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Technology and
Livelihood Education
Home Economics
Wellness Massage
Quarter 4 – Module 1
Performing Massage Care Advice
Technology and Livelihood Education – Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Week 1 - Module 1
First Edition, 2021

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, photos, brand names, trademarks,
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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio


Writers : Henjel B. Perales, Teacher I

Editor : Jose Garry Napoles

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Illustrator and Layout Artist :

Management Team:
Schools Division Superintendent : Marilyn S. Andales
Assistant Schools Div. Superintendents : Anelito A. Bongkawil
Fay C. Luarez
Lorenzo M. Dizon
Chief Education Supervisor, CID : Mary Ann P. Flores
Education Program Supervisor, LRMDS : Isaiash T. Wagas
Education Program Supervisor, TLE : Jose Garry R. Napoles

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DepED-Division of Cebu Province
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Technology and
Livelihood Education
Home Economics
Wellness Massage
Quarter 4 – Module 1
Performing Massage Care Advice

In hope of slowing down the spread of CoViD-19, the DepEd had decided to
have an alternative learning aside from the face-to-face approach to education since it is
already losing its relevance in this time of crisis. Thus, this module was designed and written
for learning at home. It is here to help you master the nature of Wellness Massage. The scope
of this module permits it to be used in many different learning situations and we encourage
you not to stop learning but must adapt to the new types of learning modality.
This is the first module of the fourth quarter in TLE: Wellness Massage 10. This
is specifically crafted to hone your skills to be a successful massage therapist. It focuses on
the competency which is to perform massage care advice. An effective massage therapist
is equipped with the practical knowledge and skills of wellness massage services. Learning
the competencies of this lesson will prepare you for future employment, higher education, and
wellness massage business. Furthermore, you can also apply the knowledge and skills
acquired from this module to improve your personal well-being. it is a life skill that is timely
and relevant in this time of pandemic.
At the end of the module, you are expected to:
recognize and analyze the roles of a massage therapist in performing the proper
massage care advice;
create a poster that gives proper massage care advice in Wellness Massage; and
develop a sense of responsibility in performing massage care advice.



Directions: Read and answer the questions carefully. Write the letter of the best answer in a
separate sheet of paper.
1. A person must maintain a ______
a. light healthy meal c. more vegetables
b. heavy healthy meal d. juicy fruits
2. After treatment has been given to a client, he/she feels _________.
a. startle b. creepy c. canny d. relaxed
3. The least common body reactions in the aftercare services,
a. aching/soreness of muscles c. heightened emotional state
b. tiredness d. dizzy
4. In preparation of a room to be used in services, which is NOT appropriate?
a. warm, well-ventilated area c. low and diffused lighting
b. an area near distracting noise d. a spotlessly clean environment
5. One of the after care services given to client is ________________.
a. eating a light healthy meal
b. taking variety of soups
c. eating more fruits
d. drinking liters of water so the body can concentrate on healing.

Check your answers with the answer key. If you got 100 % check you may skip this module.
If not, then proceed to What’s in.


Word Maze Puzzle

Directions: Let’s recapitulate! Read the sentences carefully and identify the words inside the
puzzle. Fill in the missing letters to complete the exact term.
1. It is the application of gliding movement. Deeper pressure is maintained in actual direction
and reduced on the other part.

2. It means to mash or to knead. A rhythmic lifting, compressing and releasing of tissues is
being performed such as on skin and muscles.

3. One body surface is pressed over another while maintaining pressure and movement in
all directions. It could be in linear or circular movement.

4. It is a repetitive striking massage technique. The client’s skin is strike with hand and
removed it quickly.

5. It is performed by shaking, trembling, or rocking massage technique. This can be done

from rapid to slow movement, from back and forth to up and down.

Check your answer from the answer key to determine if you’ve learned
from the previous lesson.

The previous modules brought and taught you the main groups of massage
Learning these are indispensable to achieve the standard set by the industry of wellness
massage. As a young learner who dreams of acquiring such skills, you will have to practice
what you have learned to achieve your vision to become a certified massage therapist
Your prior knowledge on the main groups of massage strokes is important
because when massage techniques are applied to the body, they can affect it through two
different response pathways. Mechanical responses to techniques occur as a direct result of
the manipulation of the tissues from components such as pressure, range of motion, and the
pushing, pulling, lifting, compressing, and twisting of the tissue. Changes to the body as a
result of these effects include increased circulation to the area, changes in fluid movement,
increased pliability of the tissue, and reduction of adhesions.
The other type of response is called a reflexive response and is the result of
changes directed through the nervous system. When the nerves in the area are stimulated,
they create a response either locally or systemically. Examples of reflexive responses include

the reduction of blood pressure through the increased diameter of blood vessels, the
decreased arousal of the sympathetic nervous system, and changes in hormone levels. While
these responses are discussed separately, they are closely related and often occur
This topic is one of the highlights in the previous quarter since this is one of
the most important competencies. It is required in taking the assessment for Hilot (Wellness
Massage) NC II. Thus, as a neophyte, you should spend plenty of time to practice the skills in
performing these massage strokes.
Finally, you are now in the fourth quarter and this module will teach you on
how to perform massage care advice after performing body massage to a client. As a massage
therapist, knowing how to give massage care advice is essential to give more satisfaction to
the client. This will ensure that the client is assisted with the utmost aftercare wellness
massage service. Bear in mind that an effective and efficient service provider must provide or
cater the needs of the client.


Word Scramble
Directions: Arrange the words below to form a word needed in performing massage
care advice. A description is provided above the scrambled words to help you identify
it. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. It is a recommendation regarding a decision.

DAVCIE – ___________________

2. It is the care, treatment, help, or supervision given to a persons discharged

from an institution such as a massage salon.

CAREAFTER – ___________________

3. It is the kind and amount of food prescribed for a person or animal for a
special reason.

TEID – ___________________

4. It is the fact of seeking rest or recreation.

LAXAREONTI – ___________________

5. It is the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit.

ALTHHE – ___________________


Massage After Care Advice

As mentioned in the Wellness Massage 10 Learner’s Material, after
treatment, you will usually feel relaxed and enjoy the benefits of the treatment. Occasionally,
you may experience a reaction from the treatment, however these are mainly due to the toxins
being released from the body, as the body is rebalancing and cleansing itself.

More common reactions can include: aching or soreness of muscles,

tiredness and heightened emotional state. Less common reactions include: headache,
dizziness or nausea. excessive urination, increase in bowel movement, irritation, skin
changes, fatigue, hyperactivity and change of appetite.

The massage therapist may advise the client to:

 drink plenty of water or herbal teas to help eliminate the toxins from the body
 cut down on drinks containing caffeine so the body can begin to heal
 eat a light healthy meal so the body can concentrate on healing
 rest as much as possible
 if possible, avoid alcohol for about 24 hours
 if aroma therapy oils were used, try to avoid a bath/shower for at least 2 hours

Home Advice
Home care advice is very beneficial for the client as it involves them in the
treatment and encourages them to take control of their condition. It also provides linkage
between one treatment and the next. The advice given will obviously depend on the client’s
need and condition, e.g. the overweight client or a client with cellulite will need dietary advice.
For the tense, overworked client you may suggest that s/he tries to reduce her or his workload,
that she or he makes time to rest, takes a relaxing bath and goes to bed early.

You may also teach relaxation techniques and advise her/him to practice
these at home. Those with poor posture can be taught corrective exercises. Deep breathing
exercises are helpful to everyone as they increase the intake of oxygen and the elimination of
carbon dioxide.

A. Diet Advice to Clients

It is important that clients are made aware of the factors that are thought to
contribute to the build-up of fat and cellulite. They should be encouraged to follow a self-help,
daily regime that will increase the efficiency of the treatment.

The following home advice should be given:

 Eat a well-balanced diet.

 Include all the nutrients necessary for health such as:
 a little fat
 proteins
 carbohydrates
 vitamins

 minerals
 water and fiber

 Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables (5 portions/day is recommended)

 Do not overcook vegetables.
 Eat oily fish such as herring, trout, mackerel and salmon
 Eat whole meal foods such as whole meal bread, pasta, rice, cereals, pulses, beans,
nuts and seeds
 Reduce intake of saturated fat found in butter, dairy products and red meat
 Reduce intake of sugar and salt
 Reduce intake of alcohol – 7 to 14 units per week only
 Drink around 3 liters of water per day
B. Preparation
The first consideration is to prepare the room or cubicle and create the right
conditions to promote the relaxation response. These will be the same conditions required as
those for massage treatment, namely:

 a warm, well-ventilated area

 a quiet area, away from distracting noise
 low and diffused lighting
 a spotlessly clean environment
 soothing décor in pastel colors
 a comfortable couch or mattress on the floor
 clean linen and towels for every client; these to be boil- washed after each use
 light blankets for additional warmth
 very soft, slow-moving music may be played if the client dislikes absolute quietness.
C. Relaxation
Relaxation means being free from tension and anxiety, which are normally
caused by the stresses of life, which upset the body balance. It is impossible to remove all the
stressors in life. A certain amount of stress is desirable as it can produce feelings of thrill and
excitement. The ability to relax is extremely important as it combats stress and reduces
harmful effects such as fatigue, lethargy, illness and psychological problems.

Clients who live very busy lives or are coping with worries or dealing with
unhappy situations may find it very difficult to relax. Advising them and showing them ways of
reducing stress and promoting relaxation can form an important part in the treatment. Once
they have recognized the difference between the tense state and the relaxed state they can
continue to practice at home.

D. Relaxation Techniques
There are many techniques that may be used to encourage the client to relax.
They may be combined for maximum effect. The relaxation response involves the client’s
response to a quiet soothing environment: total concentration on a particular object while trying
to let go of all tension. This is sometimes sufficient to promote the relaxed state and can be
practiced anywhere.

Visualization or imagining involves visualizing pleasantly soothing situations

conducive to relaxation, e.g. lying on a beach, looking at a tranquil scene etc.

E. Progressive Relaxation

Progressive relaxation aims to develop an awareness of the difference

between feelings of tension and relaxation. Contraction followed by relaxation of all the muscle
groups is performed, working around the body. This is a very effective method of promoting

The client should lie on a mattress and be fully supported. The client may
choose to lie on the back, in the recovery position or half lying if the client has difficulty in lying
flat. The client must be well supported using plenty of pillows under the head, knees or as
required. Allow the client a short time to settle and let go of tension. During this time encourage
her or him to breathe deeply and let go as s/he breathes out.

Try this at home!

Follow the steps in progressive relaxation technique, beginning with the feet
and repeating each movement three times:

1. Pull the feet up hard (dorsi-flexion), and let go.

2. Push the feet down hard (plantar flexion), and let go.
3. Push the knees down hard against the floor, and let go.
4. Push the leg down hard against the floor, and let go.
5. Tighten the buttock muscles hard, and let go.
6. Pull the abdominal muscles hard, and let go.

Massage and Holistic Aftercare

After any massage, spa or holistic treatment, let the clients follow these
aftercare advices.

 Try to rest and relax for the remainder of the day, if not, for a few hours at least.
 You may feel relaxed and sleepy after your treatment. Take care if you are driving or
 Keep warm as massage and relaxation treatments can make you feel more sensitive
to the cold.
 Drink plenty of water after your treatment to rehydrate your body, reduce fatigue and
help eliminate toxins from your body.
 Avoid alcohol and minimize tea and coffee, try to stick with water and/or herbal teas.
 Try to avoid eating a heavy meal, eat light for the rest of the day to allow your body to
concentrate on the natural healing and encourage detoxification.
 Sometimes people experience some tenderness for 24 hours or so after a massage.
If you do feel a little sore, do some light gentle stretches or take a warm bath with salts.
And remember to tell your therapist about your experience so that it can be taken into
consideration in your next session.
 If you have had a treatment with aromatherapy oils: To gain maximum benefit from the
healing oils, try to avoid washing/showering the oils off for a few hours as they will
continue to be absorbed by the skin after your treatment has ended.


What Do You Think?

Directions: Draw a  in the space provided if the statement is in accordance to the good
massage advice after a body massage and  if it is not. Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.
_____ 1. Drink plenty of water or herbal teas to help eliminate the toxins from the body.
_____ 2. Cut down on drinks containing caffeine so the body can begin to heal.
_____ 3. Eat a heavy meal so the body can concentrate on healing.
_____ 4. Rest only if you have time.
_____ 5. If possible, avoid alcohol for about 24 hours.
_____ 6. If aroma therapy oils were used, try to take a bath/shower for at least 2 hours.


Directions: Write your insights by completing the sentences that will
summarize the lesson. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

1. The home advice that should be given to the clients by the massage
therapist are ________________________________________________
2. Relaxation is an important aftercare service because ________________

3. Performing massage care advice to the client is beneficial because _____


Rubric for Essay

Category 10 Points 7 Points 4 Points 1 Point

Ideas Presents ideas in an Presents ideas in a Ideas are too general. Ideas are vague or
original manner consistent manner unclear.
Organization Strong and organized Organized Some organization; No organization; lack
beg/mid/end beg/mid/end attempt at a beg/mid/end
Understanding Writing shows strong Writing shows a clear Writing shows Writing shows little
understanding understanding adequate understanding
Mechanics Few (if any) errors Few errors Several errors Numerous errors


Activity 1: Juana Needs Advice

DIRECTIONS: Give a self-help, daily regime diet advice by filling in the graphic organizer.

Juana just had her body massage. What will you advise her to make sure
that she is encouraged to have a healthy diet at home?

Illustration by:

Activity 2: Self-Progressive Relaxation

Direction: Try this at home. Follow these steps in progressive relaxation technique, beginning
with the feet and repeating each movement three times:

1. Pull the feet up hard (dorsi-flexion), and let go.

2. Push the feet down hard (plantar flexion), and let go.
3. Push the knees down hard against the floor, and let go.
4. Push the leg down hard against the floor, and let go.
5. Tighten the buttock muscles hard, and let go.
6. Pull the abdominal muscles hard, and let go.

Disclaimer: The picture is used to put emphasis and to show concrete examples for deeper understanding of the
lesson. The Department of Education – Cebu Province does not claim or own the presented picture. Link for the
source is found in the reference part of the module.


Directions: Complete the sentences by recognizing the role of a massage therapist in
performing massage care advice. Fill in the blank with the appropriate word. Choose your
answer in the word pool.

washing alcohol rest

after light eating

heavy warm tenderness

therapist water stretches

1. Try to ____________________ and relax for the remainder of the day, if not, for a few hours
at least.
2. You may feel relaxed and sleepy ____________________ your treatment. Take care if you
are driving or working.
3. Home care advice is very beneficial for the client as it involves them in the treatment and
encourages them to take control of their condition.
4. Drink plenty of ____________________ after your treatment to rehydrate your body, reduce
fatigue and help eliminate toxins from your body.
5. Avoid ____________________ and minimize tea and coffee, try to stick with water and/or
herbal teas.
6. Try to avoid eating a ____________________ meal, eat light for the rest of the day to allow
your body to concentrate on the natural healing and encourage detoxification.
7. Sometimes people experience some ____________________ for 24 hours or so after a
8. If you do feel a little sore, do some light gentle ____________________ or take a warm
bath with salts.
9. Remember to tell your ____________________ about your experience so that it can be
taken into consideration in your next session.
10. If you have had a treatment with aromatherapy oils, to gain maximum benefit from the
healing oils, try to avoid ____________________ the oils off for a few hours as they will
continue to be absorbed by the skin after your treatment has ended.

II. Massage Care Advice Poster

Directions: Based on your learning and understanding and as an aspiring massage therapist,
create a poster that gives proper massage care advice in Wellness Massage. Use one whole
white cartolina to do your poster on. Base your output on the following rubric.

Rubric for Poster-Making


Coverage of Details on the poster capture Details on the poster include Details on the poster relate Details on the poster
the Topic the important information important information but the to the topic but are too have little or nothing to
about the topic and increase audience may need more general or incomplete. The do with main topic.
the audience’s information to understand audience needs more
understanding. fully. information to understand.
Use of All the graphics an/or All the graphics and/or All graphics and/or pictures Graphics and/or
Graphics pictures are related to the pictures are related to the relate to the topic. pictures do not relate
and/or topic and make it easier to topic and most make it to the topic.
Pictures understand. easier to understand.

Organization Information is very Information is organized with Information organized, but The information
organized with clear titles titles and subheadings. titles subheadings are appears to be
and subheadings missing or do not help the disorganized.
reader understand.
Layout and All information on the poster Most of the information on Most of the information on Much of the
Design is in focus and can be easily the poster is in focus and the poster is in focus and the information on the
viewed and identified from 6 can be easily viewed and content is easily viewed and poster is unclear or
ft. away. identified from 6 ft. away. identified from 4 ft. away. too small.
Mechanics There are no grammatical, There are almost no There are a few There are many
spelling or punctuation grammatical, spelling or grammatical, spelling or grammatical, spelling
errors. punctuation errors. punctuation errors. or punctuation errors.



Directions: Choose an area in your house that you can transform into a massage room or
cubicle. Prepare it and design it according to the right conditions to promote the relaxation
response. Let a family member take pictures of you before, during, and after the creation of
your home massage area. Make sure to wear your personal protective equipment. Submit the
pictures to your TLE teacher.

Consider the following in doing this task:

➛ a warm, well-ventilated area
➛ a quiet area, away from distracting noise
➛ low and diffused lighting
➛ a spotlessly clean environment
➛ soothing décor in pastel colors
➛ a comfortable couch or mattress on the floor
➛ clean linen and towels for every client; these to be boil- washed after each use
➛ light blankets for additional warmth
➛ very soft, slow-moving music may be played if the client dislikes absolute quietness.

Disclaimer: The picture is used to put emphasis and to show concrete examples for deeper understanding of the
lesson. The Department of Education – Cebu Province does not claim or own the presented picture. Link for the
source is found in the reference part of the module.

I. Complete Me
1. rest
2. after
3. warm
4. water
5. alcohol
6. heavy
7. tenderness
8. stretch
9. therapist
10. washing
Activity 1
1. 
WHAT HAVE I LEARNED Activity 2 2. 
Answers may vary. 3. 
Answers may vary. 4. 
5. 
6. 
7. 
1. ADVICE 1. B
7. D
20 Creativity
30 Application of the Lesson
15 Neatness
15 Layout & Design
20 Organization
Earned Score
Points Highest Possible Criteria

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Wellness Massage
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