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2798837-The Giant Patron

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D&D 5th Edition

Warlock Patron:
The Giant
In the chaos of the raid, an enormous hand reaches through the broken window. The
voice outside asks "Will you join us?". You promptly agree as the hand surrounds you,
protecting you from the falling debris and flames. In the mountains, it lays you down.
You are safe, for now. The gigantic man crouches so your eyes can meet his, as you hear
him speak the language of true giants that you now understand “As requested in the
dream of the all-father, I have done this one deed”. He then disappears into the night.

by Pedro Moura
The Giant Rock Thrower
Starting at 1st level you become proficient with Medium
You have made a pact with Deity revered by giants. Revered Armor and Martial Weapons.
for its strength and size, it is a being of great ego, with Additionally, you are proficient at throwing rocks. Rocks
great appetite for power and conquest even if you are not. you throw are considered ranged weapon attacks with the
Despite your small size and disconnect to true giants, Thrown(range 20/60) and Special property.
you seem to have the potential to make a difference, be it Special. When attacking with this weapon, both Attack
with giant-kin or away from their midst. and Damage use your Strength modifier instead of your
Beings powerful enough to forge a pact include those in Dexterity modifier. You must be able to lift the rock. When
the Giant Pantheon like Annam (the All-father), Othea the rock hits a target, it breaks.
(Mother of Giants), Stronmauscan (Patron of Storm At 10th level, rocks you throw deal an additional 1d10
Giants); and Demon Lords such as Baphomet (Patron of damage. This additional damage doesn't only affect this
Beasts and Minotaurs) and Jostchtchie (Wrath). feature's attack, for example, it can be added to pebbles
Giant Features thrown by the Magic Stone cantrip.
Warlock Ranged Weapon
Level Feature Name Damage Weight Properties
3rd Expanded Spells List, Part of the Rock 1d10 5-50lb Special, thrown (range
Ordning,Rock Thrower bludgeoning 20/60)
6th Thick Hide
10th Giant Build
14th Colossal

Expanded Spell List

The Giant lets you choose from an expanded list of spells
when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are
added to the warlock spell list for you.
Giant Expanded Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st Catapult, Earth Tremor
2nd Enlarge/Reduce, Knock
3rd Erupting Earth, Lightning Arrow
4th Staggering Smite, Stoneskin
5th Bigby's Hand, Wall of Stone

Part of the Ordning Earth Tremor Spell Fix

You can speak, read, and write Giant. When interacting The spell damage at 1st level is now 1d10 instead of a 1d6.
with giant-kin, you are considered part of the Ordning, the Its increase when casting at 2nd or higher level also
social hierarchy of the Giants. Choose one type of True becomes 1d10.
Giant. When a giant perceives you, it magically recognizes If the DM is not confortable with these changes,
you to be of that social rank. Giants of the same rank might substitute Thunderwave for Earth Tremor in the Giant
accept you in their clan, higher-ranked ones might try to
command you, and lower-ranked ones might see you as a Expanded Spells.
Top rank to bottom, giants are organized in the following Thick Hide
order: Storm Giants, Cloud Giant, Fire Giants, Frost Starting at 6th level, when you take damage, you may use
Giants, Stone Giants and Hill Giants. your reaction to make your body thick as a giant's. You take
only half the damage from the triggering damage. You
recover the use of this feature after a short or long rest.
Ordning Levels Giant Build
Ordning Levels are somewhat equivalent to At 10th level you grow 2 feet in size, gaining bulk and great
human society, where Storm Giants are at the endurance. Your hit point maximum increases by 10 (every
top as Nobles and Hill Giants are much lower, in level in this class) and increases by 1 again whenever you
servitude. But other than Storm Giants, all types gain a level in this class.
feel that their level is misrepresented and should If you don't already, you count as one size larger when
be on top. determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can
push, drag, or lift.
You’re acclimated to high altitude, including elevations
above 20,000 feet. You’re also naturally adapted to cold

1 By PedroMoura
At 14th level, you gain one of the following magical benefits
Eldritch Invocations
of your choice. This benefit might be connected to your At 2nd level, a warlock gains the Eldritch Invocations
specific patron. feature. Here are new options for that feature, in addition
to others in official books.
Cloud Aura. You have a magical Aura that surrounds If an eldritch invocation has prerequisites, you must
you with wind. The aura has a 10ft radius and all the meet them to learn it. You can learn the invocation at the
creatures of your choice, inside the aura gain the same time that you meet its prerequisites. A level
following benefits: +2 to AC when targeted by ranged prerequisite refers to your level in this class.
attacks. When falling, they fall at a rate of 60ft per turn,
taking no damage from fall damage. Elemental Core
Additionally, you can cast Control Winds without Prerequisite: 5th level
expending a spell slot. You recover the use of this feat Choose a damage type from the following: Cold, Fire,
after a long rest. Lightning, Thunder. You gain resistance to that damage
Elemental Strike. When you first choose this option, type.
choose a damage type from Cold, Fire or Lightning. As Siege Built
an action, you hurl a magical elemental bolt at a point You gain proficiency in improvised weapons.
you can see within 120 feet. Each creature within 10 Additionally, the range of your ranged weapons attacks
feet of that point must make a Dexterity saving throw with the Thrown property is doubled.
against your warlock spell save DC, taking 10d8 of the
chosen damage type on a failed save, or half as much Sky Warden
damage on a successful one. You recover the use of this Prerequisite: 15th level
feat after a long rest. You can cast Control Weather once by expending a warlock
Gigantification. As a bonus action, you can grow one spell slot. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest.
size larger for 10 minutes. While enlarged, your damage You can cast it despite your spell slot being of a lower level.
dice is doubled in Strength-based weapons attacks
(Included in the attacks), and make Strength checks and Standing Sentinel
Strength saving throws with advantage. If you lack the You gain proficiency in the Athletics and Perception skills.
room to become larger, you attain the maximum size
possible available. You recover the use of this feat after a Aspect of Stone
long rest. Prerequisite: 5th level
Your skin has a rough, stone-like appearance, and your AC
Hurl. Make a grapple check against a target within 5ft can’t be less than 16, regardless of what kind of armor you
range. If the target is an object with a smaller size than are wearing.
yours, that is possible for you to grab, you automatically Additionally, you gain advantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
succeed, if not you fail. If it’s a creature, the target has checks made to hide in rocky terrain.
advantage if it’s one size larger than you and
automatically succeeds if it’s two sizes larger.
On a success, you can hurl the target 60 feet
horizontally and can only use this feature again after a
long rest. The creature and whatever it hits takes 1d8
bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it was thrown.
The movement is stopped by an object or creature in the
trajectory that fails a Dexterity saving throw against
your warlock spell save DC and is at least one size
smaller than the thrown target. A thrown creature and
whatever creature hit in the trajectory falls prone.

Hurl Weight Variant

Instead of size, you succeed if the object has a weight equal
or less to your maximum encumbrance.

By PedroMoura 2
Possible Giant Patrons
Giant Pantheon
Giant Deity Domain
Annam The All-Father, greater god of knowledge, chief deity of the giant pantheon, father of all giants.
Othea Lesser demigoddess, wife of Annam, mother of all giants and giant-kin.
Hiatea Greater goddess of nature and childbirth. Worshipped by female giants from all races.
Stronmauscan Lesser god of sun, sky, weather, seas and joy, patron of storm and cloud giants.
Memnor Intermediate god of pride and control, followed by evil cloud giants.
Surtr Lesser god of fire, patron of fire giants.
Thrym Lesser god of ice and cold, patron of frost giants.
Skoraeu Stonebones Intermediate god of stone and mountains, patron of stone giants.
Grolantor Intermediate god of combat and hunting, worshipped by hill giants and other giant-kin.
Iallanis Lesser goddess of love, worshipped by good giants and giant-kin of all races.
Karontor Lesser god of deformity, hatred and beasts.
Grond Peaksmasher Demigod worshipped by the firbolg.
Diancastra Demigoddess of trickery, thievery and mischief.

Demon Pantheon
Demon Deity Domain
Vaprak Lesser god of greed and combat, worshipped by ogres.
Baphomet A tanar'ri demon lord, some ogres and giants worshipped him to take revenge on other giants.
Kostchtchie A tanar'ri demon lord, prince of wrath, strength and violence, worshipped by frost giants.

Alternative Expanded Spells

Storm Theme Expanded Spells Frost Theme Expanded Spells

Spell Level Spells Spell Level Spells
1st Catapult, Thunderwave 1st Catapult, Ensnaring Strike
2nd Enlarge/Reduce, Knock 2nd Enlarge/Reduce, Knock
3rd Water Breathing, Lightning Arrow 3rd Erupting Earth, Lightning Arrow
4th Staggering Smite, Storm Sphere 4th Staggering Smite, Fire Shield
5th Bigby's Hand, Wall of Stone 5th Bigby's Hand, Wall of Stone

Cloud Theme Expanded Spells Stone Theme Expanded Spells

Spell Level Spells Spell Level Spells
1st Catapult, Fog Cloud 1st Catapult, Thunderous Smite
2nd Enlarge/Reduce, Warding Wind 2nd Enlarge/Reduce, Knock
3rd Water Breathing, Lightning Arrow 3rd Erupting Earth, Lightning Arrow
4th Staggering Smite, Stoneskin 4th Stone Shape, Stone Skin
5th Bigby's Hand, Telekinesis 5th Bigby's Hand, Wall of Stone

Fire Theme Expanded Spells Hill Theme Expanded Spells

Spell Level Spells Spell Level Spells
1st Catapult, Earth Tremor 1st Catapult, Earth Tremor
2nd Enlarge/Reduce, Heat Metal 2nd Enlarge/Reduce, Maximilian's Earthen Grasp
3rd Erupting Earth, Lightning Arrow 3rd Erupting Earth, Lightning Arrow
4th Staggering Smite, Fire Shield 4th Staggering Smite, Stoneskin
5th Bigby's Hand, Wall of Stone 5th Bigby's Hand, Wall of Stone

3 By PedroMoura
Inspirations Some Giant abilities weren't implemented in the path or
its invocations, because most were easily attainable with
Initially thought up as a patron both giants and dragons existing invocations or feats. Such as the Storm Giants
and their adversarial relationship, it slowly focused on only ability to breath underwater (Gift of the Depths invocation)
giants. Conceived with Storm King's Thunder in mind, to or the levitate spell from Cloud Giants ( Ascending Step
create more roleplay opportunities and character bonds invocation).
and hooks.
Development Credits
I started my work by consulting with the statistics and Designer: Pedro Moura
abilities of the different giants, and evaluating the Thank you to CarlosR, PedroC for all the feedback.
incompatibility of strength builds with the Warlock class. Thank you VascoF for proofreading.
Looking to give both martial and magical builds, the rock Edited with homebrewery.
throw was both thematic and substituted the typical
eldritch blast. But ordning was the SKT inspired features About Me
to add to non-combat situations. An important thing I found
comparing to other giant inspired class paths I've seen, I'm a 28-year-old Portuguese game designer and I've been
was to have both an appropriate scale of power and a DM for 9 years, starting in 4th edition and continuing to
physical ability, but also not overshadowing more melee 5th edition. As DM I have made many mistakes and
centred classes, specifically the Barbarian. Characters in learned a lot. I've mastered games for characters level 1 to
this class will not have more Strength of HP than a 20, and will continue making even more games!
Barbarian. They might have the size though, but this is DnD is my main creative outlet. Without it, I would have
more for utility than pure damage. a big itch to scratch. I love making content in stories and
The powers at 14th level were made for a powerful mechanics for my players to explore and discover!
climax or push towards one of the types of giants. Being I love bringing many spells and abilities from DnD and
equivalent to lvl6 spells, as I've noticed in terms of damage other board games and making a statistical analysis of their
output in other official warlock patrons (usually the late effects! Connecting their perception to their mathematical
bloomer paths such as The Fiend). It was important to give use, making my own balancing homebrews. Now, I'll be
options for show-offy damage(Elemental Strike), for using the Dungeon Masters Guild to share them.
creativity/dynamic encounters (Hurl), utility/prolonged buff
(Gigantification) and support/back row style players (Cloud

Thank you for Reading!

By PedroMoura

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the

Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the
dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of
the Coast product names, and their respective logos
are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and
other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright
Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such
material is used with permission under the Community
Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is copyright
2019 by PedroMoura and published under the
Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters
By PedroMoura 4

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