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Sare 2019 Examination Syllabus

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81 Kim Keat Road #09-00 Singapore 328836

Singapore Acupuncturists Registration


Examination Syllabus
Information for Candidates
考试大纲 及 应试须知

Introduction ............................................................................ 1

Basic Theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine ................... 2

Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine ........................ 5

Acupuncture and Moxibustion ............................................... 7

Clinical Assessments on Acupuncture Techniques ............ 13

Information for Candidates .................................................. 14

Sample Questions (Annex A, B, C)....................................... 17


The Singapore Acupuncturists Registration Examination (SARE) is opened to Singapore registered

western medical practitioners who have completed acupuncture training courses approved by the
Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners Board in Singapore.

Candidates taking SARE are expected to have basic knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine
fundamentals, traditional Chinese medicine diagnostics and knowledge and techniques of acupuncture and

SARE comprises a written Case Analysis and Channel Route paper, 2 multiple-choice written
papers (one on TCM Basic Theories and TCM Diagnostics and one on Acupuncture and Moxibustion) and
a clinical assessment (a face-to-face appraisal on acupuncture/manipulation techniques, moxibustion,
cupping and clinical acupuncture).

SARE 2019 Examination Syllabus 1


Unit 1 Basic Concepts of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

1 Concept of Holism
2 Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment

Unit 2 The Yin-Yang Theory

1 Implication of Yin-Yang and the categorization of things according to the nature of Yin Yang
2 Interaction between Yin and Yang
3 Applications of the Yin-Yang Theory in TCM

Unit 3 The Five Element Theory

1 The implication of five elements and the categorization of the things according to the theory of
the five elements
2 Interactions among the five elements
3 Application of the Five Elements Theory in TCM

Unit 4 The Five Zang- Viscera

1 Basic concepts and physiological functions of the five Zang- viscera (i.e., the heart, the lung, the
spleen, the liver and the kidney)
2 Relationships among the five Zang- viscera
a) Relationship between the heart and the lung
b) Relationship between the heart and the spleen
c) Relationship between the heart and the liver
d) Relationship between the heart and the kidney
e) Relationship between the lung and the spleen
f) Relationship between the lung and the liver
g) Relationship between the lung and the kidney
h) Relationship between the liver and the spleen
i) Relationship between the liver and the kidney
j) Relationship between the spleen and the kidney
3 Relationships between the five Zang- viscera and the body, the sensory organs and the orifices

SARE 2019 Examination Syllabus 2

Unit 5 The Six Fu- Organs

1 Concept and physiological functions of six Fu- Organs, i.e., the gallbladder, the stomach, the
small intestine, the large intestine, the bladder and the triple energizer)
2 Relationships among six Fu- Organs
3 Relationships among the five Zang- viscera and six Fu- Organs
a) Relationship between the heart and the small intestine
b) Relationship between the lung and the large intestine
c) Relationship between the spleen and the stomach
d) Relationship between the liver and the gallbladder
e) Relationship between the kidney and the bladder

Unit 6 The Extraordinary Fu- Organs

1 The characteristics and physiological functions of the extraordinary Fu-organs (including brain
and uterus)

Unit 7 Qi, Blood and Body Fluid

1 Basic concept, production, physiological functions, and moving styles of Qi

2 Classification of qi and its production, distribution and functional characteristics
3 Basic concept, production, physiological functions, and circulation of Blood
4 Basic concept, production, physiological functions, transportation and metabolism of Body Fluid
5 The relationships among Qi, Blood and Body Fluid

Unit 8 Channels and Collaterals

1 The content of the theory of channels and collaterals

a) The twelve regular channels
(The names, running course, interconnection, Flow Order, Distribution, and External-
Internal Relationships of the twelve regular channels)
b) The eight extraordinary channels
c) The twelve divergent channels, the fifteen divergent collaterals, the twelve muscle (tendons)
regions, the twelve cutaneous (skin) regions,
2 The basic functions of the channels and collaterals
3 The clinical application of the theory of channels and collaterals

SARE 2019 Examination Syllabus 3

Unit 9 Etiology of Disease

1 Six Climatic Pathogens

2 The Seven Emotions
3 Improper Diet
4 Maladjustment of Work and Leisure
5 Diseases caused by Phlegm and Stagnant Fluid, and Blood Stasis

Unit 10 Pathogenesis

1 Mechanism of occurrence of diseases

a) Occurrence of disease and the relationship between pathogens and the healthy qi (anti-
pathogenic factor)
b) Constitution and the disease
2 Mechanism of pathological changes
a) Predomination and decline of pathogenic factor and healthy qi
b) Imbalance between yin and yang
c) Disorder of qi, blood and body fluid

Unit 11 Prevention and Therapeutic Principles

1 Principles of prevention
2 Therapeutic principles

SARE 2019 Examination Syllabus 4


Unit 1 Inspections

1 Inspection of the whole body

a) Inspection of spirit
b) Inspection of complexion
c) Inspection of body
d) Inspection of postures

2 Inspection of local regions

a) Inspection of head and hair
b) Inspection of five sense organs
c) Inspection of neck
d) Inspection of skin
e) Inspection of infantile index finger veins
f) Inspection of excreta

3 Inspection of tongue

Unit 2 Auscultation and Olfaction

1 Listening to sound
a) Speech
b) Respiration
c) Cough
d) Hiccup and belching

2 Olfaction
a) Smelling body odour

Unit 3 History Taking

1 Inquiry of general information

2 Inquiry of chief complaint and history of present illness
3 Inquiry of present symptoms
4 Inquiry of anamnesis
5 Inquiry of family history

Unit 4 Pulse Taking

1 Region and method of taking pulse

2 Normal pulse
3 Morbid pulses
Floating pulse, deep (sunken) pulse, slow pulse, rapid pulse/ fast pulse, swift pulse, weak pulse,
slippery pulse, soggy pulse, unsmooth (rough/uneven) pulse, full pulse, thready pulse (thin pulse),
soft pulse, feeble pulse, taut (wiry) pulse, tense (tight) pulse, knotted pulse, intermittent pulse.

SARE 2019 Examination Syllabus 5

Unit 5 Palpation

1 Methods of palpation
2 Palpation of the abdomen and chest
3 Palpation of all four limbs
4 Palpation of acupoints

Unit 6 Syndrome Differentiation with Eight Principles

1 Exterior and Interior Syndrome Differentiation

2 Cold and Heat Syndrome Differentiation
3 Deficiency and Excess Syndrome Differentiation
4 Yin and Yang Syndrome Differentiation
5 Relationship among the Eight-Principle Syndrome Differentiation

Unit 7 Syndrome Differentiation of Qi, Blood and Body Fluid

1 Qi Diseases Syndrome Differentiation

2 Blood Diseases Syndrome Differentiation
3 Simultaneous Disorder of Qi and Blood Syndrome Differentiation
4 Body Fluid Disorder Syndrome Differentiation

Unit 8 Syndrome Differentiation of Viscera

1 Syndrome differentiation of heart disease

2 Syndrome differentiation of lung disease
3 Syndrome differentiation of spleen disease
4 Syndrome differentiation of liver disease
5 Syndrome differentiation of kidney disease
6 Syndrome differentiation of stomach disease
7 Syndrome differentiation of gallbladder disease
8 Syndrome differentiation of small intestine disease
9 Syndrome differentiation of large intestine disease
10 Syndrome differentiation of bladder disease
11 Syndrome differentiation of various viscera disease

SARE 2019 Examination Syllabus 6


Unit 1 Composition of the Channels System

1 The twelve regular channels

2 The eight extraordinary channels
3 The fifteen divergent collaterals
4 The twelve divergent channels
5 The twelve muscle (tendons) regions
6 The twelve cutaneous (skin) regions

Unit 2 Physiological Functions and Clinical Applications of Channels

1 Physiological functions of channels

2 Clinical application of channels

Unit 3 Acupoints

1 The essential concepts of acupoints

2 Classification of acupoints
3 Nomenclature of acupoints
4 Properties of acupoints
5 Concept and Classification of Specific Acupoints
a) Five- Shu acupoints
b) Yuan- Source and Luo- Connecting acupoints
c) Back- Shu and Front- Mu acupoints
d) Eight Influential acupoints
e) Xi- Cleft acupoints
f) Lower He- Sea acupoints
g) Eight Convergent acupoints and Crossing acupoints
6 Methods of locating acupoints

Unit 4 Twelve Regular Channels, Conception Vessel and Governor Vessel

1 General description
a) Flow distributions of each channel
b) Disease treatment outline of each channel
2 Location and main disease treatment of commonly used acupoints

Lung Channel of Hand-Taiyin 手太阴肺经

Zhongfu (LU 1) 中府 Chize (LU 5) 尺泽
Kongzui (LU 6) 孔最 Lieque (LU 7) 列缺
Taiyuan (LU 9) 太渊 Yuji (LU 10) 鱼际
Shaoshang (LU 11) 少商

SARE 2019 Examination Syllabus 7

Large Intestine Channel of Hand-Yangming 手阳明大肠经
Shangyang (LI 1) 商阳 Sanjian (LI 3) 三间
Hegu (LI 4) 合谷 Yangxi (LI 5) 阳溪
Pianli (LI 6) 偏历 Shousanli (LI 10) 手三里
Quchi (LI 11) 曲池 Binao (LI 14) 臂臑
Jianyu (LI 15) 肩髃 Futu (LI 18) 扶突
Yingxiang (LI 20) 迎香

Stomach Channel of Foot-Yangming 足阳明胃经

Chengqi (ST 1) 承泣 Sibai (ST 2) 四白
Dicang (ST 4) 地仓 Jiache (ST 6) 颊车
Xiaguan (ST 7) 下关 Touwei (ST 8) 头维
Liangmen (ST 21) 梁门 Tianshu (ST 25) 天枢
Guilai (ST 29) 归来 Futu (ST 32) 伏兔
Liangqiu (ST 34) 梁丘 Zusanli (ST 36) 足三里
Shangjuxu (ST 37) 上巨虚 Xiajuxu (ST 39) 下巨虚
Fenglong (ST 40) 丰隆 Jiexi (ST 41) 解溪
Neiting (ST 44) 内庭 Lidui (ST 45) 历兑

Spleen Channel of Foot-Taiyin 足太阴脾经

Yinbai (SP 1) 隐白 Taibai (SP 3) 太白
Gongsun (SP 4) 公孙 Sanyinjiao (SP 6) 三阴交
Diji (SP 8) 地机 Yinlingquan (SP 9) 阴陵泉
Xuehai (SP 10) 血海 Daheng (SP 15) 大横
Dabao (SP 21) 大包

Heart Channel of Hand-Shaoyin 手少阴心经

Jiquan (HT 1) 极泉 Shaohai (HT 3) 少海
Tongli (HT 5) 通里 Yinxi (HT 6) 阴郄
Shenmen (HT 7) 神门 Shaochong (HT 9) 少冲

Small Intestine Channel of Hand Taiyang 手太阳小肠经

Shaoze (SI 1) 少泽 Houxi (SI 3) 后溪
Wangu (SI 4) 腕骨 Zhizheng (SI 7) 支正
Tianzong (SI 11) 天宗 Quanliao (SI 18) 颧髎
Tinggong (SI 19) 听宫

Bladder Channel of Foot-Taiyang 足太阳膀胱经

Jingming (BL 1) 睛明 Zanzhu (BL 2) 攒竹
Tianzhu (BL 10) 天柱 Fengmen (BL 12) 风门
Feishu (BL 13) 肺俞 Xinshu (BL 15) 心俞
Geshu (BL 17) 膈俞 Ganshu (BL 18) 肝俞
Danshu (BL 19) 胆俞 Pishu (BL 20) 脾俞
Weishu (BL 21) 胃俞 Shenshu (BL 23) 肾俞
Dachangshu (BL 25) 大肠俞 Pangguangshu (BL 28) 膀胱俞
Ciliao (BL 32) 次髎 Weiyang (BL 39) 委阳
Weizhong (BL 40) 委中 Gaohuang (BL 43) 膏肓
Zhishi (BL 52) 志室 Zhibian (BL 54) 秩边
Chengshan (BL 57) 承山 Feiyang (BL 58) 飞扬
Kunlun (BL 60) 昆仑 Shenmai (BL 62) 申脉
Shugu (BL 65) 束骨 Zhiyin (BL 67) 至阴

Kidney Channel of Foot-Shaoyin 足少阴肾经

Yongquan (KI 1) 涌泉 Rangu (KI 2) 然谷

SARE 2019 Examination Syllabus 8

Taixi (KI 3) 太溪 Dazhong (KI 4) 大钟
Zhaohai (KI 6) 照海 Fuliu (KI 7) 复溜
Shufu (KI 27) 俞府

Pericardium Channel of Hand-Jueyin 手厥阴心包经

Tianchi (PC 1) 天池 Quze (PC 3) 曲泽
Jianshi (PC 5) 间使 Neiguan (PC 6) 内关
Daling (PC 7) 大陵 Laogong (PC 8) 劳宫
Zhongchong (PC 9) 中冲

Triple Energizer Channel of Hand-Shaoyang 手少阳三焦经

Guanchong (TE 1) 关冲 Zhongzhu (TE 3) 中渚
Yangchi (TE 4) 阳池 Waiguan (TE 5) 外关
Zhigou (TE 6) 支沟 Jianliao (TE 14) 肩髎
Yifeng (TE 17) 翳风 Ermen (TE 21) 耳门
Sizhukong (TE 23) 丝竹空

Gallbladder Channel of Foot-Shaoyang 足少阳胆经

Tongziliao (GB 1) 瞳子髎 Tinghui (GB 2) 听会
Yangbai (GB 14) 阳白 Toulinqi (GB 15) 头临泣
Fengchi (GB 20) 风池 Jianjing (GB 21) 肩井
Riyue (GB 24) 日月 Daimai (GB 26) 带脉
Huantiao (GB 30) 环跳 Fengshi (GB 31) 风市
Yanglingquan (GB 34) 阳陵泉 Guangming (GB 37) 光明
Xuanzhong (GB 39) 悬钟 Qiuxu (GB 40) 丘墟
Zulinqi (GB 41) 足临泣 Zuqiaoyin (GB 44) 足窍阴

Liver Channel of Foot-Jueyin 足厥阴肝经

Dadun (LR 1) 大敦 Xingjian (LR 2) 行间
Taichong (LR 3) 太冲 Ququan (LR 8) 曲泉
Zhangmen (LR 13) 章门 Qimen (LR 14) 期门

SARE 2019 Examination Syllabus 9

Governor Vessel 督脉
Changqiang (GV 1) 长强 Yaoyangguan (GV 3) 腰阳关
Mingmen (GV 4) 命门 Zhiyang (GV 9) 至阳
Dazhui (GV 14) 大椎 Yamen (GV 15) 哑门
Fengfu (GV 16) 风府 Baihui (GV 20) 百会
Shangxing (GV 23) 上星 Suliao (GV 25) 素髎
Shuigou (GV 26) 水沟

Conception Vessel 任脉
Zhongji (CV 3) 中极 Guanyuan (CV 4) 关元
Qihai (CV 6) 气海 Shenque (CV 8) 神阙
Xiawan (CV 10) 下脘 Zhongwan (CV 12) 中脘
Danzhong (CV 17) 膻中 Tiantu (CV 22) 天突
Lianquan (CV 23) 廉泉 Chengjiang (CV 24) 承浆

Unit 5 Commonly used Extraordinary Points

Location and main disease treatment of the following Extra Points:
Sishengcong (EX-HN 1) 四神聪 Yintang (EX-HN 3) 印堂
Taiyang (EX-HN 5) 太阳 Dingchuan (EX-B1) 定喘
Jiaji (EX-B 2) 夹脊 Sifeng (EX-UE 10) 四缝
Shixuan (EX-UE 11) 十宣 Neixiyan (EX-LE 4) 内膝眼
Dannang (EX-LE 6) 胆囊 Lanwei (EX-LE 7) 阑尾

Unit 6 Acupuncture Needling Techniques

1 Preparations before acupuncture treatment

a) Preparation of instruments
b) Posture of the patient
c) Sterilization

2 Manipulation
a) Insertion
b) Angle and depth of insertion
c) Manipulation and arrival of qi
d) Reinforcing (Tonify) and reducing (Disperse) methods
e) Retention and withdrawal of the needle

3 Possible accidents, Preventions and Management

a) Fainting
b) Stuck needle
c) Bent needle
d) Broken needle
e) Haematoma

4 Precautions (Points to note) in acupuncture treatment

SARE 2019 Examination Syllabus 10

Unit 7 Moxibustion

1 Classification of moxibustion
2 Moxibustion with other materials
3 Precautions (Points to note)
4 Contraindications
5 Management after moxibustion

Unit 8 Cupping

1 Types of Cups
2 Types of Cup-sucking Methods
3 Therapeutic Cupping Methods
4 Effects & Indications for Cupping
5 Removal of Cups & Precaution (Points to note)
6 Contraindications

Unit 9 Acupuncture and Moxibustion Treatment

1 Principles of acupuncture and moxibustion

2 Acupuncture and moxibustion prescription

Unit 10 Disease of Internal Medicine

Diagnosis and treatment of the following common diseases:
Dizziness (Vertigo)
Facial Pain
Facial Paralysis
Bi Syndrome
Wei-Syndrome (Flaccidity Syndrome)
Common cold
Xiao Chuan Syndrome (Asthma)
Epigastric pain
Urinary Retention

SARE 2019 Examination Syllabus 11

Unit 11 Disease of Gynaecology and Paediatrics

Diagnosis and treatment of the following common diseases:

Morning Sickness
Insufficient lactation

Unit 12 External diseases and Disease of the Five Sense Organs

Diagnosis and treatment of the following common diseases:

Herpes zoster
Sprain and soft tissue Injury
(Cervical Spondylopathy, Elbow Strain, Periarthritis of Shoulder)
Tinnitus / Deafness

SARE 2019 Examination Syllabus 12

Basic TCM Clinical Techniques (Oral Appraisal, if applicable)

1 Ability in TCM clinical diagnosis

a) The four TCM diagnostic methods
b) Special examination
c) Pathogenesis
d) Diagnosis (syndrome differentiation) in TCM

2 Ability in syndrome differentiation

a) Syndrome differentiation based on TCM theories and four diagnostic methods
b) Correct principles of treatment
c) Correct selection of acupoints
d) Correct explanation on treatment prescribed

3 Medical Records
a) Medical records shall include particulars of patients and shall be clear, accurate and legible
and shall be made at the time a consultation takes place.
b) All clinical details, investigation results, discussion on treatment options, informed consents
and treatment by herbal medicines or TCM procedures and prescriptions (including
acupoints prescribed and used in treatment) should be documented.

Clinical Syndrome Differentiation Ability and Manipulation Techniques

1 Clinical Application of acupoints

2 Clinical manipulation techniques:
a) Mastery of disinfection skills
b) Mastery of needling techniques
c) Mastery of acupuncture manipulation techniques
d) Mastery of moxibustion techniques
e) Mastery of cupping techniques
f) Mastery of prevention and management of accidents in acupuncture treatment
g) Mastery of precautions, indications and contraindications in acupuncture, moxibustion and
cupping treatment

SARE 2019 Examination Syllabus 13


1 Format of SARE

A: Written Papers (Part 1)

B: Clinical Appraisal (Part 2)

2 Examination Duration:

A Written Papers (Part 1):

TCM Basic Theories and TCM Diagnostics 150 minutes
Acupuncture & Moxibustion 150 minutes
Case Analysis and Channel Route 120 minutes
*Candidates have to pass all written papers in order to take Clinical Appraisal

В Clinical Appraisal (Part 2):

Acupuncture Oral Appraisal 20 minutes

3 Examination Schedule

Part 1
Case Analysis and Channel Route
TCM Basic Theories and TCM Diagnostics
Acupuncture & Moxibustion

Part 2
Acupuncture Oral Appraisal

4 Contents of SARE:

A Written Papers:

1. TCM Basic Theories and TCM Diagnostics

150 Multiple-Choice Questions (Type A and Type B) comprising:
a) TCM Basic Theories
b) TCM Diagnosis

2. Acupuncture and Moxibustion

150 Multiple Choice Questions (Type A and Type B) comprising:
a) Channels and Acupoints
b) Acupuncture Needling, Moxibustion
and Cupping Techniques

SARE 2019 Examination Syllabus 14

3. Case Analysis and Channel Route

a) Case Analysis 2 questions

Candidates are required to write all information obtained from the 4 analytical skills, TCM
diagnosis, syndrome differentiation, pathogenesis, principle of treatment, principle channels,
acupoints prescriptions (main and supplementary), insertion and manipulation techniques,
course of treatment (including needle retention time, treatment interval time and duration of
treatment), prescription explanation, and TCM medical advice accordingly.

b) Channel Route Description 1 question

Candidates are required to describe the running route of one channel (anyone from the 12
regular channels, the governor vessel or the conception vessel, inclusive of their branches).

В Clinical Appraisals:

Acupuncture Oral Appraisals

1. Procedure
a) Candidate picks a question envelope at random.
b) Candidate has 20 minutes to review the questions and prepare the answers.
c) Upon entering the examination hall, candidate answers the questions as
according to the picked questions (with demonstration if required) and
questions from the examiners.

2. Contents

a) Acupoint Locating
Each question paper has 10 acupoints for locating.
The candidate is required to verbally describe the location of each acupoint,
verbally describe and demonstrate the method used to locate the required
acupoint and locate it by pointing on the live model.

b) Manipulation Techniques
Each question paper has 5 questions, contents as follows:
i. 3 questions on acupuncture manipulation technique (including sterilization
methods and techniques, choice of needles, insertion techniques, manipulation
techniques), moxibustion techniques, cupping techniques and other issues of
The candidate is required to describe the required manipulation techniques and
demonstrate the required manipulation techniques on cushions provided and
answer questions from the examiners.

ii. 2 questions on clinical acupuncture (including 1 question of applications of

acupoints and 1 question of management of emergencies, or indications of
acupuncture; moxibustion or cupping; or points to note or contraindications
during the process of acupuncture, moxibustion or cupping).

The candidate is required to describe the type of management required in the

question or to state the contra-indications required in the question.

3. Duration
20 minutes
(Acupoint locating to be tested first, followed by acupuncture manipulation
techniques / clinical acupuncture)

SARE 2019 Examination Syllabus 15

5 SARE Syllabus

The following are the standard reference textbook series for SARE 2017:

Chinese-English Bilingual Textbooks for International Students of Chinese TCM


1 Fundamental Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine

2nd Edition (2007)
Compiler-in-Chief: Chai Kefu
Translator-in-Chief: Zhang Qingrong

2 Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine

2nd Edition (2007)
Compiler-in-Chief: Wang Tianfang
Translator-in-Chief: Fang Tingyu

3 Acupuncture & Moxibustion

2nd Edition (2007)
Compiler-in-Chief: Shen Xueyong, Wang Hua
Translator-in-Chief: Zhao Baixiao

Publisher: People’s Medical Publishing House

SARE 2019 Examination Syllabus 16

Annex A

Sample questions for written papers

Multiple-choice questions (Type A and Type B)

A Type A Question

Explanation on Answering Type A Questions

Each question is provided with 5 answers A, B, C, D and E for selection. Select the most appropriate
answer for each question and shade the circle bearing the selected alphabet on the Answer Sheet.

Example 1:

Which one of the following exogenous pathogens is characterized by heaviness and turbidity?
A Cold
B Dryness
C Damp
D Summer Heat
E Fire (C)

Example 2:

Which of the following acupoints is the Yuan-Source acupoint?

A Taixi (KI 3)
B Shaofu (HT 8)
C Neiting (ST 44)
D Shugu (BL 65)
E Houxi (SI 3) (A)

SARE 2019 Examination Syllabus 17

B Type B Question

Explanation on Answering Type B Questions

Two questions are provided with 5 answers A, B, C, D, and E for selection, with the questions placed
below the answers. Select the correct answer for each question and shade the circle bearing the
selected alphabet on the Answer Sheet. Each answer can be selected once or more than once, or not
selected at all.

Example 3:

A Wind-syndrome caused by hyperactivity of the liver-yang,

B Occurrence of the wind-syndrome in case extreme heat.
C Endogenous wind due to yin deficiency.
D Endogenous wind due to blood deficiency.
E Wind-cold of the common cold.

(3a) The pathogenesis for neck rigidity and muscle spasm is: (B)
(3b) The pathogenesis for tidal fever, night sweating and limbs squirm is: (C)

Example 4:

A Fever.
B Fullness in the epigastrium.
C Diarrhoea due to pervasive flow of qi.
D Cough and asthma due to pathogenic cold and heat.
E Heaviness of the body and painful joints.

(4a) The indications of the Shu- Stream acupoint is: (E)

(4b) The indications of the He- Sea acupoint is: (C)

SARE 2019 Examination Syllabus 18

Annex B

Sample Question on Case Analysis

You are required to write all information obtained from the 4 analytical skills, TCM
diagnosis, syndrome differentiation, pathogenesis, principle of treatment, principle channels,
acupoints prescriptions (main and supplementary), insertion and manipulation techniques,
course of treatment (including needle retention time, treatment interval time and duration of
treatment), prescription explanation, and TCM medical advice accordingly.

Case 1
Tan X X, Married, 34years old, Manager. Non-smoker, social drinker, no drug allergy.

Chief Complaint:
Abrupt onset and severe pain in the left upper abdominal region for the past 2 days.

Present Medical History and Clinical Findings:

Had sudden onset of left upper abdominal pain, especially after meals. Recently had some family problem.
Not able to sleep well with dreaminess. Guarding noted with distending pain and very frequent radiating to
the hypochondriac region. Belching noted before and after meals and acid regurgitation especially after a
full meal. Fullness symptom can be relieved with sighing. Currently easy agitated. Not seen by any western
doctors yet and no previous related investigation done.

Past Medical History:

No past medical history.

Looking, hearing and smelling, asking, and palpation:

Slightly reddish tongue with thick white coating and wiry pulse. Guarding noted.


SARE 2019 Examination Syllabus 19

Model Answer

Asking Main Complain Abrupt onset and severe pain in the left upper
abdominal region for the past 2 days.

Present Medical Sudden onset of left upper abdominal pain, especially

History and after meals. Belching noted before and after meals and
Clinical Findings acid regurgitation especially after a full meal. Fullness
symptom can be relieved with sighing.
Recently had some family problem. Guarding noted
with distending pain. Very frequent radiating to the
hypochondriac region. Currently easy agitated.
Not able to sleep well with dreaminess. Not seen by
any western doctors yet and no previous related
investigation done.

Past Medical No past medical history.

Looking Slightly reddish tongue with thick white coating.
Hearing/Smelling Nil
Palpation Wiry pulse. Guarding noted.

Diagnosis Name Epigastric pain.

Syndrome Attack of Stomach by Liver Qi Type.
Pathogenesis 1. Emotional (anger) insults causes stagnation of
liver qi resulting in disharmony between the liver
and the stomach.
2. Pensiveness causes injury to the spleen resulting
in impairment in transportation and transformation
function giving rise to epigastric pain.

Principle of treatment Regulate qi and stop pain.

Principle channels 1. Stomach channel.

2. Conception Vessel.
3. Pericardium channel.

Prescription Acupoint 1. Main:

 ST 36 Zusanli 足三里
 CV 12 Zhongwan 中脘
 PC 6 Neiguan 内关.

2. Supplementary:
 LR 3 Taichong 太冲

SARE 2019 Examination Syllabus 20

Prescription Insertion and 1. Insertion:
Manipulation  Filiform needles 1 cun to 1.5 cun.
 Perpendicular insertion technique.

2. Manipulation:
 Disperse

Course of Retention of needles x 30 minutes.

treatment 2 sessions per week x 10 sessions.

Prescription Explanation 1. ST 36 Zusanli 足三里:

 He-Sea, Lower He-Sea acupoint of the ST
channel where qi of the channel congregates,
chosen to regulate qi and stop the pain.
2. CV 12 Zhongwan 中脘:
 Channel acupoint of the CV, Front-Mu point of
stomach and Fu-Influential acupoint, chosen to
regulate qi and stop the pain..
3. PC 6 Neiguan 内关.
 Luo-connecting acupoint of the PC channel
and one of the Eight Convergent acupoints,
chosen specifically to treat gastric pain.
4. LR 3 Taichong 太冲.
 Shu-Stream and Yuan-Source acupoint of the
LR channel where qi of the organ originates
passes and stays, chosen to regular liver qi.

TCM medical Advice 1. Good diet habit, avoiding raw, cold and greasy,
pungent and spicy food.
2. Stay away from allergic sources
3. Stop smoking and drinking.
4. Suitable exercise.

SARE 2019 Examination Syllabus 21

Sample Question on Channel Route

You are required to describe the running route of the Large Intestine Channel of Hand
Yangming, inclusive of its branch(es).

Describe the channel flow of the Large Intestine Channel of Hand Yangming.

Model Answer

There are 20 acupoints in the surface pathway of the large Intestine channel.

The surface pathway:

Begins at the tip of the index finger, then runs along radial side of the index finger, passes through the inter-
space between the first and second metacarpal bones, through the anatomical snuffbox, into the dorsal
aspect of the forearm, leading to the lateral aspect of the elbow and the lateral aspect of the upper arm and
reached the shoulder region. From this point, the channel moves behind the acromion towards the seventh
cervical vertebra (GV 14 Dazhui 大椎).

The inner pathway:

From the seventh cervical vertebra (GV 14 Dazhui 大椎), the channel runs over and into the SC fossa and
enters the ribs where it connects with the lung. After traversing the diaphragm, the channel reaches its
organ, the large intestine.

The branch:
The surface pathway of the channel continues to ascend laterally from the SC fossa, past the neck to the
corners of the mouth, crossing the philtrum and onto the opposite naso-labial groove (LI 20 Yingxiang 迎香).

SARE 2019 Examination Syllabus 22

Annex C

Sample Questions for Acupuncture Oral Appraisal

1 Acupoints Locating

You are required to verbally describe the location of each acupoint, verbally describe and
demonstrate the method used to locate the required acupoint and locate it by pointing on the body
of the live model.

(1) LU 1 Zhongfu 中府

(2) LI 20 Yingxiang 迎香

(3) GB37 Guangming 光明

(4) CV 23 Lianquan 廉泉

(5) GV 14 Dazhui 大椎

(6) SI 3 Houxi 后溪

(7) EX-B 2 Jiaji 夹脊

(8) PC 5 Jianshi 间使

(9) BL 40 Weizhong 委中

(10) SP 6 Sanyinjiao 三阴交

2 Manipulation Techniques

Please answer and demonstrate the techniques to the questions below, and answer any relevant
questions from the examiners:

(1) Describe and demonstrate the needling technique for acupoint TE 6 Zhigou 支沟 (including
sterilization methods and techniques, choice of needle, insertion technique and
manipulation technique as required).
(2) Describe and demonstrate the technique of moxibustion using ginger.
(3) Describe and demonstrate the technique of retain cupping (inclusive of cup removal), and
discuss the points to note when performing cupping treatment.

3 Clinical Acupuncture

(1) What is the clinical application of the acupoints BL 57 Chengshan 承山 and ST 8 Touwei 头
(2) Describe the management of bent needle.

Copyright © TCM Practitioners Board, Singapore, 2019


SARE 2019 Examination Syllabus 23

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