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Sport Psychology

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What Is Sports Psychology?

Sports psychology is the study of how psychological factors influence sports, athletic
performance, exercise, and physical activity. Sports psycholigysts investigate how
participating in sports can improve health and well-being. They also help athletes utilize
psychology to improve their athletic performance and mental wellness.
A sports psychologist doesn't just work with elite and professional athletes either. This type
of professional also helps non-athletes and everyday exercisers learn how to enjoy sports and
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History of Sports Psychology
Sports psychology is a relatively young discipline in psychology, the first research lab devoted
to the topic opened in 1925.
The first U.S. lab closed a short while later (in the early 1930s) and American research did not
resume in this area until the late 1960s when there was a revival of interest.
In 1965, the International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP) was established. By the 1970s,
sports psychology had been introduced as a university course offered at educational
institutions throughout North America.
By the 1980s, sports psychology became the subject of a more rigorous scientific focus.
Researchers began to explore how psychology could be used to improve athletic
performance. They also looked at how exercise could be utilized to improve mood and lower
stress levels.
Types of Sports Psychologists
Just as there are different types of psychologists, such as clinical psychologists,
developmental psychologists, and forensic psychologists there are also different types of
sports psychologists.
Educational Sports Psychologists
An educational sports psychologist uses psychological methods to help athletes improve
sports performance. This includes teaching them how to use certain techniques such as
imagery, goal setting, or self talk to perform better on the court or field.
Clinical Sports Psychologists
Clinical sports psychologists work with athletes who have mental health conditions such as
depression or anxiety. This work involves using strategies from both sports psychology and
psychotherapy.5 A clinical sports psychologist helps athletes improve their mental health and
sports performance at the same time.
Exercise Psychologists
An exercise psychologist works with non-athlete clients or everyday exercisers to help them
learn how to make working out a habit. This work can include some of the same techniques
used by other sports psychologists, such as goal setting, practicing mindfulness, and the use
of motivational techniques.

Uses of Sports Psychology

Contemporary sports psychology is a diverse field and there are a number of different topics
that are of special interest to sports psychologists.
Attentional Focus
Attentional focus involves the ability to tune out distractions (such as a crowd of screaming
fans) and focus on the task at hand. This allows athletes to manage their mental focus, even
in the face of other things that are vying for their attention.
Common strategies that might be used for this purpose include deep breathing, paying
attention to bodily signals and sensations, and mindfulness. All of these can help athletes stay
focused on the present moment.
Mental Toughness
Mental toughness has become an area of increasing interest in sports psychology. The term
referrs to the psychological characteristics that are important for an athlete reaching optimal
Among these characteristics are having an unshakeable belief in one's self, the ability to
bounce back from setbacks, and an insatiable desire to succeed. Reacting to situations
positively, remaining calm under pressure, and retaining control are a few others that
contribute to mental toughness.
Visualization and Goal-Setting
Setting a goal then visualizing each step needed to reach that goal can help mentally prepare
the athlete for training or competition. Visualization involves creating a mental image of what
you "intend" to happen. Athletes can use this skill to envision the outcome they are pursuing.
They might visualize themselves winning an event, for instance, or going through the steps
needed to complete a difficult movement.
Visualization can also be useful for helping athletes feel calmer and more focused before an

Motivation and Team-Building

Some sports psychologists work with professional athletes and coaches to improve
performance by increasing motivation. A major subject in sports psychology, the study of
motivation looks at both extrinsic and intrinsic motivators. Extrinsic motivators are external
rewards such as trophies, money, medals, or social recognition. Intrinsic motivators arise
from within, such as a personal desire to win or the sense of pride that comes from
performing a skill.
Team building is also an important topic in this field. Sports psychologists might work with
coaches and athletes to help develop a sense of comradery and assist them in working
together efficiently and effectively.
Professional sports psychologists help athletes cope with the intense pressure that comes
from competition. This often involves finding ways to reduce performance anxiety and
combat burnout. It is common for athletes to get nervous before a game, performance, or
competition. But these nerves can have a negative impact on performance.So, learning
tactics to stay calm is important for helping athletes perform their best. Tactics that might be
the focus of this area of sports psychology include things like relaxation techniques, changing
negative thoughts, building self-confidence, and findings distractions to reduce the focus on
Burnout can also happen to athletes who frequently experience pressure, anxiety, and
intense practice schedules. Helping athletes restore their sense of balance, learn to relax, and
keep up their motivation can help combat feelings of burnout.
Another important focus of sports psychology is on helping athletes recover and return to
their sport after an injury. A sports injury can lead to emotional reactions in addition to their
physical injury, which can include feelings of anger, frustration, hopelessness, and fear.
Sports psychologists work with these athletes to help them mentally cope with the recovery
process and to restore their confidence once they are ready to return to their sport.
Impact of Sports Psychology
Research indicates that using various sports psychology techniques can help improve the
performance of all types of athletes, from very young gymnasts (aged 8 to 13)to some of the
top Olympians. Sports psychology also has impact that extends into other areas of wellness.
For example, one study noted that it's common for doctors to have negative reactions when
treating acutely unwell patients. Yet, when the doctors used the same psychological routines
as athletes, they were able to better control these reactions, it also improved their patient

Techniques in Sports Psychology

Some professionals use one specific technique when helping their clients while others use a
wide range of sports psychology techniques.
Progressive Relaxation
Relaxation techniques offer athletes many benefits. Among them are an increase in self-
confidence, better concentration, and lower levels of anxiety and stress all of which work
together to improve performance. One of the relaxation strategies sports psychologists use
with their clients is progressive muscle relaxation. This technique involves having them tense
a group of muscles, hold them tense for a few seconds, then allow them to relax. It is
commonly used the night before a competition, practice or game, not right before the start.
Some health professionals use hypnosis to help their patients quit smoking. A sports
psychologist might use this same technique to help their clients perform better in their sport
of choice. Research indicates that hypnosis (which involves putting someone in a state of
focused attention with increased suggestibility) can be used to improve performance for
athletes participating in a variety of sports, from basketball to golf to soccer.
Biofeedback involves using feedback provided by the body to notice how it feels
physiologically in times of stress (elevated heart rate, tense muscles, etc.). This information
can then be used to help control these effects, providing a more positive biological response.
One systematic review noted that using heart rate variability biofeedback improved sports
performance in more than 85% of the studies. Other research supports using biofeedback to
reduce an athlete's stress and anxiety.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is used to help all kinds of people identify and change
destructive thoughts and behaviors. Therefore, it would only stand to reason that athletes
would also benefit from its effects. One case study involving a 17-year-old female cross
country skier noted that CBT helped reduce performance anxiety while improving sport-
specific behaviors. Another piece of research involved 16 NCAA Division I athletes with severe
injuries and found that CBT enhanced their emotional well-being during recovery.

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