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Attendance Management System: Monica.C, Nithya.R, Prarthana.M, Sonika.S.V, Dr.M.Ramakrishna

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International Research Journal of Computer Science (IRJCS) ISSN: 2393-9842

Issue 05, Volume 4 (May 2017) SPECIAL ISSUE

Attendance Management System

Monica.C#1, Nithya.R#2, Prarthana.M#3, Sonika.S.V#4, Dr.M.Ramakrishna#5
Department of computer science and engineering, Vemana IT, Bangalore, India
HOD, Department of computer science and engineering, Vemana IT, Bangalore, India

Abstract — Over the years the manual attendance system has been carried across most of educational institutions.
To overcome the problem of manual attendance, now we are using a web based attendance management system,
which can be implemented on any computer. This system is being developed to maintain easy access of information
from the database. The application makes use of MYSQL as back end and JAVA, HTML, CSS is used as front end.
It tracks all the details of a student attendance from day one to end of the course. The conventional method of taking
attendance by calling names or signing is very time consuming and insecure, hence inefficient and some of the
reasons are not reported to the parents or guardians because the way of informing them is a traditional way and it
takes a long process. Here, we implement a system which is SMS broadcasting, which will help the faculty to inform
the parents about their student’s performance and attendance.
Keywords — Web based attendance management system, Database, SMS broadcast.

Attendance Management System (AMS) is software developed for daily attendance of students. Previously, the college
relied heavily on paper records. This paper focuses on preventing information in an easy way and intelligible manner
which reduces paper and time. The project makes use of database in order to keep a record of attendance and is used
while generating a report for individual student. The system is fully controlled by administrator about the staff’s profile,
student information student attendance. The administrator can add new student, add new staff, view staff and student
and view the student attendance report. The faculties are able to directly access all aspects of the student’s progress
through a secure, online interface embedded in the college website. After the class has been finished, the lecturer can
view the student’s attendance that has been saved in the faculty server. This system will also help in evaluating
attendance eligibility criteria of a student. The faculty can also send messages to parents or guardians about the student
performance and attendance by short listing the students. Hence, here communication is made easier with parents and
faculty. The messages can be sent through SMS to the mobile number given in details of the students in the file. The
purpose of developing this software is to computerize the tradition way of taking attendance. Another purpose of
software is to generate the report automatically at the end of the session. Moreover, graphical user interface is provided
in the proposed system, which provides user to deal with system very easily. The scope of this project is the system on
which the software is installed i.e. the project is developed as a desktop application, and it will work for a particular
The main objectives of our work are:
• Data of student has been computerized without using any manual effort.
• Parents get the SMS about their ward status day to day.
• Easy to generate the report.
• Rapid access to any information regarding the students’ attendance.
[1] “Web Based Student Information Management”, S.R.Bharamagoudar et al., this paper assist in automating the
existing manual system. It can be monitored and controlled remotely. This paper provides accurate information always.
All years together gathered information can be saved and can be accessed at any time. The purpose is to design a
college website which contains upto date information of the college. That should improve efficiency of college record

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International Research Journal of Computer Science (IRJCS) ISSN: 2393-9842
Issue 05, Volume 4 (May 2017) SPECIAL ISSUE

[2] “Attandance Management System G.Gangagowri et al., this system is used Way to SMS software. This software is
used to send SMS easily to their parent’s. This system can store their data about the students and those cares absent
student details. It is an efficient method to store the attendance in the Web Site rather than wasting the paper. It also
updates the student report directly on the server reducing the faculty’s time on logging from the computer.
[3] “Online Student Attendance System”, P. N. Garad et al, in this project, we gave access to three user i.e. Admin,
Student, Others. This project is based on client-server. Here, the serve is Tomcat and client is JSP. In this project
teachers or the admin will be filling attendance and sending message to the student who is absent. They will have
privilege to fill attendance form, update attendance form, send message to the guardian’s account whose child is absent,
also those attendance is less than 75%, and they also have privilege to send message to the students whose fees are
pending. he staff can also view the message whenever they want and also can modify the details of students. Parents
have privilege to view attendance and to view message sent by the teacher. Students also have their account with the
privilege to view message sent by the subject teacher and to view the attendance.

[4] “Web Based Coaching Institute Management System”, Mayuri Kamble et al, “Coaching Institute Management
System” software developed for an institute has been designed to achieve maximum efficiency and reduce the time
taken to handle the storing activity. It is designed to replace an existing manual record system thereby reducing time
taken for calculations and for storing data. The system is strong enough to withstand regressive daily operations under
conditions where the database is maintained and cleared over a certain time of span. The implementation of the system
in the organization will considerably reduce data entry, time and also provide readily calculated reports.

[5] “Classroom Attendance Application”, Pranjul Khare1 et al, the scope of the project is the system on which the
software is installed, i.e. the project is developed as an ANDROID application, and it will work for a particular institute.
Android is a mobile operating system (OS) based on the Linux kernel and currently developed by Google with a user
interface based on direct manipulation. RAD approaches to software development have put less emphasis on planning
tasks and more emphasis on development. It has revealed that an online system for recording and reporting students
’attendances is indeed a needed application in order to make the process more efficient and time-saving where more
than 70% of the sample group agreed to that matter.
The Existing system is a manual entry for the Admin and also Faculty. Here the attendance will be carried out in the
hand written registers. Maintaining the records for the Faculty is a tedious job. The retrieval of the information is not as
easy as the records are maintained in the registers.


In order to overcome the drawbacks in existing system, a Web application has developed for daily attendance of
students. The system consists of two actors one is Admin and another is Faculty, Admin is a super user who can create
any Faculty, Student, Class details and Broadcast SMS etc. Faculty user can able to update an Attendance which has
been taken in the XL Sheets. It is made easy to access the attendance information of a particular student. The
information regarding the attendance is sent by the Faculty to the admin for related class which has been taken using the
XL Sheet given to them. This application is helpful in evaluating the attendance eligibility of a student. The purpose is
to computerize the tradition way of taking attendance and generating of report automatically at the end or between of
the session. The report that is sent through the SMS is more interesting!!
Advantages of proposed system:

 Ease up the process of attendance.

 Easy Analysis of data.
 Better user interface.
 Reduced dependency on natural resources for paper.
 Easy generation of summary of attendance.
 Provide communication between Faculty and parents.
 Automatic SMS will be sent to parents to inform the status of their child whether present or absent in the

IRJCS: Impact Factor Value – SJIF: Innospace, Morocco (2016): 4.281
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International Research Journal of Computer Science (IRJCS) ISSN: 2393-9842
Issue 05, Volume 4 (May 2017) SPECIAL ISSUE



Admin Faculty

Student Upload
Staff Upload

Subject upload

Generate report
and send SMS



Staff filled

Fig. 1: System Architecture

The design is expressed in sufficient detail so as to enable all the developers to understand the underlying architecture
of Attendance system.
This deals with context diagram, detailed data flow graph, use case diagrams of this system.
A. Dataflow diagrams
A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the “flow” of Student Information System. A data flow
diagram can also be used for the visualization of Data Processing [2].DFD shows the interaction between the system
and outside entities. This context-level DFD is then “exploded” to show more detail of the system being modeled. A
DFD represents flow of data through a system. Data flow diagrams are commonly used during problem analysis.

Admin Faculty
Class Class

login Home
Subject Subject

Change Report

Fig. 2: Activities of Admin

It views a system as function that transforms the given input into required output. The Attendance System mainly
comprises of the two components: Admin, faculty.Admin is a super user who can create any Faculty, Class, Exam etc.
Faculty user can able to add Students and maintain Student Marks and Attendance and Broadcast SMS.
IRJCS: Impact Factor Value – SJIF: Innospace, Morocco (2016): 4.281
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International Research Journal of Computer Science (IRJCS) ISSN: 2393-9842
Issue 05, Volume 4 (May 2017) SPECIAL ISSUE


Faculty Attendance Attendance


login Home

Faculty password

Fig. 3: Activities of Faculty



SMS Broadcast Select Attendance

Broadcast Attendance Month Percentage

Parent’s SMS Web

phone Service

Fig. 4: Describing the SMS Broadcast

The figure above 2, 3, and 4 describes the activities performed by the admin, faculty in more detailed pictorial
B. Use Case Diagrams


Generation &
SMS Broadcast


Fig. 5: Use Case Diagram for Admin

ADMINISTRATOR: The administrator manages the faulty accounts like entering a new faculty, assigning the faculty
to the subjects, request for report. THE username and the password of the faculty can be changed by admin. The
administrator has the highest level of power in the faculty information system.

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International Research Journal of Computer Science (IRJCS) ISSN: 2393-9842
Issue 05, Volume 4 (May 2017) SPECIAL ISSUE



Fig. 6: Use Case diagram for faculty
STAFF: The student’s attendance, internal marks of the students and any information regarding the subjects can be
updated by the staff. They can also view the student details for better understanding the student performance and
improving the efficiency of the student. The staff also can broadcast SMS to the parents regarding their performance
and attendance.
In this paper we have proposed an attendance management system where attendance has been taken in the digitalized
way. By using the proposed system we are overcoming the problems of the manual entry. Here we are implementing a
system where the attendance is taken and it automatically updates the attendance, marks details. We are also designing a
system where in the attendance details and the marks details have been sent to their respective parents/guardians
through broadcasting of SMS. In future work, we can implement the attendance management system using RFID
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