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English Discoveries WORKBOOK Basic 1

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Basic 1


Basic 1
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Dear Student,

Welcome to the English Discoveries Student Workbook for Basic 1. Using this
workbook will help you practice your English.

Each unit of the workbook corresponds directly to a unit in the English Discoveries
Basic 1 course. After completing a unit within the course, you should complete the
corresponding activities in the workbook.

The units in this workbook integrate all four language skills: Listening, Reading,
Speaking, and Writing. The workbook units also provide a wide range of grammar and
vocabulary activities.

If you want to refer to the computer lesson texts while you are away from your
computer, you can find them in the workbook Appendix.

Special emphasis has been given throughout the workbook to speaking and writing
activities. You will see that you have many opportunities to express yourself in both
spoken and written English.

We hope you enjoy using this program,

The English Discoveries Team


Unit 1 7
Meet A Rock Star

Unit 2 13
Against The Law

Unit 3 19
At The Restaurant

Unit 4
On A Business Trip 27

Unit 5 33
Going Out

Unit 6 39
About People

Unit 7 45
For Sale

Unit 8 51
On The Move

Appendix 57
Lesson Texts
Basic 1 Unit

Unit 1
Meet A Rock Star

a. What can you do? Mark the sentences that are true for you.

1. I can play the guitar.

2. I can write rock songs.
3. I can speak English.
4. I can play the piano.
5. I can dance.

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Basic 1 Unit 1

b. Write three more sentences about what you can do.

1. I can .
2. I can .
3. I can .

c. Linda Chavez is reporting on another rock concert to radio announcer, Bill Winter.
Which sentences are NOT part of their conversation?

1. Can you hear me, Linda?

2. Yes, I can, Bill.
3. Are you a reporter?
4. Are there a lot of people at the concert?
5. Yes, there are.
6. Who can you see, Linda?
7. I can play the guitar.
8. I can see the rock star, Maxi.

d. Imagine you are a radio reporter reporting on a rock concert. Write a dialogue
between yourself and the radio announcer. Use the sentences from activity c. to help

Radio announcer: Let’s go to our reporter now at the jazz/classical/rock

concert in Tokyo/London/San Francisco. Who can you see
at the concert?

You: .

Radio announcer: Are there a lot of people at the concert?

You: .

Radio announcer: Is everyone having a good time?

You: .

e. Practice your dialogue with a partner.

Meet Me!
a. Match these personals ads to the pictures of the people who wrote them.

My name is María. A
I am 22 years old. I’m English, but I live in Paris.
I am an artist. I speak Italian, French, and English. I like classical music, watching movies, and traveling. I am look
Write: P. O. Box 93048, Paris, France


My name is Elena.
live in New York. I am 27 years old. I am
adio reporter. I speak English and Italian. I like rock music and dancing. I love junk food! I am looking for a boyfriend. Write


b. Mark the information that corresponds to María and Elena.

María Elena

1. She lives in New York.

2. She is an artist.
3. She is from England.
4. She likes rock music.
5. She is looking for a boyfriend.

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c. Josh is looking for a girlfriend. Read his personal ad and decide who Josh
should meet – María or Elena? Why?

My name is Josh. I am 31 years old.

I speak English and French. I am looking for a girlfriend. I love movies and classical music. I love healthy food
Write: P.O. Box 789, London.

Josh should meet because


d. Read the sentences below about Josh. Mark if they are true or false.

True False
1. Josh loves to watch movies.
2. Josh likes rock and roll music.
3. Josh loves junk food.
4. Josh likes to travel.
5. Josh has a girlfriend.

e. Write your own personal ad. Use the words and phrases from activities a. and c.
Maxi’s Room
a. Match the words in column B to the words in column A to make phrases from
this unit.
1. hotel a. star
2. rock b. hall
3. concert c. story
4. newspaper d. room
5. radio e. station

b. How well do you remember the dialogue, “Maxi’s Room”. Match the answers below to
the right questions.

Questions Answers
1. Is this the right hotel? a. I don’t know. That isn’t in the newspaper story.
2. How do you know? b. Yes. Maxi is staying here.
3. What room is she in? c. There’s a story about her in the newspaper.

c. Imagine you and your friend are looking for someone famous. Complete the
dialogue below:

You: Is this the right cinema/theater/concert hall?

Your friend:
You: Is he/she? How do you know?
Your friend:
You: Well, when does he/she arrive?
Your friend:

d. Practice your dialogue with a partner.

Be: Affirmative, Yes/No Questions, Contractions

a. Debbie is telling her friend, Linda, about her new boyfriend. Complete their dialogue
by matching the answers to the questions.

Questions Answers

1. So, how’s your new boyfriend? a. He’s the same age as me – 28.

2. What does he do? b. Yes, he is. He’s from New York.

3. Wow! Is he famous? c. Yes, he’s very good-looking.

4. Is he good-looking? d. He’s great.

5. How old is he? e. He’s a rock and roll singer.

6. Is he American? f. No, he’s not.

b. Describe your ideal boyfriend/girlfriend. Answer the questions below.

1. Is he/she the same age as you?

2. Is he/she good looking?

3. Does he/she speak English?

4. What does he/she do?

c. Tell your partner about your ideal boyfriend/girlfriend.

Basic 1 Unit 2

Unit 2
Against The Law

The Diamond Necklace

a. Which of the following words and expressions can you use in a formal conversation
and which ones in an informal conversation?

Formal Informal

1. Mr. Petrov
2. How do you do?

3. Thanks.

4. Victor

5. Hi!

6. Thank you.

7. Nice to meet you.

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Basic 1 Unit 2

b. Susan Bailey and Victor Petrov met for the first time in the video. Mark the
sentences below that you can use when you meet someone.

1. Nice to meet you!

2. Can I have a menu, please?
3. This is my friend from New York.
4. How do you do?
5. Thank you.
6. Yes, it is.
7. How are you?
8. Please call me Victor.

c. Susan is introducing Victor Petrov to another friend of hers. Use the sentences
above to complete the dialogue.

Susan: Hello, Mr. Petrov! (1)

? Mr. Petrov: Fine, thanks, Susan. How are you?

Susan: Great! Mr. Petrov, (2), , Tom Smith.

Mr. Petrov: (3) , Mr. Smith!

Mr. Smith: (4 ) , Mr. Petrov?

Mr. Petrov: (5) Victor!

d. Practice the dialogue from activity b. in groups of three. Take turns introducing
each other.
Follow That Man!
a. Do you remember the characters from the story “Follow That Man”? Write the
characters’ names below their pictures.

1 2 3

Sam and Becky • Nate the Napkin • police officer

b. Answer the questions below about the characters from the story. Write full
sentences. Compare your answers with your partner's.

1. Who is touring New York City?

2. Who steals wallets?

3. Who is wearing a blue suit?

4. Who can’t find his/her wallet?

5. Who finds the thief?

6. Who sees the police officer?

7. Who recognizes the thief?

8. Who likes nice restaurants?

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c. Read what happened next to the characters in “Follow That Man”.

Follow That Man - Part 2

minute, Officer, I’m finishing my coffee,” says Nate the Napkin. “Oh no, you’re not Nate! I know you,” answers the police offi
with me please!”
fficer, I haven’t paid for my lunch!” says Nate.
u must pay for your lunch.” says the police officer. “But do you have any money?”
fficer, I have a wallet!” says Nate the Napkin. “You have my wallet!” shouts Becky.
kes out a wallet to pay for his lunch. “That’s not my wallet!” says Becky.
at’s my wallet!” shouts the police officer.

d. Did you understand the end of the story? Mark if the sentences below are true or

True False

1. Nate is drinking tea.

2. Nate is eating his dinner.

3. The police officer asks Nate to come with him.

4. Nate has no money to pay for his lunch.

5. Nate has the police officer’s wallet.

6. Nate has Becky’s wallet.

No Parking
a. Here is another dialogue between a police officer and a driver. Use the words below
to complete the sentences.

driving • how much • ticket • money • why

Police Officer: OK, young man, I’m giving you a speeding (1)

. Man: (2)

are you doing that?

Police Officer: I’m giving you a ticket because you are (3)

too fast!

Man: Oh no! A ticket! (4) is it?

Police Officer: It’s fifty dollars.

Man: Fifty dollars! But I’m a student and I don’t have any (5) !

b. Imagine that a police officer gives you a ticket. Mark the sentences you can use to
make an excuse.

1. But I only have ten dollars!

2. But I’m a student!

3. But I’m finishing my coffee!

4. But my wallet is gone!

5. But I’m very sorry!

c. Practice with a partner. A police officer has stopped you in your car. Use the phrases
above to help you.
Nouns: This/That/These/Those, Be: Short Answers

a. Who can say these sentences? Copy them under the right heading and then write
another sentence using this/that/these/those.

That man’s a thief! Stop! That’s my wallet.

Oh dear! Those men are police officers. Is this the thief?

Is this your wallet? This is a great restaurant!

Nate the Napkin Becky The police officer

b. The police officer is interviewing everyone at the police station. Complete the
dialogue using short answers.

Police officer: Is your name Becky Smith?

Becky: Yes,
it is .

Police officer: Are you and Sam tourists?

Becky: Yes, (2) .
Police officer: Is this the man who pushed you?
Becky: Yes, (3) . That’s him!
Police officer: Becky, is this your wallet?
Becky: No, (4) .
Nate: You see, it’s my wallet!
Police officer: No, (5) . It’s my wallet!

c. Practice the dialogue from activity b. with a partner.

Basic 1 Unit 3

Unit 3
At The Restaurant

a. The International Café is organizing its menu. Help by matching the correct titles
to the foods below.


chow mein hamburgers salsa pasta

egg roll hot dogs tacos pizza

green tea French fries beer lasagna

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Basic 1 Unit 3

b. Complete this restaurant ad with the words below.

address • delicious • different • dinner • pizza • restaurant • Sunday

Are you
for a good
Then the Italian café is the (1) for you!
We make (2) Italian food.
We have (3) and a lot of
(4) kinds of pasta.
We’re open Monday through (5)
for lunch and (6) .
Our (7) is
34 Milano Street.

c. Write an ad for a restaurant. Include the following information in your ad:

• The name of the restaurant
• The type of food the restaurant serves
• The times when the restaurant is open
• The address of the restaurant
New Mexican Restaurant

a. Read the restaurant ads and answer the questions which follow.


Hamburger City! Visit the
It’s the restaurant for you.
We have seven different kinds of hamburgers.
Rendez-vous Restaurant!
This week the hamburgers come with WeFrench
make delicious
fries French food. We have fresh fish, salads and great French br
and a free drink This week all meals come with a free drink!
for only $8.95 All meals are $10.95
The Rendez-vous Restaurant is open everyday for lunch on
972 Spring Street.

Hamburger City Restaurant is on 479 High Street.

We are open for lunch and dinner,
Monday - Friday.

Copyright © 1990-2017 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved 21

b. Correct the sentences below according to the ads in activity a.

1. Hamburger City makes three different kinds of hamburgers.

2. The Rendez-vous Restaurant isn’t open for lunch.

3. Hamburger City is on 972 Spring Street.

4. The Rendez-vous Restaurant serves Mexican food.

5. The meals at Hamburger City cost $10.95.

c. Which restaurant would you like to have dinner at tonight? Discuss with a partner.

I would like to have dinner at

because .
Delicious Salads
a. A man is taking his girlfriend to lunch at an American restaurant. Match the answers
to the questions she asks.

Questions Answers
1. Are the hamburgers good here? a. Well, they’re not as good as the
2. Are the hot dogs good?
b. I don’t know, I only drink tea.
3. What about the French fries? c. Yes, they’re very good.
4. How is the coffee? d. Yes, they’re excellent! The fries are
my favorite.

b. You are visiting the International Restaurant with a friend. Your friend knows the
restaurant but you don’t. Write a dialogue asking your friend about the food on
the menu below. Use the words and phrases from activity a. to help you.

International Restaurant Menu

Hamburgers $3.55 French Bread $0.75
Hot Dogs $3.25 Tacos with beans, chicken or beef $3.55
French Fries $1.90 French Onion Soup $2.95
Mexican Beer $1.50 Dessert – Chocolate Ice Cream $2.25
Chinese Tea $1.00 Dessert – Cheese Cake $1.95

Your friend:
Your friend:
Your friend:
Nouns: There Is/There Are, Articles
a. Look at this picture of a busy restaurant. Use the words in the table to write five
positive sentences and five negative sentences about the picture.

any waiters listening to a menu

one children eating to customers
There is / isn’t some people reading tea
There are / aren’t a lot of man talking dessert
a woman drinking music
Positive sentences

Negative sentences

b. Close your book and tell your partner what you remember from the picture.

c. Answer the following questions about your English classroom. Use full sentences.

1. Is there a computer in your classroom?

2. Are there a lot of students?

3. Are there any pictures on the walls?

4. Is there a board?

5. Is there a lot of noise?

d. Look at the restaurant ads below. Complete the sentences with the correct article
- a/an/the.

1.At International Restaurant you can eat food from all over world.

2. Come to Golden Apple Restaurant, where you can eat best

hamburgers in

3. Italian Chef Restaurant has excellent selection of pastas.

4. Sandwich Shop is only place to get really good sandwich.

5. Come to Perfect Pizza Parlor! We have pizza with most cheese!

6. At New Mexican Restaurant, we have great menu, low prices, and

friendly waiters. manager is Mexican – so you know food will be good!

e. Write an ad for your favorite restaurant.

f. Exchange ads with a partner. Suggest how he/she can improve his/her ad. Read
your ads to the class.
Basic 1 Unit 4

Unit 4
On A Business Trip

a. Look at Betty’s diary and write three sentences about what she is doing today.

Tuesday, July 28th 2015

12:30 Lunch with Mr. Harold

Stone 15:00 Coffee with Mr.

Montgomery 18:00 Shopping

for new dress 19:00 Movie with




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Basic 1 Unit 4

b. Read the voice mail message below, and answer the questions that follow.

1. What company does Susan Fenhill work for?

2. Why does Susan Fenhill want to meet Betty?

3. When does Susan Fenhill want to meet Betty?

4. Where does Susan Fenhill want to meet Betty?

5. Can Betty meet Susan Fenhill? Why/Why not?

c. You are Betty and want to reply to Ms. Fenhill. Look at Betty’s diary from activity a.
and suggest a time and place you can both meet.

"Hi, Ms. Fenhill. Thanks for your message. I'm sorry I can't meet you at because . I suggest we meet instead at
at ."
More Women Traveling
a. Which of the hotel facilities below are important to a businessperson?

fast laundry service meeting rooms

24-hour room service Internet access
comfortable beds a swimming pool
computers in the rooms a business center

b. Read the article below about hotels for business people. Underline the facilities
from activity a. that the article mentions.

Hotels for Business People

uters! Most hotels have business centers where you can make photocopies and send faxes. Business people also want to sta

c. Compare your answers with a partner’s.

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d. Look at these two hotel ads. Which hotel is more suitable for someone on a
business trip?

The Sea View Inn

n the beach, near the sea. We have a big swimming pool and a great restaurant. We have a fast laundry service and 24-hour room
Double rooms - $95 a night (Breakfast is included in the price).


e. Mark the correct information about the hotels from activity d.

The Plaza HotelThe Sea View Inn

Which hotel is in the city?

Which hotel is better for a relaxing vacation?

Which hotel doesn’t include breakfast in its price?

Which hotel is cheaper?

Which hotel is near the beach?

f. Which hotel would you like to visit? Compare your answer with a partner.
Coffee, Please
a. Betty is on a business trip. She is ordering food in a restaurant. Complete the
dialogue with the sentences below.

Yes, a cup of coffee, please.

Yes, a hamburger and French fries, please. No thanks. I don’t like salad.
Thank you.
Fine, thanks. How’re you doing?

Waiter: Hello, how are you today?

Betty: (1)
Waiter: OK. Here’s a menu.
Betty: (2)
Waiter: Would you like a salad?
Betty: (3)
Waiter: Would you like a hamburger?
Betty: (4)
Waiter: Would you like something to drink first?
Betty: (5)

b. With a partner, practice a dialogue between a customer and a waiter in a restaurant.

Present Progressive: Yes/No Questions /
Short Answers
a. Harold Stone is on a business trip. He calls his wife to tell her what he is doing.
Complete their dialogue, using the Present Progressive.

Mr. Stone: Hello, dear. How are you?

Mrs. Stone: Fine thanks. Are you very busy? (1) (you/work) hard?

Mr. Stone: Yes, we’re working very hard. But we’re also enjoying ourselves. Right
now I’m relaxing in the swimming pool.
Mrs. Stone: That’s nice. (2) (your boss/swim), too?
Mr. Stone: No. He’s in a very important meeting. What about you?
(3) (you/have) fun?

Mrs. Stone: Yes, I am. I’m watching television with the kids.
Mr. Stone: (4) (you/watch) the news?
Mrs. Stone: No, we’re watching a movie. It’s very exciting.
(5) (you/come) home tomorrow?
Mr. Stone: Yes, I’ll call when I get to the airport. Enjoy the

b. Answer the questions below according to the dialogue above. Circle the correct answer.

1. Is Mr. Stone enjoying his trip? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.

2. Are Mr. Stone and his boss working hard? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.
3. Is Mr. Stone swimming? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.
4. Are Mr. Stone’s children watching television? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.
5. Is Mrs. Stone watching the news? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.
6. Is Mr. Stone coming home tomorrow? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.
Basic 1 Unit 5

Unit 5
Going Out

In the Library
a. Do you remember Amy, Katie, and Mark from the video? The next day, Mark and
Amy go to a restaurant together and they see Katie. Complete their dialogue with the
words below.

talking • looking • listening • sitting • drinking

Mark: Katie’s (1) over there, isn’t she?

Amy: Who are you (2) about?

Mark: Katie! The girl from our class. What is she doing? Is she (3) at us?

Amy: No, she’s not. She’s (4) coffee and (5)

to music.

Mark: Ask her if the coffee is good.

Amy: No, you ask her!

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Basic 1 Unit 5

b. Mark the sentences below true or false according to the dialogue from activity a.

True False

1.Mark likes Katie.

2. Katie and Mark are sitting together in a restaurant.

3. Amy and Katie are talking about Mark.

4. Mark is looking at Katie.

5. Katie is drinking coffee.

6. Mark and Katie are in the same class.

c. Look at the picture. What is Mark thinking? What is Amy

thinking? Write a sentence for each.

d. Practice the dialogue from activity a. with a partner. Then practice a dialogue
between Mark and Katie, from activity c.
Richard's Romance
a. Did you understand the story “Richard’s Romance”? Mark which quotes belong to
Penny and which belong to Richard.

Richard Penny
1. “Hi. I’m Penny.”
2. “Meet me at Le Café Restaurant.”
3. “What is she thinking?”
4. “What a salad!”

b. Correct these sentences about Penny and Richard. Check your answers with a

1. Richard is a teacher.

2. Richard and Penny are studying English.

3. Penny is sitting next to the teacher.

4. Richard is listening to the teacher.

5. Penny is writing a note to Richard.

6. Richard and Penny go to the airport after class.

7. Richard and Penny are eating pasta.

8. Penny is thinking about her Spanish teacher.

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c. Read and find out what happened next in the story “Richard's Romance”.

Richard’s Romance – Part

Penny is smiling. “What is she thinking?” Richard asks himself.
Penny is thinking, “What a great salad! This is a great chicken
salad!” What are you thinking about, Penny?” asks Richard.
”I am thinking that this is a good salad!” says Penny.
Oh really!” says Richard. “Then you aren’t thinking of me!”
Well, yes… This is a good salad, because I’m eating it with you,” says Penny.

d. Circle the correct answers to the questions about Penny and Richard.

1. Penny likes... 3. Richard and Penny are sitting...

a. music. a. in class.
b. tuna salad. b. in a restaurant.
c. Richard. c. at home.
2. Richard asks Penny... 4. Penny is eating...
a. what she is eating. a. a chicken salad.
b. what she is doing. b. a hamburger.
c. what she is thinking. c. a pizza.

e. The next day in class, Richard is writing a note to Penny. Read the note and help
Penny answer it.

Dear Richard,

Let's Go
a. Here are two dialogues of people making suggestions. Number the sentences in
the correct order.

Dialogue A Dialogue B
Let’s walk. That’s a good idea!
Why? The weather is bad.
Let’s go. Are you ready? I don’t know.
The weather is beautiful. So let’s take a taxi.
Yes. Are we walking or taking the bus? Are we walking or driving?
OK. Let’s go.

b. Complete the sentences below with the suggestions from the box.

Let’s take a taxi • Let’s walk to the park

Let’s meet at the coffee shop • Let’s go to the university

1. for a cup of coffee after class.

2. . It’s a lovely day.

3. to the restaurant. It’s raining

and I don’t want to get wet.

4. . The Spanish class starts

at 10:00 a.m. and I don’t want to be late.

c. With a partner, suggest things to do together on the weekend. Use the

sentences from activities a. and b. to help you.
Present Progressive: Wh Questions
a. Penny and Richard are in class together. What are they doing? Look at the picture
below and answer the questions.

1. Who is Penny sitting next to?

2. Where are the students sitting?

3. What is the teacher doing?

4. What is the girl in the front eating?

5. What are the boys at the back reading?

6. Why is Richard smiling at Penny?

Basic 1 Unit 6

Unit 6
About People

Outgoing Message
a. What information is important when you leave a voice mail message? Mark ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

Yes No

1. Your age

2. Your first name

3. Your family name

4. Your birthday

5. Your telephone number

6. Your reason for calling

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Basic 1 Unit 6

b. Who left these outgoing messages? Read the messages below,Then match the
picture to the correct message.

a. b. c.
ily. We aren’t
2. Antonio
home right
now. We
from 8:00
3. Hi,
a message
I’m Monday
can leave
call me
my cell
or leave a messa

c. Answer the following questions about the messages from activity b.

1. Who lives alone?

2. Where are the Chan family?

3. Does Antonio Martinez work on the weekend?

4. Who has a cell phone?

5. Is Antonio Martinez’s office open at 6.00 p.m.?

d. Leave a message for one of the people from activity b. Include the important
information from activity a.
a. John and Jenny went on another vacation. Read their postcard and answer the
questions below.

Dear Shirley,
We’re having a great time in
Spain. We’re relaxing by the
pool and reading lots of books.
The food here is great. The sun Ms. S. Turnbull
is shining and it’s not raining. P.O. Box 127
See you in two weeks. Maidstone

Love, New York 21796

John and Jenny
P.S. Tomorrow, we’re going to

1. How is the weather in Spain?

2. What are John and Jenny doing?

3. Do they like the food?

4. When are they going to Malaga?

5. When is Shirley going to see John and Jenny?

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b. Look at the sentences below. Which sentences can you use to end a postcard?

1. Hope you’re feeling well.

2. See you in a week.
3. Here’s a menu.
4. What would you like to drink?
5. Wish you were here.

c. Write your own postcard. Think of a place you have visited and fill in the spaces
below. Use the sentences from the postcard in activity a. to help you.

Dear ,
I’m having a time here in
. I’m and I’m
. The weather is
. Tomorrow I am going to . I wish
. Love,
a. John is interviewing a student. Read the dialogue below and answer the questions.

John: Hi, what’s your name?

Kumiko: I’m Kumiko.
John: Hi Kumiko! Where are you studying?
Kumiko: I’m studying at Columbia University.
John: Are you studying English?
Kumiko: Yes, I am!
John: You speak English very well! Are you enjoying your classes?
Kumiko: Yes, very much.

1. What is the student’s name?

2. Where is she studying?
3. What is she studying?
4. Is she enjoying her classes?
5. Do you think her English is good?

b. What about you? Answer these questions about yourself.

1. What is your name?

2. What are you studying?
3. Where are you studying?
4. Are you enjoying your classes?
5. Do you think your English is getting better?

c. Practice with a partner. Ask your partner the questions above. Compare your answers.
Be: Negative
a. Look at this picture of the Dixon family. Correct the sentences that follow using
the negative form of Be.

1. Clara is John’s wife.

Clara isn’t John’s wife. She’s his sister.
2. Mark and Ana are Shirley and Mario’s children.

3. Shirley and Mario are Lucy’s grandparents.

4. John is Martha’s husband.

5. Jenny is Lucy’s sister.

Basic 1 Unit 7

Unit 7
For Sale

a. Do you remember the ad about Fred’s Furniture Store? Put the words from the ad
under the correct heading.

9:00 a.m. • sofa • Saturday • Monday • 55 Park Avenue

New York City • bed • 12 o’clock

Time Furniture Places Days

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Basic 1 Unit 7

b. Complete the following radio announcement with the words below:

come • midnight • open • percent • price • sale • selling • weeks

“Pam and Jim's Clothes Store is having a big (1) ! We're (2) all our clothes at half price!
Sweaters are fifty (3) off the regular price! Shoes are fifty percent off the regular (4) !
We're (5) Monday to Saturday from 9.00 a.m. to(6) . This sale is for two (7) only!
So (8) to Pam and Jim's Clothing Store, 67 Madison Avenue in New York City.”

c. Write a radio ad for a store that is having a sale. Include the following information:

• the name of the store

• the items on sale
• the time of the sale
• the address of the store
Car for Sale
a. Here are some more car ads. Read them and complete the answers below.

Old BMW for sale. Very good condition. sale. Blue with a new radio.Red
Needs new sportsmiles.
32,000 car with new radio and CD player.
Price $50,000. A great family car! Price $25,000. Only has 21,000 miles. Price $120,000.
Phone Benny: 256-8901 Phone Diana: 546-7466 Phone David: 767-3464

1. Which cars have radios?

2. Which car is the most expensive?
3. What car is David selling?
4. Which car is good for someone with children?
5. Which car needs paint?
6. What color is the Volkswagen?

b. Read the dialogue below. Which of the cars from activity a. should John buy?
Which car should Sue buy? Why?

Sue: Hi, John. What are you doing?

John: I’m looking in the paper. I want to buy a car.
Sue: I’m also looking for a car. What kind of car are you looking for?
John: I’m looking for a family car, one that’s good for going on picnics with the
kids. What about you, Sue?
Sue: I don’t need a big car because I haven’t got any children. I’m looking for a
sports car. I love driving fast.

1. Sue should buy the because .

2. John should buy the because .

Copyright © 1990-2017 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved 47

c. The classified ads below are advertising other objects. Read them and answer the
questions below.

Beautiful sofa! A piano Two Labrador dogs
Very cute! 1 year old.
Price $70 each. Call Michael: 973-1463
Dark blue color.
Very clean. Price $350. Call James: 976-4614In good condition.
Price $800. Phone Steve: 645-5456

Big, family-size refrigerator – NEW! Children’s bed Needs new paint. Price $150.
Price $300. Phone Juan: 316-4313 Call Cristina: 976-4613

1.If you want to buy a dog, what number do you need to call?

2. What is Juan selling?

3. What can you buy for $150?

4. What color is the sofa?

5. Is the refrigerator suitable for a family?

6.How much is the refrigerator?

Phone Call
a. What sentences can you use in a conversation to make an appointment?

1. Hello, can I speak to Mrs. Lang?

2. Yes, I want to meet him at 4:00 p.m.
3. Do you want to make an appointment?
4. What time would you like to meet Mr. Juarez?
5. How can I help you?
6. I want to discuss doing business with her.
7. It needs new paint.
8. Do you want something to drink first?

b. Mark the places below where we can make appointments.

We make appointments…
at the doctor’s office.
at the supermarket to go shopping.
at the dentist’s office so he/she can check our teeth.
at a fast-food restaurant to eat lunch.
to speak to the manager of a company.
to meet someone at a restaurant for a business lunch.
to read the newspaper.

c. With a partner, practice making appointments.

Nouns: Possessive
a. Read about Lee and Mandy. Then look at the pictures below. Who do the objects
belong to?

• Lee reads a lot of magazines, but he doesn’t like books. He likes

to wear different hats.

• Mandy likes listening to music; she has lots of CDs.

She loves tennis and soccer. She also likes

1. This is Mandy’s tennis racket .

2. These are .

3. These are .

4. This is .

5. These are .

6. This is .
Basic 1 Unit 8

Unit 8
On The Move

The Bus to Trenton Street

a. Match the answers to the questions.

Questions Answers
1. What time is it? a. It’s over there.
2. Are you waiting for the bus? b. It’s $2.00.
3. How much is the bus fare? c. Trenton Street.
4. Where are you going? d. Yes, I am.
5. Where's the bus stop for Trenton Street? e. It’s 7:30.

Copyright © 1990-2017 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved 51

Basic 1 Unit 8

b. Look at the bus map below and answer the questions using full sentences.

1. Which bus goes to Jackson Road?

2. Where is the bus stop for the park?

3. Does Bus Nº 1 go to the shopping center?

4. Which bus goes to the Musgrave Museum?

c. Someone asks you how to get from the sports center to the shopping center and
from there to the museum. Write the directions.
Susan’s Train Ride
a. Help Susan plan her trip from Richmond, Virginia to her meeting in Washington,
D.C., and then home to New York.

AMTRAK: Richmond-New York-Boston Train Times

Richmond 06:05 07:35 08:25 08:49 10:45 14:08 15:00 18:50 22:07
Washington 08:15 09:45 10:40 11:01 12:55 16:30 17:31 21:00
New York 11:43 13:45 14:15 15:50 16:45 21:08 22:10 1:00

1. The next train from Richmond to Washington, D.C. is at 3:00 p.m. What time
does it arrive in Washington?
2. Susan finishes her meeting in Washington, D.C. at 6:30 p.m. What time is
the next train to New York?
3. What time is Susan going to arrive in New York? ______________________

b. Susan is explaining to her husband what time she will be home. Read the dialogue
and answer the question that follows on the next page.

Susan: Hi, John. It’s Susan.

John: Hi, Susan. How are
Susan: Don’t ask! I am having a terrible day!
John: What’s wrong?
Susan: I missed the Washington, D.C. stop and now I’m in Richmond!
My meeting is at 6:00 p.m.
John: What time are you coming home?
Susan: Well, the next train back to New York is only at 9:00 in the evening.
John: That’s very late!
Susan: I know! See you AFTER 1:00 in the morning!
Copyright © 1990-2017 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved 53
John: Bye.

54 Copyright © 1990-2017 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Is Susan happy with her day? Give two reasons why/why not.


c. Susan is phoning Mr. Sharp. Read the conversation and answer the questions that

Susan: Hello, Mr. Sharp. It’s

Susan. Mr. Sharp: Hi, Susan.
Susan: I’m calling to tell you that I am going to be late for our meeting
today. Mr. Sharp: Oh, no! What’s wrong?
Susan: I am in Richmond now and the next train to Washington, D.C. is only
at 3:00 p.m.
Mr. Sharp: What time can you be at my office then?
Susan: I think I can make it by 6:00 p.m.
Mr. Sharp: OK, see you then. I’m waiting for you.

1. Susan is... 4. Susan thinks she can be at Mr.

a. in Washington, D.C. Sharp’s office...
b. in Richmond. a. by 3:00 p.m.
c. on the train. b. by 4:00 p.m.
c. by 6:00 p.m.

2. Susan is...
a. late for her meeting. 5. Mr. Sharp is...
b. on time for her meeting. a. going to meet someone else.
c. early for her meeting. b. not going to meet Susan.
c. going to wait for Susan.

3. The next train to Washington, D.C.

a. at 2:00 p.m.
b. at 4:00 p.m.
c. at 3:00 p.m.

d. Practice the dialogues from activities b. and c. with your partner.

Bus Stop
a. Jane and Frank are saying good-bye. Number the sentences in the correct order.

Jane: What time is it?

Jane: Good-bye, Frank.
Jane: My train’s late.
Frank: That’s your train, isn’t it?
Jane: Yes. Good, here it comes.
Frank: Have a good trip. See you next week.
Frank: I think it’s 7:15.

b. Write your own dialogue saying good-bye to a friend, either at a bus stop or train
station. Use the words and phrases below to help you.

What time is your bus / Have a good

train? My train / bus is late. trip! Good-bye!
See you later / tomorrow / next


Your friend:


Your friend:


Your friend:

Pronouns: Possessive
a. Susan and her assistant, Paulo, are late for a meeting with Mr. Sharp. Read their
dialogue and mark if the sentences below are true or false.

Susan: Paulo, are you ready for our meeting with Mr. Sharp?
Paulo: Yes, just a minute. I’m looking for my pen. Do you have it?
Susan: No, Paulo, I don’t. Do you have Mr. Sharp’s letter?
Paulo: Yes, I have it in my bag.
Susan: OK. I have my jacket and my hat. Do you have our train tickets?
Paulo: Yes, they’re in my wallet. Let’s go. We’re late!

True False
1. Susan and her assistant have a meeting with Mr. Sharp.
2. Susan is looking for her pen.
3. Mr. Sharp has the letter.
4. Susan can’t find her jacket and her hat.
5. Susan has the train tickets.

b. Who do the objects below belong to? Draw a line.

3. 5.



1. 7.

Mr. Sharp
Basic 1 Appendix

Lesson Texts

Copyright © 1990-2017 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved 57

Unit 1
Meet A Rock Star

Announcer: This is Bill Winters talking to you from radio station WNYC in New
York City. Tonight is Rock and Roll Night at the Apollo Theater.
Our reporter Linda Chavez is at the theater. Can you hear me, Linda?
Linda: Yes, I can, Bill.
Announcer: Who can you see, Linda?
Linda: Bill! I see the rock star, Maxi! She’s with her friend Rocky!
Maxi! Can I ask you some questions?
Maxi: Not now, Linda. I’m busy.
Linda: Maxi is walking into the theater now. Back to you, Bill.

Meet Me!
I’m a rock and roll singer. I’m twenty-eight years
old. I like travel, healthy food, and good movies.
I don’t like classical music. I’m looking for a new girlfriend.
Write: P. O. Box 123, New York, N.Y.
Maxi’s Room
- Is this the right hotel?
- Yeah. Maxi is staying here.
- She is? How do you know?
- There’s a story about her in the newspaper today.
- Well, what room is she in?
- I don’t know. That isn’t in the newspaper story.

Be: Affirmative
- My name is Maurice. I am your waiter.
- We are hungry.

Be: Yes/No Questions

- Are you angry, Mom?

Be: Contractions
- Who’s next?
- I’m next.
- Excuse me, no you aren’t. We’re next!

Word Definition Example Sentence

a person who performs in a The actors in this movie

actor, n.
play, movie, or on television are very good.

music written from around

My favorite classical
classical music, n. 1750-1800 by composers such
music is by
as Mozart and Beethoven

The music is great at

concert, n. a musical show
this concert.

moving picture you can watch

movie, n. Let's see a movie tonight.
in a theater or on television

printed papers with news,

I read the newspaper
newspaper, n. articles, and ads that are usually
every day.
printed every day

a system of broadcasting
I listen to the news on
radio, n. information and programs
the radio in the
that people can listen to

music with a heavy regular The boy is listening to

rock music, n.
beat, singing, and electric rock music in his room.
famous singer who sings rock There are a lot of rock
rock star, n.
music stars at this concert.

machine with a screen I’m watching a great

television, n.
for watching programs program on television.

building where people watch Let’s go to a concert

theater, n.
plays, concerts, and other at the new theater!
Unit 2
Against The Law

The Diamond Necklace

Victor: Susan Bailey?
Susan: Yes?
Victor: I’m Victor Petrov. And the diamond necklace.
Susan: Very nice. Mr. Petrov.
Victor: Susan, this is the United States, please call me Victor.
Susan: Victor, this is Mike Valacci. Mike, this is Mr. Victor
Petrov. Victor: How do you do, Mike?
Mike: Nice to meet you. Please.
Victor: Ah, yes.
Waiter: Victor Petrov?
Victor: Yes...
Waiter: Mike
Mike: Yes...
Waiter: I have some questions for you.
Mike: Why? Who are you?
Waiter: I’m a police officer.

Follow That Man!

Sam and Becky are touring New York City. Suddenly, a man in a blue suit is pushing
“Are you all right, Becky?” asks Sam.

“No! No, no! My handbag is open and my wallet is gone! That man is a thief!” shouts
Becky. They look for the man all afternoon.

“There he is!” shouts Becky. “He is eating in that nice restaurant.”

Sam sees a police officer. “Officer! Officer! That man’s a thief!”

“That’s Nate the Napkin,” answers the police officer. “He robs people and then eats
lunch in a nice restaurant.”

“OK, Nate,” says the police officer. “What are you doing here?”

“Just a minute, Officer. I’m just finishing my coffee.”

No Parking
- Oh, no. What are you doing?
- I’m giving you a ticket.
- A ticket? How much is it?
- It’s twenty dollars.
- Twenty dollars! But I’m a student. I don’t have any money!

Be: Short Answers

- Is this your dog?
- Yes, it is.

Nouns: This/That/These/Those
- Is this your hat?
- No, that is my hat.
- Are these your gloves?
- No, those are my gloves.

Word Definition Example Sentence

the police take you because The police officers are

arrest, v.
you are doing something arresting the man.
a place where we decide about The woman is telling her
court, n.
legal problems story in court today.

money you must pay because I have a fine for parking in

fine, n.
you did something wrong front of a “No Parking” sign.

a person who makes The judge is sending

judge, n.
decisions in a court the thief to prison.

a document that says you

This parking ticket says I
parking ticket, n. broke a rule about where you
must pay $20.
put your car and must pay a
a person whose job is to make
The police officer is
police officer, n. sure we don’t break the law
looking for the little boy.
and to help people in trouble

a place where people stay for

The man is going to prison
prison, n. punishment when they break
for many years.
the law

take money or property from The man is taking my

rob, v.
someone purse
- he is robbing me!
These men steal cars and
steal, v. take something that is not yours
sell them.

person who takes something That man is taking

thief, n.
that is not his/hers her wallet - he's a
Unit 3
At The Restaurant


Are you looking for a good restaurant? Are you looking for a restaurant with a lot
of different food? The International Café is the restaurant for you! They make
delicious Italian food. They have Chinese food. They also have Mexican food.
The American food is good, too: hamburgers, hot dogs and French fries. They’re
open Monday through Sunday for lunch and dinner. The address is 234 Henry

New Mexican Restaurant Open in Soho

by Carlos Suarez

There are a lot of Mexican restaurants in New York City, but not all of them are good.
Taco City is a good Mexican restaurant on 845 Spring Street in Soho. Taco City has
wonderful Mexican food at low prices.

Today, Taco City is selling two big tacos with beans, chicken or beef, cheese, lettuce,
and salsa for only $4.25. A complete dinner, with soup, a main dish, a salad, and
dessert is only $10.95. Mexican beer is $2 a bottle. This week they are giving a free
drink with each dinner.

Visit Taco City soon and enjoy some great Mexican food.
Delicious Salads

- Is the food good here?

- Yes, it’s delicious.
- What’s good?
- The hamburgers are excellent.
- What about the salads, are they good, too?
- Yes, the tuna and chicken salads are very good.

Nouns: Singular/Plural

- Guitar
- Guitars
- Foot
- Feet

Nouns: There Is/There Are

- Are there any cookies left?
- There is one more left.

Nouns: Articles
- You have a meeting with an important client.
- Oh, what time is the meeting?
- Now!

Word Definition Example Sentence

food or drink usually I’m going to have an appetizer

appetizer, n.
served before the meal before my main dish.

The food in this restaurant

delicious, adj. very tasty (food or drink)
is delicious.

a sweet dish at the end Let’s have ice cream for

dessert, n.
of the meal dessert!

Would you like a drink with

drink, n. a liquid you swallow
your meal?

Would you like chicken for

main dish, n. the biggest part of the meal
your main dish?

list of food you can get in Let’s look at the menu and
menu, n.
a restaurant see what we want to eat.

cloth or paper to keep your

You use a napkin to clean your
napkin, n. clothes clean or to clean
your mouth when eating

order a meal, tell the waiter what you Would you like to order a meal
exp. want to eat now?

extra food to go with the I’d like a hamburger and a

side dish, n.
main dish salad as a side dish.

person in a restaurant who

Let’s ask the waiter for
waiter, n. takes the order for the
the menu.
meal and brings it to the
Unit 4
On A Business Trip

Betty. This is Mr. Black. It is now 9:00 a.m. You are meeting Mr. Harold Stone for lunch
at 12:30 at the Chinese restaurant on Main Street. Mr. Stone is very interested in our
electronic products. Please be on time.

More Women Traveling

by Virginia Vegan

“More and more women are traveling on business,” says Linda Holms, manager of
the Dorchester Hotel. “More business women are staying at our hotel. So we are
offering\ them more services.”

“We now have more guards in the hotel,” says Ms. Holms. “There are two guards 24
hours a day. From 11 p.m. to 7 a.m., there are two more guards.”

“Businesswomen are asking for more fresh fruit and vegetables,” Ms. Holms says. “So
we are now serving more of these foods in our restaurant. We are doing many things
to help our women guests.”
Coffee, Please

- Hello. How are you today?

- Fine, thanks. How’re you doing?
- Good. Here’s the menu.
- Thanks.
- Would you like something to drink first?
- Yes. A cup of coffee, please.

Present Progressive: Affirmative

- Please be quiet! I am trying to study.

Present Progressive: Yes/No Questions

- Jack!
- Jack!
- Jack, are you listening to me?

Present Progressive: Short Answers

- Marie, are you enjoying the party?
- Yes, I am.

Word Definition Example Sentence

There are 500 guests at

guest, n. a person staying in a hotel
this hotel.

My hotel room is
hotel room, n. bedroom in a hotel
very comfortable.

a person in charge Can I speak to the manager of

manager, n.
of a hotel the hotel?

I’d like breakfast in my room.

offer a service, to do something special
Does the hotel offer this
exp. for your customers

on business, exp. for work He’s in London on business.

pool, n. a place where you swim Let’s go swimming in the pool!

when you make

a reservation (for things
I have a reservation at the
reservation, n. like a hotel room or seat
Carlton Hotel for the weekend.
on a plane) you save
a place for yourself

a person whose job is to

A security guard stands
security guard, n. keep a place or people
outside the hotel 24 hours a

stay, v. to be a guest at a hotel I’m staying at a nice hotel.

trip, n. a journey My trip to London is for five days.

Unit 5
Going Out

In the Library
Katie: He’s looking over here, isn’t he?
Amy: Who? What are you talking about?
Katie: Mark, of course. What’s he doing? Is he looking over here?
Amy: No. He’s studying and listening to music.
Katie: Oh. Ask him what he’s listening to.
Amy: No! You ask him.
Katie: Then ask him what he’s reading. Yes, ask him that.
Amy: He’s not studying any more. He’s going! Katie, go over there and say hi.
Katie: No way!

Richard’s Romance
Richard is a student at New York University. He’s studying Spanish. Right now he’s in class.

“Hi. I’m Penny,” says a young woman to Richard. She is sitting next to him. The teacher
is talking. Richard isn’t listening. He’s writing a note to Penny.

I’m Richard. Meet me at Le Café Restaurant after class at 2:30.

It’s three o’clock now. Richard and Penny are at the restaurant. They are eating salads.
They are looking at each other. Penny is smiling.

“What is she thinking?” Richard asks himself. Penny is thinking, “What a salad!”
Let’s Go

- Are you ready?

- Yes, let’s go.
- Are we walking or taking a taxi?
- Let’s walk. The weather is beautiful.
- That’s a great idea.

Present Progressive: Negative

- Let’s go to the beach now. It isn’t raining anymore.

Present Progressive: Wh Questions

- What are you doing now?

- I’m, er, cleaning the house.

Word Definition Example Sentence

to speak to someone to get

ask, v. I’m asking you a question.

You aren’t listening to

listen, v. to try to hear something
what I’m saying.

to move your eyes in a

Why is that man looking
look over, v. certain direction to see
over here?
something or someone

to arrange to see someone at

Let’s meet at the cafe at
meet, v. a certain time and a certain
7 o’clock.

to express something He’s speaking, but I can’t

say, v.
in words hear what he’s saying!

study, v. to learn about something I’m studying Spanish.

to say something about He’s talking about the

talk about, v.
someone or something business trip.

to believe or consider
think, v. I think that’s a good idea.

to change the position of Turn around and look over

turn around, v.
your body there.

to use a pen or pencil to Please write your name on

write, v.
make words this form.
Unit 6
About People

Outgoing Message

Hello, this is 232-2663, home of the Dixon family. We aren’t at home right now.
Please leave your name and phone number after the beep.

From: Jenny Stone
To: Shirley Smith
Subject: Fun in Monaco!

Dear Shirley,

We’re having a great time in Monaco! I’m sitting by the pool and drinking a cool, pink
drink. Susie is swimming. The children are playing and fighting. John is fine. He’s
reading in the hotel room. Tomorrow we’re going to Barcelona. Hope you’re feeling

Much love,

Jenny, John, and the kids

- So, Jeff, are you a student?
- Yes. I am. I’m going to school at night.
- What are you studying?
- I’m studying business.
- Are you enjoying your classes?
- Yes, I am. Very much.

Be: Negative

- This dress is not my size.

Present Progressive: Spelling Changes

Dear Mom,

I'm having a great time in Paris!


Word Definition Example Sentence

beautiful, adj. looking very nice She’s wearing a beautiful dress.

I don’t have time to talk to

busy, adj. having a lot of things to do
you! I’m busy.

clean, adj. not dirty Please bring me a clean cup.

cool, adj. cold Would you like a cool drink?

She gets excellent grades in

excellent, adj. very good

fast, adj. moving quickly He likes fast cars.

I’m sitting by the pool and

fine, adj. feeling good
I feel fine.

We’re having a great time in

great, adj. very good

wanting to know more

I’m interested in your new
interested in, adj. about something or

Come and meet my new

new, adj. recent, not old
Unit 7
For Sale

Hi, I’m Fred. And this is Fred’s Furniture Store. Fred’s Furniture Store is having a big
sale! We’re selling all our furniture. Everything is fifty percent off the regular price. A new
sofa is fifty percent off the regular price. A new bed is fifty percent off the regular price.
We’re open Monday to Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 12 o’clock midnight. I’m waiting for
you at Fred’s Furniture Store, 55 Park Avenue in New York City. This sale is for one
week only. So come to Fred’s Furniture Store, 55 Park Avenue, in New York City.

Car for Sale

Corvette sports car for sale. Red and white with a radio and CD player. Needs new
paint. 78,000 miles. Very clean and fast. A beautiful car.

Price is $20,000.

Phone Dave: 980-6321.

Phone Call
- Hello?
– Hello, may I speak with Mr. Dickson?
– This is Mr. Dickson. How can I help you?
– I’m interested in your company’s new products.
– I’d be happy to tell you about them. Would you like to make an appointment?
– Yes, I would.

Nouns: Possessive
- Look at the boy’s pizza.
- Look at the boys’ pizza.

Present Progressive: Contractions

- Frank isn’t driving to work today. He’s taking the bus.


Word Definition Example Sentence

fifty percent off,

These shoes are fifty percent
exp. half the regular price

Everything in the store is for

for sale, exp. you can buy it

free, adj. you don’t have to pay You get a free drink with
any money for it your meal.

furniture store, a place you can buy tables, I’m going to the furniture store
n. chairs, sofas, etc. to buy a new sofa.

Our supermarket has low

low prices, exp. not expensive

when a store is ready

open, adj.
This store is open every day.
for business

price, n. how much something costs The price of this sofa is $200.

Our company is selling a new

product, n. something that is made to sell

regular price, how much something usually

The regular price is $50.
exp. costs

selling products for less The store is having a sale this

sale, n.
money week.
Unit 8
On The Move

The Bus to Trenton Street

Stefan: Excuse me, how do I get to the city
center? Jordan: Where are you going?
Stefan: Trenton Street.
Jordan: You can take the bus.
Stefan: How much is the
bus? Jordan: It’s about $2.00.
Stefan: Where’s the bus stop?
Jordan: It’s over there. But it looks like you just missed the bus. Sorry.

Susan’s Train Ride

Susan Kim is a sales manager. She is working on a big computer project in
New York City. But today she has an important meeting in Washington, D.C. at 3:00 p.m.

It is now 9:30 a.m. She is on the train. She’s sitting next to a man.

“How are you this morning?” the man asks.

Susan starts to answer, but the man is talking again – on and on.
After an hour, the man is still talking, but now Susan is sleeping. Suddenly, the train
conductor is shouting, “The next stop is Richmond, Virginia!”

“What? Richmond, Virginia? But that’s after Washington, D.C. and I’m going to Washington,
D.C. for a three o’clock meeting!” Susan shouts.

“Sorry, ma’am,” says the conductor. “The next train to Washington, D.C. is at three o’clock.
You’re going to be very late”.
Bus Stop
- What time is it?
– It’s seven-thirty.
– My bus is late. This is your bus, isn’t it?
– Yes, it is. Well, see you later, Frank.
– Good-bye, Jane. Have a good day.
– You, too.

Pronouns: Subject
- Hi, I’m MaX. She is Millie. He is little Sam. We are your new neighbors.

Pronouns: Object
– Is that him?
– Yes, and that’s her!
– Oh, I know them!

Pronouns: Possessive
- Is it your turn?
– No, it’s his.
– It’s not my turn, it’s hers.

Word Definition Example Sentence

a large road vehicle that

bus, n. I'm waiting for the bus to town.
people pay to travel on

the money you pay to go How much is the bus fare to

bus fare, n.
on the bus the city?

the place where people get

bus stop, n. The bus stop is across the street.
on and off the bus

a road vehicle for a

car, n. I go to work by car.
driver and passengers

a person on a train who

Please give your ticket to the
conductor, n. checks passengers'
tickets and collects
Jenny is angry because they
late, adj. not arriving on time
are late for the party.

go in a car with a driver you Let's take a taxi. We don't have

take a taxi, exp.
pay time for the bus.

railroad cars that move on

train, n. tracks and which people The train leaves in ten minutes.
pay to travel on

to stay in one place

wait for, v. because you expect Please wait for me by the cafe.
something to happen

to move by putting one The weather is beautiful. Let's

walk, v.
foot in front of the walk to the store.

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