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    

Weaving the gravitational fields around them, gravity knights At 7th level, You have a control over the gravity surrounding
are tremendous fighters. Known for being able to switch in you, allowing you to walk freely along any solid surface. You
and out of aggressive and defensive styles of fighting, they gain the ability to move up, down, and across vertical
represent a formidable foe. Their formation requires peering surfaces and upside down along ceilings, while leaving your
into the endless void to grasp its powers, altering their being. hands free. You also gains a climbing speed equal to its
walking speed.
 
 
You learn to manipulate the gravity field around you. Starting
at 3rd level as a bonus action choose one of the power You've learned to exercise greater control on the gravity
described below, it affects you for 10 minutes. around you. At 10th level, each power of your Manifest
Potential ability is altered as described below.
Decrease Gravity: Your jump distance is tripled, you
ignore difficult terrain, have advantage on dexterity saving Decrease gravity Your jump distance is multiplied by 6,
throw and your AC increases by 1 as you are more nimble. you ignore difficult terrain and fall damage, have
advantage on dexterity saving throw and your AC
Increase Gravity: You have advantage on athletics checks increases by 2. In addition once per use of this ability, as a
for grappling and your attacks are heavier, when you deal reaction when you are about to take damage from a
damage to a creature with a melee weapon attack, you weapon attack, you can diminish the impact it has on you,
deal an additional 1d4 bludgeoning damage. In addition reducing the damage by an amount equal to 2d10 + your
the area in a 5ft radius centered on you is considered proficiency bonus.
difficult terrain.
Increase gravity You have advantage on athletics checks
You can use this ability twice per short rest. At level 10 you for grappling, when you deal damage to a creature with a
use this ability 3 times per short rest. melee weapon attack, you deal an additional 1d4
bludgeoning damage. In addition the area in a 15 feet
radius around you difficult terrain, and any hostile
creature that starts their turn in that area must succeed a
Strength saving throw (DC: 8 + your Consititution
Modifier + your proficiency bonus) or take bludgeoning
damage equal to your proficiency modifier, as the gravity
crushes them. Once per use of this ability, as a reaction to
dealing damage with a melee weapon attack, you can
augment the damage dealt by 2d10 + your proficiency
In addition you can now switch between each power using
a bonus action.
 
At 15th level, as part of using action surge, you can force all
creatures of your choice in a 30 feet radius around you to
succeed a Strength saving throw (DC: 8 + your Consititution
Modifier + your proficiency bonus) or be pulled in a straight
line in an empty space adjacent to yours.
Beginning at 18th level, you can unleash the power held
within you. Choose a point of impact on the ground that can
see within 120 feet of you. You leap in the air 300ft and crash
down speeding past terminal velocity. All creatures other
than you in a 30 feet radius centered on the point of impact
must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or take 8d10
bludgeoning damage, or half as much on a success, as you
crash in a fashion akin to a meteor.
You can use this ability once per short or long rest.

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