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Indian Philosophy & Government Imp Questions

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5 Marks - Short Answer Questions

1. Describe the relationship between prakriti and Purusha in sankhya system of
2. Explain two principles of Jainism?
3. Elucidate Nyaya theory of Causation with an example?
4. Explain Vaisheshika theory of Atomic Pluralism?
5. Describe any two features of Indian Philosophy?
6. Explain the concept of fallibilism in the Jain school of Philosphy?
7. What is Vedanta? List the schools of the Vedanta philosophy?
8. Explain any Two features of Dvaita/ Advaita/ Vishista Advaita?
9. Explain the concept of Inference with the help of a suitable example in the Nyaya
School of Philosophy.
10. What is Yoga? How is yoga helpful in attaining Moksha?
11. Describe four main tenets of Charvaka School of Philosophy.
12. What is Budhism? List out the key concepts and principles of Bushism?
13. Explain the concept thirthankara in the Budhist school of Philosphy?
14. What is Mimamsa theory of Philosophy? Explain its epistomology?
15. List out Four characteristics of Purusha & Prakriti in Sankhya School of
16. Explain the concept of Klesha and Chitha in the Yoga school of Philosophy?
17. Describe the conecpt of Maha-vrathas in the Jain school of Philosophy?
18. Describe Sankhya/ Nyaya/ Vaisheshika theory of Evolution?
19. Describe the Following Concept
i. Dharma
ii. Karma
iii. Aatma
iv. Brahma
20. What is Philosophy? Is Philosophy a way of life? Can Philosphy be equated with
religions in India?
10 Marks - Long Answer Questions
21. Differntiate between Orthodox and Heterodox on the basis of Metaphysics,
Epistomology and theroy of Evolution with Suitable Examples?
22. Differntiate between Satyakarvada and Asatyakarvada in Sankhya and Nyaya
school of Philosophy.
23. Discuss the Philosophical Significance of Upanishads and Vedas in Indian
24. Examine the Importance of the Doctrine of the Depeneded origination in the
25. What is the Eight fold path of Yoga?
26. Explain the Difference and similarities (if any) between Nyaya and Vaishesika
school of Indian Philsophy?
27. Explain any two Doctrines of the Jain school of Philosphy with suitable
28. What is the Eight fold path of Bushism?
29. Compare and Evaluate the epistimologies of Nyaya and Sankhya School of
30. How is Moksha (“the theory of Liberation”) defined in each school of Philosphy?
(Any 2 philosophies)


1. What are the powers, functions duties if Lok Sabha Speaker

2. Discuss the role and functions of president as per laid down in the Constitution of
India? Discuss the role and functions of president In the emergency?
3. Discuss the role and functions of Prime Minister as per laid down in the
Constitution of India?
4. “First Among all Equals”? what are the roles and responsibilities of the prime
5. Discuss the concept of Secularism in Contemporary India?
6. Highlight the significance of the peasant movements in Modern India?
7. Delinate the characteristics of Indian Administration and its revolution in the
Globalised World?
8. Do you subscribe to the view of Judicial Restrain or Judicial Activism in
Democratic India? If either justify?
9. Does cast play a role in Electoral Politics? If so, Justify?
10. What is the concept of Sons of the soil? How do you understand regional
development and its Paradoxes?
11. If you were told to ammend the present constitution, what would you like to
bring in terms of enabling the growth of India’s Federal Democracy?


12. Reflecting on the 75 years of India's independence, what are the key factors
that can be considered in evaluating India's overall success as a nation? Please
provide a comprehensive analysis of the political, economic, social, and cultural
aspects of India's progress since independence, considering factors such as
democratic governance, economic development, social indicators, infrastructure,
international standing, and challenges faced. Additionally, discuss the diverse
perspectives on India's success, taking into account both the achievements and the
persistent issues, and explore potential areas for improvement and future
aspirations as the country moves forward.
13. What are the key points of contention and the underlying factors contributing
to the tussle between the Parliament and the Judiciary regarding judicial
appointments in India, particularly in the context of the Collegium system versus
the proposed National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC)? Please provide
a detailed analysis of the arguments presented by both sides, considering the
principles of judicial independence, transparency, and the need for an effective and
accountable judicial appointment process. Additionally, discuss the implications of
this debate on the functioning of the judiciary and the overall balance of power
between the two branches of government.
14. What are the origins and factors contributing to the internal security
challenges in India, specifically focusing on either the Maoist insurgency, the North
East insurgency, or the Jammu and Kashmir insurgency? Please provide a
comprehensive analysis of the causes and suggest potential strategies to combat
these specific internal security issues, taking into consideration various aspects
such as historical, socio-economic, and political factors..
15. "What are some potential advantages and disadvantages of implementing a 33%
reservation for women in politics, and how might it impact the overall
representation and decision-making process?" What do you think about the
Reservation in Providing Employement?
16. Reflecting on Jawaharlal Nehru's historic speech on India's "Tryst with
Destiny," how would you assess the progress India has made in terms of economic
development and sustainable development since independence? Furthermore,
considering the challenges India faces, such as maintaining a robust democracy,
combating instances of mobocracy, and addressing issues of corruption, what are
the key factors influencing India's path towards a more inclusive, prosperous, and
accountable society? Please provide a comprehensive analysis of the achievements,
shortcomings, and ongoing efforts in these areas, and discuss potential strategies to
strengthen democracy, promote sustainable economic growth, and combat
corruption in order to realize India's full potential as envisioned by its founding

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