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Composite Structures 118 (2014) 1–8

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Composite Structures
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Effect of different commercial oils on mechanical properties

of composite materials
A.M. Amaro a,⇑, P.N.B. Reis b, M.A. Neto a, C. Louro a
CEMUC, Depart. Mechanical Engineering, University of Coimbra, Rua Luís Reis Santos, Pinhal Marrocos, 3030-788 Coimbra, Portugal
Depart. Electromechanical Engineering, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Composite materials are used in several engineering applications, where can be exposed to a range of
Available online 18 July 2014 corrosive environments during their in-service life. Thus, it is necessary understanding the impact of a
corrosive environment in the working life of composite. According the authors’ knowledge, the effect
Keywords: of different commercial oils was not yet studied. Therefore, glass fibre/epoxy composites were subjected
Environmental degradation to oil immersion tests, using an universal multi-grade engine oil (15W-40) and an extra high performance
Mechanical properties hydraulic brake fluid (DOT 4), in order to study the effects of oil absorption behaviour on flexural and
Mechanical testing
impact strength properties of glass fibre/epoxy composites. Both solutions affect the flexural properties
Polymer–matrix composites (PMCs)
and the impact strength. However, for all tests performed, the automotive brake fluid promotes the low-
est values comparatively to the automotive engine oil.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction The effect of moisture on the mechanical properties of fibre-

reinforced polymer composites was investigated by Selzer and
Nowadays, composite materials are used in several engineering Friedrich [6]. These authors, did experimental tests, including ten-
applications, as a consequence of their high specific strength and sile, compression, fatigue and compression after-impact, for evalu-
stiffness, competitive cost, good static and dynamic properties, ating the effect of moisture on the mechanical properties of two
good resistance to corrosion and simplified fabrication. In this con- thermosetting matrices (unmodified and toughness-modified
text, these materials are exposed at different environment condi- epoxy) and of one thermoplastic matrix (polyetheretherketone).
tions, which affect significantly their mechanical properties. The results showed that the absorbed moisture decreases the
In terms of moisture, irreversible material degradation occurs mechanical properties of both epoxy resin-based composites, being
and some chemical changes can be found (relaxation and oxidation this decrease mainly controlled by the matrix or interface, and that
of the matrix material), fibre/matrix debonding and continuous the influence of water on the properties of the thermoplastic mate-
cracks [1,2]. When the water penetrates into the matrix, by diffu- rial was not detectable. The influence of moisture in the thermal
sion or by the interface fibre/resin of a composite, it acts as a plas- and mechanical properties of Kevlar-49/epoxy-resin laminates
ticizer and decreases significantly the glass-transition temperature was studied by Akay et al. [7]. They found that, for every 1% of
[3]. This phenomenon makes composites softer, since the matrix absorbed moisture, the mechanical properties of compression,
becomes pliable due to the presence of the plasticizer [3]. How- interlaminar shear and flexural strengths have reductions of
ever, the rate at which water is absorbed depends on many factors, around 5%, 4% and 2%, respectively. A Similar tendency was also
including the properties of fibres and matrix, temperature, differ- observed by Reis et al. [8], on Kevlar/epoxy composites, in which
ences of water concentration within the composite and the envi- significant decreases of static and fatigue strengths were reported.
ronment [4]. On the other hand, as diffusion is a thermally However, when the water is combined with the temperature, it is
activated process, growing temperature accelerates the short-term possible to observe that all properties referred above decreases sig-
diffusion and increases the diffusion coefficient [3,5]. nificantly [3,9–11].
Some studies about the effect of alkaline and acid solutions on
composite materials can also be found in the literature. According
Banna et al. [12] the final mechanical properties of composite
⇑ Corresponding author. materials subjected to aggressive solutions is determined by the
E-mail addresses: (A.M. Amaro), (P.N.B. Reis), type of resin used. They also showed that in expositions to higher (M.A. Neto), (C. Louro).
0263-8223/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 A.M. Amaro et al. / Composite Structures 118 (2014) 1–8

temperature solutions or to higher exposure duration, the polyes- down to room temperature maintaining pressure and finally get
ter resin has lower modulus values than the bisphenol A epoxy the part out from the mould. The plates were manufactured in a
vinyl ester resin. However, in both resins, the average hardness useful size of 300  300  2.1 mm3.
increases after 2 weeks of exposition and, then, decreases after The specimens used in the experiments were cut from these
4 weeks exposure (but still higher than the unexposed). Finally, thin plates, using a diamond saw and a moving speed chosen to
they have concluded that under acid and higher temperature expo- reduce the heat in the specimen. The static three point bending
sures, the microstructure of polyester material degrades more rap- (3 PB) tests were performed using specimens cut nominally to
idly than the microstructure of bisphenol A epoxy vinyl ester resin, 100  14  2.1 mm3. Relatively to the impact tests, the samples
which can be justified by the increased surface roughness, cracks used were cut from those thin plates to square specimens with
and diffusion of sulphur into the cracks. Amaro et al. [13,14] com- 100 mm side and 2.1 mm thickness (100  100  2.1 mm3).
pared the effects of alkaline and acid solutions on glass/epoxy com- Finally, the specimens were completely submerged into two types
posites. Authors showed that the alkaline solution is more of oils, 15W-40 (an universal multi-grade engine oil) and DOT 4 (an
aggressive than the acid solution, promoting the lowest flexural extra high performance hydraulic brake fluid). The exposure time
properties. In terms of acid solutions, for example, the hydrochloric was 15 and 45 days at room temperature. An important remark
acid is responsible by the worst results [14]. The ultramicroinden- is the fact that both faces of the samples were exposed to the oil
tation showed a decreasing of the matrix mechanical properties solution, what it is not very typical in real conditions. Afterwards,
and the roughness was higher for the samples immersed in alka- they were cleaned with tissue paper.
line solutions [13,14]. The bending tests were performed according to ASTM D790-2,
In fact, the acid and alkaline solutions significantly affect the using a Shimadzu AG-10 universal testing machine equipped with
mechanical properties, but their effects are strongly dependent of a 5 kN load cell and TRAPEZIUM software at a displacement rate of
the exposure time [13–16], concentration [16–18] and tempera- 5 mm/min. All 3PB tests were also carried out at room tempera-
ture of the solution [15,17]. Relatively to the exposure time, Mah- ture, with a span of 34 mm and, for each condition, 5 specimens
moud and Tantawi [15] found a significant influence of this were used. Bending strength was calculated as the nominal stress
parameter on the flexural strength, hardness and Charpy impact at middle span section obtained using maximum value of the load.
resistance. For Stamenovic et al. [16], the changes observed on The nominal bending stress was calculated using Eq. (1):
the tensile properties are proportional to the exposure time (num- 3PL
ber of days in solution). Moreover, these authors found that ulti- r¼ 2
mate tensile strength and modulus show significant decreases
with increasing the pH value. According Mortas et al. [17], the cor- where P is the load, L is the span length, b is the width and h is the
rosive environment decreases the impact strength and its effect is thickness of the specimen. The stiffness modulus was calculated by
highly dependent of the concentrations of solution. Finally, inde- the linear elastic bending beams theory relationship (Eq. (2)):
pendently of the nature of aggressive solutions and of their con- DP  L3
centration, the fact is that if composites are exposed to acid E¼ ð2Þ
48Du  I
solutions at higher temperatures, the exposure induces a decreas-
ing of the mechanical properties [15,17]. where I is the moment of inertia of the cross-section and DP, Du are,
In the literature there are several works about the effect of respectively, the load range and the flexural displacement range at
moisture, hygrothermal and aggressive solutions (alkaline and acid middle span for an interval in the linear region of the load versus
solutions) on the mechanical properties of composite materials. displacement plot. The stiffness modulus was obtained by linear
But, according the authors’ knowledge was not yet performed regression of the load–displacement curves considering the interval
any study about the effect of different commercial oils in the in the linear segment with a correlation factor greater than 95%.
mechanical properties of composite materials. Thus, the aim of this The low velocity impact tests were made using a drop weight-
work is to increase the knowledge of those materials’ degradation testing machine Instron-Ceast 9340. A hemispherical impactor
under the exposure of two different oil solutions: 15W-40 (an uni- with diameter of 10 mm and mass of 3.4 kg was used. The tests
versal multi-grade engine oil) and DOT 4 (an extra high perfor- were performed on circular section samples of 70 mm of diameter
mance hydraulic brake fluid). In this paper, the understanding of and the impactor stroke at the centre of the samples. The samples
degradation is evaluated in terms of flexural and impact strength were centrally supported by a specimen of 100  100 mm dimen-
mechanical properties. The bending tests were selected because, sions. The impact energy used for all impacts was 4 J, which corre-
according Banna et al. [12], are the most sensitive to changes of sponds to an impact velocity of 1.53 ms1. For each condition, five
exposure conditions and, on the other hand, impacts at low veloc- specimens were tested at room temperature. After impact tests, all
ity are very dangerous, because they affect dramatically the the specimens were inspected in order to evaluate the size and
mechanical performance of such materials [19–23] and, at same shape of the delaminations. As the glass-laminated plates are
time, the damages promoted are difficult to detect visually [24,25]. translucent, it is possible to obtain the image of the damage using
photography. Nevertheless, in order to achieve the best possible
definition of the damaged area, the plates were photographed in
2. Material and experimental procedure
counter-light using a powerful light source. Plates were framed
in a window so that all the light could fall upon them.
Composite laminates were prepared in the laboratory from
Based on BS EN ISO 62:1999 standard, the following procedure
glass fibre Prepreg TEXIPREGÒET443 (EE190 ET443 Glass Fabric
was used to obtain the oil absorption: the samples were placed in
PREPREG from SEAL, Legnano, Italy) and processed in agreement
an oven at 40 °C for 6 h, then cooled and weighed in order to obtain
with the manufacturer recommendations, using the autoclave/vac-
the dry weight (DW); afterwards, a series of samples were
uum-bag moulding process. The laminates were manufactured
immersed in the respective oils (15W-40 and DOT 4) and, periodi-
with the stacking sequence [02,902]2s. The processing setup con-
cally, weighted to obtain the current wet weight (CWW). The oil
sisted of several steps: make the hermetic bag and apply
absorption, in weight percentage (W%), was calculated using Eq. (3):
0.05 MPa vacuum; heat up to 125° C at a 3–5 °C/min rate; apply
a pressure of 0.5 MPa when a temperature of 120–125 °C is CWW  DW
W% ¼  100 ð3Þ
reached; maintaining pressure and temperature for 60 min; cool DW
A.M. Amaro et al. / Composite Structures 118 (2014) 1–8 3

After exposure, the roughness profiles were obtained by a Mitutoyo all conditions tested. Both curves are practically linear until the
equipment, model SJ-500. In order to obtain the roughness param- maximum load is reached, where – a sudden drop occurs. In order
eters of all samples, measures were made in different zones of sam- to explain the differences observed, the failure mechanisms are
ple. Simultaneous, the surface topology was also observed in a presented in Fig. 2. For all conditions tested, the damage starts
scanning electron microscope (SEM) and, all specimens, were sput- by the fracture of the fibres in the tensile surface following, poste-
tered coated with a 10 nm layer of gold prior to SEM observation. riorly, different damage mechanisms. Relatively to the control
The morphology was evaluated using Philips XL30 equipment. samples (Fig. 2a), after the fracture of the fibres in tensile, with
Finally, the hardness was evaluated by ultramicroindentation, using small delaminations around the broken fibres, occurs compressive
Fisherscope H100 equipment and a load of 500 mN. The hardness breakage of the longitudinal fibres in the pin load contact region.
values were corrected for the geometrical imperfections of the Vick- According to Reis et al. [27], this phenomenon is consequence of
ers indenter, the thermal drift of the equipment and the uncertainty the high compressive stress concentration in the pin load contact
in the zero position according with reference [26]. The hardness, H, region associated to the low compressive strength of the fibres.
is defined as the maximum applied load during the indentation test, For the samples immersed in the 15W-40 solution (Fig. 2b), asso-
Pmax, divided by the contact area of the indentation immediately ciated to the fracture of the fibres in the tensile surface occurs sig-
before unloading, AC. nificant delaminations around the broken fibres. Similar damage
can be found for the samples exposed to the DOT 4 solution
3. Results and discussion (Fig. 2c), however, in this case, extensive delaminations (cracks)
occurs between layers of the mid-thickness in tensile. It is evident
Tensile and bending tests were performed by Banna et al. [12] that these solutions promote matrix/fibre interface degradation,
in order to evaluate the degradation of composite materials under especially for the aggressive one, where this damage mechanism
aggressive solutions and concluded that the last ones (bending is more evident (Fig. 2c). These main damages are in agreement
tests) are the most sensitive. Therefore, Fig. 1 shows an example
of the load versus flexural displacement curves for the control sam-
ples and samples exposed at 15W-40 and DOT 4 solutions, consid-
ering different exposure time. These curves are representative of
1 mm
Control (a)
600 15W40 15 days
DOT4 15 days

Load [N]

1 mm

0 1 2 3 4
Displacement [mm]
Control (b)
600 DOT4 15 days
DOT4 45 days
Load [N]

1 mm


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Displacement [mm]

Fig. 1. Typical load–displacement curves: (a) Effect of the solution; (b) Effect of the Fig. 2. Failure mechanisms: (a) Control samples; (b) Samples exposed to 15W40
exposure time. during 45 days; (c) Samples exposed to DOT4 during 45 days.
4 A.M. Amaro et al. / Composite Structures 118 (2014) 1–8

Table 1
Effect of the solutions on bending properties.

Samples Aver. flexural Std. dev. Aver. flexural Std. dev.

stress (MPa) (MPa) modulus (GPa) (GPa)
Control 826.1 22.4 28.4 1.77

Load [N]
15 days 810.2 21.9 27.2 2.23
45 days 764.6 21.5 25.3 2.27

Energy [J]
15 days 798.9 14.9 26.1 2.70
45 days 735.9 16.3 23.4 2.87

with the studies developed by Amaro et al. [13,14], where the

aggressive solutions promote more extensive delaminations.
Table 1 presents the bending strength, calculated by Eq. (1), and Time [ms]
the bending stiffness modulus, calculated by Eq. (2), in terms of
average values and respective standard deviations. It is possible
to observe that, for the same exposure time (15 days), the hydrau- Displacement [mm]
lic brake fluid (DOT 4) promotes lower bending strength and bend-
Fig. 3. Typical load-time, load–displacement and energy–time curves for the
ing stiffness modulus than the universal multi-grade engine oil
control laminates.
(15W-40) relatively to the control samples. In terms of bending
strength this difference is, respectively, around 3.3% and 1.9% while
for the bending stiffness modulus is about 8.1% and 4.2%. On the
Table 2
other hand, and independently of the solution, the flexural Effect of the solutions and exposure time on the impact parameters.
strength and the flexural modulus decrease with the exposure
Samples Average max. Std. dev. Average max. Std. dev.
time. After 45 days the flexural strength decreases around 7.5%
load (N) (N) disp. (mm) (mm)
for the samples immersed in universal multi-grade engine oil
(15W-40) and 10.9% for the samples immersed in hydraulic brake Control 2737.1 11.0 2.26 0.2
fluid (DOT 4). Relatively to the flexural modulus these values are 15 days 2694.9 8.4 2.68 0.1
10.9% and 17.6%, respectively. These results agree with the litera- 45 days 2648.7 11.5 2.79 0.1
ture, where the aggressive solutions promote higher decreases of DOT4
the flexural properties [12–17,28]. For example, relatively to the 15 days 2665.6 15.5 2.81 0.1
hydraulic brake fluid (DOT4), the drop observed in terms of flexural 45 days 2515.4 10.3 3.12 0.1
strength (10.9%) and flexural modulus (17.6%), after 45 days of
exposure, is very similar to the values obtained by Amaro et al.
[14] with sulphuric acid (H2SO4) for an exposure time of 36 days the difference between the absorbed energy and the energy at peak
(11.6% and 17.6%, respectively). In this case, the lower flexural load [32,33].
properties were justified by the authors as consequence of the Table 2 presents, in terms of average values, the maximum load
lower Young’s modulus of the matrix and the matrix/fibre interface (Pmax) and maximum displacement obtained for the different solu-
degradation [13,14]. In fact, as shown in Fig. 2, significant delamin- tions and exposure time. After 15 days, for example, Pmax decreases
ations (cracks) occurred for the samples immersed in automotive around 1.5% when the samples are exposed to the universal multi-
brake fluid evidencing the matrix/fibre interface degradation. grade engine oil (15W-40) and 2.6% for the samples immersed in
On the other hand, low velocity impact events are very hydraulic brake fluid (DOT 4) relatively to the control samples.
dangerous, because they affect significantly the residual properties However, these values decrease for 3.2% and 8.1% after 45 days of
[19–23], and occurs frequently in-service or during maintenance exposure, respectively. The same comparison can be done for the
activities. In this context, present study analyses also the effect maximum displacement but, in this case, the opposite tendency
of these solutions on the impact strength. Fig. 3 shows the typical occurs. Relatively to the automotive engine oil this parameter
load-time (black colour), load–displacement (blue colour) and increases about 18.6% and 23.5%, while for the DOT4 solution the
energy-time (red1 colour) curves for the first impact relatively to values are around 24.3% and 38.1% after, respectively, 15 days
the control samples. These curves are representative of all samples and 45 days of exposure. Fig. 4 shows the elastic energy and
tested and are in agreement with those reported in literature damaged area against exposure time.
[13,14,29–33]. As expected, the elastic energy (restitution energy) decreases
The load–time and load–displacement curves are characterised with the exposition to the both solutions and shows to be depen-
by an increasing of the load up to a maximum value (Pmax) fol- dent with the exposure time. Consequently the damaged area
lowed by a drop after the peak load. In all tests the impactor sticks increases. For example, when the elastic energies are compared
into specimens and rebound always, which means that the maxi- with the other ones obtained for the control samples, a decreasing
mum impact energy was not high enough to infiltrate full penetra- of 9.7% and 20.6% occurs for the samples immersed in 15W-40
tion [32,33]. From the curves that represent the evolution of the solution during 15 and 45 days, respectively. However, these val-
energy with time, the beginning of the plateau of the curve coin- ues increase to 17.2% and 32.3%, respectively, for the DOT 4 solu-
cides with the loss of contact between the striker and the speci- tion. The same comparison for both solutions, but in terms of
men. This energy coincides with that absorbed by the specimen damaged area, presents values of 19.7% and 35.2% higher for the
and the elastic energy (restitution energy) can be calculated as samples immersed in automotive engine oil but 32.4% and 47.9%
higher for the samples immersed in automotive brake fluid. These
For interpretation of color in Fig. 3, the reader is referred to the web version of results agree with the other ones obtained previously by the flex-
this article. ural tests and with the open literature [13,14]. According with
A.M. Amaro et al. / Composite Structures 118 (2014) 1–8 5

250 70 the bibliography, an interaction mechanism between matrix crack-

ing and delamination occurs on composite materials submitted to
60 low velocity impact [25,34,35]. On the other hand, the corrosive
225 solutions increase the number of cracks on the laminates, which
50 interacting with the delaminations promotes higher damaged
Damaged area [mm2]

Elastic energy [%]

areas (consequently the elastic energy decreases) [13,14]. Simulta-
200 40 neously, a poor fibre–matrix connection promotes the weakness of
the load carrying capacity of material [13,14,16].
175 30 In order to explain these results some additional tests were
done. The weight gain was obtained and Table 3 shows the results
20 for both solutions. It is possible to observe a small tendency to
150 15W40 DOT4 weight gain in terms of 15W-40 solution, but an inverse tendency
15W40 DOT4 10 can be found for the DOT 4 solution. In this case, compared with
the dry samples, a decrease about 2.16% can be found after 45 days
125 0 of exposure.
0 10 20 30 40 50
The surface topology was observed in a scanning electron
Exposure time [days] microscope (SEM) and Fig. 5 shows the typical pictures obtained.
Fig. 4. Damaged area and elastic energy against exposure time.
The unexposed samples (control samples) are characterised by a
smooth surface, Fig. 5a, but the exposition to the solutions increase
the roughness of the surface (micro-cracks). In order to quantify
Table 3
Effect of the solutions and exposure time on the weight gain.
this phenomenon, Table 4 presents the statistic of the roughness
measurements. It is evident the effect of the solutions on surface
Solution Exposure time (days) Weight gain (%) Std. dev. (%)
topology and the exposure time. For example, in terms of Rz (aver-
15W40 15 0.21 0.08 age peak to valley height), it is possible to observe a small tendency
45 0.38 0.12 to increase on the samples exposed to the 15W-40 solution
DOT 4 15 0.43 0.14 (11.62 lm after 15 days and 13.22 lm after 45 days) relatively to
45 2.16 0.18 the control samples (10.59 lm). However, according with Fig. 5,


50 µm

(b) (c)

50 µm 50 µm

(d) (e)

50 µm 50 µm

Fig. 5. SEM pictures for: (a) Control samples; (b) Samples exposed to 15W40 during 15 days; (c) Samples exposed to 15W40 during 45 days; (d) Samples exposed to DOT4
during 15 days; (e) Samples exposed to DOT4 during 45 days.
6 A.M. Amaro et al. / Composite Structures 118 (2014) 1–8

Table 4 Table 6
Statistics of the roughness measurements. Number of impacts to failure.

Samples/statistic values (lm) Exposure time (days) Samples Number of impacts to failure
0 15 45 Control 12
Control samples
15 days 11
Arithmetic average, Ra 2.07 ± 0.16 – –
45 days 11
Root mean square, Rq 2.52 ± 0.19 – –
Average peak to valley height, Rz 10.59 ± 0.29 – – DOT4
Core roughness depth, Rk 6.45 ± 0.17 – – 15 days 10
Reduced peak height, Rpk 2.49 ± 0.18 – – 45 days 8
Reduced valley depth, Rvk 1.22 ± 0.17 – –
Arithmetic average, Ra – 2.38 ± 0.16 2.71 ± 0.15
Root mean square, Rq – 3.39 ± 0.15 3.44 ± 0.16 of the load-penetration depth curves obtained. These curves agree
Average peak to valley height, Rz – 11.62 ± 0.21 13.22 ± 0.27 with other ones presented in the literature [13,14,26] and the
Core roughness depth, Rk – 6.34 ± 0.18 8.25 ± 0.16 important quantities in this loading–unloading cycle are maximum
Reduced peak height, Rpk – 6.78 ± 0.19 5.03 ± 0.12 load, maximum depth, final depth after unloading and the slope of
Reduced valley depth, Rvk – 2.19 ± 0.17 1.68 ± 0.16
the upper portion of the unloading curve known as the elastic con-
DOT4 tact stiffness. Table 5 presents the average values of hardness,
Arithmetic average, Ra – 2.88 ± 0.14 3.99 ± 0.15
indentation modulus (ER) and Young’s modulus (E) of the matrix.
Root mean square, Rq – 3.57 ± 0.15 5.51 ± 0.18
Average peak to valley height, Rz – 15.05 ± 0.28 24.01 ± 0.29 It is possible to conclude that the measured hardness decreases,
Core roughness depth, Rk – 9.58 ± 0.18 10.46 ± 0.17 independently of the solution and exposure time, in comparison
Reduced peak height, Rpk – 3.93 ± 0.19 3.53 ± 0.16 with the control samples (0.288 GPa). For example, after 45 days
Reduced valley depth, Rvk – 2.53 ± 0.17 11.61 ± 0.15
of exposition, the average value of hardness decreases around
10.8% and 11.5%, respectively, for universal multi-grade engine
oil (15W-40) and hydraulic brake fluid (DOT 4). Finally, the inden-
250 tation modulus (ER) and Young’s modulus of the matrix was
Control obtained according with Antunes et al. [26], where the indentation
15 days- 15W40 modulus (ER) is a function of the Young’s modulus (E) and the Pois-
200 son ratio (m) of the specimen and the indenter. For both parame-
45 days - 15W40
ters, a similar evolution to the hardness can be found. After
Indentation Load [mN]

15 days- DOT4
150 45 days of exposure a decrease about 23.2% and 33.0% occurs,
45 days- DOT4
respectively, for the 15W-40 solution and DOT 4 solution in com-
parison to the control samples. Therefore, this can explain also
100 the lower flexural properties observed associated to the matrix/
fibre interface degradation.
Finally, the effect of these solutions on laminates subjected to
50 multi impacts will be analysed. Table 6 shows the impact resis-
tance and the laminates are considered failed when full perforation
occurs. Full perforation is defined when the impactor completely
0 moves through the samples. The performance of the laminates to
0 2 4 6 8
repeated low velocity impacts is dependent of the solutions. After
Indentation depth [mm]
45 days of immersion, for example, the impact resistance decreases
Fig. 6. Schematic representation of the typical load-penetration depth curves. around 8.3% for the 15W-40 solution and 33.3% for the DOT 4 solu-
tion, when compared with the control samples. This was expected,
because the automotive brake fluid promotes major damages on
the exposition to the DOT 4 solution promotes the highest values, the laminates, in terms of matrix and interface matrix/fibre, as seen
where Rz increases around 42.1% and 126.7% after 15 days and previously. Fig. 7 shows the aspect of the samples (one impact
45 days of exposure time, respectively, relatively to the control before of the full penetration) for each condition tested, where is
samples. Therefore, besides the effect on the adhesion between evident the matrix/fibre interface degradation.
the fibres and matrix, DOT 4 solution promotes multiple cracks Fig. 8 presents the evolution of the elastic energy (restitution
on the matrix. energy) against the normalised impact numbers (N/Nf), where
The hardness was also evaluated by ultramicroindentation and the last impact it is not represented because occurs full penetration
Fig. 6 shows, for all conditions tested, a schematic representation (elastic energy = 0). N is the current number of impact and Nf is the

Table 5
Effect of the solutions on average values of hardness, indentation modulus and Young’s modulus of the polymeric matrix.

Samples Aver. hardness VH (GPa) Std. dev. (GPa) Aver. ER (MPa) Std. dev. (MPa) Aver. E (GPa) Std. dev. (GPa)
Control samples 0.288 0.01 8.50 1.59 7.83 1.47
15 days 0.258 0.01 6.73 0.66 6.13 0.62
45 days 0.257 0.01 6.55 0.85 6.01 0.80
15 days 0.256 0.01 6.35 0.59 5.83 0.50
45 days 0.255 0.01 6.19 0.84 5.25 0.78
A.M. Amaro et al. / Composite Structures 118 (2014) 1–8 7

(a) (b)

Fig. 7. Aspect of the samples, one impact before of the full penetration, for: (a) Control samples; (b) Samples immersed in 15W40 solution during 15 days; (c) Samples
immersed in DOT4 solution during 15 days.

80 4. Conclusions

70 This work studied the flexural and low velocity impact response
60 of a glass fibre/epoxy composite after immersion in universal
multi-grade engine oil (15W-40) and in extra high performance
Elastic energy [%]

50 hydraulic brake fluid (DOT 4).

It is possible to conclude that both solutions affect the flexural
40 strength and flexural modulus. In terms of impact parameters, the
Control samples exposition to these solutions promotes lower maximum loads and
higher maximum displacements relatively to the control samples.
15W40 - 15 days
20 The elastic energy decreases with the exposition for both solutions
DOT4 - 15 days
and shows to be very dependent with the exposure time. Finally,
10 15W40 - 45 days the performance of the laminates to repeated low velocity impacts
DOT4 - 45 days depends of the solution. However, for all tests performed, the auto-
0 motive brake fluid promotes the lowest values comparatively to
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 the automotive engine oil.
N/Nf According with the complementary tests performed, the
decreasing of the mechanical properties observed can be explained
Fig. 8. Elastic energy against number of impacts.
by the lower Young’s modulus, in terms of matrix, associated to the
matrix/fibre interface degradation. In this context, the load carrying
70 1000 capacity of the composites decreases. On the other hand, when the
laminates are in contact with the solutions, especially with the auto-
60 motive brake fluid, multiple cracks occur on the matrix. These cracks
800 interact with the delaminations and higher damaged area occurs.
Damage area [mm2]

Elastic energy [%]

40 600
This research is sponsored by FEDER funds through the program
30 COMPETE – Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade –
and by national funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a
20 Tecnologia, under the project PEst-C/EME/UI0285/2013.
Control samples
15W40 - 45 days
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DOT4 - 45 days
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