voce: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks

Text Books:
1. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan; “Database System Concepts”; 6 th Edition,
McGraw-Hill Education
2. Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe; “Fundamentals of Database Systems”; 7th Edition, Pearson

Reference Books:
1. Thomas M. Connolly, Carolyn E. Begg,” Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design,
Implementation, and Management, 6th Edition ;Pearson
2. Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke; “Database Management Systems”, 3rd Edition; McGraw
Hill Education
3. Kristina Chodorow, MongoDB The definitive guide, O’Reilly Publications, ISBN: 978-93-5110-
269-4, 2nd Edition.
4. Dr. P. S. Deshpande, SQL and PL/SQL for Oracle 10g Black Book, DreamTech.

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5. Ivan Bayross, SQL, PL/SQL: The Programming Language of Oracle, BPB Publication. 6. Reese
G., Yarger R., King T., Williums H, Managing and Using MySQL, Shroff Publishers and
Distributors Pvt. Ltd., ISBN: 81 - 7366 - 465 – X, 2nd Edition.
7. Dalton Patrik, SQL Server – Black Book, DreamTech Press.
8. Eric Redmond, Jim Wilson, Seven databases in seven weeks, SPD, ISBN: 978-93-5023-918-6.
9. Jay Kreibich, Using SQLite, SPD, ISBN: 978-93-5110-934-1, 1st edition.

Moocs Links and additional reading material:
Oracle MOOC: PL/SQL Fundamentals - Oracle APEX

Course Outcomes:
1) Design and draw ER and EER diagrams for real life applications.
2) Transform conceptual schema of high level data model into implementation data model
3) Apply the concepts of normalization to develop the quality relational data model
4) Formulate queries in relational algebra, SQL and write PL/SQL blocks.
5) Acquaint with physical database file structures
6) Identify the use of database techniques such as NOSQL

CO-PO Mapping - Department

CO Program Outcomes (PO) PSO
CO1 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2
CO2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 3
CO3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 2
CO4 2 3 3 2 2 2 3
CO5 2 - 3 2 3
CO6 2 - 3 2 3
Average 2.0 2.75 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 3.0

CO attainment levels
CO1:1 CO2:4 CO3:2 CO4:4 CO5:3 Co6:5

Future Courses Mapping:

Advanced databases
Big Data Management
Cloud Databases
Database Administrator

Job Mapping:
Database Engineer
SQL developer
PL/SQL developer

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Syllabus Template FF No. : 654

CS2249:: Mathematics for AI

Credits: 2 Teaching Scheme Theory: 2 Hours/Week

Course Prerequisites: Engineering Mathematics

Course Objectives: Students will learn

1. Prepositional logic, predicate logic to reason about the relationships between propositions and
2. Nonmonotonic reasoning to capture and represent defeasible inferences
3. Different trees and search algorithms to find the best possible solution inferences
4. Bayesian networks to solve a problems which has uncertainty due to multiple events
5. Fuzzy logic use to imitate human reasoning and cognition
6. Finding minima to aids in the discovery of a function's lowest extreme values for optimization

Course Relevance:
Since some of the mathematics used in AI is not part of a standard undergraduate curriculum, you’ll
be learning mathematics and seeing how it’s used in AI at the same time.

Section 1: Topics/Contents

Unit-I Logic and AI 04 Hours

What Is Mathematical Logic? Logic and AI, Propositional Logic, Syntax and Semantics of
Propositional Logic, Predicate Logic, Syntax and Informal Semantic of Predicate Logic, The Theory
of Resolution. Truth versus Proof, Truth, Proof, Resolution and Propositional Calculus, The
Resolution Method, Resolution of Horn Clauses, First-Order Predicate Calculus, Skolemization,
Unification, Resolution, Soundness and Completeness, Decidability

Unit-II Nonmonotonic Reasoning 05 Hours

Types of Qualitative Nonmonotonic Reasoning, How Well Do Nonmonotonic Methods Work?
Default Reasoning, Normal Default Theories, Other Modifications of Logic, Circumscription ,
Modal and Autoepistemic Logics , Rule Systems, Basic Concepts of Monotonic Systems, Forward
versus Backward Chaining, Negation, Limiting the Effects of Contradictions, Nonmonotonicity,
Semantic Nets, Frames, Manipulating Simple Inheritance Systems, Defeasible Reasoning, The
Syntax of Defeasible Reasoning, The Laws of Defeasible Reasoning

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Unit-III Tree and Search 05 Hours

Problem Spaces and Search Trees, Decision Trees, Simple Search, Iterative-Deepening Search,
Heuristic Search - Partial Search: Use a Limited-Depth Search Make a Decision and Start Again,
Limited-Depth Search, AND/OR Trees, Alpha-Beta Pruning, Search in game of Chess and Maze

Section2: Topics/Contents

Unit-IV Bayesian Networks 04 Hours

Introduction of Bayesian Nets, Bayesian Networks- Directed Acyclic Graphs, Bayesian Networks
and Proof of Theorem, Bipartite Multiple-Diagnosis Problems, Singly Connected DAGs, Deduction,
Abduction, and Induction, Multiple Diagnosis in Bipartite Networks, Irredundant Covers, An
Algorithm for Singly Connected Networks, Some Theorems and Proofs - Two Theorems, Formulas
for PI and Lambda, Certainty Factors, What Are Certainty Factors?, An Interpretation of Certainty
Factors, Limits on Certainty

Unit-V Fuzziness and Belief Theory 04 Hours

Fuzziness, The Fuzzy Set Concept, Properties of Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Predicates, Fuzzy Rule Systems,
Dempster-Shafer Belief Theory, Combining Independent Evidence, Looking Backward - Long
Chains of Deductions, Robustness, Computational Feasibility, Psychological Validity, Choosing a

Unit- Minimization and Feedforward Nets 04 Hours

Findings Minima - Types of Algorithms - Newton’s Method, Linear Methods, Quadratic Methods ,
Introduction to Perceptrons, Algorithm for perceptron, Backpropagation for Feedforward Nets,
Assumptions and Notation, Backpropagation, Parameter Issues in Feedforward Nets, Activation
Functions, Initialization, Excessive Parameter Growth and Stopping

Assessment Scheme: Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360
degree assessment and check if it covers all aspects of Bloom's Taxonomy.

Assessment scheme covers following aspects of Modified Blooms Taxonomy:

L2 Understanding, L3 Apply, L3 Design, L3 Apply, L4 Analyze and L5 Evaluate

Theory: End Semester (Written): 100 Marks.

Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Edward A. Bender, Mathematical Methods in Artificial Intelligence, IEEE Computer Society Press
Los Alamitos, California, SBN: 9780818672002, 9780818672002
2. Nelson, H , Essential Math for AI, ISBN 9781098107581, O'Reilly Media, January 2023

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Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to –
1. Understand use of prepositional logic, predicate logic to reason about the relationships between
propositions and predicates.
2. Select appropriate nonmonotonic reasoning approach to capture and represent defeasible
3. Apply different trees and search algorithms to find the best possible solution inferences
4. Comprehend and use Bayesian networks to solve a problems which has uncertainty due to multiple
5. Apply Fuzzy logic use to imitate human reasoning and cognition
6. Find minimum to for the purpose of optimization

CO-PO Map:

CO Program Outcomes (PO) PSO

1 2 3 3 2 2 3
2 2 3 3 2 2 3
3 2 3 3 2 2 3
4 2 3 3 2 2 3
5 2 3 3 2 2 3
6 2 3 3 2 2 3
Avg 2 3 3 2 2 3.0

CO Attainment levels:

Weights for attainment levels: L1 - Easy-0.75 L2 - Comfortatble-0.7 L3 – Medium – 0.65

L4 – Somewhat difficult – 0.6 L5 – Difficult – 0.55

CO1 – L1, CO2 – L2, CO3 – L3, CO4 – L4, CO5 – L4 and CO6 – L5

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Syllabus Template FF No. : 654

CS2229 and CS3059: Design Thinking 3 and 5

Credits: 01 Teaching Scheme: Tutorial 01 Hr/week

Course Prerequisites: Problem Based Learning, Project Centric Learning
Course Objective:
To provide ecosystem for students and faculty for paper publication and patent filing

Section 1: Topics/Contents

What is research?
Importance of Paper Publication and Patents
Structure of Paper
Journal Publication
Publication in conference
Literature Review
Research Paper Writing
Journal Ratings and Evaluation
How to rate a Journal?
Intellectual property (IP)
Research Ethics

Section 2: Topics/Contents

Structure of The paper

Journal List (Top 50 Journals)
Selection of the journal
Use of various online journal selection tools
Plagiarism checking
Improving contents of the paper
Patent drafting
Patent search
Filing of patent
Writing answers to reviewer questions
Modification in manuscript
Checking of publication draft

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Course Outcome: [Publication of paper or patent]

The student will be able to
1. Understand the importance of doing Research
2. Interpret and distinguish different fundamental terms related to Research
3. Apply the methodology of doing research and mode of its publication
4. Write a Research Paper based on project work
5. Understand Intellectual property rights
6. Use the concepts of Ethics in Research
7. Understand the Entrepreneurship and Business Planning

CO-PO Mapping:

CO Program Outcomes (PO) PSO

CO/PO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO1 PSO1 PSO1
CO1 1 1 1 1 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 -- -- -- --
CO2 1 1 1 1 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 -- -- -- --
CO3 2 2 3 3 2 2 1 2 2 3 -- 1 -- -- -- --
CO4 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 -- -- -- --
CO5 1 1 1 1 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 -- -- -- --
CO6 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 3 -- 1 -- -- -- --
C07 1 1 1 1 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 -- -- -- --
Average 1.57 1.57 1.71 1.71 1.57 2.0 1.0 2.33 2.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 -- -- -- --

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Syllabus Template FF No. : 654

CS2242 and CS3060: Engineering Design and Innovations-III
Credits:.4 Lab: 8 hours/Week
Course Prerequisites: Problem Based Learning
Course Objectives:
1. To develop critical thinking and problem solving ability by exploring and proposing solutions to
realistic/social problems.
2. To Evaluate alternative approaches, and justify the use of selected tools and methods,
3. To emphasize learning activities those are long-term, inter-disciplinary and student-centric.
4. To engage students in rich and authentic learning experiences.
5. To provide every student the opportunity to get involved either individually or as a group so as to
develop team skills and learn professionalism.
6. To develop an ecosystem to promote entrepreneurship and research culture among the students

Course Relevance: Project Centric Learning (PCL) is a powerful tool for students to work in areas
of their choice and strengths. Along with course based projects, curriculum can be enriched with
semester long Engineering Design and Development courses, in which students can solve socially
relevant problems using various technologies from relevant disciplines. The various socially relevant
domains can be like Health care, Agriculture, Defense, Education, Smart City, Smart Energy and
Swaccha Bharat Abhiyan. To gain the necessary skills to tackle such projects, students can select
relevant online courses and acquire skills from numerous sources under guidance of faculty and
enrich their knowledge in the project domain, thereby achieving project centric learning. Modern
world sustained and advanced through the successful completion of projects. In short, if students are
prepared for success in life, we need to prepare them for a project-based world. It is a style of active
learning and inquiry-based learning. Project centric learning will also redefine the role of teacher as
mentor in the learning process. The PCL model focuses the student on a big open-ended question,
challenge, or problem to research and respond to and/or solve. It brings students not only to know,
understand and remember rather it takes them to analyze, design and apply categories of Bloom’s
Course Relevance: Project Centric Learning (PCL) is a powerful tool for students to work in areas
of their choice and strengths. Along with course based projects, curriculum can be enriched with
semester long Engineering Design and Development courses, in which students can solve socially
relevant problems using various technologies from relevant disciplines. The various socially relevant
domains can be like Health care, Agriculture, Defense, Education, Smart City, Smart Energy and
Swaccha Bharat Abhiyan. To gain the necessary skills to tackle such projects, students can select
relevant online courses and acquire skills from numerous sources under guidance of faculty and
enrich their knowledge in the project domain, thereby achieving project centric learning. Modern
world sustained and advanced through the successful completion of projects. In short, if students are
prepared for success in life, we need to prepare them for a project-based world. It is a style of active
learning and inquiry-based learning. Project based learning will also redefine the role of teacher as

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mentor in the learning process. The PCL model focuses the student on a big open-ended question,
challenge, or problem to research and respond to and/or solve. It brings students not only to know,
understand and remember rather it takes them to analyze, design and apply categories of Bloom’s
Preamble - The content and process mentioned below is the guideline document for the faculties and
students to start with. It is not to limit the flexibility of faculty and students; rather they are free to
explore their creativity beyond the guideline mentioned herewith. For all courses of ED, laboratory
course contents of “Engineering Design” are designed as a ladder to extend connectivity of software
technologies to solve real word problem using interdisciplinary approach. The ladder in the form of
gradual steps can be seen as below:
Industry Communication Standards, Single Board Computers and IoT, Computational Biology
(Biomedical and Bioinformatics), Robotics and Drone, Industry 4.0 (Artificial Intelligence, Human
Computer Interfacing, 5G and IoT, Cloud Computing, Big Data and Cyber Security etc).
Group Structure:
 There should be a team/group of 4-5 students.
 A supervisor/mentor teacher assigned to individual groups.
· It is useful to group students of different abilities and nationalities together.
Selection of Project/Problem:
 Students must focus to initiate the task/idea .The idea inception and consideration shall be
from following areas as a real world problem:
 Health Care, Agriculture, Defense, Education, Smart City, Smart Energy, Swaccha Bharat
Abhiyan, Environment, Women Safety.
 This is the sample list to start with. Faculty and students are free to include other areas which
meet the society requirements at large.
 The model begins with the identifying of a problem, often growing out of a question or
“wondering”. This formulated problem then stands as the starting point for learning. Students
design and analyze the problem/project within an articulated disciplinary subject
 A problem can be theoretical, practical, social, technical, symbolic, cultural, and/or scientific
and grows out of students’ wondering within different disciplines and professional
environments. A chosen problem has to be exemplary. The problem may involve an
interdisciplinary approach in both the analysis and solving phases.
 By exemplarity, a problem needs to refer back to a particular practical, scientific, social and/or
technical domain. The problem should stand as one specific example or manifestation of more
general learning outcomes related to knowledge and/or modes of inquiry.

Teacher’s Role in PCL :

 Teacher is not the source of solutions rather he will they act as the facilitator and mentor.
 To utilize the principles of problems solving, critical thinking and metacognitive skills of the
 To aware the group about time management.
 Commitment to devote the time to solve student’s technical problems and interested in
helping students to empower them better.
Student's Role in PCL:
 Students must have ability to initiate the task/idea .they should not be mere imitators.
 They must learn to think.

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 Students working in PCL must be responsible for their own learning.

 Students must quickly learn how to manage their own learning, Instead of passively receiving
 Students in PCL are actively constructing their knowledge and understanding of the situation
in groups.
 Students in PCL are expected to work in groups.
 They have to develop interpersonal and group process skills, such as effective listening or
coping creatively with conflicts.
Developing Inquiry Skills:
 Students in PCL are expected to develop critical thinking abilities by constantly relating:
What they read to do? What they want to do with that information?
 They need to analyze information presented within the context of finding answers.
 Modeling is required so that the students can observe and build a conceptual model of the
required processes.
 Use the following mechanism to maintain the track of moving towards the solution.
How effective is …….? How strong is the evidence for ………? How clear is ……?
 What are the justifications for thinking? Why is the method chosen?
 What is the evidence given to justify the solution?
Literature Survey – To avoid reinvention of wheel:
 It is integral part of self- directed learning
 Identify the information needed to solve a given problem or issue
 Be able to locate the needed information
 Use the information to solve the given problem effectively.
 Skills required by students in information literacy include:
 · How to prepare the search? How to carry out the research
 Sorting and assessing of information in general
Use of Research Methodology: - investigation, collaboration, comprehension, application, analysis,
synthesize and evaluation
Focus on following skills while working in a team to reach to solution:
 Collaborative learning
 Interpersonal Skills
 Resources Evaluation
 Metacognitive Skills
 Reflection Skills

EDD Sample Case Studies : -

With the adaptation of industry communication standards, Raspberry Pi and Sensors, following
projects can be taken up:
1) Design a deployable product for soil moisture detection
2) Design a deployable product for temperature detection
3) Design a deployable product for pressure detection
3) Design a deployable product smoke detection
4) Design a deployable product for motion detection
5) Design a deployable product for collision detection
6) Design a deployable product for sound detection

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...not limited to.....Faculty and students are free to include other areas which meet the society
requirements at large.
Suggest an assessment Scheme:
Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360 degree assessment
and check if it covers all aspects of Bloom's Taxonomy.
To focus on the higher levels of the Booms Taxonomy analyze, apply, evaluate and create.

Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1.A new model of problem based learning. By Terry Barrett. All Ireland Society for higher education (AISHE).
ISBN:978-0-9935254-6-9; 2017
2.Problem Based Learning. By Mahnazmoallem, woei hung and Nada Dabbagh, Wiley Publishers. 2019.
3. Stem Project based learning and integrated science, Technology, Engineering and mathematics approach. By
Robert Robart Capraro, Mary Margaret Capraro

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1.De Graaff E, Kolmos A., red.: Management of change: Implementation of problem-based and project-based
learning in engineering. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. 2007.
2.Project management core textbook, second edition, Indian Edition , by Gopalan.
3. The Art of Agile Development. By James Shore & Shane Warden.

MOOCs Links and additional reading material:

Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, learner will be able to–
CO1: Identify the real life problem from societal need point of view
CO2: Choose and compare alternative approaches to select most feasible one
CO3: Analyze and synthesize the identified problem from technological perspective
CO4: Design the reliable and scalable solution to meet challenges
CO5: Evaluate the solution based on the criteria specified
CO6: Inculcate long life learning attitude towards the societal problems
CO PO Map:

CO Program Outcomes (PO) PSO

CO1 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3
CO2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 3
CO3 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 3 3
CO4 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 3
CO5 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 3 3
CO6 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3
Average 2.0 2.0 2.83 2.83 2.6 2.5 2.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 2.16 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

CO attainment levels

CO1 -4 CO2 –2 CO3-4 CO4-5 CO5 -1 CO6-3

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S. Y. B. Tech. Computer Science

& Engineering (AIML)
AY 2023-24

Module IV Course Content

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Syllabus Template FF No. : 654

CS2041:: Advanced Data Structures

Credits: 4....... Teaching Scheme Theory: 2 Hours/Week
Tutorial: 1 Hours/Week
Lab: 2 Hours/Week

Course Prerequisites: Data Structures, C/C++ Programming Language.

Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the fundamental design, analysis, and implementation of advanced data structures.
2. To emphasize concepts of principles for good program design, especially the uses of Trees,
Graphs, Priority Queues and its applications.
3. To make understand the Significance of Strings Data Structures in the computer field.
4. To construct and implement various aspects of data structures.
5. To make understand about writing algorithms and step by step approach in solving problems with
the help of fundamental data structures.
6. To associate data structures in developing and implementing efficient algorithms.

Course Relevance:
The Advanced Data structures are one of the essential branches of data science which is used for
storage, organization and management of data and information for efficient, easy accessibility and
modification of data. They are the basic element for creating efficient and effective software design
and algorithms. The knowledge of creating and designing a good data structure is vital for becoming
a commendable programmer. Its scope is also increasing with the increase in new methodologies of
working in information technology.

Section 1: Topics/Contents

Unit-I: Trees 06 Hours

Basic terminology, representation using array and linked lists. Tree Traversals: Recursive and Non
recursive, Operations on binary tree. Binary Search trees (BST), Threaded Binary Tree.
Unit-II: Graphs 06 Hours
Terminology and representation using Adjacency Matrix and Adjacency Lists, Graph Traversals and
Application: BFS and DFS, connected graph, Bipartite Graph, Detecting Cycle in graph. Minimum
Spanning tree: Prims and Kruskal’s Algorithm, Shortest Path Algorithms, Union Find.
Unit-III: Hashing 02 Hours
Hashing techniques, Hash table, Hash functions. Collision handling and Collision resolution

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Section2: Topics/Contents

Unit-IV: Advanced Trees and Applications. 06 Hours

AVL Tree, Red-Black Trees, van Emde Boas tree, Fusion tree, Dynamic Finger Search Trees, B
Trees and B+ Trees, Splay trees. Redis and Memcached as an in-memory data structures for
distributed storage.

Unit-V: Priority Queues and Applications. 04 Hours

Amortized Analysis, Double Ended Priority queues, Leftist Trees, Binomial Heaps, Fibonacci Heaps,
skew heaps, pairing heaps.

Unit-VI: Data Structures for Strings 04 Hours

String Searching: preliminaries, the DAWG, the position Heaps, tries and compressed tries, Suffix
Trees and suffix arrays, Dictionaries Allowing Errors in Queries.

List of Tutorials (13):

1. Threaded Binary tree and Stack less Traversals using TBT.

2. Expression Trees.
3. BFS and DFS Traversals.
4. Prims and Kruskal’s Algorithm
5. Dijkstra’s Single source Shortest Path Algorithm.
6. Collision Handling with and Without Chaining with and Without Replacement.
7. AVL Tree and different operations on it.
8. Operations on Red Black tree.
9. Operations on B tree and B+ tree.
10. Operations on Splay trees.
11. Implementation of Priority Queue Applications.
12. Implementation of Binomial, Fibonacci Heap.
13. Operations on Suffix Trees and Suffix array.

List of Practical’s (Minimum Six):

1. Assignment based on BST operations (Create, Insert, Delete and Traversals).

2. Assignment based on various operations on Binary Tree (Mirror image, Height, Leaf node display,
Level wise display etc.).
3. Assignment based on TBT.
4. Assignment based on Graph traversal: DFS and BFS.

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5. Assignment based on MST using Prim’s and Kruskal’s Algorithm.

6. Assignment based on Dijkstra’s Algorithm.
7. Assignment based on Hashing.
8. Assignment based on AVL Tree.
9. Assignment based on operations on RED-Black trees and van Emde Boas trees.
10. Assignment based on B Trees and B+ Trees.
11. Assignment based on Priority Queues Application.
12. Assignment based on tries.
13. Assignment based on Suffix Trees.

List of Course Project areas:

1. Job Scheduling.
2. String processing.
3. Dictionary and Search engines.
4. Modeling the real world problems using graphs and trees,
5. Applications of B trees and B+ trees in Database management system.
6. GIS.
7. Image processing.
8. Internet routing.
9. Computational biology.
10. Computational geometry.
11. Data Mining.
12. Shortest Path Applications. (Kirchhoff’s Circuit, TSP with Scenario.)
13. Design Gaming Applications.

Assessment Scheme: Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360
degree assessment and check if it covers all aspects of Bloom's Taxonomy.

Laboratory Continuous Assessment: 100 Marks converted to 10 Marks

Course Project: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks
Laboratory Practical: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 50 Marks
Comprehensive Viva Voce: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks

Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

2. Sartaj Sahni, Dinesh P. Mehta; Handbook of Data Structures and Applications; 2 edition, Chapman &
Hall/CRC Gupta, R., Internet & Web Technologies, Engineering Handbook, 2019
3. Fundamentals of Data Structures in C”, E. Horwitz, S. Sahani, Anderson-Freed, Second Edition,
Universities Press.

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4. Narasimha karumanchi, “Data Structures and Algorithm Made Easy”, Fifth Edition, CareerMonk

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. T. Cormen, R.Rivest, C. Stein, C. Leiserson, “Introduction to Algorithms”, Second Edition, PHI
2. Peter Brass, Advanced Data Structures, First Edition, Cambridge University Press.

MOOCs Links and additional reading material:


Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to –
1. To demonstrate the use of binary tree traversals and to perform various operations on Non-linear
data structures.
2. To analyze the Graph data structure and to implement the applications of Graph data structures.
3. To design the appropriate data structure by applying various hashing Techniques.
4. Model the real world problem with the help of appropriate tree data structure.
5. Analyze the amortized time complexity by applying suitable priority queue data structure.
6. Comprehend and select the storage pattern for strings processing application.

CO-PO Map:

CO Program Outcomes (PO) PSO

CS2202.1 2 2 3 2 3 3
CS2202.2 2 3 2 2 3 3
CS2202.3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3
CS2202.4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3
CS2202.5 3 3 2 2 3 3
CS2202.6 2 3 3 2 3 3
Average 2.5 3.0 2.66 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0

CO Attainment levels:

Weights for attainment levels: L1 - Easy-0.75 L2 - Comfortatble-0.7 L3 – Medium – 0.65

L4 – Somewhat difficult – 0.6 L5 – Difficult – 0.55

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CO1 – L3, CO2– L3, CO3 – L2, CO4 – L4, CO5 – L4 and CO6 – L5

Future Course Mapping:

Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Operating Systems, Compiler Design, Systems Programming,
Data Science and similar courses.

Job Mapping:

Advanced Data Structures is must necessary part of any core programming job. Without Data
structures it is not possible to be good in Competitive coding. All Industries always look for a strong
knowledge in Advanced Data structures. Without learning this course, one can’t imagine a job in
computer/IT related industries and research.

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Syllabus Template FF No. : 654

CS2250: Artificial Intelligence
Credits: 4....... Teaching Scheme Theory: 2 Hours/Week
Tutorial: 1 Hours/Week
Lab: 2 Hours/Week
Course Prerequisites:
 A course on “Computer Programming and Data Structures”
 A course on “Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science”
 Some background in linear algebra, data structures and algorithms, and probability will be

Course Objectives:
1. To learn the distinction between optimal reasoning Vs. human like reasoning
2. To understand the concepts of state space representation, exhaustive search, heuristic search
together with the time and space complexities.
3. To learn different knowledge representation techniques.
4. To understand the applications of AI, namely game playing, theorem proving, and machine

Course Relevance: Technologies driven by artificial intelligence (AI) have transformed

industries and everyday life. The possibilities for AI applications are virtually unlimited and sought
after in practically every industry segment. That's why global organizations are actively recruiting
professionals with specialized skills and proficiencies needed to develop future AI technological

SECTION-I -Topics and Contents:

Unit-I Title: Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence

Introduction: A.I. Representation, Non-AI & AI Techniques, Representation of Knowledge,

Knowledge Base Systems, State Space Search, Production Systems, Problem Characteristics,
Types of production systems, Turing Test. Intelligent Agents: Agents and Environments, concept of
rationality, the nature of environments, structure of agents, problem solving agents, problem
formulation. Formulation of problems: Vacuum world, 8 queens, Route finding, robot navigation.

Unit-II Title: UninformedSearch Strategies

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Uninformed Search Methods: Depth First Search, Breadth First Search, Depth Limited
Search,Iterative Deepening Depth First Search, Bidirectional Search, Comparison of Uninformed
search Strategies.

Unit-III Title: Informed Search Methods:

Generate & test, Hill Climbing, Best First Search, A* and AO* Algorithm, Constraint satisfaction,
Means Ends Analysis, Game playing: Minimax Search, Alpha-Beta Cut offs, Waiting for

SECTION-II Topics and Contents:

Unit-IV Title: Logical Agents:

Knowledge based agents, Wumpus world. Propositional Logic: Representation, Inference,

Reasoning Patterns, Resolution, Forward and Backward Chaining. First order Logic:
Representation, Inference, Reasoning Patterns, Resolution, Forward and Backward Chaining.

Unit-V Title: Basics of PROLOG:

Representation, Structure, Backtracking. Expert System: Design, Implementation, Case study of

Expert System in PROLOG

Unit-VI Title: Planning:

Blocks world, STRIPS, Implementation using goal stack, Planning with state space search:
Forward state space search, Backward state space search, Heuristics for state space search. Partial
Order Planning, Planning Graphs, Hierarchical planning, Least commitment strategy. Conditional
Planning, Continuous Planning

List of Tutorials

1. AI problem formulation
2. Task Environment
3. AI Problem Characteristics
4. Missionaries and Cannibals Problem
5. Water Jug Problem
6. Monkey Banana problem
7. 8 Puzzle Problem
8. Magic Square problem
9. Tic-Tac Toe Problem
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10. Robot Navigation

11. Propositional Logic Examples
12. Predicate Logic Examples
13. Mini Expert system examples

List of Practical’s

1. Implementation of AI and Non-AI technique by implementing any two player game

2. Implementation of Uninformed strategies
3. Implementation of Informed strategies
4. Implementation of CSP Problem
5. Implementation predicate logic using PROLOG
6. Implementation of Expert system using PROLOG

List of Course Project Topics (Sample topics)

1. Inventory management E Commerce
2. stock market price prediction
3. Object Identification / detection
4. Product Delivery Drones
5. Pick and drop robotic arm
6. Arrangement of blocks
7. Smart city water / light management system
8. Human Tracking system
9. Automatic Interview Conduction system
10. Student Information Chatbot Project
11. Product Review Analysis For Genuine Rating
12. Customer Targeted E-Commerce
13. College Enquiry Chat Bot
14. Artificial Intelligence HealthCare Chatbot System
15. Intelligent Tourist System Project

List of Course Seminar Topics

1. Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence

2. Intelligent Agents
3. Uninformed searching Techniques
4. Informed searching Techniques
5. Gaming Techniques
6. Planning Techniques
7. Applications of AI
8. Predicate Logic

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9. Propositional Logic
10. Adversarial Search Techniques

List of Home Assignments:

List of Design Based Home Assignments

1. Design of intelligent algorithm for AI Accessibility [CO3] [PO3]

2. Design of AI algorithm for Robot Navigation. [CO3] [PO3]
3. Design of AI algorithm for Customer Experience [CO3] [PO3]
4. Design of AI algorithm for Data-Informed Design [CO3] [PO3]
5. Design of AI algorithm for AI Decision Making [CO3] [PO3]
6. Design of AI algorithm for any application for Children [CO3] [PO3]
7. Design of AI algorithm for problems of Senior Citizens [CO3] [PO3]
8. Design of AI algorithm for ecommerce Applications [CO3] [PO3]
9. Design of AI algorithm for Enterprise UX Design [CO3] [PO3]
10. Design of AI algorithm as Teaching Aid for teachers [CO3] [PO3]

List of Case Study Based Home Assignments

1. How Automobile Sector Is Preparing For The 4th Industrial Revolution using AI
2. How Indian Retail Giant Is Using AI And Robots To Prepare For The 4th Industrial
3. Rolls-Royce And Google Partner To Create Smarter, Autonomous Ships Based On AI
4. The Amazing Ways Tesla Is Using Artificial Intelligence And Big Data
5. The Incredible Ways John Deere Is Using Artificial Intelligence To Transform Farming
6. Challenges/Issues in AI applications
7. Research problems in AI
8. AI in Search Engine
9. Future of AI
10. AI in Agriculture

List of Blog Based Home Assignment

1. AI Trends
2. AI Research
3. AI Chatbot
4. Chatbot Magazine
5. AI Medical / Agriculture
6. AI Challenges
7. Knowledge based Inference Engine
8. Rule based inference Engine

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9. Truth maintenance system

10. AI in CSP problems

List of Survey Based Home Assignments

1. Adaption of AI in 2020
2. AI in Industry
3. AI in Digital Marketing
4. AI in Gaming
5. AI after Covid-19
6. AI in rule based systems
7. Analysis of Search Engines : AI perspective
8. Page rank algorithms in AI
9. AI in Ecommerce
10. Analysis of Expert systems in medical diagnosis

Assessment Scheme: Ensures 360 degree assessment and covers all aspects of Bloom's Taxonomy.

Laboratory Continuous Assessment: 100 Marks converted to 10 Marks

Home Assignments: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks
Course Project: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks
Theory: End Semester Examination (Written): 60 Marks converted to 30 Marks
Comprehensive Viva Voce: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks

Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight: "Artificial Intelligence." Tata McGraw Hill
2. Stuart Russell & Peter Norvig : "Artificial Intelligence : A Modern Approach", Pearson
Education, 2nd Edition.
3. Deepak Khemani: “A First Course in Artificial Intelligence”, Mc Graw Hill
4. Saroj Kaushik: “Artificial Intelligence” Cengage Publication

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Ivan Bratko : "Prolog Programming For Artificial Intelligence" , 2nd Edition Addison
2. Eugene, Charniak, Drew Mcdermott: "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence.", Addison Wesley
3. Patterson: “Introduction to AI and Expert Systems”, PHI
4. Nilsson: “Principles of Artificial Intelligence”, Morgan Kaufmann.
5. Carl Townsend, “Introduction to turbo Prolog”, Paperback, 1987

MOOCs Links and additional reading material:

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Course Outcomes:

On the completion of course, student will able to

1. Understand the basics of the theory and practice of Artificial Intelligence as a discipline and
about intelligent agents capable of problem formulation.
2. Identify problems that are amenable to solution by AI methods, and which AI methods may
be suited to solving a given problem.
3. Evaluation of different uninformed and informed search algorithms on well formulated
problems along with stating valid conclusions that the evaluation supports.
4. Formulate and solve a given problem using Propositional and First order logic.
5. Analyze the AI problem using different planning techniques.
6. Design and carry out an empirical evaluation of different algorithms on problem
formalization, and state the conclusions that the evaluation supports.

CO-PO Map:
CO Program Outcomes (PO) PSO
CS3226.1 3 2 3 2 2
CS3226.2 3 2 1 2 3 2 2
CS3226.3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2
CS3226.4 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 2
CS3226.5 3 3 2 2 3 3 2
CS3226.6 3
3 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 2
Average 3.0 2.8 3.0 1.8 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.16 3.0 2.5 2.0

CO attainment levels:

CO-Number 1 2 3 4 5 6

Attainment 2 2 3 1 3 1

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Future Course Mapping:

Mention other courses that can be taken after completion of this course

Machine Learning

Job Mapping:

What are the Job opportunities that one can get after learning this course

AI Data Analyst, Data Scientist

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Syllabus Template FF No. : 654

CS2008:: Operating Systems

Credits: 4 Teaching Scheme Theory: 2 Hours/Week

Tutorial: 1 Hours/Week
Lab: 2 Hours/Week
Course Prerequisites: Computer Architecture & organization, Data Structure

Course Objectives:
1.To learn functions of Operating System
2.To learn the importance of concurrency and how to implement concurrent abstractions correctly in
an OS.
3.To learn OS scheduling policies and mechanisms.
4.To deal with deadlock
5.To learn memory management schemes in various ways to improve performance, and how this
impacts system complexity
6. To learn design & develop the Operating system from a scratch.

Course Relevance:

Section 1: Topics/Contents

Unit-I Introduction to OS [04 Hours]

What is OS, Interaction of OS and hardware, Goals of OS, Basic functions of OS, OS
Services, System Calls, Types of system calls.
Types of OS: Batch, Multiprogramming, Time sharing, Parallel, Distributed & Real-time OS.

Unit-II Title: Process Management [06 Hours]

Process Concept, Process States: 2, 5, 7 state models, Process Description, Process Control.
Threads: Multithreading models, Thread implementations – user level and kernel level
threads, Symmetric Multiprocessing.
Concurrency: Issues with concurrency, Principles of Concurrency
Mutual Exclusion: H/W approaches, S/W approach, OS/Programming Language
support: Semaphores, Mutex and Monitors.
Classical Problems of Synchronization: Readers-Writers problem, Producer
Consumer problem, Dining Philosopher problem

Unit-III Title: Process Scheduling [04 Hours]

Uniprocessor Scheduling: Scheduling Criteria, Types of Scheduling: Preemptive, Non-
preemptive, Long-term, Medium-term, Short-term.
Scheduling Algorithms: FCFS, SJF, RR, Priority.
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Section 2: Topics/Contents

Unit-IV Title: Deadlocks [04 Hours]

Principles of deadlock, Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance, Deadlock Detection,
Deadlock Recovery

Unit-V Title: Memory Management [06 Hours]

Memory Management concepts: Memory Management requirements, Memory Partitioning:
Fixed, Dynamic Partitioning, Buddy Systems, Fragmentation, Paging, Segmentation, Address
Placement Strategies: First Fit, Best Fit, Next Fit and Worst Fit.
Virtual Memory: Concepts, Swapping, VM with Paging, Page Table Structure, Inverted
Page Table, Translation Lookaside Buffer, Page Size, VM with Segmentation with combined
paging and segmentation.
Page Replacement Policies: FIFO, LRU, Optimal, Clock.
Swapping issues: Thrashing

Unit-VI Title: I/O and File Management [04 Hours]

I/O management: I/O Devices - Types, Characteristics of devices, OS design issues for I/O
management, I/O Buffering.
Disk Scheduling: FCFS, SCAN, C-SCAN, SSTF.
File Management: Concepts, File Organization, File Directories, File Sharing. Record
Blocking, Secondary Storage Management, Free Space management, Security.

List of Tutorials (13):

1. Linux Commands
2. Shell Script
3. Types of OS
4. System Call
5. Synchronization Problems
6. Problems on CPU Scheduling
7. Problems of Deadlock detection, avoidance
8. Problems on Placement Strategies
9. Problems on page Replacement Algorithms
10. Problems on address translation in paging & segmentation
11. Problems on Disk scheduling algorithm
12. iOS -Case Study
13. Android OS -Case Study

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List of Practical’s (Minimum Six to be performed out of 10):

1. Execution of Basic & Advanced Linux Commands.

2. Write shell script covering – basic arithmetic, control structures, loops, execution of Linux
command in shell, command line arguments, functions and arrays.
3. Solve synchronization problems – Reader writer problem, Producer consumer problem &
dinning philosopher problem using mutex & semaphore.
4. Implement CPU scheduling algorithms
5. Implement Banker’s algorithm
6. Implement deadlock detection algorithm
7. Implement placement strategies.
8. Implement buddy system.
9. Implement page replacement algorithm
10. Implement disk scheduling algorithm

List of Course Project areas:

1. 1.Design and implementation of a
i. CPU/ Machine Simulation
ii. Supervisor Call through interrupt
Design multi programming operating system phase 1
2.Design and implementation of a Multiprogramming Operating System: Stage II
i. Paging
ii. Error Handling
iii. Interrupt Generation and Servicing
iv. Process Data Structure
3.Design and implementation of a Multiprogramming Operating System: Stage III
i. I/O Channels & I/O buffering
ii. Multiprogramming
iii. I/O Spooling
4. Design multi programming operating system phase 1 with arithmetic & logical instructions
5.Design multi programming operating system phase 3 with swapping

Assessment Scheme: Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360
degree assessment and check if it covers all aspects of Bloom's Taxonomy.

Laboratory Continuous Assessment: 100 Marks converted to 10 Marks

Course Project: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks
Laboratory Practical: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 50 Marks
Comprehensive Viva Voce: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks

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Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Stalling William; “Operating Systems”, 6thEdition, Pearson Education.
2. Silberschatz A., Galvin P., Gagne G.; “Operating System Concepts”, 9th Edition, John Wiley and Sons.
3. D M Dhamdhere; "Systems Programming & Operating Systems"; Tata McGraw Hill Publications, ISBN –
4. John J Donovan; " Systems Programming " ; Tata Mc-Graw Hill edition , ISBN-13978-0-07-460482-3

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Silberschatz A., Galvin P., Gagne G ;“Operating System Principles” 7th Edition John Wiley and Sons.
2. YashavantKanetkar; “Unix Shell Programming”, 2 nd Edition, BPB Publications.
3. Forouzan B. A., Gilberg R. F.; “Unix And Shell Programming”, 1 st Edition, Australia Thomson Brooks Cole.
4. Achyut S. Godbole ,AtulKahate; “Operating Systems”, 3 rd Edition, McGraw Hill.

MOOCs Links and additional reading material:


Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to –
1. Discuss the functions of a contemporary Operating system with respect to convenience, efficiency
and the ability to evolve.
2. Implement concurrent abstractions correctly in an OS to solve real world problems.
3. Use various CPU scheduling algorithms to construct solutions to real world problems.
4. Corelate the mechanisms related to deadlock handling in real life situations.
5. Distinguish memory management schemes & file management systems in various ways to
improve performance, and analyze the impact of it on system complexity.
6. Design & develop the Operating system from a scratch

CO-PO Map:
CO Program Outcomes (PO) PSO
1 2 2 3 2
2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 3
3 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 2
4 2 3 2 3 2
5 2 3 1 3 2
6 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 3.0 3.0 3.0 3 3
Avg 2 2.5 3.0 1.8 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.33

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CO Attainment levels:
Weights for attainment levels: L1 - Easy-0.75 L2 - Comfortatble-0.7 L3 – Medium – 0.65
L4 – Somewhat difficult – 0.6 L5 – Difficult – 0.55

CO1 – L1, CO2 – L2, CO3 – L3, CO4 – L4, CO5 – L4 and CO6 – L5

Future Course Mapping:

Advanced Operating System, Distributed Operating System, Parallel Computing.

Job Mapping:
System Administrator, System Analyst

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Syllabus Template FF No. : 654

CS2251: Data Visualization

Credits: 4 Teaching Scheme Theory: 2 Hours/Week

Tutorial: 1 Hours/Week
Lab: 2 Hours/Week

Course Prerequisites: Fundamentals of Python Programming

Course Objectives:

1. Identify the different types of data and create data visualization

2. Transform raw data into understandable format and conduct exploratory analysis
3. Use python and R libraries for data preprocessing and visualization
4. Use knowledge of perception and cognition to evaluate visualization design alternatives.
5. Design and evaluate results of exploratory data analysis.
6. Apply data transformation and paraphrase the results for documentation.

Course Relevance: Data visualization is the graphical representation of data and information using
visual elements such as charts, graphs, maps, and infographics. It involves the creation of visual
representations that help people understand and interpret complex data sets more easily. Data
visualization is widely used across various industries and domains to communicate data-driven
insights, patterns, and trends effectively.

Section 1: Topics/Contents

Unit-I Introduction and Describing Data [04 Hours]

Importance of analytics and visualization in the era of data abundance. Review of probability,
statistics and random processes. -Brief introduction to estimation theory. Sources of Data, Process for
Making Sense of Data, Observations and Variable, Types of Variables, Central Tendency,
Distribution of the Data, Need of Data wrangling Methods, Confidence Intervals, Hypothesis Tests

Unit-II Data Manipulation [06 Hours]

Installing and using Pandas, Introduction of Pandas Objects, Data Indexing and Selection, Operating
on Data in Pandas, Handling Missing Data, Hierarchical Indexing, Combining Datasets:
Concatenation and Append, Combining Datasets: Merge and Join, Aggregation and Grouping, Pivot
Tables, Vectorized String Operations, Working with Time Series, High-Performance Pandas.

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Unit-III Data Visualization [04 Hours]

Visualization Design Principles, Tables, Univariate Data Visualization, Multivariate Data
Visualization, Visualizing Groups, Dynamic Techniques General Matplotlib Tips, Two Interfaces for
the Price of One, Simple Line Plots, Visualizing Errors, Density and Contour Plots, Histograms,
Binning, and Density, Customizing Plot Legends, Customizing Color bars, Multiple Subplots, Text
and Annotation, Customizing Matplotlib.

Section 2: Topics/Contents

Unit- IV Visualization Using Seaborn [06 Hours]

Introduction to Seaborn: Seaborn functionalities and usage, Spatial Visualizations and Analysis in
Python, R Programming: Bar plot, Plotting categorical data, Stacked bar plot, Histogram, plot ()
function and line plot, Pie chart / 3D pie chart, Scatter plot, Box plot.

Unit-V Information visualization [04 Hours]

Clustering Techniques, Dimension reduction, PP, MDS, graph visualization techniques for big data,
visual analytics, Statistical methods, Information theory for big data visualization.

Unit-VI Applications of Data Visualizations [04 Hours]

Business Intelligence, Data Exploration and Analysis, Presentations and Reporting, Geographic
Information Systems (GIS), Healthcare and Medicine, E-commerce and Customer Analytics.

List of Tutorials (13): [CO’s Mapped]

1. Study installation and configuration of Tableau
2. Data Visualization using statistical inference methods
3. Hypothesis Testing: Null and Alternative
4. Predictive data Visualization with Python
5. Clustering and Time-series analysis using Scikit- learn sklearn, metrics, Confusion matrix, AUC-
ROC Curves, Elbow plot
6. Linear Regression
7. Data visualization using ggplot
8. Scala
9. Dashboard
10. Applications

List of Practical’s (Minimum Six):[CO’s Mapped]

Use data set of your choice from Open Data Portal ( for the following exercises.

1. Study installation and configuration of R programming

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2. Data Wrangling, IN Perform the following operations using Python on any open source dataset
(e.g., data.csv)
a. Import all the required Python Libraries.
b. Locate open-source data from the web (e.g., Provide a clear
description of the data and its source (i.e., URL of the web site).
c. Load the Dataset into pandas data frame.
d. Data Preprocessing: check for missing values in the data using pandas isnull(), describe()
function to get some initial statistics. Provide variable descriptions. Types of variables etc.
Check the dimensions of the data frame.
e. Data Formatting and Data Normalization: Summarize the types of variables by checking the
data types (i.e., character, numeric, integer, factor, and logical) of the variables in the data set.
If variables are not in the correct data type, apply proper type conversions.
f. Turn categorical variables into quantitative variables in Python. Practical based on Data
Loading, Storage and File Formats
3. Descriptive Statistics - Measures of Central Tendency and variability perform the following
operations on any open-source dataset (e.g., data.csv) for a dataset (age, income etc.) with
numeric variables grouped by one of the qualitative (categorical) variable. For example, if your
categorical variable is age groups and quantitative variable is income, then provide summary
statistics of income grouped by the age groups. Create a list that contains a numeric value for
each response to the categorical variable.
4. Write a Python program to display some basic statistical details like percentile, mean, standard
deviation etc. of the species of ‘Iris-setosa’, ‘Iris-versicolor’ and ‘Iris-versicolor’ of iris.csv
5. Implement logistic regression using Python/R to perform classification on
Social_Network_Ads.csv dataset.
6. Compute Confusion matrix to find TP, FP, TN, FN, Accuracy, Error rate, Precision, Recall on the
given dataset.
7. Write a code to check how the price of the ticket (column name: 'fare') for each passenger is
distributed by plotting a histogram.
8. Use the inbuilt dataset 'titanic' as used in the above problem. Plot a box plot for distribution of
age with respect to each gender along with the information about whether they survived or not.
(Column names : 'sex' and 'age')
9. Write observations on the inference from the above statistics.
10. Download the Iris flower dataset or any other dataset into a Data Frame. (e.g., ). Scan the dataset and give the inference as:
a. List down the features and their types (e.g., numeric, nominal) available in the dataset.
b. Create a histogram for each feature in the dataset to illustrate the feature distributions.
c. Create a boxplot for each feature in the dataset.
d. Compare distributions and identify outliers.

11. Write an R script to do the following:

a. Simulate a sample of 100 random data points from a normal distribution with mean 100 and
standard deviation 5 and store the result in a vector.
b. Visualize the vector created above using different plots.
c. Test the hypothesis that the mean equals 100
d. Use wilcox test to test the hypothesis that mean equals 90.

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List of Course Project Topics:

1. Movie recommendation system
2. Customer Segmentation using Machine Learning
3. Sentiment analysis
4. Uber Data analysis
5. Loan prediction
6. HVAC needs forecasting
7. Customer relationship management
8. Clinical decision support systems
9. Fraud detection
10. Visualization techniques such as Chernoff’s faces.

List of Group Discussion Topics:

1. scanpy
2. Tools to Design or Visualize Architecture of Neural Network
3. Plexus-Interactive Emotion Visualization based on social media
4. Pre-built Grafana Dashboard
5. Single cell interactive plotting tools
6. Interactive word cloud
7. Encoding Data with Marks and Channels
8. Rendering Marks and Channels with D3.js and SVG
9. Introduction to D3 Scales
10. Online data visualization

List of Seminar Topics:

1. Bring data to life with SVG,Canvas and HTML
2. Progressive <svg> pie, donut, bar and line charts
3. A visualization grammar
4. Matplotlib: plotting with Python
5. Python svg Graph plotting Library
6. A general purpose, real-time visualization library
7. An object-oriented API for business analytics
8. Air pollution visualization and forecasting platform based on Spring Cloud
9. A time visualization of keywords in Twitter with Python and tweepy, json, panda, and Vincent
10. Agriculture Commodities Prices Seasons

List of Design based Home Assignments:

1. A program for visualizing data from a Whats App chat.

2. Repository for the tidy Nano package to analyze and visualize Nano Sight/NTAdata
3. Wrangling, Exploring, Analyzing, and Visualizing Data
4. Visualizing discrete and continuous data for known groups
5. GUI for displaying Binary Search Trees written in C++ using the QtLibrary.

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List of Case Study based Home Assignments:

1. Hub for data visualization & web contents using Java Script different chart library
2. Plexus –Interactive Emotion Visualization based on social media
3. Useful form a king plots from MEICA
4. Interactive county-level mapping project for United States
5. A collection of React components for building interactive data visualizations

List of Blog based Home Assignments:

1. Retrieving, Processing, and Visualizing Data with Python
2. Meta Graph: a work bench for interactive exploratory data analysis of large expression datasets
3. Map-of-emergency-incidents
4. A small data visualization for Assembly Election results in various Indian states
5. GDD: Growing Degree Days Visualization

List of Survey based Home Assignments:

1. Visualization for analyzing Machine Learning & feature engineering
2. Google Me
3. Visualizing survey data
4. Visualizing Real Time data
5. Visualizing Big data

Assessment Scheme: Ensures 360 degree assessment and covers all aspects of Bloom's Taxonomy.

Laboratory Continuous Assessment: 100 Marks converted to 10 Marks

Course Project: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks
Presentation: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks
Theory: End Semester Examination (Written): 60 Marks converted to 30 Marks
Comprehensive Viva Voce: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks

Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Mario Dobler, Data Visualization with Python: Create an impact with meaningful data insights
using interactive and engaging visuals, February 2019, Packt Publishing
2. Kirthi Raman, Mastering Python Data Visualization Paperback, Publishing
3. Gardener M, Beginning R: The statistical programming language, WILEY. (2017).
4. Lawrence, M., & Verzani, J. Programming Graphical User Interfaces in R. CRC press. (ebook)

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Kieran Healy Chen, Data Visualization– A Practical Introduction Paper back–Import, 4 Jan 2019.

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2. Chun-houh, Wolfgang Karl Härdle, and Antony Un win, Eds, Handbook of data visualization.
Springer Science & Business Media.
3. Cotton, R., Learning R: a step-by-step function guide to data analysis, O’reilly Media Inc.

MOOCs Links and additional reading material:


Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to –
1. Understanding fundamental principles and concepts behind effective data visualization.
2. Design and Classify different data visualization techniques.
3. Analyze exploratory data analysis using visualization.
4. Design and evaluate Python and R programming libraries for data visualization
5. Evaluate and apply data transformations Techniques.
6. Develop a visualization intensive project.

CO-PO Map:

CO Program Outcomes (PO) PSO

CO1 2 2 3 2 3
2 2 2 3 3 3 2 3
3 3 2 2 3 3 2 3
3 3 2 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3
3 2 3 3 2 3
3 2 3 3 3 2 3

Average 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 3.0 2.0 3.0

CO Attainment levels:

Weights for attainment levels: L1 - Easy-0.75

L2 - Comfortatble-0.7 L3 – Medium – 0.65
L4 – Somewhat difficult – 0.6 L5 – Difficult – 0.55

CO1 – L1, CO2 – L2, CO3 – L3, CO4 – L4, CO5 – L4 and CO6 – L5

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Future Course Mapping:

Mention other courses that can be taken after completion of this course:

Database Management Systems, Data Analytics, Software Engineering, Machine Learning, Deep
Learning, Fuzzy Logic.

Job Mapping:
Job opportunities that one can get after learning this course are as:
Application developer, power BI developer-data visualization, data visualization engineer, data
visualization expert, data analytics, specialist-visualization, software development engineer-data
visualization, data visualization designer, senior analyst-visualization, Scientist.

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Syllabus Template FF No. : 654

CS2247::Theory of Computation

Credits: 2....... Teaching Scheme Theory: 2 Hours/Week

Course Prerequisites: Introduction to discrete mathematics, proof techniques, basic familiarity with

Course Objectives:
1. Students will learn basic concepts such as alphabet, strings, Languages, Decision problems, etc
and will be able to work with the abstract formal setup.
2. Students will be able to design deterministic/nondeterministic automata for regular languages,
also he will be able to prove non regularity of languages through application of Pumping Lemma
and Myhill-Nerode theorem.
3. Students will gain understanding of the role of non-determinism in Automata theory.
4. Students will be able to design Context free grammars, Push down automata for context Free
5. Students will be able to design Turing Machines for various computational problems and see the
equivalence of TM model with high level programming languages.
6. Students will be able to comprehend meaning of undecidability in the context of Turing Machine
Model and understand the inherent limits of computation.

Course Relevance:
This is a foundational course for Computer Science and Engineering. The central theme of the course
is to study what makes certain computational problems very hard and the others easy? Is there some
concrete theoretical evidence for the exhibited hardness of the problems? The course explores these
questions, first by introducing students to the abstract notion of computation and models of
computation. Starting from very simple model of state machines to finally cumulating into the Turing
machine model (which is a foundation of modern-day computers), several models in between are
studied. For every model, questions such as, which computational problems can be/cannot be solved
in the model? how efficiently a problem can be solved in a particular model? various closure
properties of model are studied. Throughout the course emphasis is given to proving things with
concrete mathematical arguments.
The course is very important for understanding the concept of computation in more abstract set-up.
Wherever one wants to formally talk about underlying model, the restrictions imposed by the model,
what is the power and limitation of the model, the principles learnt in this course are useful. Due to
abstract nature of the course, the principles learnt have wide applicability. The course is an essential
prerequisite for several advanced courses such as Computational Complexity, Advanced Algorithms,
Foundation of Logic, Quantum Computation, Parallel computation, Circuit Complexity etc. On more

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applied side: The Automata theoretic models, concept of Context Free Grammar and Pushdown
Automata studied in the course are very important for Compiler design. The models discussed during
the course have direct applications to several machine learning models, Natural Language
processing, Artificial Intelligence, Functional Programming.
Once the student gains expertise in thinking abstractly about underlying models of computation it
facilitates in systematic study of any other domain (in computer science or otherwise) which
demands logical thinking and abstraction.
This course is also relevant for students who want to pursue research career in theory of computing,
computational complexity theory, Natural Language Processing, advanced algorithmic research.

Section 1: Topics/Contents

Unit-I Finite Automata [4 Hours]

Introduction to Automata, Computability and Complexity theory, Automaton as a model of
computation, Central Concepts of Automata Theory: Alphabets, Strings, Languages. Decision
Problems Vs Languages. Finite Automata, Structural Representations, Deterministic Finite Automata
(DFA)-Formal Definition, Simplified notation: State transition graph, transition table, Language of
DFA, construction of DFAs for Languages and proving correctness, Product construction,
Nondeterministic finite Automata (NFA), NFA with epsilon transition, Language of NFA,
Conversion of NFA with epsilon transitions to DFA, Applications and Limitation of Finite

Unit-II Regular and Non-Regular Languages [6 Hours]

Regular expression (RE), Definition, Operators of regular expression and their precedence, Algebraic
laws for Regular expressions, Kleene’s Theorem: Equivalence Regular expressions and DFAs
(without proof), Closure properties of Regular Languages (union, intersection, complementation,
concatenation, Kleene closure), Decision properties of Regular Languages, Applications of Regular
expressions. Myhill-Nerode theorem and applications: proving non-regularity, lower bound on
number of states of DFA, State Minimization algorithm, Equivalence testing of DFAs. Non-Regular
Languages, Revisiting Pigeon-Hole principle, Pumping Lemma for regular Languages.

Unit-III Context Free Grammars (CFG) [4 Hours]

Context Free Grammars: Definition, Examples, Derivation, Languages of CFG, Constructing CFG,
correctness proof using induction. Closure properties of CFLs (Union, Concatenation, Kleene
closure, reversal). Derivation trees, Ambiguity in CFGs, Removing ambiguity, Inherent ambiguity.
Normal forms for CFGs: CNF and GNF (without proof). Decision Properties of CFLs (Emptiness,
Finiteness and Membership). Applications of CFG.

Section2: Topics/Contents

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Unit-IV Push Down Automata: [ 5 Hours]

Description and definition, Language of PDA, Acceptance by Final state, Acceptance by empty
stack, Deterministic, Non-deterministic PDAs, CFG to PDA construction (with proof). Equivalence
of PDA and CFG (without proof). Intersection of CFLs and Regular language. Pumping lemma for
CFLs, non-Context Free Languages, Chomsky hierarchy.

Unit-V Turing Machines: [ 5 Hours]

Basic model, definition, and representation, Instantaneous Description, Language acceptance by TM.
Robustness of Turing Machine model and equivalence with various variants: Two-way/One-way
infinite tape TM, multi-tape TM, non-deterministic TM, Universal Turing Machines. TM as
enumerator. Recursive and Recursively Enumerable languages and their closure properties.

Unit-VI Introduction to Undecidability: [ 4 Hours]

Church-Turing Thesis and intuitive notion of Algorithm, Encoding for Turing machines and
countability of set of all Turing machines. Existence of Turing unrecognizable languages via Cantor's
diagonalization. Undecidability of Halting problem. Examples of undecidable problems: Post
Correspondence Problem, Hilbert's 10th Problem, Tiling problem (without proof). Example of
Turing unrecognizable language. Decision properties of R, RE languages.

Assessment Scheme: Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360
degree assessment and check if it covers all aspects of Bloom's Taxonomy.

Theory: End Semester Examination (Written): 100 Marks

Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1.Hopcroft J, Motwani R, Ullman, Addison-Wesley, “Introduction to Automata Theory,
Languages and Computation”, Second Edition, ISBN 81-7808-347-7.
2. Michael Sipser, Course Technology, “Introduction to Theory of Computation”, Third
Edition,ISBN-10: 053494728X.
3.. “Discrete Mathematics and its applications” by Kenneth Rosen (William C Brown Publisher)

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. J. Martin, “Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation”,
Third edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-049939-x, 2003.
2. Daniel I. A. Cohen, “Introduction to Computer Theory”, Wiley-Second Edition, ISBN-10 ‫ ‏‬: ‎

MOOCs Links and additional reading material:

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Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to –
1. Infer the applicability of various automata theoretic models for recognizing formal languages.
2. Discriminate the expressive powers of various automata theoretic and formal language theoretic
computational models.
3. Illustrate significance of non-determinism pertaining to expressive powers of various automata
theoretic models.
4. Comprehend general purpose powers and computability issues related to state machines and
5. Explain the relevance of Church-Turing thesis, and the computational equivalence of Turing
machine model with the general-purpose computers.
6. Grasp the theoretical limit of computation (independent of software or hardware used) via the
concept of undecidability.

CO-PO Map:

CO Program Outcomes (PO) PSO

1 2 3 3 1 2 3 2
2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2
3 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2
4 2 3 1 2 3 2
5 2 3 2 2 3 2
6 2 3 1 2 3 2

Total 2 3 2.33 1.33 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 2 3 2.0

CO Attainment levels:

Weights for attainment levels: L1 - Easy-0.75 L2 - Comfortatble-0.7 L3 – Medium – 0.65

L4 – Somewhat difficult – 0.6 L5 – Difficult – 0.55

CO1 – L2, CO2 – L3, CO3 – L3, CO4 – L4, CO5 – L5 and CO6 – L5

Future Course Mapping:

Compiler design, Computational Complexity theory, Computability theory, Advanced Algorithms,
Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence

Job Mapping:

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The principles learnt in the course have wide applicability, in domains like Compiler design,
Programming languages design, Machine learning, Natural Language processing, etc. Any job that
involves modeling and systematic study of some systems, background of Theory of Computation is
useful. Understanding of the course content is helpful in developing a systematic and structured
approach towards programming. The programming/algorithm design abilities lie at the heart of
computer science and are useful for several job profiles in the computer industry. If a student wants
to pursue higher education/ research in Computer Science, this course is essential.

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T. Y. B. Tech. Computer Science

& Engineering (AIML)
AY 2023-24

Module V Course Content

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Syllabus Template FF No. : 654

CS3052::Computer Networks

Credits: 4 Teaching Scheme Theory: 2 Hours/Week

Tutorial: 1 Hours/Week
Lab: 2 Hours/Week

Course Prerequisites: Operating System, Theory of Computer Science

Course Objectives:
1. To learn the data communication model, signal generation, data encoding, digital modulation and
demodulation required for wired and wireless communication networks.
2. To learn the physical layer which includes transmission mediums, physical layer devices,
transmission modes and topologies, performance issues for intranet and internetworks.
3. To learn multiple access schemes and wide area network connectivity for intranet and
4. To learn IP protocol and routing algorithms for packet switching service framework used in
intranet and internetworks.
5. To learn TCP and UDP protocol to provide quality of service over packet switching service
framework used for intranet and internetworks.
6. To learn to select, design, develop, analyze and evaluate client server solutions for societal
requirements at large.

Course Relevance:
The key technology of the information age is communications. Data communications and networking
is a truly global area of study, both because the technology enables global communication over
telephone lines and Internet. Data communication and networking is the backbone of all IT
infrastructures in the world. These technologies and applications often emerge in communication
within countries of countries and spread rapidly around the world.

Section 1: Topics/Contents

Unit-I Data Communication, Networking Fundamentals, Physical Layer 04 Hours

Communication Model: Source, Transmitter, Transmission System, Receiver, Destination, Data
Terminal Equipment (DTE), Data Communication Equipment (DCE). Transmission Configurations:
Point to Point and Multipoint. Transmission Modes: Synchronous and Asynchronous. Transmission
Methods: Serial and Parallel. Communication Modes: Simplex, Half Duplex, and Full Duplex. Line
Coding: Unipolar NRZ, Polar NRZ, NRZ Inverted, Bipolar Encoding, Manchester Encoding,
Differential Manchester Encoding. Modulation: Analog Modulation: Amplitude, Frequency, Phase.

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Pulse Modulation Techniques: PCM, PAM, PWM, PPM. Digital Modulation: ASK, FSK, MSK,
GMSK, PSK, BPSK, PSK, QAM, CPM, OFDM and multicarrier modulations.
Networking Fundamentals: Types of Computer Networks: LAN, MAN, WAN, PAN, Internet,
internet and Intranet. Network Architectures: Client-Server; Peer To Peer. Network Architecture
Modes: Infrastructure and Ad-hoc mode. Network Topologies: Mesh, Star and Hierarchical.
Reference Models: OSI, TCP/IP. Design Issues for Layers. Is ATM still used? Is ISDN dying? Is
Frame Relay outdated? Is SNA still present in the Market?
Physical Layer: Transmission Mediums: Air, Water, Vacuum, Coaxial, Cat5, Cat5e, Cat6, Cat6a,
Cat7, Cat8, OFC - Single and Multicore. Networking Devices Wired and Wireless: NIC, Repeater,
Bridge, Switch, Modem, Router, Gateways and Access Point.

Unit-II Logical Link Control 06 Hours

Logical Link Control: Design Issues: Services to Network Layer, Framing, Error Control: Parity Bits,
Hamming Codes and CRC. Flow Control Protocols: Unrestricted Simplex, Stop and Wait, Sliding
Window Protocol, WAN Connectivity: PPP and HDLC. PPPoE, PPPoA. Is DOCSIS used in 2023?
Do we use DSL line in 2023? Do we use coaxial cable in 2023? Is PPP still used?

Unit-III Medium Access Control 04 Hours

Medium Access Control: Channel Allocation: Static and Dynamic, Multiple Access Protocols: Pure
and Slotted ALOHA, CSMA, WDMA. Legacy Standard : 10 Mbps IEEE 802.3 Standard(Ethernet),
Wiring Schemes and Frame Formats, CSMA/CD, Binary Exponential Back-off Algorithm. High
Speed Ethernet Standards: Fast, Gigabit and 10Gigabit (Focus must be on Gigabit Networks).
Wireless Standards: Radio Spectrum, Frequency Hopping (FHSS) and Direct Sequence (DSSS),
IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac, IEEE 802.15, IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.16 Standards, CSMA/CA,
Introduction of Infrastructure and Data Processing Unit (IPU and DPU)

Section2: Topics/Contents

Unit-IV Network Layer 06 Hours

Network Layer: Switching Techniques: Circuit, Message and Packet Switching. Logical Addressing:
IPv4 and IPv6, Subnetting, NAT, CIDR. Network Layer Protocols: IP, ICMP, Routing Protocols:
Distance Vector, Link State, and Path Vector. Routing in Internet: RIP, OSPF, BGP, Congestion
control and QoS, MPLS, Mobile IP, Routing in MANET: AODV, DSR

Unit-V Transport Layer 04 Hours

Transport Layer: Services: Berkeley Sockets, Addressing, Connection Establishment, Connection
Release, Flow control and Buffering, Multiplexing. HTH Layer Protocols: TCP, TCP, TCP Timer
management, UDP. Quality of Service: TCP Congestion Control. Traffic Shaping: AIMD. QUIC
Protocol, Real Time Support Protocols: Real Time Transport protocol (RTP), Stream Control

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Transmission Protocol (SCTP), Quality of Service (QoS), Differentiated services, TCP and UDP for

Unit-VI Application Layer 04 Hours

Application Layer: Address Resolution: Domain Name System (DNS). WWW: Hyper Text Transfer
Protocol (HTTP1.1/1.2/2.0) and HTTPS with SSL. Web Service. Email: SMTP, MIME, POP3 and
Webmail. File Transfer: FTP, Dynamic Logical Addressing: Dynamic Host Control Protocol
(DHCP), Custom packet generation, Design, development and evaluation of scalable enterprise
application using communication and service frameworks.
List of Tutorials (13):

Unit-I Data Communication, N/w Fundamentals and Phy Layer

1) Examples and analysis of Encoding Methods: Unipolar NRZ, Polar NRZ, NRZ Inverted, Bipolar
Encoding, Manchester Encoding, Differential Manchester Encoding
2) Line coding, Channel Encoding and modulations Techniques: used in IEEE 802.3 standard and its
extensions, IEEE 802.11 standards and its extensions for 100 Mbps, 1 GbE, 1 Gbps, 2.5 Gbps, 5
Gbps, 10 Gbps, 25Gbps, 40 Gbps, 100 Gbps networks. Chanel Encodings in 3G, 4G and 5G Mobile
Unit-II Logical Link Control
3) Examples on Network Performance parameters: RTT, Delay, Bandwidth, Throughput and
Unit-III Medium Access Control:
4) PHY and MAC Layer IEEE 802.3 Standards For Copper: Overview of 10 Mbps Ethernet, Fast
Ethernet, GbE -Gigabit Ethernet, 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet, 5 Gigabit Ethernet, 10 Gigabit Ethernet, 25
Gigabit Ethernet,40 Gigabit Ethernet, 100 Gigabit Ethernet
5) PHY and MAC Layer IEEE 802.3 Standards For Optical Fiber: 100 Mbps Fast Ethernet, GbE -
Gigabit Ethernet, 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet, 5 Gigabit Ethernet, 10 Gigabit Ethernet, 25 Gigabit
Ethernet,40 Gigabit Ethernet, 100 Gigabit Ethernet
6) PHY and MAC Layer IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Standards: IEEE 802.11, Wi-Fi 1/IEEE
802.11a, Wi-Fi 2/IEEE 802.11b, Wi-Fi 3/IEEE 802.11g, Wi-Fi 4/IEEE 802.11n, Wi-Fi 5/IEEE
802.11ac, IEEE 802.11ad (WiGig), IEEE 802.11ah (HaLow), Wi-Fi 6/IEEE 802.11ax, Wi-Fi 6/IEEE
802.11ay, Wi-Fi 6/IEEE 802.11by, Wi-Fi 7/IEEE 802.11be
Unit-IV Network Layer:
7) Examples of Network Layer Logical Addressing
(a) Classful IP and CIDR: Subnetting, IP Prefixes
(b) NAT Mapping: Public to Private IP and Port Mapping
(c) Packet Delivery in Internetwork: Packets traversing through different sub-networks with different
MTU and Speeds
(d) Packet Dropping Probabilities of Routers

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8) Examples of Network Layer Routing

(a) Shortest Path and Spanning Tree
(b) Dijkstra’s Algorithm
(c) Distance Vector Routing
(d) Link State Routing
(e) ECMP

Unit-V Transport Layer

9) Examples of Transport Layer
(a) TCP Connection Establishment: SYN and ACK, Normal Packets
(b) Flow Control: Calculating Optimal Size of Sliding Window
(c) Cumulative ACK scheme
(d) Smoothed RTT
(e) Slow Start and Additive Increase
Unit-VI Application Layer:
10) Examples of Application Layer
(a) DNS: URL Domain Processing
(b) Performance of HTTP1.0 and HTTP1.1
(c) CDN--------

List of Practical’s (Minimum Six):

Unit-I Data Communication Networking Fundamentals and Physical Layer:

1) Write a program in C++/JAVA to implement - Unipolar NRZ, Polar NRZ, NRZ Inverted, Bipolar
Encoding, Manchester Encoding and Differential Manchester Encoding.
2) Setting up small computer networks and Hands on networking commands:
Set up a small wired and wireless network of 2 to 4 computers using Hub/Switch/Access point. It
includes installation of LAN Cards, Preparation of Cables/ Installation and Configuration of Access
Point, Assigning unique IP addresses and use of ping utility. Hands on for network commands - ping,
pathping, ipconfig/ifconfig, arp, netstat, nbtstat, nslookup, route, traceroute/tracert, nmap.
Unit-II and III MAC and Logical Link Layer
3) Write a program for error detection and correction for 7/8 bits ASCII codes using Hamming Codes
or CRC. Demonstrate the packets captured traces using Wireshark Packet Analyzer Tool for peer to
peer mode.( 50% students will perform Hamming Code and others will perform CRC). Further
extend it to real implementation of CRC over Ethernet standard.
4) Write a program to simulate Go back N and Selective Repeat Modes of Sliding Window Protocol
in peer to peer mode and demonstrate the packets captured traces using Wireshark Packet Analyzer
Tool for peer to peer mode. Further extend it to real implementation of Flow Control over TCP
Unit-IV Network Layer

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5) Write a program to find the shortest path using Dijkstra Equation for Link State Routing Protocol
which is used by Open Shortest Path First Protocol (OSPF) in the Internet for the network flow
provided by instructor.

Unit-V Transport Layer

6) Write a program using TCP Berkeley socket primitives for wired /wireless network for following
a. Say Hello to Each other
b. File transfer
c. Calculator (Arithmetic)
d. Calculator (Trigonometry)
Demonstrate the packets captured traces using Wireshark/Fiddler for traffic analysis tool in peer to
peer mode.
7) Write a program using UDP Berkeley Sockets for wired/wireless network to enable file transfer
(Script, Text, Audio and Video one file each) between two machines. Demonstrate the packets
captured traces using Wireshark/Fiddler for traffic analysis tool in peer to peer mode.

Unit-VI Application Layer

8) Understanding protocol stack of Intranet
a) Analyze packet formats of Ethernet, IP, TCP and UDP captured using Wireshark/Fiddler for
traffic analysis tool in peer to peer mode for wired and wireless networks.
b) Use any tool for custom packet generation (Packet Sender Tool) or write your own code for packet
generation and analyze the packets.
9) Develop a client-server using C++ or JAVA to demonstrate the behavior of HTTP1.0, HTTP1.1,
HTTP1.2 and HTTP2.0 protocols along with all success and error messages. Use Firefox as client

List of Course Project areas:

1. Simulation of modulation and demodulation for digital telephone lines
2. Simulation of modulation and demodulation for 100 Mbps Ethernet Network
3. Simulation of modulation and demodulation for Gigabit Ethernet Network
4. Simulation of modulation and demodulation for 10Gigabit Ethernet Networks
5. Simulation of modulation and demodulation for 3G for mobile networks
6. Simulation of modulation and demodulation for 4G mobile networks
7. Develop a tool fox for line encoding methods
8. Develop a tool fox for modulation and demodulation methods
9. Design and deploy TCP based Multithreaded HTTP client server for accessing student activity
data in the institute.
10. Design and deploy TCP based Multithreaded FTP client server to share institute level notices.
11. Design and deploy UDP based Multithreaded TFTP client server for your class

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12. Design and deploy TCP based Multithreaded SMTP and POP3 mail client server for your
13. Design and deploy TCP based Multithreaded Chat client server for your class.
14. Design and deploy UDP based Multithreaded Chat client server for your class.
15. Design and deploy UDP based Multithreaded Audio Conferencing client server for computer
engineering department.
16. Design and deploy UDP based Multithreaded Video Conferencing client server for computer
17. Implementation of RIP/OSPF/BGP using Packet Tracer
18. Simulation of AODV routing protocol using Packet Tracer/ NS3/OMNet ---------

List of Group Discussion Areas:

1. Energy-Efficient Architectures For Communication System
2. Satellite Communication System
3. Data Communication in Software Defined Networks
4. Cognitive Radios for Future Communication Frameworks
5. Fast Ethernet (Encoding Framing, Modulation, Multiplexing, Diameter etc)
6. Gigabit Ethernet (Encoding Framing, Modulation, Multiplexing, Diameter etc)
7. 10G Ethernet (Encoding Framing, Modulation, Multiplexing, Diameter etc)
8. IEEE 802.11b protocol based on HR-DSSS for wireless physical layer standard
9. IEEE 802.11g protocol based on ERP-OFDM for wireless physical layer standard
10. IEEE 802.11n protocol based on HT-OFDM for wireless physical layer standard
11. IEEE 802.11ac protocol based on VHT-OFDM for wireless physical layer standard

List of Home Assignment Areas:

1. Design a communication framework for irrigation system
2. Design a communication framework for automated car
3. Design a communication framework for smart city applications
4. RIP Routing Protocol for Intranet in VIT campus
5. OSPF Routing Protocol for Internet on India
6. BGP Routing Protocol for Asia continent

Case Study:
1. WiTricity technology for industrial applications
2. Multiple access schemes implemented in 4G mobile networks
3. RFCs for wired TCP based reliable communication
4. RFCs for wireless TCP based reliable communication
5. RFCs for SSL Certificates

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1. Journey of line encoding methods
2. Journey of modulation techniques
3. Internet Logical Addressing
4 Internet Routing Protocols
5. Applications Layer Protocols

1. Analogy to digital transformations on communication systems
2. Routing protocols for MANET
3. IEEE 802.1 Physical layer standard for Internet
4. IEEE 802.15.4 standard for IoT applications
5. IEEE 802.11 Wireless Standards for Wi-Fi

Assessment Scheme: Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360
degree assessment and check if it covers all aspects of Bloom's Taxonomy.

Assessment scheme covers following aspects of Modified Blooms Taxonomy:

L2 Understanding, L3 Apply, L3 Design, L3 Apply, L4 Analyze and L5 Evaluate

Laboratory Continuous Assessment: 100 Marks converted to 10 Marks

Home Assignments: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks
Course Project: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks
Theory: End Semester Examination (Written): 60 Marks converted to 30 Marks
Comprehensive Viva Voce: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks

Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks”,5th Edition, PHI, ISBN 81-203-2175-8.
2. Kurose, Ross “Computer Networking a Top Down Approach Featuring the Internet”, Pearson; 6th edition (March 5,
2012), ISBN-10: 0132856204
3. Frouzan B., "Data Communications and Networking", 5th edition, Tata McGraw- Hill, Publications, 2006

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Matthew S. Gast “802.11 Wireless Networks”, O’Reilly publications; 2nd Edition.
2. C. Siva Ram Murthy and B. S. Manoj, “Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Architectures and Protocols” Prentice Hall, 2004
3. Holger Karl and Andreas Willing, “Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks”, Wiley, ISBN: 0-470-

MOOCs Links and additional reading material:,,

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Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to –
1. Select line encoding, modulation, topology, essential components of physical layer, data
transmission rates to design computer networks.
2. Estimate reliability issues based on error control, flow control and pipelining by using bandwidth,
latency, throughput and efficiency.
3. Propose mechanisms for server channel allocation in wired and wireless computer networks
4. Develop Client-Server architectures and prototypes by the means of correct standards, protocols
and technologies
5. Analyze data flow between peer to peer in an IP network using Application, Transport and
Network Layer Protocols
6. Compare sustainable engineering practice indicating the scientific purpose and utility of
communication frameworks and standards.

CO-PO Map:
CO Program Outcomes (PO) PSO
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO 1 PSO2 PSO3
1 3 2 2 3 2 1
2 3 2 2 2 3 2 1
3 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 1
4 3 3 3 2 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 1
5 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 1
6 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 1
Avg 2.84 2.67 2.67 2.0 2 2 3 3 3 3 0 3 3 2.5 1.0

Attainment Levels: 1, 5, 3, 4, 2, 4

CO Attainment levels:
Weights for attainment levels: L1 - Easy-0.75 L2 - Comfortatble-0.7 L3 – Medium – 0.65
L4 – Somewhat difficult – 0.6 L5 – Difficult – 0.55

CO1 – L1, CO2 – L5, CO3 – L3, CO4 – L4, CO5 – L2 and CO6 – L4

Future Course Mapping:

High Speed Networks, Wireless Networks, Mobile Networks, Network Security, Cyber Security

Job Mapping:
Network Engineer, Network Stack Developers, Application Developer

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Syllabus Template FF No. : 654

CS3205::Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Credits: 4....... Teaching Scheme Theory: 2 Hours/Week

Tutorial: 1 Hours/Week
Lab: 2 Hours/Week

Course Prerequisites: Basic courses on programming, data structures, discrete structures, theory of

Course Objectives:
1. Students will gain understanding of asymptotic notations and will be able to apply suitable
mathematical techniques to find asymptotic time and space complexities of algorithms.
2. Students will develop the ability to formulate computational problems in the abstract and
mathematically precise manner.
3. Student will gain understanding of different algorithm design paradigms such as divide and
conquer, dynamic programming, greedy, backtracking and will apply suitable paradigm for
designing algorithms for computational problems.
4. Students will develop understanding of notions of NP-hardness and NP-completeness and their
relationship with the intractability of decision problems.
5. Students will design randomized, approximation algorithms for some computational problems.
6. Students will be able to incorporate algorithm design principles, data structures and provide
efficient solutions for complex computational problems.

Course Relevance:
This is a foundational course for Computer science and Engineering. This course develops
algorithmic thinking capability of students. Designing algorithms using suitable paradigm and
analysing the algorithms for computational problems has a high relevance in all domains where
computer science plays a crucial role (equally in Industry as well as research). This course is also an
essential pre-requisite for advanced domain specific algorithmic courses such as Algorithmic Graph
Theory, Algorithmic Number Theory, Computational Geometry, Motion planning and Robotics, etc,
to give a few examples. Once the student gains expertise in Algorithm design and in general gains
ability of Algorithmic thinking, it facilitates in systematic study of any other domain (in computer
science or otherwise) which demands logical thinking. This course is also relevant for students who
want to pursue research career in theory of computing, computational complexity theory, advanced
algorithmic research.
Section 1: Topics/Contents
Unit-I Basic introduction and time and space complexity analysis [4 Hours]
Asymptotic notations (Big Oh, small oh, Big Omega, Theta notations). Best case, average case, and
worst-case time and space complexity of algorithms. Overview of searching, sorting algorithms.

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Cache optimization, Adversary lower bounds (for the comparison-based sorting algorithms). Using
Recurrence relations and Mathematical Induction to get asymptotic bounds on time complexity.
Master’s theorem and applications.

Unit-II Divide and Conquer [4 Hours]

General strategy, Analyzing Quick sort, Merge sort, Finding a majority element, Order statistics
(randomized and deterministic algorithms), Efficient algorithms for Integer arithmetic (Euclid's
algorithm, Karatsuba's algorithm for integer multiplication, fast exponentiation).

Unit-III Dynamic Programming [6 Hours]

General strategy, simple dynamic programming-based algorithms to compute Fibonacci numbers,
binomial coefficients, Matrix Chain multiplication, Coin change problem, 0-1 Knapsack, Traveling
Salesperson Problem, Optimal Binary Search Tree construction, Shortest paths in directed acyclic
graphs, All pair shortest path algorithm, Longest increasing subsequence problem, Largest
independent set for trees.

Section2: Topics/Contents

Unit-IV Greedy and Backtracking strategy [4 Hours]

Greedy: General strategy, Analysis and correctness proof of minimum spanning tree and shortest
path algorithms, fractional knapsack problem, conflict free scheduling, Huffman coding.

Backtracking: General strategy, n-queen problem, backtracking strategy for some optimization
problems (e.g., graph coloring, subset sum problem, vertex cover, independent set), solution of
SUDOKU puzzle.

Unit-V Introduction to complexity classes and NP-completeness [6 Hours]

Complexity classes P, NP, coNP, and their interrelation, Notion of polynomial time many one
reductions reduction, Notion of NP-hardness and NP-completeness, Cook-Levin theorem and
implication to P versus NP question, NP-hardness of halting problem. NP-Complete problems (some
selected examples from - Satisfiability problem, Circuit-SAT, 3-CNF SAT, vertex cover problem,
independent set problem, clique problem, Hamiltonian-circuit problem, subset sum problem, Integer
Linear Programming)

Unit-VI Introduction to Randomized and Approximation algorithms [4 Hours]

Introduction to randomness in computation, Las-Vegas and Monte-Carlo algorithms, Abundance of

witnesses/solutions and application of randomization, solving SAT for formulas with “many”
satisfying assignments, randomized quick sort, Karger’s Min-cut algorithm, coupon collector

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Introduction to Approximation algorithms for NP-optimization problems, Approximation algorithm

for Vertex Cover, metric Traveling-Sales-Person Problem (metric-TSP), Hardness of approximation
for TSP. Introduction to quantum computation.

List of Tutorials (12):

1. Problem solving based on asymptotic notations, solution of recurrences.
2. Proving correctness of algorithms: some techniques
3. Problem solving based on Divide and Conquer strategy (Binary search interesting applications,
counting inversions)
4. Advanced problem solving based on Divide and Conquer strategy (Discrete Ham-Sandwich
theorem, efficient algorithm for Josephus problem)
5. Problem solving based on Dynamic Programming strategy (Largest sum contiguous block and
generalizations, Optimal binary search tree (OBST) construction)
6. Advanced problem solving based on Dynamic Programming strategy (Winning strategy for two
player games, Variants of shortest path algorithms)
7. Problem solving based on Greedy strategy with emphasis on proof of correctness.
8. Problem solving based on Backtracking strategy.
9. reducing NP problems to Integer Linear Programming.
10. Problem solving based on complexity classes, NP-completeness.
11. Problem solving based on Randomized Algorithms
12. Problem solving based on Approximation Algorithms

List of Practical’s (Minimum Six):

1. Assignment based on some simple coding problems on numbers, graphs, matrices.
2. Assignment based on Divide and Conquer strategy (e.g., majority element search, finding kth
rank element in an array)
3. Assignment based on Divide and Conquer strategy (e.g., efficient algorithm for Josephus
problem using recurrence relations, fast modular exponentiation)
4. Assignment based on Dynamic Programming strategy (e.g., Matrix chain multiplication, longest
increasing subsequence)
5. Assignment based on Dynamic Programming strategy (e.g., All pair shortest path, Traveling
Salesperson problem)
6. Assignment based on Greedy strategy (e.g., Huffman encoding)
7. Assignment based on Backtracking (e.g., graph coloring, n-queen problem)
8. Assignment based on analysis of quick sort (deterministic and randomized variant)
9. Assignment based on Las-Vegas and Monte-Carlo algorithm for majority element search.
10. Assignment based on factor-2 approximation algorithm for metric-TSP.

List of Course Project topics:

1. Applications of A* algorithm in gaming
2. Pac-Man game
3. File compression techniques
4. Solution of Maze (comparing the backtracking based solution and Dijkstra’s algorithm)
5. Different exact and approximation algorithms for Travelling-Sales-Person Problem
6. Creation of Maze using backtracking

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7. Knight tour algorithms

8. Network flow optimization and maximum matching
9. AI for different games such as minesweeper, shooting games, Hex, connect-4, sokoban, etc
10. SUDOKU solver
11. Graph theoretic algorithms
12. Computational Geometry Algorithms
13. AKS primality testing
14. Algorithms for factoring large integers.
15. Randomized algorithms for primality testing (Miller-Rabin, Solovay-Strassen)
16. Slider puzzle game

List of Course Seminar Topics:

1. Divide and Conquer Vs Dynamic Programming
2. Greedy strategy
3. NP-hardness
4. Backtracking strategy
5. Dynamic Programming Vs Greedy
6. Computational Complexity
7. Philosophical relevance of P Vs NP question
8. Complexity classes
9. Space complexity
10. Compression Techniques
11. Real world applications of Graph theoretic algorithms
12. Approximation algorithms
13. Hardness of approximation
14. Pseudorandom number generators

List of Home Assignments Topics:

List of Design Based Home Assignments:

1. Problem solving based on Divide and Conquer strategy
2. Problem solving based on Dynamic Programming strategy
3. Problem solving based on Greedy strategy
4. Problem solving based on Backtracking strategy
5. Problems on Randomized Algorithms
6. Problems on Approximation Algorithms
7. Problems on NP completeness

List of Case Study Based Home Assignments:

1. AKS primality test
2. Quadratic sieve factoring algorithm
3. Huffman Encoding, LZW encoding
4. Network flow optimization algorithms
5. Approximation algorithms for TSP
6. Cook-Levin theorem and its relationship with intractability of computational problems

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7. Sorting techniques

List of Blog Based Home Assignment:

1. Approximation Algorithms
2. Randomized Algorithms
3. Computational Geometry Algorithms
4. Number Theoretic Algorithms
5. Graph Theoretic Algorithms
6. P Vs NP Problem
7. Complexity classes
8. Greedy Algorithms
9. Divide and Conquer Vs Dynamic Programming

List of Survey Based Home Assignments:

1. Primality Testing Algorithms
2. Integer Factoring Algorithms
3. NP-complete problems
4. Compression Techniques
5. Shortest Path Algorithms
6. Algorithms for finding Minimum Weight Spanning Tree

Assessment Scheme: Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360
degree assessment and check if it covers all aspects of Bloom's Taxonomy.

Assessment scheme covers following aspects of Modified Blooms Taxonomy:

L2 Understanding, L3 Apply, L3 Design, L3 Apply, L4 Analyze and L5 Evaluate

Laboratory Continuous Assessment: 100 Marks converted to 10 Marks

Course Project: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks
Laboratory Practical: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 50 Marks
Comprehensive Viva Voce: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks

Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest and Stein “Introduction to Algorithms” ,PHI 3nd edition, 2009. ISBN 81-203-2141-
2. Jon Kleinberg, Eva Tardos “Algorithm Design”, Pearson, 1st edition, 2005. ISBN 978-81-317-0310-6
Dasgupta, Papadimitriu, Vazirani “Algorithms” McGraw-Hill Education; 1 edition (September 13, 2006), ISBN-10:
9780073523408, ISBN-13: 978-0073523408

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Motwani, Raghavan “Randomized Algorithms”, Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (August 25, 1995), ISBN-10:
0521474655, ISBN-13: 978-0521474658
2. Vazirani, “Approximation Algorithms”, Springer (December 8, 2010), ISBN-10: 3642084699, ISBN-13: 978-
3642084690Gerd Keiser, MC Graw Hill International edition, optical fiber communication , third edition

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MOOCs Links and additional reading material:


Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to –
1. To formulate computational problems in abstract and mathematically precise manner
2. To design efficient algorithms for computational problems using appropriate algorithmic
3. To analyze asymptotic complexity of the algorithm for a complex computational problem using
suitable mathematical techniques.
4. To establish NP-completeness of some decision problems, grasp the significance of the notion of
NP-completeness and its relationship with intractability of the decision problems.
5. To understand significance of randomness, approximability in computation and design
randomized algorithms for simple computational problems and design efficient approximation
algorithms for standard NP-optimization problems.
6. To incorporate appropriate data structures, algorithmic paradigms to craft innovative scientific
solutions for complex computing problems.

CO-PO Map:
CO Program Outcomes (PO) PSO
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO 1 PSO2 PSO3
1 2 3 2 1 2 2 3 2
2 2 3 3 1 2 2 3 2
3 2 3 2 1 2 2 3 2
4 2 3 3 1 2 2 3 2
5 2 3 3 1 2 2 3 2
6 2 3 3 1 2 2 3 2

Avg 2 3 2.66 1.0 2.0 2.0 3 2

CO Attainment levels:

Weights for attainment levels: L1 - Easy-0.75 L2 - Comfortatble-0.7 L3 – Medium – 0.65

L4 – Somewhat difficult – 0.6 L5 – Difficult – 0.55

CO1 – L1, CO2 – L3, CO3 – L2, CO4 – L3, CO5 – L4 and CO6 – L5

Future Course Mapping:

Advanced Algorithms, Computational Complexity, Computational Geometry, Algorithmic Number

Theory, Algorithmic Graph Theory

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Job Mapping:

Algorithm design lie at heart of any Computer Science/Engineering application. Once the student
gains expertise in Algorithm design and in general gains ability of Algorithmic thinking, it facilitates
in systematic studying any other domain (in computer science or otherwise) which demands logical
thinking. Algorithm design is an essential component of any job based on programming. All
Industries in computer Engineering always look for a strong knowledge in Algorithm design and
Data structures. If student wants to pursue higher education/ research in Computer Science, this
course is must.

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Syllabus Template FF No. : 654

CS3266: Machine Learning

Credits: 4 Teaching Scheme Theory: 2 Hours/Week

Tutorial: 1 Hours/Week
Lab: 2 Hours/Week
Course Prerequisites:
Statistical Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence
Course Objectives:
1. To learn the concepts, techniques and building blocks of machine learning.
2. To learn mathematics for implementing machine learning algorithms.
3. To learn the supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning techniques.
4. To learn use of computational learning theory
5. To learn feature reduction on real life problems.
6. To learn Machine Learning models and implement in real life scenario for different applications.

Course Relevance:
Machine Learning (ML) is currently one of the hottest buzzwords in tech and with good reason. The
last few years have seen several techniques that have previously been in the realm of science fiction
slowly transformed into reality. The importance of ML has been increasing as a growing number of
companies are using these technologies to improve their products and services, evaluate their
business models, and enhance their decision-making process.

Section 1: Topics/Contents

Unit-I: Introduction of Machine Learning [5 Hours]

What is Machine Learning, Types of Learning: Supervised, Unsupervised, Reinforcement. Learning
System, Well posed learning problem, Designing a learning system, Issues in machine learning.
Hypothesis Space, Hypothesis functions, Hypothesis Evaluation, Bias, Variance, Underfitting,
Overfitting, Inductive bias, Evaluation, Training, Testing, Cross-validation. : Error Analysis, Error
Metrics, Precision and recall.

Unit-II : Supervised Learning: [4 Hours]

Rationale and Basics: Learning from Observations, Bias and Why Learning Works: Computational
Learning Theory, Occam's Razor Principle and Over fitting Avoidance Heuristic Search in inductive
Learning, Estimating Generalization Errors, Metrics for assessing regression, Metris for assessing
classification, classification vs regression task

Unit-III : Statistical Learning [5 Hours]

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Machine Learning and Inferential Statistical Analysis, Descriptive Statistics in learning techniques,
Bayesian Reasoning a probabilistic approach to inference, K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier.
Discriminant functions and regression functions, Linear Regression with Least Square Error
Criterion, Logistic Regression for Classification Tasks, Fisher's Linear Discriminant and
Thresholding for Classification, Neural network for supervised and unsupervised learning, Case
study on KNN and logistic regression

Section 2: Topics/Contents

Unit-IV : Naive Bayes and Support Vector Machine [5 Hours]

Bayes Theorom, Naive Bayes’ Classifiers, Multinomial Naïve Bayes, and Gaussian Naive Bayes.
Support Vector Machine(SVM)- Linear Support Vector Machines, Linear Classification, Kernel
based classification, Non- linear Examples. Controlled Support Vector Machines, Support Vector
Regression. Case study on Naive Bayes and Support Vector Machine

Unit-V : Decision Trees and Ensemble Learning [5 Hours]

Decision Tree Learning: Representation, Basic decision tree learning algorithm, Issues in decision
tree learning
Introduction to Meta Classifier: Concepts of Weak and eager learner, Ensemble methods, Bagging,
Boosting, Random Forests. Case study on decision tree

Unit-VI : Unsupervised and Reinforcement learning [4 Hours]

Clustering Fundamentals- Basics, K-means: Finding optimal number of clusters, DBSCAN, Spectral
Clustering. Evaluation methods based on Ground Truth- Homogeneity, Completeness, Adjusted
Rand Index. Hierarchical Clustering, Expectation maximization clustering, Agglomerative
Clustering, Case study on clustering
Reinforcement Learning: Reinforcement earning through feedback network, function approximation

List of Course Projects: USE the UCI ML or KDD Repository or any other dataset

1 Stock Market Price Prediction

2 Housing Prices Prediction
3 Sign Text Identification
4 Iris Flowers Classification
5 Fake News Detection
6 Product Delivery Drones
7 Smart City Water / Light Management System
8 Human Tracking System
9 Automatic Interview Conduction System
10 Student Information Chatbot Project.
11 Product Review Analysis For Genuine Rating.
12 Customer Targeted E-Commerce
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13 MNIST Digit Classification

14 Bit coin Price Predictor
15 Credit Card Fraud Detection
16 Customer Segmentation
17 Design and apply ML techniques to solve real life problems

List of Course Seminar Topics:

1. Streaming Machine Learning Techniques
2. Error Analysis In Machine Learning
3. Parallel Infrastructures Such As Map-Reduce For ML
4. Ensemble Learning
5. Backpropagation Algorithm.
6. Practical Techniques For Reducing The Memory Requirements: Feature Hashing
7. Support Vector Machine
8. Practical Techniques For Reducing The Memory Requirements: Bloom Filters
9. Genetic Algorithm
10. Regression Analysis
11. K Means Algorithm
12. Decision Tree Learning Algorithm
13. Bayesian Learning, Bayes Theorem And Naïve Bayes Theorem.
14. Hidden Markov Model,
15. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
16. Recommender Systems

List of Course Group Discussion Topics:

1 Machine Learning And Artificial Intelligence
2 Machine Learning And Data Science
3 Machine Learning Applications
4 Machine Learning Future
5 Machine Learning After 10 Years / 2030
6 Supervised Learning Techniques And Unsupervised Learning Techniques
7 Reinforcement Learning
8 Recommender Systems
9 Will Automation And ML Reduce Or Increase Jobs.
10 Cashless Economy Using ML
11 ML In Covid-19 Situations

List of Design based Home Assignments:


1. Heart Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms

2. Detection Based Project For Social Cause
3. Classification Based Project For Social Cause
4. Clustering Based Project For Social Cause
5. Optimization Based Project For Social Cause
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6. Recommender Systems Based Project For Social Cause

7. Identification Based Project For Social Cause
8. Machine Learning-Based Student’s Native Place Identification For Real-Time

Case Study:

1. How Auto industry Is Preparing For The 4th Industrial Revolution using ML
2. How Indian Retail Giant Is Using ML to Prepare For The 4th Industrial Revolution
3. Rolls-Royce And Google Partner To Create Smarter, Autonomous Ships Based On ML
4. The Amazing Ways Tesla Is Using Machine Learning And Big Data
5. The Incredible Ways John Deere Is Using Machine Learning To Transform Farming


1. Machine Learning for Sentiment Analysis

2. Machine Learning for Character Recognition
3. Machine Learning for Heart Disease Detection
4. Machine Learning for Chatbot Development
5. Machine Learning for Agriculture
6. Machine Learning for Medical Field


1. Adaption of Machine Learning ML AI in 2020

2. Machine Learning in Industry
3. Machine Learning in Digital Marketing
4. Machine Learning in Military
5. Machine Learning after Covid-19

Assessment Scheme: Ensures 360 degree assessment and covers all aspects of Bloom's Taxonomy.

Laboratory Continuous Assessment: 100 Marks converted to 10 Marks

Course Project: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks
Presentation: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks
Theory: End Semester Examination (Written): 60 Marks converted to 30 Marks
Comprehensive Viva Voce: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks

Text Books:
1. T. Mitchell, “ Machine Learning”, McGraw-Hill, 1997.
2. Anup Kumar Srivastava, Soft Computing, Alpha Science International limited. 2009.

Reference Books:
1. Ethem Alpaydin, "Introduction to Machine Learning", MIT press, 2004.

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2. Jacek M. Zurada, “Introduction to Artificial neural System”, JAICO publishing house,2002,.

MOOCs Links and additional reading material:

Course Outcomes:
On the completion of course, student will able to
1. Understand the features of machine learning to apply on real world problems
2. To develop various supervised machine learning algorithms in a wide range of real-world
3. Understand a wide variety of Statistical learning algorithms and apply on different applications
4. Analyze the concept of Support Vector Machines, Naive Bayes Classifiers for learning linear and
non-linear Classifiers
5. To analyze Decision Tree algorithms to solve problems of real world.
6. Demonstrate understanding of unsupervised learning, Reinforcement learning and their

CO-PO Map:

CO Program Outcomes (PO) PSO

CO1 3 3 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3
CO2 3 3 3 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 3
CO3 2 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 3
CO4 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 3
CO5 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 3
CO6 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 3
Average 3 3 3 2.66 3 1.83 1 1 1 2 3.0 2.83 3

1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High)

CO Attainment levels:
Co1 - Level 1
Co2 - Level 2
Co3 - Level 3
Co4 - Level 5
Co5 - Level 4
Co6 - Level 3
Future Course Mapping:
Soft Computing, Deep Learning
Job Mapping:
ML Scientist, ML Designer, ML Architectural Design, ML Developer, ML Data Analyst

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Syllabus Template FF No. : 654

CS3054: Cloud Computing
Credits: 4....... Teaching Scheme Theory: 2 Hours/Week
Tutorial: 1 Hours/Week
Lab: 2 Hours/Week
Course Prerequisites: Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Database Management System
Course Objectives:
1. To become familiar with cloud computing and its ecosystem
2. To acquire basics of virtualization and its importance
3. To evaluate in-depth analysis of Cloud Computing capabilities and its services.
4. To configure and implement storage services.
5. To analyze different cloud-based services to meet a set of given requirements.
6. To design security aspects for cloud computing

Course Relevance: Cloud computing to enable transformation, business development and agility
in an organization.
SECTION-I Topics and Contents:
Unit-I Introduction to Cloud Computing [4 Hrs]

Recent trends in computing, Cluster computing, Distributed computing ,Evolution of cloud

computing, Cloud versus traditional architecture, Cloud Computing Architecture, Google Cloud
architecture, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service
(SaaS), Public cloud, Private cloud, Hybrid cloud, Community cloud

Unit-II Virtualization [6 Hrs]

Introduction to virtualization, Different approaches to virtualization, Hypervisors, Machine Image,
Virtual Machine (VM), Compute options in the cloud, Exploring IaaS with Compute Engine,
Configuring elastic apps with auto scaling, Basics of virtualization and implementation challenges.
System virtualization technologies-architectures and internals. KVM, Xen, VMware. Amazon Elastic
Compute Cloud EC2 as computing service.

Memory virtualization-virtualization techniques, ballooning, deduplication and sharing. Network and

storage virtualization, Virtual machine migration and replication techniques pre-copy and post-copy
techniques, applicability to system availability.

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Unit-III Cloud Services [4 Hrs]

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Web services, Web 2.0, Web OS. Introduction to IaaS, PaaS,
SaaS. Cloud Platform and Management, Exploring PaaS with App Engine, Event driven programs
with Cloud Functions, Containerizing and orchestrating apps with Google Kubernetes Engine
Software as a Service (SaaS) Docker flow, orchestration with Docker, dynamic linking and legacy
linking of containers. The GCP Console, understanding projects, Billing in GCP, Install and
configure Cloud SDK, Use Cloud Shell, GCP APIs.

SECTION-II Topics and Contents:

Unit-IV Cloud Storage [4 Hrs]

Storage options in the cloud, Structured and unstructured storage in the cloud, unstructured storage
using Cloud Storage, SQL managed services, Exploring Cloud SQL, Cloud Spanner as a managed
service, NoSQL managed service options, Cloud Datastore, a NoSQL document store, Cloud
Bigtable as a NoSQL option. OpenStack: NOVA, Neutron, Keystone Cinder, Swift and Glances,
VMware Suit, Apache Cloud Stack, Data Lakes, Snowflake.

Unit-V Service Management [4 Hrs]

Service Level Agreements (SLAs), Billing and accounting, Billing in GCP Cloud Security:
Introduction to security in the cloud, the shared security model, Encryption options, Authentication
and authorization with Cloud IAM, Identify Best Practices for Authorization using Cloud IAM.,
Introduction to configuration and management tools Ansible, Architecture of DevOps.

Unit-VI Cloud Network and Security [6 Hrs]

Introduction to networking in the cloud, defining a Virtual Private Cloud, Public and private IP
address basics, Google’s network architecture, Routes and firewall rules in the cloud, Multiple VPC
networks, building hybrid clouds using VPNs, interconnecting, and direct peering, Different options
for load balancing. Introduction to security in the cloud, the shared security model, Encryption

List of Tutorials (Any Thirteen)

List of Tutorials:
Unit-I Introduction to Cloud Computing
1) Install VirtualBox/VMware Workstation with different Linux or Windows Operating Systems.
2) Study Google Cloud Architecture.
Unit-II Virtualization
3) Find a procedure to launch virtual machine
4) Find a procedure to transfer the files from one virtual machine to another virtual machine.

Unit-III Cloud Services

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5) Simulate a cloud scenario using CloudSim and run a scheduling algorithm that is not present in
6) Install Google App Engine. Create hello world app and other simple web applications using

Unit-IV Cloud Storage

7) Launch the Web Applications using GAE launcher.
8) Install Hadoop single node cluster and run simple applications like wordcount.
Unit-V Service Management
9) Use AWS Pricing Calculator: Create estimate for EC2 Compute cost for VM instance. Use region
closest to you. Find On demand cost and compare the pricing for other regions.
Unit-VI Cloud Network and Security
9) Launch EC2instane and explore Public/Private/Elastic IP

List of Practical’s (Any Six)
Unit-I Introduction to Cloud Computing
1) To setup AWS accounts and launch instances.
Unit-II Virtualization
2) To install an OS using VirtualBox/ VMWare Workstation. Add Storage to create new virtual disk.
3) To Deploy Virtual Machine on hypervisor such as KVM, ESXi. Take Backup and Migrate them.
Unit-III Cloud Services
4) To use Infrastructure as a Service to facilitates for creating and deleting compute resources.
Create network and attach volumes to run instances.
5) To install docker on window/linux and build docker image from docker hub.
6) Deploy a stateless/stateful application on Kubernetes cluster.
Unit-IV Cloud Storage
7) To work on different Cloud Storage Services.
Unit-V Service Management
8)To create login into AWS and use S3 Bucket Service for storage.
Unit-VI Cloud Network and Security
9) Develop elastic services for dynamic load scenario using AWS APIs. Build load balancer and
explore on scalability, fault detection and performance.

Course Projects:
List of Course Project Topics
1. Creating Google Account to store files and programs.
2. Creating Account to Store Images.
3. Creating a Warehouse Application in

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4. Creating an Application in using Apex programming Language.

5. To study and implement Web services in SOAP for JAVA Applications.

6. Implementation of Para-Virtualization using VMWare ‘s Workstation/ Oracle’s Virtual Box

and Guest Operator System.
7. Installation and Configuration of Hadoop.
8. AWS Case Study:
9. Case Study of Google App Engine.
10. Case Study of Face book.

List of Course Seminar Topics
1. Storage Cost Optimization on Cloud.
2. Cloud Security and Cryptography
3. Infrastructure As A Code (IAC)
4. Cloud Computing in Healthcare
5. Serverless
6. Deployment of Microservices in Kubernetes Engine
7. RPA Using AWS Cloud
8. Cloud Trends In Supporting Ubiquitous Computing
9. Mobile Cloud Computing
10. Modern Data Center Architecture

Group Discussion:
List of Group Discussion Topics
1. Data Storage Security in Cloud
2. Cloud Services for SMB’s.
3. Monitoring Services Provided by GCP and AWS.
4. Docker and Kubernetes.
5. SaaS vs FaaS (Function as a service).
6. Hybrid Cloud.
7. GCP Vs AWS Web Service Architecture.
8. Cloud based security issues and threats.
9. Authentication and identity.
10. Future of Cloud-Based Smart Devices.

List of Home Assignments:

List of Design Based Home Assignments
1. Serverless Web App to order taxi rides using AWS lambda.
2. Deploying App on Kubernetes.

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3. Serverless web Application (GCP Cloud Functions).

4. Demonstration of EBS, Snapshot, Volumes.
5. Single Node Cluster Implementation (Hadoop).

List of Case Study Based Home Assignments

1. PayU Migration to AWS.
2. Cloud object storage.
3. Deployment and Configuration options in AWS.
4. Deployment and Configuration options in Microsoft Azure.
5. Deployment and Configuration options in GCP.
List of Blog Based Home Assignment
1. Comparing design of various cloud computing platforms.
2. AWS EKS and Google Cloud Functions.
3. App Engine.
4. Cloud Endpoints.
5. Cloud Pub/Sub.

List of Survey Based Home Assignments

1. Disaster Recovery in Cloud Computing.
2. Cloud Economics.
3. Data archiving solutions.
4. Salesforce.
5. Dropbox.

Assessment Scheme: Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360
degree assessment and check if it covers all aspects of Bloom's Taxonomy.

Laboratory Continuous Assessment: 100 Marks converted to 10 Marks

Course Project: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks
Presentation: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks
Theory: End Semester Examination (MCQ): 60 Marks converted to 30 Marks
Comprehensive Viva Voce: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks
Text Books: (As per IEEE format)
1. Judith Hurwitz, R.Bloor, M.Kanfman, F.Halper, “Cloud Computing for Dummies”, Wiley,India.
2. Ronald Krutz and Russell Dean Vines, “Cloud Security”, Wiley-India
3. Gautam Shroff. “Enterprise Cloud Computing”, Cambridge

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Barrie Sosinsky, “Cloud Computing Bible”, Wiley India

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2. Antohy T Velte,, “Cloud Computing : A Practical Approach”, McGraw Hill.

3. Michael Miller, “Cloud Computing”, Que Publishing.
4. Tim Malhar, S.Kumaraswammy, S.Latif, “Cloud Security & Privacy”, SPD,O’REILLY
5. Scott Granneman, “Google Apps”, Pearson

MOOCs Links and additional reading material:

Course Outcomes:

On the completion of course, student will able to

1. Describe the main concepts, key technologies, strengths, and limitations of cloud computing and
the possible applications for state-of-the-art cloud computing
2. Explain the architecture and infrastructure of cloud computing, including SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, public
cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud, etc.
3. Identify problems, and explain, analyze, and evaluate various cloud computing solutions.
4. Choose the appropriate technologies, algorithms, and approaches for the related issues.
5. Display new ideas and innovations in cloud computing.
6. Collaboratively research and write a paper on the state of the art (and open problems) in cloud

CO-PO Map:
CO Program Outcomes (PO) PSO
CS3226.1 2 1 1 2 2 3
CS3226.2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 3
CS3226.3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 3
CS3226.4 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 3
CS3226.5 3 3 1 3 3 1 2 2 2 3
CS3226.6 2 2 1 3 1 3 3 2 2 2
Average 2.50 2.00 1.40 2.20 1.83 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 2.0 2.0 2.83

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CO attainment levels:
Attainment Levels:1,2,3,5,4,3

Future Course Mapping:

After completing this course different certifications courses in cloud be taken such as AWS, Azure,
Google cloud certifications. One can go for higher studies in specialization of cloud computing and
allied subjects

Job Mapping:

Cloud Architect, Cloud Engineer, Cloud Administrator, Solutions Architect - Cloud Computing -
AWS / Kubernetes, Cloud Computing Technical Consultant, Associate Cloud Computing Engineer,
Cloud Computing Trainer

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T. Y. B. Tech. Computer Science

& Engineering (AIML)
AY 2023-24

Module VI Course Content

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Syllabus Template FF No. : 654

CS3063: Software Engineering

Credits: 4 Teaching Scheme Theory: 2 Hours/Week

Tutorial: 1 Hours/Week
Lab: 2 Hours/Week
Course Prerequisites:

Course Objectives:
1. To summarize capabilities and impact of software development process models and justify process
maturity through application of Software Engineering principles and practices,
2. To differentiate feasible and competing system requirements, indicating correct real world
problem scope and preparing stepwise system conceptual model,
3. To formulate system specifications by analyzing user-level tasks and compose software artifacts
using agile principles, practices and scrum framework,
4. To compose system analysis and design specifications using UML diagrams,
5. To design a system architecture and map it with a suitable architectural style,
6. To comprehend the nature of design patterns and apply these patterns in system design.

Course Relevance:
Given that Software Engineering is built upon the foundations of Computer Science as well as
Computer Engineering, a Software Engineering curriculum can be focused on two perspectives - a
Computer Science-first or Software Engineering-first perspective. Software engineering spans the
entire software lifecycle. It involves creating high-quality and reliable programs in a systematic,
controlled, and efficient manner using formal methods for specification, analysis, design and
evaluation of proposed systems. It requires suitable software development techniques and processes
that successfully scale to large applications, which should satisfy timing, size, and security
requirements all within acceptable application/project budgets and deadlines. For these reasons,
Software Engineering requires both the analytical and descriptive tools and techniques developed in
Computer Science and the rigor that the Computer Engineering discipline brings to the reliability and
trustworthiness of the systems that software developers design and implement, while working as a
cohesive team.

Section 1: Topics / Contents

Unit-I Software Engineering Paradigms: 05 Hours

Process Models: Code-and-Fix Model, Waterfall Model, Rapid Application Development Model,
Incremental Model, Evolutionary Model and Others.

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Unit-II Requirements Engineering: 05 Hours

Requirements Engineering Tasks, Requirement Elicitation Techniques, Functional, Non- Functional
and Domain Requirements, Requirements Characteristics, Eliminating Requirement Ambiguities,
Conflict Identification and Resolution, Requirement Qualities, Requirement Specification, System
Scope Determination and Feasibility Study.

Unit-III Agile Methodology: 04 Hours

Landscape of Agile and Planned Methods, Definition - Scrum, Scrum Origins, Scrum Framework,
Agile Principles, Sprints, Requirements, User Stories, Product Backlog, Roles: Product Owner,
Scrum Master, Development Team, Managers, Scrum Team Structures, Scrum Planning.

Section 2: Topics/Contents

Unit-IV Static and Dynamic Interaction Modeling: 05 Hours

Static Behavior: Use Case, Use Case Diagram, Class Diagram, Component Diagram, Deployment
Diagram, Dynamic Behavior: Sequence Diagram, Collaboration Diagram, Activity Diagram,
Communication Diagram, Interaction Diagrams.

Unit-V Software Architecture Design: 05 Hours

Design Model, Design Qualities, Characteristics of Design Activities, Design Principles, Cohesion and
Coupling, Software Architecture Vs Software Design, Software Reuse, Design Heuristics, Layered
Architecture, Client-Server Architecture, Pipe-Filter Architecture, Model-View Controller Architecture.

Unit-VI Design Patterns: 04 Hours

Definition, Describing Design Pattern,
Creational Patterns: Abstract Factory, Builder, Factory Method, Prototype
Structural Patterns: Adapter, Bridge, Composite, Decorator, Façade,
Behavioral Patterns: Chain of Responsibility, Command, Interpreter.

List of Tutorials:
1. Requirement Engineering,
2. System Requirement Specification,
3. Scrum Artifacts,
4. User Stories and Use Cases,
5. Product Backlog Development,
6. Burn-up and Burn-down Chart Development and Management,
7. Software System Analysis and Design: UML Static Diagram,
8. Software System Analysis and Design: UML Dynamic Diagram,
9. Software Architecture Design,
10. Use of Design Patterns,
11. Software Testing,

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12. Automated Testing,

13. Project Management Techniques.

List of Practicals (Minimum SIX):

1. To prepare a Statement Of Work (SOW) document, which addresses the vision, goals and
objectives of the real-world problem.
2. To prepare a Software Requirement Specification (SRS) document, based on several types of
system requirements, such as functional and non-functional requirements.
3. To document a product backlog for the project aimed at maintaining a prioritized queue of project
4. To develop a Sprint-plan and Sprint-design indicating detailed activity planner accommodating
user story points.
5. To prepare Class Collaboration-Responsibility (CRC) cards for the Conceptual classes traced from
the system analysis phase.
6. To develop a static structure of the target system with a Class Diagram using all components of it.
7. To decompose and organize the problem domain area into broad subject areas and identify the use
cases to show them in a Use Case Diagram.
8. To depict the dynamic behavior of the target system using Sequence Diagram. The Sequence
diagram should be based on the scenarios generated by the inter-object Communication.
9. To depict the dynamic behavior using a detailed Activity Diagram.
10. To prepare an Architecture Diagram with appropriate design patterns. Suitable Architectural
Styles shall be selected and the structural elements shall be well-documented.

List of Course Projects:

1. Automated Parking Lot Identifier,
2. Healthcare Software,
3. Financial Application,
4. Appraisal System,
5. Smart Project Administrative System,
6. Translator for Agriculture System,
7. Development of Applications using Agile Methodology,
8. Development of SMART Mobile Applications,
9. Graphics-based Password Identification System
10. System Security Application

List of Course Seminar Topics:

1. Mobile Apps and App Store Analysis,
2. Automated Reasoning Techniques,
3. Autonomic and Self-Adaptive System,
4. Component-based Software Engineering,

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5. Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW),

6. Configuration Management and Deployment,
7. Crowd-Sourced Software Engineering,
8. Cyber-Physical System,
9. Data-driven Software Engineering,
10. Dependability, Safety and Reliability.

List of Home Assignments:

1. Software Visualization
2. Specification and Modeling Languages
3. Tools and Environments
4. Traceability
5. Ubiquitous and Pervasive Software Systems

Case Study:
1. Software Economics and Metrics
2. Machine Learning in Software Engineering
3. Software Evolution and Maintenance
4. Software Modeling and Design
5. Software Product Lines

1. Mining Software Engineering Repositories
2. Model-driven Engineering
3. Parallel, Distributed and Concurrent systems
4. Recommendation Systems
5. Refactoring

1. Reverse Engineering
2. Safety-Critical Systems
3. Security, Privacy and Trust
4. Software Architecture
5. Software Reuse
6. Software Testing

Assessment Scheme: Ensures 360 degree assessment and covers all aspects of Bloom's Taxonomy.

Laboratory Continuous Assessment: 100 Marks converted to 10 Marks

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Course Project: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks

Group Discussion: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks
Theory: End Semester Examination (MCQ): 60 Marks converted to 30 Marks
Comprehensive Viva Voce: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks

Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Ian Sommerville, ‘Software Engineering’,Pearson, 10th Edition, 2017, ISBN-13: 978-9332582699.
2. Kenneth Rubin, ‘Essential SCRUM: A Practical Guide To The Most Popular Agile Process’, Addison-Wesley, 2012,
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-704329-3.
3. Tom Pender, ‘UML Bible’, John Wiley & Sons, 2003, ISBN - 0764526049

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. SorenLauesen, ‘Software Requirements: Styles and Techniques, Addison Wesley, 2002, ISBN 0201745704.
2. Dean Leffingwell, ‘Agile Software Requirements’, Addison-Wesley, 2011, ISBN-13: 978-0-321-63584-6.
3. Grady Booch, James Rambaugh, Ivar Jacobson, ‘Unified Modeling Language User's Guide’, 2nd Edition, Addison-
Wesley 2005, ISBN – 0321267974.
4. Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, ‘Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software’,
Addison-Wesley Professional, 1994, ISBN-13: 978-0201633610.
5. Paul Clements, Felix Bachmann, Len Bass, David Garlan, ‘Documenting Software Architectures: Views and Beyond’,
Addison-Wesley Professional, 2003, ISBN-13: 9780201703726.

MOOCs Links and additional reading material:,,

Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to –
1. Compare Software Development Process Models and justify process maturity through
application of Software Engineering principles and practices,
2. Differentiate competing and feasible system requirements identifying problem scope in the
3. Apply agile principles and practices through scrum framework,
4. Design UML diagrams through efficient system analysis, using identified design
5. Formulate system architecture as per a suitable architectural style,
6. Apply relevant design patterns for effective system design.

CO-PO Map:

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CO Program Outcomes (PO) PSO

1 2 3 2 3 2 3
2 2 3 2 3 2 3
3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 3
4 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3
5 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 3
6 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 3
Average 2.66 2.33 2.66 3 2 2 2 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.0

CO Attainment levels:

Weights for attainment levels: L1 - Easy- 0.75 L2 - Comfortable - 0.7 L3 – Medium – 0.65
L4 – Somewhat difficult – 0.6 L5 – Difficult – 0.55

CO1 – L1, CO2 – L2, CO3 – L3, CO4 – L4, CO5 – L4 and CO6 – L5

Future Course Mapping:

Software testing and Quality Assurance, Service-Oriented Software

Job Mapping:

Application Architect, Project Designer, SCRUM Role Player, Project Manager

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Syllabus Template FF No. : 654

CS3067: Optimization Techniques

Credits: 4 Teaching Scheme Theory: 2 Hours/Week

Tutorial: 1 Hours/Week
Lab: 2 Hours/Week

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Syllabus Template FF No. : 654


Credits: 4 Teaching Scheme Theory: 2 Hours/Week

Tutorial: 1 Hours/Week
Lab: 2 Hours/Week

Course Prerequisites:
Linear algebra, probability theory and statistics, Digital signal processing, Computer vision

Course Objectives:
1. To understand the basic neural network architectures and learning algorithms
2. To understand the Forward and backward propagation NN and techniques to improve
network performance
3. To understand the importance of deep learning and is variants
4. To understand the basics of sequential models of NN
5. To build deep nets with applications to solve real world problem

Course Relevance:
Deep learning is revolutionizing the technology and business world today. It is a subfield of machine
learning concerned with algorithms to train computers to perform tasks by exposing neural networks
to large amounts of data, its analysis and prediction. It is an incredibly powerful field with capacity
to execute feature engineering on its own, uses multiple neural network layers to extract patterns
from the data. Top applications of Deep learning involve, self-driving cars, natural language
processing, robotics, finance, and healthcare

Section 1: Topics/Contents

Unit-I: Introduction [5 Hours]

Foundations of neural networks and deep learning, Logistic regression as a neural network, Single
Laer Neural Network, different activation function, logistic regression cost function logistic
regression gradient descent, vectorizing logistic regression

Unit-II : Neural Network [5 Hours]

Forward and backward propagation, Techniques to improve neural networks: regularization
Optimizations, hyperparameter tuning batch normalization, data augmentation
Unit-III Title: Deep Neural Network [4 Hours]

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Deep learning vs Machine Learning, Deep learning frameworks, Types of Deep Learning,
Applications, Deep Learning architectures, Implementation of neural network for a case study

Section 2: Topics/Contents

Unit-IV : Convolutional Neural Networks [5 Hours]

Convolutional Neural Networks, padding, strided convolution, pooling layers, convolutional
implementation of sliding windows Parameter tuning, case study: Real time applications
Unit-VI : Sequencing Modeling [5 Hours]
Sequence modelling: recurrent nets RNN architecture, bidirectional RNNs, Vanishing and exploding
gradient problem, Auto encoders, Applications & use cases.

Unit-V Title: Applications of Deep Learning [4 Hours]

Applications: object detection and classification, face recognition, voice recognition, Semantic
Analysis, Alexnet, Deep Learning Architectures: LeNet, AlexNet, VGG, GoogLeNet ResNet,
inception networks

List of Seminar Topics:

1. Deep learning for Stock Market Clustering
2. Application of Deep Networks in health care
3. Credit card fraud detection
4. Classification of skin cancer with deep neural networks
7. Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift
8. Deep learning applications for predicting pharmacological properties of drugs
9. GAN (Generalised Adversial network)
10. Auto encoders
11. LSTM

List of Course Group Discussion Topics:

1. Recurrent or Recursive Networks for sequential Modelling?
2. Initializing network weights vs performance
3. Difficulty of training deep feedforward neural networks
4. Hyperparameter tuning: Is there a rule of thumb?
5. Problem of overfitting: How to handle?
6 Which cost function: Least squared error or binary cross entropy?
7. How to tackle with loss of corner information in CNN
8. Need of hundred classifiers to solve real world classification problem
9. Which optimization: Batch gradient descent of stochastic gradient descent

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10. Activation functions: Comparison of trends

11. Remedy of problem of vanishing gradient and exploding gradient in RNN

List of Design based Home Assignments:

1. Deep learning for library shelf books identification
2. Development of control system for fruit classification based on convolutional
neural networks
3. Classifying movie review using deep learning
4. Sentiment analysis of the demonetization of economy 2016 India
5. Predicting Students Performance in Final Examination
6. Identify and Apply deep learning algorithm to solve real life problems
Case Study:
1. Deep learning for security
2. Bag of tricks for efficient text classification
3. Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
4. Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing
5. Scalable object detection using deep neural networks
1. Brain tumor segmentation with deep neural networks
2. Region-based convolutional networks for accurate object detection and
3. Human pose estimation via deep neural networks
4. Content Based Image Retrieval
5. Visual Perception with Deep Learning
6. Music genre classification system
1. Machine translation using deep learning - survey
2. Shaping future of radiology using deep learning
3. Training Recurrent Neural Networks
4. Text generation with LSTM
5. Deep learning applications in Biomedicine

Assessment Scheme: Ensures 360 degree assessment and covers all aspects of Bloom's Taxonomy.

Laboratory Continuous Assessment: 100 Marks converted to 10 Marks

Course Project: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks
Presentation: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks
Theory: End Semester Examination (Written): 60 Marks converted to 30 Marks
Comprehensive Viva Voce: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks

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Text Books:
1. Goodfellow, I., Bengio, Y., and Courville, A., Deeep Learning, MIT Press, 2016.
2. C., M., Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006.
Reference Books:
1. Yegnanarayana, B., Artificial Neural Networks PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd, 2009.
2. Golub, G.,H., and Van Loan,C.,F., Matrix Computations, JHU Press,2013.
3. Satish Kumar, Neural Networks: A Classroom Approach, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2004.

MOOCs Links and additional reading material:


Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to –
1) Demonstrate understanding of a logistic regression model, structured as a shallow Neural
2) Build and train a deep Neural Network
3) Apply techniques to improve neural network performance
4) Demonstrate understanding of functionality of all layers in a convolutional neural network
5) Implement convolutional networks for image recognition/classification tasks
6) Demonstrate Understanding of Recurrent nets and their applications
CO-PO Map:

CO Program Outcomes (PO) PSO

CO1 3 3 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 3
CO2 3 3 3 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 3
CO3 2 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 3
CO4 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 3
CO5 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 3
CO6 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 3
Average 3 3 3 2.66 3 1.83 1 1 1 2 3.0 3.0

1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High)

CO Attainment levels:

Co1 - Level 3
Co2 - Level 3
Co3 - Level 5

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Co4 - Level 4
Co5 - Level 5
Co6 - Level 4

Future Course Mapping:

Advanced course on Deep learning including Autoencoders and Boltzmann machines,
Reinforcement Learning etc

Job Mapping:
Deep learning engineer, Data Scientist and Algorithm Architect with industries in domains
Healthcare, Industrials & Energy, Automobiles, Finance & Insurance, Human Resources,
Agriculture, Cybersecurity, Ad & Marketing, Media and Entertainment, Government, Defence, Data

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Syllabus Template FF No. : 654

CS3215::Web Technology

Credits: 4 Teaching Scheme Theory: 2 Hours/Week

Tutorial: 1 Hours/Week
Lab: 2 Hours/Week
Course Prerequisites: Computer Networks

Course Objectives:
1. To describe most commonly used HTML5 and CSS3 tags and attributes for website development.
2. To associate event handling with HTML5 forms and CSS3 using JavaScript as a front-end
technology for website development.
3. To extend HTML5 and CSS3 and JavaScript front end technologies with PHP and MySQL as a
server side and backend technologies for website development.
4. To simplify website development using REST API and Spring Boot as server-side technologies.
5. To build single page applications using REACT as a reusable UI component technology as client-
side technology
6. To assemble REACT as a front-end technology and Node JS as a server-side technology to
develop enterprise applications

Course Relevance:
The key technology of the information age is global communication. Web technology is a truly
global area of study as it enables global communication with the help of web sites. Web technologies
are the backbone of all IT infrastructures and their applications in the world. These technologies and
applications often emerge in communication within countries of countries and spread rapidly around
the world. The main objective of the course is present the basic web technology concepts that are
required for developing web applications. The key technology components are descriptive languages,
server-side program elements and client-side program elements. In addition, the course gives specific
contents that are beneficial for developing web-based solutions, like relational data-base
communication basics and information security principles and approaches. Most of the jobs available
in the IT industries are web technology related.

Section 1: Topics/Contents

Unit-I Front End Tools 04 Hours

Introduction: Internet and WWW, Web site planning and design issues. HTML5: structure of html
document, HTML elements: headings, paragraphs, line break, styles, colors, fonts, links, frames,
lists, tables, images and forms, CSS, Bootstrap, XML, JSON.

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Unit-II Client-Side Technologies 06 Hours

JavaScript: Overview of JavaScript, Data types, Control Structures, Arrays, Functions and Scopes,
HTML5 forms Validation, Objects in JS, flex, DOM: DOM levels, DOM Objects and their properties
and methods, Manipulating DOM. JQuery: Introduction to JQuery, Loading JQuery, selecting
elements, changing styles, creating elements, appending elements, removing elements, handling
events, Introduction to POSTMAN usages.

Unit-III Server-Side Technologies 04 Hours

PHP: Introduction to PHP, Features, sample code, PHP script working, PHP syntax, conditions &
Loops, Functions, String manipulation, Arrays & Functions, Form handling, Cookies & Sessions,
File Handling, Exception Handling, E-mail validations, MySQL with PHP, Laravel - The PHP
Framework For Web Artisans. Introduction and usage of web3.0

Section2: Topics/Contents

Unit-IV Spring Boot 06 Hours

Spring Framework, Spring Boot Framework, Installing Spring Boot, Build Tool Maven/Gradle/Ant,
Core Features, Spring Security, Web Applications, JPA for database connectivity, working with SQL
and NoSQL, Messaging, Testing, Deploying Spring Boot Applications, Monitoring and Testing.
POSTMAN Tool for API testing.

Unit-V React 04 Hours

Introduction to React, React component, JSX, Render function, Component API, Component
lifecycle, State, Props, Mixins, Component composition, Pass data from parent to child, Pass data
from child to parent, Component styling, Forms, Events, Refs, Keys, Router, Flux. [4 Hrs]

Unit-VI Node JS 04 Hours

Introduction to Node JS, Installation of Node JS, Node JS Modules, Node Package Manager (NPM),
Creating Web server, File System, Express JS, Serving Static Resources, Database connectivity.[4

List of Tutorials (13):

----- Django
1. Django - Environment, Creating a Project,
2. Apps Life Cycle, Admin Interface,
3. Creating Views, URL Mapping, Template System, Models,
4. Page Redirection, Sending E-mails,
5. Generic Views, Form Processing,
6. File Uploading, Apache Setup, Cookies Handling,
7. Sessions, Caching,

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8. RSS
10. -------- Introduction to JFrog Artifactory
JFrog Artifactory is a DevOps solution for hosting, managing, and distributing binaries and
artifacts. Any type of software in binary form – such as application installers, container
images, libraries, configuration files, etc. – can be curated, secured, stored, and delivered
using Artifactory. The name “Artifactory” reflects the fact that it can host any type of
“artifact” needed in your software development “factory.”

List of Practical’s (Minimum Six):

1. Design and develop a responsive web page for your CV using multiple column layouts having
video background. You can make the use of bootstrap as well as jQuery.

2. Design and develop a website using toggleable or dynamic tabs or pills with bootstrap and JQuery
to show the relevance of SDP, EDI, DT and Course projects in VIT.

3. Design and develop a website to demonstrate (a) searching and sorting array for integer elements
using JavaScript (b) array for named entities using JavaScript. You can make the use of bootstrap as
well as jQuery.

4. Design and develop a responsive website to calculate Electricity bill using

Django/Springboot/Node JS/ PHP. Condition for first 50 units – Rs. 3.50/unit, for next 100 units –
Rs. 4.00/unit, for next 100 units – Rs. 5.20/unit and for units above 250 – Rs. 6.50/unit. You can
make the use of bootstrap as well as jQuery.

5. Design and develop a responsive website to calculate Electricity bill using

Django/Springboot/Node JS/ PHP. Condition for first 50 units – Rs. 3.50/unit, for next 100 units –
Rs. 4.00/unit, for next 100 units – Rs. 5.20/unit and for units above 250 – Rs. 6.50/unit. You can
make the use of bootstrap as well as jQuery.

6. Design and develop a responsive website to prepare one semester result of VIT students using
REACT, Django/Springboot/Node JS/ PHP and MySQL/ MongoDB/Oracle. Take any four subjects
with MSE Marks (30%) ESE Marks (70%).

7. Design and develop a responsive website to prepare one semester result of VIT students using
JavaScript, Django/Springboot/Node JS/ PHP and MySQL/MongoDB/Oracle. Take any four subjects
with MSE Marks (30%) ESE Marks (70%).

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8. Design and develop a responsive website for an online book store using Django/Springboot/Node
JS/ PHP and MySQL/ MongoDB/Oracle having 1) Home Page2) Login Page 3) Catalogue Page: 4)
Registration Page: (database)

9.Design and develop a responsive website for an online book store using REACT,
Django/Springboot/Node JS/ PHP and MySQL/ MongoDB/Oracle having 1) Home Page2) Login
Page 3) Catalogue Page: 4) Registration Page: (database)

List of Course Project areas:

1. Develop a responsive web application for Student Grievance System
2. Develop a responsive web application for Workflow Management System for MNC
3. Develop a responsive Gaming Website
4. Develop a responsive web application to help farmers to solve their farming problems
5. Develop a responsive web application for GST Billing Software for Small Business
6. Develop a responsive web application for online Crime Reporting System using PHP
7. Develop a responsive web application for online College Voting System
8. Develop a responsive web application for online Loan Processing System for Farmers.
9. Develop a responsive web application for restaurant food order management
10. Develop a responsive web application for e-book shop
11. Develop a responsive web application for on-line music store
12. Develop a responsive web application for guest visiting management to your society
13. Develop a responsive web application for web search engine

Assessment Scheme: Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360
degree assessment and check if it covers all aspects of Bloom's Taxonomy.

Assessment scheme covers following aspects of Modified Blooms Taxonomy:

L2 Understanding, L3 Apply, L3 Design, L3 Apply, L4 Analyze and L5 Evaluate

Laboratory Continuous Assessment: 100 Marks converted to 10 Marks

Course Project: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks
Laboratory Practical: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 50 Marks
Comprehensive Viva Voce: End Semester Examination: 100 Marks converted to 20 Marks

Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Kumar, A., Web technologies, CRC press, 2019
2. Gupta, R., Internet & Web Technologies, Engineering Handbook, 2019

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3. Martin, M.G., Programming for Beginners: 6 Books in 1 – Swift+PHP+Java+Javascript+Html+CSS: Basic

Fundamental Guide for Beginners, independently published, 2018
4. Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript: With jQuery, CSS & HTML5, O’Reilly Media; 5th edition, 2018
5. Kohli, S., Web Technologies, PPB Publications, 2015
6. Adam Bretz& Colin J Ihrig, “Full Stack Javascript Development with MEAN”, SPD, First Edition 2015, Indian
Reprint September 2015
7. GiulioZambon, “Beginning JSP, JSF and Tomcat”, Apress Publication, Second Edition, 2013
8. Jeremy McPeak& Paul Wilton,” Beginning JavaScript”, Wrox Publication, Fifth Edition, 2015
9. Jeffrey C.Jackson, "Web Technologies: A Computer Science Perspective", Second Edition, Pearson Education, 2007,
ISBN 978-0131856035.
10. Robert W. Sebesta: Programming the World Wide Web, 4th Edition, Pearson education, 2008

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Marty Hall, Larry Brown,"Core Web Programming", Second Edition, Pearson Education, 2001, ISBN 978-
2. H.M. Deitel, P.J. Deitel and A.B. Goldberg, "Internet & World Wide Web How To Program", Third Edition, Pearson
Education, 2006, ISBN 978-0131752429.
3. Chris Bates: Web Programming Building Internet Applications, 3rd Edition, Wiley India, 2006.
4. Xue Bai et al: The web Warrior Guide to Web Programming, Thomson, 2003

MOOCs Links and additional reading material:

2. HTML, The Complete Reference
8. PHP: Data Structures - Manual -----

Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to –
1. Create front end web pages using HTML5 and CSS3 tags and attributes
2. Provide validation mechanism and event handling in a website using JavaScript as a front end
3. Integrate front end with server side and backend technologies for commercial websites using PHP
and MySQL
4. Write Web API/RESTful API application programming interface to communicate with
Springboot as a server side technology.
5. Build single page applications using REACT as a reusable UI component technology as client side
technology and Springboot and Node JS as server side technologies

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6. Design and develop three tier enterprise application using client side, server side and back end

CO-PO Map:

CO Program Outcomes (PO) PSO

CS3215.1 2 2 2 3 2 2 2
CS3215.2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2
CS3215.3 3 3 3 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3
CS3215.4 3 3 3 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3
CS3215.5 3 3 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3
CS3215.6 3 3 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 3
Average 2.66 2.66 2.66 1.0 2 2 2 2 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.66

CO Attainment levels:

Weights for attainment levels: L1 - Easy-0.75 L2 - Comfortatble-0.7 L3 – Medium – 0.65

L4 – Somewhat difficult – 0.6 L5 – Difficult – 0.55

CO1 – L1, CO2 – L2, CO3 – L3, CO4 – L4, CO5 – L4 and CO6 – L5

Future Course Mapping:

Cloud Computing, Distributed System, Mobile Application Development

Job Mapping:

Software Engineer, Web Developer, IT Engineer, UI Developer

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Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Academic Year 2023 – 24, Semester I

Assessment Details – S.Y., T.Y. and Final year B.Tech.

I. Courses with Theory, Lab and Tutorial

Sr. No. Type of Assessment Conduction Marks

1 Presentation / Week 4,5,6,and 7 30 Marks assessment (Part A)
Group Discussion / Home Assignment
2 Presentation / End Semester Assessment 70 Marks assessment (Part B)
Group Discussion / Home Assignment Total 100 Marks (Part A + Part B)
converted to 20 equivalent Marks
3 Laboratory Experiments During Laboratory turns 100 Marks converted to 10 equivalent Marks
4 Course Project End Semester Assessment 100 Marks converted to 20 equivalent Marks
5 Written Examination / End Semester Assessment 60 Marks converted to 30 equivalent Marks
Multiple Choice Questions
6 Comprehensive Viva Voce End Semester Assessment 100 Marks converted to 20 equivalent Marks

II. Courses with Practical Examination activity

Sr. No. Type of Assessment Conduction Marks

1 Laboratory work During laboratory turns 100 Marks converted to 10 equivalent Marks
2 Course Project End Semester Assessment 100 Marks converted to 20 equivalent Marks
3 Practical End Semester Assessment 100 Marks converted to 50 Marks
4 Comprehensive Viva Voce End Semester Assessment 100 Marks converted to 20 equivalent Marks

Note: Department wise list of courses is given separately in this document in Part IX.

III. Final year B.Tech. Courses

Sr. No. Type of Assessment Conduction Marks

1 MCQ Exam – Section I Mid Semester 30 Marks converted to 30 equivalent Marks
2 Home Assignment End of Semester 100 Marks converted to 10 equivalent Marks
3 MCQ Exam – Section II End of Semester 30 Marks converted to 30 equivalent Marks
4 Comprehensive Viva Voce End of Semester 100 Marks converted to 30 equivalent Marks

IV. S.Y. B. Tech. 2 Credit Theory Courses

Sr. No. Type of Assessment Conduction Marks

1 Written Examination End of Semester 100 Marks converted to 100 equivalent Marks

V. EDI, Major Project & Semester Internship

Sr. No. Type of Assessment Conduction Marks

1 Project / Internship activity Presentation Mid Semester 50 Marks converted to 30 equivalent Marks
2 Project/ Internship activity End Semester 100 Marks converted to 70 equivalent Marks
Presentation & Demonstration
Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)

Assessment Rubrics
I. Presentation Assessment
Details of Assessment – 100 Marks to be converted to 20 Marks.

Partial assessment to be conducted during the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th week of the Academic
Semester for 50 marks

Format for Assessment

Sr. No. Parameter Marks
1 Survey about the topic 15
2 Contents of slides 15
3 Technical content coverage & Presentation Skills 20

50 marks to be converted to 30


Summative assessment to be conducted during End of the Academic Semester for 100 marks

Format for Assessment

Sr. No. Parameter Marks
1 Contents of slides 25
2 Understanding of concepts 25
3 Presentation Skills 25
4 Performance in Question-and-Answer Session 25

100 Marks to be converted to 70 marks

NSQF Compliance:
Compatibility and Assurance of imparting Level 6 and Level 7 skills as per National Skills Quality
Framework (NSQF) Guidelines.
Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)

II. Group Discussion

Details of Assessment – 100 Marks to be converted to 20 Marks.

Partial assessment to be conducted during the 4th , 5th, 6th, and 7th week of the Academic
Semester for 50 marks
Format for Assessment
Sr. No. Parameter Marks
1 Survey about the topic 15
2 Technical content coverage during discussion 20
3 Ability to express technical views 15

50 Marks to be converted to 30 marks

Summative assessment to be conducted during End of the Academic Semester for 100 marks

Sr. No. Parameter Marks

1 Level of Participation 25
2 Knowledge of the Topic 15
3 Communication skill and Vocabulary 25
4 Critical Thinking 25
5 Overall Impression of Examiner 10

100 Marks to be converted to 70 marks

Guidelines for assessment:

a. Level of Participation: The student has enthusiastically demonstrated that the knowledge of the topic acquired
from Theory, Tutorial, Laboratory, Project, Supplementary reading is reflected in the statements and arguments
made during the Group Discussions. Has been an active orator and a passive listener at appropriate times during
the course of the Group Discussion
b. Knowledge of the Topic: The student is thorough in the content and concepts associated with the fundamental and
applied aspects of the Topic. The participant contributed to clarify or synthesize other Group Discussion members'
ideas. If disagreeing with other Group Discussion members’ ideas, the student stated disagreement or objections
consistent with the underlying technical concept clearly, yet politely.
c. Communication skill and vocabulary: The student effectively and politely communicated with the peers and the
Moderator faculty, articulating the thoughts using appropriate Academic and Technical words. The student
avoided the use of mixed or non-English vocabulary
d. Critical Thinking: The student is able to think clearly, and rationally and is able to logically connect various aspects
of the topic being discussed. The student retained the ability to reason and stay focused, despite distractions,
clutter and diversion experienced, if any, during the progress of the Group discussion. The student was able to
think about the facts that emerged during the Group Discussion spontaneously. This ability is not the ability
acquired by accumulation of facts and knowledge learned once in the past and used for ever.

Overall impression of the moderator faculty: The moderator faculty would quantify their impression on the basis of
parameters such as, but not limited to - Time management, response and respect to peers and moderator faculty, ethics
followed, arguments and counter arguments losing the decorum of the activity etc.

NSQF Compliance:
Compatibility and Assurance of imparting Level 6 and Level 7 skills as per National Skills Quality Framework (NSQF) Guidelines.
Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)

III. EDI Assessment

1. Mid Semester Assessment – 50 Marks to be converted to 30 Marks.
2. End Semester Assessment – 100 Marks to be converted to 70 Marks.

Format for Mid Semester Assessment

Sr. No. Parameter Marks
1 Problem Statement 10
2 Literature Review 10
3 Group formation and identification of individual responsibility 10
4 Objective of Project activity 10
5 Knowledge of domain, technology and tools being used 10

Format for End Semester Assessment

Sr. No. Parameter Marks
1 Realization of project as per problem statement 10
2 Design & Testing 30
3 Documentation and Report Writing 20
4 Quality of Work 15
5 Performance in Question & Answers Session 15
6 Timely Completion of Project work 10

NSQF Compliance:
Compatibility and Assurance of imparting Level 8 and Level 9 skills as per National Skills Quality
Framework (NSQF) Guidelines.
Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)

IV. Final Year B.Tech. Major Project

1. Mid Semester Assessment – 50 Marks to be converted to 30 Marks.
2. End Semester Assessment – 100 Marks to be converted to 70 Marks.

Format for Mid Semester Assessment

Sr. No. Parameter Marks
1 Problem Statement 10
2 Literature Review 10
3 Group formation and identification of individual responsibility 10
4 Objective of Project activity 10
5 Knowledge of domain, latest technology and modern tools 10
being used

Format for End Semester Assessment

Sr. No. Parameter Marks
1 Realization of project as per problem statement 10
2 Design, Testing / Experimentation, Analysis / Validation 30
3 Documentation and Report Writing 20
4 Quality of Work 15
5 Performance in Question & Answers Session 15
6 Regular interaction with guide 10

NSQF Compliance:
Compatibility and Assurance of imparting Level 8,9 and Level 10 skills as per National Skills
Quality Framework (NSQF) Guidelines.
Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)

V. Final Year Semester Internship

1. Mid Semester Assessment – 50 Marks to be converted to 30 Marks.
2. End Semester Assessment – 100 Marks to be converted to 70 Marks.

Format for Mid Semester Assessment

Sr. No. Parameter Marks
1 Problem Statement 10
2 Literature Review 10
3 Clarity about the objectives of Internship activity 10
4 Requirement Analysis, Internship Planning 10
5 Knowledge of domain, Latest technology and 10
modern tools being used

Format for End Semester Assessment

Sr. No. Parameter Marks
1 Realization of Internship as per problem statement 10
2 Design, Testing / Experimentation, Analysis / Validation 30
3 Documentation and Report Writing 20
4 Quality of Work 15
5 Performance in Question & Answers Session 15
6 Regular interaction with guide 10

Note: For the End Semester Assessment, it is expected that the Internship company guide is also
involved. The Department is required to set up communication with the Internship company guide
regarding the End Semester Assessment, requesting their availability, in the interest of fair and rigorous
assessment. No remuneration is to be paid to Internal company guide. They are expected to be involved
along with Examiner/s in the finalization of Marks. The participation from the Internship company
guide is voluntary. If the company guide opts not to join the assessment activity, it may then be done
by the appointed examiner/s only.

NSQF Compliance:
Compatibility and Assurance of imparting Level 8,9 and Level 10 skills as per National Skills
Quality Framework (NSQF) Guidelines.
Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)

VI. Home Assignment

1. End Semester Assessment – 100 Marks to be converted to 20 Marks.

Format for End Semester Assessment

Home Assignment Type: Design
Sr. No. Parameter Marks
1 Design Statement: Novelty, Originality and concreteness 15
2 Understanding of Design 30
3 Engineering approach towards design 25
4 Communication and presentation skills 10
5 Design report, writeup, conclusion of Assignment 20

Home Assignment Type: Survey

Sr. No. Parameter Marks
1 Comprehensiveness of the survey 15
2 Understanding of survey topic 20
3 Significance and relevance of survey findings 25
4 Communication and presentation skills 10
5 References, Bibliography, literature survey 10
6 Survey report, writeup, conclusion of Assignment 20

Home Assignment Type: Blog

Sr. No. Parameter Marks
1 Comprehensiveness and overall coverage of the blog 20
2 Understanding of the blog topic 20
3 Ease of understanding of the blog for the reader 25
4 Aesthetic elements of blog and Originality of blog content 25
5 References, Bibliography, literature survey 10

Home Assignment Type: Case Study

Sr. No. Parameter Marks
1 Clarity in definition of case study problem statement 10
2 Understanding of Case handled, tools and technology used 30
3 Approach of analysis of case 25
4 Significance and relevance of findings 25
5 References, Bibliography, literature survey 10

NSQF Compliance:
Compatibility and Assurance of imparting Level 6 and Level 7 skills as per National Skills Quality
Framework (NSQF) Guidelines.
Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)

VII. Comprehensive Viva Voce

1. End Semester Assessment – 100 Marks to be converted to 20 Marks.

Guidelines for assessment:

▪ The CVV enables a dialectic communication between the examiner/s and the student,
providing invaluable experience for career interviews in future.

▪ The Comprehensive Viva Voce is a summative assessment. It is based on verbal

interaction between Examiner/s and the students, covering the entire course

▪ The student may be encouraged to explain the applicable concepts, ideas, views with
the help of pen and paper/ Whiteboard screen/ Paint etc. if required.

▪ A balanced set of questions invoking diverse abilities such as analysis, synthesis,

application, comparison, correlation, summary, classification, explanation,
illustration, description etc. be set up, while covering entire course contents.

▪ Sufficient time is to be given for every student during the Viva Voce, to demonstrate
the requisite abilities before arriving at the summative assessment score.

NSQF Compliance:
Compatibility and Assurance of imparting Level 7 skills as per National Skills Quality
Framework (NSQF) Guidelines.
Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)

VIII. Design Thinking

Applicable for S.Y. B.Tech. and T.Y. B.Tech. students as group activity

To provide ecosystem to students for paper publication and patent filing

Publication of paper or filing of patent

Assessment and Grading:

Students will be assessed on the basis of the outcome, i.e., published paper or status of patent.
Grades to be awarded at the end of the Semester will be on the following basis –

Grade Basis for Grade allocation

A+ Paper published in High impact Journals (Top 50 journal list will be given) / Patent Granted
A Paper published in any SCI/Scopus/Web of science Journal/conference or Patent Published
B+ Paper Accepted for publication in SCI/Scopus/Web of science Journal/conference
or patent filed
B Paper published in UGC Listed Journal
C+ International Conference Paper Publication (Non-Scopus and Non-SCI)
C National Conference Paper Publication (Non-Scopus and Non-SCI)
D Paper submitted to any Journal / Conference
F No publication / No patent

NSQF Compliance:
Compatibility and Assurance of imparting Level 8,9 and Level 10 skills as per National Skills
Quality Framework (NSQF) Guidelines.
Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)

IX. Courses with Practical Examination activity

Program Course Code Course Name

IT IT 2265 Advanced Data Structures
IT 2266 Computer Networks
IT 3221 Operating System
IT 3218 Artificial Intelligence
AI & DS AI 2003 Computer Network
AI 2001 Advanced Data Structures
AI 3001 Artificial Intelligence
AI 3002 Operating System
Computer CS 2041 Advanced Data Structures
CS 2008 Operating System
CS 3215 Web technology
CS 3202 Artificial Intelligence
E & TC ET 2270 Advanced Data Structure
ET 3272 Design and Analysis of Algorithm
ET 3221 Computer Vision
ET 3271 Embedded System Design
ET 3273 Web Technology
CS – AI CI 2001 Advanced Data Structures
CI 2003 Operating Systems
CS – AIML ML 2006 Advanced Data Structures
ML 2008 Operating Systems
IPED Nil Nil
Mechanical Nil Nil
Instrumentation IC 2222 Advanced Data Structure
IC 3232 Web Technologies
Chemical Nil Nil
SY Common CS 2218 Object Oriented Programming Systems

NSQF Compliance:
Compatibility and Assurance of imparting Level 7 in the domain of Process, Professional Knowledge, Professional
Skill and Core Skill as per National Skills Quality Framework (NSQF) Guidelines.

Prof. (Dr.) Ashutosh Marathe

Dean - Academics

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