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Ports Sychology: A. Role of Sports Psychology

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It has long been acknowledged that psychological skills are critical for athletes
at the elite level. Athletes with the requisite “mental toughness” are more likely
be successful. In the past, it was assumed that these skills were genetically
based, or
acquired early in life. Now, it is commonly accepted that athletes and coaches
capable of learning a broad range of psychological skills that can play a critical
in learning and in performance.
A. Role of Sports Psychology
The specialised field of sports psychology has developed rapidly in recent years.
The importance of a sports psychologist as an integral member of the coaching
health care teams is widely recognised.
Sports psychologists can teach skills to help athletes enhance their learning
process and motor skills, cope with competitive pressures, fine-tune the level
of awareness needed for optimal performance, and stay focused amid the many
distractions of team travel and in the competitive environment. Psychological
training should be an integral part of an athlete’s holistic training process,
out in conjunction with other training elements. This is best accomplished by
a collaborative effort among the coach, the sport psychologist, and the athlete;
however, a knowledgeable and interested coach can learn basic psychological
and impart them to the athlete, especially during actual practice.
B. The Medical Staff and Psychosomatic Disorders
The health professional often plays a major role in supporting the emotional
health of athletes. An athlete’s psychological stresses may be manifested as
somatic complaints, such as sleep disturbances, irritability, fatigue,
disturbances, muscle tension, or even injury. Athletes often turn to a therapist
physician for relief, either because they do not recognise the psychological basis
of the physical complaint, or because they fear the services of a mental health
practitioner due to the perceived stigma, or because no psychologist is
Therapists must be aware of the possibility of an underlying psychological
basis for a complaint and inquire into the emotional status of the athlete as part
the medical history. Careful, non-judgmental questioning may reveal inter-
problems with a coach, teammate, family member, or other individuals, or
concerning an upcoming competition. In these situations, a sports psychologist
invaluable. If none is available, the physician or therapist may need to assume
role of sounding board, intermediary, or stress-management advisor. At times,
a patient listener and confidant may be all that is required. If mediation between
parties is required, a neutral, non-judgmental stance must be maintained to help
parties air and resolve differences.
C. Preparing for Competition
Simple psychological skills to help the athlete manage the competitive
performance environment include: 1) learning relaxation skills (e.g. progressive
relaxation; slow, controlled, deep abdominal breathing; or autogenic training;
2) mastering all of the attentional styles (types of concentration); 3) imagery
visualisation and kinesthetics); 4) appropriate self-talk; and 5) developing a
mental routine to be employed immediately prior to competition on
game day (these routines are short [1–2 minutes] and use all of the mental skills
presented). (See also Part 2 of this chapter, Competition Day Preparation.)
D. The Injured Athlete
Athletes have a strong sense of body awareness, and take great pride in the
capabilities of their bodies. Thus, injuries can be psychologically as well as
physically devastating. The ability to train and compete well involves enormous
Athletes often identify themselves by who they are as an athlete. Thus, an injury
places considerable stress on this self-identification. The more severe the injury,
the longer the recovery-rehabilitation period, the more prolonged and profound
mood disturbance may be.
Injured athletes commonly experience at least three emotional responses:
frustration, and disturbances of mood:
1. The injury forces the athlete to become separated from teammates and
coaches. Other team members may provide little support, and in fact
they may shun their injured teammate to avoid reminders of their own
potential frailty.
2. The athlete becomes frustrated because he or she perceives the loss of
months of training and skills mastery, although there are many instances
where athletes have used the recovery period to master mental and other
physical skills to return successfully to competition.
3. Mood disturbances are common. The athlete may be temporarily
depressed, or become upset by minor annoyances.
An injury can provide the athlete with an opportunity to work with a caring
professional to re-assess his or her reasons for being in sport, and for redefining
goals in sports participation.
The health care team must be aware and include psychological support as an
integral part of the treatment and rehabilitation processes. At the outset, the
must be fully informed about the nature and severity of the injury, the prognosis
recovery, recommended course of therapy and rehabilitation, and an estimate
of the
time needed before training can be resumed. The athlete must be made a full
in the treatment and recovery process, and given responsibility for therapeutic
activities that can be carried out at home. The medical team must discuss
openly the
psychological changes that accompany an injury, and reassure the athlete that
this is
to be expected. Reassurance and supportive measures are generally adequate,
but a
visit from an athlete who has recovered from a similar injury may be of great
This entire process can be facilitated by a supportive and understanding medical
staff. The formula:
Genuine Caring + Skills + Courage = Positive Outcome for the Injured Athlete
must be kept in mind by the staff and the athlete, even though progress may be
and uneven throughout the treatment and recovery process.
Referral to a sports psychologist may be necessary if the athlete is deeply
disturbed, or if the injury is severe and a prolonged recovery is anticipated. All
injuries involve a certain degree of fear and uncertainty, and the sports
may be great value in helping to deal with this emotion (see Table 5-1 and Table
Table 5-1. From common to clinical responses: gauging referrals to therapy.
Temporary Emotional Responses Ongoing Emotional Patterns
Sadness Depression
Feeling isolated Withdrawal
Irritated Explosive
Neutral Numb
Unmotivated Apathetic
Frustration Frequent crying or emotional outbursts
Anger Rage
Moderate change in appetite Rapid weight loss or gain, or disordered
eating pattern
Minor sleep disturbance Insomnia


Table 5-2. Sports psychology consulting with injured athletes: when to make a referral.
Consider referring to a trained, experienced sport psychology consultant if injured
• Lacks confidence in his/her ability to recover, or to engage in the rehabilitation
• Lacks belief in the rehabilitation process.
• Has difficulty filtering out environmental distractions during rehab or training
• Is withholding effort out of fear (of re-injury, of failure, etc.).
• Loses focus easily when pain intensifies or when discouragement sets in.
• Is engaging in excessive cognitive thinking over simple tasks.
• Is unsure of how to set and attain meaningful goals.
• Has trouble controlling thoughts about the injury, or worries about re-injury.
• Is unable to control negative self-talk.
• Desires to maximise the utility of the rehab and wishes to work more intensely
on developing his/her mental game (e.g. improving confidence, concentration,
composure, trust).


Many athletes use special psychological procedures to prepare themselves
on competition day. The following exercises will help you develop your own
competition-day routine and achieve that hard-to-define sense of “readiness”—it
may be a sense of “tingling” or the simple subjective feeling that “this is my
Too high a level of activation is experienced as “stress” or anxiety and leads to
muscle tightness, poor efficiency, poor attention or concentration (chaotic
or too narrow a focus), and loss of smooth and responsive muscle coordination.
Too low a level of activation is seen as low energy, a “flat” performance, little or
motivation, and wandering attention. Both profiles lead to performance errors.
one achieves that sense of readiness that precedes optimum performance
varies with
each person, so carefully review your best competition days and try to identify
cues (inside of you and in your environment) that seemed to help you prepare
compete well.
A. Identify Your Stress Profile
The next time you experience some type of stress (competition, tests, talking
with someone you feel uncomfortable with, etc.), notice how stress affects your
body and your mind. Be very specific.
1. Muscles that tighten: Jaw clenches, shoulders tighten, fists clench,
stomach tightens, other:
2. Breathing pattern: Shorter and faster, rapid speech, other:
3. Gastro-intestinal responses: nausea or unsettled sensations in the
stomach; more frequent bowel movements, other:
4. Other physical signs: Dry throat, upset stomach, cold hands and/or feet,
rapid, pounding heart, sweaty palms, frequent urination, other:
5. Interpersonal responses: Rapidity of speech with different people,
need to be around certain people (coach, teammate, family, friends, etc.),
need to be alone, need to “show them” during warm-up, watching other
athletes, other:
6. Personal cues: Mind goes blank (when?), forgetfulness, unable to focus
attention well (easily distracted or too narrow a focus), things you say to
yourself (I’ve got to do better this time, what am I doing here? I hope my
coach/parents don’t get mad if ..., I hope I don’t goof ...), other:
7. Environmental cues: Air temperature, humidity, rain, crowd noises,
officials, poor fit of clothes or shoes, equipment problems, other
Use this information to identify the early signs of stress
Individuals experience stress in consistent ways, and you need to find your own
stress profile. Log your responses to stress as well as the cues that were present
your best competition days so that you can compare the two profiles.
B. Planning for Competition Day
By now you will have some idea of what your stress profile is: when too much
or too little stress is activated, WHAT or WHO triggers the stress, and HOW it
affects you (both physically and mentally). Once you know the cues that
with your performance, you can plan a programme of psychological and physical
techniques to help reach a better performance level. Table 5-3 lists activities
may help you reduce tension, or help you “activate” yourself if you are feeling
unresponsive, or “down.”
Be sure to use psychological techniques in your daily training programme. Like
any skill, these techniques require practice before you can use them effectively
under pressure. Also, be sure to keep a log of techniques and routines that help
on competition day(s).
1. Plan for the night before competition:
You may wish to use mental rehearsal techniques, but don’t use them just
sleep—this is an activation activity, not a relaxation for sleep.
2. Day of competition:
a. Know your competition schedule, and plan activities such as eating,
reaching the competition site, and getting into the locker room so that
there is no sense of rushing. Some athletes become more tense if they
arrive too early—find the balance that’s right for you. List the time
needed to reach the competition site and a schedule you plan to follow.
b. Every 45 minutes–1 hour check yourself for signs of stress (from
A, above) and take a minute to do a body check and use stress management/
self-regulation techniques that work for you. List the signs of
stress and the specific techniques you plan to use to reduce stress:
If tension is too great for self-control or self-regulation, who (teammate or
coach) can help you? How?
Example: Help you check breathing; muscle check; quietly repeat relaxation
phrases; place hands gently on your shoulders to help lower them to a more
level; help move away from distracting noises or scenes to a quieter place, etc.
3. Psychological Strategies to Use Before Competition
Internal Muscle Check: Review each muscle group (standing, sitting, or lying
down). Hands, arms and fists, forehead, eyes; cheeks and jaw; shoulders and
back; stomach; hips and lower back, thighs; lower legs and feet.
Breathing Check: Inhale and feel slight tension; exhale and relax from top of
head to knees and toes. Feel the relaxation roll down the body. Periodically
deeply, hold your breath and feel the tension throughout your body, then relax
your jaw, exhale and feel the contrast of the relaxation as it rolls down your
QUICKLY “scan” your muscles and release any tension you feel. Notice if your
breathing is deep or shallow. Deepen it each time so that you can almost FEEL
air “tickle your belly button.” Relax each time you exhale.
Visual-Motor Behaviour Rehearsal (VMBR): Relax as much as possible. Now,
as clearly and vividly as possible, imagine yourself in an ideal performance.If
see yourself “in the distance,” add the feeling of actually experiencing yourself
doing the activity. The difference is feeling alertly relaxed with a very slight
of muscle activity/tension vs. feeling heavily relaxed. This technique can be
to: 1) rehearse an entire performance; 2) review and correct a specific
problem so that doing it correctly becomes second nature; 3) practice
the crowd or competition with confidence.
4. Four or five hours before the event:
a. list your objective, e.g. you want to emphasise a fast start, confidence,
aggressiveness, a particular strategic approach to the other competitors;
b. determine how to achieve the objective, e.g. plan to take a moment to
visualise a fast start to the gun immediately before getting into the blocks.
5. Immediately prior to the event (before stepping to the line, blocks, or into the
a. for a second or so, visualise your complete event as you would actually
perform; see it happen, make this vivid visualising include the way
the body is to feel as it performs;
b. use an inner frame of reference—you are doing it IN the scene, not
watching yourself do it;
c. clear your mind after you have programmed your body by visualisation.
NOW, let your body take off and do its job automatically.
Study Notes: Psychology of Sport
A. Sport Psychology
Psychology: scientific study of the thought process, feelings, and behavior of
humans in their interaction with the environment
Sport Psychology: is the study placed within context of sports - how people
think, feel, and behave in sporting situations and what mental processes
motivate the way they behave in training and competition

Mental and Physical Connection

Connection between brain activity and workings of muscle joints, limbs, and
bodily systems
- in athletic performance, cerebral cortex plays a key role
- generates general mental state prior to athletic event (eg. nervousness might
lead to extra stimulus being placed on muscles and the development of
"nervous tension")
- controllable through relaxation exercises and techniques

Performance States
- "in the zone", "auto pilot", "nailed routine": a combo of the right mental
commands with flawless physical execution
- "Ideal Performance State":
* complete absence of doubt and fear of failure
* lack of critical thought of performance
* narrow focus of attention; little or no distraction
* sense of effortlessness
* powerful feelings of being "in control"
* feeling that time has "stood still"

B. Key Terms in Sport Psychology

- being "psyched up" - athlete feels ready both physically and psychologically to
do his or her very best
- allows athlete to perform at high levels during competition
- manifested in apprehension, sense of uncertainty
- muscular tension; "butterflies"
- must be limited/controlled or channeled to enhance performance
- mind-body state with no anxiety, athlete feels "loose", ready to do his/her best
- psychologists assist over-anxious athletes to relax mind and body to be able to
compete effectively
- breathing, Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR), Biological Feedback, Imagery
- direction and intensity of effort
- intensity refers to amount of physical and mental energy
- direction refers to attraction to certain sport situations
- ability to keep one's focus on task without being distracted
- sort out info - what is and isn't relevant to performance
- concentration improved by mental exercises
- mental tools for athletes to filter out external factors such as distractions, and
attempts of opponents to "psyche them out"
- some react positively to large crowds and their encouragement
- others are better suited to settings of isolation
- tools are used to control responses to audiences
- mental stae where feelings of tiredness can lead to decreases in performance
- "push through pain" to realize new performance levels

C. Sport Psychology Factors Affecting Performance

Tools to help improve athletic performance
- self-talk
- imagery/visualization
- hypnosis
- relaxation/arousal regulation
- improving motivation
- setting goals
- developing concentration
- internal monologue going through one's mind before competition, encouraging
one to achieve success
- can be negative or discouraging
- athletes need to regulate and control internal talking "positive" way to use it to
achieve peak performance
- seeing oneself succeeding is a powerful incentive for success, imagery and
visualization tools are available to achieve this
- athletes who benefit from this technique are those who believe it is a powerful
tool for athletic enhancement
- state of intense concetration in which the mind directs the body to perform
certain tasks while blocking out all external stimuli except those essential to
those completion of goal
- two types
* heterohypnosis: placed under hypnosis by another person
* self-hypnosis: placed under hypnosis by self
- 3 phases
* induction: create feelings of relaxation; feels sleepy
* hypnotic: able to do suggestions (waking hypnosis)
* wake-up: coming out of "trance" upon the therapist's signal
Relaxation/Arousal Regulation
- enforce a state of relaxation over mind and body leading to enhanced
performance by removing anxiety
- many athletes require help in relaxing and focusing
- tools include breathing exercises, meditation, imagery
Developing Concentration
- able to maintain one's focus in the face of distractions: selective attention
- "choking" result of inability to maintain attenal focus for long enough - or in the
right way - achieving success
- tools include positive self talk, duplicating distractions during practice, cue
Improving Motivation
- some degree required for competing at any level
- desire to gain recognition, to please others, willingness to set goals and
achieve them
- 4 basic principles that relate to athletes:
* personal traits vs environment
* multiples motives
* staying motivated
* leadership
Setting Goals
- can vary widely depending on the athlete
- need a clear idea of what one wants to achieve in order to accomplish the goal
* objective goals: emprically quantifiable (eg breaking a time barrier)
* subjective goals: outcomes are harder to quantify (eg becoming a better
- SMART principle, goals should be:
* Specific - able to be precisely defined
* Measureable - able to be qualified
* Attainable - within an athlete's limitations
* Realistic - attainable within constraints
* Timely - achievable within a set time frame

D. The Quest For Excellence

Many Definitions
- attaining personal goals
- winning certain competitions
- attaining certain rankings at end of season
- gains in finance or prestige
- achieving consistency in training

Orlick's Wheel of Excellence

7 Key Elements
- commitment
- focussed attention
- confidence
- positive images
- mental readiness
- distraction control
- ongoing learning
According to Orlick, the 7 key concepts of excellence was taken as a whole,
"provide the mental keys that empower you to excel you and free you to
become the person and performer you really want to be." Furthermore, "the
great news is that each of those elements is within your potention control".
E. Sport Psychology and Children
- can have a significant impact on approach to sports from a physical, social,
and mental perspective
- those who perceive themselves as "athletes" and have a positive perception of
own abilities and are more likely to continue to participate as they grow older
- children respond well to praise and encouragement, and enjoyment of
activities that will help them build skills and confidence
- children benefit from participation during both games and practices

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