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Core Shell MMA Emulsion Synthesis

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Synthesis and Application of Reactive Acrylic Latexes: Effect of
Particle Morphology
Catalina N. Cheaburu-Yilmaz 1,2 , Cigdem Kilicarislan Ozkan 3 and Onur Yilmaz 2,3, *

1 Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Polymers, Petru Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the
Romanian Academy, 41A Grigore Ghica Voda Alley, 700487 Iasi, Romania;
2 ACADEMICHEM Kimya ARGE San. Tic. Ltd. Şti., Ege Üniversitesi Teknoloji Geliştirme Bölgesi,
Izmir 35100, Turkey
3 Leather Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ege University, Izmir 35100, Turkey;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +90-232-3112644

Abstract: The aim of the study is the synthesis and characterization of epoxy functional reactive
polyacrylic latexes, e.g., poly (BA-co-MMA-co-AN-co-GMA) with core/shell and non-structured
(random) particle morphologies. Additionally, their performance as binders and coating ability in
leather finishing were studied. The epoxy functional polymers were synthesized via the seeded
emulsion polymerization technique and the obtained latexes were characterized by means of particle
size, zeta potential, FTIR, TEM, DSC, DMTA, and TGA. The results showed that the particle size and
zeta potential values were very similar for both latexes, except core/shell latex had slightly higher
particle size. DSC, TEM, and DMTA studies verified the successful synthesis of core/shell latex
morphology. The copolymer films were elastic in nature and had low Tg values (−13 and −20 ◦ C).
The performance results showed some different behavior for core/shell and random copolymer
coatings. The abrasion resistance of the leather finish with random copolymer as binder exhibited
slightly better values, especially in wet conditions. On the other hand, the leathers finished with
Citation: Cheaburu-Yilmaz, C.N.; core/shell binder showed better performance in flexing endurance and the water spotting test.
Ozkan, C.K.; Yilmaz, O. Synthesis
and Application of Reactive Acrylic Keywords: coating; epoxy; core-shell; morphology; reactive polymers; leather; finishing
Latexes: Effect of Particle
Morphology. Polymers 2022, 14, 2187.
1. Introduction
Academic Editor: Sajjad Husain Mir Waterborne acrylic polymers are widely used in paints, leather/textile finishes, paper,
and wood coatings, etc., due to advantages such as ageing resistance, light stability, good
Received: 25 April 2022
Accepted: 26 May 2022
pigment binding ability, good adhesion to various types of substrates, ease of application
Published: 27 May 2022
and their lower cost in comparison with other systems, e.g., polyurethanes [1–3]. However,
they show low chemical and water resistance, reduced weathering stability, and insufficient
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral mechanical and abrasion resistance [4–6]. To improve the coating performance of acrylic
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
emulsions, they are usually combined with external crosslinkers such as isocyanates, poly-
published maps and institutional affil-
carbodiimides, polyaziridines, and polyoxazolines, which react with the hydroxyl, carboxyl,
or amine groups introduced in the acrylic polymer backbone [7–10]. The final crosslinked
films give satisfactory mechanical and chemical resistance. However, these crosslinkers
usually have toxic characteristics, and thus, they are harmful to human health and the
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
environment. Moreover, the rate and amount of crosslinking must be well controlled
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. during film formation, otherwise the elasticity of the coating can decrease significantly due
This article is an open access article to excessive crosslinking. The self-life of the dispersions in the presence of crosslinkers
distributed under the terms and is also very short and the remaining mixtures after the application cannot be stored for
conditions of the Creative Commons a long time. Therefore, safer crosslinking options without the addition of toxic external
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// crosslinking agents are desired for waterborne acrylic coating systems. Acrylic polymer dispersions bearing reactive epoxy groups are an important class of
4.0/). functional polymers that are used in various industrial applications such as paints, adhe-

Polymers 2022, 14, 2187.

Polymers 2022, 14, 2187 2 of 15

sives, coatings, sealants, etc. [2,11–13]. The oxirane ring of the epoxy group can provide a
wide range of modifications due to its reactivity with carboxyl, hydroxyl, and amine groups
present in the coating and substrate. Glycidyl methacrylate is a vinyl acrylic monomer con-
taining an epoxy group that can be copolymerized with conventional acrylic monomers to
obtain epoxy-functional latexes [14]. The epoxy group on the polymer backbone can further
be used as crosslinking sites to improve the mechanical, properties, water resistance, chem-
ical resistance, and adhesion properties of latexes especially for coating purposes [15–17].
These coating systems are much safer to use in terms of environmental and health issues in
comparison to the other external crosslinking polymeric systems. The coating performance
of these reactive latexes and/or films is dependent on the number of epoxy groups, their
distribution on the polymer, the size and stability of the particles, etc. Usually, partially
cross-linked acrylic coatings can show better mechanical and chemical resistance. Therefore,
the crosslinking degree must be well controlled during the film formation, especially for
the coatings used for flexible surfaces such as leather and textiles.
Composite latex particles have been of great interest in the last decade due to their
technology that allows us to create particle morphologies, giving us the possibility to com-
bine different polymer properties [18–22]. This kind of particle morphology is often called
as core-shell achieved by multi-stage emulsion polymerization, where a monomer composi-
tion is polymerized to form a core and another monomer composition is post-polymerized
over the core-seed to form the shell. By selecting different monomer compositions for the
core and shell phases, it is possible to obtain final polymer properties that are difficult to
achieve by blending of two polymers or with random copolymerization. For instance, the
good blocking and abrasion resistance of a coating is usually obtained by polymers having
high Tg values. However, the use of high Tg polymers is limited due to their high minimum
film-forming temperature (MFFT) and brittleness, especially for flexible coatings. On the
other hand, with core-shell technology, it may be possible to synthesize elastic coatings with
improved block and abrasion resistance [23]. The morphologies can be varied by changing
the nature of core and shell phases, their ratios, or the number of layers. Even contrary
properties, such as inorganic–organic, soft–hard, hydrophobic–hydrophilic, and low–high
refractive indexes, can be combined to increase the functionality of the final polymer.
There are studies that use epoxy functionality in the preparation of core-shell latexes
for coating purposes [14,24–28]. However, most of these studies include the use of pre-
synthesized or commercial epoxy resin as a core or shell phase to prepare composite latexes,
and there are few studies using epoxy functional monomer in the shell phase. It was pro-
posed that using epoxy functional glycidyl methacrylate monomer in shell composition as a
hard and reactive phase over a soft core polyacrylic latex can give improvements in overall
performance of the latexes. The presence of reactive sites on the outer shell of the particles
could lead to more controlled partial crosslinking, improving the resistance properties
while the core remains soft to facilitate the adhesion and elasticity of the coating. Present
study refers to the synthesis, characterization and preparation of a coating formulation
based on poly(butylacrylate-co-methylmethacrylate-co-acrylonitrile-co-glycidyl methacry-
late) by emulsion radical polymerization. The novelty aspect of the present manuscript
is to contribute to the synthesis of latex binders with different morphologies (i.e., statistic
and core-shell) and to investigate the effect of morphology on coating performance in
a specific industrial application. Working with an epoxy-based monomer represents a
challenge, as polymerization without affecting the epoxy ring is difficult. The epoxy ring
must remain intact so that the newly formed polymers can be activated when applied in
the real environment as result of the temperature action of the hot press, giving the finished
leather unique properties. Both copolymer latexes with structured and non-structured
morphologies were characterized and applied on leather as coating binder.
Polymers 2022, 14, 2187 3 of 15

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Materials
The monomers, butyl acrylate (BA, ≥99.0%), methyl methacrylate (MMA, ≥98.5%),
glycidyl methacrylate (GMA, ≥97%), and acrylonitrile (AN, ≥99.0%) were purchased from
Sigma-Aldrich, Schnelldorf, Germany and used in emulsion copolymerization. Sodium
dodecyl benzene sulfonate (SDBS, Sigma-Aldrich, Steinheim, Germany), sodium bicarbon-
ate (NaHCO3 , Sigma-Aldrich, Steinheim, Germany), potassium persulfate (KPS, Sigma-
Aldrich, Steinheim, Germany) were used as an emulsifier, a buffer agent and an initiator,
respectively. All chemicals were used as received without any further purification. Ultra-
pure water was used as a solvent to perform the reactions. The syntheses took place in a
four-neck round-bottom 250 mL glass reactor equipped with a condenser, nitrogen inlet,
monomer dropping funnel, and initiator solution dropping funnel. For the reactions, a
Heidolph (Schwabach, Germany) magnetic stirrer with a temperature control probe was
used to heat the reactor in an oil bath.
Cattle crust leather suitable for footwear, gifted from Sepiciler Co. (İzmir, Turkey),
was used for finishing applications. The other necessary finishing chemicals, combined
with the synthesized copolymer emulsions such as wax emulsion, black pigment, nitrocel-
lulose lacquer emulsion, and silicon-based touch modifier, were obtained from Stahl Co.
(Waalwijk, The Netherlands).

2.2. Methods
2.2.1. Synthesis of Acrylic Copolymer Emulsions
Two acrylic copolymer emulsions were synthesized via seeded emulsion polymeriza-
tion with different structures of random and composite particles. Both emulsions consisted
of the same components in the same amounts except for the preparation procedures. The
experimental set-up used for polymerization was described in Table 1. The random copoly-
mer emulsion (E1) was prepared according to the following procedure: given amounts of
SDBS, NaHCO3 , and 1/3 of KPS were dissolved in 70 g water and mixed in the reactor.
A quarter (by volume) of the monomer mixture composed of BA/MMA/AN/GMA was
added into the reactor and mixed at high speed (800 rpm) to prepare the pre-emulsion and
purged with 10 mL·min−1 N2 flow for 30 min to remove the dissolved oxygen from the
system. The reactor was then lowered into the oil-bath preheated to 80 ◦ C and kept for
45 min at a 300 rpm mixing speed to prepare the seed latex. The remaining monomer feed
and initiator solution were dropped into the reactor within 90 min. The reaction was kept
for an additional 2 h to complete the polymerization.

Table 1. The composition of acrylic latexes.

E1 (Parts) E2 (Parts)
Seed Feed Seed Core-Feed Shell-Feed
BA 4.00 12.25 5.45 10.80 -
MMA 0.60 1.90 0.63 1.87 -
AN 0.60 1.90 0.63 1.87 -
GMA 0.90 2.85 - - 3.75
SDBS 0.50 - 0.50 -
NaHCO3 0.075 - 0.075 -
KPS 0.017 0.033 0.0125 0.025 0.0125
70.00 5 65 5 5

The preparation of core/shell latex (E2) was done similarly, except for the composition
of seed and monomer feeds. A diagram for the synthesis of the core-shell latex was
presented in Scheme 1. In the polymerization procedure, SDBS, NaHCO3 , and 1/4 of KPS
were dissolved in 65 g water and added to the reactor1/3 of the core monomer mixture
composed of BA/MMA/AN was introduced in the system, mixed at 800 rpm, purged
Polymers 2022, 14, 2187 4 of 15

with 10 mL·min−1 N2 flow for 30 min and reacted for 45 min at 80 ◦ C at a mixing speed
of 300 rpm to form the seed latex. Then the remaining monomer mixture of the core part
was dropped into the system in parallel with 1/2 of KPS solution for 60 min and kept
for an additional 60 min for completion of the reaction for the core-phase. GMA, as the
shell phase monomer, was then added dropwise in the reactor within 30 min, in parallel
with the remaining KPS solution. After the dropping was finished, the reaction was kept
for 90 min to obtain the core-shell acrylic latex. At the end of both reactions, acrylic latex
Polymers 2022, 14, 2187 4 of 15
was obtained with a total solid content of 25 wt%. The nitrogen flow was kept constant
at 10 mL·min−1 throughout all the reactions, and the reaction additives dropped in the
system (monomers and KPS solutions) were previously purged with N2 to remove the
oxygen. The monomer conversion ratios of both systems have been monitored gravi-
dissolved oxygen. The monomer conversion ratios of both systems have been monitored
metrically throughout the polymerizations and found to be over 99% at the end of the
reactions. throughout the polymerizations and found to be over 99% at the end of
the reactions.

Scheme 1. 1.AArepresentative
representative illustration
illustration explaining
synthesis of poly(BA-co-MMA-co-AN)
synthesis of poly(BA-co-MMA-co-AN)
core/poly(GMA) shell latex particles.
core/poly(GMA) shell latex particles.
Table 1. The composition of acrylic latexes.
2.2.2. Application of Acrylic Latexes in Leather Finishing
Leather finishing canE1be(Parts)
Ingredients described as a process to improve E2 (Parts)
the physical, mechanical,
Seed Feed Seed Core-Feed
and aesthetic properties of the surface of leather products. Among the many Shell-Feed
factors, such as
BA 4.00 12.25 5.45 10.80
the type and quality of the leather, the chemical products, formulation employed, - operating
MMA 0.60 1.90 0.63 1.87
systems, the main factor effecting the appearance and performance of the leather - surface is
usually theANcoating composition.
0.60 A1.90 0.63of chemicals
great variety 1.87 -
are used in leather finishing
processes.GMAAmong these0.90 chemicals,2.85 -
colorant agents (pigments- and aniline dyes),
3.75 synthetic
binders SDBS 0.50
(acrylates, polyurethanes, - waxes,0.50
etc.), -
oils, lacquers (nitrocellulose, polyurethanes,
NaHCO 3 0.075 - 0.075 -
caseins), fillers, dullers, feel modifiers, solvents, crosslinkers, etc. can be mentioned. The
KPS 0.017 0.033 0.0125
major constituent affecting the performance of the finishing0.025 0.0125
layer is the binders, which are
Distilled water 70.00 5 65 5 5
used to bind the other chemicals together and to the leather. Therefore, the synthesized
reactive acrylic emulsions were used as binder in leather finishing application to assess
2.2.2. Application of Acrylic Latexes in Leather Finishing
their coating performance. The formulation of the finishing mixture was kept simple to
Leather finishing can be described as a process to improve the physical, mechanical,
evaluate the performance of the latexes, and it consisted of pigmented basecoat layers and
and aesthetic properties of the surface of leather products. Among the many factors, such
a topcoat layer (Table 2). The coating layers were applied by hand spraying, followed by
as the type and quality of the leather, the chemical products, formulation employed, op-
drying and
erating hot plating
systems, at given
the main factorintervals.
effecting the appearance and performance of the leather
surface is usually the coating composition. A great variety of chemicals are used in
leather finishing processes. Among these chemicals, colorant agents (pigments and ani-
line dyes), synthetic binders (acrylates, polyurethanes, etc.), waxes, oils, lacquers (nitro-
cellulose, polyurethanes, caseins), fillers, dullers, feel modifiers, solvents, crosslinkers,
etc. can be mentioned. The major constituent affecting the performance of the finishing
layer is the binders, which are used to bind the other chemicals together and to the
leather. Therefore, the synthesized reactive acrylic emulsions were used as binder in
leather finishing application to assess their coating performance. The formulation of the
Polymers 2022, 14, 2187 5 of 15

Table 2. The finish formulation applied on the leathers.

Application Steps
Components Basecoat (I) Topcoat (II) Descriptions
(Parts) (Parts)
Water 40 20 Spray I × 3 times
Pigment 10 Hot plate 80 ◦ C/100 bar
Wax 5
Acrylic Latex 25 Spray I × 3 times
Isopropyl alcohol 0.5
Aqueous NC Lacquer 10 Spray II × 1 time
Silicone Surface Modifier 0.5 Hot plate 80 ◦ C/70 bar

3. Characterization Methods
3.1. Particle Size and Zeta Potential Analysis
The average particle size, particle size distributions, and zeta potential of the nanocom-
posite latexes were measured by the NanoZS model (Malvern Instruments UK) zeta-
sizer instrument. The samples were prepared by diluting the latexes 5000 times with
distilled water.

3.2. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) Analysis

The structure was confirmed by FT-IR spectra of the copolymer films, which were
recorded with a Perkin-Elmer Spectrum-100 ATR-FTIR instrument by scanning in the range
of 600–4000 cm−1 .

3.3. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)

DSC analysis was performed on copolymer films using a Perkin Elmer Diamond DSC
instrument at a heating rate of 10 ◦ C/min under N2 atmosphere from −70 to 250 ◦ C.

3.4. Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA)

Thermal decomposition behavior of the copolymers was assessed by using a TA
Instruments Q600 model TGA device in the range of 30–700 ◦ C with a heating rate of
10 ◦ C/min under N2 atmosphere.

3.5. Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis (DMTA)

Dynamic mechanical measurements were carried out using an Anton Paar MCR
301 Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer (Graz, Austria) equipped with dynamic mechanical
analysis accessories at a constant frequency of 1 Hz, in the temperature range from −60 to
110 ◦ C, under N2 atmosphere, with a heating rate of 3 ◦ C/min. The films for the DMTA
analysis were cut into rectangular specimens with a length of 10 cm and fixed between
the oscillating and the fix parts of clamping device. All measurements were performed in
extension mode with a constant deformation strain of 0.1% and the storage modulus E0 ,
the loss modulus E00 , and the value of the tan δ (tan δ = E00 /E0 ) were determined for all
temperature range.

3.6. Transmission Electron Microscopic (TEM)

The morphology of the latex particles was investigated by transmission electron
microscopy (using a Carl Zeiss 300VP FE-SEM device. For TEM investigation, latex samples
were diluted with water, mixed with 2.0 wt% aqueous solution of phosphotungstic acid,
placed on a carbon-copper grid by a micropipette, and dried at room temperature. The
scale of the magnification is given in the images.
Polymers 2022, 14, 2187 6 of 15

3.7. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)

The imaging of the finish layer of the leather samples coated with latex was performed
by the Hitachi TM-1000 Table-Top scanning electron microscope. The samples (~5 × 1 mm)
were cut from the cross-section region of the leathers and were placed on the device plate
by using double-sided adhesive tape. The magnification levels are given on the images.

3.8. Physical Tests Performed on the Finished Leathers

To evaluate the performance of the copolymer latexes as leather coating binders some
performance tests were carried out on the finished leathers. The leathers to be tested by
physical methods were first conditioned according to the standard of EN ISO 2419 and the
sampling was carried out according to EN ISO 2418. The finished leathers was tested by
physical standard methods of: flexing endurance [29]; color fastness of leather to “To” and
“Fro” rubbing [30] and color fastness to water spotting [31]. The evaluation of all the tests
related to color change was done according to the gray scale standard [32,33], which gives
a rating between 1 and 5 (5: means no color change, and 1: means failure).

4. Results and Discussion

4.1. Particle Size and Morphology
Latex stability is an important issue, especially for latexes comprising GMA due to
the high reactivity nature of the oxirane ring. Therefore, particle gelation and coagulum
problems can be encountered frequently during emulsion polymerization [28]. To ensure
the particle stability and reduced reactivity of epoxy groups, the polymerization was carried
out in a controlled manner by slow monomer feeding in the presence of NaHCO3 buffer
and a final solid content of 25%. Both random and core-shell structured latexes were
obtained coagulum free and with high conversion rates (>99%) at the end of the reactions.
The particle size distribution of both latexes obtained by dynamic light scattering is
given in Figure 1 and Z-average particle diameter, polydispersity index (PDI), and zeta
potential values were summarized in Table 3. The obtained results showed that both latexes
had fine particle size with an average particle size of 85.5 nm for E1 and 91.7 nm for E2;
both latexes had very narrow size distributions with low PDI values (~0.04). 7The zeta
of 15
potential measurements showed that Latex E1 had a value of −42.2 mV while E2 latex had
a slightly decreased value of −46.7 mV indicating that both latexes were electrostatically
very stable (Table 3).

(a) (b)
Figure 1. The particle size
Figure distribution
1. The of the of
particle size distribution latexes (a)(a)E1-random
the latexes copolymer
E1-random copolymer latex; (b)latex; (b)
E2-composite copolymer latex. latex.

Table 3. Average particle size diameters, polydispersity index and zeta potential values of the la-

EmulsionZ-Average Diameter (nm)Polydispersity Index (PDI)Zeta Potential (mV)

Polymers 2022, 14, 2187 7 of 15

Table 3. Average particle size diameters, polydispersity index and zeta potential values of the latexes.

Emulsion Z-Average Diameter (nm) Polydispersity Index (PDI) Zeta Potential (mV)
E1 85.5 0.040 −42.2
E2 91.7 0.043 −46.7

Figure 2 shows the TEM images obtained from the latexes. From both images, the
particle sizes could be calculated between 50–120 nm, which was in accordance with data
obtained from light scattering measurements. The upper image (Figure 2a) belongs to the
random copolymer latex where whole particles can be clearly seen as white spheres. The
other image (Figure 2b) shows the core-shell latex particles. In the image, a difference in
contrast of core and shell parts can be observed. The darker regions around the particles
Polymers 2022, 14, 2187 were possibly due to the interaction of staining agent with the shell phase monomer more 8 of 1
intensively. Overall results indicated that stable latex particles with different particle
morphologies were obtained.

Figure TEM images
images of the
of the latexlatex particles:
particles: (a) Latex
(a) Latex E1, (b)E1, (b)E2.
Latex Latex E2.

4.2. FTIR Analysis

4.2. FTIR Analysis
The substance identity was confirmed by the ATR-FT-IR spectra of the obtained latexes
and the substance
pure monomers.identity was confirmed
The spectral by were
characteristics the ATR-FT-IR spectra
shown in Figure ofthe
3 and themain
obtained la
texes were
peaks and the pure to
assigned monomers.
the specificThe spectral
vibration characteristics
bands were groups
of the functional shown andin Figure
the 3 and
modifications were evaluated by comparing the spectra of polymers with monomers. groups an
the main peaks were assigned to the specific vibration bands of the functional
the modifications were evaluated by comparing the spectra of polymers with monomers
4.2. FTIR Analysis
The substance identity was confirmed by the ATR-FT-IR spectra of the obtained la-
texes and the pure monomers. The spectral characteristics were shown in Figure 3 and
Polymers 2022, 14, 2187 8 of 15
the main peaks were assigned to the specific vibration bands of the functional groups and
the modifications were evaluated by comparing the spectra of polymers with monomers.

Polymers 2022, 14, 2187 9 of 15

From the spectra of both copolymers, it was observed identical absorption charac-
Figure ATR—FTIRspectra
synthesized latexes
synthesized (E1(E1
latexes andand
E2) E2)
and and
teristics where asym and sym stretching of -CH groups of CH2 and -CH3 at 2959, 2934, and
, respectively,
spectra of bothC=Ocopolymers,
stretching atit1727 cm−1, -CHidentical
was observed 2 and -CH 3 deformation
absorption at 1452
and 1387
teristics cm ,asym
where −1 C-O-C andstretching at 1160
sym stretching of cm
-CH. groups
−1 The absence
of CHof the -CH
2 and vibration peaks
3 at 2959, around
and 2874 cm−
1608–1634 cm1 , −1
assigned to
respectively, thestretching
C=O vinyl groups
at 1727ofcm −1 , -CH and -CH deformation at
acrylates 2 for both3 latexes marked the
1452 and of1387 −1 , C-O-C stretching at 1160 cm−1 . The absence of the vibration peaks
success thecmpolymerization. The specific absorption peak of the epoxy ring was ob-
around −1 assigned
served clearly at 905 cm , which the
1608–1634 cm −1 to vinyl groups
indicated of acrylates
that the attachment for both latexes
of these marked
reactive groups
the success of the polymerization. The specific absorption peak
was achieved without opening the oxirane ring, leading to reactive epoxy-based of the epoxy ring waspoly-
observed −1
mers. clearly at 905 cm , which indicated that the attachment of these reactive groups
was achieved without opening the oxirane ring, leading to reactive epoxy-based polymers.
4.3. ThermalCharacteristics
Characteristics of the
of the Copolymers
Thermal characteristics
characteristics of synthesized
of the the synthesized polymeric
polymeric latexes
latexes were were determined
determined by DSC, by
DSC, DMTA, and TGA, and the results are presented in
DMTA, and TGA, and the results are presented in Figures 4–6. Figures 4–6.

Figure DSC thermograms
thermograms of random
of random copolymer
copolymer latex
latex (E1) and(E1) and composite
composite core—shellcore—shell
acrylic latex acrylic
(E2). la-
tex (E2).

Figure 4 shows the DSC thermograms obtained from both latex films. The thermo-
gram of the random copolymer (E1) showed one large and clear phase transition due to a
Tg at −13 °C, which was comparable to the theoretical Tg value (−18, 7 °C) calculated by
the Fox equation. On the other hand, from the thermogram of E2, two different phase
, 2187 Polymers 2022, 14, 2187 10 of 15 9 of 15

Figure 5. The elastic modulus (a) and Tan—D curves (b) of the copolymer film

The thermal degradation behavior of the copolymers was assessed

the results are given in Figure 6. From the curves, we can see that the the
tion behavior was also affected by the morphology of the particles. The
that the degradation process of E1 started earlier than E2 and degraded fa
the end of the process. This also indicated that harder segments of the sh
increased thermal degradation stability of the copolymer films, similar
Figure 5. The elastic properties.
Figure 5. The (a) and
elastic Tan—D
modulus (a) curves (b) curves
and Tan—D of the(b)
copolymer films films
of the copolymer obtained from
obtained from DMTA.

The thermal degradation behavior of the copolymers was assessed with TGA and
the results are given in Figure 6. From the curves, we can see that the thermal degrada-
tion behavior was also affected by the morphology of the particles. The results showed
that the degradation process of E1 started earlier than E2 and degraded faster almost till
the end of the process. This also indicated that harder segments of the shell phase led to
increased thermal degradation stability of the copolymer films, similar to mechanical

Figure 6. TGA
6. TGA curvescurves of the copolymers.
of the copolymers.

4.4.Figure 4 shows the DSC thermograms obtained from both latex films. The thermogram
Coating Performance of the Copolymer Latexes
of the random copolymer (E1) showed one large and clear phase transition due to a
◦ ◦ C) calculated by
Tg at −13The C, synthesized latexes
which was comparable were
to the applied
theoretical on shoe
Tg value (−18, 7upper leathers as a b
the Fox equation. On the other hand, from the thermogram of E2, two different phase
ishing formulation (Table 2). The coats were applied with light sprays
transitions could be observed. The first Tg value of soft core was determined at −20 ◦ C
Figure 6. TGA curveshand
of the copolymers.
spraying gun with an air pressure
and second Tg of poly(glycidyl methacrylate) shell at 55 ◦of 3 atm.
C being After to
comparable applying
theoreticaleach c
Tgwas ◦ ◦
values (Tg1 in
= 29a drying
C Tg2 = 61tunnel at 80 the
C). Because °C ratio
for 3ofmin. At part
the shell given wasintervals
relatively (Tabl
4.4. Coating Performance
low (15ofwt%),
the Copolymer Latexes
the transition of shell phase observed at DSC analysis was small. It is
leathers were hot pressed at 80 °C for staining the coats and increasing t
The synthesized that the
latexes different
were segments
applied on shoe of copolymers can beas
upper leathers observed
a binder morein clearly
a fin- from the
the layers.
ishing formulation (Table 2). The coats were applied with light sprays on leathersthebycopolymer
thermo-mechanical behavior. Therefore, DMTA analysis was performed on
hand spraying gun films.
with After
The air the
anelastic modulus
pressure (E03) and
of all
atm.Tan Dleathers
Aftercurves showed
of the
applying copolymer
each a uniformly
coat, filmsleather
the colored
as a function of and
temperature obtained from DMTA are given in Figure 5. From E curves, the glass transition
was dried in a drying withata 80
tunnel natural
°C for look.
3 min.ToAt promote the crosslinking
given intervals (Table 2), the reaction
coated of the epox
leathers were hot pressed at 80the
°C leathers were
for staining the kept at 50
coats and °C for 24
increasing thehadhesion
and subsequently
of rest
the layers. prior to the performance tests.
After the application, all leathers showed a uniformly colored and glossy appear-
Polymers 2022, 14, 2187 10 of 15

regions of the copolymers were very clear. From the peaks of the Tan D curves, the only
glass transition of E1 copolymer was observed at 20 C whereas the first transition of soft
core part of E2 copolymer was at −5 ◦ C and second transition due to the harder shell part
was around 80 ◦ C. Moreover, the elastic modulus of the core-shell polymer was much
higher than random copolymer for all temperature ranges. For instance, the E0 value of E1
was 1.86 MPa at room temperature and for E2 it was found to be much higher at 49.1 MPa.
The thermal degradation behavior of the copolymers was assessed with TGA and the
results are given in Figure 6. From the curves, we can see that the thermal degradation
behavior was also affected by the morphology of the particles. The results showed that the
degradation process of E1 started earlier than E2 and degraded faster almost till the end of
the process. This also indicated that harder segments of the shell phase led to increased
thermal degradation stability of the copolymer films, similar to mechanical properties.

4.4. Coating Performance of the Copolymer Latexes

The synthesized latexes were applied on shoe upper leathers as a binder in a finishing
formulation (Table 2). The coats were applied with light sprays on leathers by hand
spraying gun with an air pressure of 3 atm. After applying each coat, the leather was dried
in a drying tunnel at 80 ◦ C for 3 min. At given intervals (Table 2), the coated leathers were
hot pressed at 80 ◦ C for staining the coats and increasing the adhesion of the layers.
After the application, all leathers showed a uniformly colored and glossy appearance
with a natural look. To promote the crosslinking reaction of the epoxy groups in the
coatings, the leathers were kept at 50 ◦ C for 24 h and subsequently rested for 2 weeks prior
to the performance tests.
The SEM images of the cross sections of finished leathers are given in Figure 7. In the
images, the finishing layer applied to the leathers is shown at different magnifications. It
can be observed that the thickness of each finishing layer, in respect to the thickness of the
overall cross section, was very small. At higher magnifications, the thickness of the finishing
layer could be calculated within the range of 10–20 µm for all samples. This verified that
the coating film was thin enough to be able to keep the natural grain appearance of the
leather, since the appearance is usually lost when the finishing layer thickness is more than
100 µm.
One of the most important and required tests for every colored/dyed leather is rubbing
fastness. This test is used to determine the degree of color transfer from the surface of the
finished leather to a felt that moves over the leather surface to create an abrasion action.
The degree of coloring of the felt and deterioration of the leather surface are evaluated,
and results are given in accordance with the gray scale rating. The results equivalent to 3
or higher are accepted as satisfactory, and 5 is the maximum value. The results obtained
from the rubbing test are summarized in Table 4. From the results, it was observed that
both samples had very good dry rubbing fastness values, even at 250 rubbing cycles. The
wet rubbing fastness levels of the leathers were also satisfactory, even after 50× rubbing.
However, comparing random copolymer (E1) with composite latex (E2), it was determined
that the random copolymer gave slightly better results for wet rubbing fastness. This could
be due to the more evenly distributed crosslinking sites provided by the epoxy groups of
the random copolymer within the coating that resulted in better resistance to abrasion in
wet conditions. The positive effect of the uniform cross-link distribution on mechanical
properties was also reported by other researchers [34].
The results obtained from the flexing endurance test are given in Table 5. The test
simulates the bending of leather products during daily use and evaluates the cracking of the
film at the bending region. The leathers coated with the copolymers underwent movement
cycles of 50,000 and 100,000 times, and at each interval the leather finish was examined for
any damage (greying, surface cracks, loss of adhesion etc.). The results showed that after
50,000 cycles no visible damage was observed for both samples except slight wrinkles at the
bending region. After 100,000 cycles, the wrinkles were much deeper and small cracks were
observed for leathers finished with random copolymer (E1), whereas only light wrinkles
The SEM images of the cross sections of finished leathers are given in Figure 7. In the
images, the finishing layer applied to the leathers is shown at different magnifications. It
can be observed that the thickness of each finishing layer, in respect to the thickness of
Polymers 2022, 14, 2187
the overall cross section, was very small. At higher magnifications, the thickness of the 11 of 15
finishing layer could be calculated within the range of 10–20 µ m for all samples. This
verified that the coating film was thin enough to be able to keep the natural grain ap-
were observed for the other leathers. This result was probably because of the softer nature
pearance of the leather, since the appearance is usually lost when the finishing layer
of the core phase of composite latex (E2) that provided better flexibility to the final coating
thickness is more than 100
than randomµ m.copolymer.

of The
Figure 7.
Figure 7. The SEM images the SEM images of the
cross-sections ofcross-sections of finished
finished leathers leathers at
at different different magnifications.
Table 4. Rubbing fastness properties of leather samples coated with copolymer latexes.
One of the most important and required tests for every colored/dyed leather is rub-
Gray Scale Values
bing fastness. This test is used to determine the degree of color transfer from the surface
Samples Evaluated Parts Dry Wet
of the finished leather to a felt that moves over the leather surface to create an abrasion
50 Cycles 250 Cycles 25 Cycles 50 Cycles
action. The degree of coloring of the felt and deterioration of the leather surface are
evaluated, and results E1 are given inLeather
accordance with 5 the gray scale
5 rating. 5The results 5
Felt 5 5 5 4/5
equivalent to 3 or higher are accepted as satisfactory, and 5 is the maximum value. The
E2 Leather 5 5 4/5 4
results obtained from the rubbing testFelt are summarized 5
in Table 4.5From the results,
it was3/4
observed that both samples had very good dry rubbing fastness values, even at 250 rub-
bing cycles. The wet rubbing
Table fastness
5. Flex resistance levelssamples.
of leather of the leathers were also satisfactory, even
after 50× rubbing. However, comparing random copolymer (E1) with composite latex
Samples 50,000 Cycles 100,000 Cycles
(E2), it was determined that the random copolymer gave slightly better results for wet
E1 Light wrinkles Deep wrinkles and small cracks
rubbing fastness. This could E2
be due to the Very more evenly distributed crosslinking
light wrinkles
Light wrinkles
provided by the epoxy groups of the random copolymer within the coating that resulted
in better resistance toAnother
abrasion testin wet
that givesconditions.
informationThe positive
about the watereffect of the
resistance uniform
of the leather surface
cross-link distribution on mechanical properties was also reported by other researchers
is the color fastness of leather to water spotting. During the test, two drops of distilled
[34]. water were placed on the surface of the leather; after 30 min, the surplus of water was
Polymers 2022, 14, 2187 12 of 15

removed mechanically with filter paper from one of the drops, and the physical effects
were observed, if any. The other drop was allowed to evaporate overnight, and any change
in color of the leather was assessed with the standard gray scale. The results were given in
Table 6 and the images of the leathers at each interval were presented in Figure 8. After
30 min, the leather E1 absorbed all the water drops, whereas both drops remained on the
surface of leather E2. At the end of the 16 h period, the water drops were completely
absorbed and/or evaporated for all samples; there remained a lighter color spot on the
leather E1 and no spotting on leather E2.

Table 6. Color fastness of leather samples to water spotting after 30 min and 16 h.
Polymers 2022, 14, 2187 13 of 15
30 min 16 h
Leathers Observation Gray Scale Value Observation Gray Scale Value
Completely absorbed
shell phase,byresulting in a more water repellentCompletely
behavior of the final coating and/or also
E1 leather, remained
could bea visible
related with the4micro-roughness
of the surface remained 3/4morpho-
which needs further
spot after drying a visible spot
logical investigations.
The water dropThe remained
general evaluation of the physical testCompletely
results exhibited that the leathers coated
E2 with its initial
with form,
both no 5 performance levels in comparison to the acceptable
latexes had good 5 quality
absorbed/evaporated, no spot
spot after drying
standards defined by UNIDO for the leather and footwear industry [35].

Figure 8. The images taken at the beginning of, 30 min and 16 h after placing the water drops
Figure drops on
on the
leather surface.
leather surface.

The results indicated that the leather surface coated with core-shell structured latex
5. Conclusions
had more water repellent behavior than that with random copolymer. This phenomenon
Epoxy functional reactive polyacrylic latexes with core/shell and non-structured
was could be due to the pronounced hydrophobic nature of the soft core and crosslinked
(random) particle morphologies have been synthesized successfully. Even though the
shell phase, resulting in a more water repellent behavior of the final coating and/or also
polymerization of epoxy-based monomers arises stability issues, both latexes with a
GMA content of 15 wt% were coagulum free, electrostatically stable and with a small
particle size. Due to the reactive hard-shell phase of the copolymer, the elastic modulus
(E’) of the composite latex, which is an indication of the strength to resist when elastically
deformed upon a stress application, was much higher than random copolymer, espe-
Polymers 2022, 14, 2187 13 of 15

could be related with the micro-roughness of the surface which needs further morphological
The general evaluation of the physical test results exhibited that the leathers coated
with both latexes had good performance levels in comparison to the acceptable quality
standards defined by UNIDO for the leather and footwear industry [35].

5. Conclusions
Epoxy functional reactive polyacrylic latexes with core/shell and non-structured
(random) particle morphologies have been synthesized successfully. Even though the
polymerization of epoxy-based monomers arises stability issues, both latexes with a GMA
content of 15 wt% were coagulum free, electrostatically stable and with a small particle
size. Due to the reactive hard-shell phase of the copolymer, the elastic modulus (E0 ) of the
composite latex, which is an indication of the strength to resist when elastically deformed
upon a stress application, was much higher than random copolymer, especially within
the temperature range of 20–60 ◦ C. Similarly, TGA results also showed improved thermal
stability for the composite latex copolymer. After the leather finishing application, it
was shown that the random copolymer had slightly better abrasion resistance, possibly
due to the more homogenously distributed crosslinked sites of the final coating film, but
the leathers finished with composite latex exhibited a better performance in the flexing
endurance and water spotting tests. The main obtained outcome is that although the
composition of copolymers was identical, the particle morphology had a significant effect
on both polymer properties and application performance. This effect is correlated with
desired properties for the final products, particularly in better coating ability, penetration,
and thus mechanical, thermal, and coating performance. The synthesized latexes with
self-crosslinking ability in both cases had good finishing performance values, taking into
account general requirements for leather products [35]. In respect to the fact that most of the
commercial leather finishing systems use toxic external crosslinkers when high performance
values are needed, present latexes provide an advantage that no further external crosslinker
is necessary.

Author Contributions: Writing—original draft preparation, data curation, O.Y. and C.N.C.-Y.; formal
analysis, investigation, C.N.C.-Y., O.Y. and C.K.O.; conceptualization, writing—review and edit-
ing, visualization, O.Y. and C.K.O. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research was partly funded by THE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RE-
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Data sharing is not applicable to this article.
Acknowledgments: The authors acknowledge Department of Physical Chemistry of Polymers,
“Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the Romanian Academy for the administrative
support in DMTA measurements.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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