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1,a) the early Muslim converts were those people that accepted Islam when Mh’d had just started

• Mh’d became a prophet in 610A.D and managed to get a few converts but they kept on
increasing in number despite the challenges
• The 1st converts included people like Uthuman bin Affan, Summaya,Bilal,Zubair
binAwwam and others
• They were generally not treated well before 622AD when the Muslims migrated to
• They went through such experiences like:-they were highly discriminated by their own
• They were mistreated in terms of beating and others
• Some were denied basic items of life like food
• Others were even forced out of their homes
• Early converts were killed e.g. Yasir
• They were not allowed to worship freely
• At one point they were taken through the social boycott
• They had no access to the Kaaba yet they strongly respected it
• The converts were always abused, shouted at and publically embarrassed e.t.c
• They were always stopped by force to preach their religion
• Women were divorced by their husbands e.g. Abdulahab’s sons were told to divorce their
converted wives (10x 1= 10 mks)
b) although they were treated in a bad way, their reactions were not as bad
• They mostly remained calm and didn’t shout bock
• They always prayed to God to help them out
• New converts practiced patience of the highest order
• They helped each other out of trouble e.g. slaves were bought
• They practiced brotherhood to one another
• Converts just continued with their religion without giving up
• They practiced their religion secretly to avoid being seen
• At another point they migrated to other places like Abbysinia for security
• The new converts prayed for the conversion of their dangerous enemies
• They always encouraged each other not to give up with the mission
• As they migrated, they went in small groups and at night still to avoid being seen

2,a) Yathib was the old name of medina which changed after MHD’S arrival in this place in
622A.D (Hejira)
• Islam arrived in yathrib in 620 after the social boycott when MH’D preached to six (6)
people from this area who had come for pilgrimage
• When they went back, they informed their relatives about Islam and from then on wards
it grew stronger
• They were ready for Islam because of a number of factors e.g.:
• All along they were expecting a prophet to come as taught by their books therefore they
quickly accepted MH’D
• Some of them were related to MH’D so they could not let him safer
• They wanted to learn more about Islam therefore very ready to receive and support it
• Yathribites also wanted to convert Islam from a man they knew before
• They had seen and known MH’D’s character before therefore they were sure of him, no
reason to oppose him
• Yathribites were generally a more hospitable group than the meccans
• They wanted someone to unite them from their conflicts therefore quickly accepting
• Yathribites also wanted him to uplift their morals from evils- hence allowing him quickly
• They wanted to give him security from the meccans
• MH’D had been completely rejected in Mecca, therefore they didn’t want him to remain
• The Aus and the Khajraj expected him to help them politically and socially up lifted (
10x 1, 10 mks)
b) T he promises they made are known as the pledges of Aqaba i.e. 1st pledge(621) and the 2nd
pledge (622 AD)
• In the 1st pledge, they were 12 yathribes in 621, A.D who had come for Hajj
• After their Hajj rites, they promised the following
• To believe and accept the one GOD preached by MH’D
• Never to associate the major God with any other God
• To believe in MH’D as the true prophet of God
• To follow MH’D’s orders in whatever he tells them
• Never to repeat any of their Jahliyah evils e.g.infanticide
• In the 2nd pledge they were 72 people in 622 after Hajj
• They promised MH’D once again another round
• They repeated the 1st 5 pledges above and even added on other i.e.
• They promised to protect MH’D and the Muslims as their own children and women
• They promised full support to Islam in every aspect
• They finally invited MH’D to migrate to their area
• Uncle Abbas warned the two parties about the invitation but was assured of the security
• MH’D accepted but promised to come
3,a) The battle of Uhud was 2nd physical encounter between the Muslims and the meccans at the
hill of Uhud

• It happened in 625AD one year after that of Badr

• The meccans had not been happy with the results at Badr therefore they planned another
• They organized their big army which was far better than that of the Muslim both in
numbers, experience and weapons
• They matched toward medina and when the Muslims heard of this they organized a
• The Muslims had managed to raise an army of 1000 men Vs 3000 men of the Quraish
• MH’D instructed his fighters to take special protection of key areas e.g. the pathways
• None was to leave the point with or with out victory
• It began with single fighters and later a full scale battle
• Muslims fought courageously and were indeed winning therefore the enemy started
• Muslim fighters got excited about the win that they left the point assigned to them
• The enemy took advantage of this and attacked from behind
• Muslims were taken by surprise, greatly fought and they became disorganized
• Panicking was too high that MH’D was left unguarded
• He was highly hurt and even announced death
• MH’D answered that he was still alive but the damage was already big
• Muslims re-organized but many had already lost their lives
• They organized to pray for and burry their fallen brothers
• The Quraish mean while the bodies of the fallen Muslims

3,b) The results of the above battle included

• Muslims were alerted that they had hypocrites among them

• They were thoroughly defeated by the enemy
• Many lost their lives yet they were strong defenders of Islam
• It also led to the expulsion of the jews from Medina for helping the Meccans
• It also led to other future battles like that of Khandaq since the jews wanted to try and
come back
• A lot of property was destroyed in the process of fighting
• It weakened the Muslims although they did not give up with the mission
• It taught them that women can also offer prayers for the dead
• It resulted into the hurting of the prophet by the enemy
• The quraish celebrated victory at home
• It taught them not to be over excited
• Also never be overtaken up by worldly materials
• Taught them that MH’D is a normal human being (10 x 1, 10 mks)
• Either
4. a)In 628 A.D the Muslims and the Meccans made an agreement/truce/treaty known as the
Hudaibiyyah treaty
• In it they agreed upon the following clauses;
• That there would be no fighting for the next 10 yrs
• That Hijja would not be performed that year (628 AD)
• It would be performed that year (629 AD)
• They would spend only three days in Mecca foe Hijja
• In 629 Muslims would not carry any strong weapons but simple swords
• Meccans would move out of the city to allow Muslims do their Hijja freely.
• Each side was free to have an alive (friend) from other tribes
• They would remain neutral in case their allies were at war with another party
• No meccans to cross to medina without permission
• Whoever crossed would be brought back to Mecca
• Muslims were free to remain in Mecca if they wished
• The trade route to sham was free to be opened
b) The role of the clauses in promoting Islam includes:
• The clause promoted peace which enabled MH’D to spread Islam
• They reduced on the enemity between the two sides which was good for Islam
• It enabled the Muslims to get friends which was good for its support
• For the 1st time the meccans reorganized MH’D as a leader which raised his position and
influence of Islam
• The clauses were later abused by the meccans which gave advantage to conquer Mecca
• The free movement allowed gave opportunity to Islam to be spread
• By allowing Muslims to stay if they wish it was promoting indirect spread of Islam
• The clauses gave ample time to the enemy to appreciate Islam
• They assured Muslims that they would perform Hijja with no interruption
• The clauses promoted economic development since the route was opened and this was a
financial boost to the spread of Islam


4, MH’D became a prophet in 610 A.D and he died in 632 A.D

• Ever since he introduced Islam in a situation of Jahliyah,by the time he died he had
changed a number of things in society
• Although the morals of society were not good, he changed them e.g
• He eliminated all acts of immorality like obscenity, adultery and others
• He ended the acts of infanticide which were very common
• The dress code which was very poor was greatly changed by MH’D to lifted
• Slaves were also greatly uplifted by MH’D by the year 632 A.D
• The constant enemity previously existing was and ended by the peace introduced by
• He ended the conflicts between tribes which had been common before e.g the Aus and
the Khajraj
• The unlimited polygamy was also regularized by MH’D which was a great achievement
• The constant divorce that was very unfair to the women was also regularized Islam
• Brotherhood preached by him helped a lot in promoting social cohesion
• Equality highly changed the unfair situation that existed before him
• The process of inheritance which was both immoral and unfair was also changed by
MH’D by 632 AD
• Gambling which was both a social and economic evil was equally ended by MH’D’s


• Abubaker was the 1st caliph to lead the Muslims after the death of the prophet
• He led the Islamic empire for a period of two years 632-634A.D
• During this time a number of areas were conquered by him including; Iraq

a) Iraq conquest: (Persian conquest)

• This was an area that was not Islamic before

• It was a Christian area under the Christian empire and leadership
• It was in the hands of the Persian Empire and one of its leaders was chesrose
• During MH’D’s time chesrose teared MH’D’s letter of invitation to Islam which greatly
annoyed MH’D
• MH’D prohibited that it would equally be torn apart soon (later)
• During Abubaker’s time the Persian Empire had a conflict with other Arab leaders like
• The caliph used this as opportunity to pay back to the Persian Empire for the earlier evil
• He supported the Arab leaders against the Persian therefore a combined army was raised
• The combined force attacked and surrounded up Iraq taking over a number of towns and
cities one by one and finally the biggest part was under Islam
• Areas like Hira, Babylon and others were captured by the caliph (10 x1, 10 mks)
b) Syria conquest ( Roman Empire)
• Syria was not a Muslim area before it was a Christian area.
• Under the Roman Empire, Syria had leaders like Heraclius
• During Abubaker’s time he had noted that for effective control of all other neighboring
area, it was vital that even Syria should be under Islam
• Other areas like Iraq and Palestine would not be well controlled if the Christian Romans
were in Syria
• The Caliph therefore organized an attack to Syria since they have always been strong
enemies of Islam
• He divided his army into different sections each with a commander but the over all was
Abu Ubaidah
• Abubaker’s army moved to Syria and Heraclius also prepared his army
• The two armies met at ajinadain and Abubaker realized how serious it was
• He sent for more fighters e.g Khalid bin Walid
• Syria was surrounded up and the Romans were thoroughly defeated-Islam took over


• Calph Abubaker was the 1st leader sfter the death of the prophet
• He led for a period of two years ( 632-634 AD) during which he introduced a number of
changes with in the Empire
• Some of the changes were political, social, economic and others
• Abubaker introduced the following
• He introduced the idea of a state treasury which was to act as the centre of resources for
the benefits of all
• The idea of dividing the empire was also brought as a change for a more effective
• New rules governing the Islamic army were also introduced by Abubaker
• He put up a special deparments for the judges to ensure justice
• Introduced new qualities of any judge to check on their efficiency
• Abubaker land down rules to the governors to ensure justice especially through the Quran
and Hadith
• He always seriously checked his fellow leaders to ensure quality service delivery
• He made prayers compulsory which had been neglected by the Muslim after the death of
the prophet
• Zakah defaulters were equally handed and the situation was back to normal
• As a leader, he made sure that there’s unity with in the empire which had been affected
by Muhammad’s death
• A number of areas like Syria and Iraq were conquered which expanded the Islamic
• He compiled the holy Quran as a way of saving it from extinction
• For the new converts who were being misused by the hypocrites he managed to teach
them through sending of teachers
• A number of schools were set up by him to promote education
• He equally managed to bring back those areas which wanted independence after
𝟏 𝟏
Muhammad’s home. (1 𝟐 x 13+ 𝟐 =20 mks)
6. a)-Calph Umar was the 2nd leader after the death of MH’D after Abubaker.
• He led for a period of 10 yrs between 634-644 A.D during which the Islamic became too
• Most of his time was full of conquests to such areas like Palestine, Egypt, Iraq and others
• He had to carry out the above conquests due to factors like:
• There was need to spread Islam to such areas
• Some of those areas had been conquered by Abubaker but were incomplete so he had to
complete the task
• For purposes of protecting the empire from any attacks he quickly had to conquer those
• He wanted to stop the wishes of the Romans who wanted to capture Arab warriors
• The Romans and the Persians had always opposed and hated Islam therefore he had to
end this opposition
• There had always been an alliance between the Arabs of the North and the Romans which
relation was not good for Islam therefore he had to fight and end it
• The Persians used to capture Arabs areas and even take their land, Umar had to end this.
• The Persian leaders e.g. Aktaf used to torture Arab captives and therefore an urgent need
to stop this
• There was need to stop the Iranian attacks to the Muslims by the caliph
• He had to fulfill MH’D’s prediction of taking a part /defeating the Persian Empire

b) Caliph Umar in all the above conquests he got victory due to a combination of factors like:
• He had a well organized army unlike his opponents
• Himself as commander was feared by his soldiers so they had to do their best.
• He used to select his army commanders carefully and they were very able
• The army was well desplined which gave them an advantage
• His soldiers were well trained and could not be matched with his enemies
• They were equally well equipped compared to the enemies
• Most of his fighter were experienced fighters which is good
• Umar and his solders had a good knowledge of the area they were conquering
• This was the very time when the Persians and the Roman Empire were declining
therefore easy to be defeated
• They had support from the local people who were tired of their dictatorial leaders
• Sometimes they got information from the very person they were conquering which was
an advantage
• They had a lot of determination to fight which helped them to win
• They always treated people well which helped them to get support
• The act of returning land to the local which had been taken by greedy leaders helped to
win them support.
• The fighters greatly had trust in God which enabled them to win
• They had many influential men and resources which could not allow the enemy to win.

7. a)- Calph Uthman was the 3rd leader after the death of MH’D and he led for a period of 12 yrs
• 6 yrs of the above were good though the last 6 were bad and even led to his murder
• Although very challenging, Uthman managed to register some successes e.g.
• He standardized the Quran therefore saving it from being misread
• A number of rebellions were suppressed although with time was finally defeated.
• Some areas were conquered therefore he expanded the empire
• He spread Islam in the empire by sending teachers
• The mosque of the prophet was expanded by him which was good
• A big dam was constructed by him which ensured regular supply of water
• Through the same, Medina was saved from floods which was also good.
• A library was constructed by him for the good of information flow and education in
• Guest houses were constructed by him to help the travelling people
• A number of roads and bridges were constructed which boosted commutations
• The breeding of camels and horse was done by him which was good because they were
good for use in different situations e.g. war
• He introduced the horse tax which improved on state funds
• He ensured justice which the empire by following Quran and Hadith
• He remained an exemplary leader to his people at all times which was good

b) With in the last 6 yrs of his leadership he was greatly disturbed by the hypocrites so much that
by 656 he was finally murdered

• Uthmans, murder had a number of effects which were mainly negative e.g.
• It led to the continued enmity between the Hashimites and the Ummayads
• It destroyed the idea of respect known to be give to leaders
• I t reawakened the old idea of tribalism which had been dismissed by earlier leaders
• It affected unity that had been promoted by the previous leaders.
• Medina as a city lost its old influence upon Muslims and it went to Syria
• The Ansars also lost influence I Muslim affairs which now went to the people of Syria
• The spread of Islam got a set back after his murder because civil war now took over
• It also led to the starting of the ending of Caliphate period
• To a small degree it acted as an eye opener that leaders should be answerable accountable
to their actions


8,a) –The battle of the camel took place in the 656AD immediately when Ali had become a

• It was between Caliph Ali and Lady Aisha the widow of the prophet
• It took place in Basra were the two sides met
• When Uthman was murdered, many people including Aisha demanded for the handling
of the murderers
• Lady Aisha was not in Medina but was updated by Talha and Zubair therefore the tree
joined up and raised a force of 300 men
• Aisha’s army matched to Basra were they suspected the killers to be
• Many of the suspects were killed but even others were found guilty.
• Caliph Ali heard the news and was quick to raise an army to face Lady Aisha
• The two armies met out side the city of Basra and Ali suggested for peace talks
• Both sides resolved not to fight by discuss their differences, therefore, the people who
had rebelled against Uthman did not feel safe
• They knew it was bad for them so they had to find a way of disorganizing the peace that
had been reached up on.
• Just before dawn, the rebels attacked both sides at ago hence each thought that it had
been attacked by the other.
• Both were surprised and what followed was a serious encounter between the two sides
• Ali’s army was far stronger than that of Lady Aisha and they defeated them.
• A number of Lady Aisha’s fighters were killed including Talha and Zubair
• Lady Aisha was taken as a prisoner of war her she camel she used was cut its legs to
protect her.
• She was finally taken back to Medina with due respect
• The battle ended with victory on Ali’s side but bad news to the Muslim community
• It was the 1st in the series of civil wars which made up the Fitna period. (10 mks)

b) The battle of the camel had a few but serious consequences upon Islam and the Muslim at
large e.g.

• It led to a series of encounter between the Muslims and fellow Muslims

• A number of people lost their live e.g. Talha and Zubair
• Continued enmity between Muslims of the same religion
• It was a serious challenge to the performance of Ali as a caliph
• The peace of the Islamic Empire was greatly affected
• The level of the spread o Islam was equally affected due to the loss of time
• It was an opportunity to the enemies of Ali to continue with their disturbances
• It fulfilled Muhammad’s prediction of Muslims fighting one another (12 x 6 +1=10 mks)


9,a) Religious clashes in Buganda were mainly between Muslims on one hand and Christians
combined with the traditionist on the other hand.

• There were a series of them at different places e.g.Nassenyi, kitebi

• They took place between 1888-1894 and the following were their causes
• Both sides were struggling to get converts which ended up into fighting
• None of the two was willing to be controlled by the other
• As they preached they insulted one another which led into war
• Captain Lugard incited and encouraged the Christians to fight
• Each was looking for recognition from the Kabaka for supremacy
• There was struggle for political positions although they were hiding under religion
• The long term old enmity between the two sides made them to fight
• Their stay at the palace made them clash
• The differences between the teachings could not allow them to stay in peace
• Christians wanted to revenge their for the earlier conquests done up on them
• The death of Muteesa was good in maintain all of them with no clash
• It was time for the partition of Africa so they had hidden political motives
• Christians were annoyed because of the previous favors given to the Muslims
• Both groups had acquired guns so they felt big and strong enough for the encounter.
• The failure of the Kabaka’s to clearly show which side they were
• Need for the Christians to come back from Ankole
• Need to be back from Bunyoro by the Muslims
• The unfair distribution of lands annoyed the Muslims
• The breakdown of the alliances between the Muslims and Christians to over throw

9,b)-Although in the early clashes the Muslims had tried to handle the Christians, but finally
they were defeated and this had effects up on them e.g.

• Many of them lost their lives in the process

• They became second class citizens in their own country
• Muslims were now politically ignored in every thing
• It weakened them economically because of the poorest counties
• Many of them were forced into exile
• Muslims were persecuted by Christians with the support of Lugard
• They were able to take their religion to other areas like Bunyoro
• Some even converted to Christianity since they were sure of security
• Militarily they became too weak after the war
• It led to the slow rate of spreading Islam ( 08 x1=08mks)


9) Islam arrived in Uganda as the first international religion in 1844 brought by the Arab traders
like Ahmed bin Ibrahim.

• It was mainly 1st in Buganda and later into whole of Uganda. At 1st it was during Kabaka
Ssuuna’s time of rule.
• As it progressed, a number of groups and individuals helped it to grow e.g.
• The Sudanese soldiers: these were mercenary soldiers hired by the colonial government
and to help law and order
• They were male soldiers fro Sudan and as they did their military work, they directly or
indirectly developed Islam in that
• Many used their home as learning centers which was good
• They behaved well towards people therefore attracting them to Islam
• Some personally preached Islam to Ugandans which was also good
• They used their salaries to construct mosques in Uganda
• They established Madrassas which was good for Islam
• After the services many of them permanently stayed here which promoted Islam
• They helped to purify and spread pure Islam in Uganda
• Intermarriages was done by them which helped the religion
• In some areas they even fought for the rights of Muslims
• In others like Toro they even stopped the preaching of the Christian religion by burning
their books
• Some of them became British aides in Uganda and used this opportunity to spread Islam
• They moved from one place to another and in the process they interacted and spread

ii) Muslim refugees;

• These were mainly from Buganda going to other areas of Buganda because they were
looking for security away fro the religious wars
• They went to different areas and as they settled there directly or indirectly spread Islam
• In such areas like Busoga, Ankole they helped Islam in that;
• They preached Islam at Individual level which was good.
• Many used to move from one to another talking about Islam
• They intermarried with the locals which was good for multiplication
• Some became leaders and used offices to promote Islam
• Others knew Arabic and Swahili which they used to interpret to the locals
• Many knew how to make soap and mending guns which attracted them to the locals
hence spreading Islam.
• Others were known for generosity which helped them to attract people.
• Many refugees were polygamous which helped to expose them to a variety of families
• Many even convinced the colonial masters to convert although many of them did not
• They fully involved in social activities which exposed them to the locals
• They used their homes as learning centers which helped Islam
• Simple mosques and madras were also constructed by them

10,a) UMSC was started up by the late al-Hajj Amin Dada as the president of Uganda

• It was in 1972 after kabala and Kampala meetings sitting to forge unity of the Muslims in
• It’s the official umbrella body of the Uganda Muslims with headquarters at Gaddhaf
mosque, old Kampala
• It was established because of many reasons like:
• To unit Muslims in Uganda
• Act as a governing body for all Muslims in Uganda
• Act as a mouth piece for the Muslims to the government
• Connects Muslims to their outside brothers for development
• Later for Muslim education for all Muslims
• Handle Muslim welfare especially those in need e.g. the orphans
• Spread Islam to all parts of Uganda
• Organize Muslim functions e.g. Mauled so as to promote Islam
• Distribute the collected zakat to the rightful people
• Advocate for Muslim rights at all times
• Prevent any conflicts among Muslims in Uganda
• Train sheiks in carrying out Da’wah
• Train sheiks in carrying out Islamic functions
• Settling any conflicts among Muslims that may occur. ( 10 x1= 10mks)

10,b) Since 1972-2015 UMSC has tried but not attained all its objectives because

• A lot of political interference

• They lack skilled man power
• A lot of tribalism is still prevailing
• Uganda is not a Muslim country
• Many Muslims have a negative attitude to it
• Muslims are very poor which affects zakat
• Some areas are very remote and can not be reached
• Others are politically unstable therefore can not be reached
• There is a lot of intended ignorance about Islam among Muslims
• The poor roads network in Uganda affects movements
• Many sheiks concentrate in the urban areas leaving out the rural ones
• The officers themselves are ignorant
• There is a lot of disunity among Muslims in Uganda
• Dishonesty in the part of its officers
• Too many offices with the same work
• Selfishness among the leaders.
• A lot of hypocrisy is killing the council
• Struggle for power is hindering its performance
• Too weak faith among Muslims
• Non-commitment to the duties by the officers

11,a) The leadership crisis between sheik Kakooza and sheik Luwemba

• After a very long power struggle between Kamulegeya and Mulumba, the world Muslim
league had intervened
• Elections were organized at Kibuli in 1987 presided over by sheik Kakooza and Ali
Ssenyonga had been elected as the chairman of the council
• Before other posts were filled the late Abu Mayanja( min. of information) stopped the
process because it was illegal
• He took a government position that the recognized interim leader was Kakooza and his
• This was the start of another conflict after that of Kamulegeya Vs Mulumba
• Chairman ( Ssenyonga) and his group went to court over the illegal stay in office by the
Kakooza group.
• Kibuli elections (1987) were therefore declared illegal (1988) therefore fresh elections
were to be carried out
• Ssenyoga’s group actually appealed for Kakooza’s exist
• By 1990, the Muslim youth went and took over the council by force but were ordered by
the government out
• They were expressing dissatisfaction over Kakooza’s corruption and inefficiency
• All from 1987-1991 it was a period of quarrels between Luwemba, Ssenyonga and others
against Kakooza
• In 1991 finally its appeal was handled by the court showing that the 1987 elections were
this time correct
• Sheik Kakooza left Umsc headquarters and went with his supporters at kibuli
• They claimed that the court had been unfair therefore from Kibuli he continued calling
himself the Mufti from old Kampala Luwemba continued calling himself the Mufit
• Court had declared Luwemba the lawful Mufit but was resisted by the youth Muslim who
again went by force to old Kampala (1991)
• A fight two some days and some police men were killed plus trained dogs. Even the
youth themselves were taken to Luzira to 1992
• Luwemba was now the recognized leader by the government however in 1993 Museveni
organized a meeting at Mbarara to help unite the Muslims
• A number of delegates attended and it was agreed that both leaders step aside and new
elections be organized but Luwemba refused
• His supporter did not even attend in big numbers
• An interim government was put in place with Ahmed Mukasa as Mufit deputized by
Zubair Kayongo who were to lead for only two years and organize elections
• The confusion continued with Luwemba still claiming to be the Mufit at old Kampala
while Ahmed Mukasa from Kibuli claimed the same
• Museveni had not even attended the Mbarara meeting the organized but even did not
recognize the two leaders
• The above situation continued till 2000 when elections were organized and Mubajje was
put into office as the mufti but still conflicts did not end.( 13x 1= 13)

b) Steps can be taken by the Muslims themselves to handle such situations like the above e.g

• Let leaders learn to be genuine to the Muslim affairs

• A new reviewed constitution can be put up with clear term limits
• Elections should be organized at national level
• Muslims should learn to value negations
• They should avoid civil courts and use Islamic law.
• Let them copy what / how Christians do their leadership
• A lot of sensitization can be done to community to value unity
• It can even be based on regional turns of leadership
• Leaders who refuse to respect office should be dismissed


a) Tabliqh movement was started by young Muslims who had broken away from the spidiqa
group at Nakasero
• It was as a result of the immorality that they could not stand from the leaders. It
was in the early 1980’s
• They got a new name from the word Balogh which means to spread
• It had people like Jamir Mukulu, Kakeeto and others with headquarters at
• It was formed because;
• They wanted purifying Islam which was being mixed with culture
• They equally wanted to spread the pure Islam in the whole of Uganda
• They wanted to implement Muhammad’s sunnah in Uganda
• They equally were to spread the sunnah throughout Uganda
• The Tabliqh wanted to advocate for Muslim rights in Uganda
• They were also to convince the Ugandan government to also consider Muslims in
the politics of Uganda
• They were tired of the mismanagement and confusion at the UMSC
• They equally were annoyed over how the council was quite yet Muslims were
mixing up Islam

12,b) The Tabliqhs have played a very big role in promoting Islam in Uganda by:
• They spread Islam through Public lectures
• A number of schools have also been constructed
• They promoted the Islam dress
• Muslim brotherhood was also promoted
• Muslim morals also improved
• They introduced the idea of Darasa’s
• A lot of awareness was created by them
• Confidence among Muslims was created by them
• Quran memorization was promoted through competition
• Quran recitation was also promoted
• They have sponsored people for education, Hijja and others
• The poor have been equally helped
• They fought for Muslim rights greatly
• Purified Islam which was mixed before
• They advertised Islam though sometimes negatively
• Helped in fighting unjustified enemies of Islam
12, a) Sheik Swaib Ssemakula
• Ssemakula was born in 1897 in Katuumu and died in 1973 in Bulemezi
• He was born in a Christian family and even baptized in Buwaya
• As an adult, he participated a lot in trade and was a porter carrying goods in
• He interacted with Swahils and Arabs and later was impressed and influenced into
• He was circumcised by mwalim Shaban and gave him the name Swaib
• Islamic for him was got from different people e.g. mwalim Musale and others
• He made the following contributions to Islam in Uganda
• He always travelled far and wide to look for Islamic knowledge
• He also taught many people about the religion of Islam
• A number of people were convinced by him to accept Islam
• Many times he moved long distances taking the message of Islam to different
groups / communities’ e.g Mbale
• He graduated a number of sheiks who in turn also spread ISLAM E.G. mh’d
• A number of education centre were constructed by him e.g. in Namasuba, Degeya
• He introduced Mauled in Uganda with all its advantages
• Together with Mivule they started up Jamat Islamia in Kawempe which was good
for brotherhood
• He performed Hajj for purposes of encouraging Muslims into the same
• He represented Muslims in 1962 at the independence celebration
• He tried to translate the Quran though he did not complete the work.
• He encouraged Muslims to be strict with the concept of monotheism and avoid
• 12,b)Prince Nuhu Mbogo
• He was a son of kabaka Ssuuna( II) there fore a brother to Muteesa I
• Born in 1835, to the royal family in Buganda and became a Muslim as a young
boy( during Muteesa’s time)
• He was circumcised during Kalema’s time and became a strong Muslim
• When Kalema died in Kijungute-Bunyoro, Mbogo became the Muslim leader
• He made the following contributions to Islam in Uganda
• He sacrificed himself and served as a leader after the death of Kalema
• Participated in the religious wars in Buganda to defend Islam
- He lad Muslims into exile for purposes of security
• He tried and worked for Muslim unity in Uganda
• Talked to the Col. Government about Muslim rights e.g. caps, slaughtering
• Negotiated with government about considering Muslims for leadership
• He led Muslims back to Buganda from Bunyoro exile
• Represented Muslims in the agreement with captain Lugard which resulted into
acquiring land
• Encouraged Muslims to implement the principles of Islam e.g. Hajj
• He taught a number of Muslims regarding Islam
• Highly encouraged Muslims into education
• Contributed and encouraged the construction of mosques
• Requested for land from government for the construction of schools. (1 x10, 10

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