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Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences 10(1S) 3518-3525 2023

Development of a Class Attendance Monitoring

System Using Barcode with SMS Notification
Bonna S. Guevarra1, Fely T. Corpuz2
Isabela State University, San Mateo, Philippines
Corresponding Author:
Bonna S. Guevarra,
Department of Information and Communication Technology,
Isabela State University San Mateo Campus,
San Mateo, Isabela, Philippines.

The new trend of technology is embraced by many users considering its advantages. One of those is the attendance
monitoring system which is developed in different methods globally to solve student’s absenteeism. Involving
technology inventions is a key to motivate student’s awareness, attention, and interest in learning to solve their
problems, especially in their daily life. Implementing this kind of system is indispensable to Isabela State
University- San Mateo Campus because students are prone to absences for varied reasons observed and their
parents or guardians are not immediately informed about the absences of their children. Moreover, the faculty
used a piece of paper or class record to document the daily attendance of their students. Hence, this Class
Attendance Monitoring System Using Barcode with SMS Notification was designed and developed to provide
convenience and ease in monitoring class attendance. It allows the students to place their Identity Barcode on the
scanner, then it will be saved in the database and directly send a message to the parents via Short Message Service
(SMS) using Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) network containing the time and date when their
child enters the class for a particular subjects or events. This system will also generate an attendance report
containing the time-in and time out of the students by course and section, subject, semester, and even by school
Keywords: Barcode, Class Attendance Monitoring System (CAMS), Database, SMS Notification

1. INTRODUCTION guidance coordinator; 6 consecutive class

An attendance monitoring system is a vital absences mean “drop” in the subject;
process in almost all the organization and Failure to take the prelim exam preceded by
institutions [1]. Isabela State University has absences means “drop” in the subject; and
a standard policy in terms of attendance, last, Failure to attend regular classes after
tardiness, and absenteeism of the students. taking the prelim exam means of the grade
First, the minimum of 80% attendance of of 5.0 in the subject [2]. The importance of
the total contract hours in the subject is class attendance within the Higher and
required (Checking is done every meeting); tertiary education sector cannot be under-
Tardiness of fifteen minutes is equivalent to estimated. This is essential because of the
one hour period of absence; A minimum of crucial role contact classes play in ensuring
three consecutive absence without valid knowledge acquisition in a conducive
reason requires a promissory note from the environment [3].

Development of a Class Attendance Monitoring System Using Barcode with SMS Notification

One of the factors that encourages the containing the time and date when their
success of the learning process is the child enters in the class in particular
participation of students, and if students are subjects or events. This system will also
always absent, then the information they generate an attendance report containing
get becomes less and can't grasp the the time-in and time out of the students by
material that has been learned, the one that course and sections, subject, semester, and
triggers the absence of students is their even by school event.
ditch [4]. The invention of this method is The authors in [8] stress that computer
very important to introduce at Isabela State software has the capability efficienlty
University-San Mateo Campus, where most reduce the time spend in monittoring and
students are prone to absences for a variety recording attendance. And also the authors
of reasons, such as; they think it's a boring in [9], automation of the Attendance
class; laziness to attend classes; some System has boundaries over the traditional
students prefer to go to computer shops to method as it saves time and also can be used
play games rather than attend classes; some for security purposes. This also helps to
students cannot refuse the power of a prevent fake attendance. Therefore, the
friend. Any of these reasons parents or substantial key is to apply the invention to
guardians are not aware of the absences of solve the problems and facilitate our daily
their children. Also the faculty used only a life. Moreover, it makes stimulating
piece of paper and a book to document their attention, awareness, and interest in
students' everyday attendance. According learning [10].
to authors in [5], the first case leads to a In addition, the introduction of attendance
student who has forgotten his identity, accountability mechanisms, such as the
while the latter leads to a false attendance electronic attendance tracking system, is a
record. Also to authors in [6] attendance single approach that has a positive effect on
management scheme, which involves the academic performance in college.
signing of attendance forms results to Electronic attendance tracking is a viable
unsystematic, unreliable and unsecured method of assisting students and
attendance records. Since the student encouraging academic performance [11].
attendance record is held on paper, it can
easily be manipulated [7]. 2. RESEARCH METHOD
The Development of a Class Attendance The Methodology of this study is shown in
Monitoring System Using Barcode with Figure 1. As displayed in the Venn
SMS Notification for Isabela State diagram, the current class monitoring
University-San Mateo Campus was started system was observed in order to identify the
to address these issues. This study also difficulties and issues which have to be
aimed to design the system which allows addressed in designing the flow and
the students to enter the class using a features of the Class Attendance
barcode containing their student Monitoring tool. The following platforms
identification number and saved it into the were used in the system: Pre-Processor
database and directly send a message to the HyperText for Web Scripting Language;
parents via Short Message Service (SMS) MySQL as the database of the program;
using Global System for Mobile PHP Designer to write the code of the
Communications (GSM) network system; XAMPP as the (Web Server –

Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences 10(1S) 3518-3525 2023

offline) were used creating and running the 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
system; Barcode scanner to scan barcodes 3.1. System Architecture
for student entry; and Broadband Stick for The system architecture is shown in Figure
SMS notification. Additionally, the Class 2. It comprises of a server that parses the
Attendance Monitoring system was tested system program. The database or the data
to identify possible errors of the system. storage of the Class Attendance
Management System stores information of
the clients (Student and Teacher) which can
be displayed using a barcode scanner that is
connected to the computer. By the use of a
smart broadband stick, the system directly
sends a message containing the time and
date when the student enters the class in a
particular subjects or events to the parents
via Short Message Service (SMS) in a
Figure 1. Software Development Global System for Mobile
Methodology Communications (GSM) network.

Figure 2: The Architecture of Class Attendance Monitoring System Using Barcode with SMS

3.2 System Features and Functions student list report of attendance by class
The features and functions of the developed subject Time-In and Time-Out.
system are the following: the system can
add, edit, and delete student information, 3.2.1 System Database
subjects, course year level, and school Figure 3 shows the system database.
events. It also scans student Identity PhpMyadmin is used to administer MySQL
barcode and sends SMS Notification using to collect and store the data. It contains
Smart Broadband Stick. It also views tables and fields related to the system.

Development of a Class Attendance Monitoring System Using Barcode with SMS Notification

Figure 3: System Database Interface.

3.2.2 System Graphical User Interfaces design of system interface is very essential
In this study, the following figures are the to the end-users, according to the authors in
System Graphical User Interfaces (GUI). It [12], this may help in improving the design
is viewed in a web browser. Xampp of plans and classroom reservation
software is used to develop the system. It decisions.
allows you to create web programs. Good

Figure 4: Course Year and Section Enrollment.

Figure 5: Student Enrollment.

Figure 6: Subject Enrollment.

Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences 10(1S) 3518-3525 2023

Figure 7: Event Enrollment.

Figure 8: Setting Class Attendance.

Figure 9: Scanning Student Identity Barcode Time-in.

Figure 10: Scanning Student Identity Barcode Time-out.

Figure 11: Student Confirmation Time-In and Sending Message.

Development of a Class Attendance Monitoring System Using Barcode with SMS Notification

Figure 12: Student Confirmation Time-Out and Sending Message.

Figure 13: Setting Subject Details to View Report.

Figure 14: Viewing Student Class Attendance Report.

3.2.3 System Testing SMS Notification Using Barcode Figures 16 and 17 show SMS testing with
Figure 15 shows the scanning of the the use Smart Broadband Stick. It has a SIM
barcode printed in the students' ID using a card number with Global System for
barcode scanner. According to authors [12], Mobile Communications (GSM) network
barcode Identification is one of the to directly send notification to parents
automatic identification technologies regarding the time and date when their child
which is popular nowadays. A secured and enters the class or attends a school activity.
accurate barcode technology model is According to authors [13], the integration
needed for the implementation of the of this system with SMS is very useful as it
system. can directly notify the parents regarding
their children’s attendance problems. With
this, parents do not have to bother anymore
to come to school just to know the presence
or absence of his son/daughter [14].

Figure 15: Scanning Student Identity


Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences 10(1S) 3518-3525 2023

Based on the findings of the report, the
device design was the tool used by the
institution to conduct a class attendance
search. It is recommended to further assess
its efficacy for implementation. Tests and
performance analysis were carried out to
check the reliability of the system [16].
Figure 16: Sending Message Using
Broadband Stick Connected to The
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