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Final - T.Y.B.Tech (Sem V)

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An Autonomous Institute

Department of
Computer Science
T. Y. B. Tech.
Computer Science & Engineering

B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering

Syllabus Structure and Curriculum under Autonomy
Tatyasaheb Kore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Warananagar
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur)
Department of Computer Science & Engineering


To become center of excellence in the field of Computer Science and Engineering and
develop competent IT technocrats


 To develop engineering graduates with high degree of processional excellence

 To excel in academics and research through contemporary and real world problems
 To enhance graduate employability through work based learning in social entrepreneurship
 To encourage industrial and nationally recognized institutes collaboration
 To create an environment to nurture lifelong learning

Quality Policy

To promote excellence in academic and training activities by inspiring students for becoming
competent professionals to cater industrial and social needs.

Program Educational Objectives

Graduates will be able to,

[1] Able to design and develop computing system using modern technologies by adapting
business intelligence and challenges
[2] Able to acquire capabilities with aptitude for higher education and entrepreneurship
[3] Able to function effectively as professionals having excellent interpersonal skills with ethical
and social obligations.
[4] Able to work efficiently in multidisciplinary and multicultural environment
[5] Able to lead in their respective domain and contribute positively to the needs of society
Tatyasaheb Kore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Warananagar
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur)
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Program Outcomes

After completion of the Program, graduates will have,

[1] Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an

engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
[2] Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering
problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics,
natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
[3] Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components
or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the
public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations
[4] Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of
experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to
provide valid conclusions.
[5] Modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
[6] Assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent
responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice
[7] Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and
environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable
[8] Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.
[9] Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and
in multidisciplinary settings.
[10] Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering
community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write
effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give
and receive clear instructions
[11] Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management
principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to
manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
[12] Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent
and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Tatyasaheb Kore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Warananagar
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur)
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Program Specific Outcomes

[1] Identify, design and develop solution for real world problems by implementing phases of
software development process model
[2] Analyze and apply the computer science engineering solutions in societal and human context
[3] Demonstrate the skills and knowledge of contemporary issues in the field of Computer
science and Engineering
Tatyasaheb Kore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Warananagar
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to Shivaji University,Kolhapur)

Sr. No. Acronym Definition

1 ISE In-Semester Examination
2 ISE-I In-Semester Examination-I
3 ISE-II In-Semester Examination-II
4 ESE End-Semester Examination
5 ISA In-Semester Assessment (Term Work)
6 L Lecture
7 T Tutorial
8 P Practical
9 CH Contact Hours
10 C Credit

Course/ Subject Categories

Sr. No. Acronym Definition

1 BSC Basic Science Course

2 HSC Humanity Science Course
3 ESC Engineering Science Course
4 PCC Professional Core Course
5 OEC Open Elective Course
6 MC Mandatory Course
7 PEC Professional Elective Course
8 PW Project Work (Mini and Major Project)
9 II Industrial Internship

Course/ Subject Code

C S E 5 0 1
Branch Code Semester Course Number

Course Term work and POE Code

C S E 5 0 1 T/P / A
T - Term Work
Branch Code Semester Course Number
A - Audit Course
H - Honours Course
Third Year B. Tech.
(Computer Science & Engineering)
Semester - V
Detailed Syllabus
Tatyasaheb Kore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Warananagar
Third Year B.Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering)
(To be implemented from 2022 - 23)
Curriculum Structure, Credit Scheme and Evaluation Scheme
Teaching and Examination &
Course Credit Scheme Evaluation Scheme
Category Course Title
Code Min for
L T P CH C Component Marks Passing

ESE 60 24
CSE501 PCC Object Oriented Modeling and Design 3 -- -- 3 3 40
ISE 40 16

ESE 60 24
CSE502 PCC System Software and Compiler Design 3 -- -- 3 3 40
ISE 40 16

ESE 60 24
CSE503 PCC Operating Systems-II 3 -- -- 3 3 40
ISE 40 16

ESE 60 24
CSE504 PCC Computer Algorithms 3 -- -- 3 3 40
ISE 40 16

CSE505 Linux Administration ESE 60 24

OEC 2 -- -- 2 2 40
CSE506 Cyber Security and Cyber Laws ISE 40 16

CSE504T PCC Computer Algorithms -- 1 -- 1 1 ISA 25 10

CSE505T Linux Administration

OEC -- 1 -- 1 1 ISA 25 10
CSE506T Cyber Security and Cyber Laws

ESE(OE) 50 20
CSE502P PCC System Software and Compiler Design -- -- 2 2 1 30
ISA 25 10

ESE(OE) 50 20
CSE503P PCC Operating System-II Laboratory -- -- 2 2 1 30
ISA 25 10

ESE(POE) 50 20
CSE507P PCC Python Programming 2 -- 4 6 4 30
ISA 50 20

CSE508A Audit Course-V : Business and

1 1 -- 2 -- --
Technical English

TOTAL 17 3 8 28 22 -- 800 --
CSE501 - Object Oriented Modeling and Design
Click Syllabus Structure
Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme
Lectures : 3 Hrs/Week
Credits : 3 ISE : 40 Marks
Tutorials : -- ESE : 60 Marks

Course Objective : The objective of this course is

1 To understand the Object Based View of the System
2 To design Problems using Object Oriented Analysis and Design Techniques
3 To Understand UML notations and compare with OMT
4 To inculcate necessary skills to handle complexities in Software Design
Course Outcomes :
At the end of successful completion of the course, the students will Bloom’s
be able to Taxonomy
CO1 Explain the modeling as a design technique Remember
CO2 Explain the Object, Dynamic & Functional Modeling Understand
CO3 Describe Structure and Behavior Modeling using UML Understand
CO4 Analysis, Design and Implementation with UML case studies Analyze

Course Description :
This course is designed to understand the Object Oriented Modeling, Analysis and Designing
methodologies used I during Software design and development
Prerequisites : 1 Software Engineering
Section – I
Introduction: Ability to analyze and model software systems
Object oriented themes, modeling as a design technique. Object Modeling:
Object, classes, Link & association, advanced link & Association concepts,
generalization & Inheritance, grouping constructs, aggregation, abstract 8 Hrs
classes, generalization as extension & restriction, multiple inheritance,
metadata, candidate key & constraints
Dynamic & Functional Modeling
Dynamic modeling: Events & states, operations, nested state diagrams,
concurrency, advanced dynamic modeling concepts &simple dynamic
model, relation of object dynamic models.Functional Modeling: Functional 7 Hrs
model, data flow diagrams, specifying operations, constriction, a simple
functional model, relation of functional to object & dynamic model
Introducing the UML
An overview of the UML, Conceptual Model of UML, Architecture of UML
Structure modeling Using UML: Classes, Relationship, Diagrams, and 7 Hrs
Class Diagrams
Section – II
Behavioral Modeling
Interactions, Use Cases, Use Case Diagram, and Interaction diagrams, 7 Hrs
Activity diagrams, Events & Signals, State Machines, Process & Threads,
Time & Space, State chart diagrams
Unit-5 Analysis and Design
Process Overview, System Conception, Domain Analysis, Application
5 Hrs
Implementation Modeling
Unit-6 Overview, Fine-tuning Classes, Fine-tuning Generalizations, Realizing
Associations, Testing, Example 5 Hrs
Case Studies: ATM, Library Management System

Mapping of POs & COs:

If applicable
1 2 3

CO1 3 2 2 - - - - - - - - -

CO2 3 - - 1 1 - - - - - - -

CO3 - 3 2 2 2 - - - - 1 - -

CO4 - - - 2 3 2 - - - - - -

Text Books :
Object-Orientated Modeling & Design,James Rambaugh, Michael Blaha, William
Premerlani, Frederick Eddy, and William Lorensen PHI Publication (Units I and II)
The Unified Modeling Language User Guide, Grady Booch, James Rambaugh and Ivar
Jacobson, 2nd Edition, Pearson (Addison Wesley) Publication (Units III and IV)
Object-Orientated Modeling & Design with UML, Michael Blaha and James Rambaugh, 2nd
Edition, Pearson Publication (Units V and VI)
Reference Books :
1 Object Oriented Analysis & Design, Atul Kahate, Tata McGraw-Hill Publication
2 Object Oriented analysis& Design, Andrew High, Tata McGraw-Hill Publication
3 Practical Object Oriented Design with UML, Mark Priestley, McGraw-Hill Education
SWAYAM Courses (Operational Timestamp: Sat,16-Jul-2022 on 7:00 AM)
1 [IIT Kharagpur]
2 [IIT, Kharagpur]
CSE502 - System Software and Compiler Design
Click Syllabus Structure
Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme
Lectures : 3 Hrs/Week
Credits : 3 ISE : 40 Marks
Tutorials : -- ESE : 60 Marks

Course Objective : The objective of this course is

1 To expose the students to the fundamentals of various language processors like compiler,
assembler, linker, Macro pre-processor and loader
2 To introduce the fundamentals of compiler and its phases
3 To design and implement Analysis phases of compiler
4 To design and implement Synthesis phases of compiler
Course Outcomes :
At the end of successful completion of the course, the students will Bloom’s
be able Taxonomy
CO1 To identify the role of system programs and application programs Remember
CO2 To understand the basics of system programs like editors, compiler,
assembler, linker, loader, interpreter and debugger
CO3 To design and implement lexical analyzer, syntax analyzer and
semantic analyzer
CO4 To identify appropriate code optimizing transformations and issues Analyze and
Code Generation Understand

Course Description :
This course is designed to understand the various system software and also study in detail about
design of compiler
1 Operating System
Prerequisites : 2 Finite Automata
3 Microprocessor
Section – I
Language Processors: Assembler
Language Processor, Elements of Assembly Language Programming,
Advanced assembler directives, Pass-I of the assembler, Intermediate code 6 Hrs
forms, Pass-II of the assembler
Macros, Linkers and Loaders
Introduction, Macro definition and call, Macro Expansion, Nested macro
call, Advanced macro facilities, Relocation and Linking concept, Self- 7 Hrs
Relocating Programs, Loaders
Compilers: Lexical Analysis
Structure of Compiler, Lexical Analysis: Role of Lexical Analyzer, Lexical
Errors, Lexeme, Tokens and Patterns, Input Buffering, Transition Diagram, 7 Hrs
Lexical Analyzer Generator: LEX
Section – II
Syntax Analysis
Introduction, Context Free Grammar (CFG), Top-Down Parsing: Recursive 7 Hrs
Descent Parsing Technique and Predictive Parsing Technique: LL (1),
Bottom up Parsing: LR(0), SLR (1).
Syntax Directed Translation and Intermediate code generation
Syntax directed translation: Introduction, SDD, SDT, Attributes, Synthesized
attributes, Inherited attributes, S-Attributed definition, L-Attributed
definition, Intermediate code generation: Introduction, Triple and 7 Hrs
Quadruples, Three Address Instructions, Three Address Code for Boolean
expression and Assignment Statements
Code Optimization and Code Generation
Introduction to Code Optimization, Principle Sources of Optimization,
Peephole Optimization, Introduction to code generation, Issues in code 6 Hrs

Mapping of POs & COs:

If applicable
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

CO1 3 - - - - 1 - - - - - 1

CO2 3 2 - 1 1 - - - - - 1

CO3 3 2 3 - 2 1 - - - - - 2

CO4 3 1 1 - - 1 - - - - - 2

CO5 3 - - - - 1 - - - - - 1

CO6 3 - 2 - 1 1 - - - - - 1

Text Books :
1 System Programming and Operating System, D. M. Dhamadhere, 2 nd Edition-McGraw Hill
Education India.(Unit I & II)
2 Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools, Jeffery D. Ullman, Alfred V Aho, Ravi Sethi-
Pearson Education India.(Unit III, IV, V & VI)
Reference Books :
1 Compiler Construction, D.M. Dhamdare, Mc-Millan
SWAYAM Courses (Operational Timestamp: Sat,16-Jul-2022 on 7:00 AM)
1 [IIT, Kharagpur]
CSE503 - Operating System-II
Click Syllabus Structure
Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme
Lectures : 3 Hrs/Week ISE : 40 Marks
Credits : 3
Tutorials : -- ESE : 60 Marks

Course Objective : The objective of this course is

1 To provide knowledge to the students about Fundamental architecture of UNIX/Linux
operating system fundamentals
2 To understand File subsystem and related functions (system calls)
3 To understand Process Control subsystem and related functions (system calls) and
memory allocation
4 To understand the Unix/Linux process and Inter Process Communication using pipes,
5 To provide a comprehensive introduction to Shell programming
Course Outcomes :
At the end of successful completion of the course, the students will Bloom’s
be able to Taxonomy
CO1 To understand Unix fundamental components like files, directories,
basic I/O functions and Processes
CO2 To Demonstrate various UNIX commands, system calls(functions) for
file subsystem
CO3 To Demonstrate various UNIX commands for Process subsystem and
CO4 Analyze a given problem and apply requisite facets of SHELL Analyze and
programming in order to devise a SHELL script to solve the problem Apply

Course Description :
This course provides understanding of the Unix, GNU Linux operating system and describes the
application programming interface of the UNIX family of operating systems programming
1 Data Structures and Algorithms
Prerequisites : 2 Operating System Course (CSE404)
3 Concepts of Operating System Process
Section – I
UNIX System Overview
Unit-1 Introduction, UNIX Architecture, Logging, Files and Directories, Input and
6 Hrs
Output, Programs and Processes, User Identification
File I/O, Files and Directories
File I/O : Introduction File Descriptors, open(), read(),write(),
creat(),close(),lseek(),File Sharing, dup(). Files and Directories :
Introduction stat(), fstat(), File Types, Set-User-ID and Set-Group-ID, File 7 Hrs
Access Permissions, chmod(), Sticky Bit, chown(), File Systems, Symbolic
Links, mkdir(), rmdir(), chdir(), getcwd() Advanced I/O : Record locking
Process Environment, Control
Unit-3 Process Environment : Introduction, main() function, Process Termination, 6 Hrs
Command-Line arguments, Environment List, Memory Layout of ‘C’
Program, Shared Libraries, Memory Allocation. Process Control: Process
Identifiers, fork (), vfork(), exit(), wait(), exec(), Changing User IDs and
Group IDs, Process Times
Section – II
Process Relationships and IPC
Unit-4 Process Relationships : Terminal Logins, Linux Terminal Logins, Network
6 Hrs
Logins, Linux Network Login, Job Control. IPC : Pipes, FIFOs
Signals and Threads
Signals : Signal Concepts, Signal Function, kill(), raise(), alarm(), pause().
Threads : Thread Concepts, Thread Identification, Thread Creation, Thread 6 Hrs
Essential Shell Programming
Shell Scripts, read : Making Scripts Interactive, Using Command-Line
Arguments, exit and Exit Status of Command, The Logical Operators &&
Unit-6 and ||,The if conditional, Using test and [] to Evaluate Expressions, The case
7 Hrs
Conditional, expr : Computation and String Handling, $0 : Calling a Script
by Different Names, while : Looping, for : Looping with a List, set and
shift, The Here Document, trap : Interrupting a Program

Mapping of POs & COs:

If applicable
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

CO1 2 - - - - - - - 1 - - 1

CO2 2 1 - - 1 - - - 2 - - 1

CO3 2 1 - - 1 - - - 2 - - 1

CO4 2 2 2 - - - - - 2 - - 3

Text Books :
1 Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, W.Richard Stevens,2 nd Edition, Pearson
2 Unix Concepts and Applications, Sumitabha Das, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill
Reference Books :
1 The Design of UNIX Operating System, Maurice Bach, PHI
SWAYAM Courses (Operational Timestamp: Sat,16-Jul-2022 on 7:00 AM)
1 [IIT, Madras]
2 [University of Madras]
CSE504 - Computer Algorithms
Click Syllabus Structure
Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme
Lectures : 3 Hrs/Week ISE : 40 Marks
Credits : 3
Tutorials : -- ESE : 60 Marks

Course Objective : The objective of this course is

1 To introduce algorithm design methods / techniques with analysis
2 To devise algorithm for given problem statement
3 To introduce complex computational problems
Course Outcomes :
At the end of successful completion of the course, the students will Bloom’s
be able to Taxonomy
CO1 Understand and demonstrate algorithm design methods with analysis Demonstrate
CO2 Devise algorithm for given problem statement and analyze its space and Analyze
time complexity by using recurrence relation
CO3 Categorize the problem to determine polynomial and non-polynomial Analyze
based on its nature

Course Description :
This Course is designed to understand the various key aspects and algorithm design techniques to
solve the real world problems
1 Data Structures
2 Discrete Mathematics
Prerequisites :
3 Engineering Mathematics
4 Programming Concepts
Section – I
Divide and Conquer
What is algorithm, Algorithm Specification, Recurrence relations,
Unit-1 Performance Analysis, Divide and Conquer: The General Method, Binary
Search, Finding the Maximum and Minimum, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, 9 Hrs
Analysis of Divide and Conquer algorithms
Case Study 1.1 : Standard Performance Profiling Tools(prof, gprof)
The Greedy Method
The General Method, Knapsack Problem, Job sequencing with deadlines,
Unit-2 Minimum-Cost Spanning Trees – Prim’s and Kruskal’s Algorithms, Optimal
8 Hrs
Storage on tapes, Optimal Merge Patterns- Huffman code, Single Source
Shortest Paths
Dynamic Programming
Unit-3 The General Method, Multistage Graphs, All Pair Shortest Paths, Reliability
8 Hrs
design, Traveling Sales Person Problem
Section – II
Basic Traversal and Search Techniques
Unit-4 Techniques for Binary Trees, Techniques for Graphs – Breadth First Search
6 Hrs
& Traversal, Depth First Search & Traversal and Spanning Trees
The General Method, Sum of Subsets, n-queen problem, Hamiltonian Cycle 5 Hrs
and Graph Coloring
NP Hard and NP Complete
Unit-6 Basic Concepts, P,NP, NP-Complete, NP-Hard Problems, Introduction to NP
3 Hrs
Hard Graph Problems

Mapping of POs & COs:

If applicable
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

CO1 2 2 1 - - 1 - - - - - 2

CO2 3 3 3 1 1 - - - - - 1 2

CO3 2 2 2 3 - - 1 - - - - 1

Text Books :
Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, Ellis Horowitz, Satraj Sahni, Sanguthevar
Rajasekaran, 2nd Edition,University Press
Introduction to Algorithms, Thomas Cormen, Charles Leiserson, Ronald Rivest, Clifford
Stein,3rd Edition,PHI
Reference Books :
1 Introduction to The Design and Analysis of Algorithms”, Anany Levitin, 3 rd Edition,Pearson.
2 Fundamentals of Algorithms Gilles Brassard, Paul Bratley Pearson Education
SWAYAM Courses (Operational Timestamp: Sat,16-Jul-2022 on 7:00 AM)
1 [CMI]
2 [UoK]
SWAYAM Courses (Operational Timestamp: Sat,16-Jul-2022 on 7:00 AM)
CSE505 (OEC) - Linux Administration
Click Syllabus Structure
Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme
Lectures : 2 Hrs/Week ISE : 40 Marks
Credits : 2
Tutorials : -- ESE : 60 Marks

Course Objective : The objective of this course is

1 To understand the basic functionality of Linux architecture and kernel
2 To understand administrating, configuring and upgrading the Linux System
3 To understand how to deal with Command Line Interface
4 To Manage User, groups and files permissions
Course Outcomes :
At the end of successful completion of the course, the students will Bloom’s
be able to Taxonomy
CO1 Explain the basic concepts, components of Linux such as Kernel Remember
CO2 Understand the various network related Services Understand
CO3 Perform essential Linux commands such as installation, searches and Apply
manipulating files.
CO4 Manage system storage by using partitions, logical volumes, physical Apply
volumes, ACLs

Course Description :
This course will actively engage students in task focused activities, lab-based knowledge checks,
and facilitative discussions to ensure maximum skill transfer and retention
Prerequisites : 1 Operating System
Section – I
Introduction to Linux
Unit-1 Architecture, Kernel, difference between Linux and windows, introduction to
3 Hrs
various flavors of Linux
User Administration and Managing Permissions
Create and delete user, Setting up password policy, resetting password,
Unit-2 creating group and adding user in a group, applying set uid, set gid, sticky
5 Hrs
bit, ACL, change ownership of files and directories. Dealing with files and
directory permissions
Process Management & SSH
Unit-3 Monitoring Process, Working on server load, killing of the processes, SSH
4 Hrs
setup, generating keys
Section – II
Package and Service Management
Unit-4 Installing, removing and reinstalling the packages, update and upgrade of
4 Hrs
packages, rollback Activity and Configuring Yum Server
LVM and Network Management
Unit-5 What is LVM, need of LVM, Adding, removing logical volume, reduce and
4 Hrs
extend LVM, Network Services, Firewall management
Introduction to Ansible: Automation Management Tool
Introduction, how to write playbook, YAML, Working on variable, loop, 5 Hrs
hash loop, nested loop, tags and working on adhoc commands

Mapping of POs & COs:

If applicable
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

CO1 3 1 2 - - 1 - - - - 1 1

CO2 2 3 1 - - - - 1 - - - -

CO3 2 1 - - 2 - - 1 - - - -

CO4 2 3 2 2 2 - - 1 - - - 1

Text Books :
1 Linux System administration - Tom Adelstein, Bill Lubanovic – O’reilly Media Inc
Reference Books :
1 Red Hat Linux Administration Beginner’s Guide - Michael Turner, Steve Shah
CSE506 (OEC) - Cyber Security and Cyber Laws
Click Syllabus Structure
Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme
Lectures : 2 Hrs/Week ISE : 40 Marks
Credits : 2
Tutorials : -- ESE : 60 Marks

Course Objective : The objective of this course is

1 To gain knowledge about securing both clean and corrupted systems, protect personal
data, and secure computer network
2 To examine secure software development practice
3 To understand key terms and concepts in Information Technology Act
4 To incorporate approaches for incident analysis and response
Course Outcomes :
At the end of successful completion of the course, the students will Bloom’s
be able to Taxonomy
CO1 Explain the cyber security concepts Remember
CO2 Describe the cyber security vulnerabilities and prevention techniques Remember
CO3 Understand the different rules and regulations under I.T. Act Understand
CO4 Analyze the concepts of digital forensics & incident management Analyze

Course Description :
This Course is designed to understand the fundamentals of Information and Network security
1 Fundamental knowledge of Data Communication
Prerequisites :
2 Networking and Information Security
Section – I
Introduction to Computer Security
Unit-1 Introduction, Identifying Types of Threats, Basic Security Terminology,
2 Hrs
Concepts and Approaches
Cyber Stalking, Fraud, and Abuse
Introduction to Cyber Security, Cyber Stalking, Fraud, and Abuse:
Introduction, How Internet Fraud Works, Identity Theft, Cyber Stalking, 4 Hrs
Protecting Yourself Against Cyber Crime.
Denial of Service Attacks and Malware
Introduction, DoS, Illustrating an Attack, Malware: Introduction, Viruses,
Unit-3 Trojan Horses, The Buffer-Overflow Attack. The Sassier Virus/Buffer
4 Hrs
Overflow, Spyware, Other Forms of Malware, Detecting and Eliminating
Viruses and Spyware
Section – II
Techniques Used by Hackers
Unit-4 Introduction, Basic Terminology, The Reconnaissance Phase, Actual
5 Hrs
Attacks, Malware Creation, Penetration Testing
The Legal Perspectives of Cyber Crime
Unit-5 Why Do We Need Cyber laws: The Indian Context, The Indian IT Act,
5 Hrs
Challenges to Indian Law and Cybercrime Scenario In India
Introduction to Forensics
Introduction, General Guidelines, Finding Evidence on the PC, Finding 6 Hrs
Evidence in System Logs , Getting Back Deleted Files, Operating System
Utilities, Mobile Forensics: Cell Phone Concepts

Mapping of POs & COs:

If applicable
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
- - - - -
CO1 3 - - 2 - 2 - - - -

1 - - 2 2 2 - 1 - 1 1

2 2 1 2 1 2 1 - - 1

1 2 2 1 2 1 1 - - - 2

Text Books :
1 Computer Security Fundamentals - Chuck Easttom, Pearson, Third edition(Unit I to IV &VI)
Cyber Security: Understanding Cyber Crimes, Computer Forensics and Legal Perspectives,
Nina Godbole and Sunil Belapure, Wiley INDIA.(Unit V)
Reference Books :
Jason Luttgens, Matthew Pepe, Kevin Mandia, Incident Response & Computer Forensics,
McGraw-Hill Osborne Media, 3rd edition , 2014
Keith J. Jones, Richard Bejtlich, Curtis W. Rose, Real Digital Forensics: Computer Security
and Incident Response, Paperback – Import, 2005.
3 Handbook of Applied Cryptography - Menezes, an Oorschot, and S.A. Vanstone
SWAYAM Courses (Operational Timestamp: Sat,16-Jul-2022 on 7:00 AM)
1 [AIHSHEW, Coimbatore]
2 [DBAOU,Gujrat]
3 [UOU,Haldwani]
CSE504T - Computer Algorithms
Click Syllabus Structure
Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme
Tutorials : 1 Hr/Week
Credits : 1 ISA : 25 Marks

Term Work & Tutorial

It should consist of minimum 10-12 assignments based on following guidelines
A batch of students will be assigned different algorithms and expected to analyze the
algorithms in terms of time and space complexity
2 Solve different exercise problems in text book mentioned in syllabus
Student need to perform at least 6 programs from the syllabus. Perform Priori Analysis and
Posteriori Measurement on the same
CSE505T (OEC) – Linux Administration
Click Syllabus Structure
Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme
Tutorials : 1 Hr/Week
Credits : 1 ISA : 25 Marks

List of Assignments
Assignment -1 Installation of Red Hat Linux.
Assignment -2 Creation of Users, Groups, Delete user and Groups.
Assignment -3 Managing file Ownership and Permissions.
Assignment -4 Installation of various Packages and Service using RPM Repository.
Assignment -5 Create, Delete, Extend Large Volume Management.
Assignment -6 Applying Sticky Bit and ACL to Files and Directories.
Assignment -7 Install and Configure YUM Server.
Assignment -8 Install and Configure SSH using Putty, Mobaxterm.
Write simple playbook for install, restart and remove packages using Ansible
Assignment -9
Automation Tool.
Assignment -10 Write a sample Playbook using various loops (Simple, nested and Hash)
CSE506T (OEC) - Cyber Security and Cyber Laws
Click Syllabus Structure
Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme
Tutorials : 1 Hr/Week
Credits : 1 ISA : 25 Marks

Term Work & Tutorial

It should consist of minimum 8-10 assignments based on following guidelines
1 Enlisting Indian Information Technology Act and Cyber crime scenario
2 Faculty can conduct additional relevant tutorials related to subject
CSE502P - System Software and Compiler Design Lab
Click Syllabus Structure
Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme
Practical : 2 Hrs/Week ISA : 25 Marks
Credits : 1 ESE(OE) : 50 Marks

Sr. Bloom’s
No. Taxonomy
1 Study of LEX and YACC Understand
2 Write Lex Program to Identify and Count Number of Vowels and
Consonants From a Given Input String
3 Write a Lex Program to Identify Letter and Word From a Given Input Apply
Write a Lex Program to Identify Positive Number, Negative Number,
4 Apply
Positive Fraction Number and Negative Fraction Number From a Given
Input String
Write a Lex Program to Convert Printf and Scanf Statements into Write Apply
and Read using File Handling Concept.
Write a Lex Program to Identify Positive Number, Negative Number,
6 Apply
Positive Fraction Number and Negative Fraction Number Using File
Handling Concept.
7 Write a Lex Program to Identify Special Characters, Arithmetic Operators, Apply
and Digits From a Given Input String
8 Apply
Write a YACC Program to Convert Infix to Postfix Expression.

9 Write a YACC Program to Check Whether the Given Input String is Apply
Palindrome or Not.
10 Write a YACC Program to implement a Calculator and Recognize a Valid Apply
Arithmetic Expression.
11 Study of LEX and YACC Understand
Write Lex Program to Identify and Count Number of Vowels and
12 Apply
Consonants From a Given Input String
CSE503P - Operating System-II Laboratory
Click Syllabus Structure
Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme
Practical : 2 Hrs/Week ISA : 25 Marks
Credits : 1 ESE(OE) : 50 Marks

Sr.No. Experiment
1 Understand
Installing, partitioning, and configuring GNU/Linux OS distribution
& Apply
Essential Linux/Unix commands
(a) General Purpose Utilities
(b) File System (file handling) Commands
2 (c) Directory related commands
(d) Process control commands
(e) Text Processing commands
(f) Filtering using Regular Expression
(g) Networking Commands
3 Implementation of various operations on Files (creat, open, read, write,
append, fstat, dup)
4 Implementation of various system call (OPEN,READ,WRITE) Apply
Study and implementation of pipe() system call (Reading and Writing
5 Apply
through Named and Unnamed Pipe)
6 Signal Handling Apply
7 Use of fork() and exec() Apply
8 Shell Scripting Scenario 1 Apply
9 Shell Scripting Scenario 2 Apply
10 Shell Scripting Scenario 3 Apply
CSE507P – Python Programming
Click Syllabus Structure
Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme
Lectures : 2 Hrs/Week ISA : 50 Marks
Practical : 4 Hrs/Week
Credits : 4 ESE(POE) : 50 Marks

Course Objective : The objective of this course is

1 To learn and understand Python programming basics and paradigm
2 To learn and understand python looping, control statements and string manipulations
To acquire Object Oriented Programming skills and concepts of file handling, exception
handling and database connectivity
4 To learn various data analysis and visualization techniques
Course Outcomes :
At the end of successful completion of the course, the students will Bloom’s
be able to Taxonomy
To recall concepts of Python programming Language in problem
CO1 Remember
solving scenario
CO2 Utilize of key concepts in the file handling, string handling, exception Apply
handling of strings and functions
CO3 To adapt object oriented concepts in various real time problems Apply
CO4 To build different visualization patterns using various Python Apply
libraries /packages

Course Description :
This course is designed to understand the fundamentals of python programming language
Prerequisites : 1 Basic Programming skills in C and C++
Section – I
Introduction to Python Programming
Basics of Python Programming: Features of Python, History and Future of
Python, Writing and executing Python program, Literal constants, variables
and identifiers, Data Types, Input operation, Comments, Reserved words,
Unit-1 Indentation, Operators and expressions Decision Control Systems:
5 Hrs
Selection/conditional branching Statements: if, if-else, nested if, if-elif-else
statements. Basic loop Structures/Iterative statements: while loop, for loop,
selecting appropriate loop. Nested loops, The break, continue, pass, else
statement used with loops
Functions & Modules
Definition, call, variable scope and lifetime, the return statement. Defining
Unit-2 functions, Lambda or anonymous function, documentation string, good
3 Hrs
programming practices. Introduction to modules, Introduction to packages in
Python, Introduction to standard library modules.
Python Strings & Data Structures
Python Strings: Concatenating, appending & multiplying strings, built in
string functions, slicing, comparing strings Data Structures: Sequence, Lists, 6 Hrs
Tuples, Set, Dictionaries
Section – II
Unit-4 Classes
Creating and Using a Class, Working with Classes and Instances, Inheritance
3 Hrs
& Polymorphism
Exception Handling & File handling
Exception Handling: Introduction to Errors & Exceptions, handling
exceptions, multiple except blocks. File Handling: Introduction, File path, 4 Hrs
Types of files, Opening and Closing files, Reading and Writing files
Data Analysis & Visualization
Numpy: Creating Arrays, Array indexing, Array Slicing & Built-in
Functions Pandas: Series, Framework, Built-in Functions of pandas 5 Hrs
Matplotlib: Plotting, marker, labels, grid, scatter, bars, histograms, pie charts

Mapping of POs & COs:

If applicable
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

CO1 2 - 2 2 2 2 3

CO2 2 - - 2 2 1 3

CO3 2 2 2 2 1 3

CO4 2 2 2 2 1 3

Text Books :
1 Python Programming Using Problem Solving Approach, Reema Thareja, Oxford
University Press. Unit [1,2,3,4]
2 Python Crash Course A Hands-On Project-Based Introduction to Programming, Eric
Matthes. Unit [5,6]
Reference Books :
1 Core Python Programming, R. Nageswara Rao, Dreamtech Press; Second edition
2 Learning Python, Romano Fabrizio, Packt Publishing Limited
3 Head First Python- A Brain Friendly Guide, Paul Barry, SPD O’Reilly, 2nd Edition
4 Python: The Complete Reference, Martin C. Brown, McGraw Hill Education
Sr. Bloom’s
No. Taxonomy
1 [Basic] Handling of different data types and arithmetic operations Apply
2 Apply
[Control Flow] Handling various loops, control statements

3 [Control Flow] Performing various operation on String (String Apply

4 Apply
[Data Structure] Handling Python Data Structures

5 Apply
[File] Different File handling operations

6 Apply
[Functions] Concepts of function and its usage
[Object Oriented Programming] Concepts of constructor and Inheritance Apply
in Python
To demonstrate working of classes and objects b) To demonstrate Apply
constructors c) To demonstrate class method and static method
Concept of polymorphism in python (method overloading and Apply
10 Concepts of Data Analysis and Visualization Apply
CSE508A - (Audit Course-V) Business and Technical English
Click Syllabus Structure
Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme
Lectures : 1 Hr/Week ISA : 25 Marks
Tutorials : 1 Hr/Week
Credits : 3 Audit Point : 25 Marks
Course Objective : The objective of this course is
1 Increase their knowledge of key business concepts worldwide
2 Write and read basic business reports, letters, e-mails etc
3 Expand vocabulary related to general business situations
4 Develop confidence to deal with people and basic issues in the business world
Course Outcomes :
At the end of successful completion of the course, the students will Bloom’s
be able to Taxonomy
CO1 Learn to communicate with others in practical, business oriented Apply
CO2 Learn to express themselves in English with greater fluency, accuracy Understand
and confidence
Learn to handle themselves in English in a variety of business contexts,
CO3 from negotiating, to using the telephone, to making presentations, to Understand
CO4 Enhance the skills of listening, speaking, pronunciation skills, as well Understand
as business vocabulary
CO5 Acquire the communicative competencies crucial for appropriate Apply
workplace behavior

Course Description :
This course provides proficiency in various Business and Technical English aspects
1 Knowledge of functional grammar and vocabulary in English
2 Importance of business English in their career path
Prerequisites :
3 Linguistic competence and understand intricacies involved in technical
Section – I
Getting acquainted with professional culture
First day at work, Induction program, Company hierarchy, Behaviour pruning 4 Hrs
Vocabulary building and Reading comprehension
Reading techniques and comprehension skills, Synonyms and antonyms, One-
word substitution, Prefixes and Suffixes, Idioms and phrases, Homonyms and 6 Hrs
homographs, Irregular verbs like (write, wrote, written), Situational vocabulary
Effective Vocal Communication
Unit-3 Effective Meetings, Video Conferencing, Effective Telephonic
4 Hrs
Communication, Breaking Bad news
Section – II
Effective written Communication
Unit-4 Business letters, Resume Writing, E-mail writing, Report writing, Minutes of
6 Hrs
meeting, Speeches & Paragraph writing
Public speaking and Presentation Skills
Unit-5 Preparing and conducting presentation, Body language, Best practices to 4 Hrs
overcome stage fear, Interviewing and being interviewed

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