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Fingerprint Attendance System Chapter One

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1.1 Background of the Study

Attendance management of students in institution can be rigorous using the conventional

method of paper sheets and old file system method. Every academic institution poses
some standards concerning how attendance is to be confirmed for student in classes,
laboratory sessions and examination halls. That is why keeping the accurate record of
attendance is very important. The approach of using paper sheets and the old file system
to confirmed students has been in use for years. There are so many bottlenecks with the
conventional method, one of such problem is the difficulty for the management to
compute the percentage of student attendance in classes and frequently modify their
information. Also in institution, tracking and monitoring student time of attendance could
be tedious task, time consuming and as well prone to errors. As an alternative to
traditional manual clocking process by students in classes or during examination,
biometrics characteristics can be used for authenticating students.
This research will focus on developing Fingerprint based Biometric Student Attendance
Monitoring System. The fingerprint Biometrics is adopted in this research work for the
fact it is one of the most successful applications of biometric technology. In the manual
signing processes, where lecturer give a sheet of paper to student to write their names and
signature as a form of confirming their presence for a particular class session,
falsification in student attendance mostly occur a situation where by a student can sign on
behalf of his or her colleague as being present in the class when not true can be so
difficult to prevent from happening especially for large classes where row count takes
longer time (International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 2009)
The trending concern in this modern world is regarding national security, identifying
theft as well as on-line terrorism. Researcher refers to Biometric as a solution for
detecting user’s identity and security challenges emanating in this modern day. Biometric
identification is any automatically measurable, robust and distinctive physical
characteristic or personal trait that can be used to identify an individual or verify the
claimed identify of an individual.
Biometric technology is a technique that is capable of uniquely identifying a person
through his/her characteristics features. The use of this approach is gaining ground in
recent times, particularly in higher institution of learning where impersonation is
currently at alarming rate. The technology offers a reliable solution for solving
recognition problem through features such as: fingerprint, faces, iris, palm print etc.
Using a particular person fingerprint as a form of authentication is just like using natural
physical data as a password. The benefit of using biometric authentication is that it is
absolutely distinct to each person. There are no two different individuals with the same
fingerprint, it is difficult and impossible for one another to have the same fingerprint, and
fingerprints from different people can never be the same. Also, a fingerprint can never be
guess by a criminal, such as a password which imposter can easily predict using a user
birth date or any other common password. Infiltration is very hard to come by due to the
fact that criminal will not be able to snoop around to steal user password when using
ATM with the 4-digit pass code (Valasquez 2013).
Fingerprint can be categorize as one of the most mature biometric traits and is accepted in
courts of law as a legitimate proof of evidence. Fingerprints are adopted in forensic
analysis globally in investigations of criminal. More recently, there are growing numbers
of individuals and commercial users that are currently using or strongly putting into
consideration of using fingerprint-based identification for no any other reason other than
the matching performance biometric technology has demonstrated as well as a better
understanding of fingerprints.
This study is to implement a system that uses fingerprint to identify registered students of
Kano State Polytechnic and further track their attendance during lectures and
examinations. This study developed a system, configure the system and ensure proper
synchronization with a biometric device. The system was developed using .NET
framework. Specifically, visual is used for coding all the interactive interfaces,
while SQL server 2008 was used as the back-end. In order to establish the efficiency of
the developed system in terms of usability, its usability was determined using the
approach of System Usability Scale (SUS).


Obviously, the existing methods of student attendance identification in most institutions
of higher learning are mostly manual which involves the use of paper, pencil and other
archaic means where students write or sign against their names. This method is not only
time consuming but is also inefficient in the sense that updating students’ records, storage
and management of such records as well as calculating percentages of attendance for
examination purposes tend to be quite difficult and mostly unachievable. The method of
student attendance identification lacks the capability to track time on individual
attendance records. Saheed, et al. (2016). Besides, most of the times, data from these
records turn out to be fake, unreliable and not authentic because of the manner in which
the required data for these records are obtained as such, the motive behind keeping the
students’ attendance records becomes defeated. Consequently, inefficiencies of the
current methods used in taking and keeping students’ attendance records makes it very
easy for false attendance and impersonation whereby students find it very easy to write
their friends names on the attendance list without being detected by the teacher or any
other officer in charge. Most of the time, lecturers face the problems of having an empty
classroom and yet the attendance list is full. This arises from the fact that most of the
time, some truant students tend to attend classes during the first few weeks after which
they stop attending and request their punctual friends to sign the attendance on their
behalf. Since lecturers are always busy teaching in the classes they tend to be oblivious of
what happens with the attendance register and have no time to check the attendance list
one-by-one. Olaniyi, et al. (2015).
The aim of the study is to design and develop a reliable, scalable and cost
effective Mobile based fingerprint and barcode Examination Student Attendance
Monitoring system.


This is to be achieved by the following objectives:
(i) To carry out the analysis of manual processes involved in class attendance
and examination attendance.
(ii) To design a new system for the (i) above and
(iii) To implement the design using Microsoft Visual


The design of the project is done in two stages, the hardware section and software section. The
software section is achieved using Visual Basic to design the Graphics User Interface (GUI) of
the program which would house the initial attendance database created in MS-excel and be used
for the registration of each new user, and also accepting attendance record from the hardware for
compilation with options of printing the updated record if required.
The hardware (device) comprises of the microcontroller, the fingerprint scanner, LCD display,
real-time clock and serial communication that is housed separately in a portable box, and is used
for verification and assigning of time to the registered user and sending the attendance data to the
Visual Basic program on the computer. The project was designed in such a manner that the
hardware component can function independent of software component (VB.Net) and can be used
to record attendance once the initial attendance database has been uploaded to its memory
(EEPROM), thereby, working as a standalone system


The proposed system provides a more accurate and efficient record of student attendance
for proper identification of both absentee and impersonated. Furthermore, the system
process faster and simpler information compared to current paper based student
attendance register. Other than that, this system will assist lecturers in taking the student
attendance more effectively without worrying about losing or damaging their attendance
sheets while passing it among the students around the whole class. Besides, the system
will also allow the institution management to track students’ class attendance in a
particular course having poor attendance, thereby enabling the management to rectify the
situation by providing the necessary interventions.
The system provide high level of security whereby making it impossible for imposters
and impersonators to make their ways to examination halls. The system using fingerprint
biometric will keep historical data making it easy for lecturers to access. Furthermore, the
authentication system is not only useful to the institutions and lecturers alone, even the
students benefit a great deal by reducing the stress encountered in queuing up which often
result in delay and at times damage the attendance sheet. It also prevents mistakes and
anomalies that is associated with manual signing in which student that attend a class are
marked as not present thereby losing the mark accorded to the particular attendance due
to multiple attendance sheet.
Fingerprint Based Student Attendance Monitoring System is extremely useful in
institutions especially during classes and examination in which heavy security are
normally use to validate student’s identity in order to cob imposters, through the use of
Verification System the number of security personnel will be greatly reduce.

1.7 Scope of the Study

The scope of this work is to develop a Fingerprint Based Student Attendance monitoring
System that will improve how attendance management is done by using fingerprint as a
form authentication for proof of attending a class. The system will be a window based
application developed using Microsoft Visual as the preferred programming
language for building the user interface and Microsoft SQL Server for database design. It
does not cover other aspects of biometric.
1.8 Definition of Terms
Biometrics is physiological or behavioral characteristics unique to individuals, this
Include Fingerprint, hand geometry, handwriting, iris, retinal, vein, and voice.
PIN personal identification number.
Biometric Verification is any means by which a person can be uniquely identified by
evaluating one or more distinguishing biological traits.
Examination is a formal test of a person's knowledge or proficiency in a subject or skill.
Fingerprint sensor is an electronic device used to capture a digital image of the
fingerprint pattern.
Student is a person who is studying at a university or other place of higher education.
Authentication is the process of determining whether someone or something is, in fact,
who or what it declared to be.
Schedule is a plan for carrying out a process or procedure, giving lists of intended events
and times.
Course Code is an alphanumeric code that is generated and assigned to the courses
created by your institutions.
Invigilator is the person in the examination room responsible for conducting a particular
examination session in the presence of the candidates.
Course title (sometimes also called course name) and number are important identifiers
for a course.
Venue is the place where something happens.
Identification is the action or process of identifying someone or something or the fact of
being identified.
Attendance is the action or state of going regularly to or being present at a place or
Verification is the process of establishing the truth, accuracy, or validity of something.

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