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Election of First Caliph

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Election Of First Caliph

After the demise of Holy Prophet, the first problem before the people was the election of a new leader
• At that time there were two big groups of Muslims exist, Muhajireen (Emigrants) and Ansars (Helpers)
• The Ansars are gathered at the place Saqifa Bani Saida, their meeting –place, near the house of Ansari
leader, Saad Bin Abada
• Saad said that the Caliph must be from among them
• But someone refuted it and suggested that there should be two Caliphs, One from the Ansar and the
other from Muhajireen
• Hazrat Umar objected to this suggestion and said that this would lead confusion among the nation
• Hazrat Abu Ubaidah Bin Jarrah also rejected the suggestion and advised that the Quraish have a better
right to select a Caliph from among them
• The Ansar agreed to have a Muhajir Caliph
• Therefore, Abu Bakr Recommended Umar or Abu Ubaidah as the caliph
• On hearing, both Umar and Abu Ubaidah exclaimed “How can anyone else fill this place as long as you
are among us? You are the top man among the Muhajireen. You were the companion of Holy Prophet in
the cave of Thaur. You led the prayers in his place, during his last illness. With all these qualification, you
are the fittest person to be the successor of the Holy Prophet”
• Hazrat Umar took Abu Bakr’s hand and pledged loyalty to him
• All the others followed him. Thus, Abu Bakr was chosen as the first Caliph of Islam
• At this occasion Abu Bakr mounted on the pulpit of Masjid-e- Nabvi and as Caliph spoke to the people
with following words; “O People! I have been elected your leader, although I am not better than anyone
from among you. If I do any good, give me your support. If I go wrong, set me right. Listen! You must
obey me as long as I obey Allah and His Messenger. If I disobey Allah and His Messenger, you are free to
disobey me”
2. Expedition Of Syria
• The prophet had nominated Hazrat Usama Bin Zaid some weeks ago his demise, to lead an expedition
against the Romans in Syria
• Usama was to avenge the death of his father Hazrat Zaid Bin Haritha, who had been killed by the Syrians
in the battle of Mautah
• The army had not gone very far when the Prophet fell seriously ill and passed away  That helps up the
expedition for some weeks.
• As soon as Abu Bakr became the Caliph, the first thing he thought of was sending the expedition again
• Someone suggested that Usama was too raw to lead the expedition because he was just seventeen
• On suggestion Abu Bakr angrily replied; “what right have I, to dismiss a man appointed by Allah’s
• So, the expedition left under the supervision of Usama Bin Zaid about three weeks after the demise of
Holy Prophet
• This expedition proved very successful as Usama attacked the frontier districts of Syria and returned
victorious to Madinah after forty days
3. The False Prophets
• During the last year of Prophet’s life many false prophets arose in Arabia
• Specially named Aswad Ansi, Musailima, Sajjah and Tulaiha
Aswad Ansi
• Before the demise of Holy Prophet an imposter, Aswad Ansi appeared in Yemen
• He belonged to the Ans Tribe
• He was ugly person and kept his face veiled
• This is why known to be “Veiled Prophet”
• He gathered a considerable number of followers and attacked Sanaa (Capital of Yemen)
• He killed the governor and forcefully married his widow
• The holy Prophet wrote to the leaders of the Muslim army in Yemen to get rid of the imposter
• They secretly joined hands with his newly married wife who was against him
• One night, they killed Aswad and Yemen once again came back under the Muslims
• This news reached Madinah, a day after the Prophet’s demise
• He belonged to the tribe Banu Hanifa
• He visited the Holy Prophet in Madinah during his life time
• On returning, declared his prophethood
• He wrote the letter to the Holy Prophet, claiming himself as a partner in prophethood
• He suggested to divide the land between him and the Holy Prophet
• Holy Prophet refused his suggestion by saying “The whole land belongs to Allah only”
• The Holy Prophet called him “Kazzab” (Liar)
• Demise of Holy Prophet gave Musailima opportunity
• Musailima collected the large to deal with the army of Sajjah
• Rather than to attack, he married with Sajjah
• After the marriage an army of 40,000 under the command of Musailima
• To encounter him, Abu Bakr sent three battalions towards Yamama
• The battalion under the Ikrama Bin Abu Jahl was ordered to attack Musailima, after the battalion under
the Shurabeel bin Hasanah arrived to reinforced it.
• Ikrama attacked Musailima without waiting for Shurabeel and was badly defeated
• When Shurabeel reached, he attacked too and was defeated
• Hazrat Abu Bakr wrote to Khalid Bin Waleed to deal with Musailima
• Khalid Bin Waleed reached with an army of 15,000
• A fierce battle took place at the place of Yamama in 633 A.D
• Musailima and his tribesmen were all put to death
• Since this battle took place in garden and number of people from Banu Haifa were killed
• That’s why it known as “Battle of the Garden of Death”
• Among those who killed Musailima was Wahshi, the Negro slave who killed Hamza R.A  In that battle,
many Muslims were martyred who had memorizer of Quran
• Tulaiha was also one of the imposters
• He belonged to the tribe of Banu Asad
• When he laid to claim prophethood, all his tribesmen became the followers
• On hearing his claim, Abu Bakr sent army of 4000 to crush Tulaiha
• With the intention of Muslims attacked, Tulaiha along with his huge army encamped atthe Bazakha
• In the fierce battle Tulaiha’s army defeated
• Tulaiha fled to Syria with his wife
• Later on, he became Muslim
• During the Caliphate of Umar, he served in the Muslim army in the Iraqi campaigns andthus tried to
compensate for his past sins
• She was a Christian and belonged to the tribe of Banu Tamim
• After the demise of Holy Prophet, she also laid he claim to prophethood
• She raised the army of marched towards Madinah
• On the way, she came across Musailima’s force
• Musailima and Sajjah both were good looking, they were attracted to each other
• It is reported that Musailima hypnotized her and married with her
• After the murder of Musailima, she disappeared and lived in obscurity  Later when the Muslims
conquered Iraq, she accepted Islam
Malik Bin Nuwairah
• He was the chief of the tribe of Banu Tamim
• The Holy Prophet had appointed him as the tax collector for his tribe
• After the demise of Holy Prophet, he did not dispatch the collected tax to Madinah and gave back all the
collected money to his tribesmen
• He also attacked the Muslims of his tribe
• Later, he was captured and killed by the army of Khalid Bin Waleed
4. RiddaWar
• The Ridda wars, also known as “The Wars of Apostasy”
• were a set of military campaign against the rebellion of several tribes in the whole of Arabia (except
Makkah, Madinah and Taif)
• Demise of Holy Prophet led some people to think that Islam was going to end with him
• As they were not firm in their new faith, many of them apostatized from Islam
• Before sending the troops, Abu Bakr had sent his envoys to all apostatized tribes in a final attempt to
make them re-embraced Islam
• The corps commanders were given following instructions:
(i) To call Adhan, on approaching the tribes which were their target
(ii) After adhan they needed to ask the tribe to confirm its submission to Islam including paying of
(iii) The tribes that answered the Adhan and submitted to Islam were not to be attacked
(iv) All the apostates who had killed Muslims were to be killed
Ridda War at Bahrain
• The people of Behrain who had embraced Islam in the life time of the Holy Prophet also apostatized
and started fighting the Muslims
• Abu Bakr sent a battalion to deal with them
• They were defeated and their leader Hatim was killed
• Thus, Behrain was once again secured under the Muslims
• Some tribes of Oman and Mahrah also gave up Islam
• Abu Bakr dispatched forces to subdue them
• After a tough battle, the Muslim army was successful
• The rebels were defeated and brought back into the folds of Islam
• Eventually, in a few months, Abu Bakr was able to put down the country-wide uprising caused by the
apostate tribes

5. Refusal To Pay Zakat

• Some of the newly converted tribes refused to pay Zakat
• Among the non-payers of Zakat were the neighboring tribes of Abs, Zabyan, Asad and Tay
• Although the Muslim government took the Zakat from them and spent it on the on the poor of their own
• The chiefs of these felt it a burden on their pockets
• They said that if the government would exempt them from the payment of Zakat, they would remain
• So, these tribes sent deputation to the Caliph,
• Abu Bakr called a meeting of the Advisory Council and sought its advice
• Many of the members advised him to ignore these tribes and settle the situation
• Abu Bakr strictly refused the suggestion and said; “By Allah! Even if a single coin in due from a man, he
must give it. If he refuses, I will wage war against him. If other do not support me, I will fight alone. No
one has the power to change a commandment of Allah”.
• The Caliph decided to march against the rebellions
• In a few days, Osama Bin Zaid was back from the expedition to Syria
• He left Osama as his deputy in Madinah, and himself led an army against Abs and Zabyan
• Abu Bakr defeated these tribes and received the fixed amount of Zakat from them
• The impact of the strict act strongly influenced the chiefs of many other tribes with the result that they
submitted Zakat to Bait ul Maal.
At that time, Syria was part of the great Roman (Byzantine)Empire
• The Romans were wary of the newly achieved power of the united Arabs and were planning to wipe
them out
• There was the constant danger of an assault from the Roman side
• Abu Bakr was not unaware of them and therefore issued an order for Jihad  In the year 13 A.H he raised
a large army and divided it into four divisions
• These divisions against Syria were to strike at four different places
• Yazid Bin Abu Sufyan was appointed for Damacus, Shurabeel Bin Hasanah for Jordan, Abu Ubaidah Bin
Jarrah for Hons and Amr Bin Al Aas for Palestine
• Abu Ubaidah was appointed as the commander in chief of all the four divisions
• The news of the Muslim invasion upset Heraclius, the Emperor of Syria
• He sent four huge armies to fight the Muslims
• Each army was several times larger than the Muslims
• This made the four commanders give thought to the matter
• They met together and decided to write to the Caliph for more reinforcement
• Khalid Bin Waleed was busy in the Iraqi campaign when the Caliph received and urgent request for
reinforcements from his generals in Syria
• He directed Khalid to join and assist the commander in Syria
• Obeying the Caliph’s order, Khalid Bin Waleed handed over his command in Iraq to
• Musanna and marched off with half army
• Tawheed literally means, belief in One (God)
• It is an Islamic term which is connected with revelation by God
• It implies to have belief in the oneness of Allah and this is the primary faith and conviction of the religion
of Islam
• It is a revolutionary concept and constitutes the essence of the teachings of Islam
• It means that there is only one Supreme God of the Universe
• He is Omnipresent, Omnipotent and the Sustainer of the world and mankind
• Allah says; “Say thou, He Allah is one: Allah is He on whom all depend. He begets not nor is He begotten;
and none is like Him”
Types Of Tawheed
 There are three types of Tawheed
(a) Monotheism with respect to Entity of Allah.
(b) Monotheism with respect to Attributes of Allah. (c) Monotheism with
respect to worship
• There are a number of verses in the Quran which clearly explain the oneness of God:
• Allah says; “And your God is one; there is no other God. He is the most merciful and Benevolence.” (Al
Baqarah V:163)
• At another occasion Allah Says in the Quran; “Had there been other gods than Allah, they
(heavens and earth) would have been disordered” (Al Anbia V:22)

Lordship And Existence

• Quran mention His Attribute beyond imagination
• Surah Shura it states; “He is the most High and Most Great”
• In the Holy Quran it mentioned that Allah is the Creator of entire universe
• He is the beginning of the all beginnings and created everything alone
• Quran nullify the believe of atheist who believe that world came into being accidently
• Quran also refuse the idea that Allah is a philosophy not a personality
• Quran confirmed His existence in Surah Ikhlas by following words; “Say He is Allah the One and Only”
• At different places Quran proved that Allah is the Creator of Universe
• He created the heavens and the earth
• He is a Lord and Sovereign of all that exists and He knows the seen and the unseen
• One of his most amazing creation is man himself
• He Created man with unspecified drop of germ cell, In Surah Alaq it mentioned; “Who created man out of
a clot of congealed blood”
• Man is made development on Allah
• He nurtures man physically and spiritually
• For physical grow He sustain man with food
• For spiritual nourishing He guides man
• For survival, He also offers protection from internal and external enemies
• Allah put need inside a man to submit and to worship someone
• In surah Fatiha it mentions; “Praise to Allah the cherisher and Sustainer of the world”


The belief in the Oneness of Allah brings about remarkable and revolutionary changes in the personality of
man, described as under:
• Oneness of Allah develops an attitude of humility
• A true believer realizes that he is helpless before Allah Almighty and everything in his possession is a gift
of Allah Almighty.
• Quran states; And the servants of Allah Most Gracious are those who walk on the earth in humility.
Broad Mindedness
• A believer in the Oneness of Allah Almighty is never narrow-minded.
• He has firm faith in the mercy and beneficence of Allah Almighty Who is the Creator and Provider of
• A true believer is never disappointed and always waits for the blessings and help of Allah Almighty.
• He knows that Allah Almighty is always with him. As Allah says; “Despair not of the mercy of Allah”

 Like the individual life, beliefs of Monotheism are also influenced by the society. Some of them as follow:
Peaceful Environment
• When it is possible to establish the limits set by Allah, the tension and the environment of indecency
change in peace.
• Every criminal knows that he will be punished if he makes a crime, so it remains away from harmony,
which may result in the formation of peace in the society.
• This peaceful environment is also due to Monotheism.
Unity and Brotherhood
Belief in Oneness of Allah Almighty purges human mind of all the prejudices of color and creed .
• Thus, all the believers become a brotherhood. As declared by the Holy Qur'an: “Verily all the faithful
are brothers”.

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