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!ST & 2nd AH Events & Battle of Badr

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Battle of Badr

Subject: Islamiyat

Class duration: 35 Minutes

Learning objectives
Students will be able to understand & elaborate:

• The reasons and the event of Battle of Badr

• Its outcome for Muslims and Quraish
• The lesson Muslims learnt from Battle of Badr
Political parties in Madina after Hijrat:
• There were four parties in Madina: The Muhajirin
(about 150 in all) and the Ansar on oneside, and the
Munafiqeen and the Jews on the other.
• The Munafiqeen (hypocrites) were lead by Abdullah
bin Obay. The strife-weary people of Madina had
almost chosen him as their ruler when Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬
came and he was cast aside.
Events of 1st year of Hijrah
• Mosque of Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
• Azan
• Settlement of Muhajirin
• Treaty with Jews
Mosque of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
• Upon his arrival, they publicly welcomed the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
wholeheartedly and young girls even recited Naat for him.
• Everybody wanted the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬to stay with them but the
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that his camel was under divine instructions
so he would stay where the camel stopped.
• The camel stopped at an open ground which belonged to two
orphans, and the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬decided to build a mosque on that
place after paying the orphans its price.
• Meanwhile, the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬stayed at Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari’s
Events of 1st year of Hijrah
• This mosque was known as the Mosque of the Prophet ‫– ﷺ‬
• The materials used for the construction included unbaked
bricks which were used to make the walls.
• The roof was made of mud and date palm leaves.
• Trunks of date palm were used as pillars.
• A large platform with a thatched roof was built in one of the
corners. It was known as Suffah.
• The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬himself took part in building the mosque and
was assisted by many of his companions.
• It served as a residential place for the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and his
• It also became the political and military head quarter of the
state and served as an institute of learning.
Events of 1st year of Hijrah
• In order to call Muslims for offering congregational prayers
Azan was introduced, as suggested by Hazrat Umar.
• Hazrat Bilal was appointed as Muezzin.
Brotherhood (Mawakhat e Madinah)
• The Makkans had left their families and belongings in
Makkah and now they needed financial support.
• Therefore, each emigrant was paired with an Ansar –
the people of Medina – and they were declared as
• The Ansars shared all their wealth and property with
the emigrants and they were even allowed to inherit
from them.
• The Ansar offered endless support to the emigrants
and tried their best to facilitate them.
• The emigrants, on the other hand, did not become a
burden on the Ansar and soon started living
Brotherhood (Mawakhat e Madinah)
• It was to help the people who had migrated
• It was an attempt to increase unity among
• It was to avoid growth in economic class system in
Islamic state.
• It was also to set an example for the leaders that
how they should rule their people by binding them
in bond of brotherhood.
• It was also to convey the universal concept of
Treaty of Madinah (Meethaq e Madinah)
• There were three major tribes of Jews: Banu Qainuqa,
Banu Nazir and Banu Quraiza.
• Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬realized that foundation of Islamic empire
would be very weak without the support of all people of
• In his attempt to achieve good relations with all the
inhabitants of Madinah, the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬devised the
Covenant of Madinah.
• He drew a covenant with the people of the town, whether
Muslims or non Muslims (including Jews) which clearly
defined the duties and privileges of all the people. It said:
• All people of Medina would defend the city collectively
• There would be complete religious freedom for all
• If a conflict arises within the Madinites, the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬will
be consulted for decision.
Events of 2nd year of Hijra
Second Year of Hijrat (625 AD)

• Four orders (Fasting, Zakat, Eid prayers, Sacrifice,

Change of qiblah and Permission of Jihad)
• Battle of Badar
Reasons/Causes of Battle of Badr
❖ Holy Prophet ‫’ﷺ‬s successful migration to Madina

❖ Failure to drive Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬out of Madinah

❖ Incident at Nakhla (Abdullah bin Jahash v Amr bin Hazrami)

❖ Attempt to intercept Abu Sufyan’s caravan from Syria

❖ Stubborn attitude of Abu Jahal

❖ Divine permission to fight

Battle of Badr
• The trade caravans of the Quraish used to pass through
• The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬decided to threaten the caravans which would
hurt the Quraish economically. He started sending parties to
watch the caravans.
• In 624 A.D, Abu Sufyan, the leader of Quraish was coming
from Syria with a huge trading caravan. He was afraid that the
Muslims might intercept his caravan and therefore he
summoned troops from Makkah.
• Hence an army of 1000 men came to escort the caravan.
• Although the caravan safely reached Makkah, yet Abu Jahl
insisted on fighting the Muslims. So, Quraish, with an army of
1000 men marched towards Medina.
• When the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬heard of this, he consulted his
companions and decided to fight them outside Medina.
• The Muslims raised an army of 313 men.
• Both the armies met at Badr. The Quraish had arrived first so
they occupied all the important positions.
• The area that Muslims got was sandy land.
Battle of Badr
• That night, Allah sent down rain and not only were the Muslims
able to collect ample water but their land also got smooth.
• The Quraish heavily outnumbered the Muslims and so the
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬spent the entire night praying to Allah.
• Allah responded to his prayers by sending heavenly assistance.
• Regarding this, the Quran says: “remember ye implored
the assistance of thy Lord and He answered I will
assist you with a thousand angels, ranks on ranks”.
• Initially when the battle started; there was a single combat in
which Hazrat Ali Hazrat Hamza and Hazrat Abu Ubaidah bin
Jarrah fought against Utba, Sheeba and Waleed.
• After the Muslim success in the single combat, general fighting
Battle of Badr
• While the battle was going on, the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬prayed to Allah
saying: “O Allah! If this small band of men perishes
today there will be no one left to worship you and
your faith will be destroyed forever”.
• This shows that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was constantly seeking Allah’s
help and Allah’s help did arrive for despite being less in
number, Muslims were able to defeat the Quraish.
• Even Abu Jahl, the leader of Quraish was killed by Abdullah Bin
• Overall, 70 pagans were killed and 70 were taken as captives,
the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬treated the prisoners of war humanely and many
were freed.
• On the other hand, only 14 Muslims were martyred. A large
amount of booty was also captured which was distributed
among the Muslims.
Outcomes of Battle of Badr
❖ Allah’s help came in the form of rain the night before
❖ Allah multiplied the number of Muslims in the eyes of
❖ An army of 1000 angels descended for Muslim’s help
❖ The rising sun hampered the vision of Quraish
❖ The 3 Quraish leaders were killed in single combats
❖ Muslims clearly dominated in the general attack too
❖ Abu Jahl was killed by two young boys Mu’az & Ma’uz.
❖ 70 Quraishites were killed & 70 were made prisoners
❖ 14 Muslims were martyred
❖ War spoils:115 camels, 14 horses, clothes weapons.
Importance of Battle of Badr

• This made Muslims base stronger

• This showed that not only equipment are necessary
to win but truth can.
• Holy Quran describes this day as ‘day of testing’
(Youm ul Furqan) in 8:41 Surah Anfal
• Position of Muslims became stronger
• Strength of Quraish was broken
• Many unbelievers accepted Islam
• Influence of Islam and holy prophet began outside
of Madinah
• As Quran describes it sign of Allah 3:13
Writing Tasks
Q1. Write an account on the events of first year of
Hijra in Islamic history.[10]

Q2a. Describe what happened during the Battle of

Q2b. What is the significance of Battle of Badr? [4]

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