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ManciaJHD FS01 PO12

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Activity 12.1 ANALYZE

Should teacher record results of formative assessment for grading purposes? Why
or why not?

The purpose of an assessment is to acquire data regarding student learning

and either use it formatively to enhance learning or summative to verify that it has
occurred. We should nor record formative assessment for grading purposes, because
when students settle for an initial score that they perceive sufficient, even when the
primary aim of that formative moment was to discover strengths, areas in need of
improving, and next steps, the conflict with formative grades arises. It's also possible
for a student who receives unexpectedly failing marks to disregard the criticism. It is
apparent that the approach has missed the mark if the major objective of formative
assessment is to stimulate more learning through feedback and the result of grading
formative assessment prevents that learning.

Based on your observations, what formative assessment practice worked?

During instruction, teachers and students employ formative assessment to

offer actionable feedback that is used to change current teaching and learning
practices to improve students' achievement of curricular learning targets/goals. As
what I had observed from the class, the best formative assessment is having a recitation
on what the teacher is discussing in order to know if the students are getting the lesson
and for them ton reflect or analyze and give instance that they can use in real-life
application. Calling the students randomly can help them listen eagerly to the
discussion. Also, this make the lesson more engaging as it is not just the teacher who
talks all the time.

Field Study 1
Learning Episode 12: Assessment for Learning and
Assessment as Learning (Formative Assessment)
Activity 12.1 REFLECTIONS

Formative assessment is tasting the soup while cooking. Reflect on this and write
your reflections.

Formative assessment is a way of knowing if something is effective before

ending the lesson. Just like cooking, formative assessment is like tasting the result
while doing the teaching. This is the reason why formative assessment is done while
you are teaching the lesson because it is for the students’ learning. You do not taste
the food after you cook it, you taste it while you are cooking, in that way you will be
able to add something or adjust your teaching in order to lead you in success in teaching
the student. As a future teacher, I must do formative assessment in order to evaluate
the learners if they are able to understand the lesson while I am teaching it to them.

Should you record results of formative assessment? Why or why not?

It is important to record the results of formative assessments in order for

the teacher to track the performance of the students and if they improve all
throughout the lesson. Grading and formative assessment both necessitate the
maintaining of records. The current competence level of each objective and
associated criteria should be identified in each student's entries. For grading
dependability, a consistent record keeping method is required. These results can be
utilized to identify areas of weakness in your instruction or among your students. Our
students use formative assessments to show how far they've come in order to actively
monitor and alter their own learning. This also allows our pupils to keep track of their
academic progress.

Field Study 1
Learning Episode 12: Assessment for Learning and
Assessment as Learning (Formative Assessment)
Activity 12.2 REFLECTION

Does assessment as learning have the same ultimate purpose as assessment

for learning?

To constantly adjust instructional strategy, assessment for learning

embeds assessment processes throughout the teaching and learning process.
While test data is included, it also includes other quantitative and qualitative
data, as well as a large amount of anecdotal and descriptive data. While,
analyzing assessment data at the end of the teaching and learning process in order
to score students' accomplishment levels against a standard is known as
assessment of learning. It is usually based on standardized testing and is
summative in nature. Based on the outcomes of single, point-in-time
examinations, assessment of learning scores are frequently used to judge
teachers' or institutions' capacity to move student accomplishment. In this way,
both have different ways in using in the teaching and learning process, but both
of them have the same ultimate purpose—to evaluate the students if they learned

Field Study 1
Learning Episode 12: Assessment for Learning and
Assessment as Learning (Formative Assessment)

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