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Grade Xi Political Science SMART SKILLS 2017-18: - Plato

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`..So the state founded on natural principles is wise as a whole in

virtue of the knowledge inherent in its smallest constituent class,
which exercises authority over the rest. and the smallest class is the
one which naturally possesses that form of knowledge which alone
of others deserves the title of wisdom.'

- Plato

`..All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have

been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of

- Aristotle

`...There is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success,

more dangerous to manage than the creation of a new system. The
innovator has the enmity of all who profit by the preservation of the
old system and only lukewarm defenders by those who stand to gain
by the new system.'

- Machiavelli

Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Marg
New Delhi



BOOK- 1 (Pgs 4-19)

1. Introduction to Political Theory
What is politics? Do we find politics in seemingly non-political domains? Can political
arguments be resolved through reasoning? Why do we need political theory?

2. Freedom
What is freedom? What are reasonable constrains on individual liberty? How are the limits
3. Equality
Do all differences involve inequality? Does equality imply sameness? What are the major forms
of inequality? How can equality be realized?

4. Justice
Is justice all about fairness? What is the relationship between justice and equality? What are the
different forms of injustice? In which ways can justice be secured?
5. Rights: Types of rights, rights and responsibilities

6.Citizenship types, full and equal membership , citizen and nation, universal and global
7. Nationalism
How are the boundaries of a nation defined? Must every nation have a state? What demands can a
nation make on its citizens? What is the basis of the right to self-determination?
8. Secularism
What is secularism? Which domains of life does it relate to? What is a secular state? Why do we
need secular state in modern times? Is secularism suitable for India?

What is peace? Does peace always require non-violence? Under what conditions is war justified?
Can armament promote global peace?

10. Development
Presentations & Project work over the year
1. Individual & Group Presentations - Topics given in class
2. UNO : More relevant than ever before.
3. `Make in India' - India's path to Development



BOOK-2 (Pgs 20-30)

1. Making of the constitution:

Why do we need a constitution? What does a constitution do? Who made our Constitution? How
did the country’s partition affect the working of the Constituent Assembly? What were the
sources of the constitution?
2. Fundamental Rights:
Why do we need for bill of rights in a constitution? What are the fundamental rights provided by
the constitution? Why was the right to property removed from Fundamental rights? How have the
interpretations by the courts influenced Fundamental rights? How has provision of fundamental
rights provided the basis for civil liberties movement in India? What are the fundamental duties?
3. System of representational democracy:
What are the different methods of elections? How do these methods affect parties and politics?
Why was the first past the post system chosen in India? What have been the effects of this
system? Why is there a system of reserved seats? What are the provisions to ensure free and fair
elections? What does the Election Commission do?
4. Executive in a parliamentary system:
Why was the parliamentary system chosen over other forms of government? Why does the
parliamentary system need a constitutional head? How are the prime minister and the chief
ministers elected? What are the formal and real powers of the President of India? What are the
powers of the Prime Minster or the Chief Minister and the council of ministers? What are the
powers of the governor
5. Legislature at the central and state level:
Why does the parliament of India have two Houses? How are the parliament and the state
assemblies constituted? What are the powers of the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha? How are the
laws passed? How is the executive made accountable? What are the constitutional means to
prevent defection?
6. Judiciary:
What is Rule of law? Why do we need an independent judiciary? What are the provisions that
ensure the independence of judiciary in India? How are judges appointed? What are the powers of
the Supreme and the High Courts? How do they use their powers for public interest?
7. Federalism:
What is federalism? How does federalism ensure accommodation of diversities? In which ways is
the Indian constitution federal? In which ways does the constitution strengthen the centre? Why
are there special provisions for some states and areas?
8. Political philosophy underlying the constitution:
What are the core provisions of the constitution? What is the visions underlying these core
provisions? How is this visions shaped by modern Indian political thought?
9. Constitution as a living document
How has the constitution changed since its inception? What further changes are being debated?
What has the working of democracy done to the constitution?

Academic Session2017-18
Class: XI


Introduction to Political Theory

Short Answers
1. For whom is Political Theory relevant, and why should we study it?
2. Discuss whether Political science is a science or not.
3. Politics is a study of class struggle. Comment
4. Politics is a study of power. Comment
5. Is Political Science is a Science?
6. Is Political Science is an art?
7. Name a political thinker.

Long Answers
1. What is the underlying philosophy of our constitution?
2. What do we study in Political theory? Identify some ways in which
political theory is relevant for us.
3. What is the need and significance of political theory?



Short Answers
1. Law is a condition of liberty”. Comment
2. What is liberalism? Analyze its influence on the Indian constitution.
3. What are self and other regarding actions?
4. Why do we need constraints to enjoy liberty?
5. What is negative liberty?
6. Who is Aung Saa Suu Kyi? What is she fighting for and from where?
7. Discuss the characteristics of liberty?
8. Mention two ways of safeguarding freedom?

Long Answers
1. Discuss the relationship between liberty and authority?
2. What is Freedom of expression? What in your view would be a reasonable
restriction on this freedom? Give examples.
3. Discuss Political, Economic and Moral liberty?
4. Explain the relationship between Political and Economic liberty?

Revision Worksheet

1. Who was Nelson Mandela? What is the title of his autobiography? 2mk

2. List the segregation policies of the white regime in South Africa? 2mk

3. Mandela paid a very high personal rice for the freedom of his people.
Elaborate. 3mk

4 `To live a dignified life one must live without fear' How did Aung Sang Suu
Kyi relate freedom to `dignified human life'? 2mk



Short Answers
1. What is Civil Equality?
2. Define the term Equality?
3. What are the different forms of social inequality seen in India?
4. Mention any 4 constitutional safeguards that ensure socio-political equality to the
5. Is Equality the same as Uniformity?
6. Define affirmative action.

Long Answers
1. What is Equality? Discuss the relationship between the two concepts of
Liberty and Equality.
2. “It is argued by some that inequality is natural, while some feel it is
created by society” which view do you support, give reasons.
3. Discuss the three dimensions of equality?
4. What are the element characteristics of Equality?
5. What steps has the Government taken to eradicate economic/social and gender
inequality in India?



Short Answers
1. Discuss John Rawls theory of justice?
2.. Explain the Geometrical concept of justice.
3. Is justice all about fairness?
4. Define free Market? Give one argument in its favour?
5. I s State Intervention a good option for newly independent countries give reasons
for your answer.
6. How is recognition of special needs justice?
7. Give the characteristics of Justice?
8. Why is justice a blindfolded figure?
9. What is proportionate justice?

Long Answers
1. What is a Market Economy, giving any advantage of the same?
2. How does Rawls use the idea of a veil of ignorance to argue that fair and just
distribution canbe defended on rational grounds?
3. What is social justice? How far has it been implemented in India?
4. Write a short note on the following after researching: 1.Greek view of Justice
2. Marxian view of Justice3. Liberal view of Justice.
5. What does “giving each his/her due mean” ?How has the meaning changed over
6. Briefly discuss the 3 principles of justice outlined in the chapter? Give examples.



Short Answers
1. How are rights different to claims?
2. How are rights social in nature?
3. What is freedom of speech and expression
4. Is fulfilment of basic needs a right?
5. What are the legal rights?
6. Do you agree that rights operate within a world of duties?
7. Are rights absolute?
8. Explain the meaning of claim.
9. Explain the types of political rights.
10. Rights operate within a world of duties." Explain
11. What was Kant’s view on human dignitty?

Long Answers
1. What do rights mean? Why are they important? Discuss the various kinds
of rights available today, giving illustrations from the Indian constitution
2. Differentiate between political, economic and cultural rights. Give examples of
each kind of right. (NCERT)
3. Discuss briefly some of the new rights claims which are being put forward in our
country today
- for example the rights of tribal peoples to protect their habitat and way of life, or
the rights of children against bonded labor and protection in today’s world against
4. The state enable and obstructs rights discuss with reference to limits on the
authority of the state?
5. “Rights are born in the world of duties”. Comment
6. “Democracies are known by the kinds of rights they give its citizens”. Discuss.


1. What is meant by `Bill of Rights'? 2mk

2. What makes Fundamental rights the most important and valued

rights for the citizens? 3mk

3. How can we say that Right to Equality upholds human values and
dignity? 3mk

4 What aspects of fundamental rights help in establishing India as a

secular country? 4mk

5. Which fundamental right can be referred to as the essence of Indian
Constitution? Explain why? 2+3

6. Differentiate between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principle of

the State Policy. 5mk

7. How are DPSP helping create a vision for our country? 3mk



Short Answers
1. Define citizenship?
2. What were the reasons for Martin Luther King’s struggle?
3. What do you understand by the term Natural and Naturalized citizenship?
4. What is universal citizenship?
5. Define Global citizenship?

Long Answers
1. Write a short note on any two struggles for the full enjoyment of citizen rights
which have taken place in India in the recent year. Which rights were being
claimed in each case.
2. Democratic citizenship is a project rather than an accomplished fact even in
countries like India which grant equal citizenship” Discuss some of the issues
regarding citizenship being raised in India today.
3. All citizens may be granted equal rights but all may not be able to exercise them.
4. What are the problems faced by the refugees? In what way could the concept of
global citizenship benefit them?



Short Answers
1. Write a short note on self determination seen in Basque.
2. Give the distinction between State and Nation?
3. Define a nation?
4. What are the four elements that make up a state?
5. Are the following a state give reasons for your answer
a.Tibet b.Nepal c. Tamil Nadu d. UNO e.OPEC
6. Mention any four areas in the world where separatist movement s are visible?
7. What were Tagore’s view of nationalism?
8. Write a note on national self determination .
9. Mention the various struggles that we are witnessing today?

Long Answers
1. What are the features of a nation, when does a nationality become a
2. It is believed that a nation is a imagined community held together by shared
beliefs, history, shared political ideals and common Political identity.Identify the
features that make India a nation.
3. How is a democracy more effective than authoritarian governments in dealing
with conflicting nationalist aspirations?



Short Answers
1. Define a theocratic state; give an example of such a state.
2. What were Kemal Ataturk’s views on Secularism?
3. How did the concept of secularism emerge?
4. How far is it correct to say that India is a secular state? Examine the
dangers to secularism in India. How can we promote secularism?
5. Do you agree with the following statements? Give reasons for supporting
or opposing any of them.
(a) Secularism does not allow us to have a religious identity.
(b) Secularism is against inequality within a religious group or between
different religious groups.
(c) Secularism has a western-Christian origin. It's not suitable for India
6. Who laid foundations of a secular state in India? Why do we need a
secular state? Give two reasons. How does secularism guarantee freedom
of religion? Is secularism based on morality
7. Indian secularism focuses on more than the religion-state separation.
Explain. Explain the concept of principled distance
8. What is communalism?
How can we promote communal harmony in India,?
9. Mention two ways of promoting secularism in India. Mention any two
weaknesses of secularism.
10. How does secularism oppose dictatorship?
11. In what way does secularism promote democracy?
12. Briefly discuss Nehru’s views on Secularism?
13. Indian secularism has been accused of being” interventionist” and”
creating vote bank politics.” Explain and give your views
Long Answers
1 How is inter-religious domination different to intra religious domination?
2. Indian secularism has been accused of being” interventionist” and”
creating vote bank politics.” Explain and give your views
3. Does secularism give religious liberty to people? How does secularism
promote the cult of co-existence? What are the fundamental principles of
secularism? Define a secularist
4. Who laid foundations of a secular state in India? Why do we need a
secular state? Give two reasons. How does secularism guarantee freedom
of religion? Is secularism based on morality
5. What do you understand by secularism? Can it be equated with religious


1. What kind of secularism was imposed in Turkey after WW1? 2mk

2. Briefly explain aspects which make Indian secularism distinct? 3mk

3. What is meant by `principled state intervention' in all religions? 3mk

4 When and how can religious groups interfere and influence political
activities? 3mk

5. `Minority Rights are special privileges which come with some cost to
the others'. Do you agree? Give reasons to your answer. 3mk



Short Answers
1. Write a short note on Pacifism.
2.. Write a note on Mahatma Gandhi and his views on non-violence.
3. What is peace?
4. Mention the five principles of peace as seen in our Indian Foreign
5. How does race for armaments lead to fear and anarchy
6. How does U.N. promote world peace?
7. Is war in self-defence justified?
8. Can race for armaments establish world peace?
9. What was Friedrich Nietzsche’s view on peace?
10. Under what circumstances is war justified? Explain.

Long Answers
1. Mention the contemporary challenges to world peace? What are the
different approaches to the pursuit of peace?
2. Can Violence also promote Peace? Do you agree with the view that
Non-Violence is a mighty force to achieve just ends?
3. Give a brief account on violence seen in India.
4. Mention the contemporary challenges to world peace? What are the
different approaches to the pursuit of peace? Which is the most
relevant approach today and why?
5. Do you think that a change towards a peaceful world, needs a change
in the way people think? Can the mind promote peace, also is it
enough to focus only on the human mind if not give other factors?
6. A State must protect the lives and rights of its citizens. However, at
times its own actions are a source of violence against some of its
citizens. Comment with the help of some examples
7. How does U.N. help in the promotion of world peace? Examine some
of the methods used to promote peace.


1. "Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the
defenses of peace must be constructed". Keeping these words of Gandhiji what
are the different approaches to achieving peace.

2. How are entrenched inequalities a cause for structural violence?

3. Name two theorists who condemned peace and credited war and strife as
means of facilitating social growth.

4 ` Use of violence to attain peace, may spin out of control leaving a trail of death
and destruction.' Justify with the help of an example.



Short Answers
1 What is development?
2 Mention any two features of development.
Is there a universally acclaimed model of development?
3 What are the main features of development?
4 Describe the Gandhian model of development?
5 10. How can we balance the claims of present generation with those of the
future generations What are some of the new claims for rights which the
process of development has
6 India’s planned development started in the 1950’s. Comment
7 What is the role of democratic participation in development?
8 What do you understand by environmental costs of development?
9 Write a short note on t Ken Saro wiwa.
10 What are some of the new claims for rights which the process of
development has generates.( NCERT)
11 Describe the Gandhian model of development.

Long Answers
1 What are the alternative models of development?
2 What have been the criticisms of the development models adopted by
various countries?
3 . What would be the advantages of democracy over other forms of
government for ensuring that decisions regarding development are made to
promote the common good? (NCERT)
4 . In your view how successful have popular struggles like been in making
the state responsive to the social and environmental costs of development?
Discuss with examples. (NCERT)
5 Discuss some of the social and ecological costs of the kind of development which
has'. been pursued in most countries? (NCERT)



Constitution : Why and How?

Short Answers
1. Define the term Constitution?
2. .How does the Indian Constitution limit the powers of the government.
3. What is the importance of the preamble?
4. “Our constitution is neither perfect nor flawless “mention 2limitations seen
in our constitution.
5. What has been the debate in Nepal over making of the constitution?
6. How has our constitution helped fulfilling aspirations and goals of a just
7. What was the ideological divide in our constitution?
8. What is the mode of promulgation of a constitution?
9. What features did India adopt from the Canadian constitution?
10. Describe the main points of the Objective resolution?
11. Name one feature that has been borrowed from the Irish constitution.

Long Answers
1. What is meant by the term Constitution? Why do we need one?
2. Describe the composition of the Constituent Assembly?
3. “Do you think we are a third class democracy with a first class constitution
“Give your views looking at incidents happening in the last two decades?
4. Why is it said that the Constitution of India was non-Indian and wholly
borrowed? How will you answer this criticism?
5. What were the main objectives of the Indian National movement, how did
they influence the Indian Constitution?
6. Making a constitution effective depends on factors like” balanced
institutional design and also institutional arrangements” How far has this
proved true where the success of the Indian constitution is concerned
7. Give examples to support the following conclusions:
1. The constitution was made by credible leaders who commanded the
people’s respect.
2. The constitution has distributed power in such as to make it difficult to
subvert it.
3.The constitution is the focus on the hopes and aspiration of the people
8. How was the Indian constitution formally made and discuss the
composition of the constituent assembly?
9. Why does a country require a constitution to place limitations on rulers?
Can there be a constitution that gives no power at all to its citizens.


Rights in the Indian Constitution

Short Answers
1. Why do we need rights in a constitution?
2. What are the rights of a person accused for an offence?
3. What is mandamus?
4. What is the NHRC, why is it called a body without teeth?
5. Why the right to property was deleted I the Indian constitution?
6. What is the court’s opinion on minority rights?
7. What are Articles 23 and 24 about?
8. Mention the six freedoms enshrined under Article 19 of the Indian Constitution.
9. When can our fundamental rights be suspended?
10. What are fundamental duties why are they important?
Why do we need to have vigilant citizens in a democracy?
11. Do you see any use in incorporating directive principles in our constitution?
Give two reasons
12. What is the meaning and importance of the Uniform civil code?
13. How is Prohibition different from Certiorari?

Long Answers
1. What do rights mean? Why are they important? Discuss the various kinds
of rights available today, giving illustrations from the Indian constitution
2. Examine the right to freedom of religion?
3. How does the judiciary protect the fundamental rights in India?
4. Critically discuss the relationship between Fundamental Rights and Directive
5. Which Fundamental right is in your opinion the most important right? Summarize
its provisions and give reasons why you consider it as most important.
6. Mention briefly the limitations of the Indian constitution? Why were right
to work and some other socio –eco rights placed under D.P.S.P’s rather than
Fundamental rights?
7. What are the rights of a person arrested in/for (2x3)
a. Ordinary circumstances
b. Accused of committing an offence
c. Not having committed a crime but prevent him from doing so.
8. Discuss the significance of incorporating the DPSP’S in the Indian
constitution. How are they different to Fundamental rights?
9. “The constitution respects cultural diversity”. How has it been
accommodated in our constitution.


Election and Representation

Short Answers
1. Why are elections important in a democracy?
2. Why do you think our voting age has been lowered from 21 to 18?
3. What is a coalition govt.?
4. Define the terms elector, electorate and universal adult franchise?
5. Name any two well-known Election commissioners of India?
6. Who is eligible to vote?
7. How is the independence of the Election commission maintained.
8. Write the correct answer: 1. The duration of the Rajya Sabha is five years and
he/she, should be over 25 years to be eligible to be elected.
9. Mention any two points that the model code of conduct prohibits you from doing as
a Lok Sabha candidate.
10. Define direct democracy?

Long Answers
1. Give the functions of the Election Commission of India.
2. Why has India opted for the FPTP system? What are the defects of this system?
3. What is Single transferable Vote System? How are the members of the Lok Sabha
and Rajya Sabha elected?
4. Why do we need to bring reforms into our electoral system? Discuss a few major
proposals concerning Electoral reforms.
5. How has reservation of constituencies been a controversial issue in India?

Political Science Activity
1.Study the picture and give an
advisory slogan for the voter :





2. Do you feel the voter has come prepared ? Justify your answer.
3. Who are the people in the crowd? What are they saying?
4. What is the crowd pointing at? What aspect of it could prove useful for the voter in
this dilemma?


5. Who is responsible for making all these arrangements? List two main functions of this
6. What is Article 324? Why is it important?





Short Answers
1. Define the Executive?
2. What is a” Real executive” give an example of one?
3. Give distinction between a Political and Permanent Executive?
4. What types of Military functions does the Executive perform?
5. Under what conditions can there be a vacancy in the office of the President?
6. Give two legislative powers of the President?
7. Give two Executive powers of the President?
8. Why do you think the advice of the council of ministers is binding on the President?
9. Why have the powers of Indian Prime Minister been reduced in the era of coalition?
10. Distinguish between the Cabinet and Council of Ministersn
11. What are the checks on the authority of the Prime Minister? . What is the new
amendment regarding the size of Council of Ministers?
12. Define the following 1. Collective responsibility 2. Individual responsibility
13. How is the Prime Minister selected/ Have their been any unique instances about his
elections to the upper chamber? Do you think this allows for a powerful Prime

Long Answers
1. “The PM is first amongst equals”. Explain
2. Can the Indian President turn into a dictator? Give reasons.
3. How is the Indian President elected? Explain.
4. Give the distinction between the Political Executive and the Permanent Executive.
5. Critically discuss the importance of the Bureaucracy.
6. Compare and contrast the Priministerial form of Government vis a vis a Presidential
form of Government
7. Describe the relation between Prime Minister and the Cabinet, Council of Ministers
and President?
8. What are the features of bureaucracy in India? Should bureaucrats be neutral?
Is the bureaucracy efficient in India? How can bureaucracy be made more
responsive to the needs of people?



Short Answers
1. Define the legislature?
2. What is a” bicameral legislature give an example of one?
3. What are the instruments of Parliamentary control?
4. What are starred and un starred questions.
5. What are the difference bill and an act?
6. Rewrite correctly: The Cabinet Ministers are directly responsible to the Rajya
7. Mention the maximum numbers that the President can nominate to the Rajya Sabha.
What type of persons should the nominated members be?
8. It is said that the Rajya Sabha is a weak house, why is it not been abolished? Give
one reason.
9. What is the role/ position of the Leader of the Opposition?
10. What is a no confidence motion, give examples when such a motion has been
11. In a tabular format compare the Lok Sabha to the Rajya Sabha you can use the
following heading: composition, officers, terms, emoluments, powers.
12. Why is the Political Executive accountable vis a vis the Permanent executive who
works under certain amount of anonymity?
13. What are censure motion, adjournment motion, and anti-defection bill?

Long Answers
1. Why do we need a Parliament? What are the merits of having a bicameral
legislature? Why has India opted for the bicameral legislature?
2. What are the functions/powers of the Parliament?
3. How does a bill become a law?
4. Compare the powers of the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha, which is more
powerful and why?
5. How has there been a decline in the authority of Indian Parliament? Explain.
6. Mention in brief:
1. Any two functions-of the speaker.
2. What is anti-defection law?
3. How’s a money bill different from a non-money bill?



Short Answers
1. Why do we need the Judiciary?
2. What is the rule of law?
3. What is advisory jurisdiction?
4. Define judicial activism?
5. Describe the term judicial activism?
6. What are the levels of the judiciary in India?
7. What is special leave to appeal?
8. How are the judges of the Supreme Court judges removed?
9. What is the salary of a Supreme Court judge, can a Supreme Court judge
continue to practice after retirement?
10. Describe any two functions of the State High Court.
11. “Justice delayed is Justice denied”. Comment.
12. Write a Yes or No, and give reasons for your answer:
1. The Supreme Court of India alone has the power to issue writs.
2. Right to Property is a fundamental Right of India.
13. What is PIL?
14. How is Supreme Court a custodian of fundamental rights?

Long Answers
1. How has the independence and impartiality of the judiciary in India been
2. “The Supreme Court is the guardian of the Constitution”. Explain
3. What is Judicial Activism, how has Public Interest Litigation helped the
poor? Give two instance related to promotion of judicial activism.
On what grounds is judicial activism criticised?
24. How has judicial activism promoted promotion of Public welfare
4. What is judicial review? How has judiciary served as the interpreter of the
5. What are the powers, composition and jurisdiction of the Supreme Court?



Short Answers
1. What is federalism? How does federalism accommodate diversities?
2. Write a short name on the Union Central and
3. What are residuary powers?
4. Mention any 3 Unitary features?
5. What are the 3 Federal features seen in our constitution?
6. Mention if they are on the Central Sate or Concurrent list: Agriculture,
Police, Trade Unions, Education, Airways and Ports
7. What are the demands raised by States I their quest for greater autonomy?
8. List 4 features of our Constitution that give greater power to the Central
Government than the state governments.

Long Answers
1. Suggest and evaluate the conflict areas surrounding Indian federation.
2. Write an essay on the working of centre-state relations in India.
3. Which of the following should be the basis for the formation of the state
give reasons.:
a. Common Language
b.Common Economic Interest
c.Common Religion
d.Administrative convenience
4. President’s rule can be imposed in a State if the government is not being run
according to the provisions of the Constitution. State the conditions where
Presidents rule can be imposed.
5. What are the major irritants in centre-state relations in India? Give some
recommendations to solve the issue


Local Governments

Short Answers
1. What is the importance of local Self Government?
2. Some subjects listed in the 11th schedule are…….
3. What does article 243G state?
4. What is the 73rd amendment?
5. What is the 74th amendment?
6. What are the sources of Income for the Zila Parishad?
7. What is the Nyaya Panchayat?

Long Answers
1. Discuss the growth of local self government in India?
2. What were the main differences between the local governments before 73rd
amendment and after that amendment


The Philosophy of the Constitution

Short Answers
1. What do they contain and why are articles 370, 371 a relevant?
2. What is Universal adult Franchise?
3. What is National Identity?
4. What are the rights of religious groups?
5. Briefly mention the state’s power of intervention?
6. Can you mention any limitations of the constitution?
7. Write a short note on the preamble?
8. What was the Rowlett act?
9. What do the terms SC,ST,OBC stand for?
10. Write a short note on the “Peace Constitution”.

Long Answers
1. Explain the procedural achievements of the Indian Constitution?
2. How has the concept of secularism been accommodated in the philosophy
of our constitution?
3. Explain the nature of Parliamentary government in India?


Constitution as a Living Document

Short Answers
1. Discuss some controversial amendments in our constitution.
2. Define the” basic structure” of the Indian constitution.
3. What is the93rd Amendment?
4. What is the significance of 73 and 74 amendment?
5. Discuss the 42Amendment Act
6. What is amendment by special and simple majority?
7. What are the controversial amendments, why did they stir up controversies?
8. What does article 368 contain?
9. What has been the role of the Judiciary in ensuring our constitution has stood the
test of time?
10. Discuss the 42Amendment Act.

Long Answers
1. Which of the following are involved with the amendment of the
constitution and how?
1. Voters 2. President of India 3.Judiciary 4.Parliament
5.State Legislatures
2. Many amendments to the Constitution of India have been due to different
interpretations upheld by the judiciary and the Parliament. Explain with
3. Do you think our Constitution is a living document? Give reasons for your
4. Making a constitution effective depends on factors like” balanced
institutional design and also institutional arrangements” How far has this
proved true where the Indian constitution is concerned.


Hints :
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5. ……………………………………………………………………………..........………………


Hints :
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3. ………………………………………………..........……………………………………………

4. ……………………………………………………………………..........………………………

5. ……………………………………………………………………………..........………………


Hints :
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3. ………………………………………………..........……………………………………………

4. ……………………………………………………………………..........………………………

5. ……………………………………………………………………………..........………………


Hints :
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2. …………………………………………..........…………………………………………………

3. ………………………………………………..........……………………………………………

4. ……………………………………………………………………..........………………………

5. ……………………………………………………………………………..........………………


Subject: Political Science

Class XI Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 100

- All questions have to be done in serial order. All the best!

1. _________ book of Salman Rushdie has been banned after protests by certain 1
sections of society.
2. What is a claim? 1
3. Who was Marx and what was his political philosophy? 1
4. Complete
A the sentences: 1
R 1. Cuban Missile Crisis ocurred in the year__________.
X 2. Pol Pot ruled over___________.
5. What is legal Justice? 1
6. What are self regarding actions? 1

7. Name any two Theocratic states? 1

8. What does “giving each his/her due mean”? 1
9. Why was the right to property deleted from the list of fundamental rights? 1
10. What does the PUDR and the PUCL stand for? 1
11. What was Friedrich Nietzsche’s view on peace? 2
12. Differentiate between Political and Social rights. Give examples of each kind of 2
right. ?
13. Rights are social”. Comment 2
14. Discuss the special rights that have been given to” minorities” in India? 2
15. Explain John Rawl’s concept of justice 2
16. What is affirmative action? 2
17. What is Global citizenship? 2
18. How is Mandamus different from Haebas Corpus ? 2
19. Why are Fundamental Rights called fundamental? 2
20. What is the Platonic concept of justice? 2
21. It is believed that a nation is an imagined community held together by shared 4
beliefs, history, shared political ideals and common Political identity.
Identify the features that make India a nation

22. What was Kant’s view on human dignity? 4

23. Who was Kemal Ataturk what were his views on secularism. What is Feminism? 4
24. What are the rights of a person arrested in: 4
1. Accused of committing an offence.
2. Not having committed a crime but prevent him from doing so.
25. What is the Negative and Positive aspect of freedom? 5
Q26. Rights are born in a world of duties. Comment. 5

Q27. What has India done to protect Human Rights, are they well protected? Give 5
reasons for your answer.
Q28. What is Pacifism? Mention the stance that India has adopted in her foreign 5
policy. Give reasons and examples to illustrate your answer.
Q29. How is Politics related to History? 5
Q30. Define Peace? What are the different approaches to the pursuit of peace? Which is 4
the most relevant approach and why?
Q31. Give the three dimensions of Equality? How does the principle special needs of 6
some people conflict with the principle of equal treatment of all?
Q32. What is the utility and significance of the study of Political Theory? 6
Q33. Discuss the importance of incorporating the DPSP’S in the Indian constitution. 6
How are they different to Fundamental rights? Briefly discuss their relationship.
Q34. Which of the fundamental rights is the most important right? Summarise its 6
provisions and give arguments to show why it is important.


1. Give the years: 2

1.The fifth French Republic:-
2.The year the USSR and Communist party rule came to an end:-
3.Commission set up to Review the constitution:-
4.Motilal Nehru report:-
2. What is basic structure of the Indian constitution? 2
3. Which lists do these appear on:- 2
4.Adoption and Succession
4. Briefly explain the Peace Constitution? 2
5. Do you think the Governor is an agent of the Center? Give reasons. 4
6. Critically discuss the provisions for Jammu and Kashmir? 4
7. Explain the two principles that dominate the amending of modern constitutions? 4
8. Discuss some controversial amendments in the Indian Constitution? 4
9. Explain the difference between the Indian Constitution and Western ideas in the 4
light of:
1. Federalism
2. Universal adult franchise.
10. Discuss the concept of amendment through political consensus. 4
11. Is our Constitution a living document? Briefly explain. 4
12. Critically discuss the role of interstate conflicts in India. 4
13. See the cartoon of Flood of demands. 4
Read the cartoon
14. Mention the ways in which our constitution can be amended? 4

15 What was the ideological divide in our constitution? 2
16 What does the PUDR and the PUCL stand for? 2
17 Mention any two directive principles related to foreign affairs 2
18 What do you understand by enabling provisions of the Constitution? Give 2
19 How can equality be promoted in India? 2
20 How are rights different to claims? 2
21 What is the effect of a proclamation of emergency on fundamental rights? 2
22 Define the term constitution? Why do we need it? 2
23 List out any two Fundamental duties stated in the Constitution 2
24 The constitution is the locus of people’s hope and aspirations”. Explain. 2
25 What is the anti-defection bill, why was it needed? 1
26 From which constitutions of the world have we borrowed the following features: 1
a. Rule of Law
b. Power of Judicial Review
27 List out any two Fundamental duties stated in the Constitution. 1
28 1
Match the following
First Session of the Constituent Assembly 1973
b) Adoption of the Constitution 1950
c) Enforcement of the Constitution 1946
d) Keshvanand Bharti Case 1949
29 What is the peace constitution? 1
30 What is Preventive detention? Give one of the laws under Preventive detention 1
31 What is a” bicameral legislature”? Give an example of one? 1
32 What is special leave to appeal? 1

33 Mention if they are on the Central Sate or Concurrent list: 1

i. Agriculture, b. Police. c. Trade Unions d. Education
34 What is the conflict between the judiciciary and the legislature on the issue of 1
35 How is the Governors role a major irritant between the centre and the states? 2
36 What do you understand by amendments to meet Technical problems? Give an 2
37 Why are Fundamental Rights called” Fundamental”? 2
38 What has been the debate in Nepal over the making of the Constitution? 2
39 "It is not uncommon for nations to rewrite their constitutions". Justify the 2
statement with the help of the examples..

40 Explain the Semi Presidential Model followed in Sri Lanka. 2
41 What is Judicial activism? Why is it gaining in importance? 2
42 What is an electoral college, mention one function it performs? 2
43 What is the Delimitation commission? Mention its function. 2
44 It is believed that a nation is” an imagined community held together by shared 4
beliefs, history, shared political ideals and common Political identity.” Identify
the features that make India a nation.
45 Look at the cartoon attached and answer the following questions 4
a. What is the electoral problem being shown in this picture?Pg73
b. What are the steps taken by the Government to overcome this problem?
46 Briefly write on how the following are appointed: 4
a.Chief Justice of India
b. The Indian Prime Minister
47 Briefly mention how the Indian Parliament controls the Executive? 4

48 Discuss some controversial amendments in our constitution. 4

49 How is the Independence of the election commission been maintained? 4

50 What are the features of a Parliamentary form of government and why did India 5
adopt this system?
51 Can the Indian President turn into a dictator? Give reasons for your answer. 5
52 Right to equality is the most basic right stated in the Indian Constitution". 5
53 What do these articles contain: 5
Article 74, Article 29 and 30, Article 368, Article 2 and 3.
54 Why are states unhappy with the role of the Governor? What are the demands 6
raised by states for their quest for greater autonomy? (3+3)
Why did India adopt the FPTP system? Explain the main difference between the
FPTP and Proportional Representation system. Also mention the major flaw in
the FPTP system with the help of an example.
55 In brief mention the contemporary challenges to world peace? What are the 6
different approaches to the pursuit of peace? Which is the most relevant
approach today and why?
What was the shock therapy? Briefly mention the consequences and tensions it
led to?
56 Discuss the significance of incorporating the DPSP’S in the Indian constitution. 6
How are they different to Fundamental rights

Subject: Political Science
Class XI
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 100
General Instructions:
All questions are compulsory. There are 3 printed sides.
- 1m (5) questions have a limit of 15 words (very short answer)
- 2m (5) questions have a limit of 40 words (very short answer)
- 4m (6) questions have a limit of 75 to 100 words (short answer)
- 5m (5) questions have a limit of 125 words (passage/ map/ picture/ cartoon
- 6m (6) questions have a limit of 150/200 words (Long Answers)
- All questions have to be done in serial order. All the best!
1. What is Global Citizenship? 1

2. What was John Rawls theory of justice? 1

3. Who was Marx and what was his political philosophy? 1
4. Where have we borrowed the following provisions from: 1
1. Independence of Judiciary.
2. Residual powers.
5. Rights are social”. Comment. 1
6. What is carpet bombing? 2

7. Differentiate between Political and Social rights. Give examples of each kind of 2
8. What was Ataturk’s view on secularism? 2
9. Why has the right to property been deleted in the Indian constitution? 2
10. How is Prohibition different from Certiorari? 2
11. Discuss the relationship of Politics and Sociology? 4
12. Describe the main points of the Objective resolution? Where has it been 4
13. Fundamental Rights are called fundamental. Why? 4
14. What has India done to protect Human Rights, are they well protected? Give 4
reasons for your answer.
15. Give examples to support the following conclusions: 4
1. The constitution was made by credible leaders who commanded the people’s
2. The constitution is the focus on the hopes and aspiration of the people

16. What was Kant’s and Martin Luther King’s views on dignity? 4
17. “A just society is that society in which ascending sense of reverence and 5
descending sense of contempt is dissolved into the creation of a compassionate
1. Who said this?
2. How do we pursue social justice and just distribution in society?
18. Why do we need a constitution? What are its functions? 5
19. Define: a) Feminism 5
b) What is Pacifism? Mention the stance that Pacifists adopt towards promoting
20. What was the ideological divide in our constitution as seen in the cartoon and who 5
were the leaders seen here.
21. Give in detail the fundamental right whose violation is depicted in this picture? 5
22. Can Violence ever promote peace? Give your views. 6

23. In brief discuss how our Constitution was made? 6

24. What is Equality discuss its three dimensions? 6
25. Mention the six freedoms enshrined under Right to freedom of the Indian 6
26. Discuss the importance of incorporating the DPSP’S in the Indian constitution. 6
How are they different to Fundamental rights? Briefly discuss their relationship.
27. It is believed that a nation is a imagined community held together by shared 6
beliefs, history, shared political ideals and common Political identity.Identify the
features that make India a nation.


1. What is `pocket veto’? 2

2. What is the structure of executive branch of the government? 2
3. What is the role of Delimitation Commission? 2
4. What are `miniature legislatures’? Why are they called so? 2
5. What are reserved constituencies? 2

6. How is the President of India elected? Discuss his legislative and financial powers. 4

7. Study the picture given below and answer the questions given in the box 5

a) Why do you think the minister is giving Watch out! Winning the
elections is going to be
such advice? tough now...We need to
follow certain rules!

b) Who are they fearing? Why?

c) List any 2 malpractices used by political


d) Propose an effective electoral reform.

8. Why do we need two houses in the Parliament? 5

9. Explain how the legislature exercises a check on the executive. 5

10. Discuss features of FPTP that make it ideal for India? 5

11. What is a Bill? Explain the process of a Bill becoming a law. 5
12. Discuss the merits and demerits of Proportional Representation. 5
13. `Prime Minister is the linchpin of Government’. Explain the statement in context of the 6
powers wielded by the Prime Minister.


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