MRCPCH - Immunisation
MRCPCH - Immunisation
MRCPCH - Immunisation
• What is the EPI schedule?
Q1. How is the BCG vaccine administered?
Q2. What are the possible adverse affects of the vaccine?
Q3. Can you give BCG vaccine to a 14mo old? Give your reason.
Q4. What is an accelerated BCG reaction?
Q5. What is immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome?
A1. 0.05ml, intradermal injection.
A3. Beyond 12mo BCG is not recommended in high endemic areas such as our because the individual
acquires comparable immunity from the environmental exposure by then. Having said that in low endemic
areas, even adults who are TST negative with possibility of exposure to TB are candidates for the vaccine.
A4. If an individual with TB infection receives vaccine they will have an accelerated response with formation
of the papule in 1-2 days and scar within 10-15days.
A5. When HIV immunocompromised pts are started on ART, within 3 months of the immune restoration they
develop local abscesses or regional lymphadenitis but no dissemination. Possibly happens because the
previously compromised immune system is now awake and mounts an dysregulated immune response to
the mycobacterium organism.
• How would you manage a term baby born to HBsAg positive mother?
• How would you manage a baby if mother’s HBsAg status is unknown?
Mother Hep B surface antigen Positive Mother’s status unknown
• 1st dose of Hep B vaccine + HBIG • Give Hep B vaccine within 12
0.5 ml within 12 hours then do hours
routine vaccination at 6, 10 and • For HBIG:
14 weeks
• Check HBsAg and Anti-HBS at 9- - If BW <2 kg give HBIG if the
12 months result is not available within 12
• If Anti-HBS positive the child hrs or if the mother tests
is immune. positive.
• If HBsAg positive treat the - If BW >2kg you can wait and if
child the mother tests positive within
• If both negative re vaccinate 7 days give the HBIG. If at 7 days
completely and check again the the status is still unknown give
HepBsAg and antibodies. the HBIG.
Interpret the following :
Patient Hep BsAg Anti Anti Anti HBS Hep BeAg HBV DNA Interpretation
HBc -IgM HBc-IgG
1 + - - - - + Carrier
2 + + - - + + Acute infection
3 + - + - + - Chronic Infection
4 - - - + - - Immune
5 - - + + - - Resolved
• A 6 Month old child brought from an area of measles out break for an
advice to prevent measles.
A2. Live vaccines cannot be given to immunosuppressed patients. Their household contacts can get
vaccinated with live vaccine EXCEPT OPV and live influenza vaccine ( the nasal mist).
A3. After any immunoglobulin containing product including IVIG, blood products the dose of
MMR/varicella has to be deferred to allow a decrease in passive antibodies so children will have an
adequate response to the vaccine. Post IVIG the delay is 11months.
Q1.A 2 yr old, girl, previously unvaccinated has come to clinic.
Recommend a vaccination schedule.
Q2.An 8 yr old has come to clinic, received birth and 6 weeks vaccine.
Recommend a catch up vaccine schedule.
A1. BCG and rotavirus not indicated.
- Polio: 4 doses of bOPV 4 weeks apart, IPV to be given with the first dose
of bOPV.
- Hep B vaccine 3 dose series, 1st dose stat then 2 more 4 weeks apart.
- DTP: 3 doses with interval of 8 weeks between the first 2 doses
followed by 3rd dose 6-12mo after. Don’t forget to schedule a booster in
adolescence with Td.
- Hib: 1 dose stat only
- PCV: 2 doses 8 weeks apart
- Measles: 2 doses 4 weeks apart
A2. The pt has received BCG, OPV0 and OPV1, Penta 1: DPT, Hep, Hib,
Rota I.
Hib, PCV, Rotavirus not recommended.
- Polio: resume without repeating previous doses to complete 4 dose
series. Give 2 more doses of OPV, 4 weeks apart, IPV to be given with
the stat dose of OPV.
- HepB: resume without repeating previous dose to complete 3 dose
series. Give 2 doses 4 weeks apart.
- Tdap: resume without repeating previous dose. Complete 3 dose series
with acellular pertussis since >6 yrs old using Tdap. So 2 doses of Tdap
8 weeks apart. Don’t forget to schedule a Td booster in adolescence.
- Measles: 2 doses 4 weeks apart.
Thank you