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ManciaJHD FS01 PO2

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Record the data you gathered about the learners’ characteristics and needs in this matrix.
This will allow you to compare the characteristics and needs of learners at different levels.
The items under each domain are by no means exhaustive. These are just indicators. You may
add others aspects with you have observed.
Development Preschooler Elementary High School
Domain Indicate the age of Indicate the age of the Indicate the age of
the learner: 5 learner: 8 years old the learner:16 years
years old old
Physical • she cannot • being a grade student • she is well-aware on
Gross-motor contain herself make him get distracted how she moves and
skills not to move from easily and move around walks and do most of
place to place while being taught it in a proper manner
Fine-motor and just play
while someone is • he is now good in writing, • she is more conscious
teaching her drawing and cutting out and wants to make
• she loves to draw pictures her writing and
Self-help skills and write even drawing in a good
though she not • he needs some help way
Others still really good at sometimes on the
it activities that he cannot • she does not need
• some of this are do any help from the
still done in a teacher or parent
clumsy manner. when she has
With that, in something to do
every activity she
still needs
guidance and

Field Study 1
Learning Episode 2: Learner Diversity: Developmental Characteristics,
Needs and Interests
Interaction with • interacts with her • he is shy to • interacts and talks
teacher teacher even express his idea to her teacher
though she does confidently and
not know the • love to play and can really express
Interaction with talk to his peers
answer well. her thoughts and
classmates/friends and friends
• interacts with ideas really well
friends by playing • loves to talk to
Others with each other • interested in friends and peers
• Since, she is more playing but does • already mature
interested in not play too much and have a lot of
playing, learning and now interests including
should be interested to puppy love and
accompanied into listen to lessons crush
playing such as
word games and
guessing games.
• a happy kid but • he is also a happy • can handle her
Moods and
changes her mood kid but changes emotions really
temperament, when she does not his mood every well, also hide
expression of like something real emotions
time a not
feelings favorable when she thinks
• cry when they condition she have to due to
Emotional really wanted to surrounds him maturity
independence cry and inform her
parents when • he is still not • conscious in her
Others there is something conscious to his emotions and does
she does not emotion not show it easily
really like as long as she can
handle it all alone

Field Study 1
Learning Episode 2: Learner Diversity: Developmental Characteristics,
Needs and Interests

Communication skills • can communicate • can communicate • can communicate

easily using her easily using the really well and
mother tongue mother tongue speak using the
language language English language
• she did not really • already thinks on • can already
Thinking skills
think about things what the teacher understand what is
but she can answer or adult is saying right and wrong
questions based on because he already because she
her past understood it already developed
experiences or her thinking skills
using her schema and is now matured
Problem-solving enough
• thinks of solution • can think of • mature enough to
Others to problems solution to simple understand the
without further problem-solving as problem in order to
analysis to it and he can already provide and think
based it on her understand some of of a solution
experiences it because her
skills is now fully

Field Study 1
Learning Episode 2: Learner Diversity: Developmental Characteristics,
Needs and Interests

Write the most salient developmental characteristics of the learners you observed and
interviewed. Based on these characteristics, think of implications for the teacher.
Level Salient Characteristics Observed Implications to the Teaching-
Learning Process

Preschool Always asks questions about what they • Therefore, teacher should answer the
saw and think. students’ question in a simplest form in
order for them to understand it well.
The teacher should not also expect that
all the questions that will be asked by
the students are related to the topic
that is being discussed.

Elementary Always wanted to interact and have a • Therefore, the teacher should always
conversation with peers and friends. check and be aware if the students are
still listening to him/her or if the
conversation of the students are
related to what was discussed.

High School Likes to talk to her friends and peers • Therefore, the teacher should be
secretly. aware and provide activities to make
sure that the students are still on track
of the lesson that is being discussed in
the class.

Field Study 1
Learning Episode 2: Learner Diversity: Developmental Characteristics,
Needs and Interests

1. While you were observing and and Interests the learners, did you recall your own
experiences when you were their age? What similarities or differences do you
have with the learners?

As far as I can remember, I also went through this kind of learning and
development. I also experienced when I was in Preschool, I use to move around and
wanted to play with my classmates. When I was in elementary, I always wanted to talk
to my seatmate about the things we are interested of, especially when we think the
discussion was boring. In high school, I also used to have secret conversation with my
classmate while our teacher is having a discussion. I used to be a student that is just
like the three students that I have observed.
I went through similar experiences just like them on all of those stages. The
only difference that I can point out is the way I behave during that time, because
teacher can still do corporate punishment during that time which cannot be done to
students during this time. I can say that I became behave during my time when my
teacher spoke of the words quiet, go back to your seat, in the count of ten I want you
to sit properly, etc.

2. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons. How did
he/she help or not help you with your needs (physical, emotional, social and
cognitive)? How did it affect you?

I can still remember my teacher when I was in Grade 10, she helped me to
attain confidence when it comes to my learning and development. Way back then, I
was not really confident about myself but, I was moved and touched when she talked
to our class about having a proper behavior and manner that would set as to the right
path. She shared her experience during that time which amazes me even more. She is
a best teacher because she does not only give me my needs when it comes to my
physical, emotional, social and cognitive development but also gave me wisdom to
attain the right attitude in order to help me build my confidence in all aspects of

Field Study 1
Learning Episode 2: Learner Diversity: Developmental Characteristics,
Needs and Interests

Which is your favorite theory of development. How can this guide you as a future teacher?
Clip some readings about this theory and paste them here.

Jean Piaget’s cognitive development suggests that children move through four
different stages of mental development. His theory focuses not only on understanding
how children acquire knowledge, but also on understanding the nature of
intelligence. Piaget’s stages are:

• Sensorimotor Stage: birth to 2 years

• Preoperational Stage: ages 2 to 7
• Concrete Operational Stage: ages 7 to 11
• Formal Operational Stage: ages 12 to up
Piaget believed that children take an active role in the learning process, acting
much like little scientists as they perform experiments, make observations, and learn
about the world. As kids interact with the world around them, they continually add
new knowledge, build upon existing knowledge, and adapt previously held ideas to
accommodate new information.

The theory of cognitive development that was proposed by Jean Piaget makes
me more interested into getting the students deeply in terms of their ability to acquire
knowledge which I can use when I become a teacher. This is my favorite theory because
I think being able to understand the stages of a child’s development, I will be guided on
what approach should I use in my class, as a future teacher, in order for my students to
acquire the knowledge easily. Being able to understand this theory will help me what I
should or should not expect to my students in terms of their knowledge and intelligence.
I think just like what this theory aims to shows, I should not only focus on understanding
how my students will acquire the knowledge on what I teach, but also, understand the
nature of their intelligence based upon their age and level.

Field Study 1
Learning Episode 2: Learner Diversity: Developmental Characteristics,
Needs and Interests

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