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Upper Intermediate: Unit Test 4

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SECTION A: GRAMMAR 3  Choose the correct option a, b, c or d.

1 She needs to see the doctor because she’s got a
1  Choose the correct option to complete the chest     .
sentences and questions. In some cases both are a injection c infection
possible. b antibiotic d symptom
1 What are you going to do / are you doing when you 2 What did the     say to you when she did the
finish university? X-ray?
2 We are working / We will be working together on a psychiatrist c anaesthetist
the project. The project begins next month. b pharmacist d radiologist
3 Tonight we’re flying to Jamaica. Tomorrow morning 3 I’m afraid you’re going to need to take insulin
we’ll be sitting / we are sitting on the beach,     for your diabetes.
relaxing. a infections c attacks
4 I expect you’ll be studying / you are studying hard b injections d arthritis
for the next two weeks for your final exam. 4 He was initially     with malaria, contracted
5 You can’t speak to him tomorrow between ten and from a trip to Africa, and further tests confirmed this.
midday because he‘s going to give /he’ll be giving a prescribed c diagnosed
his long speech at the conference then. b treated d restored
6 I am going to do / I will be doing something about 5 I’m afraid that he needs a heart     if he is going
changing my job next year. to survive.
7 I’m doing volunteer work overseas for two months a implant c extraction
this summer. But don’t worry, I‘m thinking / I’ll be b organ d transplant
thinking of you every day I’m away. 6 The     in her knees is making it difficult for her
to walk.
/7 a anorexia c hypnosis
b arthritis d obesity
7 Her father had a heart     last week, but he’s
recovering well.
2  Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in a attack c fever
brackets into the most appropriate future simple or b effect d injury
future perfect simple form.
1 I must finish all the research by the end of November.
By December, I          (finish) all the
2 She’s going to visit 20 hospitals in Africa next month.
4  Complete the text with the correct prepositions.
In two month’s time she          (visit) 20
hospitals in Africa. Many people worry 1       their health today
3 Next month John’s going to work in Mongolia for a
and a lot of them rely 2       the internet to
year. It          (not be) an easy job, I’m
give them a diagnosis. Instead of going to a doctor,
sure, but it could be very interesting.
they try to deal 3       it themselves until they
4 When I see John next, he          (be) in
are so scared that they are suffering 4       a
Mongolia for a year.
terrible disease that they will visit the professionals.
5 I think he          (make) an excellent
They are happy to complain 5       their
doctor as he’s so calm and confident.
doctor, who has spent years studying medicine, often
6 What          (happen) when he returns
specialising 6       specific problems, and
to the UK?
believe they can do better. They often visit the doctor
7 He          (not have) any problem
too late for him/her to do anything to protect them
finding a good post after working abroad. 7
       the illness getting worse. In fact,
8 But surely, a lot          (change) while
doctors are finding that people don’t recover
he’s away. 8
       their illnesses very fast if they have
/8 access to the internet.


New Language Leader Upper Intermediate Unit Test 4 © Pearson Education Ltd. 2014 1



5  Rewrite these recommendations in a more formal
way using the word given. The future of medicine is already here. As
technology continues to advance at an ever-
1 Find out as much as you can about any
increasing pace, scientists are working hard to
therapist you are considering seeing. VITAL
make use of the inventions and systems being
                        developed. Often, great ideas are developed
as much as you can about any therapist you are by accident and at other times, after years of
considering seeing. dedicated studies. One great discovery which
2 It’s best to check the accuracy of the could save millions of lives is a gel which can
information on the website. SHOULD stop bleeding. It uses a natural substance which
                        can help cells in the body grow together. Spare-
the accuracy of the information on the website. part technology will probably also be par for the
3 Don’t try to solve your medical course in the near future as scientists are finding
problem only using the internet. ADVISABLE more and more ways of reproducing human
                        tissue outside the body. The science of this is
your medical problem only using the internet. now moving to a cellular level and it will soon be
possible to create specific cells. 3D printers have
4 Spend time checking your sources carefully. IDEA
been around for quite a while, but scientists at
Washington State University have developed a
checking your sources carefully.
very special material to be used in these printers
/4 which has the same properties as human bone.
This means that if you break an arm or a leg,
for example, they will be able to create a bone
which can be implanted while the real bone
6  Read the text and complete the summary using words grows successfully around it. The artificial bone
from the box. There are more words than you need. would then disintegrate.
dissolve identically operation suggested
revolutionise material breakthroughs rapidly
probably artificially research

Total: /400
Technology is improving very 1          ,
leading to incredible medical 2          .
For example, a gel which stops bleeding by binding
cells together has been created using a natural
          which has been discovered
after years of careful 4       . It also seems
that physicians will be able to access more
          created body parts by
growing them outside the body or using 3D printer
technology. Not only will large body parts like
bones and organs be made, but also the smallest
parts, cells. An American university has developed
a substance with the same qualities as human bone.
These bones could 6          the way in
which broken bones are repaired.

New Language Leader Upper Intermediate Unit Test 4 © Pearson Education Ltd. 2014 2

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