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Ent Java

Unit 1

List and explain Java Container types.

Java EE Containers:
Normally, thin-client multitier applications are hard to write because they involve many lines
of intricate code to handle transaction and state management, multithreading, resource
pooling, and other complex low-level details. The component-based and platform-
Java EE architecture makes Java EE applications easy to write because business logic is
organized into reusable components. In addition, the Java EE server provides underlying
services in the form of a container for every component type. Because you do not have to
develop these services yourself, you are free to concentrate on solving the business problem
Container Services:
Containers are the interface between a component and the low-level platform specific
functionality that supports the component. Before a web, enterprise bean, or application client
component can be executed, it must be assembled into a Java EE module and deployed into
container. The Java EE security model lets you configure a web component or enterprise
so that system resources are accessed only by authorized users.
The Java EE transaction model lets you specify relationships among methods that
make up a single transaction so that all methods in one transaction are treated as a
single unit.
JNDI lookup services provide a unified interface to multiple naming and directory
services in the enterprise so that application components can access these services.
The Java EE remote connectivity model manages low-level communications between
clients and enterprise beans. After an enterprise bean is created, a client invokes
methods on it as if it were in the same virtual machine.
Container Types:
Java EE server: The runtime portion of a Java EE product. A Java EE server provides
EJB and web containers.
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) container: Manages the execution of enterprise beans for
Java EE applications. Enterprise beans and their container run on the Java EE server.
Web container: Manages the execution of JSP page and servlet components for Java
EE applications. Web components and their container run on the Java EE server.
Application client container: Manages the execution of application client components.
Application clients and their container run on the client.
Applet container: Manages the execution of applets. Consists of a web browser and
Java Plug-in running on the client together.
The deployment process installs Java EE application components in the Java EE containers as
illustrated in following Figure:
Explain the architecture of JDBC.
JDBC Architecture :
The JDBC API supports both two-tier and three-tier processing models for database access
but in
general, JDBC Architecture consists of two layers
• JDBC API: This provides the application-to-JDBC Manager connection.
• JDBC Driver API: This supports the JDBC Manager-to-Driver Connection.
The JDBC API uses a driver manager and database-specific drivers to provide transparent
connectivity to heterogeneous databases. The JDBC driver manager ensures that the correct
is used to access each data source. The driver manager is capable of supporting multiple
drivers connected to multiple heterogeneous databases. Following is the architectural
which shows the location of the driver manager with respect to the JDBC drivers and the Java
Explain the architecture of Java Enterprise Application.
java EE Application Components:
Java EE applications are made up of components. A Java EE component is a selfcontained
software unit that is assembled into a Java EE application with its related classes and files and
communicates with other components. The Java EE specification defines the following Java
Application clients and applets are client components.
Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology components are web components.
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) components (enterprise beans) are business components. Java
components are written in the Java programming language and compiled in the same way as
any Java programming language program. The difference when you work with the Java EE
platform, is Java EE components are assembled into a Java EE application, verified that they
are well-formed and in compliance with the Java EE specification, and deployed to
where they are run and managed by the Java EE server.
Java EE Architecture:
Normally, thin-client multitiered applications are hard to write because they involve many
lines of
intricate code to handle transaction and state management, multithreading, resource pooling,
other complex low-level details. The component-based and platform-independent Java EE
architecture makes Java EE applications easy to write because business logic is organized
reusable components and the Java EE server provides underlying services in the form of a
for every component type. Because you do not have to develop these services yourself, you
are free
to concentrate on solving the business problem at hand.
Containers and Services:
Component are installed in their containers during deployment and are the interface between
component and the low-level platform-specific functionality that supports the component.
Before a
web, enterprise bean, or application client component can be executed, it must be assembled
into a
Java EE application and deployed into its container.
The assembly process involves specifying container settings for each component in the Java
application and for the Java EE application itself. Container settings customize the underlying
support provided by the Java EE Server, which include services such as security, transaction
management, Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) lookups, and remote connectivity.
are some of the highlights:
The Java EE security model lets you configure a web component or enterprise bean so
system resources are accessed only by authorized users.
The Java EE transaction model lets you specify relationships among methods that make up
single transaction so all methods in one transaction are treated as a single unit.
Container Types:
The deployment process installs Java EE application components in the following types of
EE containers.
An Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) container manages the execution of all enterprise beans
for one Java EE application. Enterprise beans and their container run on the Java EE
A web container manages the execution of all JSP page and servlet components for one
Java EE application. Web components and their container run on the Java EE server.
An application client container manages the execution of all application client
components for one Java EE application. Application clients and their container run on
the client machine.
An applet container is the web browser and Java Plug-in combination running on the
client machine.

Write a short note on javax.servlet package

Servlet API: The javax.servlet and javax.servlet.http packages represent interfaces and
for servlet api. The javax.servlet package contains many interfaces and classes that are used
the servlet or web container. These are not specific to any protocol. The javax.servlet.http
package contains interfaces and classes that are responsible for http requests only. Let's see
are the interfaces of javax.servlet package. Interfaces in javax.servlet package There are
interfaces in javax.servlet package. They are as follows:
1. Servlet
2. ServletConfig
3. ServletRequest
4. ServletContext
5. ServletResponse
6. SingleThreadModel
7. RequestDispatcher
8. Filter
• Classes in javax.servlet package
There are many classes in javax.servlet package. They are as follows:
10.ServletRequestEvent ServletRequestEvent
• Interfaces in javax.servlet.http package:
There are many interfaces in javax.servlet.http package. They are as follows:
1. HttpServletRequest
2. HttpSessionAttributeListener
3. HttpServletResponse
4. HttpSessionBindingListener
5. HttpSession
6. HttpSessionActivationListener
7. HttpSessionListener
• Classes in javax.servlet.http package:
There are many classes in javax.servlet.http package. They are as follows:
1. HttpServlet
2. Cookie
3. HttpServletRequestWrapper
4. HttpServletResponseWrapper
5. HttpSessionEvent
6. HttpSessionBindingEvent
Explain the lifecycle of a servlet application.

It describes how a servlet is :

• Loaded
• Instantiated
• Initialized
• Services requests
• Destroyed
• Finally garbage collected
• In order to initialize a servlet, the servlet engine first locates its class.
• The servlet engine uses the usual java class loading facilities to load the servlet class into
• Once loaded, the servlet engine instantiates an instance of that servlet.
• Then it calls the init(ServletConfig config) method.
• init() is called immediately after the server constructs the object.
• Declaration : public void init(SerlvetConfig config) throws ServletException
• During initialization , servlet has access to two objects:
• ServletConfig and ServletConext
• Following tasks can be implemented by overridding init() of Servlet:
• Reading initializing parameters using ServletConfig object.
• Reading configuration data from persistent resources
• Initializing a database driver
• Opening a JDBC connection
• Writing log information
• After the server loads and initializes the servlet, it is able to handle client requests.
• It process them in service() method.
• Each client request is run in separate thread.
• Declaration:
• public void service(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res) throws
• Request object helps in accessing the original request data and response object provides
methods that helps the servlet to build a response.
• When instructed to unload the servlet, servlet engine calls the detroy().
• Declaration : public void destroy()
• The method runs once.
• Tasks performed by the method are:
• Synchronizing cleanup tasks
• Informing other application that servlet is no longer in service.

Unit 2
Explain the importance of RequestDispatcher Interface in javax.servlet. Add suitable
example to explain the methods of the interface.
It is used for dispatching a request.
• It encapsulates a reference to a web resource located at the path specified within the scope
the same servlet context.
• It defines an object, which receives requests from a visitor‟s browser and sends the requests
any other resource on the web server.
• The servlet engine creates the RequestDispatcher object, which is used as a wrapper around
web server resource located through the path specified or given by a particular name.
• We can get the object of RequestDispatcher interface by using the method:
getRequestDispatcher(), there are two ways of using this method:
Methods of RequestDispatcher :
This interface has two methods:
include() : it allows including the content produced by another resource such as servlet, JSP
HTML file in the calling servlet‟s response.
forward() : it allows forwarding the request to another servlet, a JSP or HTML page on the
server. This resource then take over the responsibility for producing the response.
It is useful when one servlet does some preliminary processing of a request and wants to let
another object complete the generation of the response.
<form action="servlet1" method="post">
Name:<input type="text" name="userName"/><br/>
Password:<input type="password" name="userPass"/><br/>
<input type="submit" value="login"/>
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
public class Login extends HttpServlet {
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
String n=request.getParameter("userName");
String p=request.getParameter("userPass");
RequestDispatcher rd=request.getRequestDispatcher("servlet2");
rd.forward(request, response);
out.print("Sorry UserName or Password Error!");
RequestDispatcher rd=request.getRequestDispatcher("/index.html");
rd.include(request, response);
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
public class WelcomeServlet extends HttpServlet {
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response
throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
String n=request.getParameter("userName");
out.print("Welcome "+n);
What is cookie? Explain the need of the creation of the same. Explain the methods of
class that facilitative the creation, manipulation and deletion of the cookies.
• HTTP does not maintain a persistent connection. Each request made by a web browser is
made using a new connection. Hence this protocol does not maintain state across HTTP
• This causes a problem for websites attempting to do business on the Internet.
• To overcome this issue, somehow the web server must be able to register that the multiple
requests which are coming are originated from the very same browser.
• Here Cookies came in.
• Cookies are small text file that arte created by a server side program such as a servlet run at
the web server.
Cookies in Servlet:
A cookie has a name, a single value, and optional attributes such as a comment, path and
qualifiers, a maximum age, and a version number.
Useful Methods of Cookie class:
There are given some commonly used methods of the Cookie class.
public void setMaxAge(int expiry): Sets the maximum age of the cookie in seconds.
public String getName(): Returns the name of the cookie. The name cannot be changed
after creation.
public String getValue(): Returns the value of the cookie.
public void setName(String name): changes the name of the cookie.
public void setValue(String value): changes the value of the cookie.
public void addCookie(Cookie ck):method of HttpServletResponse interface is used to
cookie in response object.
public Cookie[] getCookies():method of HttpServletRequest interface is used to return all
the cookies from the browser.
Delete Cookies with Servlet:
To delete cookies is very simple. If you want to delete a cookie then you simply need to
follow up
following three steps –
Read an already existing cookie and store it in Cookie object.
Set cookie age as zero using setMaxAge() method to delete an existing cookie
Add this cookie back into response header
Cookie can be created using the following contructor:
Cookie(String name, String value): Constructs a cookie with the specified name and
A cookie is just a name-value attribute that is issued by the server and stored on a client
machine. It is returned by the client whenever it is accessing a certain group of URLs on a
specified server. Following methods are some methods belongs to Cookie class.
Cookies are created, stored and fetched using following methods:
Cookie.setMaxAge(int expiry): sets the maximum age in seconds for this Cookie.
HttpServletResponse.addCookie(): Adds the specified cookie to the response. This
method can be called multiple times to set more than one cookie.
HttpServletRequest.getCookies(): Returns an array containing all of the Cookie
objects the client sent with this request

Explain how java handles session management of a servlet application through HTTP
HTTP is a stateless protocol that provides no way for a server to recognize that a sequence of
request come from the same client. (not even IP Address). Following are various techniques
for session tracking:
1) HTTPSession
2) Cookies
3) URL rewriting
4) Hidden form fields
1) HttpSession Interface :
HttpSession Interface provides a way across more than one-page request or visit to a
website and to store information about that user.
With the help of the HttpSession interface, a session can be created between an HTTP
client and an HTTP server. This session can persist for a specified time period, across
more than one connection or page request from the user.
A Servlet obtains an HttpSession object using
HttpSession getSession(boolean) of HttpservetRequest.
2) Providing Continuity with Cookies :
cookie is just a name-value attribute that is issued by the server and stored on a client
machine. It is returned by the client whenever it is accessing a certain group of URLs on
a specified server. Following methods are some methods belongs to Cookie class.
A cookie is a small piece of data stored on the client-side which servers use when
communicating with clients. Cookies are used to identify a client when sending a
subsequent request. They can also be used for passing some data from one servlet to
3) Hidden Form Fields :
A web server can send a hidden HTML form field along with a unique session ID as
<input type=”hidden” name=”city” value=”Mumbai”>
This could be an effective way of keeping track of the session but clicking on a regular
(<A HREF…>) hypertext link does not result in a form submission.
4) URL Rewriting :
There is an alternative way to send a cookie: URL Rewriting. The cookie data is
appended to the URL. You should use URL rewriting only as a fallback for browsers
that do not support cookies.
HttpSession: interface In such case, container creates a session id for each user.The
container uses
this id to identify the particular user.An object of HttpSession can be used to perform two
1. bind objects
2. view and manipulate information about a session, such as the session identifier, creation
and last accessed time.

<form action="servlet1">
Name:<input type="text" name="userName"/><br/>
<input type="submit" value="go"/>
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
public class FirstServlet extends HttpServlet {
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response){
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
String n=request.getParameter("userName");
out.print("Welcome "+n);
HttpSession session=request.getSession();
out.print("<a href='servlet2'>visit</a>");
}catch(Exception e){System.out.println(e);}
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
public class SecondServlet extends HttpServlet {
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
HttpSession session=request.getSession(false);
String n=(String)session.getAttribute("uname");
out.print("Hello "+n);
}catch(Exception e){System.out.println(e);}
What is Non-Blocking I/O? Explain WriteListener and ReadListener performing in
Blocking I/O?
Non blocking I/O:
It is Buffer-oriented
Channels are available for Non-blocking I/O operation
Selectors are available for Non-blocking I/O operation
Non blocking IO does not wait for the data to be read or write before returning.
Java NIO non- blocking mode allows the thread to request writing data to a channel, but not
wait for it to be fully written. The thread is allowed to go on and do something else in a mean
java NIO is buffer oriented I/O approach. Data is read into a buffer from which it is further
processed using a channel. In NIO we deal with the channel and buffer for I/O operation.
The major difference between a channel and a stream is:
A stream can be used for one-way data transfer.
A channel provides a two-way data transfer facility.
Therefore with the introduction of channel in java NIO, the non-blocking I/O operation can
performed. Let's see the interaction between channel, buffers, java program, data source and

In Java NIO, the channel is a medium that transports the data efficiently between the entity
byte buffers. It reads the data from an entity and places it inside buffer blocks for
Channels act as gateway provided by java NIO to access the I/O mechanism. Usually
channels have
one-to-one relationship with operating system file descriptor for providing the platform
independence operational feature.

Explain about the file uploading feature of a servlet.

A Servlet can be used with an HTML form tag to allow users to upload files to the server. An
uploaded file could be a text file or image file or any document.
Creating a File Upload Form:
The following HTM code below creates an uploader form. Following are the important points
to be
noted down –
The form method attribute should be set to POSTmethod and GET method can not be used
The form enctype attribute should be set to multipart/form-data
The form action attribute should be set to a servlet file which would handle file uploading at
backend server. Following example is using UploadServlet servlet to upload file.
To upload a single file you should use a single <input .../> tag with attributetype="file". To
allow multiple files uploading, include more than oneinput tags with different values for the
name attribute. The browserassociates a Browse button with each of them.
Unit 3
What are directives in JSP? Explain page directive in detail. (With all its attributes) (5)
• JSP directives serve special processing information about the page to the JSP server.
• These are used to:
– Set global values such as class declaration
– Methods to be implemented
– The scripting language for the page and so on
• They do not produce any output that is visible to the client.
• They are typically used to provide direction to the JSP server processing the page.
• Syntax:
<%@ directive name attributes=“value”%>
• Following are the different types of directives
– The page directive
– The include directive
– The taglib directive
The page directive:
• It can be placed anywhere within the document, but often placed at the very top.
• It supports several attributes that affect the whole page.
• A single page can contain multiple page directives.
• The page directive is used to provide instructions to the container. These instructions
to the current JSP page.
• You may code page directives anywhere in your JSP page. By convention, page directives
are coded at the topof the JSP page.
Following is the basic syntax of the page directive −
<%@ page attribute = "value" %>
Attributes Following table lists out the attributes associated with the page directive –
1 buffer:Specifies a buffering model for the output stream.
2 autoFlush: Controls the behavior of the servlet output buffer.
3 contentType:Defines the character encoding scheme.
4 errorPage: Defines the URL of another JSP that reports on Java unchecked runtime
5 isErrorPage: Indicates if this JSP page is a URL specified by another JSP page's errorPage
6 extends: Specifies a superclass that the generated servlet must extend.
7 import: Specifies a list of packages or classes for use in the JSP as the Java import
does for Java classes.
8 info: Defines a string that can be accessed with the servlet's getServletInfo() method.
9 isThreadSafe: Defines the threading model for the generated servlet.
10 language: Defines the programming language used in the JSP page.
11 session: Specifies whether or not the JSP page participates in HTTP sessions
12 isELIgnored: Specifies whether or not the EL expression within the JSP page will be

What is EL? Explain immediate EL, deferred EL, LValue and RValue in detail.
Expression Language (EL) is mechanism that simplifies the accessibility of the data stored
in Java
bean component and other object like request, session and application, etc.
Immediate Evaluation:
All expressions using the ${} syntax are evaluated immediately. These expressions can only
used within template text or as the value of a JSP tag attribute that can accept runtime
The following example shows a tag whose value attribute references an immediate evaluation
expression that gets the total price from the session-scoped bean named cart:
<fmt:formatNumber value="${}"/>
The JSP engine evaluates the expression, ${}, converts it,and passes
returned value to the tag handler.Immediate evaluation expressions are always read-only
expressions. The expression shown above can only get the total price from the cart bean; it
set the total price.
Deferred Evaluation:
Deferred evaluation expressions take the form #{expr} and can be evaluated at other phases
of a
page life cycle as defined by whatever technology is using the expression. In the case of
Faces technology, its controller can evaluate the expression at different phases of the life
depending on how the expression is being used in the page. The following example shows a
JavaServer Faces inputText tag, which represents a text field component into which a user
enters a
value.The inputText tag‟s value attribute references a deferred evaluation expression that
points to
the name property of the customerbean.
<h:inputText id="name" value="#{}" />
For an initial request of the page containing this tag, the JavaServer Faces implementation
the #{} expression during the render response phase of the life cycle. During
phase, the expression merely accesses the value of name from the customerbean, as is done in
immediate evaluation.
The Expression Language (EL) simplifies the accessibility of data stored in the Java
Bean component, and other objects like request, session, application etc.
There are many implicit objects, operators and reserve words in EL.
It can be used for the following cases:
To fetch the parameter from another jsp file as: ${ }
To perform arithmetic operators: e.g. 5*5+4: ${5*5+4}
To perform logical operator as: true and true: ${true and true}
To perform relational operator as: 3.2>=2: ${3.2>=2}
To perform conditional operator as: The result of 10>2 is: "${(10>1)?'greater':'lesser'}"
To perform empty operator as: The Value for the Empty operator is:: ${empty ""}<br>
Types of Expressions
• The unified EL provides 2 types of expressions:
– Value Expression
– Method Expression
Value Expression:
It is further categorized as:
• Rvalue expressions: can only read data, but cannot write data. Expressions that use
immediate evaluation syntax are always rvalue expressions.
• Lvalue expressions: can read and write data. Expressions that use deferred evaluation
syntax can act as both rvalue and lvalue expressions.
Method Expressions:
• A JSF component uses method expressions, Which in turn invokes methods that do
some processing on behalf of the component element.
• For std. components, these methods are necessary for handling events that the
components generates as well as validating component data.
Using EL Expressions:
It can be used in 2 situations:
As attribute values in std. and custom actions.
In template text such as HTML or non-JSP elements, in the JSP file.
Explain the advantages of JSTL over JSP.
Advantages of JSTL over JSP:
1. Standard Tag: It provides a rich layer of the portable functionality of JSP pages. It's easy
for a
developer to understand the code.
2. Code Neat and Clean: As scriplets confuse developer, the usage of JSTL makes the code
and clean. 3. Automatic JavabeansInterospection Support: It has an advantage of JSTL
over JSP
scriptlets. JSTL Expression language handles JavaBean code very easily. We don't need to
downcast the objects, which has been retrieved as scoped attributes. Using JSP scriptlets code
be complicated, and JSTL has simplified that purpose.
4. Easier for humans to read: JSTL is based on XML, which is very similar to HTML.
Hence, it
is easy for the developers to understand.
5. Easier for computers to understand: Tools such as Dreamweaver and front page are
more and more HTML code. HTML tools do a great job of formatting HTML code. The
code is mixed with the scriplet code. As JSTL is expressed as XML compliant tags, it is easy
HTML generation to parse the JSTL code within the document.
Explain the implicit objects of JSP.
There are 9 jsp implicit objects. These objects are created by the web container that are
available to
all the jsp pages.
JSP implicit objects are created during the translation phase of JSP to the servlet
These objects can be directly used in scriplets that goes in the service method.
They are created by the container automatically, and they can be accessed using objects.
A list of the 9 implicit objects is given below:
It includes
• String getParameter(String name)
• Enumeration getParameterNames(),
• void addCookie(Cookie obj)
• void sendRedirect(String Location)
Output Stream for content (JspWriter-buffered version of PrintWriter)
• Its methods are:
• void clear()
• void close()
Some of its methods are:
• HttpSession getSession(boolean)
• String getId()
• long getCreationTime()
5. application:
Some of its methods are:
• String getInitParameter(String name)
• Enumeration getInitParameterNames()
• The page object represents the current JSP page itself and can be accessed using „this‟
ServletConfig (configuration data) Some of
its methods are:
• String getServletName()
• ServletContext getServletContext()
8. exception:
Available on error pages (java.lang.Throwable)
• The exception object available only in error page (jsp that has the attribute
isErrorPage=true in the page directive.
9. pageContext -
Its method is:
• HttpSession getSession()
Explain the various scope of JSP application.
The availability of a JSP object for use from a particular place of the application is defined as
scope of that JSP object. Every object created in a JSP page will have a scope.
There are 4 scopes of JSP page:
1. Request
2. Page
3. Session
4. Application
„page‟ scope means, the JSP object can be accessed only from within the same page where
it was created. The default scope for JSP objects created using tag is page. JSP implicit
objects out, exception, response, pageContext, config and page have „page‟ scope.
A JSP object created using the „request‟ scope can be accessed from any pages that serves
that request. More than one page can serve a single request. The JSP object will be bound to
the request object. Implicit object request has the „request‟ scope.
„session‟ scope means, the JSP object is accessible from pages that belong to the same
session from where it was created. The JSP object that is created using the session scope is
bound to the session object. Implicit object session has the „session‟ scope.
A JSP object created using the „application‟ scope can be accessed from any pages across
the application. The JSP object is bound to the application object. Implicit object application
has the „application‟ scope.
Unit 4
Explain about enterprise bean container.
An Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) container provides a run-time environment for enterprise
within the application server. The container handles all aspects of an enterprise bean's
within the application server and acts as an intermediary between the user-written business
within the bean and the rest of the application server environment. One or more EJB
modules, each
containing one or more enterprise beans, can be installed in a single container. The EJB
provides many services to the enterprise bean, including the following:
• Beginning, committing, and rolling back transactions as necessary.
• Maintaining pools of enterprise bean instances ready for incoming requests and moving
these instances between the inactive pools and an active state, ensuring that threading
conditions within the bean are satisfied.
• Most importantly, automatically synchronizing data in an entity bean's instance variables
with corresponding data items stored in persistent storage.
By dynamically maintaining a set of active bean instances and synchronizing bean state with
persistent storage when beans are moved into and out of active state, the container makes it
for an application to manage many more bean instances than could otherwise simultaneously
held in the application server's memory. In this respect, an EJB container provides services
to virtual memory within an operating system.
Following work is done by container:
• Allocates resources such as threads, sockets and database connections.
• Manages the life and death of enterprise beans.
• Converts the network less beans into distributed, network aware objects in order to service
the remote clients.
• Serializes the requests when multiple clients call the methods on a bean‟s instance.
• Saves the conversational state of an object between 2 method calls.
• Gives security clearance to call a method on the bean.
• Manages the transaction of the enterprise bean.
• Maintains persistent data by synchronizing the data updates with beans and databases.
• Help registering and deploying components.
It is a component transaction server.
• It supports the EJB server side component model fro developing and deploying distributed
enterprise level applications in a multi-tiered environment.
• It provides:
• The framework for creating, deploying and managing middle-tier business logic.
• An environment that allows the execution of applications developed using EJB
• In a three-tier environment:
• The client provides the user interface logic
• The business rules are separated to the middle tier
• The database is the information repository
• An EJB server takes care of:
• Managing and coordinating the allocation of resources to the applications
• Security
• Threads, Connection pooling
enterprise bean:
• It is a server-side component that encapsulates the code that fulfills the purpose of the
• They can be combined with other components and rapidly produce a custom application.
• The main purpose of introducing EJB was for building distributed components.
• It was designed to solve all the issues n complexities of CORBA.
• This technology is powerful n easy. It helps developers to build business applications that
support very large no. of user simultaneously.
• The EJB components can be assembled and reassembled into different distributed
applications as per the requirements.
What are the different type of beans Explain
EJB is primarily divided into three categories:
Session Beans
Message Driven Beans
Entity Bean
Session Beans:
• It is a short-lived object that executes on behalf of a single client.
• It is a temporary, logical extension of a client application that runs on the application server.
• It can update data.
Types of Session Beans
• Stateless Session Bean
• Stateful Session Bean
Stateless session bean
It does not remember anything about the client between the calls of the method. It forgets
about the
client once the business process completes or executes. The bean‟s state has no data
regarding a
specific client. These are lightweight and provide a high degree of scalability. Since they do
retain the client state, it can be used across multiple clients.
Stateful session bean
It can remember conversations between the client of the application and the application itself
method calls. They store the data , when a client calls the method again the bean remembers
client‟s previous method call. Only a single client can use a stateful session bean at a time.
state is retained for the duration of the client bean session.
Message Driven Beans
• It allows enterprise applications to process messages asynchronously.
• Is an act as a JMS message listener, which is similar to an event listener except that it
receives messages instead of events
• The messages may be sent by any component, an application client, another enterprise bean
or a web component, a JMS application or system that does not use java EE technology.
• Message Driven Beans can consumes JMS messages from external entities and act
Entity beans
Entity beans represent persistent data storage. User data can be saved to database via entity
and later on can be retrieved from the database in the entity bean.
Explain the working behind message driven bean.
A message driven bean (MDB) is a bean that contains business logic. But, it is invoked by
passing the message. So, it is like JMS Receiver.
MDB asynchronously receives the message and processes it.
A message driven bean receives message from queue.
JMS (Java Message Service) is an API that provides the facility to create, send and read
messages. It provides loosely coupled, reliable and asynchronous communication.
JMS is also known as a messaging service
A message driven bean is like stateless session bean that encapsulates the business logic
doesn't maintain state.
Understanding Messaging:
Messaging is a technique to communicate applications or software components. JMS is
used to send and receive message from one application to another.
Requirement of JMS:
Generally, user sends message to application. But, if we want to send message from one
to another, we need to use JMS API.

Explain the concept of naming service. Add suitable illustration to it.

Enterprise application are created using multiple modules.
• These are the objects of that application.
• Each of these objects, when instantiated in memory must be bounded to a specific address
that will permit it to instantly located, on demand.
• For handling to such objects are often referred to as references or pointers.
• Such pointers can be located to the memory of a single computer or be spread across the
memory of multiple computers in a distributed environment.
• These are not in human readable form and frequently have communication protocols,
platforms and current execution environment information bound to them.
• A name is simply a human readable logical value for referencing an application object as
• Eg: a file name which provides a reference to a file object in a file naming system.
• An IP address that provides a reference to a host name in a DNS naming system.
• Java based applications use JNDI for naming and directory services. In context of EJB,
are two terms.
• Binding − This refers to assigning a name to an EJB object, which can be used later.
• Lookup − This refers to looking up and getting an object of EJB
• The JNDI architecture consists of an API and a service provider interface (SPI). Java
applications use the JNDI API to access a variety of naming and directory services.
• The SPI enables a variety of naming and directory services to be plugged in transparently,
thereby allowing the Java application using the JNDI API to access their services. See the
following figure:

Explain the lifecycle of an interceptor.

To configure a life cycle callback interceptor method on an interceptor class, you must do the
1. Create an interceptor class.
This can be any POJO class.
2. Implement the life cycle callback interceptor method.
Callback methods defined on a bean's interceptor class have the following signature:
Object <METHOD>(InvocationContext)
3 Associate a life cycle event with the callback interceptor method
A life cycle event can only be associated with one callback interceptor method, but a life
callback interceptor method may be used to interpose on multiple callback events. For
example, @PostConstruct and @PreDestroymay appear only once in an interceptor class, but
may associate both @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy with the same callback interceptor
4 Associate the interceptor class with your EJB 3.0 session bean.
Using Annotations:
You can specify an interceptor class method as an EJB 3.0 session bean life cycle callback
using any of the following annotations:
• @PostConstruct
• @PreDestroy
• @PrePassivate (stateful session beans only)
• @PostActivate (stateful session beans only)
Defining an Interceptor
• Interceptor methods can be used to intercept either a business method or lifecycle event.
• An interceptor that intercepts a business method is typically called an AroundInvoke
because it can be defined by annotating the method with an @AroundInvoke annotation.
• An AroundInvoke method can be defined on:
• Enterprise bean class
• Interceptor class
• An interceptor class is a normal java class. It does not need to extend any special class or
implement any interface.
AroundInvoke Method
• It can be defined by either of the following methods:
• Annotating the method with an @AroundInvoke annotation.
• Using an element in the bean’s deployment descriptor.
It must satisfy the following requirements:
• One AroundInvoke method is allowed for each class.
• It must have a no argument public constructor.
• It must accept an javax.interceptor.InvocationCOntext object as an argument and return a
java.lang.Object object.
• It can throw any application exception that is specified in the business interface or any
runtime exception.
• It can be declared private, package private, protected or public.
It must call InvocationContext.proceed() to signal its intention to continue the invocation.
• Applying Interceptor
• Adding an interceptor to an enterprise bean
• Build and run the web application
Unit 5
Explain the persistent standards available in java. Most business applications require that
data must be persistent.
• Data can be labeled as persistent only when it manages to survive problems such as system
crashes and network failures.
• As multiple users request for data simultaneously, there is a definite possibility of data
getting corrupted, if mid-request, system failure, occurs.
• Maintaining the persistence of data in an enterprise wide application is quite a challenging
• In enterprise application architecture, data persistence is implemented as:
• Having data stored outside an application‟s active memory, known as persistent data
store, typically a relational database or an object database or a file system.
• Having a rollback system, where in case of system failure, the state of the data is
rolled back to its last known valid data state.
• Persistence is one of the fundamental concepts of application development.
• Majority of applications use persistent data.
• Hence it is important to choose an appropriate persistence data store.
• While choosing the persistence data store the following fundamental pts are considered:
• The length of time data must be persisted
• The volume of data
JPA Versions
The first version of Java Persistence API, JPA 1.0 was released in 2006 as a part of EJB 3.0
specification. Following are the other development versions released under JPA specification:
JPA 2.0 - This version was released in the last of 2009. Following are the important features
of this version: -
It supports validation.
It expands the functionality of object-relational mapping.
It shares the object of cache support.
JPA 2.1 - The JPA 2.1 was released in 2013 with the following features: -
It allows fetching of objects.
It provides support for criteria update/delete.
It generates schema.
JPA 2.2 - The JPA 2.2 was released as a development of maintainenece in 2017. Some of
important feature are: -
It supports Java 8 Date and Time.
It provides @Repeatable annotation that can be used when we want to apply the same
annotations to a declaration or type use.
It allows JPA annotation to be used in meta-annotations.
Java Persistence API with specification:
1. Java Persistence API is a specification, which is released under Java EE 5 specificat ion.
2. It is neither an implementation nor a product. Hence, it cannot be used as it is for
persistence. It needs an ORM implementation to work with and persist Java Objects.
3. Technically, JPA is just a set of interfaces [a Specification] and thus requires an
4. All specifications require vendors or open source projects to implement them. Using JPA
therefore requires picking up an implementation [ORM tool such as Hibernate, Toplink,
OpenJPA or any other ORM that implements JPA].
5. JPA defines the interface that an implementation has to implement.
6. The whole point of having a standard interface is that users can, in principle, switch
between implementations of JPA without changing their code.
7. This way, JPA helps prevent Vendor Lock-In by relying on a strict specification such as
JDO and EJB 2.x entities.
8. Currently most of the persistence vendors[ORM tool providers] have released
implementations of JPA.
9. Since, the Java Persistence code spec covers several persistence frameworks into a single
API, an application written using JPA will work across several implementations [Hibernate,
Toplink and so on].
This is very useful, especially when, development begins using the free open source ORM
implementations and later on when the need arises, the open source implementation is
with a commercial ORM implementation. The switch happens without changing the
code spec.
Draw and explain the architecture of hibernate framework
• It is the latest open source persistence technology.
• It provides a framework for mapping an object oriented domain model to a traditional
relational database.
• It was developed with a goal to relieve developers from 95% of common data persistence
related programming tasks by:
• Making developers feel as if the database contains plain java objects, without having
them worry about how to get them out of / or back into database tables.
• Allowing developers to focus on the objects & features of the application, without
having worry about how to store them or find them later.
• Its primary feature is mapping from:
• Java classes to database tables
• Java data types to SQL data types

Architecture of Hibernate:
• Configuration Object: represents a configuration or properties file for is
created once during application initialization. It reads the properties to establish a database
connection. It is produced to create a session factory.
• Session Factory: is created with the help of a configuration object during the application
start up. It serves as a factory for producing session objects when required. It is created once
and kept alive for later use.
• Session: are lightweight and inexpensive to create. They provide the main interface to
perform actual database operations. All the POJOs are saved & retrieved with the help of a
session object.
• Transaction: represents a unit of work with the database. Any kind of modifications
initiated via the session object are placed with in a transaction. Session object helps creating
a transaction object. Which is used for a short time and are closed by either committing or
• Query: persistence objects are retrieved using a query object. It allow using SQL or HQL
queries to retrieve the actual data from the database and create objects.
• Criteria: persistence objects can also be retrieved using a criteria object. It uses an
object/method based means of constructing and executing a request to retrieve objects.
Explain JPA Architecture with the help of a neat diagram.

• The javax.persistence.Persistence class contains static helper methods to obtain
EntityManagerFactory instances in a vendor-neutral fashion.
• It is created with the help of a persistence unit during the application start up. It serves as a
factory for spawning EntityManager objects when required. Typically it is created once and
kept alive for later use.
• The EntityManager object is lightweight and inexpensive to create. It provides the main
interface to perform actual database operations.
• All the persistence objects are saved and retrieved with the help of an EntityManager
object. These are created as needed and destroyed when not required.
• Entities are persistence objects that represent datastore records.
• A transaction represents a unit of work with the database. Any kind of modification initiated
via EntityManager object are placed within a transaction. An EntityManager object helps
creating an EntityTransaction object. These objects are typically used for a short time and
are closed by either committing or rejecting.
• Persistence objects are retrieved using a query object. It allows using SQL or JPQL queries
to retrieve the actual data from the database and create objects.
• Criteria API is a non-string-based API for the dynamic construction of object-based queries.
• Criteria query objects are passed to the EntityManager‟s createQuery() method to create
query objects and then executed using the methods of Query API.
The above classes and interfaces are used for storing entities into a database as a record. They
programmers by reducing their efforts to write codes for storing data into a database so that
can concentrate on more important activities such as writing codes for mapping the classes
database tables.
What is Impedance Mismatch? How it can be solved?
First problem, what if we need to modify the design of our database after having developed a
pages or our application? Second, loading and storing objects in a relational database exposes
us to
the following five mismatch problems –
1 Granularity:
Sometimes you will have an object model, which has more classes than the number of
corresponding tables in the database.
2 Inheritance:
RDBMSs do not define anything similar to Inheritance, which is a natural paradigm in
programming languages.
3 Identity:
An RDBMS defines exactly one notion of 'sameness': the primary key. Java, however,
defines both
object identity (a==b) and object equality (a.equals(b)).
4 Associations:
Object-oriented languages represent associations using object references whereas an RDBMS
represents an association as a foreign key column.
5 Navigation:
The ways you access objects in Java and in RDBMS are fundamentally different.
The Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) is the solution to handle all the above impedance
ORM stands for Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) is a programming technique for
converting data
between relational databases and object oriented programming languages such as Java, C#,
etc. An
ORM system has the following advantages over plain JDBC –
Let‟s business code access objects rather than DB tables.
Hides details of SQL queries from OO logic.
Based on JDBC 'under the hood.'
No need to deal with the database implementation.
Entities based on business concepts rather than database structure.
Transaction management and automatic key generation.
Fast development of application.
Explain the modus operandi behind hibernate application.
Hibernate is an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) solution for JAVA. It is an open source
persistent framework created by Gavin King in 2001. It is a powerful, high performance
Object-Relational Persistence and Query service for any Java Application.
Hibernate maps Java classes to database tables and from Java data types to SQL data types
and relieves the developer from 95% of common data persistence related programming
Hibernate sits between traditional Java objects and database server to handle all the works
persisting those objects based on the appropriate O/R mechanisms and patterns.

Components of Hibernate:
• Connection Management: provides efficient management of the database connection.
Database connection is the most expensive part of an application that allows interacting with
the database.
• Transaction Management: provides ability to execute more than one database statements
at a time.
• Object Relational Mapping: is a technique of mapping the data representation from an
object model to a relational model. This part is used to perform CRUD operations from the
underlying database tables.
Hibernate sits between traditional Java objects and database server to handle all the works in
persisting those objects based on the appropriate O/R mechanisms and patterns.

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