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Sir Muzamil Notes o Level Islamia

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Past Papers(Paper 02)

Day 05
1 Choose any two of the following Hadiths, and:
(a) Describe their teachings about what Muslims believe; [4]
(b) Explain how Muslims can put these teachings into action. [4]

(a) Main Teachings : [2] marks

• Muslims believe that God has determined each individual’s livelihood (rizq) before their birth. The
struggle is about how a Muslim achieves that livelihood.
• Great emphasis is placed not only on lawful earnings in Islam but also on the dignity of labour. All
kinds of lawful works and hard labour are respected in Islamic community.
• Through this Hadith the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) encourages Muslims to earn lawfully and through
their own hard work. It discourages reliance on others such as begging and also condemns all other
unlawful means of earning.
• Respect is not earned by how much one earns but how he earns it. Earnings that come through
honest hard work and blessed by Allah and no job is considered too lowly in Islam. Holy Prophet
(P.B.U.H) said, “One who earns his livelihood by hard work is a friend of Allah.”

(b) Action: [2] marks

• The teachings of this Hadith can be implemented by Muslims today by earning an honest living and
staying away from all sorts of corruption such as bribe, gambling, usury etc.
• Self-sufficiency is good for individual and society. Living within one’s means and being grateful to
God for His provision is the way to act upon the Hadith.
• All the Prophets earned their living by hard work and many of them worked as shepherds. Holy
Prophet (P.B.U.H) worked on the construction of the mosque. During the battle of Khandaq he
participated in the digging the trench.
• This action of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)is a lesson to Muslims today, not to look down on any honest
effort and by showing respect to honest and hardworking people especially the poor, for example
the domestic staff at school, guards, drivers etc

(a) Main teachings: [2] marks

• Caring for and fulfilling the needs of the less fortunate in society is compared to worship in this hadith
and the reward for doing this is comparable to performing jihad in the way of God.
• This Hadith clearly explains that human rights are as important as rights of Allah. Islam promotes social
justice and lays great stress on the welfare of the community at large.

• The two categories mention specifically in the Hadith is the widows and the poor but the teachings can
be applied to all vulnerable people in the community.
• Worship is not restricted to just prayers and fasting but cover every good deed. Believers who are
mindful of the needs of other are said to be as if they were engaged in constant worship of Allah. The
Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) once said to his wife, “O Aisha love the poor and let them come to you for
help. Allah will then surely take you near Him on the day of Judgment”
(b) Action: [2] marks
• The way to fulfill the instructions given in the Hadith is to live one’s life in the world with consciousness
of the needs and plight of fellow beings.
• Allah wants believers to worship Him by not just fulfilling the obligations of prayers and fasting but also
by being generous helpful and considerate towards His creations.
• They can do this by providing resources for the poor by helping in the establishment of social housing
for the homeless, providing healthcare to those who do not have access to it and supporting the
widows and orphans etc. so that no one is left behind and all get a fair chance in life.
• Even small tasks to assist another are considered as Ibadah in Islam and are rewarded. It has been said
that Hazrat Abu Bakr used to milk the goats of an old widow who lived at a distance from Madina to
help her with her chores.
M/J 2018 (21)
2(a) Outline the relationship between the Hadith and the Qur’an as sources of Islamic
law. Give examples to support your answer. [10]

3(a) Write a detailed account of Abu Bakr’s achievements as Caliph. [10]

 O/N2011
3. (a) Describe the main events of the caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr. [10]
 O/N2020
3(a). Write an account of how Abu Bakr led the Islamic empire when he became the first caliph. [10]

Marking scheme:
In this answer, candidates need to reflect upon the services rendered by Abu Bakr during his caliphate which,
though brief, was packed with significant achievements. It could be said that he laid the foundations of a
truly democratic state, by running the affairs of the caliphate in consultation with the Majlis e Shura. He
administered in accordance with the practice of the Prophet (pbuh) and set the precedent of maintaining
strict standards of accounting for public finances.

Apart from his administration, he united the umma at a critical time after the death of the Prophet (pbuh).
He dealt firmly with the apostate tribes who left Islam or refused to pay zakat, and fought the false prophets.
The compilation of the Qur’an in a single volume can be counted as one of his greatest services to Islam as
Development of these points will determine the final mark a candidate receives.

How to answer:

Answer (Learn and write):

Hazrat Abu Bakr laid the foundation of a truly democratic state following the teachings of the Quran and the
traditions of the Prophet (P.B.U.H).
• Abu Bakr conducted affairs of the Government by consultation. He used to consult eminent
companions in all important matters.
• For the purpose of administration, Arabia was divided into provinces each under a governor, who was
required to lead the prayers, superintended the army, collect taxes, administer justice, and maintain
law and order. He was aided by an Amil who collected revenues and a Qazi who administered justice.
• There was no regular police department at that time, but whenever any crime came into his notice, he
took strict action against in the light of Quran and the Hadith.
• Abu Bakr selected all his officers, commanders and governors on their merit and not because of family
or tribal consideration.
• He set up a strict standard of accounting of public money. He also gave proper shape to the public
treasury, the Bait-ul-Maal.
• He established military cantonments and maintained a reserve force. He dispatched expeditionary
forces to Iran, Syria and Palestine. As a result, vast territories were added to Muslim Empire.
• He safeguarded and protected the rights of non-Muslim subjects who were granted religious and
cultural freedom. They were allowed to manage their affairs themselves.
• By his efficient administration he preserved the integrity of Islam by suppressing rebellions and making
sure that the Pillar of zakat was enforced.
He fought against tribes who withheld zakat and apostatized Islam. At that time many hostile tribes
such as Banu Asad, Banu Ghatafan, Banu Murrah and Banu Abbas sent their delegates to Madina and
demanded that they should be exempted from the payment of Zakat. Abu Bakr remained firm and rejected
their demand. These tribes attacked Madina in 632 AD but eventually they were defeated and agreed to pay
Under the influence of the false prophets many tribes renounced Islam. Abu Bakr collected the army
in Madina and divided it into eleven battalions and sent them to different parts of Arabia in order to crush
the apostasy movement. Within a year the control of Islam was reestablished.
After Prophet’s death several false prophets arose in different parts of the Islamic state.
Of these Aswad al Ansi from Ansi tribe, was first to rise in Yemen. He was killed during Prophet’s lifetime.
Later, his followers grouped and revolted under a man called Qais bin Abd Yaghus, but eventually they
were defeated.
Tulayha from the tribes of Banu Asad and Banu Ghatafan in Northern Arabia. In 630 AD he converted to
Islam but shortly afterwards he rebelled and proclaimed himself as a prophet. Khalid bin Waleed defeated
him at the battle of Buzaka in September 632 AD.
Sajjahfrom Banu Tamim tribe in Iraq she claimed to be a prophetess and collected a force of 4,000 to march
on Madina. Khalid bin Waleed crushed her forces. She then joined Musailma and after his death accepted
And the most dangerous one Musailma from Banu Hanifa tribe in central Arabia. he was in command of an
army of 40,000. In December 632 AD Abu Bakr first sent Ikrmah and Shurabil. when they were defeated
then he sent Khalid bin Waleed with an army of 13,000 men . A hot contest followed in which Muslims were
victorious. It came to be known as the battle of Garden of Death. This battle led to the compilation of Quran.
He arranged for a compilation of Quran. At the suggestion of Hazrat Umar and appointed Zayd bin Sabit
along with 20 to 25 scribes to accomplish this task.

3(b) What was the significance of his actions in dealing firmly with the apostate tribes?

• by taking action against the apostate tribes and defeating them he maintained unity and made
clear that deviations from the faith like non-payment of zakat, challenging the finality of the
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), etc., would not be tolerated. The apostasy wars confirmed that the
Muslim state was one under the leadership of one Caliph. what could have happened if Abu Bakr
had not taken firm action.

4(a)List the Six Articles of Faith and give an account of what any two of them teach.[10]
Marking scheme:
A straightforward question to which a descriptive response is needed. Candidates need to list the Six Articles
of Faith namely: Belief in God; angels; revealed books; prophets; life after death and Day of Judgment; and
divine decree. From the Six Articles of Faith they need to choose any two and write an account of what
belief in them contains.
O/N 2010
4 (a) Write a descriptive account of the Muslim belief in revealed books. [10]
O/N 2014
5 (a) Name the revealed books mentioned in the Qur’an, giving the names of the messengers they were
revealed to and the message they contained. [10]
O/N 2013
4 (a) Give an account of Muslim belief in prophets and the messages they preached. [10]
O/N 2016
4 (a) Belief in all the prophets is one of the articles of faith in Islam. Write about this Muslim belief in
detail. [10]
How to answer:

Answer (Learn and write):

• The six articles of faith are
1. Belief in Oneness of God
2. Belief in angels
3. Belief in divine books
4. Belief in prophets
5. Belief in God’s predestination and Decree
6. Belief in resurrection and the last day
Answer (Learn and write):
• These two articles of faith are mentioned in the Imaan-e-Mufassal, which is: “I believe in Allah, in His
angels, in His books, in His messengers, in the last day and in the fact that everything good or bad is
decided by Allah, the Almighty, and in life after death”.
• Belief in divine books is the third article of faith. All divine teachings are contained in the books of Allah.
The main purpose for sending the revealed books was for people to learn about the religion sent to them
and to know of their obligations towards God and fellow human beings. Belief in divine books before the
revelation of the Qur’an is an essential aspect of Muslim faith. They are source of guidance for the
mankind. They all brought the same teachings . All Divine books invited people to worship of Allah,they

contained belief in prophethood, the day of judgment and the concept of reward and punishment, and
they also contained a code of morality and justice, but were not comprehensive enough to contain a
complete code of life.
• The Quran does not mention all the prophets nor all the books ,however it mentions that revelations
were sent to Nuh, Ibrahim, Isma’il, Is-haq,Yaqub,Musa and Isa (peace be upon them),Allah says, “Say (O
Muslims):We believe in Allah and that which is revealed unto us and that which was revealed unto
Abraham and Ismael and Is-haq ,and Jacob,and the tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received,
and that which the prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them,
and unto him we have surrendered.”(Al-Baqarah2:136)
Quran mentions the Suhuf (scrolls) of Hazrat Ibrahim which was lost.
The revealed books mentioned in the Qur’an are:-
1.The Torah was revealed to Musa for the guidance of Bani Israel.
It contained Allah’s command, light, admonition, mercy, and a clear explanation of things.
The original book was changed ;its followers distorted it and perverted words of Allah and changed its
meaning. Allah says, “They change the words from their(right)places and forget agood part of the
message that was sent.”(Al-Maidah 5:13)
2. The Zabur according to Islam, the holy book of David, one of the holy books revealed by God before the Quran.
The Arabic word zabūr means "book", "inscription", or "writing." In the Qur'an, the Zabur is mentioned by
name three times. The Qur'an itself says nothing about the Zabur specifically, except that it was revealed to
Hazrat Daud (A.S). “And your Lord is most knowing of whoever is in the heavens and the earth. And We have
made some of the prophets exceed others [in various ways], and to David We gave the book [of Psalms].”
[Qur'an 17:55]
3.The Injil (bible) was sent to Hazrat Isa (A.S). The Christians distorted Bible and introduced the doctrine of
“trinity”[father, son, Holy spirit] and redemption through crucifixion, although Isa (A.S) had clearly told
his followers that Allah was his Lord and their lord and that they should worship Allah alone. According
to the Quran Injil confirms the Torah. The prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) is mentioned in both the Injil
and the Torah. Allah says, “And remember Jesus the son of Mary said: O children of Israel I am the
prophet of Allah (sent)to you confirming the Law(which came)before me and giving glad tidings of a
prophet to come after me whose name shall be Ahmad.” (As-Saff 61:6)
4.The Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H). It is the last and the most perfect Book of
Allah.It is a comprehensive book. It deals with every aspect of human life, e.g social, economic, legal,
moral and political etc. None of the revealed Books except the Qur’an exists in its original form today.
The Suhaf of Ibrahim was lost .Some of the books were changed and modified such as Torah and Injil.
God’s words have been blended with those of man,thus it is difficult to establish the authenticity of
various parts of these Books.The languages of these books are dead languages. They were revealed to
a particular nation for a particular period of time.
The Qu’ran is the only book which universal and for all times till the day of judgment. It is unchanged, Allah
promised to safeguard it, “We have, without; doubt revealed the reminder and we will guard it(from
corruption)”(Al Hijr 15:9) The Qur’an is a universal book, sent to the entire mankind for all ages. God
says, ‘This day I have perfected your religion for you and completed my favours upon you and chosen
for you Islam as your religion’. (Al Maidah 5:3).

• Belief in prophets is the fourth article of Muslim faith.

• Muslims believe that prophethood is a gift from God and He bestows this honour on whomsoever He
chooses. Prophets were intellectually and morally superior to the rest of their communities. Every
prophet confirmed the revelations that were sent before him. They were sent throughout history for
the guidance of mankind and they acted as a link between God and mankind.
• All the messengers were human but sinless which means that they never disobeyed God deliberately.
They were all men and many of them got married and had children. They did not have any physical

relation with God. The Holy Quran condemns the Christian belief that Prophet Isa was the son of the
• All the messengers conveyed the same teachings that are belief in oneness of Allah and in the life
hereafter but with the exception of Quran all previous messages were either lost or corrupted.
• They were sent to particular communities and their messages were only for the guidance of those
communities for example, Prophet Musa and Prophet Isa were sent for the guidance of Bani Israel.
• Some of these messengers were given the miracles as a reflection of God’s power. The miracles
granted to the prophets were usually in the field in which their nations excelled for example Prophet
Musa was given the miracle of the staff which turned into a snake because his nation excelled in
magic. Similarly, Prophet Isa could cure the blind and even brought forth the dead as he was sent to
skilled physicians Prophet Muhammad pbuh was given the miracle of Quran because Quraish were
known for their eloquence. Miracles given to previous prophets were for that time only whereas the
Quran is immortal and universal.
• All the messengers were to be obeyed as the Quran says, “We did not send any messenger but to be
obeyed in accordance to God’s will.” [Ch4:V64]
• According to Muslim belief the line of prophets started from Hazrat Adam. According to a Prophet’s
hadith, the line numbered 1, 24,000 approximately. The Quran mentions only 25 of them by name.
major individuals include Hazrat Ibrahim (Suhuf), Hazrat Musa (Torah), Hazrat Daud (Zaboor), and
Hazrat Isa (Injil) and Prophet Muhammad pbuh (the Holy Quran).
• Muslims believe that all the messengers were morally perfect which means that they were honest
upright and truthful and they did not make any addition or omission in Divine revelations.
• All the messengers should be respected equally without any distinction because they were divinely
appointed for the same purpose. The Quran says, “And We make no distinction between one and
other of His messengers.” [Ch2:V285]
• Prophet Muhammad pbuh was the last in the line of prophetic messengers, therefore, he is also
known as “Seal of the Prophets”. The Holy Quran says, “Muhammad is not the father of any of your
men but the Messenger of Allah and the seal of prophets.” [Ch33:V40]. Prophet pbuh himself said,
“I am the seal of prophets and there will be no prophet after me.” His message was the same as the
previous ones but it was sent for all mankind and for all times to come (Universal and Eternal). God
himself has taken the responsibility of protecting His message from any change or corruption. God
says, “We have, without; doubt revealed the reminder and we will guard it(from corruption)”(Al
Hijr 15:9)

(b) The Qur’an describes itself as a confirmation of earlier revelations. Does the Qur’an
differ in any significant way from earlier revealed books? [4]
Yes, the Holy Qura’n differs from previous revealed books in a number of significant ways, e.g Quran is
universal whereas previous revealed books were sent to particular communities. Similarly, Quran is eternal
whereas previous divine books were sent for a specific time period. Moreover, Allah Himself has taken the
responsibility of protecting Quran till the day of Judgment whereas previous books were lost or corrupted.
The language of Quran i.e Arabic is spoken and understood by millions of people today whereas the
languages of previous divine books are not spoken anywhere.

5(a) Write about the moral, social and economic benefits of a Muslim fasting. [10]
O/N 2014
5 (a) What are the moral, spiritual and other benefits of fasting in Ramadan? [10]
O/N 2016
4 (a) What are the benefits to individuals and the community of fasting in the month of Ramadan? [10]
M/J 2021

4(a) Fasting in Ramadan benefits Muslims in many ways. Write about the major benefits of fasting in
Marking scheme:
Fasting is an obligation upon Muslims that needs to be fulfilled and, in turn, has several benefits. It builds
taqwa in a Muslim. It does so by teaching sincerity to a Muslim and helps a person live by the rules of his/her
faith; fasting teaches individuals to control and discipline their primal desires and morally strengthens them;
it teaches self-control, enabling individuals to resist temptations, thus strengthening the moral core of a
Muslim. Fasting creates a sense of awareness to the plight of others and takes away selfishness, and thereby
improves social relations, building an atmosphere of virtue, peace and brotherhood. Many people give zakat
in the month of Ramadan and a lot of sadaqa is given in this month as well, which improves the economic
fibre of the community. Candidates could give other benefits than those given. All valid responses to be
How to answer:

Answer (Learn and write):

Fasting is the 3rd pillar of Islam which was made obligatory on adult muslims in the send year after hijrat. It
was made obligatory on the followers of other religions too. It has numerous merits and benefits for the
individuals and the community.
• The believer renounces food, drink, and abstains from all other enjoyments willingly in obedience to
the command of Allah, to seek His pleasure. It helps in building up a man’s moral character as it
teaches him self control and self restrain. As Muslims fast, they should control own temper, they
should remain calm and refrain from harming others, verbally or physically. They should refrain from
backbiting, stealing, cheating , gossip, lies, obscenity, vulgarity and physical, mental and spiritual sins.
Abu Huraira reported the Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, “Whoever does not give up forged speech and evil
actions, Allah is not in need of his leaving his food and drink.” selfrestraint and self-control which is
an individual benefit but also impacts upon the community, e.g. if a man was to lose his temper and in
a state of anger was going to abuse or hit someone on the street they will, having learnt self-control
whilst fasting be able to control their anger and not hit out leading to a more peaceful society.
• Fasting ensures the harmony and unity of society. Fasting raises awareness of the situation of poor
people who live in our society. Fasting teaches the rich, who eat good, nutritious food and never suffer
from hunger, what hunger is. When they stay hungry and thirsty for a specific period they begin to think
about the poor and feel empathy for them. The sense of empathy makes it easier for them to make
friends and socialize. On the other hand, because of the kindness and compassion of the rich, the poor
are less likely to feel envy and hatred toward those who are better off. Thus, a change of attitude on
both sides can occur. The enmity between both social strata can be brought to an end in this way with
peace and security prevailing in society. Fasting brings the rich closer to the poor and links them in a
bond of responsibility and respect for each other. Ramadan is also a time of generosity. People are more
generous, more cordial, and more ready than at other times of the year to do good and charitable work.

Muslims often invite one another, friends and guests, Muslims and non-Muslims, in particular neighbors,
regardless of creed, to share the evening meal and exchange gifts and best wishes.
• Fasting brings economic benefits for the Muslim community. During the month of Ramadan the rich
people spend generously on the poor to seek the blessing of Allah. These enable the poor to fulfill their
needs. The old and the permanently sick people also feed the poor and the needy generously during the
month of Ramadan, Allah says. “For those who can do it (with hardship) is a ransom the feeding of one
that is indigent. But he that will give more of his own free, it is better for him.” (Al-Baqarah 2:184) The
Prophet (p.b.u.h) said; “During Ramadan, the provisions of the believers are increased.”
• Abstention from food and drink for a full month is beneficial for a person’s health as it gives rest to
stomach, the whole system is cleansed of undesirable material, and the body gets rid of fat, cholesterol
and other toxic matters.
• Fasting brings a man closer to Allah, Allah says, “. Fasting is like a shield, and he who fasts has two joys:
a joy when he breaks his fast and a joy when he meets his Lord.” (Hadis Qudsi) Believers are ordered
to observe fast to be near Allah and gain piety. Fasting strengthens the spiritual powers of the believer;
it protects man from all kinds of temptations. The reward of all good deeds are multiplied by ten times
to seven hundred times, the Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, “Allah said, “All the deeds of Adam’s sons (people)
are for them, except fasting which is for me, and I will give the reward for it. The reward of good deeds
is multiplied ten times to seven hundred times.”
The previous sins of a person are forgiven, the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, “Whoever fasts in the month
of Ramadan out of sincere faith, and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be
forgiven.” He also said, “When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of the heaven are opened and
the gates of hell are closed and the devil are chained.” (Trimidhi)

5(b) What, in your opinion, is the greatest reward of fasting? Support your answer by
giving reasons for your choice. [4]

The greatest benefit of fasting is that it protects us from the materialism and arrogance by keeping us
grounded and reminding us that all the worldly possessions that we have can be taken away because nothing
here is truluy ours, so we should never be haughty or arrogant. Therefore, we should not be materialistic or
self centered, instead we should share our belongings with the vulnerable and the less fortunate ones. In
this way, it saves us by shifting our focus from materialism to spiritualism and care for humanity. It drives us
away from uncertinity by helping us seeing clearer and further which means the afterlife.

M/J 2018 (22)

2(a) Why did it become important to compile the prophetic Hadiths after the time of the
Rightly Guided Caliphs? [10]
Marking scheme:
it was important to compile the Hadiths of the Prophet (pbuh) and this need became all the more urgent after the end
of the caliphates of the Rightly Guided Caliphs in 661. The answers could say that the Islamic governments that
followed the Khulafa e Rashidun were more political and divisive. Other compelling reasons could be given such as
• The four Rightly Guided Caliphs were close Companions of the Prophet (pbuh). They followed his Sunna closely
and after the end of their caliphate it became important to compile the Prophetic Hadiths so that future generations
could use the Prophet’s example to clarify and resolve questions and disputes.
• Some people fabricated Hadiths. Overzealous teachers, perhaps with the best of intentions, made up Hadiths
to advance the teachings of Islam. Yet some heretics attributed Hadiths to the Prophet (pbuh) that were false.
• The increasing number of people accepting Islam needed guidance on the Islamic way of life and wanted to
follow the pattern of conduct set by the Prophet (pbuh).
• The close Companions of the Prophet (pbuh) were also passing away due to age or wars, and a need was felt
to preserve the Hadiths of the Prophet (pbuh) even more with their demise.

• Islamic jurisprudence was developing rapidly and needed a compiled collection of authentic Hadiths as source
• In order to eliminate genuine errors in Hadiths on account of verbal narrations, faulty memories,
forgetfulness, etc., Hadiths needed to be compiled.
For all these reasons, it was felt that it was crucial to preserve and compile the Hadiths of the Prophet (pbuh) for all
generations to follow. Candidates can refer to other reasons apart from the ones given above and, if valid, marks
should be credited.
How to answer:

Answer (Learn and write):

• In the century following the time of the Rightly guided caliphs, the Muslim community passed
through a period of unrest and civil wars. As a result some Hadiths were fabricated by different
parties. The major concern of the Muslim scholars was to distinguish authentic hadiths from the
unauthentic ones.
• The four Rightly Guided Caliphs were close Companions of the Prophet (pbuh). They followed his
Sunna closely and after the end of their caliphate it became important to compile the Prophetic
Hadiths so that future generations and new converts could use the Prophet’s example to clarify and
resolve questions and disputes
• After the end of the era of the Rightly Guided Caliphs in 661 , there was an urgent need to provide
religious and political guidance to the growing Muslim nation.
• The Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) the final authority on social, political and spiritual matters was no
longer present to resolve questions and disputes.
• The new generations of Muslims and the ever-increasing converts of the Islamic world needed
correct guidance on true Islamic way of life based on the exemplary model of Prophet Muhammad
• From the middle of the latter half of first Hijri century, most of the Prophet Muhammad’s (P.B.U.H)
companions were themselves passing away due to age or wars, and a need was felt to preserve the
Hadiths of the Prophet (pbuh) even more with their demise.
• Islamic law especially Ijma and Qiyas was developing rapidly and needed a compiled collection of
authentic Hadiths as source material.
• In order to eliminate genuine errors in Hadiths on account of verbal narrations, faulty memories,
forgetfulness, etc., Hadiths needed to be compiled.
• Some political leaders used to fabricate Hadith to enhance and justify their own position.
• Some overzealous teachers perhaps with good intention made up Hadiths to advance moral and
religious teachings in the name of Islam.
• Some hypocrites under the appearance of scholars falsely attributed sayings to the Prophet
Muhammad (P.B.U.H) with the sole intention of undermining Islam.
• Finally the collection of the Prophetic tradition by Hadith scholar can be justified by the Quran itself,
“You have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern of conduct.” (33:21)
• For all these reasons, it was felt that it was crucial to preserve and compile the Hadiths of the Prophet
(pbuh) for all generations to follow Qur’an and it was with the help of the Hadith movement that the
Prophet’s Hadiths were preserved and spread for all time. This important and formidable work took
several generations to complete but was performed in earnest and with great care by dedicated men
and women of strong faith and indomitable spirit.

2.(b) In your opinion, can Islam be practised without the Hadiths? [4]
• In my opinion Islam can not be practiced without the hadiths of the Prophet pbuh due to following
• the most fundamental belief in Islam is tawhid which one can know from the Qur’an but to reflect
this belief from one’s actions, guidance from hadith is mandatory. Quran says, “He who obeys the
messenger, obey Allah.”
• Similarly, to practise the Pillars of Islam, guidance is needed from the Hadiths. For example, the
instruction for prayer, fasting, zakat and hajj is given in the Qur’an but performance of these pillars is
taught by the Prophet (pbuh) and without his Hadiths, Muslims would not be able to offer their five daily
prayers in the prescribed manner.

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