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Class Features: Creating A Master of Ceremonies

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Creating a Master of Ceremonies

When making a Master Of Ceremonies keep in mind that it is

a class with the primary function of supporting your allies
and using them as a conduit for your power. The nearer to
your allies you are, the stronger or more defensive you can
Masters Of Ceremonies tend to be lawful but maniacal
faith can also render them chaotic, in either case a Master of
Ceremonies can never be neutral.
Quick Build
You can make a Master of Ceremonies quickly by following
these suggestions. First, put your highest ability score in
Constitution, followed by Strength. If you plan to follow the
Pact of the Preventer, your Dexterity should be your second
highest score.
Your choice of background is completely dependent on
whether you are following the Pact of the Protector or the
Pact of the Preventer, pick a defensive or offensive
background respectively.

Class Features
As a Master of Ceremonies, you gain the following class
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d12 per Master of Ceremonies level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution modifer
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + your Constitution
modifier per Master of Ceremonies level after 1st
Armor: Heavy armor, Shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Herbalism Kit
Saving Throws: Constitution, Strength
Skills: Choose two from Athletics, Religion, Nature, Arcana,
Intimidation, Investigation, Perception
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background:
(a) one two-handed weapon or (b) two one-handed martial
(a) five javelins or (b) a shield
(a) scale mail or (b) chainmail
(a) Herbalism kit or (b) 2d6 x 10 gp

Perfect Training The Peoples' Bastion
Starting at 1st level, if you do not have proficiency in Starting at 11th level, you gain +1 AC if there is any allied
Athletics, you gain proficiency in Athletics. If you already have creatures within 10ft of you. At 16th level the range increases
proficiency in Athletics, you gain proficiency in Investigation to 20ft.
or Perception.
Cavalry Mob
Power Through Unison Starting at 16th level, you may use an action to cause yourself
Starting at 2nd level, whenever an enemy within 25ft of you and all willing allies within 20ft of you to immediately move
attacks an allied creature, you may use your reaction to make their full movement speed in a straight line in the same
a single melee attack against an enemy in reach. If you attack direction. If you would collide with a creature they take 1d6
the enemy that targeted your ally, roll with advantage. bludgeoning damage per space moved before colliding with
them and if they are the same size or smaller as you or the
Ceremony Pacts ally colliding with them, they are carried to the end of the
Starting at 3rd level, you choose a path that defines the line. Any creature that takes more than 20 damage is stunned
nature of your ceremonies. Choose the Pact of the Protector until the end of its next turn. This feature may only be used
or the Pact of the Preventer, both detailed at the end of the once per long rest. Increase damage to 1d8 per space at 20th
class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level level.
and again at 7th, 10th, 13th, 15th, 18th, and 20th levels. Acts of Faith (Spells)
Companion's Tutelage Rather than casting spells normally you use your action to
Starting at 3rd level, once per short rest you may gain a single perform a small ceremony followed by prayer to call upon a
skill proficiency that an allied creature you are resting with higher power for blessings or aid in combat. You may use as
has. Lasts until your next short rest. many Acts of Faith as your wisdom modifier x2 and regain all
expended uses after a long rest. Add your constitution
modifier to damage rolls.
Lead the Squad You learn all Acts of Faith when you reach the appropriate
Starting at 5th level, your movement speed is increased by 5ft levels to use them but you can only prepare a certain number
if there are any allied creatures within 20ft of you at the start of Acts per day. The number of Acts you can prepare per level
of your turn. However, you may only use this bonus are detailed in the table on the following pages.
movement to travel towards creatures. At 11th level, the
movement speed increase becomes 10ft and the range is
25ft. At 15th level these increase to 15ft and 30ft respectively.
Extra Attack
Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
The Best Defense
Startubg at 6th level, once per long rest, as a reaction to an
enemy attack targeted at an ally, you may roll a damage die
from whatever weapon you are holding, divide it by two and
add that number to a chosen party member's AC. The effect
ends if either you or your ally moves more than 20ft away
from the other, if you are incapacitated or restrained in any
way, and after the end of your next turn.
Stand For Them Ceremony Pacts
Starting at 8th level, as long as you are within 10ft of an allied A Master of Ceremonies' method of defending their allies is
creature, if they were to fail a roll, you may reroll any saving based on the pact they follow. Those who believe removing a
throw or skill check on their behalf but they must accept the threat is better than allowing the threat to attack follow the
result of the new roll. Path of the Preventer while those who believe that rising
At 9th level the range increases to 15ft and At 11th level from the ashes to strike at a weakened foe with renewed
you gain advantage on any saving throws you both share a vigor is the one true way of combat follow the Path of the
proficiency in. Protector.
Upon choosing a path you cannot revoke your decision and
you receive the benefits and skills of that path.

Pact of the Protector Allies' Redoubt
The Pact of the Protector is for those who wish to safeguard Starting at 15th level, as an action you begin exuding an aura
their allies and ensure a counter offensive is possible or to in a 15ft cube, that lasts for two turns. While this aura is
hold ground while allies rain hell from the rear. This often active you cannot make any offensive rolls but otherwise can
comes at the cost of the raw physical power a Master of move and act as normal. Any attacks and spells that would
Ceremonies could have had if they were to become a deal damage or otherwise hinder you or an allied creature
Preventer. within the aura have the damage/effects halved and the
attacker/caster suffers the mitigated half of that
damage/effects. You can dispel the aura using a bonus action
Stalwart on your turn.
Upon taking the Path of the Protector at 3rd level, you
increase your hit point maximum by 2 every time you The People's Fortress
increase your Master of Ceremonies level and you have Starting at 18th level, whenever you take damage divide the
advantage against being frightened. amount suffered by 10 and round it down. Until your next
turn, you receive an increase in AC equal to the result. Until
Bulwark of the Many the start of your next turn, all hostile creatures that can see
Starting at 7th level, you prepare yourself to make a stand you must make a charisma saving throw equal to 8 + your
with your allies at your back and your lives in your shield. Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus, or they must
Once per short rest you may give up moving and acting until use their actions to only attack or move towards you. You
you dispel Bulwark of the Many. While it is active your shield cannot receive these effects for 2 consecutive rounds.
is surrounded by light and all hostile creatures within a 30ft
cube, centered on you, move at half speed, take 3d6 radiant The Protector's Grand Ceremony
damage and must succeed on a Constitution saving throw Starting at 20th level, as an action, target a square area
with a DC equal to 8 + your Constitution modifier + your within 50ft of you with 100ft sides. Until you choose to dispel
proficiency bonus. If they fail the save they are blinded until 'The Protector's Grand Ceremony' you must be channeling
the end of their next turn. Any undead or fiend is blinded and concentrating and thus cannot move or act. All allied
automatically. Allied creatures attacking creatures that are creatures within the area have their AC increased by 1 for
hostile to you within the cube automatically gain advantage every five allied creatures and has advantage on strength and
on their offensive rolls. constitution saving throws. Enemies within the area suffer
4d6 radiant damage at the start of each of their turns. While
Bodily Synergy channeling you are vulnerable to all types of damage and
Starting at 10th level, as an action, you may mark an ally these effects will end immediately if you are stunned or are
within 20ft of you with a magic sigil. Whenever damage is reduced below 50% of your max health. Can only be used
dealt to that ally, you may split the damage evenly between once per long rest.
yourself and that creature. The sigil dissipates if either you or
your ally move out of the 20ft range of each other.
One For All
Starting at 13th level, if one of your allies is reduced to 1 hit
point, you may choose to roll a hit dice from yourself and any
willing ally within 20ft of the fallen ally. The sum of these
rolls is how many hit points your injured ally regains.

Pact of the Preventer The Peoples' Executioner
The Pact of the Preventer is for the more aggressively Starting at 18th level, whenever you or an allied creature
protective, utilizing abilities designed to bring the fight to the takes damage, divide the number by 10 and round it down to
enemy and remove threats quickly. This often comes at the a minimum of 1. You gain a number of attacks equal to the
cost of the defensive power a Master of Ceremonies would result against the enemy that dealt damage to you. Any
normally have and can leave them in danger if their strategy unused extra attacks are lost at the end of the turn. If 100 or
fails. more damage is dealt by these attacks the next attack that
hits reduces the target to 1 hit point, if it had fewer than 100
hit points remaining.
Upon taking the Path of the Preventer at 3rd level, you deal The Preventer's Grand Ceremony
your Constitution modifier as additional damage when Starting at 20th level, create a square aura at a point up to 50
attacking with Strength-based weapons and you have ft away from you with 50ft sides. You may dispel the aura with
advantage against being charmed. a bonus action on your turn. All creatures that are hostile to
you within the aura have disadvantage on attack rolls and all
Fury of the Many allied creatures targeting hostile creatures in the area have
Starting at 7th level, you prepare to forcefully remove any advantage on attack rolls against them. Once the aura has
threat to your allies. You may use your action to activate Fury been in effect for 1d6 rounds or is dispelled add up the
of the Many for 1d6 rounds. While active all effects/items that missing hit points of all allied creatures inside the area and
boost your AC instead add a number of damage die to your deal it in equal parts to all hostile creatures that were within
attacks and Ceremonious Acts equal to the increase in AC the area at any point. You cannot move or act while the aura
you would have received from the effects. Any allies that is active and are vulnerable to all types of damage. The effects
target an enemy you have wounded while Fury of the Many is end immediately if you are stunned or if your hit points are
active gain advantage on attacks against that enemy. reduced below half of your maximum hit points, rounded
Bodily Harm
Starting at 10th level, gain a second reaction that may only be
used with this ability. As a reaction, whenever an allied
creature within 20ft of you takes damage you may instead
take the damage. On your next attack you deal additional
damage equal to the amount of damage you took in this way.
The damage is converted to radiant damage.
All For One
Starting at 13th level, you may use an action to add up the
missing health totals of yourself and all allied creatures
within 20ft of you, and on your next attack you deal additional
damage equal to half the total. On the round following the use
of All For One, you gain one level of exhaustion and have
disadvantage on attack rolls, may not begin ceremonies and
have your movement speed reduced by 20ft.
Allies' Revenge
Starting at 15th level, you may use your action to begin
exuding an aura in a 15ft cube, centered on yourself, for 1d6
rounds. Deal half damage with weapon attacks. Keep track of
the damage die that affect allied creatures within this aura.
When the rounds have passed, allies within the aura that have
been attacked may roll damage die equal to the amount of
attacks they took against a single enemy that damaged them.
Allied creatures roll 1 additional die for each creature that is
not hostile to them within the aura. You may not roll damage
die this way and may only move at half of your maximum
movement speed while this aura is active.

Master of Ceremonies
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Acts of Faith
1st +2 Perfect Training -
2nd +2 Power Through Unison -
3rd +2 Choose Your Path, Companion's Tutelage, 1st Level Ceremonious Acts 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3
5th +3 Extra Attack, Lead the Squad 3
6th +3 The Best Defense 4
7th +3 Bulwark of the Many/Fury of the Many, 2nd level Ceremonious Acts 4
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Stand for Them 4
9th +4 - 5
10th +4 Bodily Synergy/Bodily Harm, 3rd Level Ceremonious Acts 5
11th +4 The People's Bastion 5
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 6
13th +5 One For All/All For One, 4th Level Ceremonious Acts 6
14th +5 - 6
15th +5 Allies' Redoubt/Allies' Revenge 7
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Cavalry Mob, 5th Level Ceremonious Acts 7
17th +6 - 8
18th +6 The Peoples' Fortress/The Peoples' Executioner 8
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 9
20th +6 The Protector's Grand Ceremony/The Preventer's Grand Ceremony 9

1st Level Ceremonious Acts 4th Level Ceremonious Acts

Rider's Causeway Living Bond
Warmth from Above Bio-Electrical Surge
Sight of the Seraphim Bastion Shield
Call of Protecton Otherworldly Flash
2nd Level Ceremonious Acts 5th Level Ceremonious Acts
Light-Plate Dragged From The Gates
Shield Phantasm Cage of the Just
Bloody Inspiration Paragon of Skill
Punishment Obelisks of Negation
Bashing Exclamation Wrath of the Defenseless
3rd Level Ceremonious Acts
Light Transition
Dispersion Wave
Displacer Halo

4th Level Ceremonious Acts

Rider's Causeway Light Transition
You or a creature within 20ft of you may move an additional You may move up to 2 allies and yourself to any point within
20ft and can jump up to 10ft high on the next movement. 50ft. For purposes of detection, treat this as teleportation. If
you teleport into a space inhabited by a creature, you and the
Warmth from Above creature both take 4d8 Force damage.
You and all allies within 20ft of you at the time of casting
receive advantage on all Constitution and Strength saving Dispersion Wave
throws or skill checks for 3 minutes. All creatures within a 30ft cone are blasted by a wave of
energy. They must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw. On a
Sight of the Seraphim failed save they take 5d6 radiant damage and must move
You are able to detect any magical source/effect within 20ft of their full movement away from you on their next turn. On a
you for 10 minutes. successful save they take half damage and are not forced to
move away from you.
Call for Protection
Choose an ally you can see within 20ft and give them 1d6 Displacer Halo
temporary hitpoints until they take a long rest and increase Places a mark that lasts for 5 turns on a willing creature
their AC by 2 until the start of your next turn. within 20ft. If the marked creature takes damage, the damage
is deflected to you. If the damage would have reduced your
Light-Plate ally to 0 hitpoints, you also switch positions with them and
A single allied creature within 20ft of you gains +2 to its AC gain an attack of opportunity against the enemy that dealt the
until your next turn. This may not be used on the same damage.
creature on consecutive turns.
Living Bond
Shield Phantasm If you are conscious, you may give up to 3d12 of your HP to
All allied creatures within 20ft of you cannot be surprised for any injured ally within 20ft who is below half their maximum
five minutes. hitpoint value.
Bloody Inspiration Bio-Electrical Surge
A single allied creature further than 20ft from you receives a A surge of energy flows through you and any ally within 30ft
3d6 bonus on their next attack roll. You may not use it on that of you, collecting energy to strike a creature with a lighting
ally again until you both complete a short rest. bolt. A target within 50ft of you, or your allies, takes 3d10
lighting damage. Add a damage die for each ally the eneergy
Punishment flows through.
A single hostile creature within 40ft of you is blasted by a
holy light that deals 3d6 radiant damage. If hit, the target Bastion Shield
must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save it is You create a 20ft wide, 30ft high, and 5ft thick wall of pure
stunned for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw light that you can dispel using a bonus action on your next
at the start of each of its turns this roll is made with turn. The wall is immune to poison, psychic and radiant
advantage. damage. You cannot move or act until you dispel the shield.
Any nonmagical projectile that hits the wall is destroyed. The
Bashing Exclamation wall has 100 hitpoints. When it is reduced to 0 it shatters,
You imbue your shield with energy, and charge at a creature disappearing in a flash of light.
within your movement range. The target must make a
Dexterity saving throw equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + Otherworldly Flash
your Dexterity or Strength modifier (whichever is higher). On You launch an orb of light into the air above you that creates a
a failed save it takes 5d8 bludgeoning damage and, if the searing light upon detonation. All enemies within 30ft of you
target is a creature, it is knocked back 20ft. If the creature is must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 4d6
the same size as you they are only pushed back 10ft and if the radiant damage and be blinded for 1d6 rounds.
creature is larger they can only be pushed back 5ft. On a
successful save, they take half damage and are not pushed Dragged from the Gates
back. All hostile creatures within 40ft of you must succeed on a
Dexterity saving throw or take 2d10 force damage and be
Confinement pulled 30ft directly towards you.
You may force a creature within 50ft of you to make a
Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save a magical seal
appears making the target unable to cast spells for 1d10
rounds. An affected creature may repeat the save at the start
of each of its turns.

Cage of the Just
Target an area up to 50ft away and create a cube with 20ft
sides. All hostile creatures within the area are trapped for the
duration and take 3d8 radiant damage at the start of each of
their turns. Allied creatures may enter the cage but cannot
leave it. The area lasts for 1 minute and you can dispel it
using a bonus action, on your turn. The Cage of the Just also
ends if you take damage. You cannot move or act while Cage
of the Just is active or it will end.
Paragon of Skill
Upon casting, you or an allied creature within 15ft of you are
proficient in all saving throws and skill checks for 1 minute.
An affected creature must finish a long rest before it can be
affected by this skill again and you must finish a long rest
before you can use this again.
Obelisks of Negation
You and a single allied creature within 5ft of you become
completely immune to all forms of damage and magical
effects for thirty seconds. You both must remain within 5ft of
each other. This feature can only be used once per long rest.
Wrath of the Defenseless
Count how many allies within 20ft of you that have a lower
AC than you. You may deal that number of additional damage
die as radiant damage on your next attack. This feature can
only be used once per long rest.

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