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Composites Science and Technology 80 (2013) 31–38

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On the static and dynamic properties of flax and Cordenka epoxy

James Meredith a,⇑, Stuart R. Coles a, Richard Powe a, Ed Collings b, Sophie Cozien-Cazuc c,
Brendon Weager d, Jorg Müssig e, Kerry Kirwan a
WMG, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK
Lola Composites, St. Peters Road, Huntingdon PE29 7DS, UK
Umeco Composites Structural Materials, Sinclair Close, Heanor DE75 7SP, UK
Composites Evolution, Bridge Way, Chesterfield S41 9QG, UK
Hochschule Bremen, University of Applied Sciences, Neustadtswall 30, 28199 Bremen, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Fibre reinforced composites have excellent specific properties and are widely sought after by engineers
Received 4 October 2012 seeking to reduce mass. However, end of life disposal is a significant problem and so research into more
Received in revised form 8 February 2013 sustainable natural fibre composites is extremely topical. This paper examines the applicability of natural
Accepted 1 March 2013
fibre composites for high performance structural applications. Woven flax and regenerated cellulose
Available online 14 March 2013
(Cordenka) textiles were pre-impregnated with commercially available epoxy resins and consolidated
into test laminates in an autoclave to determine their static (compressive, tensile, flexural) and dynamic
(energy absorption) properties.
A. Structural composites
B. Impact behaviour
The range of compressive strengths was 77.5–299.6 MPa. Tensile strengths ranged from 63 to 92.6 MPa
B. Mechanical properties and interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) from 10.7 to 23.3 MPa. Specific energy absorption (SEA) varied
C. Damage mechanics between 21.2–34.2 kJ/kg. Biotex flax combined with MTM49 resin matched the SEA of T300 carbon fibre
D. Optical microscopy using the same resin system and layup. This work has demonstrated that natural fibre composites have
significant scope for use in structural applications but additional work is required on fibre to matrix
bonding in order to maximise their properties whilst remaining an environmentally credible option.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

1. Introduction are energy intensive to manufacture with carbon requiring

300 MJ/kg due to the numerous high temperature processes and
The use of fibre-reinforced composites (FRCs) is increasing rap- glass 54.7 MJ/kg [2,3]. Natural fibres are renewable reinforcements
idly in the automotive, aerospace and wind energy sectors because with low embodied energy. However, after spinning and weaving it
of their high specific strength and modulus. For the automotive is similar to synthetic fibres although this is offset by their higher
sector these materials aid mass reduction and reduce carbon diox- specific stiffness which will reduce their in use emissions [4,5].
ide emissions in order to meet legislative demands. However, there Natural fibres offer numerous advantages over man-made fibres
are problems with the disposal of intractable FRC materials. The including low cost, low density, non-abrasive and less harmful dur-
directive (2005/64/EC) requires that vehicles built from 2008 ing handling. They offer reduced dependence on non-renewable
should be reach a recycling target level of 85% and a recovery tar- energy sources, have lower greenhouse gas emissions and are
get level of 95% by 2015 [1]. As such there is now significant inter- biodegradable at end of life [6,7]. However they are considered
est in sustainable alternatives. to have poor mechanical properties, low impact strength, high
Typically, fibre reinforcement is via carbon or glass. In 2010, variation [8], poor adhesion between fibres and matrix and poor
worldwide carbon fibre consumption reached almost 40,000 ton- thermal stability (decomposition above 200 °C) [9]. Research into
nes and is expected to reach 65,000 tonnes by 2014 [2]. The market natural fibre composites aims to address these shortcomings by
for glass fibre is approximately 10 times this size by mass and nat- understanding how mechanical properties are effected by: har-
ural fibre production is many millions of tonnes although the pro- vesting and preparation [10,11], fibre to matrix interface, water
portion used in composites is currently low [3]. Man-made fibres content and strain rate [12,13].
Natural variation is a result of conditions during the growth and
harvest of the plants e.g. soil characteristics, temperature, humid-
⇑ Corresponding author.
ity and harvesting methods. These effect mechanical, physical and
E-mail address: (J. Meredith).
URL: (J. Meredith). chemical properties of the fibres [8] which are exacerbated by

0266-3538 Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
32 J. Meredith et al. / Composites Science and Technology 80 (2013) 31–38

variations in fibre diameter and shape causing disparity in reported benchmark since it is a commercially available flax prepreg using
fibre strengths [14]. Natural fibre composites suffer from poor Araldite LY5150 (Huntsman, Cambridge, UK). Woven flax 2  2
adhesion between the hydrophilic fibres and hydrophobic matrix twill 420 gsm (Composites Evolution Ltd., Chesterfield, UK) was
[15]. This leads to tensile failure perpendicular to the fibre direc- impregnated with MTM49 (high strength resin) and MTM28 (high
tion [16] but can be improved through physical and chemical toughness resin) (Umeco structural materials, Heanor, UK) at 42
pre-treatment of the fibres [17–22]. Unfortunately, this increases weight per cent. The final fibre was Cordenka rayon (Cordenka
cost due to the expensive equipment and chemicals required, as GmbH, Obernberg, Germany), a regenerated cellulose fibre 2  2
well as decreasing the environmental credentials of the material twill at 300 gsm (Cordenka 610F fabric) and impregnated with
[23]. The hydrophilic fibres also absorb moisture causing variation MTM49 resin (Umeco structural materials, Heanor, UK) at
in fibre properties [6] although flax fibres have been shown to have 42 wt.%. All fabrics were kept in dry storage but not specifically
the lowest response to moisture of the natural fibres available [5]. conditioned for moisture content.
The poor bond between fibre and matrix results in a high void con-
tent meaning the full mechanical properties of the composite can- 2.2. Experimental procedures
not be realised; it also leaves the composite open to environmental
attack [24]. 2.2.1. Static testing
Bast fibres are widely used because of their ready availability The static test procedures used in this work are the same as re-
and high quality in both temperate (flax, hemp) and tropical (jute, ported in previous studies by the authors [32]. Three plaques of
kenaf) regions [11]. Flax is grown extensively across Europe which each material (30 cm  30 cm) with fabric all laid with the warp
accounts for 80% of the total world flax crop [25]. Its principal use at 0° were vacuum bagged and cured in an autoclave at 0.62 MPa
is in high value textiles and more recently in composites [26]. The and 120 °C for 60 min. The number of plies in each case varied
fibres have a tensile strength of 1340–1500 MPa and Young’s mod- according to the quantity of material available: Lineo FlaxPreg –
ulus of 50–70 GPa with a density of 1500 kg/m3. Thus their specific 12 plies, cured ply thickness (CPT) 0.340 mm, Biotex MTM49 – 3
properties are comparable with E glass [3,15]. Flax is one of the plies, CPT 0.525 mm, Biotex MTM28 – 4 plies, CPT 0.525 mm, Cord-
strongest and lightest untreated natural fibres commercially avail- enka MTM49 – 6 plies, CPT 0.363 mm. Each plaque was cut into
able, and is able to maintain that strength at approximately 200 °C samples suitable for tensile, compressive, ILSS and flexural tests.
for a short period of time [27]. Samples were tested on an Instron 5800R with appropriate cali-
The use of Cordenka rayon is a method of reducing the variation brated load cells.
associated with natural fibres whilst still using a naturally derived
feedstock [28]. Cordenka is a man-made cellulose fibre, produced Tensile strength and modulus. Tensile strength and modulus
by a variation of the viscose process which dissolves natural cellu- were determined according to the American Society for Testing and
lose pulp in a sodium hydroxide and carbon disulphide solution. It Materials standard ASTM D3039. Five samples 25  238 mm were
is then ripened, filtered, degased and extruded into a fibre forma- cut from the composite plaques. Aluminium sheet was bonded to
tion bath where the cellulose regenerates and the yarn is produced each end of the sample at the clamping points leaving a gauge
[29]. Cordenka is used to reinforce tyres due to its good adhesion to length of 138 mm. The tensile tests were carried out at 2 mm/min
rubber and plastics, high thermal stability and high dimensional and the modulus measured between 0.1–0.3% axial strain.
stability. However, it requires extensive processing and although
derived from sustainable wood sources there is no data on its Compressive strength and modulus. Compressive strength
embodied energy. was determined according to ASTM D695. Ten samples
In addition to excellent fibre and matrix properties, a high 12.7  79.4 mm were cut from the composite plaques. Aluminium
strength composite requires a low void fraction and high fibre vol- sheet was bonded to each end of the compressive strength samples
ume fraction. Resin transfer moulding can deliver void fractions leaving a gauge length of 4.8 mm. Compressive modulus samples
from 4% to 10% [6,30] but achieving lower values than this requires were left bare carbon. The compressive tests were carried out at
the use of woven prepreg materials and high pressure autoclave 1.3 mm/min and the modulus is measured between 0.1–0.3% axial
cure. Woven fabrics provide excellent reinforcement in the warp strain.
and weft directions, and as such, the strength characteristics of
the composite can be tailored to their application [31]. However, Inter laminar shear strength. ILSS was determined according
woven fabrics are more expensive financially (typically 400%) to ASTM D2344-84. Five samples 20  6.35 mm were cut from the
and potentially environmentally due to the energy used in weaving composite plaques and subjected to a test at 1.0 mm/min.
and spinning [4,7].
In summary, natural fibres have specific properties comparable Flexural strength and modulus. Flexural strength and modu-
with E glass fibres and offer the potential to replace existing man- lus were determined according to Composites Research Advisory
made materials with a more sustainable alternative. This paper Group standard CRAG 200. Five samples 20  6.35 mm were cut
investigates the applicability of flax and cellulose fibre composites from the composite plaques and tested at 5.0 mm/min with a con-
for high performance structural applications. Samples have been stant span to depth ratio.
manufactured using woven flax and regenerated cellulose (Cord-
enka) fibre pre-impregnated with commercially available epoxy 2.2.2. Dynamic testing
resins in order to determine static (compressive, tensile, flexural) Previous research has demonstrated that cones are more suit-
and dynamic (energy absorption) properties. able for impact structures than tubes since they do not require
crush initiators [33]. The test cones (Fig. 1) were manufactured
2. Experimental procedure using an aluminium mould tool to allow for high dimensional
accuracy of the finished components in line with previous work
2.1. Materials [32]. All cones used the same layup with one ply at 0° and the next
at 45° and so on with the seam offset by 10 mm between plies. The
This study examined four different natural fibre pre-impreg- total number of plies in each case was Biotex flax – 6, Lineo flax – 8,
nated (prepreg) fabrics using three different fibres. Lineo FlaxPreg Cordenka – 8 and they were cured at 0.41 MPa and 120 °C for
(2  2 twill, 200 gsm) (Lineo, Bernay, France) was chosen as a 60 min. Two cones were manufactured from each material. Each
J. Meredith et al. / Composites Science and Technology 80 (2013) 31–38 33

Fig. 1. Engineering drawing of dynamic test specimen.

sample was loaded into a bespoke impact tower (Instron, High Wy- observed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) (Zeiss Sigma,
combe, UK) and subjected to an impact test at approximately Carl Zeiss Ltd., Welwyn Garden City, UK).
8.0 m/s with a test mass of 78 kg. Following the impact tests, one
cone of each type was used to calculate the specific energy absorp-
tion (SEA) by removing all of the damaged material and measuring 3. Results and discussion
its mass. The other was sectioned for microscopic analysis of the
failure mechanisms. 3.1. Static testing

The static results of the four composite materials are displayed

2.2.3. Analysis
in Table 1. Strength data is plotted in Fig. 2 and moduli in Fig. 3, Optical microscopy. Optical microscopy was used to mea-
error bars are set at one standard deviation. Compressive strength
sure the void fraction, observe the compressive failure samples
of Lineo and Biotex MTM28 are low (86.7 and 77.5 MPa). In con-
and to analyse the fracture surfaces after dynamic tests. For each
trast the Biotex MTM49 and Cordenka MTM49 have relatively high
material a sample was cut from the cured plaque, compressive test
compressive strength (223.5 and 299.6 MPa). This suggests matrix
specimen, main body of the cone and fracture surface of the cone.
dominated properties and good compressive strength of MTM49
The cured plaque samples were cut at 45° to the ply direction (Iso-
resin. The MTM28 is a very tough resin which makes it relatively
met 5000, Buehler, Dusseldorf, Germany). All samples were then
soft. Therefore in compression it provides less lateral support for
set in EpoFix epoxy resin (Buehler, Dusseldorf, Germany) and pol-
the fibres so they can buckle more easily. In tension this is not
ished. They were examined using an Eclipse LV100D (Nikon UK
an issue but flexural testing has a compressive element to it so
Ltd., Kingston, UK) optical microscope with an high intensity light
the reduced compression performance also affects the flexural per-
source (HXP 120, Carl Zeiss Ltd., Welwyn Garden City, UK). Imagery
formance. It can be seen that the flexural strength of MTM49 com-
was captured with a 3 Megapixel U-Eye digital imaging camera
posites range from 173 to 195 MPa, MTM28 153 MPa and the
and void fraction was assessed using AxioVision (Carl Zeiss Ltd.,
Lineo/Huntsman combination only 57 MPa most likely because of
Welwyn Garden City, UK) software. Once the void fraction had
been measured the fibre volume fraction was calculated by apply-
Tensile strengths range from 63 to 92.6 MPa. These are fibre
ing a form of the rule of mixtures. The area of fibre within the pla-
dominated and demonstrate that Cordenka composites at
que was used along with the fabric mass to calculate the fibre
92.6 MPa have a higher strength than the flax composites (63–
volume fraction using the formula below.
77.6 MPa). ILSS varies from 10.7 to 23.3 MPa with the highest being
V f ¼ V T  ðððMT  ðnAW F ÞÞ=qm Þ þ ðPV T ÞÞ MTM49 samples and the lowest for the Lineo/Huntsman material.
For reference, carbon fibre (T300) and E glass composites with
Vf is the fibre volume fraction, VT is the total volume, MT is the total MTM49 resin have a compressive strength of 800 and 695 MPa,
mass, n is the number of plies, A is the ply area, WF is the fabric tensile strength 580 and 603 MPa, flexural strength 950 and
weight, qm is the matrix density, P is the void%. 770 MPa and ILSS of 81 and 71 MPa respectively [32].
The moduli results (Fig. 3) demonstrate that Biotex and Scanning electron microscopy. The cured plaque samples Cordenka with MTM49 and MTM28 are remarkably similar. Lineo
used to calculate the void fraction were subsequently gold sputter performs comparatively poorly in compression and flexion due to
coated (auto sputter coater, Agar Scientific, Stanstead, UK) and its higher porosity. For reference, carbon fibre (T300) and E glass

Table 1
Mean values and comparison of Composites.

Biotex MTM49 Biotex MTM28 Lineo FlaxPreg Cordenka MTM49

Compressive strength (MPa) 223.5 77.5 86.7 299.6
Compressive modulus (GPa) 9.6 10.2 6.2 9.3
Tensile strength (MPa) 77.6 63.0 76.5 92.6
Tensile modulus (GPa) 9.3 10.2 11.2 8.9
Flexural strength (MPa) 195.2 153.1 57.0 173.7
Flexural modulus (GPa) 7.0 7.81 2.12 8.3
Interlaminar shear strength (MPa) 23.3 16.4 10.7 19.7
34 J. Meredith et al. / Composites Science and Technology 80 (2013) 31–38

Although PLA cellulose composites can reach strengths of 92 MPa

tensile and 152 MPa flexural [37,38]. Self-reinforced rayon com-
posites have been shown to have a tensile strength of 70 MPa [39].

3.2. Impact testing

The results from impact testing are shown in Table 2. Biotex

MTM49 had the highest SEA at 34.2 kJ/kg, followed by Cordenka
MTM49 at 23.0 kJ/kg, Lineo at 22.5 kJ/kg and Biotex MTM28
21.2 kJ/kg. There is no correlation between the static compression
properties and the SEA which was evident in work on carbon fibre
composites [32]. The two materials with the highest compression
strength were Cordenka (299.6 MPa) and Biotex MTM49
(223.5 MPa), however these performed very differently. Cordenka
failed in a brittle manner (Fig. 4) absorbing energy through pulver-
isation a lower energy pathway than fronding and friction. The Bio-
Fig. 2. Strength results for flax and Cordenka prepreg composites. tex MTM49 ejected some material in the creation of large fronds
suggesting that a debris wedge has formed which is splitting the
material both inside and out as it fails, providing higher energy
The Lineo flax and Cordenka cone tips can be seen to fracture
upon impact demonstrating signs of brittle failure. Whereas the
Cordenka composite continued to fail in a brittle manner the Lineo
material begins to fail more progressively. Fig. 4 highlights large
pieces of Lineo material being ejected from the cone. These appear
to be broken off chunks of laminate rather than fronds indicating
that the material may have inter-laminar weakness resulting in a
low dissipation of energy.
If Biotex is examined alone, then Biotex MTM49 behaves better
dynamically than Biotex MTM28 which has a slightly different set
of failure mechanisms. Biotex MTM28 ejects very little material
and has only internal fronding as a result of the tough MTM28 re-
sin system (Fig. 4). This causes a reduction in the amount of energy
absorbed which is surprising since MTM28 with carbon fibre can
achieve 60 kJ/kg versus 35 kJ/kg with MTM49. Since the Biotex flax
MTM49 combination matches the performance of the carbon fibre
Fig. 3. Modulus results for flax and Cordenka prepreg composites. MTM49 in terms of SEA it is probable that the bond strength be-
tween the resin and the fibre is reduced for MTM28.

composites with MTM49 resin have a compressive modulus of 53 3.3. Analysis

and 33.5 GPa, tensile modulus of 58 and 30.3 GPa and flexural
modulus of 54 and 28 GPa respectively [32]. 3.3.1. Optical microscopy
These results compare favourably with previous research. In Void and fibre volume fraction. The results of sample analy-
terms of tensile strength flax epoxy composites have achieved sis by optical microscopy are shown in Table 3. The porosity of nat-
81–111 MPa [34] although unidirectional flax composites with a ural and cellulose fibre composites is higher than typically seen in
synthetic epoxy have reached 174 MPa and with a naturally de- glass or carbon composites with a range between 2.4–10.3%. Biotex
rived acylated epoxidised soy oil resin 159 MPa [35]. In terms of and Cordenka composites have voidage values that might be ex-
flexural strength these results (Cordenka MTM49 – 173 MPa) are pected for natural and cellulose fibre composites, however the
a significant improvement over other cellulose epoxy samples at Lineo FlaxPreg is high [13,17]. High voidage in the Lineo FlaxPreg
94.7 MPa [36]. Thermoplastic composites PLA/flax and PLA/Cord- is evident throughout this work and suggests that there is insuffi-
enka have shown tensile strengths ranging from 42 to 58 MPa cient resin in the prepreg.
and tensile moduli from 3.2 to 6.3 GPa [29]. This compares well The difference in voidage between the cured plaques and cones
with synthetic polypropylene natural fibre composites with tensile due to their different curing pressures (0.62 MPa versus 0.41 MPa)
strength from 10 to 50 MPa and moduli from 1 to 7 GPa [24]. is small. In the case of the flax materials there is a small reduction

Table 2
Results from dynamic testing of composite cones.

Biotex MTM49 Biotex MTM28 Lineo FlaxPreg Cordenka MTM49

Initial weight (g) 331.3 331.1 322.1 323.5 242.6 241.2 357.7 351.7
Impact velocity (m/s) 8.0 10.3 8.1 8.1 7.9 8.01 7.9 7.0
Peak load (kN) 46.5 48.5 34.7 32.8 34.0 31.0 42.9 37.7
Absorbed energy (kJ) 2.4 4.05 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.5 2.4 2.5
Residual height (mm) 140 99 103 106 94 102 125 133
Residual weight (g) 260.0 – 202.4 – 135.9 – 253.3 –
Specific energy absorption (kJ/kg) 34.2 – 21.2 – 22.5 – 23.0 –
J. Meredith et al. / Composites Science and Technology 80 (2013) 31–38 35

Fig. 4. Still images from impact test.

Table 3
Fibre volume fraction and porosity of impact test specimens measured using optical microscopy.

Plaque mean porosity (%) (SD) Plaque mean fibre volume fraction (%) Cone mean porosity (%) (SD)
Biotex MTM49 4.6 (1.5) 54.1 4.8 (1.7)
Biotex MTM28 3.5 (1.5) 55.2 4.03 (0.7)
Lineo FlaxPreg 10.3 (3.6) 37.2 10.9 (1.5)
Cordenka 2.4 (1.2) 53.0 2.3 (2.4)

in voidage evident at the higher cure pressure. This is due to the the flexible natural fibres. Fig. 5A highlights the compression fail-
compressibility and porosity of the flax fibres which will experi- ure of Biotex MTM49 with inter (i) and intra-laminar (ii) fractures
ence greater compaction at higher pressure resulting in lower voi- clearly visible. Fig. 5B elucidates the Biotex MTM28 compressive
dage and higher fibre volume fraction [40]. The Cordenka fibres failure with inter-laminar (i) failure evident. The Lineo FlaxPreg
demonstrate no reduction in voidage at higher pressure most likely Fig. 5C is visibly more porous (iii) than the other samples with
since the fibres behave more like a glass or carbon fibre and are cracks propagating between the voids (iv) and inter-laminar (i)
incompressible. failure within the composite. The Cordenka sample Fig. 5D has
the highest compressive strength and exhibited a sudden inter- Compression samples. None of the compression samples laminar (i) failure compared with the flax samples which failed
demonstrated any formation of kink bands or fibre failure due to progressively. The compressive strength of a composite is
36 J. Meredith et al. / Composites Science and Technology 80 (2013) 31–38

Fig. 5. Optical micrographs of a section through the compression samples: (A) Biotex Flax MTM49, (B) Biotex Flax MTM28, (C) Lineo FlaxPreg, and (D) Cordenka MTM49.

determined by the properties of the resin and the interface be- [29,41]. The difference in polarity causes hydrogen bonds to form
tween the resin and the fibres, in this case the Cordenka MTM49 between the fibres forcing them to group together in collectives
is particularly good. which causes dry patches that can become interfacial weak points
[42]. Lineo flax Fig. 7C demonstrates large voids within the single Analysis of dynamic test specimens. Analysis of the fracture fibres and fibre bundles suggesting a processing problem with
surface micrographs (Fig. 6) highlights the difference in energy dis- the raw flax or an incompatibility with the chosen resin system.
sipation methods for flax and Cordenka. All of the flax samples Biotex MTM49 Fig. 7A and Biotex MTM28 Fig. 7B demonstrate
demonstrate varying degrees of fronding whereas the Cordenka the polygonal shape and differences in cell size as well as the high
has experienced brittle failure with energy absorption via pulveri- fibre volume fraction. Fig. 7D displays the more regular Cordenka
sation and mode 1 fracture. Biotex MTM49 is shown in Fig. 6A and fibres and how the resin has failed to penetrate throughout the
highlights inter-laminar (i), intra-laminar (ii) and mode 1 (iii) frac- yarn. It also highlights fractures that have occurred after release
ture. Both Biotex MTM49 (A) and MTM28 (B) have some evidence of cure pressure and further highlight the poor bond between fibre
that a debris wedge (iv) has formed helping to absorb energy via and matrix.
Lineo FlaxPreg in Fig. 6C has significant porosity (v). These voids
provide weak areas allowing cracks to propagate between them 4. Conclusions
(vi) and weaken the composite. Cordenka MTM49 in Fig. 6D shows
no evidence of fronding, therefore energy has been absorbed An important finding is that Biotex flax combined with MTM49
through fragmentation of the composite rather than friction be- matches the SEA of T300 carbon fibre using the same resin system
tween fronds. There is evidence of mode 1 fracture (iii) and in- at 35 kJ/kg. The use of a tougher resin system (MTM28) with flax
ter-laminar failure (i) on the outside wall where flakes of was expected to increase the SEA as is the case with carbon fibre
material have fractured off. composites but in fact it was reduced to 21.2 kJ/kg. This is likely
to be because of a reduced bond for this fibre and resin combina-
3.3.2. SEM tion. Lineo FlaxPreg demonstrated disappointing results because
Scanning electron micrographs of polished cross sections of the of its high voidage due to a lack of resin in the prepreg. Cordenka
cured plaque samples are shown in Fig. 7. All of the samples show MTM49 had excellent static properties particularly in compression
signs of poor fibre matrix interface which will reduce the potential but this did not translate into a high SEA demonstrating only 23 kJ/
properties of the composite. The lack of bonding has a number of kg. The material experienced brittle failure dynamically thereby
potential causes such as the waxy layer that covers the cellulose fi- absorbing energy via pulverisation of the material rather than
bres or the polar difference of cellulose fibres and epoxy resin fronding and friction, a more effective mechanism.
J. Meredith et al. / Composites Science and Technology 80 (2013) 31–38 37

Fig. 6. Optical micrograph of a section through the dynamic failure surfaces (clockwise from top left, Biotex Flax MTM 49 (A), Biotex Flax MTM28 (B), Lineo FlaxPreg (C) and
Cordenka (D)).

Fig. 7. SEM of Biotex MTM49 (A), Biotex MTM28 (B), Lineo FlaxPreg (C), and Cordenka (D) highlighting the fibre and matrix interface.
38 J. Meredith et al. / Composites Science and Technology 80 (2013) 31–38

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