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Evolution of Theroires

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A Review of Evolution of Theories and

Volume 6 Issue 2 July - December 2014

Models of Technology Adoption

Rajesh Sharma and Rajhans Mishra

Abstract Government (Venkatesh et al. 2012)that were promising

in respect of the advantages they offered to the users
Technology adoption is one of the mature areas of IS
but still have not been adopted by the users to the extent
research. Research in this domain has evolved over time
by conceptualizing new factors which can better explain
the phenomena of technology adoption resulting in Several studies have revealed that technology adoption
development of several theories and models. This is not related to the aspects of technology alone but has
process of evolution has been primarily driven by rapidly evolved as a much more complex process involving
changing technology scenario and has led to new factors dimensions of user attitude and personality (Venkatesh
which are grounded in theory from other disciplines. et al. 2012), social influence (Ajzen and Fishbein 1975),
In this paper, we strive to trace the evolution of various trust (Gefen et al. 2003) and numerous facilitating
theories and models of technology adoption over the conditions (Thompson et al. 1991). It is necessary to
years with the objective of presenting an overview of understand the evolution of this research area in
this important domain to the researchers who intend Information Systems and look at future research
to apply these models in their research. We also look opportunities.
at need for identification of new factors in the technology
In this study, we trace the evolution of research in the
adoption models in wake of rapid technology changes
area of technology adoption over the years by means
in future.
of a review of the existing literature on the subject. The
1. Introduction study is undertaken with two objectives. The first
objective of this paper is to present an overview of this
Technology adoption is one of the mature area of research important domain to the researchers who intend to
in information systems. Carr (1999) has defined apply these models in their research. Second objective
technology adoption as the 'stage of selecting a of the study is to look at the need to identify new
technology for use by an individual or an organization'. constructs that may possibly be used in explaining
With rapid strides being made in technology innovations adoption of emerging technologies such as e-
in every conceivable domain, the issues related to government, cloud computing, mobile government etc.
technology adoption have gained increasing prominence and further build the theoretical foundations of the
in recent times. Huge investments are made by existing body of knowledge.
organizations and governments for introducing new
technologies that have the potential of bringing a 2. Research Methodology
paradigm shift in the life-style of the users. However,
Methodology of literature survey was followed for this
these investments may not yield results if the innovations
paper. Research papers with relevant keywords (such
are not adopted by the intended users. Initial failure
as technology adoption, technology adoption theory,
of diffusion of Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems
technology adoption model etc) were downloaded from
in US (Simon et al. 2007) and Enterprise Resource
online databases like EBSCO, Google Scholar, Proquest,
Planning (ERP) systems (Addo & Helo 2011) are some
INFORMS etc. The papers were scrutinized to identify
of the examples of the technologies that failed to take
and classify them on the basis of themes on which they
off in spite of promising start. More recent examples
were focussed. Details of methodology, data set and
are that of cloud computing (Low et al. 2011) and e-
major findings of the papers were tabulated for extracting

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Volume 6 Issue 2 July - December 2014

their common and differentiating features. References Two major streams of research have evolved on adoption
of latest papers were once again searched online to of technologies. One stream pertains to adoption at
include any missing papers left out due to new keywords. individual and the other at organizational level. If the
Since the objective was to look at evolution of theories intention or usage by an individual is the subject of
and models over the years rather than their application, study, it is considered as adoption at individual level
we picked up a survey paper by Sarkar (2009), review (e.g., Compeau and Higgins 1995; Davis et al. 1989). On
papers by Chuttar (2009) and Long (2010) that the other hand, if success of implementation by the
provided an overview of some of the important theories organization is under study, it is considered as adoption
that have evolved over the years. Seminal papers related at organization level (Leonard-Bartonan and d
to these theories were then downloaded and studied in Deschamps 1988). Adoption at individual and
depth to understand the constructs and the context of organizational levels leads to mass adoption which is
the study. termed as the diffusion of technology.

3. Technology Adoption Theories and Models The theories and models that have evolved for explaining
adoption of technology are summarized in chronological
Literature review revealed interchangeable use of the order as follows:
terms adoption and diffusion although these terms are
A. Diffusion of Innovation Theory (Roger, 1960): Re-
quite distinct from each other. Therefore, noting the
search in diffusion can be traced back to the epic work
difference between these two terms is in order. Adoption
by Everett Roger's in 1960 named as the Diffusion
refers to "the stage in which a technology is selected
of Innovation Theory which has been widely applied
for use by an individual or an organization" (Carr, 1999)
by the researchers over the years.
while the term diffusion refers to "the stage in which
the technology spreads to general use and application" The main idea of the theory is that there are four
(Rogers, 2003). Therefore, while the term adoption is elements that influence the spread of a new idea: the
used at individual level, diffusion can be thought of as innovation, communication channels, time and social
adoption by the masses. From the point of view of our system. The process of diffusion consists of five
study, both the terms are important because adoption stages, namely, knowledge, persuasion, decision,
will generally lead to diffusion. Hence, while looking implementation, and confirmation. It results in six
into the evolution of research of technology adoption categories of users: innovators, early adopters, early
we take into account the diffusion studies as well as majority, late majority, laggards and the leap-
adoption studies. froggers. The theory can be depicted as shown in
Figure 1.

Figure 1: The Diffusion of Innovation Theory (Rogers, 1960)

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The diffusion innovation theory provided the concept slope of the growth curve becomes positive and
of S-shaped curve of adoption which was also called number of members who have adopted the innova-
as the epidemic model of adoption. According to this tion becomes so large that there are hardly any new
curve, spread of infections among the population can members left for adopting it. According to Rogers
be held as an analogy to the pattern of spread of (1960), this point occurs when nearly 10% to 20% of
a new technique or idea. According to this analogy, the members of the social system have adopted the
initially the rate of spread is slow. In the mid range innovation.
of the graph, the rate of spread accelerates and finally The S-shaped adoption curve described above applies
the rate of spread tapers off resulting in an S-shaped to most of the innovations that come up from time
curve depicted in Figure 2. to time. However its application is of special signifi-
cance for adoption of communication technology
where it is referred to as Metcalfe's law (Gilders 1993).
In this case, value of the innovation is enhanced for
existing users of the communication system as more
and more people adopt the innovation. Each addition
of user has a positive effect on existing users of the
system which results in acceleration of the adoption
curve. Phenomenal growth of the Internet over last
one and half decade is often interpreted by this law.
B. Theory of Reasoned Action (Fishbein and Ajzen,
1975): Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) has its roots
in social psychology setting. The theory proposes
three general constructs, namely "behavioural inten-
tion (BI), attitude (A), and subjective norm (SN)".
According to TRA behavioural intention of a person
depends on his attitude and subjective norms.
Figure 2: S-shaped Adoption Curve (Rogers, 1960)
Mathematically, it can be interpreted that behavioural
The reasoning for such S-shape curve is that initially
intention is the summation of attitude and subjective
the innovation has to come from outside the bound-
norms. Moreover, intention of a person likely to
aries of the social system prevalent at that time. This
convert to action if there is the intention to behave
implies that number of people that are exposed to
in a specific manner is strong enough.
the innovation are few in the beginning. As these
people in the social system start accepting the
innovation, they bring it in contact with more and
more people. Therefore the rate of spread keeps on
increasing. Eventually, the innovation is accepted by
most of the members of social system and the rate
of spread declines. As there are no more members
left for accepting the innovation, the spread stops
The S-shaped curve depicted in Figure 2 illustrates Figure 3: Theory of Reasoned Action, (Fishbein and
Ajzen, 1975)
that there is a critical "take off point" at which the

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The definition of various constructs used in the theory of how well one can execute courses of action required
are as given in Table 3. to deal with prospective situations". According to the
Table 1: Constructs used in Theory of Reasoned theory, self-efficacy is the most important determinant
Action for behavioural change since it leads to building up
Construct Definition of coping behaviour.

Attitudes "Sum of beliefs about a particular

behaviour weighted by evaluations of
these beliefs".
Subjective "Influence of people in one's social
norms environment on his behavioural inten-
tions; the beliefs of people, weighted by
the importance one attributes to each
of their opinions that will influence
one's behavioural intention"
Behavioural "Function of both attitudes toward a
intention behaviour and subjective norms toward
that behaviour which has been found Figure 4: Theory of Planned Behaviour (Ajzen, 1991)
to predict actual behaviour"
The definition of additional construct (PBC) is given in
Source: Fishbein and Ajzen (1975)
Table 2.
Table 2: Additional Construct used in Theory of
C. Theory of Planned Behaviour (Ajzen, 1991): The Planned Behaviour
Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) was proposed by
Construct Definition
Icek Ajzen in 1991 and was developed from the
Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) which was pro- Perceived "People's perception of the ease or
posed by Martin Fishbein and Ajzen in 1975. TPB Behaviour difficulty of performing the behaviour
adds the concept of Perceived Behavioural Control Control of interest which in turn depends on the
(PBC) to the constructs attitudes and subjective norms self efficacy which is the judgments of
which make the TRA. Perceived behavioural control how well one can execute courses of
refers to "people's perception of the ease or difficulty action required to deal with prospective
of performing the behaviour of interest". It differs situations."
from Rotter's (1966) concept of perceived locus of Source: Ajzen (1991)
control because it is not constant and varies with
D. The Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura, 1986): Focus
different situations faced by the individual. Locus of
of the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) is on the concept
control is considered to be a more generalized
of self-efficacy which is defined as "the judgment of
expectancy of the individual that remains fairly stable
one's ability to use a technology to accomplish a
across situations. In this way, the criticism faced by
particular job or task" (Compeau and Higgins, 1995).
TRA that it is based on relatively static construct of
According to SCT, behaviour of the user is influenced
attitude and thus cannot be used for prediction of
by expectations of outcome related to personal as well
behavioural outcome has been addressed by TPB. The
as performance-related gains. Self-efficacy, in turn,
roots of concept of PBC are grounded in the Self-
influences the expectation of outcome of both types.
Efficacy Theory (SET) proposed by Bandura (1977)
While esteem of the person and his sense of achieve-
which in turn came from the Social Cognitive Theory.
ment relate to personal outcome expectations, out-
Bandura (1986) defined self-efficacy as "the judgments
come expectations related to performance on the job

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lead to performance related expectations. According of use) as "the degree to which an innovation is
to SCT, there are two opposing factors that influence perceived as relatively difficult to understand and
behaviour of the users. Positive contribution is made use". The definitions of these constructs are depicted
by the factor "affect" which is the extent to which in Table 1.
an individual likes his job. On the other hand, TAM was originally tested in the context of adoption
negative contribution to desired behaviour is made of email service and file editor at IBM Canada with
by the factor "anxiety" which is the anxious reaction 14 items on each of 2 constructs. The results of the
of the person while performing a job such as trying survey on sample of 112 users validated the model
to use a computer with which the person is not very with the finding that perceived usefulness is a
familiar. This theory has been widely used in adop- stronger factor than perceived ease of use that drives
tion studies. technology adoption. In next ten years, TAM became
E. Technical Adoption Model (Fred D Davis, 1989): well-established as a robust, powerful, and parsimo-
Technology Adoption Model (TAM) has been widely nious model for predicting user acceptance. King and
used in technology adoption studies. The strength of He (2006) presented a meta analysis of TAM and
the model lies in its simplicity as it has only two found that it is a valid and robust model with
constructs, namely, "perceived usefulness" and "per- applications in a wide range of areas. Dwivedi et al
ceived ease of use" for predicting extent of adoption (2010) carried out a comparison of TAM and UTAUT
of new technologies at individual level as shown (Venkatesh et al. 2003) and found that focus is now
below shifting away from TAM to UTAUT while citing in
the research articles. In another study, Benbasat &
Barki (2007) have criticized TAM especially on the
grounds of its limitations in the fast-changing IT
F. The Model of PC Utilization (Thompson et. al. 1991):
The model is based on the Theory of Human
Behaviour by Triandis (1977) which differs in some
Figure 5: Technology Adoption Model (Davis, 1989) ways from the Theory of Reasoned Action because
it makes a distinction between cognitive and affective
These constructs are derived from Bandura's Self
components of attitudes. Beliefs belong to the cog-
Efficacy Theory (1982) which defines perceived ease
nitive component of attitudes. According to this
of use as "the judgments of how well one can execute
theory "Behaviour is determined by what people
courses of action required to deal with prospective
would like to do (attitudes), what they think they
situation" and from Rogers and Shoemaker (1971)
should do (social norms), what they have usually
paper which defines complexity (interpreted as ease
done (habits), and by the expected consequences of

Table 3: TAM Model by Davis (1989)

Construct Definition Theoretical Background

Perceived usefulness The degree to which a person believes that using a Bandura's Self efficacy
particular system would enhance his or her theory (1982)
job performance

Perceived ease of use The degree to which a person believes that using a Rogers and Shoemaker
particular system would be free of effort (1971)

Source: Davis (1989)

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their behaviour". This theory primarily deals with

extent of utilization of a PC by a worker where the
use is not mandated by the organization but is
contingent on the option of the user. In such a setting,
the theory posits that the use of computer by the
worker is likely to be influenced by several factors
such as his feelings (affect) toward using PCs, preva-
lent social norms regarding use of PC at the work-
place, general habits related to use of the computer,
consequences expected by the user by using the PC
and extent of conditions that are present at the work Figure 6: The Model of PC Utilization
(Thompson et al. 1991)
place for facilitating use of PC. These constructs are
depicted in the figure 6.
outcomes that are distinct from the activity itself, such
The definition of the constructs used in the model are
as improved job performance, pay, or promotions"
given in Table 4.
(Davis et al., 1992, p. 1112). Examples of extrinsic
G. The Motivation Model (Davis et al., 1992): Davis motivation are perceived usefulness, perceived ease
applied the motivational theory to study information of use, and subjective norm. On the other hand, if
technology adoption and use. The main premise of performing an activity leads to a feeling of pleasure
the Motivation Model is that there are extrinsic and and results in satisfaction for the individual, such
intrinsic motivations that shape the behaviour of the behaviour can be classified as intrinsic motivation.
user. Extrinsic motivation is defined as the perception (Vallerand, 1997). Users want to perform an activity
that users want to perform an activity "because it is "for no apparent reinforcement other than the process
perceived to be instrumental in achieving valued of performing the activity per se" (Davis et al., 1992,

Table 4: Constructs used in the Model of PC Utilization (Thompson et al. 1991)

Construct Definition

Job-fit "The extent to which an individual believes that using a technology can enhance the
performance of his or her job."

Complexity "The degree to which an innovation is perceived as relatively difficult to understand and

Long-term "Outcomes that have a pay-off in the future."


Affect Towards "Feelings of joy, elation, or pleasure, or depression, disgust, displeasure, or hate associated
Use by an individual with a particular act."

Social Factors "Individual's internalization of the reference group's subjective culture, and specific
interpersonal agreements that the individual has made with others, in specific social

Facilitating "Provision of support for users of PCs may be one type of facilitating condition that can
Conditions influence system utilization."

Source: Thompson et al. (1991)

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p. 1112). An examples of intrinsic motivation is the that remaining three constructs, namely, attitude
extent of enjoyment that a person derives from toward using technology, self efficacy, and anxiety
playing with a computer (Davis et al., 1992; are theorized not to be the direct determinants of
Venkatesh, 2000). intention as they are fully mediated by ease of use
H. Extended TAM2 model (Venkatesh and Davis, 2000): which has been considered in the unified model as
Venkatesh & Davis modified TAM to include addi- performance expectancy. Therefore, these three con-
tional key determinants of TAM's perceived useful- structs have been removed from the UTAUT model.
ness and usage intention constructs in their extended The constructs in the unified model are defined as
TAM model. The additional constructs included social in table 6.
influence processes (subjective norm, voluntariness The unified theory is proposed to be superior as it
and image) and cognitive instrumental processes (job is able to explain 70% of the variance while the earlier
relevance, output quality, result demonstrability and theories were explaining only 30-40% variance in the
perceived ease of use) which are depicted in Figure 7. adoption behaviour (Venkatesh et al. 2003). However,
it is criticized on the grounds of being overly complex,
not being parsimonious in its approach and its
inability to explain individual behaviour (Casey &
Wilson-Evered 2012; Van Raaij & Schapers 2008). A
comprehensive review of 450 articles that have cited
UTAUT was carried out by Williams et al (2011) and
they found that only a small number of articles have
actually used the constructs of UTAUT in their study-
rather, it has been used more for theory-building.
Figure 7: Extended Technical Adoption Model
(Venkatesh & Davis, 2000) J. Model of Acceptance with Peer Support, (MAPS,
Sykes et al., 2009): Model of Acceptance with Peer
The definitions and theoretical basis of the constructs
Support (MAPS) provides an integration of earlier
are summarized in Table 5.
research that was focussed on individuals with
I. Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technol-
relevant constructs of social network in a way that
ogy (Venkatesh, 2003): This theory, popularly re-
helps to extend the scope of earlier theories. The
ferred as UTAUT was postulated in 2003 by
authors propose that there are two types of social
Venkatesh by a systematic review and consoli-
ties. First tie between employees relates to obtaining
dation of the constructs of earlier eight models (TRA,
help from employees that can result in extension of
TAM, MM, TPB, TAM2, DOI, SCT and model of
knowledge for using the system. Another kind of tie
personal computer use). It is meant to serve as a
between employees is related to providing assistance
comprehensive model that can be applied across a
and help to co-workers for enabling better under-
range of applications. It has four key constructs
standing of configuration and deployment of the
namely "performance expectancy, effort expectancy,
system. These ties are labelled as "get-help" and "give
social influence and facilitating conditions" which are
help" ties. The authors propose two new constructs,
depicted in Figure 8.
namely, "network density" and "network centrality"
For developing the unified model, the authors have that relate to the concept of "get-help" and "give-help"
compiled and tested all the constructs that were used respectively. The theoretical backing for these con-
in previous models and theorized that out of the seven structs is drawn from earlier research carried out in
constructs used earlier, four constructs shown above social network and are posited as key predictors of
are most significant as determinants of intention to system use. These constructs are further extended as
use information technology. They have hypothesized "valued network density" and "valued network cen-

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Table 5: Extended TAM Model by Venkatesh and Davis (2000)

Construct Definition Theoretical Background
Subjective Norm Person's perception that most people who are Theory of Reasoned Action (Fishbein and
important to him think he should or should Ajzen 1975) and the subsequent Theory of
not perform the behaviour in question". Planned Behaviour (Ajzen 1991).

Voluntariness Voluntariness is the extent to which potential Hartwick and Barki (1994) found that even
and Compliance adopters perceive the adoption decision to be when users perceive system use to be
with Social non-mandatory. organizationally mandated, usage intentions
Influence. vary because some users are unwilling to
comply with such mandates.

Image Moore and Benbasat (1991) define image as Moore and Benbasat (1991)
"the degree to which use of an innovation is
perceived to enhance one's . . . status in one's
social system".

Job relevance Defined as an individual's perception Cognitive instrumental theoretical

regarding the degree to which the target underpinnings come from three main areas:
system is applicable to his or her job. Regarded work motivation theory (e.g., Vroom 1964),
as cognitive judgment that exerts a direct action theory from social psychology (e.g.,
effect on perceived usefulness, distinct from Fishbein and Ajzen 1975), and task-
social influence processes. contingent decision making from behavioral
decision theory (e.g., Beach and Mitchell
Output quality Output quality measures perception of how
well the system performs the job related tasks.

Result Defined by Moore and Benbasat (1991) as the

Demonstrability "tangibility of the results of using the
innovation". This implies that individuals can
be expected to form more positive perceptions
of the usefulness of a system if the co-variation
between usage and positive results is readily
Source: Venkatesh & Davis (2000).

Figure 8: The UTAUT Model (Venkatesh et. al. 2003)

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Table 6: Constructs used in UTAUT (Venkatesh 2003)

Construct Definition Root source of the construct Moderators
from earlier models

Performance Performance expectancy is The five constructs from the Gender, Age
expectancy defined as the degree to different models that pertain to
which an individual believes performance expectancy are
that using the system will perceived usefulness (TAM/
help him or her to attain TAM2), extrinsic motivation (MM),
gains in job performance. job-fit (MPCU), relative advantage
(IDT), and outcome expectations

Effort Effort expectancy is defined Three constructs from the existing Gender, Age,
expectancy as the degree of ease models capture the concept of effort Experience
associated with the use of expectancy: perceived ease of use
the system. (TAM/TAM2), complexity
(MPCU) and ease of use (IDT).

Social influence Social influence is defined as The three constructs related to Gender, age,
the degree to which an social influence: subjective norm voluntariness and
individual perceives that (TRA, TAM2/IDTPB, TPB), social experience
important others believe he factors (MPCU), and image (IDT).
or she should use the new

Facilitating Facilitating conditions are Three different constructs used in Age and experience
conditions (no defined as the degree to earlier models are: perceived
effect on use which an individual believes behavioural control (TPB, DTPB,
intention but that an organizational and C-TAM-TPB), facilitating
direct effect on technical infrastructure conditions (MPCU) and
use behaviour) exists to support use of the compatibility (IDT).

Source: Venkatesh et al. (2003)

trality" by taking into account the extent of the established determinants of system use, namely
resources, information and knowledge available in the behavioural intention and facilitating conditions,
system. It is inferred that these constructs can act as were able to explain about 20 percent additional
additional predictors. variance.
The definitions of these constructs are given in Table 7. To summarize, Table 8 presents the summary of the
The authors conducted a social network study on 87 various theories and models of technology adoption
employees of a supplier-focused business unit of a that have evolved over the years.
large multinational company in Finland. With this 4. Discussions & Findings from the Study
empirical study they were able to obtain support to
their proposed model. They found that the new social The study was carried out with two objectives. The first
network constructs which augmented the previously objective was to present an overview of technology

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Table 7: Model of Acceptance with Peer Support (Sykes et al., 2009)

Construct Definition
Behavioral Behavioral intention is defined as "a person's subjective probability that he will perform
intention some behavior" (Fishbein and Azjen 1975, p. 288).
System use System use is defined as the frequency, duration, and intensity of an employee's interactions
with a particular system (Venkatesh et al. 2003).
Facilitating Facilitating conditions is defined as the "degree to which an individual believes that an
conditions organizational and technical infrastructure exists to support use of the system" (Venkatesh
et al. 2003, p. 453).
Network density Network density describes the connectedness of a network and is defined as the actual
number of ties in a network as a proportion of the maximum possible number of ties.
Network Network centrality is defined as the extent of an individual's involvement in assistance
centrality exchanges with co-workers (Mossholder et al. 2005; Sparrowe et al. 2001). An individual's
centrality has been linked to influence (Burkhardt and Brass 1990), involvement in innovation
(Ibarra 1993a, 1993b), and attitudes toward new technology (Rice and Aydin 1991).
Valued network Valued network centrality refers to peers' perceptions of the level of system-related resources
centrality controlled by a focal employee.
Valued network Valued network density refers to the connectedness of a focal employee to others, weighted
density by the perceived strength of the tie and control of system-related information (such as
system features, upcoming releases, demo dates), knowledge (such as tips and tricks, short
cuts, process sequences), and other tangible resources (such as training resources, manuals,
tutorials) that are needed for effective use of a system.

Source: Sykes et al 2009.

adoption theories and models to the researchers who that researchers should "redirect their focus toward
intend to apply these models in their research. This examining different antecedents (e.g., IT artifact and
objective has been achieved as evolution of various design) and different consequences (e.g., adaptation
models has been presented in Table 8. In section 3, we and learning behaviors) in order to reach a more
have presented definitions of the constructs and comprehensive understanding of what influences
provided literature references to the criticism and adoption and acceptance in different IT use contexts
applications of various models. It is felt that the paper and to provide more useful recommendations for
provides sufficient knowledge of this evolving field in practice" (pp 216). This view of the authors clearly hints
a concise form to the researchers who intend to probe towards probable inadequacy of present models in
deeper into the field of technology adoption. explaining adoption of upcoming technologies such as
Internet of Things (IOT), cloud computing and m-
Second objective of the study was to look at the necessity
Government among others. This also points towards a
to identify new constructs that may possibly be used
future research opportunity that needs to be probed by
in explaining adoption of emerging technologies such
the researchers and fulfils the second objective of the
as e-government, cloud computing, mobile government
etc. Need for a sound theoretical model in the fast
changing information technology environment has been It is therefore posited that the systematic overview of
articulated by Benbasat & Barki (2011). They suggest technology adoption contributes to the area of IS/IT

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Table 8: Evolution of Theories and Models of Technology Adoption

Year Theory/Model Developed By Constructs/ Determinants of adoption

1960 Diffusion of Everett Roger The innovation, communication channels, time

Innovation Theory and social system.
1975 Theory of Reasoned Ajzen and Fishbein Behavioural intention, Attitude (A), and
Action Subjective Norm.
1985 Theory of Planned Ajzen Behavioural intention, Attitude (A), and
Behaviour Subjective Norm, Perceived Behavioural
1986 Social Cognitive Theory Bandura Affect, anxiety.
1989 Technical Adoption Fred D Davis Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use.
1991 The Model of PC Thompson et al. Job-fit, Complexity, Long-term consequences,
Utilization Affect Towards Use, Social Factors, Facilitating
1992 The Motivation Model Davis et al. Extrinsic motivation ( such as perceived
usefulness, perceived ease of use, and
subjective norm) and intrinsic motivation (such
as perceptions of pleasure and satisfaction).
2000 Extended TAM2 model Venkatesh and Davis Social influence processes (subjective norm,
voluntariness and image) and cognitive
instrumental processes (job relevance, output
quality, result demonstrability and perceived
ease of use).
2003 Unified Theory of Venkatesh et al. Performance expectancy, effort expectancy,
Acceptance and Use of social influence and facilitating conditions.
Technology (UTAUT)
2009 Model of Acceptance Sykes et al. Behavioural intention, System use, Facilitating
with Peer Support conditions, Network density, Network
(MAPS) centrality, Valued network centrality, Valued
network density.

adoption and diffusion research by highlighting various 5. Conclusions

theories and models, including their criticism. The paper
This review paper provides an overview of theories and
identifies the possibility and the need for further
models which have evolved over the years for better
evolution in this domain so that more holistic models understanding of adoption process of technologies by
are developed that can take care of fast-changing individuals and organizations. It is intended to present
technology environment. Therefore it is evident that a bird's eye view of various constructs related to this
research has to continue in this domain because the relatively mature area of information system research
environmental factors driving the adoption process are and will be of immense value to the contemporary
dynamic and can reveal new constructs of adoption. researchers who are planning future work in adoption

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of new technologies in the present dynamic environment. use and user acceptance of information technology,
MIS Quarterly, 8, 318-339.
The review provides identifies several new areas of
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Rajesh Sharma is a participant in the Fellow Program in
MIS quarterly, 15(1), 125.
Management (FPM) at Indian Institute of Management
Vallerand, R. J. (1997). Toward a hierarchical model of Indore (India) in the Information System area. His interest
intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in Advances in Social areas in research include e-Government, technology
Psychology (29), M. Zanna (ed.), Academic Press,
adoption, business process management and marketing
New York,, pp 271-360.
of services. He belongs to the Indian Telecom Service
Van Dijk, J., & Hacker, K. (2003). The digital divide as a (ITS) and is currently on study leave from the Department
complex and dynamic phenomenon. The Information of Telecom, Ministry of Communication & IT, Government
Society, 19(4), 315-326. of India.
Van Raaij, E. M., & Schepers, J. J. (2008). The acceptance
and use of a virtual learning environment in China. Rajhans Mishra is an Assistant Professor in Information
Computers & Education, 50(3), 838-852. Systems Area at Indian Institute of Management Indore.
He has also served as a visiting faculty at Indian Institute
Venkatesh V., & Davis F. (2000). A theoretical extension of
the technology acceptance model: four longitudinal field of Management Ahmedabad and Indian Institute of
studies. Management Science, 46(2), 186-204. Management Lucknow. His research interest includes
recommendation systems, web mining, data mining, text
Venkatesh, V., Morris, M. G., Davis, G. B., & Davis, F. D.
mining, e-Governance and business analytics. He has
(2003). User acceptance of information technology:
Toward a unified view. MIS Quarterly, 27(3), 425-478.
completed his doctoral work from Indian Institute of
Management Lucknow.
Venkatesh, V., Sykes, T. A., & Venkatraman, S. (2014).

IMJ 29 Rajesh Sharma and Rajhans Mishra

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