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Discrete Mathematics

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Unit I

Chapter 1
1.1 Understanding Variables
A variable can sometimes be thought of as a placeholder for values that are not known or can act as
representatives for values that form a series and can also be represented as elements in a set. To
bring clarity to the above definition certain examples can be considered. Consider the statement
{For i = 1 to n}….. herei acts as placeholder for values ranging from 1 till n where n can vary based
on users input. This means that i, n both being variables, i takes up values from 1 till the user
specified input that is “n”.
Similarly the other example of a variable can be in the form of “n 2 + n” which can also be
represented in the form of a set of elements {12+1, 22+2, 32 +3,…..}.
A variable is basically a temporary register that accords names and places to values so that one can
perform actual computations to help discover its possible values.
Some other examples of variables can be in the form of equations as a whole 3x 2 + x+4 and can
assume the values of x = 4/3 or x = 1.
Another example can be as follows that given a real number p,p2 ≥ 0.
Types of Mathematical Statements
There are three types of mathematical statements: universal statements, conditional statements, and
existential statements.
A universal statement specifies that a certain property is true for all elements in a set. For example:
All positive integers are greater than zero.
A conditional statement depends on the true value of the condition. For example If starfish is a sea
animal then it can swim.
An existential statement says that there exists certain items for which the property is true. For
example there exists a prime number that is even which is true.
Universal Conditional Statements
Universal statements contain words like “For All” and conditional statements have words such as
“If then” and a universal conditional statement contain both. A universal conditional statement is a
statement that is both universal and conditional. For example “For All” birds if a is a crow then it
can fly. The said example gives a flavor of more of a conditional statement. Whereas if the sentence
is constructed in the form as follows “If a crow can fly then crow belongs to the bird species”. A
few more variations of rewriting a universal conditional statement is shown as below:
For all positive integers x, if x is not equal to 0 then square of x is positive.
For all non-zero positive integers, then square of the integer is also positive.
If x > 0 then square(x) > 0.
The square of any positive integer is positive.
All non-zero positive integers have squares which are positive.
Universal Existential Statements
A universal existential statement is a statement that constitutes the first part containing a property
that is true for all and the second part being existential it asserts the existence of something. For
All real numbers when multiplied with its inverse generate an identity I is equal to 1.
In this statement the property “multiplied with its inverse” applies universally to all real numbers.
This statement asserts every number has an inverse however the inverse formats are different for
different forms of real numbers. The statement can also be written as follows:
All real numbers have multiplicative inverses that on multiplication generates I as an identity.
For all real numbers r, there is a multiplicative inverse which when multiplied generates identity I
For all real numbers r, there is a real number s such that s is a multiplicative inverse for r.Using
variables in mathematics helps in referring to quantities without ambiguity while not restricting
specific values for them.
Example 1 Rewriting a Universal Existential Statement
The statement is as follows: Every category of wheel has spokes
Possible solutions are as follows:
a. All wheels have spokes
b. For all category of wheel W there exists spokes for W.
c. C is a type of spoke that is meant for the wheel W.
Existential Universal Statements
An existential universal statement is exactly the opposite of the above as the first part of the
statement asserts that a certain entity exists and is universal because the suffixed part says that this
entity satisfies a property common to all for a specific kind or type.
For example an integer which is greater than 0 belongs to the set of natural numbers. The sentence
can be written in multiple ways:
There exists a positive number greater than zero that belongs to the set of natural numbers OR
Every positive integer m in set of natural of numbers n such that m, n is always >=0
Example 2 Rewriting an Existential Universal Statement
Fill in the blanks to rewrite the following statement in three different ways:
A rectangle has two opposite sides equal and parallel and belongs to the parallelogram family. The
other forms of writing the statement are as follows:
a) A rectangle having equal and opposite sides that are parallel is a parallelogram.
b) Each parallelogram that has two opposite sides equal and parallel is a rectangle.
Some of the important mathematical concepts, like the limit of a sequence, can be represented by
existential, conditional and universal phrases and require all the three phases like “For All”, “There
Exists,” and “IF Then Else”.A sequence of real numbers is represented in the form as follows:
Lim an = l if given € > 0, an≈ l for n ≥ 1
It is built in three steps as follows:
 an ≈ l (an approximates to l within €)
 an ≈ l for n ≥ 1 ( This approximation holds for all n)
 If given € > 0, an≈ l for n ≥ 1 ( Condition is smaller the €,approximation can be made as close as
1.2 Introduction to Sets
Notation:Imagine Sto be a set, and if x is an element of this set then it is represented as x ∈ S. If x
is not an element of the set S then it is represented as x ∉ S. The notation for the set is that all the
elements within the set should be included within braces. For example a set can comprise of
elements as such {1, 2, 3} and these elements are members of the set. Sometimes very large sets are
represented as follows: {1,2,3,…….,99}and these can be termed as set of positive integers. Infinite
sets can be represented in this format as follows: {23, 24, 25………}.
Example 3 Solving Problems on Sets
Consider A = {5, 6, 7}, B = {7, 5, 6}, and C = {7, 7, 6,6, 6,5,5}.
a. Specify the elements of set A, B, and C and identify the relation that exists between them.
b. Is {0} = 0?
c. Specify the number of elements that are present in the set {5, {5}}?
d. For each positive integer m, let Nm = {m, −m}. Find N3, N4, and N0.
To solve the above please note that for part “a” elements of asset are never repeated i.e.
a. All the sets denoted by A, B, C have exactly the same number of elements within the set and also
the elements are the same.
b. As per the set notation the set containing “0” represents that there exists a single element in the
set and it is not equal to 0.
c. There are two elements in the set the first element being “5” and the second element being a set
containing the number 5.
d. N3 = {3,-3},N4={4,-4},N = {0,0}
There are certain set of numbers which are commonly referenced through symbolic names and are
presented in the table below:
Set Represented by
R Set of all real numbers
R+ Set of all positive real numbers
Z Set of all integers
Q Set of all rational numbers
W Set of whole numbers
N Set of all positive whole numbers

Real numbers can be represented using a number line as shown below. These primarily constitute of
rational numbers. Rational numbers majorly constitute of integers (positive and negative) and
fractions (positive and negative). The set of integers comprise of negative integers and whole
numbers and the whole numbers constitute of natural numbers and 0.

The real number when represented using a line is said to be continuous and the integers positive and
negative are located at fixed intervals along the line and every integer is said to be discrete as its
position on the number line is unique and discrete.Hence the term Discrete Mathematics comes
from the distinction between continuous anddiscrete mathematical objects.
Coming back to the concept of set the set can be represented using set builder notation.
Set-Builder Notation
Let S be a set and let P(x) be a property such that for the elements of the set S the property might
either hold true or false. The above can be represented as follows: We may define a new set to be
the set of all elements x in S such that P(x) is true. The most natural way of denoting it is as
{ x | P(x)} or {x ∈ S | P(x)}
Understanding sets by making use of set builder notation can be achieved by solving a few
Consider R , Z and Z + where R denotes the real numbers, Z denotes the integers and Z+ the set of
positive integers and values range from -1 to 4 . It is required to depict the same through a number
a. { x∈ R | -1 < x < 4, x ∈ Z | -1 < x < 4, x ∈ Z+ | -1 < x < 4 }
Solution 0 1 2 3 (For real numbers and integers

-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

For positive integers)

So the solution sets are as follows:

R = { 0,1,2,3}, Z = { 0,1,2,3} and Z+ = { 1,2,3}
A is a subset of B written A⊆ B, when every element of A is also an element of B. In other words A
⊆ B means that for all elements x, if x belongs to A then x also belongs to B written as if x ∈ A
then x ∈ B. If A is a subset of B and B is not a subset of A then there exists at least one element in
B that is not in A. This is represented as follows that there is at least one element x such that x ∈ B
and x ∉ A. This type of set is also known as proper subset.
Example 4 Subsets
Let A = {Set of whole numbers, B = {n ∈ W | 0 ≤ n ≤ 100}, and C = {40, 50, 60, 70, 80,120}.
Evaluate the truth and falsity of each of the following statements.
a. B ⊆A- True
b. C is a proper subset of A - True
c. C and B have at least one element in common - True
d. C ⊆ B - False 120 is not in B
e. C ⊆ C True because every element in C is also in C and every set is a subset of itself.
Example 5 Distinction between ∈ and ⊆
True or False
a. 6∈ {4, 6, 9} -True
b. {2} ∈ {1, 2, 3} - False It should have been {1, {2}, 3}
c. 6⊆ {4, 6, 9} False as 6 has to be a set in itself
d. {6}⊆{4, 6, 9} True
e. 6 ⊆ {{4},{6},{9}}
f. {6} ∈ {{4},{6}} True
Cartesian Products
Before defining Cartesian products it is mandatory to note and understand ordered pairs.Given
elements a and b, the representation (a, b) denotes the ordered pair where a is the first element of
the pair and b is the second element. Two ordered pairs (a, b) and (c, d) are said to be equal if, and
only if, a = c and b = d. This is represented as (a, b) = (c, d) means that a = c and b = d.
Cartesian Product
This can now be defined as follows: Given sets A and B the Cartesian product of A and B denoted
as AxB is the set of ordered pairs(a,b) where a is in A and b is in B.
Symbolically: A × B = {(a, b)| a ∈ A and b ∈ B}.
Example 6
Cartesian Products Problem
Let A = {4, 5, 6} and B = {a,b}.
a. Find A × B
b. Find B × A
c. Find B × B
d. How many elements are in A × B, B × A, and B × B?
e. Let R denote the set of all real numbers. Describe R × R.
a. A × B = {(4, a), (4, b), (5, a), (5, b), (6, a), (6, b)}
b. B × A = {(a, 4), (a, 5), (a, 6), (b, 4), (b, 5), (b, 6)}
c. B × B = {(a, a), (a, b), (b, a), (b, b)}
d. A × B has six elements, B × A has six elements, the number of elements in B times the number of
elements in A. B × B has four elements, the number of elements in B times the number of elements
in B.
e. R × R is the set of all ordered pairs (a, b) where both a and b are real numbers. All such ordered
pairs can be represented on a Cartesian plane as shown below
1.3 Relations and Functions
Let P and Q be two sets. A relation R from P to Q is typically a subset of P × Q. An ordered pair
(m, n) in P × Q, where m is related to n by relation R, written m R n, if, and only if (m, n) is in R.
The set P is called the domain of R and the set Q is called its co-domain.The relation R is
represented by (m,n) ∈ R. and when m is not in relation with n then it is written as m,n∉ R.
Example 7
Let P = {8, 9} and B = {8,9,10} and define a relation R from P to Q as follows: Given any (m, n) ∈
P × Q, means that m – n/2 is an integer.
a. State the ordered pairs are in P × Q and which are in R.
b. Is 8 R 10? Is 9 R 10? Is 9 R 9?
c. What are the domain and co-domain of R?
a. P x Q= {(8, 8), (8, 9), (8, 10), (9, 8), (9, 9), (9, 10)}. To determine explicitly the composition
of R, examine each ordered pair in P × Q to see whether its elements satisfy the defining condition
for R.
(8, 8) ∈ R because 8−8/2 = 0/2 = 0, which is an integer.
(8, 9) ∉ R because 8−9/2 = −1/2, which is not an integer.
(8, 10) ∈ R because 8−10/2 = −2/2 = −1, which is an integer.
(9, 8) ∉ R because 9−8/2 = 1/2, which is not an integer.
(9, 9) ∈ R because 9−9/ 2 = 0/2 = 0, which is an integer.
(9, 10) ∉ R because 9−10/ 2 = −1/ 2 , which is not an integer.
a) R = {(8,8) (8, 10), (9, 9)}
b) Yes, 8 R 10 because (8, 10) ∈ R.
No, 9 R 10 because (2, 3) ∉ R.
Yes, 9 R 9 because (9, 9) ∈ R.
c) The domain of R is {8, 9} and the co-domain is {8, 9, 10}.
Representation of relation through a diagram
Let R be a relation from a set P to a set Q. A diagram representing the relationship is obtained as
a. The elements of P are represented as points in one region and the elements of Q in another
b. For each m in P and n in Q , an arrow has to be drawn from m to n if, and only if, m is related to
n by R.
Example 8
Let P = {7, 8, 9} and B = {8, 9, 10} and define relations S and T from P to Q as follows: For all (m,
n) ∈ P × Q, (m, n) ∈ S means that m < n. S is a “less than” relation.
T = {(7, 8), (7, 9)}.
Draw arrow diagrams for S and T .


7 8
7 8
8 9
8 9
9 10
9 10

From every element in a set, based on 9a condition we can show single or multiple relationships
within elements of two different sets using the arrow diagram.
A function F from a set P to a set Q is a relation with domain P and co-domain Q that satisfies the
two essential properties:
a. Each element m in P has a corresponding element n in Q such that (m, n) ∈ F.
b. For all elements m in P and n in Q if (m,n) ∈ F and (m,o) ∈ F then n = o.
In other words a relation P to Q is a function if an only if every element of P is the first element of
an ordered pair of the function F and no two distinct ordered pair have the same first element.
More precisely, if F is a function from a set P to a set Q, by property (1) there is at least one element
of Q that is related to m by F and by property (2) there is at most one such element. Here if the
element of P is referred to as x then the corresponding element in Q is referred as F(x)
Example 9 Relations and Functions with Sets
Let P = {8, 4, 6} and Q = {1, 3, 4}. Which of the relations D, E, and F defined below are functions
from P to Q?
a. D = {(8, 1), (4, 1), (4, 3), (6, 4)}
b. For all (m, n) ∈ P × Q, (m, n) ∈ E means that n = m + 1.
c. T is defined by the arrow diagram

8 1

4 3

6 4

a. D isa function as every element within the set has a corresponding element of its own as per
property (1) of Function F.
b. E is again not a function as m,n are not related in the form n = m + 1
c. F is a function as each element in P is related to Q in some way i.e. an element in P has a
corresponding element in Q. Further an arrow from each element of P is directed to at least one
element in Q and the original element from the domain does not have two arrows emerging from it
at any point of time.
Unit I
Chapter 2

1.4 Introduction to Set Theory

The words set and element have no discrete definition and as suggested by the Founder of Set
Theory George Cantor, it is only a collection of different and separate objects that are in our
thoughts and they occupy the space M(M stands for Menge which in German means Set).Since the
discussion primarily on sets have been done in the preceding section it is intended that the readers
have had the desired clarity on the topic and now the attention will be directed towards the various
proofs on sets and subsets.
Subsets - Proof of the concept
In this section the incorporation of the previously discussed universal conditional statement to
formally represent the concept of subsets is shown below:
P⊆ Q⇔∀m, if m∈ P then m∈ Q
The negation is, therefore, existential
P ⊆ Q ⇔∃ m such that m ∈ P and m ∉ Q
A proper subset of a set is a subset that does not have at least one element of the original set. Thus P
is a proper subset of Q⇔ P⊆ Q and there is at least one element in Q that is not in P.
Example 10
Let P = {5} and B = {5,{5}}.
a. Is P⊆ Q?
b. P a proper subset of Q
a. Yes P is a subset of Q. P has an element from the set of elements present in Q
b. P is also a proper subsetof Q because there exists at least one element in Q that is not in P.
A method of direct proof can be used to show one set is a subset of the other using the concept of
element argument.
Element Argument: This is a method for proving that a set is the subset of another. Given X and
Y. To prove that X ⊆ Y
a. suppose that m is a particular but arbitrarily chosen element of P
b. m has to be an element of Q .
Proving and Disproving Subset Relations
Define sets P and Q as follows
P = {m ∈ Z| m = 6a + 12 for some a∈ Z}
Q = {n ∈ Z | n = 2b for some b∈ Z}.
a. To prove that P ⊆ Q
b. Q⇔ P⊆ Q (To prove that it is a proper subset)
c. Disprove that Q⊆ P.
a. Suppose m is randomly chosen from the set P. We have to prove that m belongs to Q as well.
So P constitutes of elements as follows: {18, 24,30,36…..} since Z is a set of integers. The “a” s of
the set are {1,2, 3……}. The “b’s “ of the set are {1,2,3…..} and n =2b i.e.
{2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,……}. Hence every elements of P is in Q i.e. P ⊆ Q.
b. To prove that P is a proper subset of Q which means that an element of Q is not in P. As can be
seen that set Q is a set of all even numbers and the equation represented in set P is seen it to be in
arithmetic progression with a common difference “d” of 6. Hence the set P will not constitute of all
even numbers as even numbers grow in a series with a common difference “d” of 2. Hence it is
proved that it is a proper subset of Q.
c. To disprove the above statement and show that Q is not a subset of P we assume that there exist
an integer m =2 such that m ∈ Q because 2 = 2 *1.But m does not belong to P as there is no integer
“a” such that 2= 6a + 12. For if there were such an integer, then
6a + 12 = 2by assumption
3a + 4 = 1 by reduction
a= -1 which is not an integer Hence P cannot be a subset of set Q.
Set Equality
Sets P and Q are said to be equal if, and only if, they have exactly the same number of elements.
The definition can still be formulated using the set language.
Let there be two sets P and Q. It is said that they are equal if every element of set P is in set Q and
vice versa represented as P = Q⇔ P⊆ Q and Q⊆ P.
Example 11Set Equality
Define sets P and Q as follows
P = {m ∈ Z | m = 2a for some integer a}
Q = {n ∈ Z | n = 2b − 2 for some integer b}
To prove P = Q
There exist an element in P that is in Q. Let x be the element. Then x should necessarily be equal to
To be equal the set Q should be represented by x. In other words x should be = 2b – 2.
So 2a = 2b – 2 or b = a+1. Substituting in the equation of Q i.e. 2b -2
x = 2b – 2 = 2(a+1)-2 = 2a. So x which represents set Q also represents set P and both are stated
to be equal. Whether x is an integer then the proof is as follows:
since b= a + 1 and a being an integer as defined b is also represented as sum of integer i.e. (a+1).
So x = 2b +2 is also an integer.
Set Operations
Union of sets: Let P and Q be the subsets of a universal set U. The union of P and Q is the set
denoted by P U Q such that the set contains all elements those which either belong to P or to Q.
Intersection of sets: Represented by P ∩ Q this set constitutes of elements that are common to both
P and Q
Complement of a Set:The complement of P denoted by Pc is the set of all elements of a Universal
set that are not in A.
Difference of sets: The difference of sets Q minus P denoted by Q − P, is the set of all elements
that are in Q but not in P.
Represented through notations the above operations are as follows:
P∪ Q = {m∈ U | m ∈ P or m∈ Q}
P ∩ Q={m ∈ U | m∈ P and m∈ Q}
Q – P or Q/p = {x ∈ U | x ∈ Q and x ∉ P},
Pc or P = {x ∈ U | x ∉ P}.
Here the above symbols are commonly used set theory symbols introduced in 1889 by the Italian
mathematician G Peano.Venn diagrams embody mathematical or logical sets pictorially as circles
enclosed within rectangles (the universal set U), and the common elements of the sets being
represented by intersections of the circles.


Union Difference Complement

Example 12 Unions, Intersections, Differences, and Complements

Let the universal set be U = {m, n, o, p, q} and let P = {m,n,p,q} and
Q = {n, o, p, q}. Find P∪ Q, P ∩ Q, P − Q, and Pc.
P∪ Q = {m. n, o, p, q}
P ∩ Q = {m.n,p, q}
Q− P = {o}
Pc = {}
A notation for subsets of real numbers that are intervals
Given real numbers m and n with m ≤ n:
(m, n) = {y∈ R | m < y < n} [m, n]={y ∈ R | m ≤ y ≤ n}
(m,n)=n{y ∈ R | m < y ≤ n} [a, b) = {y∈ R | m ≤ y ≤ n}

Unbounded intervals are shown using ∞ and −∞ are used to indicate intervals that are unbounded either on
the right or on the left
(m,∞) = {y ∈ R | y> m} [m, ∞]= {y∈ R | y≥ m}
(−∞, n) = {y∈ R | y < n} [−∞, n) = {y∈ R | y ≤ n}

Example 13Using Intervals (Real Numbers)

U = Set R of all real numbers
P = (−1, 0) ={y∈ R | −1< y≤ 0} and
Q = [0, 1) = {y∈ R | 0 ≤ y ≤ 1}.

Represented by shaded region is the above relation

-1 0 1

Find P∪ Q, P ∩ Q, Q − P, and Pc
P∪ Q = {y∈ R | y∈ (−1, 0] OR y∈ [0, 1)}={y∈ R | y∈ (−1, 1)} = { (-1,0) ∪ (0,1)} =
P ∩ Q = {y∈ R | y∈ (−1, 0] AND y∈ [0, 1)}={(-1,0) ∩ (0,1) = 0}
Q – P = {y∈R | y∈ [0, 1) and y∉(−1, 0]} = {y∈ R | 0< y<= 1} = {1}
Pc = {y∈ R | y∉ (−1, 0]}
The Empty Set
Empty sets are otherwise known as the null sets and denotedby∅. For example if we
take { 3,4 } ∩ {2,5} then it is = ∅
Example 14Set S = {y ∈ R | 5< y < 3}.
Solution: Such an element does not exist hence the set is an empty set

Partitions of Sets
The applications of Set Theory require that a set can be partitioned into a number of disjoint sets
which is otherwise known as partitioning and the sets constitute of the disjoint sets. Such a division
is called a partition. Two disjoint sets have no element in common. When sets are disjoint with no
overlaps then sets are said to be disjoint as shown
Sets P and Q are disjoint ⇔ P ∩ Q = ∅.
Example 15Disjoint Sets
Let P = {9, 3, 2} and B = {1, 4, 8}. Prove that P and Q are disjoint
Since these two sets have no element in common they are said to be disjoint
{9, 3, 2}∩{1, 4, 8}=∅.
PairwiseDisjoint Sets
P1, P2, P3 ... are pairwise disjoint or non-overlapping if, and only if, no two sets Pi and Pj with
distinct subscripts have any element in common i.e. Pi ∩ Pj = ∅ where i,j = 1,2,3………..
Example 16 Mutually Disjoint Sets
a. Let P1 = {1,3, 5}, P2 = {1, 5, 6}, and P3 = {2}. Are P1, P2, and P3 mutually disjoint?
b. Let P1 = {2, 5, 8}, P2 = {3, 7}, and P3 = {6, 8}. Are P1, P2, and P3mutually disjoint?
a. P1 and P2 have {1,5} as common elements, P1 and P3 have no elements and P2 and P3 have no
elements common. Hence P1 and P3 and P2 and P3 are mutually disjoint.
b. P1 and P2 have no elements in common and P1 and P3 have common element {8}. P2 and P3 are
mutually disjoint.
P1,P2 , P3 and P4 if mutually disjoint can also act as partitions for the total set P and P can be
written as P = P1∪P2 ∪, P3∪ P4 and is represented in the following manner.

P3 4

Partition of P is a collection of finite or infinite collection of nonempty sets P1, P2 ,P3 and P4 and
a. P is the union of Pi’s.
b. P1,P2 , P3 and P4 are all mutually disjoint
Example 17 Partitions of Sets
a. Let P = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, P1 = {1, 2}, P2 = {3, 4}, and P3 = {5, 6}. Is {P1, P2, P3} a partition of P?
a. P = P1∪ P2∪ P3 and the sets are mutually disjoint
b. Let S = { Set of all integers}
P1 = {n ∈ S| m = 5n,for some integer n},
P2 = {n∈ S| m = 5n + 1,for some integer n},
P3 = {n ∈ S| m = 5n + 2,for some integer n}.
Is { P1 , P2 ,P3} a partition of P?
Yes the sets are disjoint and no two sets have any common elements in them because the
remainders 0, 1, 2 added to the equations give different values of m each time. For example for 5n
(n = 1,2,3,4) i.e. 5,10,15 20 …… the remainders are 0 in each case. For example for 5n + 1 (n =
1,2,3,4) i.e. 6,11,16,21 the remainders are 1 in each case. For 5n+2 (n = 1,2,3,4) i.e.7,12,17,22 the
remainders are 2 in each case.
Power Sets
The power set of B, denoted P (B), is the set of all subsets of B
Example 18 Power Set
Find the power set of the set {m, n}. That is, find P ({m, n}).
P({m,n}) = { ∅,{m},{n},{m,n}}
Cartesian Products (additional)
An ordered 2-tuple deduced from a cartesian product of two sets is an ordered pair representation,
and so is an ordered 3-tuple also called an ordered triple. Two ordered n-tuples are equal if, and
only if a1 = b1, a2 = b2 ….an = bn Symbolically represented as (a1, b1) = (a2, b2) ⇔ a1 = a2 and b1 =
Example 19 Cartesian Products
Let A = {m, n}, B = {1, 2, 3}, and C = {y, z}.
a. Find A × B. b. Find (A × B) × C c. Find A × B× C
a. A × B = {(m, 1), (m, 2), (m, 3), (n, 1), (n, 2), (n, 3)}
b. The Cartesian product of (A×B) ×C
= {((m, 1), y), ((m, 2), y), ((m, 3), y), ((n, 1), y), ((n, 2), y), ((n, 3), y), ((m, 1), z), ((m, 2), z), ((m,
3), z), ((n, 1), z), ((n, 2), z), ((n, 3), z)}
c.The Cartesian product A × B × C = {(m, 1, y), (m, 2, y), (m, 3, y), (n, 1, y), (n, 2, y), (n, 3, y), (m,
1, z), (m, 2, z), (m, 3, z), (n, 1, z), (n, 2, z), (n, 3, z)}.
1.5 Properties of Set
Some subset relations are represented as follows:
Intersection: For all sets P and Q
(a) P ∩ Q⊆ P and (b) P ∩ Q ⊆ Q
Union: For all sets P and Q,
(a) P ⊆ P∪ Q and (b) Q⊆ P∪ Q
Property of Transitivity: For all sets P, Q, and R,
if P⊆ Q and Q⊆ R, then P⊆R
Procedural Versions of Set Definitions
Let P and Q be subsets of a universal set U and suppose p and q are elements of U.
a. p∈ P∪ Q⇔ p∈ P or q∈ Q
b. p ∈ P ∩ Q⇔ p∈ P and q∈ Q
c. p∈ P – Q ⇔ p∈ P and p ∉Q
d. p∈ Pc⇔ p∉P
e. (p, q) ∈ P × Q⇔ p∈ P and q∈Q

Set Identities
An identity is an equation that is universally true for all elements in some set. For example, p + q =
q + pis an identity for real numbers for all p and q. The set identities are equations that are true for
all sets in some universal set.
Set Identities
Consider the universal set U and the following identities as represented
Commutative Laws: For all sets P and Q
(a) P∪ Q= Q∪ P and (b) P ∩ Q = Q ∩ P.
2. Associative Laws: For all sets P, Q, and R,
(a) (P∪ Q) ∪ R = P∪ (Q∪ R) and
(b) (P ∩ Q) ∩ R = P ∩ (Q ∩ R).
3. Distributive Laws: For all sets, P, Q, and R
(a) P∪ (Q ∩ R) = (P∪ Q) ∩ (P∪ R) and
(b) P∩ (Q∪ R) = (P ∩ Q) ∪ (P ∩ R).
4. Identity Laws: For all sets P,
(a) P∪∅= P and
(b) P ∩ U = P.
5. Complement Laws:
(a) P ∪ Pc = U and (b) P ∩ Pc = ∅.
6. Double Complement Law: For all sets P, (Pc) c = P.
7. Idempotent Laws: For all sets P, (a) P∪ P = P and (b) P ∩ P = P.
8. Universal Bound Laws: For all sets P, (a) P∪ U = U and (b) P ∩∅=∅.
9. De Morgan’s Laws: For all sets P and Q,
(a) (P∪ Q) c = Pc ∩ Qc and (b) (P ∩ Q) c = Pc∪ Qc
10. Absorption Laws: For all sets P and Q
(a) P∪ (P ∩ Q) = P and (b) P ∩ (P∪ Q) = P
11. Complements of U and ∅:
(a) Uc= ∅ and (b) ∅c = U
12. Set Difference Law: For all sets P and Q,
P − Q = P ∩ Qc
Proof of Set Identities
Two sets are said to be equal ⇔ if each is a subset of the other. Let sets P and Q be given. To prove
that P = Q we have to do the following :
Prove that P⊆ Q
Prove that Q⊆ P
Example 20 Proof of Distributive Law
Prove that for all sets P, Q, and R,
P ∪ (Q ∩ R) = (P∪ Q) ∩ (P∪ R)
The two sets are equal if, and only if, each is a subset of the other. Hence, it is essential to prove the
P∪ (Q ∩ R) ⊆ (P∪ Q) ∩ (P∪ R)
and (P∪ Q) ∩ (P∪ R) ⊆ P∪ (Q ∩ R)
To prove the above one has to necessarily show that for
∀x, if x ∈ P∪ (Q∩ R) then x ∈ (P∪ Q) ∩ (P∪ R) and also
∀x, if x ∈ (P∪ Q) ∩ (P∪ R) then x ∈ P∪ (Q ∩ R)
Suppose P, Q, and R are sets and x be an arbitrary element of P ∪ (Q ∩ R) which means x ∈ P or x
∈(Q ∩ R). If x ∈ P then x necessarily belongs to (P∪ Q) and (P∪ R). Hence x ∈(P∪ Q) ∩ (P∪ R).
If x ∈ (Q ∩ R) then x ∈ Q and x ∈ R. Hence x ∈ (P∪Q) and (P ∪R). Therefore P ∪ (Q ∩ R) ⊆ (P∪
Q) ∩ (P∪ R)
For reverse inclusion let x ∈(P∪ Q) and x ∈(P∪ R) which means x ∈ P or x ∈ Q and x ∈ P or x ∈
R.If x ∉ P then x need to belong to Q and x need to belong to R i.e. x ∈ (P ∪ Q) and x ∈(P ∪ R)
which means x should be both in Q and R. If x ∈ P then x should also belong to P ∪( Q∩ R).
Hence (P∪ Q) ∩ (P∪ R)⊆P ∪ (Q ∩ R)
The Empty Set
It is said that a set with no elements is an empty set i.e. if E is a set with no elements and P is any
set then E ⊆ P.
The above statement can be solved by contradicting it and saying that let E be the empty set having
at least one element that is in E and not in P. But since E is an empty set and cannot have any
element in it hence the statement to contradict is false and the above statement that E is a subset of
P is true.
1.6 Proving property of sets using Venn Diagram
To prove that for all sets P,Q,R,(P – Q) ∪ (Q – R) = P - R
The property is true if and only if the given equality holds for all sets P,Q and R false
otherwise. The following can be proved using Venn Diagram by shading the different regions
of the Venn diagram as per the formula given and arrive at the result
Shade the region corresponding to (P − Q) ∪ (Q − R) and then shade the region corresponding to P
− R. They are not the same . Here take A = P ,B= Q and C = R

(P – Q) ∪ (Q − R)(P – R)

Solving the above by taking into considerations sets comprising of numbers further proves that
(P − Q) ∪ (Q − R) (P – R)
P – Q = {1, 4},Q-R = {7,2}, P-R = {1,2}
{P – Q} ∪ {Q – R} = {1,4, 7, 2}
{P – R} = {1, 2} Hence they are not equal
Power Sets
A set having n elements, has 2n elements in its power set. It can be proved using mathematical
induction and is based on the following observations. P set with n elements has 2n subsets which is
known as the Power Set.
Basis step:P(0) is true, because the set with cardinality 0 (the empty set) has 1 subset (itself) and 20
= 1.
Inductive step: To prove P(k) → P(k+1) That is, prove that if a set with k elements has 2K subsets,
then a set with k+1 elements has 2K+1 subsets.
Proof:Any set with cardinality k has 2K subsets. Let P be a set such that |P| = k+1. Enumerate the
elements of P: P = c1……ck+1. Let S = c1…… Then |S|=k, so S has 2k subsets, and according to
theory of mathematical induction P = S ∪ {ck+1}.Hence every subset of S is also a subset of P. Any
subset of Pcontains the element ck+1, or it doesn’t contain ck+1. If a subset of P doesn’t containck+1,
then it is also a subset of S, and there are 2k of those subsets. On the other hand, if a subset of P
contains the elementck+1, then that subset is formed by includingck+1in one of the 2ksubsets of S, so
P has 2ksubsets containing ck+1. We have shown that P has 2ksubsets containingck+1 , and another 2k
subsets not containingck+1, so the total number of subsets of P is 2k + 2k = 2k+1 which is of the order
of 2k.
Proofs for Set Identities
Set Difference
Construct an algebraic proof that for all sets P, Q, and R,
(P∪ Q) − R = (P − R) ∪ (Q − R).
Let P, Q and R be any sets. Then
= (P U Q) − R = (P U Q) ∩ Rc by the set difference law
= Rc∩ (P∪ Q) by the commutative law
= (Rc∩ P) ∪ (Rc ∩ Q) by the distributive law
= (P ∩ Rc )∪ (Q ∩ Rc ) by the commutative law
= (P − R) ∪ (Q− R) by the set difference law.
Set Identity Proof
Consider sets P and Q
P − (P ∩ Q) = P − Q
Suppose P and Q are sets. Then
P − (P ∩ Q) = P ∩ (P ∩ Q) c by the set difference law
= P ∩ (Pc ∪Qc) by De Morgan’s laws
= (P ∩ Pc )∪ (P ∩ Qc ) by the distributive law
=∅∪( P ∩ Qc ) by the complement law
= (P ∩ Qc) ∪∅ by the commutative law
= P ∩ Qc by the identity law
= P – Q by the set difference law.
Associative Law
Prove that for any sets A1, A2, A3, and A4,
((A1 ∪ A2) ∪ A3) ∪ A4 = A1 ∪ ((A2 ∪ A3) ∪ A4).
Above can be written as (A U B) U C = A U( B UC) where A = A1 ∪ A2 for L.H.S and B = A2 ∪
A3 for R.H.S and solved using associative law.
1.7 Boolean Algebras, Russell’s Paradox and the Halting Problem
Logical Equivalences Set Properties

For all statement variables m,n and p: For all sets X,Y and Z:
i. m n n m i. ∪
ii. m n n m ii.
i. m (n p) (m n) p i. ( ∪ )∪ ∪( ∪ )
ii. m (n p) (m p) p ii. ( )∪ ( )
i. m (n p) (m n) (m p) i. ( ∪ ) ( )∪( )
ii. m (n p) (m n) (m p) ii. ∪( ) ( ∪ ) ( )
i. m m i. ∪
ii. m m ii.
i. m m i. ∪
ii. m m ii.

i. ( m) m i. ( )c
i. m m i. ∪
ii. m c c ii.

i. m m m i. ∪
ii. m m m ii.
i. (m n) m n i. ( ∪ )c
ii. (m n) m n ii. ( )c ∪

i. m (m n) m i. ∪( )
ii. m (m n) m ii. ( ∪ )

Boolean Algebra
A Boolean algebra typically constitutes of a set with two operations i.e. + and ·. If p and q are
elements of that set then p+q and p·q are in that set and the following properties hold true:
Commutative Laws: For all p and q in the set suppose S,
(a) p + q = q + p and (b) p ·q = q·p.
Associative Laws: For all p, q, and r in S,
(a) (p + q) + r = p + (q + r) and (b) (p ·q)·r = p ·(q·r).
Distributive Laws: For all p, q, and r in S,
(a) p + (q·r) = (p + q)·(p+ r) and (b) p ·(q + r) = (p·q) + (p ·r).
Identity Laws: There exist distinct elements 0 and 1 in S such that for all p in S,
(a) p + 0 = p and (b) p ·1 = p.
Complement Laws: For each p in S, there exists an element in S, denoted p and called the
complement or negation of p, such that
(a) p + p = 1 and (b) p ·p = 0.
Properties of a Boolean Algebra
Uniqueness of the Complement Law: For all p and x in S, if p + x = 1 and p · x = 0 then x = p.
Uniqueness of 0 and 1: If there exists x in S such that p + x = p for all p in B, then p = 0, and p· y =
p for all p in S, then y = 1.
Double Complement Law: For all p∈ S,(p) = p
Idempotent Law: For all p∈ S,
(a) p + p = p and (b) p·p = p.
Universal Bound Law: For all p∈ S,
(a) p + 1 = 1 and (b) p·0 = 0.
De Morgan’s Laws: For all p and q∈ S,
(a) p + q= p ·q and (b) p ·q = p + q
Absorption Laws: For all p and q∈ S,
(a) (p + q)·p = p and (b) (p·q) + p = p.
Complements of 0 and 1: (a) 0 = 1 and (b) 1 = 0.
Uniqueness of the Complement Law: Suppose p and x are particular, but arbitrarily chosen,
elements of B that satisfy the following hypothesis: p + x = 1 and p · x = 0. Then
= x = x ·1 because 1 is an identity
= x ·(p + p) by the complement law
= x ·p + x ·p by the distributive law
= p · x + x ·p by the commutative law
= 0 + x ·p by hypothesis
= p ·p + x ·p by the complement law
= (p ·p) + (p· x) by the commutative law for
= p·(p + x) by the distributive law
= p ·1 by hypothesis
= p because 1 is an identity
Double Complement Law
Prove that for all elements p in Boolean algebra S,(a) = a.
Proof: Suppose S is a Boolean algebra and p is any element of S. Then
p + p = p + p by the commutative law
= 1 by the complement law for 1
p ·p = p ·p by the commutative law
= 0 by the complement law for 0.
Thus p satisfies the above conditionswith respect to p that are satisfied by the complement of p.
From the fact that the complement of p is unique, we conclude that (p) = p.
Russell’s Paradox
Russell’s paradox is the most famous set-theoretical paradoxes. Also known as the Russell-Zermelo
paradox, it considers that the set of all sets are not members of themselves. Such a set appears to be
a member of itself if and only if it is not a member of itself. Hence the paradox. Example S = {S1,
S2, S3…}. Hence S is not a member of itself. If S is not a member of itself then S is a member of
S = {{ S}, S1, S2, S3}}
Is S an element of itself?
The answer is neither yes nor no. For if S ∈ S, then S satisfies the defining property for S.But if S
∉S, then S is a set such that S ∉S and so S satisfies the defining property for S, which implies that S
∈ S. Thus neither is S ∈ S nor is S ∉S, which is a contradiction.
The Halting Problem
It is said that a problem statement has initially a binary solution in the form of “Yes” or a “No”
where a “Yes “ is a 1 and a “No” is a 0.Examples of such types are as follows: Is the sum of two
integers an integer only or is a number even/odd/prime etc. An algorithm is the execution of a
sequence of steps which can conclude on the following questions and those which can answer
correctlythe question asked in a finite time period. The problems which can be solved using
algorithms in finite amount of time are said to be the decidable problems whereas those which
cannot be are said to be undecidable.Craig Kaplan, Associate Professor, Computer Graphics from
University of Waterloo wrote a code as follows to prove the decidability or un-decidability
specifically as an adaptation of Turing proof.
boolwould_it_stop( char * program, char * input ) {
if( something terribly clever ) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;
This program was then given the input as the program itself and this was done using the following
boolstops_on_self( char * program ) {
returnwould_it_stop( program, program );
He then included an infinite loop in a small program that detects infinite loops as follows:

boolbobs_yer_uncle( char * program ) {

if(stops_on_self( program ) ) {
while( 1 ) {}
return FALSE;
} else {
return TRUE;
The assumption was that the first algorithm that was written was a solution to the halting problem.
That is the first algorithm will terminate after answering whether a program will loop forever on
specific inputs. Where as “stops_on_self” algorithm conducts two passes where one is to execute
the program and second is to provide the same program as an input sequence to the program. Now
stops_on_self” algorithm is true then “boolbobs_yer_uncle” goes into an infinite loop else
terminates and returns true. But the paradox is that when the third program i.e.
“boolbobs_yer_uncle” is given as an input to itself either it runs for ever or stops and returns true
depending on the true and false status of “stops_on_self”.
 If bobs_yer_uncle(bobs_yer_uncle ) goes into an infinite loop, it is because stops_on_self(
bobs_yer_uncle ) returned TRUE, which means that would_it_stop( bobs_yer_uncle,
bobs_yer_uncle ) returned TRUE. But this means that bobs_yer_uncle would stop when fed
itself as input! This contradicts the assumption that it goes into an infinite loop.
 If bobs_yer_uncle( bobs_yer_uncle ) stops and returns TRUE, it's because stops_on_self(
bobs_yer_uncle ) returned FALSE, which means that would_it_stop( bobs_yer_uncle,
bobs_yer_uncle ) returned FALSE. But this means that bobs_yer_uncle would run forever when
fed itself as input! This contradicts the assumption that it terminates.
So the contradiction is that bobs_yer_uncle stops if and only if it runs forever.
Unit 1
Chapter 2 The Logic of Compound Statements

2.1 Logical Form and Logical Equivalence

Definition- A statement (or proposition) is a sentence that is true or false but not both.
For example, “Two plus three equals five” and “Two plus three equals six” are both statements,
the first because it is true and the second because it is false.

Compound Statements
We now introduce three symbols that are used to build more complicated logical expressions out
of simpler ones. The symbol ~ denotes not, ˄ denotes and, and ˅ denotes or. Given a statement p,
the sentence “~p” is read “not p” or “It is not the case that p” and is called the negation of p. In
some computer languages the symbol¬ is used in place of ~. Given another statement q, the
sentence “p ˄q” is read “p and q” and is called the conjunction of p and q. The sentence “p ˅ q”
is read “p or q” and is called the disjunction of p and q.

Truth Values
Definition- If p is a statement variable, the negation of p is “not p” or “It is not the case that p”
and is denoted as ∼p. It has opposite truth value from p: if p is true, ∼p is false; if p is false, ∼p
is true.
The truth values for negation are summarized in a truth table.
Truth Table for ∼p
P ~p

In ordinary language the sentence “It is hot and it is sunny” is understood to be true when both
conditions being hot and being sunny are satisfied. If it is hot but not sunny, or sunny but not hot,
or neither hot nor sunny, the sentence is understood to be false. The formal definition of truth
values for an and statement agrees with this general understanding.
If p and q are statement variables, the conjunction of p and q is “p and q,” denoted p ˄ q. It is
true when, and only when, both p and q are true. If either p or q is false, or if both are false, p ˄ q
is false.
The truth values for conjunction can also be summarized in a truth table.
Truth Table for p ˄ q
p q p˄q

If p and q are statement variables, the disjunction of p and q is “p or q,” denoted p ˅ q. It is true
when either p is true, or q is true, or both p and q are true; it is false only when both p and q are
Here is the truth table for disjunction
Truth Table for p ∨ q
p q p˅q

Example 1 Truth Table for Exclusive Or

Construct the truth table for the statement form (p ˅ q) ˄~(p ˄ q).Note that when or is used in its
exclusive sense, the statement “p or q” means “p or q but not both” or “p or q and not both p and
q,” which translates into symbols as (p ˅ q) ˄ ~(p ˄ q).
Solution: Set up columns labeled p, q, p ∨ q, p ∧ q, ∼(p ∧ q), and (p ∨ q) ∧ ∼(p ∧ q). Fill in the p
and q columns with all the logically possible combinations of T’s and F’s. Then use the truth
tables for ∨ and ∧ to fill in the p ∨ q and p ∧ q columns with the appropriate truth values. Next
fill in the ∼(p ∧ q) column by taking the opposites of the truth values for p ∧ q. For example, the
entry for ∼(p ∧ q) in the first row is F because in the first row the truth value of p ∧ q is T.
Finally, fill in the (p ∨ q) ∧ ∼(p ∧ q) column by considering the truth table for an and statement
together with the computed truth values for p ∨ q and ∼(p ∧ q). For example, the entry in the first
row is F because the entry for p ∨ q is T, the entry for ∼(p ∧ q) is F, and an and statement is false
unless both components are true. The entry in the second row is T because both components are
true in this row.
Truth Table for Exclusive Or: ( p ∨ q) ∧ ∼( p ∧ q)
P Q p˅q p˄q ~( p˄q) ( p ∨ q) ∧ ∼( p ∧ q)

Example 2 Truth Table for ( p ˄ q) ˅ ~r

Construct a truth table for the statement form ( p ˄ q) ˅ ~r
Solution: Make columns headed p, q, r, p ∧ q, ∼r, and (p ∧ q) ∨ ∼r. Enter the eight logically
possible combinations of truth values for p, q, and r in the three left-most columns. Then fill in
the truth values for p ∧ q and for ∼r. Complete the table by considering the truth values for (p ∧
q) and for ∼r and the definition of an or statement. Since an or statement is false only when both
components are false, the only rows in which the entry is F are the third, fifth, and seventh rows
because those are the only rows in which the expressions p ∧ q and ∼r are both false. The entry
for all the other rows is T.
Truth Table for ( p ˄ q) ˅ ~r
P q r p˄q ~r ( p ˄ q) ˅ ~r

Logical Equivalence:
Definition: Two statement forms are called logically equivalent if, and only if, they have
identical truth values for each possible substitution of statements for their statement variables.
The logical equivalence of statement forms P and Q is denoted by writing P ≡ Q. Two statements
are called logically equivalent if, and only if, they have logically equivalent forms when
identical component statement variables are used to replace identical component statements.
Testing Whether Two Statement Forms P and Q Are Logically Equivalent
1. Construct a truth table with one column for the truth values of P and another column for the
truth values of Q.
2. Check each combination of truth values of the statement variables to see whether the truth
value of P is the same as the truth value of Q.
a. If in each row the truth value of P is the same as the truth value of Q, then P and Q are
logically equivalent.
b. If in some row P has a different truth value from Q, then P and Q are not logically equivalent.
Example 3 Negative Property: ~(~p) ≡ p
Construct a truth table to show that the negation of the negation of a statement is logically
equivalent to the statement.
p ~p ~(~p)
In the above truth table p and ~(~p) always have the same truth values, so they are logically
Example 4 Showing Nonequivalence
Show that the statement forms ~(p ˄ q) and ~p ˄ ~q are not logically equivalent.
Solution: By using method of truth table
P Q ~p ~q p˄q ~(p˄q) ~p˄~q

∼(p ∧ q) and ∼p ∧ ∼q have different truth values in rows 2 and 3, so they are not logically
Example 5 Negations of And and Or: De Morgan’s Laws
For the statement “Rahul is tall and Rohit is redheaded” to be true, both components must be
true. So for the statement to be false, one or both components must be false. Thus the negation
can be written as “Rahul is not tall or Rohit is not redheaded.” In general, the negation of the
conjunction of two statements is logically equivalent to the disjunction of their negations. That
is, statements of the forms ~(p ˄ q) and ~p ˅ ~q are logically equivalent. Check this using truth
P Q ~p ~q p˄q ~( p˄q) ~p˅~q

In the above truth table ~ (p ˄ q) and ~p ˅ ~q always have the same truth values, so they are
logically equivalent.
~ (p ˄ q) ≡ ~p ˅ ~q.
Tautologies and Contradictions
Definition- A tautology is a statement form that is always true regardless of the truth values of
the individual statements substituted for its statement variables. A statement whose form is a
tautology is a tautological statement.
A contradiction is a statement form that is always false regardless of the truth values of the
individual statements substituted for its statement variables. A statement whose form is a
contradiction is a contradictory statement.
According to this definition, the truth of a tautological statement and the falsity of a
contradictory statement are due to the logical structure of the statements themselves and are
independent of the meanings of the statements.
Example 6 Tautologies and Contradictions
Show that the statement form p ˅ ~p is a tautology and that the statement form p ˄~p is a
P ~p p˅~p P˄~P

In the above truth table in the 3rd column all the values are T, Hence prove p ˅ ~p is a tautology
and 4th column all the values are F, hence prove p ˄~p is a contradiction.
Example 7 Logical Equivalence Involving Tautologies and Contradictions
If t is a tautology and c is a contradiction, show that p ˄ t ≡ p and p ˄ c ≡ c
P T p˄t p C p˄c
In the above truth table, same truth values for p˄t and p so
p ˄ t ≡ p and same truth values for c and p˄c so
2.2 Conditional Statements
Definition: If p and q are statement variables, the conditional of q by p is “If p then q” or “p
implies q” and is denoted p → q. It is false when p is true and q is false; otherwise it is true.
Truth Table for p → q
P q P →q

Example 8 Truth Table for p ∨ ∼q → ∼p

Construct a truth table for the statement form p ∨ ∼q → ∼p
Solution: By the order of operations given above, the following two expressions are equivalent:
p ∨ ∼q →∼p and (p ∨ (∼q)) → (∼p), and this order governs the construction of the truth table.
First fill in the four possible combinations of truth values for p and q, and then enter the truth
values for ∼p and ∼q using the definition of negation. Next fill in the p ∨ ∼q column using the
definition of ∨. Finally, fill in the p ∨ ∼q → ∼p column using the definition of →. The only rows
in which the hypothesis p ∨ ∼q is true and the conclusion ∼p is false are the first and second
rows. So you put F’s in those two rows and T’s in the other two rows.
P q ~p ~q P ˅ ~q P ˅ ~q → ~p

Logical Equivalences Involving →

Imagine that you are trying to solve a problem involving three statements: p, q, and r. suppose
you know that the truth of r follows from the truth of p and also that the truth of r follows from
the truth of q. Then no matter whether p or q is the case, the truth of r must follow. The division-
into-cases method of analysis is based on this idea.
Example 9 Division into Cases
p ˅ q → r ≡ ( p → r) ˄ (q → r)
Use truth tables to show the logical equivalence of the statement forms p ∨ q → r and (p → r) ∧
(q → r).
Solution: First fill in the eight possible combinations of truth values for p, q, and r. Then fill in
the columns for p ∨ q, p → r, and q → r using the definitions of or and if-then. For instance, the
p → r column has F’s in the second and fourth rows because these are the rows in which p is true
and q is false. Next fill in the p ∨ q → r column using the definition of if-then. The rows in
which the hypothesis p ∨ q is true and the conclusion r is false are the second, fourth, and sixth.
So F’s go in these rows and T’s in all the others. The complete table shows that p ∨ q → r and (p
→ r) ∧ (q → r) have the same truth values for each combination of truth values of p, q, and r.
Hence the two statement forms are logically equivalent.
p q r p˅q p→r q→r p˅q→r ( p → r) ˄ (q → r)


p ∨ q → r and (p → r) ∧ (q → r) always have the same truth values, so they are logically
Hence proof p ∨ q → r ≡ ( p → r) ∧ (q → r)
Bi-conditional Statements
Definition: Given statement variables p and q, the bi-conditional of p and q is “p if, and only
if, q” and is denoted p ↔ q. It is true if both p and q have the same truth values and is false if p
and q have opposite truth values. The words if and only if are sometimes abbreviated iff.
The biconditional has the following truth table:
Truth Table for p ↔ q
P q p↔q

In order of operations ↔ is coequal with →. As with ∧ and ∨, the only way to indicate
precedence between them is to use parentheses. The full hierarchy of operations for the five
logical operators is as follows.
Order of Operations for Logical Operators
1. ~ Evaluate negations first.
2. ˄, ˅ Evaluate ˄ and ˅ second. When both are present, parentheses may be needed.
3. →, ↔ Evaluate → and ↔ third. When both are present, parentheses may be needed.
According to the separate definitions of if and only if, saying “p if, and only if, q” should mean
the same as saying both “p if q” and “p only if q.” The following annotated truth table shows that
this is the case:
Truth Table Showing that p ↔ q ≡ ( p → q) ˄ (q → p)

p q p→q q→p p↔q ( p → q) ∧ (q → p)


In the above truth table p ↔ q and (p → q) ∧ (q → p) always have the same truth values, so they
are logically equivalent.
2.3 Valid and Invalid Arguments
• Definition: An argument is a sequence of statements, and an argument form is a sequence of
statement forms. All statements in an argument and all statement forms in an argument form,
except for the final one, are called premises (or assumptions or hypotheses). The final statement
or statement form is called the conclusion. The symbol ∴, which is read “therefore,” is normally
placed just before the conclusion. To say that an argument form is valid means that no matter
what particular statements are substituted for the statement variables in its premises, if the
resulting premises are all true, then the conclusion is also true. To say that an argument is valid
means that its form is valid.
Testing an Argument Form for Validity
1. Identify the premises and conclusion of the argument form.
2. Construct a truth table showing the truth values of all the premises and the conclusion.
3. A row of the truth table in which all the premises are true is called a critical row. If there is a
critical row in which the conclusion is false, then it is possible for an argument of the given form
to have true premises and a false conclusion, and so the argument form is invalid. If the
conclusion in every critical row is true, then the argument form is valid.
Example 10 Determining Validity or Invalidity
Determine whether the following argument form is valid or invalid by drawing a truth table,
indicating which columns represent the premises and which represent the conclusion, and
annotating the table with a sentence of explanation. When you fill in the table, you only need to
indicate the truth values for the conclusion in the rows where all the premises are true (the
critical rows) because the truth values of the conclusion in the other rows are irrelevant to the
validity or invalidity of the argument.
p → q ∨ ∼r
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
p q r ~r q˅~r p˄r p → q ∨ ∼r q→p∧r p→r


In the above truth table column number (7) & column number (8) are the premises and column
number (9) is the conclusion.
In above truth table row number (4) shows that an argument of this form can have true premises
and a false conclusion.
Hence this form of argument is invalid.
Example 11 An Invalid Argument with True Premises and a True Conclusion
The argument below is invalid by the converse error, but it has a true conclusion.
If New York is a big city, then New York has tall buildings.
New York has tall buildings.
∴ New York is a big city.
An argument is called sound if, and only if, it is valid and all its premises are true. An argument
that is not sound is called unsound.
Contradictions and Valid Arguments: The concept of logical contradiction can be used to
make inferences through a technique of reasoning called the contradiction rule. Suppose p is
some statement whose truth you wish to deduce.
Contradiction Rule
If you can show that the supposition that statement p is false leads logically to a contradiction,
then you can conclude that p is true.
Example 12 Contradiction Rule
Show that the following argument form is valid:
∼p → c, where c is a contradiction
Solution: Construct a truth table for the premise and the conclusion of this argument.
premises conclusion
P ~p c ∼p → c p

In the above truth table there is only one is only one critical row in which the premises is true,
and in this row the conclusion is also true. Hence this form of argument is valid.
Unit II

Chapter 3 Quantified Statements

Unit Structure
3.0 Objectives
3.1 Predicates and Quantified Statements
3.2 Statements with Multiple Quantifiers
3.3 Arguments with Quantified Statements
3.4 References

3.0 Objectives: This chapter would make you understand the following concepts:
 Definition of Predicates and Quantified Statements,
 The Universal Quantifier: ∀
 Existential Quantifier: ∃
 Equivalent Forms of Universal and Existential Statements
 Truth of a ∃∀ Statement in a Tarski World
 Quantifier Order in a Tarski World
 Validity of Arguments with Quantified Statements

3.1 Predicates and Quantified Statements:

In Chapter 2 we discussed the logical analysis of compound statements—those made of simple
statements joined by the connectives ~, ˄, ˅, →, and ↔. Such analysis casts light on many
aspects of human reasoning, but it cannot be used to determine validity in the majority of
everyday and mathematical situations.
We discussed earlier that the sentence ―She is a college Student‖ is not a statement, because we
don’t know who ―she‖ is. The sentence could be true or false depending on the value of the
pronoun ―she.‖ Similarly, the sentence ―x + y ≥ 0‖ is not a statement, since the truth of the
sentence depends on the value of x and y.
We are going to use the word ―predicate‖ to talk about sentences with variables.
• Definition: A predicate is a sentence that contains a finite number of variables and becomes a
statement when specific values are substituted for the variables. The domain of a predicate
variable is the set of all values that may be substituted in place of the variable.

Here is example of predicate: ―x 2 > 2x.‖ This is a not statement yet, but when you put a specific
number for x, we do get a statement. Let’s let P(x) denote this predicate.
Lets plug in a few values of x to see if we get true or false statements.
P(2) : 22 > 2(2), or 4 > 4. False
P(3) : 32 > 2(3), or 9 > 6. True

The truth set of a predicate is the set of numbers that make the predicate true. We must always
specify a ―domain‖ of the predicate – that’s the set from which we may plug in values into the
predicate variable.
Example 3.1.1: let Q(n) be the predicate ―n has no common factors (other than 1) with 12.‖ Find
the truth set of Q(n) if its domain is {1,2,3,…..,11,12}.
Solution: The truth set is {1,5,7,11}. Since all other natural numbers less than or equal to 12 will
have a common factor (other than 1) with 12. For example 8 and 12 have the common factor 4.
What if we change the domain to {1,2,3,….,23,24}? Now there are more numbers that will not
have a common factor (other than 1) with 12. Now the answer will be {1,5,7,11,13,17,19,23}.
You should check this answer.
It’s important to keep in mind that the truth set of a predicate depends on the domain of predicate
Example3.1.2 Finding the Truth Set of a Predicate:
Let Q(n) be the predicate ―n is a factor of 8.‖ Find the truth set of Q(n) if
a. the domain of n is the set Z+ of all positive integers
b. the domain of n is the set Z of all integers.
Solution: a. The truth set is {1, 2, 4, 8} because these are exactly the positive integers that
divide 8 evenly.
b. The truth set is {1, 2, 4, 8, −1, −2, −4, −8} because the negative integers −1, −2, −4, and −8
also divide into 8 without leaving a remainder.
The Universal Quantifier: ∀
Let Q(x) be a predicate and D the domain of x. A universal statement is a statement of the form
―∀x ∈ D, Q(x).‖ It is defined to be true if, and only if, Q(x) is true for every x in D. It is defined
to be false if, and only if, Q(x) is false for at least one x in D. A value for x for which Q(x) is
false is called a counterexample to the universal statement.
Example 3.1.3: Truth and Falsity of Universal Statements
a. Let D = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, and consider the statement ∀x ∈ D, x2 ≥ x. Show that this statement is
b. Consider the statement ∀x ∈ R, x2 ≥ x. Find a counterexample to show that this statement is
a. Check that ―x 2 ≥ x‖ is true for each individual x in D.
12 ≥ 1, 22 ≥ 2, 32 ≥ 3, 42 ≥ 4, 52 ≥ 5
Hence ―∀x ∈ D, x 2 ≥ x‖ is true.
b. Counterexample: Take x =1/2. Then x is in R (since 1/2 is a real number) and

Hence ―∀x ∈ R, x 2 ≥ x‖ is false.

The Existential Quantifier: ∃

The symbol ∃ denotes ―there exists‖ and is called the existential quantifier. For example, the
sentence ―There is a student in Math 140‖ can be written as ∃ a person p such that p is a student
in Math 140,
• Definition: Let Q(x) be a predicate and D the domain of x. An existential statement is a
statement of the form ―∃x ∈ D such that Q(x).‖ It is defined to be true if, and only if, Q(x) is true
for at least one x in D. It is false if, and only if, Q(x) is false for all x in D.
Example 3.1.4 Truth and Falsity of Existential Statements:
a. Consider the statement
∃m ∈ Z+ such that m2 = m.
Show that this statement is true
b. Let E = {5, 6, 7, 8} and consider the statement
∃m ∈ E such that m2 = m.
Show that this statement is false.
Solution: a. Observe that 12 = 1. Thus ―m2 = m‖ is true for at least one integer m. Hence
―∃m ∈ Z such that m2 = m‖ is true.
b. Note that m2 = m is not true for any integers m from 5 through 8:
52 = 25 ≠ 5, 62 = 36 ≠ 6, 72 = 49 ≠ 7, 82 = 64 ≠8.
Thus ―∃m ∈ E such that m2 = m‖ is false.
Example 3.1.5: Translating from Formal to Informal Language
Rewrite the following formal statements in a variety of equivalent but more informal ways.
Do not use the symbol ∀ or ∃.
a. ∀x ∈ R, x2 ≥ 0.
b. ∀x ∈ R, x 2 ≠ −1.
c. ∃m ∈ Z+ such that m2 = m.
a. All real numbers have nonnegative squares.
Or: Every real number has a nonnegative square.
Or: Any real number has a nonnegative square.
Or: The square of each real number is nonnegative.
Note: The singular noun is used to refer to the domain when the ∀ symbol is translated as
every, any,
or each.

b. All real numbers have squares that are not equal to −1.
Or: No real numbers have squares equal to −1.
(The words none are or no ... are are equivalent to the words all are not.)

c. There is a positive integer whose square is equal to itself.

Or: We can find at least one positive integer equal to its own square.
Or: Some positive integer equals its own square.
Or: Some positive integers equal their own squares.

Universal Conditional Statements:

A reasonable argument can be made that the most important form of statement in
mathematics is the universal conditional statement:
∀x, if P(x) then Q(x).
Familiarity with statements of this form is essential if you are to learn to speak mathematics.
Example 3.1.6: Writing Universal Conditional Statements Informally
Rewrite the following statement informally, without quantifiers or variables.
∀x ∈ R, if x > 2 then x 2 > 4.
Solution: If a real number is greater than 2 then its square is greater than 4.
Or: Whenever a real number is greater than 2, its square is greater than 4.
Or: The square of any real number greater than 2 is greater than 4.
Or: The squares of all real numbers greater than 2 are greater than 4.

Equivalent Forms of Universal and Existential Statements: Observe that the two statements
―∀ real numbers x, if x is an integer then x is rational‖ and ―∀ integers x, x is rational‖ mean the
same thing. Both have informal translations ―All integers are rational.‖ In fact, a statement of the
∀x ∈ U, if P(x) then Q(x)
can always be rewritten in the form
∀x ∈ D, Q(x)
by narrowing U to be the domain D consisting of all values of the variable x that make P(x) true.
Conversely, a statement of the form
∀x ∈ D, Q(x)
can be rewritten as
∀x, if x is in D then Q(x).

Negations of Quantified Statements:

Consider the statement ―All mathematicians wear glasses.‖ Many people would say that its
negation is ―No mathematicians wear glasses,‖ but if even one mathematician does not wear
glasses, then the sweeping statement that all mathematicians wear glasses is false. So a correct
negation is ―There is at least one mathematician who does not wear glasses.‖ The general form
of the negation of a universal statement follows immediately from the definitions of negation and
of the truth values for universal and existential statements.

Theorem 3.1 Negation of a Universal Statement

The negation of a statement of the form
∀x in D, Q(x)
is logically equivalent to a statement of the form
∃x in D such that ∼Q(x).
Symbolically, ∼(∀x ∈ D, Q(x)) ≡ ∃x ∈ D such that ∼Q(x).

The negation of a universal statement (―all are‖) is logically equivalent to an existential
statement (―some are not‖ or ―there is at least one that is not‖).

Theorem 3.2 Negation of an Existential Statement

The negation of a statement of the form
∃x in D such that Q(x)
is logically equivalent to a statement of the form
∀x in D, ∼Q(x).
Symbolically, ∼(∃x ∈ D such that Q(x)) ≡ ∀x ∈ D, ∼Q(x).
The negation of an existential statement (―some are‖) is logically equivalent to a universal
statement (―none are‖ or ―all are not‖).

Example 3.1.7 Negating Quantified Statements

Write formal negations for the following statements:
a. ∀ primes p, p is odd.
b. ∃ a triangle T such that the sum of the angles of T equals 200◦.
Solution: a. By applying the rule for the negation of a ∀ statement, you can see that the answer is
∃ a prime p such that p is not odd.
b .By applying the rule for the negation of a ∃ statement, you can see that the answer is
∀ triangles T, the sum of the angles of T does not equal 200◦.
Example 3.1.8 Negating Quantified Statements
Rewrite the following statement formally. Then write formal and informal negations.
No politicians are honest.
Formal version: ∀ politicians x, x is not honest.
Formal negation: ∃ a politician x such that x is honest.
Informal negation: Some politicians are honest.

3.2 Statements with Multiple Quantifiers:

Quantifiers are performed in the order in which the quantifiers occur:
Example 3.2.1 Truth of a ∀∃ Statement in a Tarski World
Consider the Tarski world shown in Figure

Show that the following statement is true in this world: For all triangles x, there is a square y
such that x and y have the same color

Solution: The statement says that no matter which triangle someone gives you, you will be able
to find a square of the same color. There are only three triangles, d, f , and i. The following table
shows that for each of these triangles a square of the same color can be found.

Given x Choose y = and check that y is the same color as x.

d E  yes
f or i h or g  yes

Now consider a statement containing both ∀ and ∃, where the ∃ comes before the ∀:
∃ an x in D such that ∀y in E, x and y satisfy property P(x, y).
To show that a statement of this form is true:
You must find one single element (call it x) in D with the following property:
 After you have found your x, someone is allowed to choose any element whatsoever from
E. The person challenges you by giving you that element. Call it y.
 Your job is to show that your x together with the person’s y satisfy property P(x, y).
Note that your x has to work for any y the person gives you; you are not allowed to
change your x once you have specified it initially.

Example 3.2.2 Truth of a ∃∀ Statement in a Tarski World

Consider again the Tarski world in Figure.

Show that the following statement is true: There is a triangle x such that for all circles y,
x is to the right of y.
Solution: The statement says that you can find a triangle that is to the right of all the
circles. Actually, either d or i would work for all of the three circles, a, b, and c, as you
can see in the following table.

Choose x = Then, given y = check that x is to the right of y.

d or i A  yes
B  yes
C  yes
Negations of Multiply-Quantified Statements:
You can use the same rules to negate multiply-quantified statements that you used to negate
simpler quantified statements. Recall that
∼(∀x in D, P(x)) ≡ ∃x in D such that ∼P(x).
∼(∃x in D such that P(x)) ≡ ∀x in D, ∼P(x).
We apply these laws to find
∼(∀x in D, ∃y in E such that P(x, y))
by moving in stages from left to right along the sentence.
First version of negation: ∃x in D such that ∼(∃y in E such that P(x, y)).
Final version of negation: ∃x in D such that ∀y in E, ∼P(x, y).
Similarly, to find
∼(∃x in D such that ∀y in E, P(x, y)),
we have
First version of negation: ∀x in D, ∼(∀y in E, P(x, y)).
Final version of negation: ∀x in D, ∃y in E such that ∼P(x, y).
These facts can be summarized as follows:
Negations of Multiply-Quantified Statements
∼(∀ x in D, ∃y in E such that P(x, y)) ≡ ∃x in D such that ∀y in E, ∼P(x, y).
∼(∃x in D such that ∀y in E, P(x, y)) ≡ ∀x in D, ∃y in E such that ∼P(x, y).

Example 3.2.3 Negating Statements in a Tarski World

Refer to the Tarski world of Figure 3.3.1,
Write a negation for each of the following statements, and determine which is true, the given
statement or its negation.
a. For all squares x, there is a circle y such that x and y have the same color.
b. There is a triangle x such that for all squares y, x is to the right of y.
a. First version of negation: ∃ a square x such that ∼(∃ a circle y such that x and y have the same
color). Final version of negation: ∃ a square x such that ∀ circles y, x and y do not have the
same color.

The negation is true. Square e is black and no circle is black, so there is a square that does not
have the same color as any circle.
b. First version of negation: ∀ triangles x, ∼ (∀ squares y, x is to the right of y).
Final version of negation: ∀ triangles x, ∃ a square y such that x is not to the right of y.

The negation is true because no matter what triangle is chosen, it is not to the right of square g
(or square j).

Example 3.2.4 Interpreting Multiply-Quantified∗ Statements

A college cafeteria line has four stations: salads, main courses, desserts, and beverages. The
salad station offers a choice of green salad or fruit salad; the main course station offers spaghetti
or fish; the dessert station offers pie or cake; and the beverage station offers milk, soda, or
coffee. Three students, Uta, Tim, and Yuen, go through the line and make the following choices:
Uta: green salad, spaghetti, pie, milk
Tim: fruit salad, fish, pie, cake, milk, coffee
Yuen: spaghetti, fish, pie, soda
These choices are illustrated in Figure
Write each of following statements informally and find its truth value.
a. ∃ an item I such that ∀ students S, S chose I.
b. ∃ a student S such that ∀ items I, S chose I.
c. ∃ a student S such that ∀ stations Z, ∃ an item I in Z such that S chose I.
d. ∀ students S and ∀ stations Z, ∃ an item I in Z such that S chose I.

a. There is an item that was chosen by every student. This is true; every student chose
b. There is a student who chose every available item. This is false; no student chose all
nine items.
c. There is a student who chose at least one item from every station. This is true; both
Uta and Tim chose at least one item from every station.
d. Every student chose at least one item from every station. This is false; Yuen did not
choose a salad.

Order of Quantifiers
Consider the following two statements:
∀ people x, ∃ a person y such that x loves y.
∃ a person y such that ∀ people x, x loves y.
Note that except for the order of the quantifiers, these statements are identical. However,
the first means that given any person, it is possible to find someone whom that person
loves, whereas the second means that there is one amazing individual who is loved by all
people. (Reread the statements carefully to verify these interpretations!) The two
sentences illustrate an extremely important property about multiply-quantified
In a statement containing both ∀ and ∃, changing the order of the quantifiers
usually ! changes the meaning of the statement.
Interestingly, however, if one quantifier immediately follows another quantifier of the
same type, then the order of the quantifiers does not affect the meaning. Consider the
commutative property of addition of real numbers, for example:
∀ real numbers x and ∀ real numbers y, x + y = y + x.
This means the same as
∀ real numbers y and ∀ real numbers x, x + y = y + x.
Thus the property can be expressed more briefly as
∀ real numbers x and y, x + y = y + x.

Example 3.2.5 Quantifier Order in a Tarski World

Look again at the Tarski world of Figure

Do the following two statements have the same truth value?

a. For every square x there is a triangle y such that x and y have different colors.
b. There exists a triangle y such that for every square x, x and y have different colors.
Statement (a) says that if someone gives you one of the squares from the Tarski world,
you can find a triangle that has a different color. This is true. If someone gives you square
g or h (which are gray), you can use triangle d (which is black); if someone gives you
square e (which is black), you can use either triangle f or triangle i (which are both gray);
and if someone gives you square j (which is blue), you can use triangle d (which is black)
or triangle f or i (which are both gray).

Statement (b) says that there is one particular triangle in the Tarski world that has a
different color from every one of the squares in the world. This is false. Two of the
triangles are gray, but they cannot be used to show the truth of the statement because the
Tarski world contains gray squares. The only other triangle is black, but it cannot be used
either because there is a black square in the Tarski world. Thus one of the statements is
true and the other is false, and so they have opposite truth values.

Formal Logical Notation:

In some areas of computer science, logical statements are expressed in purely symbolic
notation. The notation involves using predicates to describe all properties of variables and
omitting the words such that in existential statements. (When you try to figure out the
meaning of a formal statement, however, it is helpful to think the words such that to
yourself each time they are appropriate.) The formalism also depends on the following
―∀x in D, P(x)‖ can be written as―∀x(x in D → P(x)),‖ and
―∃x in D such that P(x)‖ can be written as ―∃x(x in D ∧ P(x)).‖

Example 3.2.6 Formalizing Statements in a Tarski World

Consider once more the Tarski world of Figure
Let Triangle(x), Circle(x), and Square(x) mean ―x is a triangle,‖ ―x is a circle,‖ and ―x is
a square‖; let Blue(x), Gray(x), and Black(x) mean ―x is blue,‖ ―x is gray,‖ and ―x is
black‖; let RightOf(x, y), Above(x, y), and SameColorAs(x, y) mean ―x is to the right of
y,‖ ―x is above y,‖ and ―x has the same color as y‖; and use the notation x = y to denote
the predicate ―x is equal to y‖. Let the common domain D of all variables be the set of all
the objects in the Tarski world. Use formal, logical notation to write each of the
following statements, and write a formal negation for each statement.

a. For all circles x, x is above f .

b. There is a square x such that x is black.
c. For all circles x, there is a square y such that x and y have the same color.
d. There is a square x such that for all triangles y, x is to right of y.

a. Statement: ∀x(Circle(x) → Above(x, f )).
Negation: ∼(∀x(Circle(x) → Above(x, f )))
≡ ∃x ∼ (Circle(x) → Above(x, f ))
by the law for negating a ∀ statement
≡ ∃x(Circle(x) ∧ ∼Above(x, f ))
by the law of negating an if-then statement

b. Statement: ∃x(Square(x) ∧ Black(x)).

Negation: ∼(∃x(Square(x) ∧ Black(x)))
≡ ∀x ∼ (Square(x) ∧ Black(x))
by the law for negating a ∃ statement
≡ ∀x(∼Square(x) ∨ ∼Black(x))
by De Morgan’s law
c. Statement: ∀x(Circle(x) → ∃y(Square(y) ∧ SameColor(x, y))).
Negation: ∼(∀x(Circle(x) → ∃y(Square(y) ∧ SameColor(x, y))))
≡ ∃x ∼ (Circle(x) → ∃y(Square(y) ∧ SameColor(x, y)))
by the law for negating a ∀ statement
≡ ∃x(Circle(x) ∧ ∼(∃y(Square(y) ∧ SameColor(x, y))))
by the law for negating an if-then statement
≡ ∃x(Circle(x) ∧ ∀y(∼(Square(y) ∧ SameColor(x, y))))
by the law for negating a ∃ statement
≡ ∃x(Circle(x) ∧ ∀y(∼Square(y) ∨ ∼SameColor(x, y)))
by De Morgan’s law
d. Statement: ∃x(Square(x) ∧ ∀y(Triangle(y) → RightOf(x, y))).
Negation: ∼(∃x(Square(x) ∧ ∀y(Triangle(y) → RightOf(x, y))))
≡ ∀x ∼ (Square(x) ∧ ∀y(Triangle(x) → RightOf(x, y)))
by the law for negating a ∃ statement
≡∀x(∼Square(x) ∨ ∼(∀y(Triangle(y) → RightOf(x, y))))
by De Morgan’s law
≡ ∀x(∼Square(x) ∨ ∃y(∼(Triangle(y) → RightOf(x, y))))
by the law for negating a ∀ statement
≡ ∀x(∼Square(x) ∨ ∃y(Triangle(y) ∧ ∼RightOf(x, y)))
by the law for negating an if-then statement

3.3 Arguments with Quantified Statements:

Universal instantiation: if some property is true of everything in a set, then it is true of any
particular thing in the set.
Example: All men are mortal.
Socrates is a man.
∴ Socrates is mortal.
Universal Modus Ponens:
The rule of universal instantiation can be combined with modus ponens to obtain the valid form
of argument called universal modus ponens.
Universal Modus Ponens
Formal Version Informal Version
∀x, if P(x) then Q(x). If x makes P(x) true, then x
makes Q(x) true.

P(a) for a particular a. a makes P(x) true.

∴ Q(a).
∴ a makes Q(x) true.
Example: ∀ x, if E(x) then S(x). If an integer is even, then its square is
even. E(k),for a particular k. k is a particular integer that is even.

∴S(k). ∴k2 is even.

Example 3.3.1 Recognizing Universal Modus Ponens

Rewrite the following argument using quantifiers, variables, and predicate symbols. Is this
argument valid? Why?
If an integer is even, then its square is even.
k is a particular integer that is even.
∴ k2 is even.
Solution: The major premise of this argument can be rewritten as
∀x, if x is an even integer then x2 is even.
Let E(x) be ―x is an even integer,‖ let S(x) be ―x 2 is even,‖ and let k stand for a particular
integer that is even. Then the argument has the following form:
∀x, if E(x)then S(x).
E(k),for a particular k.
∴ S(k).
This argument has the form of universal modus ponens and is therefore valid.

Example 3.3.2 Drawing Conclusions Using Universal Modus Ponens

Write the conclusion that can be inferred using universal modus ponens. If T is any right triangle
with hypotenuse c and legs a and b, then c2 = a2 + b2. The triangle shown at the right is a right

triangle with both legs equal to 1 and hypotenuse c.

Solution: c2 = 12 + 12 = 2
Note that if you take the nonnegative square root of both sides of this equation, you obtain c =
√2. This shows that there is a line segment whose length is √2.

Universal Modus Tollens:

Another crucially important rule of inference is universal modus tollens. Its validity results from
combining universal instantiation with modus tollens. Universal modus tollens is the heart of
proof of contradiction, which is one of the most important methods of mathematical argument.
Universal Modus Tollens
Formal Version Informal Version
∀x, if P(x) then Q(x). If x makes P(x) true, then x makes Q(x)
true. ∼Q(a), for a particular a. a does not make Q(x) true.
∴ ∼P(a). ∴ a does not make P(x) true.

Example 3.3.3 Recognizing the Form of Universal Modus Tollens

Rewrite the following argument using quantifiers, variables, and predicate symbols. Write the
major premise in conditional form. Is this argument valid? Why?
All human beings are mortal.
Zeus is not mortal.
∴ Zeus is not human.
Solution: The major premise can be rewritten as
∀x, if x is human then x is mortal.
Let H(x) be ―x is human,‖ let M(x) be ―x is mortal,‖ and let Z stand for Zeus. The argument
∀x, if H(x) then M(x)
∴ ∼H(Z).
This argument has the form of universal modus tollens and is therefore valid.

Validity of Arguments with Quantified Statements:

An argument form is valid, if and only if, for any particular predicates substituted for the
predicate symbols in the premises if the resulting premise statements are all true, then the
conclusion is also true.

Using Diagrams to Test for Validity

Example 3.3.4 Using a Diagram to Show Validity
Use diagrams to show the validity of the following syllogism:
All human beings are mortal.
Zeus is not mortal.
∴ Zeus is not a human being.
Solution: The major premise is pictured on the left in Figure by placing a disk labeled ―human
beings‖ inside a disk labeled ―mortals.‖ The minor premise is pictured on the right in Figure by
placing a dot labeled ―Zeus‖ outside the disk labeled ―mortals.‖

The two diagrams fit together in only one way, as shown in Figure below

Since the Zeus dot is outside the mortals disk, it is necessarily outside the human beings disk.
Thus the truth of the conclusion follows necessarily from the truth of the premises. It is
impossible for the premises of this argument to be true and the conclusion false; hence the
argument is valid.

Example 3.3.5Using Diagrams to Show Invalidity

Use a diagram to show the invalidity of the following argument:
All human beings are mortal.
Felix is mortal.
∴ Felix is a human being.
Solution: The major and minor premises are represented diagrammatically in Figure

All that is known is that the Felix dot is located somewhere inside the mortals disk. Where it is
located with respect to the human beings disk cannot be determined. Either one of the situations
shown in Figure below might be the case.
The conclusion ―Felix is a human being‖ is true in the first case but not in the second (Felix
might, for example, be a cat). Because the conclusion does not necessarily follow from the
premises, the argument is invalid. The argument of Example 3.3.5 would be valid if the major
premise were replaced by its converse. But since a universal conditional statement is not
logically equivalent to its converse, such a replacement cannot, in general, be made. We say that
this argument exhibits the converse error.

Converse Error (Quantified Form)

Formal Version Informal Version
∀x, if P(x) then Q(x). If x makes P(x) true, then x makes Q(x)
true. Q(a) for a particular a. a makes Q(x) true.
∴ P(a). ← invalid conclusion ∴ a makes P(x) true. ← invalid conclusion

The following form of argument would be valid if a conditional statement were logically
equivalent to its inverse. But it is not, and the argument form is invalid. We say that it exhibits
the inverse error.

Inverse Error (Quantified Form)

Formal Version Informal Version
∀x, if P(x) then Q(x). If x makes P(x) true, then x makes Q(x)
true. ∼P(a), for a particular a. a does not make P(x) true.
∴ ∼Q(a). ← invalid conclusion ∴ a does not make Q(x) true. ← invalid conclusion

3.4 References
1. Discrete Mathematics with Applications by Sussana S. Epp 4th edition.
2. Discrete Mathematics Schaums Outline Series
3. Discrete Mathematics and its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen
4. Discrete Strictures by Liu
Chapter 4

Elementary Number Theory and Methods of Proof

Unit Structure
4.0 Objectives
4.1 Introduction to Direct Proofs
4.2 Rational Numbers
4.3 Divisibility
4.4 Division into Cases and the Quotient-Remainder Theorem
4.5 Floor and Ceiling
4.6 Contradiction and Contraposition
4.7Two Classical Theorem
4.8 References

4.0 Objectives: This chapter would make you understand the following concepts:
 Definition of Direct Proofs, Proving Existential Statements
 Disproving Universal Statements by Counterexample
 Proving Universal Statements
 Method of Direct Proof
 Proving Properties of Divisibility
 The Unique Factorization of Integers Theorem
 Division into Cases and the Quotient-Remainder Theorem
 div and mod
 Representations of Integers
 Argument by Contraposition
 Relation between Proof by Contradiction and Proof by Contraposition

4.1 Introduction to Direct Proofs: Both discovery and proof are integral parts of problem
solving. When you think you have discovered that a certain statement is true, try to figure out
why it is true. If you succeed, you will know that your discovery is genuine. Even if you fail, the
process of trying will give you insight into the nature of the problem and may lead to the
discovery that the statement is false. For complex problems, the interplay between discovery and
proof is not reserved to the end of the problem-solving process but, rather, is an important part of
each step.


We use the three properties of equality: For all objects A, B, and C,

A = A, (2) if A = B then B = A, and (3) if A = B and B = C, then A = C.

In addition, we assume that there is no integer between 0 and 1 and that the set of all integers is
closed under addition, subtraction, and multiplication. This means that sums, differences, and
products of integers are integers.

Of course, most quotients of integers are not integers. For example, 3 ÷ 2, which equals 3/2, is
not an integer, and 3 ÷ 0 is not even a number.

• Definitions:
An integer n is even if, and only if, n equals twice some integer. An integer n is odd if, and only
if, n equals twice some integer plus 1.
Symbolically, if n is an integer, then

n is even ⇔∃ an integer k such that n = 2k.

n is odd ⇔∃ an integer k such that n = 2k + 1.

Example 4.1.1 Even and Odd Integers

Use the definitions of even and odd to justify your answers to the following questions.
a. Is 0 even?
b. Is −301 odd?
c. If a and b are integers, is 6a2b even?
d. If a and b are integers, is 10a + 8b + 1 odd?
a. Yes, 0 = 2·0.
b. Yes, −301 = 2(−151) + 1.
c. Yes, 6a2b = 2(3a2b), and since a and b are integers, so is 3a2b (being a product of integers).
d. Yes, 10a + 8b + 1 = 2(5a + 4b) + 1, and since a and b are integers, so is 5a + 4b (being a sum
of products of integers).

• Definition:
An integer n is prime if, and only if, n > 1 and for all positive integers r and s, if
n = rs, then either r or s equals n. An integer n is composite if, and only if, n > 1
and n = rs for some integers r and s with 1 < r < n and 1 < s < n.
In symbols:
n is prime ⇔ ∀ positive integers r and s, if n = r s then either r = 1 and s = n or r = n and s = 1.
n is composite ⇔ ∃ positive integers r and s such that n = r s and 1 < r < n and 1 < s < n.

Example 4.1.2 Prime and Composite Numbers

a. Is 1 prime?
b. Is every integer greater than 1 either prime or composite?
c. Write the first six prime numbers.
d. Write the first six composite numbers.
a. No. A prime number is required to be greater than 1.
b. Yes. Let n be any integer that is greater than 1. Consider all pairs of positive integers r and s
such that n = r s. There exist at least two such pairs, namely r = n and s = 1 and r = 1 and s = n.
Moreover, since n = r s, all such pairs satisfy the inequalities 1 ≤ r ≤ n and 1 ≤ s ≤ n. If n is
prime, then the two displayed pairs are the only ways to write n as rs. Otherwise, there exists a
pair of positive integers r and s such that n = r s and neither r nor s equals either 1 or n.
Therefore, in this case 1 < r < n and 1 < s < n, and hence n is composite.
c. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13
d. 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12

Proving Existential Statements:

According to the definition given, a statement in the form
∃x ∈ D such that Q(x)
is true if, and only if,
Q(x) is true for at least one x in D.
One way to prove this is to find an x in D that makes Q(x) true. Another way is to give a set of
directions for finding such an x. Both of these methods are called constructive proofs of

Example 4.1.3 Constructive Proofs of Existence

a. Prove the following: ∃ an even integer n that can be written in two ways as a sum of two prime
b. Suppose that r and s are integers. Prove the following: ∃ an integer k such that 22r + 18s = 2k.
a. Let n = 10. Then 10 = 5 + 5 = 3 + 7 and 3, 5, and 7 are all prime numbers.
b. Let k = 11r + 9s. Then k is an integer because it is a sum of products of integers; and by
substitution, 2k = 2(11r + 9s), which equals 22r + 18s by the distributive law of algebra.

Disproving Universal Statements by Counterexample

To disprove a statement means to show that it is false. Consider the question of disproving a
statement of the form
∀x in D, if P(x) then Q(x).
Showing that this statement is false is equivalent to showing that its negation is true. The
negation of the statement is existential:
∃x in D such that P(x) and not Q(x).
But to show that an existential statement is true, we generally give an example, and because the
example is used to show that the original statement is false, we call it a counterexample. Thus the
method of disproof by counterexample can be written as follows:
Disproof by Counterexample
To disprove a statement of the form “∀x ∈ D, if P(x) then Q(x),” find a value of x in D for which
the hypothesis P(x) is true and the conclusion Q(x) is false. Such an x is called a counterexample.

Proving Universal Statements

The vast majority of mathematical statements to be proved are universal. In discussing how to
prove such statements, it is helpful to imagine them in a standard form:
∀x ∈ D, if P(x)then Q(x).
When D is finite or when only a finite number of elements satisfy P(x), such a statement can be
proved by the method of exhaustion.

Example 4.1.4 The Method of Exhaustion

Use the method of exhaustion to prove the following statement:
∀n ∈ Z, if n is even and 4 ≤ n ≤ 26, then n can be written as a sum of two prime numbers.
4=2+2 6=3+3 8=3+5 10 = 5 + 5
12 = 5 + 7 14 = 11 + 3 16 = 5 + 11 18 = 7 + 11
20 = 7 + 13 22 = 5 + 17 24 = 5 + 19 26 = 7 + 19
In most cases in mathematics, however, the method of exhaustion cannot be used. For instance,
can you prove by exhaustion that every even integer greater than 2 can be written as a sum of
two prime numbers? No. To do that you would have to check every even integer, and because
there are infinitely many such numbers, this is an impossible task.

Example 4.1.5 Generalizing from the Generic Particular

At some time you may have been shown a “mathematical trick” like the following. You ask a
person to pick any number, add 5, multiply by 4, subtract 6, divide by 2, and subtract twice the
original number. Then you astound the person by announcing that their final result was 7. How
does this “trick” work? Let an empty box or the symbol x stand for the number the person picks.
Here is what happens when the person follows your directions:
Thus no matter what number the person starts with, the result will always be 7. Note that the x in
the analysis above is particular (because it represents a single quantity), but it is also arbitrarily
chosen or generic (because any number whatsoever can be put in its place). This illustrates the
process of drawing a general conclusion from a particular but generic object.

Method of Direct Proof

1. Express the statement to be proved in the form “∀x ∈ D, if P(x) then Q(x).” (This step is often
done mentally.)
2. Start the proof by supposing x is a particular but arbitrarily chosen element of D for which the
hypothesis P(x) is true. (This step is often abbreviated “Suppose x ∈ D and P(x).”)
3. Show that the conclusion Q(x) is true by using definitions, previously established results, and
the rules for logical inference.

Example 4.1.6 A Direct Proof of a Theorem

Prove that the sum of any two even integers is even.
Suppose m and n are [particular but arbitrarily chosen] even integers. [We must show that m + n
is even.] By definition of even, m = 2r and n = 2s for some integers r and s. Then
m + n = 2r + 2s by substitution
= 2(r + s) by factoring out a 2.
Let t = r + s. Note that t is an integer because it is a sum of integers. Hence
m + n = 2t where t is an integer.
It follows by definition of even that m + n is even. [This is what we needed to show.]

Example 4.1.7 Identifying the “Starting Point” and the “Conclusion to Be Shown”
Write the first sentence of a proof (the “starting point”) and the last sentence of a proof (the
“conclusion to be shown”) for the following statement:
Every complete, bipartite graph is connected.
It is helpful to rewrite the statement formally using a quantifier and a variable:

The first sentence, or starting point, of a proof supposes the existence of an object (in this case
G) in the domain (in this case the set of all graphs) that satisfies the hypothesis of the if-then part
of the statement (in this case that G is complete and bipartite). The conclusion to be shown is just
the conclusion of the if-then part of the statement (in this case that G is connected).
Starting Point: Suppose G is a [particular but arbitrarily chosen] graph such that G is complete
and bipartite
Conclusion to Be Shown: G is connected.
Thus the proof has the following shape:
Proof: Suppose G is a [particular but arbitrarily chosen] graph such that G is complete and
bipartite. . . . Therefore, G is connected.

Showing That an Existential Statement Is False

Recall that the negation of an existential statement is universal. It follows that to prove an
existential statement is false, you must prove a universal statement (its negation) is true.
Example 4.1.8 Disproving an Existential Statement
Show that the following statement is false:
There is a positive integer n such that n2 + 3n + 2 is prime.
Proving that the given statement is false is equivalent to proving its negation is true. The
negation is
For all positive integers n, n2 + 3n + 2 is not prime.
Because the negation is universal, it is proved by generalizing from the generic particular.
Claim: The statement “There is a positive integer n such that n2 + 3n + 2 is prime” is false
Suppose n is any [particular but arbitrarily chosen] positive integer. [We will show that n2 + 3n +
2 is not prime.] We can factor n2 + 3n + 2 to obtain n2 + 3n + 2 = (n + 1)(n + 2). We also note
that n + 1 and n + 2 are integers (because they are sums of integers) and that both n + 1 > 1 and n
+ 2 > 1 (because n ≥ 1). Thus n2 + 3n + 2 is a product of two integers each greater than 1, and so
n2 + 3n + 2 is not prime.

4.2 Rational Numbers

• Definition A real number r is rational if, and only if, it can be expressed as a quotient of two
integers with a nonzero denominator. A real number that is not rational is irrational. More
formally, if r is a real number, then

Example 4.2.1 Determining Whether Numbers Are Rational or Irrational

a. Is 10/3 a rational number?
b. Is 0.281 a rational number?
c. Is 7 a rational number?
d. Is 0 a rational number?
e. Is 2/0 a rational number?
f. Is 2/0 an irrational number?
g. Is 0.12121212 ... a rational number (where the digits 12 are assumed to repeat forever)?
h. If m and n are integers and neither m nor n is zero, is (m + n)/mn a rational number?
a. Yes, 10/3 is a quotient of the integers 10 and 3 and hence is rational.
b. Yes, 0.281 = 281/1000. Note that the real numbers represented on a typical calculator display
are all finite decimals. An explanation similar to the one in this example shows that any such
number is rational. It follows that a calculator with such a display can represent only rational
c. Yes, 7 = 7/1.
d. Yes, 0 = 0/1. f. No, 2/0 is not a number (division by 0 is not allowed).
e. No, because every irrational number is a number, and 2/0 is not a number.
f. No, because every irrational number is a number, and 2/0 is not a number.
g. Yes. Let x = 0.12121212 .... Then 100x = 12.12121212 .... Thus
100x − x = 12.12121212 ... − 0.12121212 ... = 12.
But also 100x − x = 99x by basic algebra
Hence 99x = 12,
and so x = 12 99.
Therefore, 0.12121212 ... = 12/99, which is a ratio of two nonzero integers and thus is a rational
h. Yes, since m and n are integers, so are m + n and mn (because sums and products of integers
are integers).

Theorem 4.2.2 The sum of any two rational numbers is rational.

Suppose r and s are rational numbers. [We must show that r + s is rational.] Then, by definition
of rational, r = a/b and s = c/d for some integers a, b, c, and d with b≠0 and d ≠ 0.
r + s = a/ b + c /d by substitution
= ad + bc/ bd by basic algebra.
Let p = ad + bc and q = bd. Then p and q are integers because products and sums of integers are
integers and because a, b, c, and d are all integers. Also q ≠ 0 by the zero product property. Thus
r + s = p/q where p and q are integers and q ≠ 0.
Therefore, r + s is rational by definition of a rational number.

Example 4.2.2 Deriving Additional Results about Even and Odd Integers
Suppose that you have already proved the following properties of even and odd integers:
1. The sum, product, and difference of any two even integers are even.
2. The sum and difference of any two odd integers are even.
3. The product of any two odd integers is odd.
4. The product of any even integer and any odd integer is even.
5. The sum of any odd integer and any even integer is odd.
6. The difference of any odd integer minus any even integer is odd.
7. The difference of any even integer minus any odd integer is odd. Use the properties listed
above to prove that if a is any even integer and b is any odd integer, then a2+b2+1/2 is an integer.
Suppose a is any even integer and b is any odd integer. By property 3, b2 is odd,
and by property 1, a2 is even. Then by property 5, a2 + b2 is odd, and because 1 is also
odd, the sum (a2 + b2) + 1 = a2 + b2 + 1 is even by property 2. Hence, by definition
of even, there exists an integer k such that a2 + b2 + 1 = 2k. Dividing both sides by 2
gives a2+b2+1/2 = k, which is an integer. Thus a2+b2+1/2 is an integer.

4.3 Divisibility
• Definition
If n and d are integers and d ≠ 0 then
n is divisible by d if, and only if, n equals d times some integer.
Instead of “n is divisible by d,” we can say that
n is a multiple of d,
or d is a factor of n, or
d is a divisor of n, or
d divides n.
The notation d | n is read “d divides n.” Symbolically, if n and d are integers and d ≠ 0:
d | n ⇔ ∃ an integer k such that n = dk.

Example 4.3.1 Divisibility

a. Is 21 divisible by 3? b. Does 5 divide 40? c. Does 7 | 42?
d. Is 32 a multiple of −16? e. Is 6 a factor of 54? f. Is 7 a factor of −7?
a. Yes, 21 = 3·7. b. Yes, 40 = 5·8. c. Yes, 42 = 7·6.
d. Yes, 32 = (−16)·(−2). e. Yes, 54 = 6·9. f. Yes, −7 = 7·(−1).

Example 4.3.2 Divisors of Zero

If k is any nonzero integer, does k divide 0?
Yes, because 0 = k ·0.
Two useful properties of divisibility are (1) that if one positive integer divides a second positive
integer, then the first is less than or equal to the second, and (2) that the only divisors of 1 are 1
and −1.
Theorem 4.3.1 A Positive Divisor of a Positive Integer
For all integers a and b, if a and b are positive and a divides b, then a ≤ b
Suppose a and b are positive integers and a divides b. [We must show that a ≤ b.] Then there
exists an integer k so that b = ak. By property T25 of Appendix A, k must be positive because
both a and b are positive. It follows that
because every positive integer is greater than or equal to 1. Multiplying both sides by a gives
a ≤ ka = b
because multiplying both sides of an inequality by a positive number preserves the inequality by
property T20 of Appendix A. Thus a ≤ b

Theorem 4.3.2 Divisors of 1

The only divisors of 1 are 1 and −1.
Since 1·1 = 1 and (−1)(−1) = 1, both 1 and −1 are divisors of 1. Now suppose m is any integer
that divides 1. Then there exists an integer n such that 1 = mn. By Theorem T25 in Appendix A,
either both m and n are positive or both m and n are negative. If both m and n are positive, then
m is a positive integer divisor of 1. By Theorem 4.3.1, m ≤ 1, and, since the only positive integer
that is less than or equal
to 1 is 1 itself, it follows that m = 1. On the other hand, if both m and n are negative, then, by
Theorem T12 in Appendix A, (−m)(−n) = mn = 1. In this case −m is a positive integer divisor of
1, and so, by the same reasoning, −m = 1 and thus m = −1. Therefore there are only two
possibilities: either m = 1 or m = −1. So the only divisors of 1 are 1 and −1.

Example 4.3.3Checking Nondivisibility

Does 4 | 15?
No, 15/4 = 3.75, which is not an integer.
Be careful to distinguish between the notation a | b and the notation a/b. The notation a | b stands
for the sentence “a divides b,” which means that there is an integer k such that b = ak. Dividing
both sides by a gives b/a = k, an integer. Thus, when a ≠ 0, a | b if, and only if, b/a is an integer.
On the other hand, the notation a/b stands for the number a/b which is the result of dividing a by
b and which may or may not be an integer. In particular, be sure to avoid writing things like

If read out loud, this becomes, “4 divides the quantity 3 plus 5 equals 4 divides 8,” which is

Example 4.3.4 Prime Numbers and Divisibility

An alternative way to define a prime number is to say that an integer n > 1 is prime if, and only
if, its only positive integer divisors are 1 and itself.
Proving Properties of Divisibility
One of the most useful properties of divisibility is that it is transitive. If one number divides a
second and the second number divides a third, then the first number divides the third.

Theorem 4.3.3 Transitivity of Divisibility

For all integers a, b, and c, if a divides b and b divides c, then a divides c.
Suppose a, b, and c are [particular but arbitrarily chosen] integers such that a divides b and b
divides c. [We must show that a divides c.] By definition of divisibility,
b = ar and c = bs for some integers r and s.
By substitution
c = bs
= (ar)s
= a(r s) by basic algebra.
Let k = r s. Then k is an integer since it is a product of integers, and therefore
c = ak where k is an integer.
Thus a divides c by definition of divisibility.

Theorem 4.3.4 The Unique Factorization of Integers Theorem

Given any integer n > 1, there exist a positive integer k, distinct prime numbers p1, p2,..., pk ,
and positive integers e1, e2,..., ek such that
n = p1e1 p2e2 p3e3 ... pkek ,
and any other expression for n as a product of prime numbers is identical to this except, perhaps,
for the order in which the factors are written.
Because of the unique factorization theorem, any integer n > 1 can be put into a standard factored
form in which the prime factors are written in ascending order from left to right.
• Definition
Given any integer n > 1, the standard factored form of n is an expression of the form
n = p1e1 p2e2 p3e3 3 ··· pkek,
where k is a positive integer; p1, p2,..., pk are prime numbers; e1, e2,..., ek are positive integers;
and p1 < p2 < ··· < pk .

Example 4.3.5 Writing Integers in Standard Factored Form

Write 3,300 in standard factored form.
First find all the factors of 3,300. Then write them in ascending order:
3,300 = 100·33 = 4·25·3·11
= 2·2·5·5·3·11 = 22 ·31 ·52 ·111.

Example 4.3.6 Using Unique Factorization to Solve a Problem

Suppose m is an integer such that
8·7·6·5·4·3·2·m = 17·16·15·14·13·12·11·10.
Does 17 | m?
Since 17 is one of the prime factors of the right-hand side of the equation, it is also a prime factor
of the left-hand side (by the unique factorization of integers theorem). But 17 does not equal any
prime factor of 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, or 2 (because it is too large). Hence 17 must occur as one of the
prime factors of m, and so 17 | m.

4.4 Division into Cases and the Quotient-Remainder Theorem

Theorem 4.4.1 The Quotient-Remainder Theorem
Given any integer n and positive integer d, there exist unique integers q and r such that
n = dq + r and 0 ≤ r < d.
The proof that there exist integers q and r with the given properties
If n is positive, the quotient-remainder theorem can be illustrated on the number line as follows:

If n is negative, the picture changes. Since n = dq + r, where r is nonnegative, d must be

multiplied by a negative integer q to go below n. Then the nonnegative integer r is added to come
back up to n. This is illustrated as follows:

Example 4.4.1 The Quotient-Remainder Theorem

For each of the following values of n and d, find integers q and r such that n = dq + r and 0 ≤ r <
a. n = 54, d = 4 b. n = −54, d = 4 c. n = 54, d = 70
a. 54 = 4·13 + 2; hence q = 13 and r = 2.
b. −54 = 4·(−14) + 2; hence q = −14 and r = 2.
c. 54 = 70·0 + 54; hence q = 0 and r = 54.
div and mod
• Definition
Given an integer n and a positive integer d,
n div d = the integer quotient obtained
when n is divided by d, and
n mod d = the nonnegative integer remainder obtained
when n is divided by d.
Symbolically, if n and d are integers and d > 0, then
n div d = q and n mod d = r ⇔ n = dq + r
where q and r are integers and 0 ≤ r < d.

Example 4.4.2 Computing div and mod

Compute 32 div 9 and 32 mod 9 by hand and with a calculator.
Performing the division by hand gives the following results:

If you use a four-function calculator to divide 32 by 9, you obtain an expression like

3.555555556. Discarding the fractional part gives 32 div 9 = 3, and so
32 mod 9 = 32 − 9·(32 div 9) = 32 − 27 = 5.
A calculator with a built-in integer-part function iPart allows you to input a single expression for
each computation:
32 div 9 = iPart(32/9)
and 32 mod 9 = 32 − 9·iPart (32/9) = 5.

Example 4.4.3 Computing the Day of the Week

Suppose today is Tuesday, and neither this year nor next year is a leap year. What day of the
week will it be 1 year from today?
There are 365 days in a year that is not a leap year, and each week has 7 days.
365 div 7 = 52 and 365 mod 7 = 1
because 365 = 52·7 + 1. Thus 52 weeks, or 364 days, from today will be a Tuesday, and so 365
days from today will be 1 day later, namely Wednesday.
More generally, if DayT is the day of the week today and DayN is the day of the week
in N days, then
DayN = (DayT + N) mod 7,
where Sunday = 0, Monday = 1,..., Saturday = 6.

Example 4.4.4 Solving a Problem about mod

Suppose m is an integer. If m mod 11 = 6, what is 4m mod 11?
Because m mod 11 = 6, the remainder obtained when m is divided by 11 is 6. This means that
there is some integer q so that
m = 11q + 6.
Thus 4m = 44q + 24 = 44q + 22 + 2 = 11(4q + 2) + 2.
Since 4q + 2 is an integer (because products and sums of integers are integers) and since
2 < 11, the remainder obtained when 4m is divided by 11 is 2. Therefore,
4m mod 11 = 2.

Representations of Integers
we defined an even integer to have the form twice some integer. At that time we could have
defined an odd integer to be one that was not even. Instead, because it was more useful for
proving theorems, we specified that an odd integer has the form twice some integer plus one. The
quotient-remainder theorem brings these two ways of describing odd integers together by
guaranteeing that any integer is either even or odd. To see why, let n be any integer, and consider
what happens when n is divided by 2. By the quotient-remainder theorem (with d = 2), there
exist unique integers q and r such that
n = 2q + r and 0 ≤ r < 2.
But the only integers that satisfy 0 ≤ r < 2 are r = 0 and r = 1. It follows that given any integer n,
there exists an integer q with
n = 2q + 0 or n = 2q + 1.
In the case that n = 2q + 0 = 2q, n is even. In the case that n = 2q + 1, n is odd. Hence n is either
even or odd, and, because of the uniqueness of q and r, n cannot be both even and odd.
The parity of an integer refers to whether the integer is even or odd. For instance, 5 has odd
parity and 28 has even parity. We call the fact that any integer is either even or odd the parity

Example 4.4.5 Representations of Integers Modulo 4

Show that any integer can be written in one of the four forms
n = 4q or n = 4q + 1 or n = 4q + 2 or n = 4q + 3 for some integer q.
Given any integer n, apply the quotient-remainder theorem to n with d = 4. This implies that
there exist an integer quotient q and a remainder r such that
n = 4q + r and 0 ≤ r < 4.
But the only nonnegative remainders r that are less than 4 are 0, 1, 2, and 3. Hence
n = 4q or n = 4q + 1 or n = 4q + 2 or n = 4q + 3
for some integer q.

4.5 Floor and Ceiling

Given any real number x, the floor of x, denoted is defined as follows:
= that unique integer n such that n ≤ x < n + 1.
Symbolically, if x is a real number and n is an integer, then
= n ⇔ n ≤ x < n + 1.

• Definition
Given any real number x, the ceiling of x, denoted , is defined as follows:
= that unique integer n such that n − 1 < x ≤ n.
Symbolically, if x is a real number and n is an integer, then
= n ⇔ n − 1 < x ≤ n.
Example 4.5.1 Computing Floors and Ceilings
Compute and for each of the following values of x:
a. 25/4 b. 0.999 c. −2.01
a. 25/4 = 6.25 and 6 < 6.25 < 7; hence
b. 0 < 0.999 < 1; hence
c. −3 < −2.01 < −2; hence
Note that on some calculators is denoted INT (x).

Example 4.5.2 An Application

The 1,370 students at a college are given the opportunity to take buses to an out-of-town game.
Each bus holds a maximum of 40 passengers.
a. For reasons of economy, the athletic director will send only full buses. What is the maximum
number of buses the athletic director will send?
b. If the athletic director is willing to send one partially filled bus, how many buses will be
needed to allow all the students to take the trip?

Example 4.5.3 Computing div and mod

Use the floor notation to compute 3850 div 17 and 3850 mod 17.
By formula
4.6 Contradiction and Contraposition
Method of Proof by Contradiction
1. Suppose the statement to be proved is false. That is, suppose that the negation of the statement
is true.
2. Show that this supposition leads logically to a contradiction.
3. Conclude that the statement to be proved is true.
There are no clear-cut rules for when to try a direct proof and when to try a proof by
contradiction, but there are some general guidelines. Proof by contradiction is indicated if you
want to show that there is no object with a certain property, or if you want to show that a certain
object does not have a certain property. The examples illustrate these situations.
Theorem 4.6.1
There is no greatest integer.
[We take the negation of the theorem and suppose it to be true.] Suppose not. That is, suppose
there is a greatest integer N. [We must deduce a contradiction.] Then N ≥ n for every integer n.
Let M = N + 1. Now M is an integer since it is a sum of integers. Also M > N since M = N + 1.
Thus M is an integer that is greater than N. So N is the greatest integer and N is not the greatest
integer, which is a contradiction. [This contradiction shows that the supposition is false and,
hence, that the theorem is true.]

Theorem 4.6.2
There is no integer that is both even and odd.
[We take the negation of the theorem and suppose it to be true.] Suppose not. That is, suppose
there is at least one integer n that is both even and odd. [We must deduce a contradiction.] By
definition of even, n = 2a for some integer a, and by definition of odd, n = 2b + 1 for some
integer b. Consequently,
2a = 2b + 1 by equating the two expressions for n
and so
2a − 2b = 1
2(a − b) = 1
a − b = 1/2 by algebra.
Now since a and b are integers, the difference a − b must also be an integer. But a − b = 1/2, and
1/2 is not an integer. Thus a − b is an integer and a − b is not an integer, which is a contradiction.
[This contradiction shows that the supposition is false and, hence, that the theorem is true.]

Theorem 4.6.3
The sum of any rational number and any irrational number is irrational.
[We take the negation of the theorem and suppose it to be true.] Suppose not. That is, suppose
there is a rational number r and an irrational number s such that r + s is rational. [We must
deduce a contradiction.] By definition of rational, r = a/b and r + s = c/d for some integers a, b, c,
and d with b ≠ 0 and d ≠ 0. By substitution,
a/b + s = c/d ,
and so
s = c/d – a/b by subtracting a/b from both side
= bc – ad/bd by the laws of algebra.
Now bc − ad and bd are both integers [since a, b, c, and d are integers and since products and
differences of integers are integers], and bd ≠ 0 [by the zero product property]. Hence s is a
quotient of the two integers bc − ad and bd with bd ≠ 0. Thus, by definition of rational, s is
rational, which contradicts the supposition that s is irrational. [Hence the supposition is false and
the theorem is true.]

Argument by Contraposition
A second form of indirect argument, argument by contraposition, is based on the logical
equivalence between a statement and its contrapositive. To prove a statement by contraposition,
you take the contrapositive of the statement, prove the contrapositive by a direct proof, and
conclude that the original statement is true. The underlying reasoning is that since a conditional
statement is logically equivalent to its contrapositive, if the contrapositive is true then the
statement must also be true.
Method of Proof by Contraposition
1. Express the statement to be proved in the form
∀x in D, if P(x) then Q(x).
2. Rewrite this statement in the contrapositive form
∀x in D, if Q(x) is false then P(x) is false.
3. Prove the contrapositive by a direct proof.
a. Suppose x is a (particular but arbitrarily chosen) element of D such that Q(x) is false.
b. Show that P(x) is false.

For all integers n, if n2 is even then n is even.
Proof(by contraposition):
Suppose n is any odd integer. [We must show that n2 is odd.] By definition of odd, n = 2k + 1 for
some integer k. By substitution and algebra,
n2 = (2k + 1)2 = 4k2 + 4k + 1 = 2(2k2 + 2k) + 1.
But 2k2 + 2k is an integer because products and sums of integers are integers. So n2 = 2·(an
integer) + 1, and thus, by definition of odd, n2 is odd [as was to be shown].

Relation between Proof by Contradiction and Proof by Contraposition

Observe that any proof by contraposition can be recast in the language of proof by contradiction.
In a proof by contraposition, the statement
∀x in D, if P(x) then Q(x)
is proved by giving a direct proof of the equivalent statement
∀x in D, if ∼Q(x) then ∼P(x).
To do this, you suppose you are given an arbitrary element x of D such that ∼Q(x). You then
show that ∼P(x). This is illustrated in Figure.

Exactly the same sequence of steps can be used as the heart of a proof by contradiction for the
given statement. The only thing that changes is the context in which the steps are written down.
To rewrite the proof as a proof by contradiction, you suppose there is an x in D such that P(x)
and ∼Q(x). You then follow the steps of the proof by contraposition to deduce the statement
∼P(x). But ∼P(x) is a contradiction to the supposition that P(x) and ∼Q(x). (Because to
contradict a conjunction of two statements, it is only necessary to contradict one of them.) This
process is illustrated in Figure.

4.7 Two Classical Theorem

Theorem 4.7.1 Irrationality of √2
√2 is irrational.
[We take the negation and suppose it to be true.] Suppose not. That is, suppose √2 is rational.
Then there are integers m and n with no common factors such that
√2 = m/n
[by dividing m and n by any common factors if necessary]. [We must derive a contradiction.]
Squaring both sides of equation gives
2 = m2/n2
Or, equivalently
m2 = 2n2.
Note that equation implies that m2 is even (by definition of even). It follows that m is even. We
file this fact away for future reference and also deduce (by definition of even) that
m = 2k for some integer k.
Substituting equation (2) into equation (1), we see that
m2 = (2k)2 = 4k2 = 2n2.
Dividing both sides of the right-most equation by 2 gives
n2 = 2k2.
Consequently, n2 is even, and so n is even. But we also know that m is even. [This is the fact we
filed away.] Hence both m and n have a common factor of 2. But this contradicts the supposition
that m and n have no common factors. [Hence the supposition is false and so the theorem is true.]

Example 4.7.1 Irrationality of 1 + 3 √2

Prove by contradiction that 1 + 3 √2 is irrational.
The essence of the argument is the observation that if 1 + 3 √2 could be written as a ratio of
integers, then so could √2. But by Theorem 4.7.1, we know that to be impossible.
Proposition 4.7.2
1 + 3 √2 is irrational.
Suppose not. Suppose 1 + 3 √2 is rational. [We must derive a contradiction.] Then by definition
of rational
1 + 3 √ 2 = a/b for some integers a and b with b ≠ 0.
It follows that
3 √2 = a/b − 1 by subtracting 1 from both sides
= a/b – b/b by substitution
= a – b/b by the rule for subtracting fractions with a
common denominator.
√2 = a – b/3b by dividing both sides by 3.
But a − b and 3b are integers (since a and b are integers and differences and products of integers
are integers), and 3b ≠ 0 by the zero product property. Hence √2 is a quotient of the two integers
a − b and 3b with 3b ≠ 0, and so √2 is rational (by definition of rational.) This contradicts the fact
that √2 is irrational. [This contradiction shows that the supposition is false.] Hence 1 + 3 √2 is

Theorem 4.7.3 Infinitude of the Primes

The set of prime numbers is infinite.
Proof (by contradiction):
Suppose not. That is, suppose the set of prime numbers is finite. [We must deduce a
contradiction.] Then some prime number p is the largest of all the prime numbers, and hence we
can list the prime numbers in ascending order:
2, 3, 5, 7, 11,. . . ,p.
Let N be the product of all the prime numbers plus 1:
N = (2·3·5·7·11···p) + 1
Then N > 1, and so, N is divisible by some prime number q. Because q is prime, q must equal
one of the prime numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, ..., p.
Thus, by definition of divisibility, q divides 2·3·5·7·11···p, and so, by Proposition 4.7.3, q does
not divide (2·3·5·7·11···p) + 1, which equals N. Hence N is divisible by q and N is not divisible
by q, and we have reached a contradiction. [Therefore, the supposition is false and the theorem is

4.8 References
1. Discrete Mathematics with Applications by Sussana S. Epp 4th edition.
2. Discrete Mathematics Schaums Outline Series
3. Discrete Mathematics and its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen
4. Discrete Strictures by Liu
Unit 3: Chapter 5
Sequences, Mathematical Induction and Recursion

Unit Structure

5.0 Objectives

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Sequences

5.3 Mathematical Induction

5.4 Strong Mathematical Induction and The Well-Ordering Principle for the Inte-

5.5 Defining Sequences Recursively

5.6 Solving Recurrence Relation by Iteration

5.7 Second Order Linear Homogeneous Recurrence Relation with Constant Coef-

5.8 General Recursive Definition and Structural Induction

5.9 Summary

5.10 Bibliography

5.11 Unit End Exercise


5.0 Objectives: Student will be able to understand the following from the Chap-

ˆ The various terminologies used to define a Sequence.

ˆ Various Laws used to prove the Sequence known as Mathematical Induc-

tion and also the various types of Mathematical Induction.

ˆ Represent any sequence in terns of Previous values (Recursive Function).
ˆ Study of Strong Mathematical Induction and Structural Induction for
defining a Recursive Function.

5.1 Introduction
Identification of a regular pattern and generalizing these patterns to a Math-
ematical Equation is the most important component in Mathematics. A Se-
quence is a study of repetitive numbers which can be generalized to a single
mathematical equation satisfying the given Range of integers. The validity of

the sequences can be verified by using a set of laws known as Mathematical

Induction. The sequences can also be generalized using arithmetic operations
on Previous values, thus forming a sequence in a Recursive manner.

5.2 Sequences

A Sequence is defined as a process of enumerated collection of objects or num-
bers such that the numbers possess a common difference or a multiplicative
factor. It is also represented in the form of a function such that its domain
may include all the integer value existing between two integers or the set of all
integers greater than or equal to a given integer.For example:
1, 2, 3, 4 ,5,...., n where n is an integer.
2, 4, 8, 16,..., 2n where n is an integer.
In the above examples the starting integer is considered as the Initial Term
and the last integer present in the sequence is defined as Final Term.
A sequence can be operated arithmetically by using two basic arithmetic op-

Addition: If the sequence is to be added, then all the terms are needed to be
added continuously
P hence the Continuous addition method is represented by
Summation ( ).

ak = am + am+1 + am+2 ..... + an

Multiplication: If the sequence is to be Multiplied, then all the terms are

needed to be multiplied
Q continuously hence the Continuous addition method is
represented by Pi ( ).

ak = am × am+1 × am+2 ..... × an


If am , am+1 , am+2 , ... and bm , bm+1 , bm+2 , ... are sequences of real numbers and c
is any real number, then the following equations hold for any integer n ≥ m:

P n
P n
(a) ak + bk = (ak + bk )
k=m k=m k=m
P n
(b) c × ak = (c × ak )
k=m k=m
 n   n  n

(c) ak × bk = (ak × bk )

k=m k=m k=m

5.2.1 Solved Examples:

Example 1 Write the first four terms of the sequences defined by the formulas:

A. ak = , for all integers k ≥ 1
10 + k
The terms are:
1 1
a1 =

a2 =
10 + 1

for (k=1)

for (k=2)
10 + 2 12
3 3
a3 = = for (k=3)
10 + 3 13
4 4

a4 = = for (k=4)
10 + 4 14
B. ci = ,for all integers i ≥ 0
The terms are:

(−1)1 −1
c1 = 1
= for (i=1)
3 3
(−1)2 1
c2 = 2
= for (i=2)
3 9
(−1)3 −1

c3 = = for (i=3)
33 27
(−1)4 1
c4 = = for (i=4)

34 81
Example 2 Find an explicit formula for the given sequences:
A. -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1

In the given sequence the sign (Positive or negative) is present al-
ternatively. Hence, the signs are position dependent which means:

−1 = (−1)1 (First Position Term).

1 = (−1)2 (Second Position Term).

−1 = (−1)3 (Third Position Term).
1 = (−1)4 (Fourth Position Term).
−1 = (−1)5 (Fifth Position Term).

Hence the explicit formula is:
ak = (−1)k
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
B. 1 − , − , − , − , −
2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6
a1 = 1 − (First Position Term).
1 1
a2 = − (Second Position Term).
2 3
1 1
a3 = − (Third Position Term).

3 4
1 1
a4 = − (Fourth Position Term).
4 5
1 1
a5 = − (Fifth Position Term).
5 6

Hence the explicit formula is:

1 1
ak = −
k k+1
Example 3 Compute the summations and products of the following:
A. (k + 1)

Let ak = (k + 1) where k is varying from 1 to 5. Hence the

summation or the addition of the terms will be:

(k + 1)=(1+1)+(1+2)+(1+3)+(1+4)+(1+5)

P 1 1
B. −
k=1 n n+1
1 1

Let ak = where k is varying from 1 to 7. Hence the
n n+1

 or the
 addition of the terms will be:
P5 1 1

k=1 n n+1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

= − + − + − + − +
 1 1 +1  2 2 +  1  3 3 + 1 4 4+1
1 1 1 1 1 1
− + − + −
5 5+1 6 6+1 7 7+1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
= − + − + − + − + − +
 1 2  2 3
1 1
6 7
− +
yM 1 1

7 8
3 4 4 5 5 6

1 1 1 1 1 1 1
= + + + + + +
2 6 12 20 30 42 56

Q 2
C. (k )
Let ak = k 2 where k is varying from 1 to 4. Hence the product or

the multiplication of the terms will be:

(k 2 ) = (12 ) × (22 ) × (32 ) × (42 )
= (1) × (4) × (9) × (16)

Q 1
D. 1−
k=2 k

1 1
Let ak = 1 − = 1− where k is varying from 2
k 2
to 6. Hence the product or the multiplication of the terms will

Q 1 1 1 1
1− = 1− × 1− × 1− ×
  k    2 3 4
1 1
1− × 1−
5 6
1 2 3 4 5

= × × × ×
2 3 4 5 6


5.3 Mathematical Induction
Mathematical Induction is defined as a Mathematical Technique used for prov-
ing any mathematical expression, a statement or a theorem such that it holds
true for a given set of Natural Number.

It requires Two Steps for proving a statement:
(a) Basic Step: This step will help to prove that the statement is true for
the initial value.
(b) Inductive Step: This step will prove that if a statement is true at nth
Natural Number, then the same statement should be True at (n + 1)th
Natural Number.

The above mentioned steps can be implemented by using the following steps:
ˆ Step 1: Prove that the statement is true for the very first value or the
initial value. (The value from which the given statement or expression is

ˆ Step 2: This step is performed if and only if Step 1 is True. In this step
we assume that the given expression is valid at k (Where k is a Natural
Number.). According to the assumption made, it is to be proved that the
same expression will be valid at (k+1) also.(Where (k+1) is a Natural
Number or the number successive to k.)

5.3.1 Solved Examples:


Example 1. For each integer n with n ≥ 2, let P(n) be the formula:

X n(n + 1)(n − 1)
(i)(i + 1) =

A. Write P(2). Is P(2) true?
B. Write P(k )
C. Write P(k+1 )
D. In a proof by mathematical induction that the formula holds for
all integers n ≥ 2, what must be shown in the inductive step?

P n(n + 1)(n − 1)
Given: (i)(i + 1) = where,
i=1 3
P (n) = (i)(i + 1)

A. P (2) = (i)(i + 1)
P (2) = (i)(i + 1)
P (2) = (1)(1 + 1)
P (2) = 2
It is expressed in the form of the following equation:
n(n + 1)(n − 1)

 the value at  n=2 is:
2(2 + 1)(2 − 1)

B. Similarly P(k) will be expressed as:
P k(k + 1)(k − 1)
P (k) = (i)(i + 1) =
i=1 3

C. Similarly P(k+1) will be expressed as:

P (k + 1)(k + 2)(k)
P (k) = (i)(i + 1) =

i=1 3
D. Solving LHS and RHS in (c) separately.
LHS = k+1
i=1 (i)(i + 1)

(k + 1)(k + 2)(k)
Considering LHS
LHS = (i)(i + 1)


= (i)(i + 1) + (k)(k + 1)
from the expression in (b):
k−1 k(k + 1)(k − 1)

(i)(i + 1) =
i=1 3
k(k + 1)(k − 1)
=(k)(k + 1) +
Taking k(k + 1) common

=(k)(k + 1) × 1 +

=(k)(k + 1) ×

=(k)(k + 1) ×
(k)(k + 1)(k + 2)
Thus, LHS=RHS Hence Proved by Mathematical Induction.

Example 2. Prove the Following statement by using Mathematical Induction:

1 1 1 n
+ + .... + = , for all integers n ≥ 1.
1·2 2·3 n · (n + 1) n+1
1 1 1 n

Given: + + .... + =
1·2 2·3 n · (n + 1) n+1
1 1 1

LHS= + + .... +
1·2 2·3 n · (n + 1)
Substitute n=1 in LHS and RHS respectively



Hence the expression is valid at n=1
Let the expression is valid at n=k hence,

1 1 1 k
+ + .... + = ..............(1)
1·2 2·3 k · (k + 1) k+1
Prove that the same will be valid for n=k+1 also,
1 1 1 k+1
1·2 2·3

Let LHS=
1·2 2·3
+ .... +

(k + 1) · (k + 2)

+ .... +


(k + 1) · (k + 2)
Solving LHS

1 1 1 1
+ + .... + +
1·2 2·3 k · (k + 1) (k + 1) · (k + 2)
1 1 1 k
but + + .... + = from (1)
1·2 2·3 k · (k + 1) k+1

k 1
Hence, +
k + 1 (k + 1) · (k + 2)
Taking common
1 1
= × k+

k+1 k+2
1 k(k + 2) + 1
= ×

k+1 k+2
1 k + 2k + 1
= ×
k+1 k+2
Since, a + 2ab + b2 = (a + b)2

(k + 1)2
= ×
k+1 k+2
(k + 1)
Thus LHS=RHS, Hence Proved

Example 3. Prove that 5n − 1is divisible by 4, for each integer n ≥ 0
To prove 5n − 1is divisible by 4 by using Mathematical Induction,
substitute the value of n=0

= 50 − 1
Since, 0 is divisible by all the integers.
Hence, 0 is divisible by 4 also.
Therefore, let 5n − 1 is divisible by 4 at n=k.
Hence, by using Quotient Remainder theorem we can represent the
divisibility as:
5k − 1 = 4q, where ’q’ is an integer........(1)
To prove the statement to be correct, it is required to prove that the

statement is true for n=k+1 also such that 5k+1 − 1 = 4p, where ’p’
is an integer.
Considering, 5k+1 − 1
=5k × 5 − 1
but 5k = 4q + 1 from (1)

Hence, (4q + 1) × 5 − 1
=4q × 5 + 5 − 1
=4q × 5 + 4
=4(q × 5 + 1)

Since, q is an integer hence (q × 5 + 1) will also be an integer.

Let q × 5 + 1 = p

Therefore, 5k+1 − 1 = 4p
From Quotient Remainder Theorem, 5k+1 − 1 is divisible by 4, Hence

Example 4. Prove that, for any integer n ≥ 0, 7n − 2n is divisible by 5.
To prove 7n − 2n is divisible by 5 by using Mathematical Induction,
substitute the value of n=0
= 70 − 20


Since, 0 is divisible by all the integers.
Hence, 0 is divisible by 5 also.
Therefore, let 7n − 2n is divisible by 5 at n=k.

Hence, by using Quotient Remainder theorem we can represent the
divisibility as:
7k − 2k = 5q, where ’q’ is an integer........(1)
To prove the statement to be correct, it is required to prove that the
statement is true for n=k+1 also such that 7k+1 − 2k+1 = 5p, where
’p’ is an integer. yM
Considering, 7k+1 − 2k+1
=7k × 7 − 2k × 2
=7k × (5 + 2) − 2k × 2
=7k × 5 + 7k × 2 − 2k × 2

=7k × 5 + 7k − 2k × 2
but 7k − 2k = 5q from (1)
Hence, 7k × 5 + (5q) × 2

= 7k + 2q × 5

Since, q is an integer hence 7k + 2q will also be an integer.

Let 7k + 2q = p
Therefore, 7k+1 − 2k+1 = 5p
From Quotient Remainder Theorem, 7k+1 − 2k+1 is divisible by 5,

Hence Proved
Example 5. Prove that, 2n < (n + 1)! for all integers n ≥ 2

Let LHS=2n and RHS=(n + 1)!
To prove 2n < (n + 1)! by using Mathematical Induction, substitute
the value of n=2 in both the sides.

RHS=(2 + 1)!

Since 4 < 6, Hence the statement is valid at n=2.

Therefore, let the statement is valid at n=k such that:
2k < (k + 1)! holds True.......(1)
Furthermore, it is required to prove that the statement will hold True
at n=k+1 also i.e. 2k+1 < (k + 2)!

From above, let LHS= 2k+1 and RHS= (k + 2)!
Considering, LHS= 2k+1
= 2k × 2
Considering, RHS= (k + 2)!
= (k + 2) × (k + 1)!
From (1) we know that 2k < (k + 1)! and 2 < (k + 2) because, k is
an integer and any number added with 2 will yield a number always
greater than 2.
Hence, 2k+1 < (k + 2)! by Mathematical Induction method

5.4 Strong Mathematical Induction and The Well-Ordering Principle for


the Integers
Strong Mathematical Induction can be considered similar to that of an Ordinary
Mathematical Induction. Unlike Ordinary Mathematical Induction method,
the Strong Mathematical Induction’s Basic Step requires several initial integers
on the basis of which the statement or the expression can be proved (whereas,

in an Ordinary Induction, Basis Step requires only a single initial value for
satisfying the statement’s validity). In case of an Inductive step of a Strong
Mathematical Induction, validity of P(k+1) is proved only if P(n) holds true
for all integers through k.
Principle of Strong Mathematical Induction:

Let P(n) be the statement or the expression to be proved for the integers n.
Let ’a’ and ’b’ be the two integers such that a ≤ b and:

ˆ P(a), P(a+1),...... upto P(b) are all True. (Basis Step)

ˆ For any integer k such that k ≥ a, P(i) should hold True for the integers
from a to k. Then it can be concluded that, P(k+1) will also hold true
by Inductive Hypothesis

5.4.1 Solved Examples:
Example 1. Suppose a1 , a2 , a3 , ... is a sequence defined as follows:
a1 = 1, a2 = 3, ak = ak−2 + 2ak−1 , for all integers k ≥ 3. Prove that
an is odd for all integers n ≥ 1.

an is odd for all integers n ≥ 1 i.e. an = 2n − 1

We know that a1 = 1, a2 = 3 and
an = 2n − 1.........(1)
Hence, Substitute n=1 and n=2 respectively in (1).
at n=1: a1 = 2(1) − 1

a1 = 2 − 1
a1 = 1
at n=2: a2 = 2(2) − 1
a1 = 4 − 1
a1 = 3
which satisfies the given values of a1 and a2 respectively.
Let k be an integer such that k ≥ 2 and it satisfies the equation as
ak = 2k − 1. It is required to prove that the sequence is valid at ’k+1’
Considering ak = ak−2 + 2ak−1
So for k+1 the equation will be: ak+1 = ak−1 + 2ak

where, ak−1 = 2(k − 1) − 1 and ak = 2(k) − 1

Substituting the values in ak+1 = ak−1 + 2ak and solving further,
ak+1 = (2(k − 1) − 1) + 2 × (2(k) − 1)
ak+1 = (2k − 2 − 1) + 2 × (2(k) − 1)

ak+1 = 2k − 3 + 2 × (2(k) − 1)
ak+1 = 2k − 3 + 4(k) − 2
ak+1 = 6k − 5
ak+1 = 6k − 4 − 1

ak+1 = 2(3k − 2) − 1 let (3k-2)=p, where p is an integer.

ak+1 = 2p − 1
Thus ak+1 is an odd integer by Strong Mathematical Induction method.

Example 2. Suppose that f0 , f1 , f2 , .... is a sequence defined as follows: f0 =

5, f1 = 16, fk = 7fk−1 − 10fk−2 , for all integers k ≥ 2. Prove that

fn = 3 × 2n + 2 × 5n for all integers n ≥ 0.
To Prove, fn = 3 × 2n + 2 × 5n by using Strong Mathematical Induc-
We know that f0 = 5, f1 = 16 and

fn = 3 × 2n + 2 × 5n .........(1)

Hence, Substitute n=0 and n=1 respectively in (1).
at n=0: f0 = 3 × 20 + 2 × 50
f0 = 3 + 2
f0 = 5

at n=1: f1 = 3 × 21 + 2 × 51
f1 = (3)(2) + (2)(5)
f1 = 6 + 10
f1 = 16
which satisfies the given values of f0 and f1 respectively.
Let k be an integer such that k ≥ 1 and it satisfies the equation as
fk = 3 × 2k + 2 × 5k . It is required to prove that the sequence is valid
at ‘k+1’ also.
Considering fk = 7fk−1 − 10fk−2
So for k+1 the equation will be: fk+1 = 7fk − 10fk−1

where, fk = 3 × 2k + 2 × 5k and fk−1 = 3 × 2k−1 + 2 × 5k−1

Substituting the values in fk+1 = 7fk − 10fk−1 and solving further,
fk+1 = 7 × 3 × 2k + 2 × 5k − 10 × 3 × 2k−1 + 2 × 5k−1
fk+1 = 21 × 2k + 14 × 5k − 30 × 2k−1 − 20 × 5k−1
 k  k
2 5

k k
fk+1 = 21 × 2 + 14 × 5 − 30 × − 20 ×
2 5
fk+1 = 21 × 2k + 14 × 5k − 15 × 2k − 4 × 5k
fk+1 = 6 × 2k + 10 × 5k
fk+1 = (3 × 2) × 2k + (5 × 2) × 5k

fk+1 = (3) × 2k+1 + (2) × 5k+1

Thus fk+1 = (3) × 2k+1 + (2) × 5k+1 is Proved by Strong Mathematical

Induction method.

5.5 Defining Sequences Recursively

A Recurrence function is defined as a function which is used to represent the

sequence in form of a functions having previous as well as the present values.
A Recurrence function can be mathematically defined as:
A Recurrence Relation for a sequence b0 , b1 , b2 , .... is an expression which is used
to represent each term bk using its predecessor terms b0 , b1 , b2 , ...., bk−i , where
k − i ≥ 0 and i is a non-negative integer.

To develop a recurrence relation, it is important to have the information re-

garding the Initial conditions or the values of b0 , b1 , b2 , ...., bi−1 to define the
value of bi
The vary famous example of a Recurrence Relation is Fibonacci Series.

1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21,.......

In Fibonacci, the present value is determined by adding the previous two values.
It can be mathematically expressed as:

yM fk = fk−1 + fk−2

which is a Recurrence Relation.

5.5.1 Solved Example:

Example 1. Find the first four terms of each of the recursively defined sequences:

A. ak = 2ak−1 + k, for all integers k ≥ 2 a1 = 1

k=1: a1 = 1 (First Position Term)
k=2: a2 = 2a1 + 2 = 2(1) + 2 = 4 (Second Position Term)
k=3: a3 = 2a2 + 2 = 2(4) + 2 = 10 (Third Position Term)

k=4: a4 = 2a3 + 2 = 2(10) + 2 = 22 (Fourth Position Term)

B. bk = 2bk−1 + 3k, for all integers k ≥ 2 b1 = 1
k=1: b1 = 1 (First Position Term)
k=2: b2 = 2b1 + 3(1) = 2(1) + 3 = 5 (Second Position Term)

k=3: b3 = 2b2 + 3(2) = 2(5) + 6 = 16 (Third Position Term)

k=4: b4 = 2b3 + 3(3) = 2(16) + 9 = 41 (Fourth Position Term)

Example 2. Let b0 , b1 , b2 , ..... be defined by the formula bn = 4n , for all integers

n ≥ 0. Show that this sequence satisfies the recurrence relation bk =
4bk−1 , for all integers k ≥ 1.

Given: bn = 4n , for n ≥ 0 Hence b0 = 40 = 1
Let ‘k’ be an integer such that k ≥ 1.
Therefore, bk−1 = 4k−1
4 × bk−1 = 4 × 4k−1


= 4k
which is, bk , Hence Proved.

Example 3. Let s0 , s1 , s2 , ..... be defined by the formula sn = , for all integers
n ≥ 0. Show that this sequence satisfies the recurrence relation sk =
− , for all integers k ≥ 1.
(−1)n (−1)0
Given: sn = yM
, for n ≥ 0 Hence s0 =
Let ‘k’ be an integer such that k ≥ 1.

Therefore, sk−1 =
(k − 1)!


(k − 1)!
= (−1) ×

k × (k − 1)!
which is, sk , Hence Proved.

5.6 Solving Recurrence Relation by Iteration

If a sequence satisfies a recurrence relation with its initial conditions or values
given, then an explicit formula can be defined for the given sequence by the

method of iterations. In this section, the different ways of solving a recurrence

relations have been mentioned.
A sequence a0 , a1 , a2 , ..... is called an Arithmetic Sequence of the form an =

a0 + nd where ’n’ and ’d’ are the integers, iff the recurrence relation is given as
ak = ak−1 + d
A sequence a0 , a1 , a2 , ..... is called an Geometric Sequence of the form an =
(rn ) a0 where ’n’ and ’r’ are the integers, iff the recurrence relation is given as
ak = r × ak−1

5.6.1 Solved Examples:
Example 1. The formula: 1 + r + r2 + r3 + .... + rn = r r−1−1 is true for all real
numbers r except r = 1 and for all integers n ≥ 0. Use this fact to
solve each of the following problems:

A. If n is an integer and n ≥ 1, find a formula for the expression
1 + 3 + 32 + + 3n−1 .
B. If n is an integer and n ≥ 2, find a formula for the expression is
an integer and i ≥ 1, find a formula for the expression 1 + 2 +
22 + + 2i−1 .
C. If 2n + 2n−2 × 3 + 2n−3 × 3 + + 22 × 3 + 2 × 3 + 3
rn+1 − 1
Given: 1 + r + r2 + r3 + .... + rn =
2 i−1
(a) 1 + 2 + 2 + ..... + 2 on comparing the expression r=2.

Hence, the sum will be:

2i−1+1 − 1
2 −1

= 2i − 1
(b) 1 + 3 + 32 + ..... + 3n−1 on comparing the expression r=3.
Hence, the sum will be:
3n−1+1 − 1

3n − 1
(c) 2 + 2n−2 × 3 + 2n−3 × 3 + ..... + 22 × 3 + 2 × 3 + 3 on simplifying

the expression we get.

2n + (2n−2 + 2n−3 + ..... + 22 + 2 + 1) × 3, where r=2
Hence, the sum will be:

2 − 1
= 2n + ×3
n 2 −1
=2 + ×3
= 2n + 3 × 2n−1 − 3

= 2 × 2n−1 + 3 × 2n−1 − 3
= (2 + 3) × 2n−1 − 3
= (5) × 2n−1 − 3

Example 2. Following sequence is defined recursively. Use iteration to guess an
explicit formula for the sequence.
A. ak = k × ak−1 , for all integers k ≥ 1, a0 = 1

Given:ak = k × ak−1 and a0 = 1
At k=1: a1 = (1) × a0 = 1
At k=2: a2 = (2) × a1 = 2 × (1) = 2
At k=3: a3 = (3) × a2 = 3 × (2) = 6
At k=n: an = (n) × an−1

= (n) × (n − 1) × an−2
= (n) × (n − 1) × (n − 2) × ....... × (3) × (2) × (1)
= n!
B. ck = 3 × ck−1 + 1, for all integers k ≥ 2, c1 = 1

Given:ck = 3 × ck−1 + 1 and c1 = 1
At k=2: c2 = (3) × c1 + 1 = (3) × (1) + 1 = 31 + 1
At k=3: c3 = (3) × c2 + 1 = 3 × (3 + 1) + 1 = 32 + 31 + 1
At k=4: c4 = (3) × c3 + 1 = 3 × (32 + 3 + 1) + 1 = 33 + 32 + 31 + 1

At k=n: cn = (3) × cn−1 + 1

= 3n−1 + 3n−2 + ..... + 32 + 31 + 1

which is a Geometric progression with r=3. Hence,

3n−1+1 − 1

3n − 1
C. gk = , for all integers k ≥ 2, g1 = 1
gk−1 + 2

Given:gk =

gk−1 + 2
g2−1 g1
At k=2: g2 = =
g2−1 + 2 g1 + 2
1 1

g2 = =
1+2 3
g2 = 2
2 −1
g3−1 g2
At k=3: g3 = =

  
g3−1 + 2
g2 + 2

g3 =  3  =  3 
   
1 7
3 3
1 1
= 3

7 2 −1
g4−1 g3
At k=4: g4 = =
g4−1 + 2 g3 + 2
1 1
   
 7   7 
g4 =   =  15 

7 7
1 1
= 4 k=n:
15 2 −1
At k=n: gn = k=n:

gn−1 + 2
on simplifying:

= n
2 −1
D. yk = yk−1 + k 2 , for all integers k ≥ 2, y1 = 1

Given:yk = yk−1 + k 2 and y1 = 1
At k=2: y2 = y2−1 + 22 = y1 + 22
= 1 + 22
At k=3: y3 = y3−1 + 32 = y2 + 32

= 1 + 22 + 32

At k=4: y4 = y4−1 + 42 = y3 + 42
= 1 + 22 + 32 + 42
At k=n: yn = yn−1 + n2
on simplifying:

= 1 + 22 + 32 + 42 + ..... + n2
which is equal to the sum of the square of n integers
n(n + 1)(2n + 1)
5.7 Second Order Linear Homogeneous Recurrence Relation with Con-
stant Coefficients
If a recurrence relation is expressed in the following form:

ak = Aak−1 ± Bak−2

Then such relations will be considered as Second Order Linear Homogeneous

Recurrence Relation. In the recurrence relation mentioned above ‘A’ and ‘B’
are the parameters of the recurrence function. The Order of any recurrence
relation depends on the maximum level of previous values, a relation is referring

For example: ak = k ×ak−2 ±Bak−3 in this case the order of recurrence relation
will be 3.
The values or the solution of the recurrence relation are determined by using
Characteristic Equation of a Relation which is formed from the recurrence

relation. If the recurrence relation is given as: ak = Aak−1 + Bak−2 , then the
recurrence relation will be: x2 − Ax − B.
Steps for finding the generalized equation:

ˆ Step 1: Find the characteristic equation from the recurrence relation.

Since, order of the recurrence relation is 2. Hence, the degree of the
characteristic equation will be also 2.

ˆ Step 2: Find the roots of the Characteristic Equation.
ˆ Step 3: Form the generalized equation using the roots of the Character-
istic Equation.
Case (a): If the roots are distinct then the generalized solution of the recurrence

relation will be:

fn = C(r1 )n + D(r2 )n
where, r1 and r2 are the roots of the Characteristic Equation.
Case (b): If the roots are repeated then the generalized solution of the recur-
rence relation will be:

fn = (C + nD)(r1 )n
where, r1 and r2 are the roots of the Characteristic Equation.
ˆ Step 4: Find the value of A and B by using the initial condition values.

5.7.1 Solved Example: yM

Example 1. Which of the following are second-order linear homogeneous recur-
rence relations with constant coefficients?
A. ak = 2ak−1 − 5ak−2
The given recurrence relation is a Second order recurrence relation

with constant coefficients as: A= 2 and B= -5.

B. bk = kbk−1 + bk−2
The given recurrence relation is not a Second order recurrence

relation with constant coefficients because one of the coefficients

is not constant (A=k).
C. ck = 3ck−1 × (ck−2 )2
The given recurrence relation is not a Second order recurrence

relation with constant coefficients because the relation is non-

D. dk = 3dk−1 + dk−2

The given recurrence relation is a Second order recurrence relation
with constant coefficients as: A= 3 and B= 1.

E. rk = rk−1 − rk−2 − 2
The given recurrence relation is not a Second order recurrence
relation with constant coefficients because an extra non-zero con-
stant (Offset) -2 is present.

F. sk = 10sk−2
The given recurrence relation is a Second order recurrence relation
with constant coefficients as: A=0 and B= 10.

Example 2. Let a0 , a1 , a2 , ...... be the sequence defined by the explicit formula:
an = C × 2n + D for all integers n ≥ 0,
where C and D are real numbers.
A. Find C and D so that a0 = 1 and a1 = 3. What is a2 in this case?

B. Find C and D so that a0 = 0 and a1 = 2. What is a2 in this case?

Given: an = C × 2n + D
A. To find ‘C’ and ‘D’ use the initial values of an .
At n=0; a0 = C × 20 + D, where a0 = 1

1 = C + D .......(1)
At n=1; a1 = C × 21 + D, where a1 = 3
3 = 2C + D ........(2)
Solving (1) and (2) simultaneously.
C= 2 and D= -1

Hence, the recurrence relation becomes: an = 2 × 2n − 1

Therefore, a2 will be:
a2 = 2 × 22 − 1

B. To find ‘C’ and ‘D’ use the initial values of an .

At n=0; a0 = C × 20 + D, where a0 = 0
0 = C + D .......(1)
At n=1; a1 = C × 21 + D, where a1 = 2

2 = 2C + D .......(2)
Solving (1) and (2) simultaneously.
C= 2 and D= -2
Hence, the recurrence relation becomes: an = 2 × 2n − 2

Therefore, a2 will be:

a2 = 2 × 22 − 2

Example 3. Let b0 , b1 , b2 , ..... be the sequence defined by the explicit formula:
bn = C(3)n + D(−2)n for all integers n ≥ 0,
where C and D are real numbers. Show that for any choice of C and

yMbk = bk−1 + 6bk−2 for all integers k ≥ 2.

Given: bn = C(3)n + D(−2)n

from the generalized function the roots of the characteristic equation
can be determined. They are: 3 and -2.

Hence, the characteristic equation will be:

f (x) = (x − 3) × (x + 2) = 0
0 = x(x + 2) − 3(x + 2)
0 = x2 + 2x − 3x − 6

0 = x2 − x − 6
x + 6 = x2
Thus the recurrence relation will be: bk = bk−1 +6bk−2 , Hence Proved.

Example 4. Following sequences satisfies the given recurrence relation and initial
conditions. Find an explicit formula for the sequence.
A. ak = 2ak−1 + 3ak−2 , for all integers k ≥ 2 a0 = 1, a1 = 2.

Given: ak = 2ak−1 + 3ak−2 , k ≥ 2 with initial conditions given as:
a0 = 1 and a1 = 2.
By using the recurrence relation: ak = 2ak−1 + 3ak−2 , the charac-

teristic equation will be:
t2 − 2t − 3 = 0]
(t + 1)(t − 3) = 0
Hence, the roots are: t = -1 and 3.

Now, the generalized explicit formula will be an = A(−1)n +B(3)n

To find the value ‘A’ and ‘B’ we need initial conditions:
at n=0, a0 = A(−1)0 + B(3)0 but a0 = 1
Therefore, 1 = A + B .......(1)
Similarly, at n=1 the equation will be:

2 = −A + 3B .......(2)
Solving equation (1) and (2) simultaneously.
1 3
A = and B =
yM 4
Hence the explicit formula is: an = (−1)n + (3)n
B. sk = −4sk−1 − 4sk−2 , for all integers k ≥ 2 s0 = 0, s1 = −1.
Given: sk = −4sk−1 − 4sk−2 , k ≥ 2 with initial conditions given
as: s0 = 0 and s1 = −1.

By using the recurrence relation: sk = −4sk−1 − 4sk−2 , the char-

acteristic equation will be:
t2 + 4t + 4 = 0
(t + 2)(t + 2) = 0

Hence, the roots are: t = -2.

Now, the generalized explicit formula will be sn = (−2)n (A + n ×
To find the value ‘A’ and ‘B’ we need initial conditions:

at n=0, s0 = (−2)0 (A + (0) × B) but s0 = 0

Therefore, 0 = A .........(1)

Similarly, at n=1 the equation will be:

−1 = −2A − 2B .......(2)
Solving equation (1) and (2) simultaneously.

A = 0 and B =
n 1
Hence the explicit formula is: sn = (−2) n×

5.8 General Recursive Definition and Structural Induction

A Recursive function is not always used to represent a sequence of numbers
but also used for building a set of objects. In case of building a set of object it
is necessary to define a recursive definition for finding new elements of the sets
which are defined by using a set of rules. A recursive definition mainly consists

of three basic components or rules.

(a) BASE: A statement in which particular object belongs too the the set.
(b) RECURSION: A collection of rules which will help to find new elements
belonging to the set.
(c) RESTRICTION: A disclaimer statement indicating that no other ele-
ment exist in the set which does not satisfies Statement 1. and 2.

When a recursive definition of the set is proved by using Mathematical Induc-

tion. It is known as Structural Induction. The steps for executing structural
Induction is:

(a) Show that the element in the set S has been derived from the BASE.
(b) Show that the rules provided by the RECURSION is satisfied by the new
object defined for the given set.

5.8.1 Solved Example:

Example 1. The set of Boolean expressions involving letters from the alphabet
such as p, q, and r , and the symbols ∧, ∨ and ∼. he set of Boolean
expressions over a general alphabet is defined recursively.
ˆ BASE: Each symbol of the alphabet is a Boolean expression.

ˆ RECURSION: If P and Q are Boolean expressions, then so are:

A. P ∧ Q

B. P ∨ Q
C. ∼ P
ˆ RESTRICTION: There are no Boolean expressions over the al-
phabet other than those obtained from a. and b.

Derive the fact that the following is a Boolean expression over the
English alphabet a, b, c, . . . , x, y, z:
(∼ (p ∧ q) ∨ (∼ r ∧ p)).

A. In the given expression, all the symbols are included, Hence from

1. the p, q and r are Boolean expression
B. ∼ r is a Boolean expression from 1 and 2 C.
C. ∼ r ∧ p is a Boolean expression from 1 and 2 A.
D. p ∧ q is a Boolean expression from 1 and 2 A.

E. ∼ (p ∧ q) is a Boolean expression from 1 and 2 C.
F. (∼ (p ∧ q) ∨ (∼ r ∧ p)) is a Boolean expression from 1 and 2 B.

Example 2. The set of arithmetic expressions over the real numbers can be defined
recursively as follows:
ˆ BASE: Each real number r is an arithmetic expression.
ˆ RECURSION: If u and v are arithmetic expressions, then the
following are also arithmetic expressions:
A. (+u)
B. (-u)

C. (u+v)
D. (u-v)
E. (u × v)

ˆ RESTRICTION: There are no arithmetic expressions over the

real numbers other than those obtained from a and b.
Give derivations showing that each of the following is an arithmetic
expression.(Note: that the expression is legal even though the value
of v may be 0.)

9 × (6.1 + 2)
(4 − 7) × 6

A. In the expression since all the number are real numbers hence,
from 1. 9, 6.1, 2, 7 and 6 are arithmetic expressions.
B. 6.1 + 2 is an Arithmetic expression from 1. and 2 C.

C. 9 × (6.1 + 2) is an Arithmetic expression from 1. and 2 E.
D. 4 − 7 is an Arithmetic expression from 1. and 2 D.
E. (4 − 7) × 6 is an Arithmetic expression from 1. and 2 E.
9 × (6.1 + 2)
F. is an Arithmetic expression from 1. and 2 F.

(4 − 7) × 6

Example 3. In Gödel, Escher, Bach, Douglas Hofstadter introduces the following
recursively defined set of strings of M’s, I ’s, and U’s, which he calls
the MIU-system.
ˆ BASE: MI is in the MIU-system.

A. If x I is in the MIU-system, where x is a string, then x I U is
in the MIU-system. (In other words, you can add a U to any
string that ends in I . For example, since MI is in the system,
so is MIU.) yM
B. If Mx is in the MIU-system, where x is a string, then Mxx
is in the MIUsystem. (In other words, you can repeat all the
characters in a string that follow an initial M. For example, if
MUI is in the system, so is MUIUI.)
C. If x I I I y is in the MIU-system, where x and y are strings

(possibly null), then xUy is also in the MIU-system.(In other

words, you can replace I I I by U. For example, if M I I I I is
in the system, so are MIU and MUI.)
D. If xUUy is in the MIU-system, where x and y are strings (possi-
bly null), then xUy is also in the MIU-system. (In other words,

you can replace UU by U. For example, if MIIUU is in the

system, so is MIIU.)
ˆ RESTRICTION: No strings other than those derived from I and
II are in the MIUsystem.
Derive the fact that MUIU and MIUI is in the MIU-system.

A. MI is in the MIU-system from 1.

B. MII is in the MIU-system from 1. and 2 B.

C. MIIII is in the MIU-system from 1. and 2 B.
D. MUI is in the MIU-system from 1. and 2 C.
E. MUIU is in the MIU-system from 1. and 2 A.

A. MI is in the MIU-system from 1.
B. MII is in the MIU-system from 1 and 2 B.
C. MIIII is in the MIU-system from 1. and 2 B.
D. MIIIIIIII is in the MIU-system from 1. and 2 B.

E. MIUIIII is in the MIU-system from 1. and 2 C.

F. MIUUI is in the MIU-system from 1. and 2 C.
G. MIUI is in the MIU-system from 1. and 2 D.

Example 4. Define a set S recursively as follows:

ˆ BASE: 1 ∈ S
ˆ RECURSION: If s ∈ S, then
A. 0s ∈ S
B. s1 ∈ S

and b above.
ˆ RESTRICTION: Nothing is in S other than objects defined in a

Use structural induction to prove that every string in S ends in a 1.

In the given statement, the string should end with 1 and according to
BASE of the recursion, one of the object is present in S is 1. Hence

BASE condition is satisfied.

In RECURSION component, there are two rules given. According to
the first rule the string is starting with 0, hence it may or may not
end with 1 and in the second rule the string should compulsorily get
terminated by 1. Hence both the rules are satisfying the statement

that the string in S should end with a 1.

Example 5. Define a set S recursively as follows:
ˆ BASE: 1 ∈ S, 2 ∈ S, 3 ∈ S, 4 ∈ S, 5 ∈ S, 6 ∈ S, 7 ∈ S, 8 ∈ S, 9 ∈ S
ˆ RECURSION: If s ∈ S and t ∈ S, then
A. s0 ∈ S

B. st ∈ S
ˆ RESTRICTION: Nothing is in S other than objects defined in a

and b above.
Use structural induction to prove that no string in S represents an
integer with a leading zero.

In the given statement, the string should not start with 0 and ac-
cording to BASE of the recursion, only 0 does not belong to S. Hence
BASE condition is satisfied.
In the RECURSION component there are two rules mentioned. Ac-
cording to the first rule the string should end with 0, and in second

rule the concatenation of the string has been mentioned. Hence, both

the rules are satisfying the statement that the string in S should not
start with 0 or the string should not have a leading 0.

5.9 Summary

ˆ The symbol to represent continuous addition is

ˆ The symbol to represent continuous multiplication is
ˆ A generalized expression of a sequence can be verified by using Mathe-
matical Induction. yM
ˆ If the statement is needed to be proved for all the available values of the
sequence, then the given induction is known as Mathematical Induction.
ˆ The sequence whose values depends on the previous value or the initial
value is known as Recurrence Function.

ˆ If the elements of set is to be determined by using Mathematical Induction.

Such inductions are known as Structural Mathematical Induction.

5.10 References

ˆ Susanna S. Epp ”Discrete mathematics with applications.” (2010). (Chp

ˆ Lipschutz, Seymour. ”Schaum’s Outlines of Theory and Problems of Dis-
crete Mathematics.” (2016). (Chp 3)

5.11 Unit End Exercise

(1) Write the following expression as a single summation or product. (Hint:


Use Properties of Summation and Product)

Pn Pn
i. 3 × (2k − 3) + (4k − 5)
k=1 k=1

Q k Q k+1
ii. ×
k=1 k+1 k=1 k+2

(2) Find an explicit formula for the given sequences:

i. 0, 1, -2, 3, -4, 5

1 2 3 4 5 6

ii. , , , , ,
4 9 16 25 36 49
−1 2 −3 4 −5
iii. 0, , , , ,
2 3 4 5 6

iv. 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96
1 4 9 16 25 36
v. , , , , ,
3 9 27 81 243 729
(3) Let a0 = 2, a1 = 3, a2 = −2,a3 = 1, a4 = 0, a5 = −1, a6 = −2. Compute

(ai )
each of the summations and products below.

ii. (ai )

iii. (ai )
iv. (ai )

v. (ai )

(4) Compute the Summation and Product of the following:

P 1

m=0 2m
(j + 1) × (2j )


iii. (i)(i + 1)

Q i(i + 2)
i=2 (i − 1) × (i + 1)

(5) Prove the following statement by using Mathematical Induction

i. For each positive integer n, let P(n) be the formula:

n(n + 1)(2n + 1)

12 + 22 + 32 + 42 ..... + n2 =
(i × 2i ) = n × 2n+2 + 2, for all integers n ≥ 0

iii. (i × (i!)) = (n + 1)! − 1, for all integers n ≥ 1

iv. If x is a real number not divisible by π, then for all integers n ≥ 1,

1 − cos(2nx)
sin(x) + sin(3x) + sin(5x) + .... + sin((2n − 1)x) =



yM 1
for all integers n ≥ 0

i=0 2i + 1 2i + 2 (2n + 2)!

vi. 7n − 1is divisible by 6, for each integer n ≥ 0.
vii. n3 − 7n + 3 is divisible by 3, for each integer n ≥ 0.

viii. n3 − n is divisible by 6, for each integer n ≥ 0.

ix. 32n − 1 is divisible by 8, for each integer n ≥ 0.
x. n(n2 + 5) is divisible by 6, for each integer n ≥ 0.

xi. (1 + 3n ) ≤ 4n , for every integer n ≥ 0.

xii. (9 + 5n ) < 6n , for every integer n ≥ 2.
xiii. n2 < 2n , for every integer n ≥ 5.
xiv. 2n < (n + 2)! for all integers n ≥ 0.

xv. n3 > (2n + 1) for all integers n ≥ 2.

(6) Suppose b1 , b2 , b3 , .... is a sequence defined as follows:


b1 = 4, b2 = 12, bk = bk−2 + bk−1 for all integers k ≥ 3. Prove that bn is

divisible by 4 for all integers n ≥ 1.

(7) Suppose c0 , c1 , c2 , .... is a sequence defined as follows:
c0 = 2, c1 = 2, c2 = 34, ck = 3ck−3 for all integers k ≥ 3. Prove that cn is
an even number for all integers n ≥ 0.

(8) Suppose e0 , e1 , e2 , .... is a sequence defined as follows:

e0 = 12, e1 = 29, ek = 5ek−1 − 6ek−2 for all integers k ≥ 2. Prove that

en = 5 × 3n + 7 × 2n for all integers n ≥ 0.

(9) Suppose p1 , p2 , p3 , .... is a sequence defined as follows:

p1 = 3, p2 = 5, pk = 3pk−1 − 2pk−2 for all integers k ≥ 3. Prove that
gn = 2n + 1 for all integers n ≥ 1.

(10) Suppose s0 , s1 , s2 , .... is a sequence defined as follows:
s0 = 0, s1 = 4, sk = 6sk−1 − 5sk−2 for all integers k ≥ 2. Prove that
sn = 5n − 1 for all integers n ≥ 0.

(11) Find the first four terms of each of the recursively defined sequences:
i. ck = k (ck−1 )2 , for all integers k ≥ 1 c0 = 1
ii. sk = sk−1 + 2sk−2 , for all integers k ≥ 2 s0 = 1, s1 = 1
iii. vk = vk−1 + vk−2 + 1, for all integers k ≥ 3 v1 = 1, v2 = 3

iv. uk = k(uk−1 ) − uk−2 + 1, for all integers k ≥ 3 u1 = 1, u2 = 1

(12) Let a0 , a1 , a2 , ..... be defined by the formula an = 3n + 1, for all integers

n ≥ 0. Show that this sequence satisfies the recurrence relation ak =
ak−1 + 3, for all integers k ≥ 1.

(13) Let t0 , t1 , t2 , ..... be defined by the formula sn = 2+n, for all integers n ≥ 0.
Show that this sequence satisfies the recurrence relation tk = 2tk−1 − tk−2 ,
for all integers k ≥ 2.

(14) Let d0 , d1 , d2 , ..... be defined by the formula dn = 3n − 2n , for all integers

n ≥ 0. Show that this sequence satisfies the recurrence relation dk =

5dk−1 − 6dk−2 , for all integers k ≥ 2.


(15) Let t0 , t1 , t2 , ..... be defined by the formula sn = 2+n, for all integers n ≥ 0.
Show that this sequence satisfies the recurrence relation tk = 2tk−1 − tk−2 ,
for all integers k ≥ 2.

n(n + 1)
(16) The formula: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + .... + n = is true for all integers
n ≥ 1. Use this fact to solve each of the following problems:
i. If k is an integer and k ≥ 2, find a formula for the expression 1 + 2 +
3 + ..... + (k − 1).

ii. If n is an integer and n ≥ 1, find a formula for the expression 3 + 2 +

4 + 6 + 8 + ..... + 2n.
iii. If n is an integer and n ≥ 1, find a formula for the expression 3 + 3 ×
2 + 3 × 3 + ....... + 3 × n + n.

(17) Following sequence is defined recursively. Use iteration to guess an explicit
formula for the sequence.
i. gk = , for all integers k ≥ 2, b0 = 1
bk−1 + 1
ii. ek = 4 × ek−1 + 5, for all integers k ≥ 1, e0 = 2
iii. tk = tk−1 + 3k + 1, for all integers k ≥ 1, t0 = 0
iv. sk = sk−1 + 2k, for all integers k ≥ 1, s0 = 3
v. pk = pk−1 + 2 × 3k , for all integers k ≥ 2, p1 = 2

vi. dk = 2 × dk−1 + 3, for all integers k ≥ 2, d1 = 2

(18) Which of the following are second-order linear homogeneous recurrence

relations with constant coefficients?
i. ak = (k − 1)ak−1 + 2kak−2

ii. bk = −bk−1 + 7bk−2

iii. ck = 3ck−1 + 1
iv. dk = 3 (dk−1 )2 + dk−2

v. rk = rk−1 − 6rk−3
vi. sk = sk−1 + 10sk−2

(19) Let b0 , b1 , b2 , ....... be the sequence defined by the explicit formula:

bn = C × 3n + D × (−2)n for all integers n ≥ 0,
where C and D are real numbers.

i. Find C and D so that b0 = 0 and b1 = 5. What is b2 in this case?
ii. Find C and D so that b0 = 3 and b1 = 4. What is b2 in this case?

(20) Let a0 , a1 , a2 , ...... be the sequence defined by the explicit formula:

an = C × 2n + D for all integers n ≥ 0,

where C and D are real numbers. Show that for any choice of C and D,
ak = 3ak−1 − 2ak−2 for all integers k ≥ 2.

(21) Following sequences satisfies the given recurrence relation and initial con-
ditions. Find an explicit formula for the sequence.
i. bk = 7bk−1 − 10bk−2 , for all integers k ≥ 2, b0 = 2, b1 = 2
ii. tk = 6tk−1 − 9tk−2 , for all integers k ≥ 2, t0 = 1, t1 = 3
iii. sk = 2sk−1 + 2sk−2 , for all integers k ≥ 2, s0 = 1, s1 = 3
iv. ck = ck−1 + 6ck−2 , for all integers k ≥ 2, c0 = 0, c1 = 3
v. ek = 9ck−2 , for all integers k ≥ 2, e0 = 0, e1 = 2

(22) Consider the set of Boolean expressions defined in Example 1.(5.8.1) Give

derivations showing that each of the following is a Boolean expression over

the English alphabet a, b, c, . . . , x, y, z.
ˆ (∼ p ∨ (q ∧ (r∨ ∼ s)))
ˆ ((p ∨ q)∨ ∼ ((p∧ ∼ s) ∧ r))

(23) Consider the Arithmetic expression discussed in Example 2.(5.8.1) Give

derivations showing that ((2 × (0.3–4.2)) + (−7)) is an arithmetic expres-

(24) Consider the MIU-system discussed in Example 2.(5.8.1) Give derivations

showing that MUIIU is in the MIU-system.

(25) Define a set S recursively as follows:


ˆ BASE: a ∈ S
ˆ RECURSION: If s ∈ S, then
– as ∈ S
– sb ∈ S

ˆ RESTRICTION: Nothing is in S other than objects defined in a and
b above.
Use structural induction to prove that every string in S begins with an a.

(26) Define a set S recursively as follows:

ˆ BASE: 1 ∈ S, 3 ∈ S, 5 ∈ S, 7 ∈ S, 9 ∈ S

ˆ RECURSION: If s ∈ S, then
– st ∈ S
– 2s ∈ S

– 4s ∈ S
– 6s ∈ S
– 8s ∈ S
ˆ RESTRICTION: Nothing is in S other than objects defined in a and
b above. yM
Use structural induction to prove that every string in S represents an odd

(27) Define a set S recursively as follows:

ˆ BASE: 0 ∈ S, 5 ∈ S

ˆ RECURSION: If s ∈ S and t ∈ S then

– s+t∈S
– s−t∈S
ˆ RESTRICTION: Nothing is in S other than objects defined in a and

b above.
Use structural induction to prove that every integer in S is divisible by 5.

(28) Give a recursive definition for the set of all strings of 0’s and 1’s that have
the same number of 0’s as 1’s.

Unit 3: Chapter 6

Unit Structure

6.0 Objectives

6.1 Introduction
6.2 Functions Defined on Sets

6.3 One-One, Onto and Inverse Function
6.4 Composition of Function
6.5 Summary
6.6 Bibliography
6.7 Unit End Exercise
6.0 Objectives: Student will be able to understand the following from the Chap-

ˆ The various terminologies related to Function, such as: Domain, Co-

Domain, Range, Image and Difference between them.
ˆ Identify a valid Function on the basis of mapping between the two set of

ˆ Determine Function within a function and its verious properties.

6.1 Introduction
The representation of two varying variables in the form of some equations is an
algebraic part of Mathematics. These equations are referred to as Functions in

which one variable will be considered as Independent variable and another one
will be considered as Dependent Variable. A Function can be considered valid

if and only if a single value is having exactly on value at the output. It may
happen that a single function will not help to define the correct relation between
the variables, Hence in such cases two or more functions are incorporated to
define the relation more appropriately.

6.2 Functions Defined on Sets
A function f is defined as a relation between two sets. The set of elements
which are provided to the functions are referred as Domain of the function and
the set of elements in which probable outputs of the function is present are
known as Co-Domain and the set of elements which are the actual output of

the functions are known as Range or Image. If we consider y = f(x), then x

will be considered as Inverse Image of y.
Note: Co-Domain and Range may or may not become equal. Range ⊆ Co −
A function can be mathematically expressed as:

f :X→Y

Where, f is a function, X is Domain and Y is Co-Domain.

A function f will be considered as a valid function if and only if it satisfies two
basic properties. yM
(a) Every element in the Domain should get mapped with some elements of
the Co-Domain.
(b) No element in Domain should be mapped with more than one element in

The mapping between Domain and Co-Domain values can be represented pic-
torially by using Arrow Diagram. A typical arrow diagram has been shown
below as for reference.



P0 Q0

P1 Q1
P2 Q2

P3 Q3

Fig. 6.2.1 Basic Arrow Diagram

Logarithmic Function to the base ‘b’ of ‘x’ yields the value which is raised
to the power of ‘b’ to get ‘x’. It is mathematically expressed as logb x, where
b > 0 and x > 0.
The properties of Logarithmic function are:

(a) y = logb (x) ⇐⇒ x = by

(b) log10 (x) = log(x) and loge (x) = ln(x)
(c) logb (b) = 1 and logb (1) = 0
(d) logb (x × y) = logb (x) + logb (y)

(e) logb = logb (x) − logb (y)
log10 (x)
(f) logb (x) =
log10 (b)
(g) logb (x)y = y × logb (x) yM
Boolean Function is defined as the function whose Domain is an ordered
n-tuples of 0’s and 1’s. The Co-Domain of the function is {0,1} . The mapping
of the function can be mathematically expressed as:

f : {0, 1}n → {0, 1}


where, f : {0, 1}n is the cartesian product of n copies of 0, 1.

Let, F : A → B and G : A → B be the two functions. The functions will be
equal if and only if F (x) = G(x), x ∈ X

6.2.1 Solved Examples:

Example 1 Let X = {1, 3, 5} and Y = {s, t, u, v}. Define F : X → Y by the
following arrow diagram.



1 s

3 t
5 u

A. Write the domain of f and the co-domain of f.
B. Find f (1), f (3), and f (5).
C. What is the range of f ?
D. Is 3 an inverse image of s? Is 1 an inverse image of u?
E. What is the inverse image of s? of u? of v ?
F. Represent f as a set of ordered pairs.
A. Domain= {1, 3, 5}

Co-Domain= {s, t, u, v}
B. Referring the Arrow Diagram
f (1) = v
f (3) = s
f (5) = v

C. Range= {s, v}
D. Yes, 3 is an inverse image of s.
No,1 is not an inverse image of u.
E. Inverse image of s is 3.
Inverse image of u is φ.

Inverse image of v is 5.
F. The ordered pairs are f = {(1, v); (3, s); (5, v)}

Example 2 Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and define a function F : P(A) → Z as follows:

For all sets X in P(A),
1 if X has an even number of elements.
F (X) =
0 if X has an odd number of elements.

Find the following:
A. F({1, 3, 4})
B. F({2, 3})
C. F({2, 3, 4, 5})

D. F (φ)

In the given function, the Domain is the elements of the Power Set of
A (P(A)).
A. F({1, 3, 4}) = 0 (Number of Element= 3 (Odd))

B. F({2, 3}) = 1 (Number of elements= 2 (Even))
C. F({2, 3, 4, 5}) = 1 (Number of elements= 2 (Even))
D. F (φ) = 1 (Number of elements= 0 (Even))

Example 3 Let J5 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, and define functions f : J5 → J5 and g :
J5 → J5 as follows: For each x ∈ J5 , f (x) = (x + 4)2 mod 5 and
g(x) = (x2 + 3x + 1) mod 5 Is f = g? Explain.
Given: J5 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, f (x) = (x + 4)2 mod 5 and g(x) = (x2 +
3x + 1) mod 5.
Substituting each elements present in J5 in f(x) and g(x).

At x=1 = (1 + 4)2 mod 5

= 25 mod 5
At x=2 f (x) = (2 + 4)2 mod 5
= 36 mod 5

At x=3 f (x) = (3 + 4)2 mod 5
= f (x) = 49 mod 5
At x=4 f (x) = (4 + 4)2 mod 5

= 64 mod 5
At x=5 f (x) = (5 + 4)2 mod 5

= 81 mod 5
Similarly for g(x).
At x=1 g(x) = (12 + 3(1) + 1) mod 5

= 5 mod 5
At x=2 g(x) = (22 + 3(2) + 1) mod 5
= 11 mod 5

At x=3 g(x) = (32 + 3(3) + 1) mod 5

= 19 mod 5
At x=4 g(x) = (42 + 3(4) + 1) mod 5
= 29 mod 5

At x=5 g(x) = (52 + 3(5) + 1) mod 5
= 41 mod 5
Since each element of J5 is providing outputs in f(x) which are equal
to g(x). Hence, f=g.
Example 4 Let F and G be functions from the set of all real numbers to itself.
Define the product functions F · G : R → R and G · F : R → R as
follows: For all x ∈ R,
(F · G)(x) = F (x) · G(x)

(G · F )(x) = G(x) · F (x)

Does (F · G)(x) = (G · F )(x)? Explain
Given: (F · G)(x) = F (x) · G(x) and (G · F )(x) = G(x) · F (x)
Since, multiplication follows Commutative Property a · b = b · a

Hence,F (x) · G(x) = G(x) · F (x)

Therefore, it can be concluded that (F · G)(x) = (G · F )(x)
Example 5 Find exact values for each of the following quantities. Do not use a
A. log3 81

81 = 34
log3 81 = log3 34

by using the following property: logb (x)y = y × logb (x) where b=

3, x= 3 and y= 4.
= 4 × log3 (3)
but, logb (b) = 1 Hence, log3 (3) = 1

B. log2 1024
1024 = 210
log2 1024 = log2 210

by using the following property: logb (x)y = y × logb (x) where b=

2, x= 2 and y= 10.
= 10 × log2 (2)
but, logb (b) = 1 Hence, log2 (2) = 1

C. log3
27 =33 
= log3
by using the following property: logb
= logb (x) − logb (y)
where b= 3, x= 1 and y= 27.
= log3 (1) − log3 (33 )

but, logb (1) = 0 Hence, log3 (1) = 0

= −log3 33 )
by using the following property: logb (x)y = y × logb (x) where b=
3, x= 3 and y= 3.

= −3 × log3 (3)
but, logb (b) = 1 Hence, log2 (2) = 1
= −3

Example 6 If b and y are positive real numbers such that logb (y) = 2, what is

logb2 (y)?
Given: logb (y) = 2

But according to the property, logb (x) =
Hence,logb (y) =

Therefore, =2
Similarly, logb2 (y) =
log(b2 )
from the property, logb (x)y = y × logb (x)

log(y) log(y)
log(b2 ) 2 × log(b)
1 log(y)
= ×
2 log(b)

but, =2
log(y) 1
Hence, = 2 ×
log(b2 ) 2
=1 yM
Example 7 Draw arrow diagram for the Boolean function defined by the following
input/output table.
Input Output

1 1 0
1 0 1
0 1 0
0 0 1

According to the Table given above, the Boolean functions have been
defined using 3 variables in which 2 are used in the Input and 1 has
been used as an Output. Thus the domain will be the Combinations
formed by 0’s and 1’s in the Input and Co-Domain will be 0 and 1.
Domain: {00, 01, 10, 11}
Co-Domain: {0, 1}

Function: Boolean
Hence, The arrow diagram will be:


Input Output



Example 8 Student A tries to define a function g : Q → Z by the rule g m

m − n, for all integers m and n with n 6= 0. Student B claims that g

is not well defined. Justify student B’s claim.
Given: Student A defined the following function: g
= m − n.
1 3
Let X = and Y = .
2 6    
1 3
According to the divisibility theorem,g = .

2 6
 to the definition,
g = 1 − 2 = -1
g = 3 − 6 = -3

Since −1 6= −3
Hence, the function defined by Student A is wrong.
Therefore, Student B’s claim is Correct.

6.3 One-One, Onto and Inverse Function


The type of mapping done by a function from Domain to Co-Domain are:

One-One: All the elements in the domain is mapped with exactly one element of

the Co-domain. It is also termed as Bijective. It can be mathematically

defined as: A Function f : X → Y will be a One-One function if and only
f (a) = f (b) if a = b where a and b ∈ X



p0 q0

p1 q1
p2 q2

Fig. 6.3.1 A One-One Function


yM q0
p1 q1
p2 q2

Fig. 6.3.2 Not a One-One Function




Fig. 6.3.3 Not a One-One Function

Onto: All the elements in the Co-Domain should have at-least on element in
Domain.It is also termed as Surjective. It ca be mathematically expressed
as: A function f defined as f : X → Y is an Onto function if and only if:
∀y ∈ Y, ∃x ∈ X such that f (x) = y.



p0 q0
p1 q1
p2 q2

yM Fig. 6.3.4 An ONTO Function


p0 q0
p1 q1
p2 q2

Fig. 6.3.5 Not an ONTO Function






Fig. 6.3.6 An ONTO Function

Note: If a Function possess both One-One and Onto, then the function will be
considered as One-One Correspondence
Inverse: If a function f is defined as f : X → Y is a One-One correspondence,
then the function f −1 : Y → X will be defined as an Inverse Function such
that: f −1 (y) = x.



p0 q0

F −1

Fig. 6.3.7 Inverse Function Arrow Diagram

6.3.1 Solved Examples:


Example 1. All but two of the following statements are correct ways to express
the fact that a function f is onto. Find the three that are correct.

A. f is onto ⇐⇒ every element in its co-domain is the image of some

element in its domain.
B. f is onto ⇐⇒ every element in its domain has a corresponding
image in its co-domain.

C. f is onto ⇐⇒ ∀y ∈ Y, ∃x ∈ X such that f (x) = y.
D. f is onto ⇐⇒ ∀x ∈ X, ∃y ∈ Y such that f (x) = y.
E. f is onto ⇐⇒ the range of f is the same as the co-domain of f .

A function is an Onto if and only if all the elements of co-domain are

mapped (having images) to at least one element in the Domain.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the Range of the function will be
equal to the Co-Domain.
Hence, the correct statements are (a), (c) and (e).

Example 2. Let X = {1, 5, 9} and Y = {3, 4, 7}. Define f : X → Y by specifying
that. f (1) = 4, f (5) = 7, f (9) = 4. Is f one-to-one? Is f onto?
Explain your answers.
Given: X = {1, 5, 9} and Y = {3, 4, 7}, f : X → Y such that f (1)
= 4, f (5) = 7, f (9) = 4.
The following function is not a One-One function because two differ-
ent values of x (1 and 9) are having same value of y (4).
The following function is not an Onto function because y=3 is not
having any image in X (Domain).

Example 3. Define g : Z → Z by the rule g(n) = 4n − 5, for all integers n.

A. Is g one-to-one? Prove or give a counterexample.
B. Is g onto? Prove or give a counterexample.
Given: g : Z → Z defined as g(n) = 4n − 5

A. To check whether the g(n) is One-One function, let us consider

two integers m and n such that m and n ∈ Z and g(m) = g(n).
=4m − 5 = 4n − 5
=4m = 4n

=m = n
Since, m = n if g(m) = g(n). Hence g(n) is One-One Function.
B. To check whether the g(n) is Onto function,let y be an integer

such that g(n) = y.

4n − 5 = y
4n = y + 5

Since, is not an integer for any value of y,
Thus, all the integer value will not be have the corresponding

image in the Domain. Hence, g(n) is not an Onto function.

Example 4. Define G : R → R by the rule G(x) = 2 − 3x for all real numbers x.
A. Is G one-one? Prove or give a counterexample.
B. Is G onto? Prove or give a counterexample.

A. To check whether the G(x) is One-One function, let us consider
two integers m and n such that m and n ∈ R and G(m) = G(n).

=2 − 3m = 2 − 3n
=−3m = −3n
=m = n
Since, m = n if G(m) = G(n). Hence G(x) is One-One Function.
B. To check whether the G(x) is Onto function,let y be a Real num-
ber such that G(x) = y.

2 − 3x = y
3x = 2 − y

Since, is a Real number for any value of y,
Thus, all the Real number will have the corresponding image in
the Domain. Hence, G(x) is an Onto function.

Example 5. Function f is defined on a set of real numbers. Determine whether or


not f is one-to-one and justify your answer.

A. f (x) = 2 , for all real numbers x
x +1

To check whether the f (x) is One-One function, let us consider
two integers m and n such that m and n ∈ R and f (m) = f (n).
m n
= 2
m +1 n +1

m × (n2 + 1) = n × (m2 + 1)
m × (n)2 + m = n × (m)2 + n
Since, m 6= n if f (m) = f (n). Hence f (x) is not One-One Func-

B. f (x) = , for all real numbers x

To check whether the f (x) is One-One function, let us consider
two integers m and n such that m and n ∈ R and f (m) = f (n).
3m − 1 3n − 1

m n
n × (3m − 1) = m × (3n − 1)
n × (3m) − n = m × (3n) − m
3mn − n = 3mn − m
n=m yM
Since, m = n if f (m) = f (n). Hence f (x) is a One-One Function.

Example 6. Let S be the set of all strings of 0’s and 1’s, and define l : S → Z nonneg
by l(s) = the length of s, for all strings s in S.

A. Is l one-to-one? Prove or give a counterexample.

B. Is l onto? Prove or give a counterexample.
Given: l(s) = the length of s, for all strings s in S.
A. Let a=101 and b=110. The length of ’a’ and ’b’ are 3.

Since, the definition of l(s) = the length of s, for all strings s in

And in this case, l(a) = l(b) but a 6= b.
Thus violating the basic definition of One-One Function.
B. The function is mapped as: l : S → Z nonneg . Hence all the the

non-negative integers are having an image in its domain value.

Therefore, l(s) is an Onto Function.

Example 7. Let S be the set of all strings in a’s and b’s, and define C : S → S by:
C(s) = as, for all s ∈ S.(C is called concatenation by a on the left.)
A. Is C one-to-one? Prove or give a counterexample.
B. Is C onto? Prove or give a counterexample.

Given: C(s) = as, for all s ∈ S.(C is called concatenation by a on
the left.)
A. In One-One function, all the domain value should be mapped with
exactly one element in the Co-Domain.

But, in the function defined by C : S → S the string s=a will not

get mapped to any of the element in the Co-Domain.
Hence, the function is not One-One Function.
B. In Onto function, all the Co-Domain value should have at least
one image in the Domain.

But, in the function defined by C : S → S the string s=a will not
have any image Domain.
Hence, the function is not an Onto Function.
Example 8. Define G : R × R → R × R as follows: G(x, y) = (2y, −x) for all
(x, y) ∈ R × R. yM
A. Is G one-to-one? Prove or give a counterexample.
B. Is G onto? Prove or give a counterexample.
Given: G(x, y) = (2y, −x) for all (x, y) ∈ R × R.
A. To check whether the G(x, y) is One-One function, let us consider

two pairs of integers m, n and a, b such that (m, n) and (a, b) ∈

R × R and G(m, n) = G(a, b).
2n = 2b

−m = −a
Since, m = a and n = b if G(m, n) = G(a, b). Hence G(x, y) is

One-One Function.
B. To check whether the G(x, y) is Onto function,let (u, v) be the
Real number pair such that G(x) = (u, v).

2y = u

−x = v
x = −v
Since, , −v are also a Real number pairs for any value of u
and v,

Thus, all the Real number pairs will have the corresponding image

in the Domain. Hence, G(x, y) is an Onto function.

6.4 Composition of Function

In a function, the mapping is done between Domain and Co-Domain. But, if

there are three sets A,B and C such that the a function f is defined f : A → B
and an another function g is defined g : B → C and the range of the function f
is equal to the Domain of the function g, then such type of function is known
as Composition of Function. It is represented as:
yM g◦f :A→C

The above definition can be explained by using the following Arrow Diagram.

P f
Q g R

p0 q0 r0


Fig. 6.4.1 Representation of Composite Function using Arrow Diagram

Theorems of Composite Functions.

Theorem 1 If f is a function defined from set A to set B. Let Ix be the Identity


function of x and Iy be the Identity function of y then:

f ◦ Ix = f and Iy ◦ f = f

Theorem 2 If a function f : X → Y whose inverse is defined as f −1 : Y → X then:

f ◦ f −1 = Ix and f −1 ◦ f = Iy
Where, Ix and Iy are Identity functions of x and y respectively.

Theorem 3 If a function f : X → Y is a One-One function and an another function
g : Y → Z is also a One-One function, then g ◦ f : X → Z will be a
One-One function.
Theorem 4 If a function f : X → Y is an Onto function and an another function
g : Y → Z is also an Onto function, then g ◦ f : X → Z will be an Onto


6.4.1 Solved Examples:
Example 1. Functions f and g are defined by arrow diagrams. Find g ◦ f and f ◦ g

and determine whether g ◦ f equals f ◦ g.
f g


yM 1 1 1
3 3 3 3
5 5 5 5

From the above arrow diagram:
g ◦ f (1) = 1
g ◦ f (3) = 5

g ◦ f (5) = 3
f ◦ g(1) = 3
f ◦ g(3) = 1

f ◦ g(5) = 5
Since, the output of g ◦ f and f ◦ g are not equal hence, g ◦ f 6= f ◦ g

Steps to map the composite functions using arrow diagram.

A. In case of g ◦ f , the sets defined by function f is to be placed
followed by the sets defined by function g as shown in the arrow
diagram below.

f g


1 1 1

3 3 3
5 5 5

B. find the output in the direction of the arrowheads of mapping.
For eg. in case of g ◦ f at x=1, due to function f 1 is mapped
with 5 and then,due to function g 5 is mapped with 1. Hence the
end product becomes 1. Therefore, g ◦ f (1) = 1.



1 1 1

3 3 3
5 5 5

In this method the complete arrow diagram has been shown below.

f g


1 1 1
3 3 3

5 5 5

Example 2. functions F and G are defined by formulas:

F (x) = x3 and G(x) = x − 1, for all real numbers x.

Find G ◦ F and F ◦ G and determine whether G ◦ F equals F ◦ G.
Given: F (x) = x3 and G(x) = x − 1.
G ◦ F = G (F (x))

G ◦ F = G (x3 )

G ◦ F = x3 − 1 Similarly,
F ◦ G = F (G(x))
F ◦ G = F ((x − 1))

F ◦ G = (x − 1)3
Since, x3 − 1 6= (x − 1)3
Hence, G ◦ F 6= F ◦ G
Example 3. Define F : Z → Z and G : Z → Z by the rules F (a) = 7a and
G(a) = a mod 5 for all integers a. Find (G ◦ F )(0), (G ◦ F )(1), (G ◦
F )(2), (G ◦ F )(3), and (G ◦ F )(4).
Sol :
Given: F (a) = 7a and G(a) = a mod 5 for all integers a.
Hence, (G ◦ F ) = G (F (x))
(G ◦ F ) = G (7a)

(G ◦ F ) = (7a mod 5)
(G ◦ F )(0) = 7(0) mod 5
(G ◦ F )(0) = 0 mod 5
(G ◦ F )(0) = 0

(G ◦ F )(1) = 7(1) mod 5

(G ◦ F )(1) = 7 mod 5
(G ◦ F )(1) = 2
(G ◦ F )(2) = 7(2) mod 5

(G ◦ F )(2) = 14 mod 5
(G ◦ F )(2) = 4

(G ◦ F )(3) = 7(3) mod 5

(G ◦ F )(3) = 21 mod 5
(G ◦ F )(3) = 1

(G ◦ F )(4) = 7(4) mod 5
(G ◦ F )(4) = 28 mod 5
(G ◦ F )(4) = 3
Example 4. The function H and H −1 are both defined from R − {1} to R − {1}

by the formula:

H(x) = H −1 (x) = for all x ∈ R − {1}.
Given: H(x) = H −1 (x) = for all x ∈ R − {1}.

H ◦ H −1 = H (H −1 )
−1 x+1
H ◦H =H

H ◦ H −1 =  x − 1



−1 x+1+x−1
H ◦H =

H ◦ H −1 =
H ◦H =x
H ◦ H −1 = Ix

Example 5. True or False? Given any set X and given any functions f : X → X,
g : X → X and h : X → X, if h is one-to-one and h ◦ f = h ◦ g, then
f = g. Justify your answer.
Given: h is one-to-one and h ◦ f = h ◦ g

Since, h is a One-One function: h(a) = h(b) if and only if a = b.

But, h ◦ f = h ◦ g
h(f (x)) = h(g(x))

According to the definition of One-One

f (x) = g((x)
Hence Proved.

Example 6. Define f : R → R and f : R → R by the formulas:
f (x) = x +3 and g(x) = -x for all x ∈ R.
find g ◦ f , (g ◦ f )−1 , g −1 , f −1 and f −1 ◦ g −1 .
Given: f (x) = x +3 and g(x) = -x for all x ∈ R.

g ◦ f = g(f (x))
g ◦ f = g(x + 3)
g ◦ f = −(x + 3)
let g ◦ f = −(x + 3) = y

(x + 3) = −y
x = −y − 3
x = −(y + 3)
(g ◦ f )−1 = −(y + 3)
Let g(x) = -x = m
x = -m
g −1 = −m
Let h(x) = x+3 = n

x = n-3
f −1 = n − 3
f −1 ◦ g −1 = f −1 (g −1 )
f −1 ◦ g −1 = f −1 ((−m))

f −1 ◦ g −1 = (−m) − 3
f −1 ◦ g −1 = −(m + 3)
f −1 ◦ g −1 = −(y + 3) because all the functions are defined within the
same sets X.
hence, f −1 ◦ g −1 = (g ◦ f )−1

6.5 Summary

ˆ If a single Domain value does not have more than one number of values
in the Co-Domain, then function is Valid.

ˆ If each Domain value is mapped with exactly one Co-Domain value, then
the function is known as One-One.
ˆ If each Co-domain value is mapped with at least one Domain value, then
the function is known as Onto.

ˆ if f is a function then f −1 is known as Inverse function.

6.6 References

ˆ Susanna S. Epp ”Discrete mathematics with applications.” (2010). (Chp

ˆ Lipschutz, Seymour. ”Schaum’s Outlines of Theory and Problems of Dis-
crete Mathematics.” (2016). (Chp 3)

6.7 Unit End Exercise

(1) Let X = {1, 3, 5} and Y = {a, b, c, d}. Define g : X → Y by the following
arrow diagram.


5 d

i. Write the domain of g and the co-domain of g.


ii. Find g(1), g(3), and g(5).

iii. What is the range of g ?

iv. Is 3 an inverse image of a? Is 1 an inverse image of b?

v. What is the inverse image of b? of c?
vi. Represent g as a set of ordered pairs.

(2) Indicate whether the statements in parts (a)–(d) are true or false. Justify
your answers.
i. If two elements in the domain of a function are equal, then their
images in the co-domain are equal.

ii. If two elements in the co-domain of a function are equal, then their

preimages in the domain are also equal.
iii. A function can have the same output for more than one input.
iv. A function can have the same input for more than one output.

(3) Define a function S : Z + → Z + as follows: For each positive integer n,
S(n) = the sum of the positive divisors of n.
Find the following:
i. S(1)
iv. S(5)
v. S(18)
vi. S(21)

(4) Let J5 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, and define a function F : J5 → J5 as follows: For

each x ∈ J5 , F (x) = (x3 + 2x + 4)mod5. Find the following:
i. F(0)
ii. F(1)

iii. F(2)
iv. F(3)
v. F(4)

(5) Let J5 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, and define functions h : J5 → J5 and k : J5 → J5


as follows: For eachx ∈ J5 , h(x) = (x + 3)3 mod 5 and k(x) = (x3 + 4x2 +
2x + 2) mod 5. Is h = k? Explain.

(6) Let F and G be functions from the set of all real numbers to itself. Define
new functions F − G : R → R and G − F : R → R as follows: For all
x ∈ R,

(F − G)(x) = F (x) − G(x)
(G − F )(x) = G(x) − F (x)
Does F − G = G − F ? Explain.

(7) If b and y are positive real numbers such that logb y = 3, what is log 1 (y)?


(8) Let S be the set of all strings of a’s and b’s. Define f : S → Z as follows:
For each string s in S.

the number of b’s to the left of the left-most a in s
F (s) =
0 if X if s contains no a’s.
Find f(aba), f(bbab) and f(b). What is the range of f ?

(9) Draw arrow diagram for the Boolean function defined by the following
input/output table. yM Input Output
1 1 1 1
1 1 0 0

1 0 1 1
1 0 0 1
0 1 1 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0

0 0 0 1

(10) Student C tries to define a function h : Q → Q by the rule g m = mn ,

for all integers m and n with n 6= 0. Student D claims that h is not well
defined. Justify student D’s claim.

(11) Fill in each blank with the word most or least.

i. A function F is one-to-one if, and only if, each element in the co-

domain of F is the image of at one element in the domain of

ii. A function F is onto if, and only if, each element in the co-domain of
F is the image of at one element in the domain of F.

(12) Define g : X → Y by specifying that
g(1) = 7, g(5) = 3, g(9) = 4.
Is g one-to-one? Is g onto? Explain your answers.

(13) Define G : R → R by the rule G(x) = 4x − 5 for all real numbers x. Is G

onto? Is G One-One? Prove or give a counterexample.

(14) Define H : R → R by the rule H(x) = x2 , for all real numbers x.

i. Is H one-to-one? Prove or give a counterexample.

ii. Is H onto? Prove or give a counterexample.

(15) Define F : Z → Z by the rule F (n) = 2 − 3n, for all integers n.

i. Is F one-to-one? Prove or give a counterexample.

ii. Is F onto? Prove or give a counterexample.

(16) A function f is defined on a set of real numbers. Determine whether or

not f is one-to-one and justify your answer.
i. f (x) = x
, for all real numbers x 6= 0.
ii. f (x) = x−1
, for all real numbers x 6= 1.

(17) Define Floor: R → Z by the formula Floor x = bxc, for all real numbers
i. Is Floor one-to-one? Prove or give a counterexample.
ii. Is Floor onto? Prove or give a counterexample.

(18) Let S be the set of all strings of 0’s and 1’s, and define D : S → Z as
For all s ∈ S,D(s) = the number of 1’s in s minus the number of 0’s in s.

i. Is D one-to-one? Prove or give a counterexample.

ii. Is D onto? Prove or give a counterexample.

(19) Define F : P({a, b, c}) → Z as follows:

For all A in P({a, b, c}), F (A) = the number of elements in A.
i. Is F one-to-one? Prove or give a counterexample.

ii. Is F onto? Prove or give a counterexample.

(20) Define H : R × R → R × R as follows:

H(x, y) = (x + 1, 2 − y) for all (x, y) ∈ R × R.

i. Is H one-to-one? Prove or give a counterexample.

ii. Is H onto? Prove or give a counterexample.

(21) Functions f and g are defined by arrow diagrams. Find g ◦ f and f ◦ g

and determine whether g ◦ f equals f ◦ g.

f g


yM 1
5 5 5 5

(22) Define H : Z → Z and K : Z → Z by the rules H(a) = 6a and

K(a) = a mod 4 for all integers a. Find (H ◦ K)(0), (H ◦ K)(1), (H ◦
K)(2), (H ◦ K)(3),.

(23) Define L : Z → Z and M : Z → Z by the rules L(a) = a2 and M (a) =


a mod 4 for all integers a. Find (L ◦ M )(9), (M ◦ L)(9), (L ◦ M )(12), (M ◦


(24) The function F and F −1 are both defined from R → R by the formula:
H(x) = 3x + 2, H −1 (x) = 3
, for all x ∈ R.

(25) True or False? Given any set X and given any functions f : X → X,
g : X → X and h : X → X, if h is one-to-one and f ◦ h = g ◦ h, then f =

g. Justify your answer.

(26) If f : X → Y and g : Y → Z are functions and g ◦ f is one-to-one, must

g be one-to-one? Prove or give a counterexample.

(27) If f : X → Y and g : Y → Z are functions and g ◦ f is onto, must g be
onto? Prove or give a counterexample.

(28) Let X = {a, c, b}, Y = {x, y, z}, and Z = {u, v,w}. Define f : X → Y
and g : Y → Z by the arrow diagrams below.

f g


a x u
b y v
c z w

find g ◦ f , (g ◦ f )−1 , g −1 , f −1 and f −1 ◦ g −1 .

Unit IV

Chapter 7


Unit structure

7.0 Objectives

7.1 Introduction

7. 2 An overview

7.2.1 Basic concepts related to set

7.3 Relation

7.3.1 Binary relation

7.3.2 Domain and range of a relation

7.3.3 Types of relation

7.3.4 Properties of relation

7.3.5 Representation of types of relation

7.4 Equivalence Relation

7.5 Partial Order Relation

7.5.1 Antisymmetric

7.5.2 Linear or Totally ordered relation

7.5.3 Hasse Diagram

7.6 Summary

7.7 References
7.0 Objectives: After going through this unit, students will able

1. To understand the basics of relation, types of relation and properties of relation.

2. To define and provide examples of a relation

3. To determine if a binary relation is reflexive, symmetric, or transitive or is an equivalence

relation or partial order relation

4. To apply the knowledge of relation to differentiate between equivalence relation and partial
order relation

5. To draw Hasse diagram.

7.1 Introduction:

Often in mathematics, we come across with the word „relation‟. Generally speaking, by relation we
usually understand some connection between the two living or non-living things. Like the relations
of mother-daughter, brother-sister, teacher-student etc. We are quite familiar with these relations. In
this chapter we will learn about a new concept of “relations” in mathematics. We can also define a
relationship between the two elements of a set. Associated with a relation is the act of comparing
objects which are related to one another. In this chapter we first formulize the concept of a
relation, various basic types and properties of relation. We will learn about well-known relations
like equivalence relation and the partial order relation, linear or totally ordered relation.

7.2 An Overview:

7.2.1 Basic concepts related to set:

Set: - A Collection of objects is called as a set.

e. g. A = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}

A is a set having objects 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9.

All are odd numbers.

Any object belonging to a set is called a member or an element of that set.

Subset: - Let A and B be any two sets.

If set B contains some or all the elements of the set A then set B is called subset of A.

e. g. A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}

B = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}

 B is subset of A


We can say that A is a subset of A itself. i.e. A  A.

Equal Sets: - Let A and B be any two sets. Two sets A & B are said to be equal if they contain
the exact same elements. i.e. A  B and B  A.

Symbolically, A = B  (A  B  B  A)

Proper Subset: - Let A and B be any sets. Set B is said to be proper subset of set A if B  A and
B ≠ A, it is denoted by B  A.

Symbolically, B  A  (B  A  A ≠ B)

Empty set or Null set: - A set which does not contain any element is called an empty set or null
set. It is denoted by .

Power set: - For any set A, a collection or family of all subsets of A is called the Power set of A.

The power set of A is denoted by p(A) or 2A.

If A = {a, b, c}

We know that the null set  and the set A are both subsets of A.

 p(A) or 2A = {, A, {a}, {b}, {c}, {a, b}, {a, c}, {b, c}}

7. Cartesion Product: - Let A and B be any two non empty sets. The set of all ordered pairs
such that the first member of the ordered pair is an element of A and the second member is an
element of B is called Cartesion Product of A and b and it is written as A X B.


A X A = {(x, y) / (x A  y  B) }

e. g. If A = {1, 2, 3}, B = {a, b}

A X B = {(1, a), (1, b), (2, a), (2, b), (3, a), (3, b)}

B X A = {(a, 1), (a, 2), (3, a), (b, 1), (b, 2), (b, 3)}

7.3 Relation:

The word Relation suggests some familiar examples of relations such as the relation of father to
daughter, mother to son, brother to sister etc.

We know the relations such as “greater than”, “less than” or “equal to” between to two real
numbers in mathematics.

7.3.1 Binary Relation:

These examples suggest relationships between two objects. Relations may be present between
objects of the same set or between objects of two or more sets.

Here, we consider relation between two objects, called binary relations. Any set of ordered pairs
defines a binary relation.

We would call a binary relation simply as a relation. Sometimes it‟s convenient to express the
fact that a particular ordered pair, let‟s say (a, b)  R, where R is relation, by writing aRb which
may be read as “a is in relation R to b”.

A binary relation R on a single set A is a subset of A X A.

For two distinct sets, A and B, A relation R from a set A to a set B is a subset of A X B.

If (a, b)  to R then we can say that a is related to b and write aRb.

If (a, b)  R then we can say that a is not related to b.

e.g.: Let A = {2, 3, 9} and B = {2, 4, 8} and let R be a relation given by, R = {(a, b) | a < b}

Then, R = { (2, 4), (2, 8), (3, 4), (3,8)}

7.3.2 Domain and Range of a Relation: -

If there are two sets A and B and relation R have order pair (x, y) then the set of all first
coordinators of elements of R is called the domain of R, written as dom (R) and the set of al
second coordinates of R is called the range of R, written as Range (R)

 dom (R) = {a: (a, b)  R} and

Range (R) = {b: (a, b)  R}

e.g.: Let A = {2, 3, 9} and B = {2, 4, 8} and let R be a relation given by, R = {(a, b) | a > b}

Then, R = {(3, 2), (9, 2), (9, 4), (9, 8)}

dom(R) = {3, 9}

Range = {2, 4, 8}

7.3.3 Types of Relation:

1. Empty Relation ( or void relation):- A relation R in a set A is called an empty relation,

if no element of A is related to any element of A. Such a relation is denoted by .
Thus R =   A X A
e.g.: A = {1, 2, 3}
R = {(a, b) | a - b = 8}
Since no element in (a, b)  A X A satisfies the property a – b = 8.
 R is an empty relation in A
2. Universal Relation: - A universal (or full relation) is a type of relation in which each
element of a set is related to every element of a set.
Thus R = (A X A)  (A X A)
e.g.: A = {a, b, c} then
R = A X A = {(a, a), (a, b), (a, c), (b, a), (b, b), (b, c), (c, a), (c, b), (c, c)} is the universal
relation in A.

3. Identity Relation: - If every element of a set is related to itself only, then it is called
identity relation.
e.g.: In a set A = {x, y, z} the identity relation will be
I = {(x, x), (y, y), (z, z)}
For identity relation,
I = {(a, a) | a  A}

4. Inverse Relation : - The inverse relation R of a relation R is defined as

R = {(b, a) | (a, b)  R}
e.g: If R = {(a, b), (c, d)} then
R = {(b, a), (d, c)}

7. 3. 4 Properties of Binary Relation:

1. Reflexive: - Let R be a relation on set X. R is reflexive if (x, x)  R for every x  X.

i.e.  x  X, xRx
e.g: The relation ≤ is reflexive in set of real numbers but relation < is not reflexive.
2. Symmetric: - Let R be a relation on set X. R is symmetric if for all x, y  X such that (x,
y)  R then, (y, x)  R.
i.e.  x, y  X, whenever xRy then yRx
e.g: The relation ≤ and < is not symmetric in set of real numbers while the relation of
equality is.
3. Transitive: - Let R be a relation on set X. R is transitive if for all x, y, z  X if (x, y)  R
and (y, z)  R then, (x, z)  R.
i.e.  x, y, z  X, whenever xRy and yRz then xRz
e.g: The relation ≤ , < and = are transitive in the set of real numbers.
4. Irreflexive : - Let R be a relation on set X. R is irreflexive if for every x  X, (x, x) R

Representation of types of Relations:

Relation type Condition

Empty Relation R=AXA
Universal Relation R = (A X A)
Identity Relation I = {(a, a) | a  A}
Inverse Relation R = {(b, a) | (a, b)  R}
Reflexive Relation aRa, aA
Symmetric Relation aRb bRa,  a, b A
Transitive Relation aRb , bRc aRc,  a, b, c A

Q. 1: State the domain and range of the following relation.
a) {(3, -4), (5, 7), (4, -2), (7, 7), (3, 4)}
b) {(-4, 6), (-2, 6), (-3, 6), (1, 6), (0, 6), (3, 6)}
Q.2: State whether True or False.
a) Let A be the set of all students of boys‟ school. The relation R on A given by R =
{(a, b)| a is sister of b}. Therefore R is empty relation.
b) ) Let A be the set of all students of girls school. The relation R on A given by R =
{(a, b)| difference between the height of a and b is less than 2 meters}. Therefore
R is universal Relation.
c) Every identity relation on a non empty set A is a reflexive relation, but not

Q.3: Identify the relation.

a) Every element is related to itself

b) Every element is related to itself only
c) Let A be the set of two male children in a family and R be a relation defined on
set A as R = “ is brother of”.
d) If R = {(1, 1), (2, 3), (3, 4), (2, 7)}
R = {(1, 1), (3, 2), (4, 3), (7, 2)}
Find domain (R) = range (?)
Range(R) = domain (?)

Example 1: Let A = {1, 2, 3} and R be the relation defined on set A as R = {(1, 1), (2,
2), (3, 3), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 3), (3, 2)}. Verify R is symmetric.

Soln: A = {1, 2, 3}

R = {(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 3), (3, 2)}.

By definition of symmetric relation,

If (a, b)  R then (b, a)  R

 from above relation,

(1, 1)  R  (1, 1)  R

(2, 2)  R  (2, 2)  R

(3, 3)  R  (3, 3)  R

(1, 2)  R  (2, 1)  R

(2, 1)  R  (1, 2)  R

 R is symmetric.

Example 2: Let A = {1, 2, 3} and R be the relation defined on set A as “ is less than” and
R = { (1, 2), (2, 3), (1, 3)}. Verify R is transitive.
Soln: A = {1, 2, 3}
R = { (1, 2), (2, 3), (1, 3)} and relation is less than.
Let a = 1, b = 2 and c = 3
By definition of transitive relation, for all x, y, z  X if (x, y)  R and (y, z)  R
then, (x, z)  R.
 (1, 2)  R and (2, 3)  R  (1, 3)  R
 R is transitive.
Example 3: Let S be the set of all real numbers and let R be a relation in S, defined by R
= {(a, b) | a ≤ b}. Which properties satisfy by the relation.
Soln: S be the set of all real numbers
R = {(a, b) | a ≤ b}
1. Reflexive: Let a be any real number.
Then a ≤ a  (a, a)  R
Thus (a, a)  R  a  S
 R is reflexive.
2. Symmetric: consider 4, 6  S
 (4, 6)  R as 4 < 6
But (6, 4)  R as 6 ≤ 4 is not true.
 R is not symmetric
3. Transitive : Let a, b, c be real numbers such that (a, b)  R and ( b, c)  R
Then (a, b)  R and ( b, c)  R
 a ≤ b and b ≤ c
 (a, c)  R
 R is transitive.
 R satisfies reflexive and transitive but not symmetric.


Q.1 Let A = {1, 2, 3,4} and define relations are as follows. Check which relations are
reflexive relations?

a) R1 = {(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4)}

b) R2 = {(1, 1), (1, 4), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 3)} [not Reflexive]

c) R3 = {(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4)}

d) R4 = {(1, 3), (2, 2),(2, 4), (3, 1), (4, 4)} [not Reflexive]

Q. 2. Let N be the set of all natural numbers and let R be a relation in N, defined by R
= {(a, b) | a is a factor of b}. Show that R is reflexive, transitive but not symmetric.

7. 4 Equivalence Relation:- A relation R in a set X is said to be an equivalence

relation if it is reflexive, symmetric and transitive.

Example1: Let X = {1, 2, 3, 4} and R = {(1, 1), (1, 4), (2, 2), (2, 3), (3, 2), (3, 3), (4,
1), (4, 4)} show that it is equivalence relation.

Soln: To show R is an equivalence relation, we have to show R should satisfies

following properties.

1. Reflexive: X = {1, 2, 3, 4}
(1, 1)  R
(2, 2)  R
(3, 3)  R
(4, 4)  R
  a  X, (a, a)R
 R is reflexive.
2. Symmetric: X = {1, 2, 3, 4}
(1, 1)  R  (1, 1)  R
(1, 4)  R  (4, 1)  R
(2, 2)  R  (2, 2)  R
(2, 3)  R  (3, 2)  R
(3, 3)  R  (3, 3)  R
(4, 1)  R  (1, 4)  R
(4, 4)  R  (4, 4)  R
 R is symmetric.
3. Transitive: X = {1, 2, 3, 4}
(1, 1)  R , (1,4)  R  (1,4)  R
(1, 4)  R , (4,1)  R  (1,1)  R
(2, 2)  R , (2,3)  R  (2, 3)  R
(2, 3)  R , (3,3)  R  (2, 3)  R
(3,2)  R , (2,2)  R  (3, 2)  R
(3,3)  R , (3,2)  R  (3, 2)  R
(4, 1)  R , (1,1)  R  (4,1)  R
(4, 4)  R , (4,1)  R  (4,1)  R
R is transitive.
Thus R is reflexive, symmetric and transitive.
 R is an equivalence relation.

Example 2: Let Z be the set of all integers and let R be a relation in Z, defined by R =
{(a, b)| (a – b) is even}. Show that R is an equivalence relation in Z.

Soln: To show R is an equivalence relation, we have to show R should satisfies

following properties.
1. Reflexive: Let a be any element of Z.

Then (a – a) = 0 and 0 is even.

 (a, a)  R  a  Z.

 R is reflexive.

2. Symmetric:- Let a, b Z such that (a, b) R

Then (a, b) R  (a – b) is even

 - (a – b) is even
 (b – a) is even
 (b – a)  R
 R is symmetric.
3. Transitive: Let a, b, c Z such that (a, b) R and (b, c) R

Then (a, b) R and (b, c) R  (a – b) is even and (b – c) is even

 (a – b) + (b – c) is even

 (a – c) is even

 (a, c)R

 R is transitive.

Thus R is reflexive, symmetric and transitive.

 R is an equivalence relation.

Example 3: Let N be the set of all natural numbers and let R be a relation on N X N,
defined by (a, b)R(c, d )  ad = bc Show that R is an equivalence relation.

Soln: To show R is an equivalence relation, we have to show R should satisfies

following properties.

1. Reflexive:
Let (a, b)  R then by definition,
(a, b)R(a, b ) as ab = ba.

(a, b)R(a, b )  (a,b)  R.

 R is reflexive.

2. Symmetric:-
Let (a, b)  R and (c, d)  R

(a, b)R(c, d )  ad = bc

 bc = ad

 cb = da

 (c, b)R (d,a)

 R is symmetric.

3. Transitive:
Let (a, b)  R, (c, d)  R and (e,f)  R,
(a, b)R(c, d ) and (c, d)R(e, f )
i.e. ad = bc and cf = de
 adcf =bcde
 (af)(cd) = (be)(cd)
 af = be
(a, b) R (e, f)
(a, b)R(c, d ) and (c, d)R(e, f ) (a, b) R (e, f)

 R is transitive.

Thus R is reflexive, symmetric and transitive.

 R is an equivalence relation.


Q.1. Let A = {a, b, c}. Check which relation is an equivalence relation.

a) R1 = {(a, a), (b, b), (c, c)}] [Ans: Yes]

b) R2 = {(a, a), (b, b), (c, c), (b, a)} [Ans: Not symmetric]

c) R3 = {(a, a), (a, c) (b, a), (c, a)} [Ans: Not reflexive]

d) R4 = {(a, a), (b, b), (c, c), (a, b), (a, c) (b, a), (c, a)} [Ans: Yes]

e) R5 = A X A [Ans: Yes]

Q. 2. Let N be the set of natural numbers and let R be a relation in N, defined by R = {(a,
b) | a- b is multiple of 3}. Check whether R is an equivalence relation or not.

Q. 3 Let N be the set of natural numbers and let R be a relation in N, defined by R = {(a,
b) | a- b is divisible by 2}. Check whether R is an equivalence relation or not.

Q. 4 A = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}, R = {(x, y) |x + y = 3}.Which properties does the above

relation satisfy?

7. 5 Partial order Relation:

7.5.1 Antisymmetric : - Let R be a relation on set X. R is said to be antisymmetric

relation if, for every x, y  X if (x, y)  R as well as (y, x)  R then x = y.
i.e.  x, y  X, whenever xRy and yRx then x = y.

Partial order Relation : A binary Relation R in a set P is called a Partial order relation
or a partial ordering in P iff R is reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive.

It is convential to denote a partial ordering by the symbol ≤.

This symbol does not necessarily mean “less than or equal to” as is used for real

Since, the relation of partial ordering is reflexive, we call it a relation on set P.

If ≤ is a partial ordering relation on P, then the ordered pair (P, ≤) is called a Partially
ordered set or POSET.
It is denoted by (P, ≤) known as Partially Ordered Set(POSET).

Note: It is not necessary to have x ≤ y and y ≤ x for every x and y in a partially ordered

Example1: Let X = {2, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36} and the relation ≤ be such that x≤y ifff x divides
y. Show that (X, ≤) is Partially Ordered Relation.

Soln: X = {2, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36}

Relation is x divides y i. e. x | y.

 R = {(2, 2), (2, 6), (2, 12), (2, 24), (2, 36), (3, 3), (3, 6), (3, 12), (3, 24), (3, 36),

(6, 6), (6, 12), (6, 24), (6, 36), (12, 12), (12, 24), (12, 36), (24, 24), (36, 36)}

Relation is said to be partial opder relation it it is Reflexive, Antisymmetric and


1. Reflexive: R is said to be reflexive if (x, x)  R for every x  X.

(2, 2)  R
(3, 3)  R
(6, 6)  R
(12, 12)  R
(24, 24)  R
(36, 36)  R
2. Antisymmetric: R is said to be antisymmetric relation if, for every x, y  X if (x, y) 
R as well as (y, x)  R then x = y. In this relation,
(2, 2)  R and (2, 2)  R then 2 = 2
(3, 3)  R and (3, 3)  R then 3 = 3
(6, 6)  R and (6, 6)  R then 6 = 6
(12, 12)  R and (12, 12)  R then 12 = 12
(36, 36)  R and (36, 36)  R then 36 = 36
3. Transitive : A relation R is said to be transitive if  x, y, z  X,
(x, y)  R and (y, z)  R then (x, z)  R
In the relation,
(2, 2)  R and (2, 6)  R  (2, 6)  R
(2, 6)  R and (2, 12)  R  (2, 12)  R
(2, 12)  R and (12, 24)  R  (2, 24)  R
(2, 24)  R and (24, 24)  R  (2, 24)  R
(2, 36)  R and (36, 36)  R  (2, 36)  R
(3, 3)  R and (3, 6)  R  (3, 6)  R
(3, 6)  R and (6, 12)  R  (3, 12)  R
(3, 12)  R and (12, 24)  R  (3, 24)  R
(3, 24)  R and (24, 24)  R  (3, 24)  R
(3, 36)  R and (36, 36)  R  (3, 36)  R
(6, 6)  R and (6, 12)  R  (6, 12)  R
(6, 12)  R and (12, 24)  R  (6, 24)  R
(6, 24)  R and (24, 24)  R  (6, 24)  R
(6, 36)  R and (36, 36)  R  (6, 36)  R
(12, 12)  R and (12, 24)  R  (12, 24)  R
(12, 24)  R and (24, 24)  R  (12, 24)  R
(12, 36)  R and (36, 36)  R  (12, 36)  R
 The relation satisfies all three properties.
It is partial ordered relation.

Let (P, ≤) be a partial order relation and x  p, y  p are said to be comparable either
x ≤ y or y ≤ x.
(≤ is not less than equal to but it is a relation (whatever it may be))
In the above example (2, 6), (3, 6), (3, 12), (3, 24), (3, 36) are comparable. But (2, 3)
are not comparable as 2|3 or 3|2 is not possible. i.e. 2 doesn‟t divide 3 or vice versa.
7.5.2 Linear or Totally ordered Relation:
Let (P, ≤) be a poset relation. ≤ are said to be linearly relation if every pair of
observation of P are comparable. In that case, (P, ≤) is called as Chain.
In a partially ordered set (P, ≤), an element y  P is said to cover an element x  P if
x < y and if there does not exist any element z  P such that x ≤ z and z ≤ y, that is

y covers x  (x < y  (x ≤ z ≤ y  x = z  z = y))

Sometimes the term “immediate predecessor” is also used.

Note that “cover” as used here should not be confused with the “cover” of set defined
in the part of set.

7.5.3 Hasse Diagram:

A partial ordering ≤ on a set P can be represented by means of a diagram known as a
Hasse diagram, or a partially ordered set diagram of (P, ≤).
In such diagram, each element is represented by a small circle or dot. The circle for x
 P is drawn below the circle for y  P if x < y and a line is drawn between x and y if
y covers x.
If x < y but y does not cover x, then x and y are not connected directly by a single
line, However, they are connected through one or more elements of P.
It is possible to obtain the set of ordered pairs in ≤ from such a diagram.

Example1: Let P = {1, 2, 3, 6, 12} and (P, ≤) is a partially ordered relation on

relation ≤ (less than and equal to). Show that it is linear or totally ordered relation.
Also draw Hasse diagram.
Soln: P = { 1, 2, 3, 6, 12}
R = {(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 6), (1, 12), (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 6), (2, 12), (3, 3), (3,
6), (3, 12), (6, 6), (6, 12), (12, 12)}

Fig. 7.1 Hasse Diagram

All the observations in the relations are comparable. i.e. x ≤ y.

 The relation is linear or totally ordered relation.

Example 2: Let A = {a, b}. The relation is  defined on power set of A. Check whether
this is linearly / totally ordered relation or not.

Soln: A = {a, b}

p(A) = { , A, {a}, {b}}

B0 B1 B2 B3

Relation R =  = {(B0, B0), (B0, B1), (B0, B2), (B0, B3), (B1, B1), (B2, B1), (B2, B2), (B3, B1),
(B3, B3)}


B3 B2

Fig. 7.2 Hasse Diagram

In the relation, {a} is not subset of {b} i.e. B2 is not subset of B3 or B3 is not subset of
 Relation is not comparable.
 It is not totally ordered set or linear ordered set.

Example 3: Let A = { 2, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36}. Check the relation divide on set A is linear
or totally ordered relation and draw its Hasse diagram.

Soln: A = { 2, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36}

Relation is divide relation.

 R = {(2, 2), (2, 6), (2, 12), (2, 24), (2, 36), (3, 3), (3, 6), (3, 12), (3, 24), (3, 36),

(6, 6), (6, 12), (6, 24), (6, 36), (12, 12), (12, 24), (12, 36), (24, 24), (36, 36)}

24 36


2 3
Fig. 7.3 Hasse Diagram

It is not linear or totally ordered relation because 2 does not divide 3, 3 does not divide 2, 24
does not divide 36.

Example 4: Let A be set of factors of positive integer 30. Let ≤ be the relation divides

i.e. ≤ = {(x, y) | x A and y A  (x divides y}. Draw Hasse diagram.

Soln: A is the set of factors of positive integer 30.

 A = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30}

 R = {(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 5), (1, 6), (1, 10), (1, 15), (1, 30), (2, 2), (2, 6), (2, 10), (2,
30), (3, 3), (3, 6), (3, 15), (3, 30), (6, 6), (6, 30), (10, 10), (10, 30), (15, 15), (15, 30), (30,


6 15
10 36

2 3 5

Fig. 7.4 Hasse diagram

Q. 1. Which of the following realtion is partial order realtion?

a) R = {(x, y) | x, y  Z, x ≤ b} [Ans: partial order relation]

b) R = {(x, y) | x, y  Z, x < b} [Ans: not partial order relation]

c) A= {1, 2, 3, 4}, R = {(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 3), (3, 4), (4, 4)}

[Ans: partial order relation]

Q.2 Let A = {1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 18}. Let R be the relation “is divisor of”. Show that relation is partial
ordered relation and draw its hasse diagram.

Q. 3 Let A = { 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 16, 18}. (x, y) R if x divides y. Check the relation divide on set A is
a partial ordered relation or not.

Q. 4. Let A = { 1,2, 3, 4} and R = {(1, 1) and (x, y) R if x divides y. Check the relation divide
on set A is a partial ordered relation or not.

7.6 Summary:

In this chapter, we learned about basics of relation, Binary relation, and types of relation and
properties of relation. We now understand what the equivalence relation, partial order relation
and linear or totally ordered relation is. Students differentiated between equivalence relation and
partial order relation. Students could draw Hasse diagram.

7. 7 References:

1. Tremblay J. P. & Manohar R., "Discrete Mathematical structure with applications to

computer science", MGH, 1999.
2. Deo Narsingh., "Graph theory with applications to Engineering & Computer Science",
PHI, 2000.
3. Rosen K.H., "Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications", 6/E, MGH, 2006.
4. Kolman B., Busby R.C. & Ross S., "Discrete Mathematical Structure", 5/E, PHI, 2003.
5. Liu C.L., "Elements of Discrete Mathematics", MGH, 2000.

Unit IV

Chapter 8


Unit structure

8.0 Objectives

8.1 Introduction

8.2 What is Graph?

8.2.1 Definitions

8.3 Basic Properties of graph

8.4 Trails/Walk, Path, Circuit

8.5 Hamiltonian Path and Hamiltonian Circuit

8. 6 Indegree and outdegree

8.7 Matrix Representation

8.7.1 Adjacency matrix

8.7.2 Incidence matrix

8.8 Isomorphism of graphs

8.9 Summary

8.10 References
8.0 Objectives: After going through this unit, students will able

1. To explain the basic concepts of graph theory.

2. To describe and solve some real time problems using concepts of graph theory
3. To determine if a given graph is simple or a multigraph, directed or undirected, cyclic or
4. To represent a graph using an adjacency matrix and an incidence matrix.
5. To determine if a graph has a Hamilton path or circuit.
6. To check the isomorphism of graphs.

8.1 Introduction:

In mathematics, graph theory is the study of graphs which are mathematical structure used to
give relationship between objects. Graph theory has a wide range of applications in engineering,
in physical, social, and biological sciences, in linguistics and many other areas. Graph theory
also plays an important role in computer science. Graphs are used to represent networks of
communication, data organization, operating system and AI.

In this chapter, some basic concepts of graph theory, basic properties of graph have been
introduced. The concepts such as walk, path, circuit, Hamiltonian path and Hamiltonian circuit,
indegree and outdegree of graph have been discussed. Then we discussed two most frequently
used matrix representation of a graph, a correspondence between graphs.

8.2 What is a graph?

A Graph consisting of nodes and edges. The nodes are sometimes also referred to as vertices and
the edges are lines or arcs that connect any two nodes in the graph.

Definition: A linear graph or simply a graph G = (V, E) consists of a set of of objects V = {v1,
v2, v3,….} called vertices (nodes, point ) and another set E = { e1, e2, e3, ……..}, whose elements
are called edges, such that each ek is identified with an unordered pair (vi, vj) of vertices.

The vertices vi, vj associated with edge ek are called end vertices of ek or adjacent vertices.

We shall assume all over that both the sets V and E of a graph are finite.

It would be suitable to write a graph G as (V, E) or simply as G.

In a graph G = (V, E) in which every edge is directed is called a digraph or directed graph.

A graph In which every edge is undirected is called an undirected graph.

If some edges are directed and some are undirected in a graph the graph is called mixed.

Fig 8.1

Fig 8.2


Q.1. Draw all simple graphs of one, two, three and four vertices.

Q.2. Draw a graph representing problems of:

a. Two children and three games.

b. Four children and four games

Note that, in drawing a graph it is immaterial whether the lines are drawn straight or curve, long
or short. What is important is the incidence between the edges and vertices.

e.g. The two graphs shown in the following figure are same.
Fig 8.3

8.2.1 Definitions:

Let (V,E) be a graph and let e1  E be a directed edge associated with the ordered pair of nodes
(v1, v2).

The node v1 is called the initial node of the edge e1.

The node v2 is called the terminal node of the edge e1.

An edge e1  E which joins the nodes v1 and v2 whether it be directed or undirected, is said to be
incident to the notes v1 and v2.

An edge of a graph which joins a node to itself is called a loop.

In directed and undirected graphs, when there are more than one edge between pairs of nodes
such edges are called parallel edges.

Fig 8.4

In fig 8.4 (a), there are two parallel edges joining the nodes a and d while there is a loop at node
In fig 8.4 (b), there are two parallel edges between nodes c and d.

Any graph which contains some parallel edges is called a multigraph.

If there is no more than one edge between a pair of nodes then such a graph is called a simple

A graph in which weights are assigned to every edge is called a weighted graph.

Fig 8.5

A vertex which is not adjacent to any other vertex is called isolated vertex.

A graph containing only isolated vertices is called null graph.

We can say that in a null graph, set of edges is empty.

Fig 8.6

The graph in fig. 8.6 is null graph

Fig 8.7

while fig 8.7 has an isolated node v4

8.3 Basic Properties of a Graph:

1. Distance between two vertices: Distance is the number of edges in a shortest path
between vertex A and vertex B. If there are more than one path connecting two vertices,
then consider the shortest path as the distance between two vertices.

It is denoted by d (A, B).

Fig 8.8

Suppose, we want to find the distance between vertex A and C, then first of all we have to find
the shortest path between vertex A and C.

There are many paths from vertex A to vertex C:

A  B C, length = 2

A  E  C, length = 2
A  D  E  C, length = 3

A  D  E  F C, length = 4

A  D  G  F C, length = 4

 The minimum distance between vertex A and C is 2.

2. Eccentricity of a vertex: Eccentricity of a vertex is the maximum distance between a

vertex to all other vertices.

It is denoted by e (V).

To find the eccentricity of vertex, first find the distance from a vertex to all other vertices and the
maximum distance is the eccentricity of that vertex.

In the above example, if we want to find the eccentricity of vertex 'a' then:

d (a, b) = 1

d (a, c) = 2, i. e (a b c , do not take path A  D  G  F C )

d (a, d) = 1

d (a, e) = 1

d (a, f) = 2

d (a, g)= 2

Hence, the eccentricity of vertex 'a' is 2, which is a maximum distance from vertex a to all other

Similarly, eccentricies of other vertices of the given graph are:

e (b) = 3

e (c) = 3

e (d) = 3

e (e) = 2

e (f) = 2

e (g) = 3
3. Radius of Graph:

The radius of graph is the minimum eccentricity from all the vertices of graph.

It is denoted by r (G). From the above example, radius of the graph r (G) = 2

4. Diameter of a graph:

The diameter of graph is the maximum eccentricity from all the vertices of graph.

It is denoted by d (G). From the above example, diameter of the graph d (G) = 3.

5. Central Point:

If the eccentricity of the graph is equal to its radius, then it is called as central point of the
graph. i.e. if r (G) = e (V) then V is the central point of the graph.

In the above example, vertex e and vertex f are central point of the graph.

r (G) = e (e ) = e (f )=2

6. Centre: The set of all central point of the graph is called as Centre of the graph.

In the above example, {e, f} are central point of the graph.

7. Circumference: The total number of edges in the longest cycle of the graph is called as
circumference of graph.

In the above example, circumference is 6, which is derived from longest path

A BCFGDA or A DGFCBA or A DEFCBA.

8.4 Trails, Path and Circuit

Trail / Walk: Finite alternative sequence of vertices and edges is called walk / trail.

No edge can appear more than once in the sequence.

Fig. 8.9

Walk – v1 e10 v7 e8 v2 e2 v3

Closed Walk: If initial and ending vertices are same then the walk is called closed walk.

Closed Walk - v2 e2 v3 e3 v4 e5 v6 e4 v2

Open Walk: If initial and ending vertices are not same then the walk is called open walk.

Open Walk – v2 e2 v3 e3 v4 e5 v6

Path: Any sequence of edges of diagram is called path.

Simple Path: A path in a diagram in which the edges are all distinct is called a simple path (edge

Elementary Path: A path in which all the nodes through which it traverses are distinct is called
an elementary path (node simple).

Note: every elementary path of a diagraph is also simple.

Fig: 8.10

Simple path – 1) v1 e1 v2 e8 v4 e6 v1 e7 v4 e5 v3

2) v4 e6 v1 e1 v2 e4 v3 e3 v2 e2 v1
Elementary path - 1) v1 e1 v2 e8 v4 e5 v3

2) v4 e6 v1 e1 v2 e4 v3

Circuit: A path which originates and ends in the same node is a circuit or cycle.

Simple circuit: A circuit is called simple circuit if its path is simple. i.e. no edge in the circuit
appears more than once in the path.

Elementary circuit: A circuit is called elementary if it does not traverse through any node more
than once.

A simple diagram which does not have any cycles (circuits) is called acyclic.

From fig 8.10,

Elementary Circuit: v1 e7 v4 e5 v3 e3 v2 e2 v1

Simple circuit: v1 e7 v4 e5 v3 e2 v2 e9 v2 e2 v1


Q. 1 Find Simple path, Elementary path and Elementary circuit from following graph.

Fig: 8.11

Simple path: v1 e1 v9 e4 v8 e5 v3 e10 v7 e9 v6 e8 v5 e7 v4 e6 v3 e3 v2

Since v3 is repeated, it is not elementary.

Elementary path: v1 e2 v2 e3 v3 e5 v8 e4 v9

No edge and vertex is repeated here.

Elementary circuit: v1 e2 v2 e3 v3 e5 v8 e4 v9 e1 v1

8.5 Hamiltonian Paths and Circuits:

Hamiltonian circuit: A Hamiltonian circuit in a connected graph is defined as a closed walk
that traverses every vertex of G exactly once, except the starting vertex at which the path also

Hamiltonian Path: If we remove any one edge from a Hamiltonian circuit, we are left with path.
This path is called Hamiltonian Path.

Note: 1. Every graph that has a Hamiltonian circuit, also has a Hamiltonian path.

2. Hamiltonian circuit in a graph on n vertices consists of exactly n edges.

Fig 8.11.1

From fig. 8.11.1 (a),

Hamiltonian path: u1 u2 u3 u4

Hamiltonian Circuit: u1 u2 u3 u4 u1

From Fig 8.11.1 (b),

Hamiltonian Circuit: u2 u3 u4 u5 u1 u2

Fig 8.11.1 (c)

Hamiltonian Circuit: v1 v2 v3 v4 v7 v8 v5 v6 v1


Q.1 Find different paths and circuits for the following graph.
Fig 8.12

8.6 Indegree and Outdegree:

For Undirected graph:

Degree of vertex: Number of edges incident on vertex. For loop, we consider degree as 2.

Fig 8.13

d(v1) = 2

d(v2) = 2

d(v3) = 3 + 2(loop) = 5

d(v4) = 3

d(v5) = 2

d(v6) = 0 (isolated vertex)

For Directed graph:

Indegree: In directed graph, the number of edges coming towards a vertex v is the indegree of v.

Outdegree: In directed graph, the number of edges going out from a vertex v is the outdegree of

The sum of indegree of all vertices is equal to the sum of outdegree of all vertices.

Fig. 8.14

Indegree: Outdegree:

I (v1) = 2 O (v1) = 3

I (v2) = 2 O (v2) = 2

I (v3) = 2 O (v3) = 2

I (v4) = 2 O ( v4) = 1

 I (vi) =  O (vi) = 8.

Exercise: Find indegree and outdegree of following graphs.

Q. 1 a)

Fig. 8.15 (a)


Fig. 8.15 (b)


Fig. 8.15 (c)

8.7 Matrix representation of graph:

There are two method of matrix representation.

1. Adjacency Matrix
2. Incidence Matrix

8.7.1 Adjacency Matrix:

Let G = (V,E) be a simple diagraph in which V = {v1, v2, v3,……,vn) and nodes are assumed to
be ordered from v1 to vn. An n X n matrix A whose elements aij are given by

aij = 1 if (vi, vj)  E

= 0 otherwise,

is called the adjacency matrix of the graph G.

Here we plot the n X n matrix, where n is number of vertices.

i.e. We take number of vertices present in the graph in row as well as in column.

In the following graph, there are 5 vertices. So it is 5 X 5 matrix.

If an edge is present between any pair of vertices then we put 1 otherwise we put 0 in the

Consider the following directed graph.

Fig 8.16 For directed graph (Graph and matrix)

In the above graph, there is an edge is from v1 to v3. So we put 1 from v1 to v3 in the matrix.
There is no edge is from v3 to v1. So we put 0 from v3 to v1 in the matrix and so on.

Consider the following undirected graph:

Fig 8.17 For undirected graph (graph and matrix)

Here, in the above graph,

Here an edge is present between a to b.

 We put 1 from a to b as well as from b to a.

There is self loop at vertex a. So we put 2 from a to a in the matrix.

Also, there are two edges from b to d. So we put 2 from b to d and d to b and so on.

8.7.2 Incidence Matrix:

If G be a graph having n number of vertices and e edges then n X e which is represented by A.

A = [Aij], n – number of rows corresponds to number of vertices.

e – number of columns corresponds to e edges.

aij = 1, if vertex vi is incident on edge ej

= 2, if there is a self loop

= 0, otherwise.

Here we plot the n X e matrix, where n is number of vertices and e is number of edges.

i.e. We take number of vertices present in the graph in row and number of edges present in the
graph in column.

In the following graph, there are 5 vertices and 8 edges. So we plot 5 X 8 matrix.

If an edge is incident on the vertex then we put 1 otherwise we put 0 in the matrix.

Consider the following directed graph.

Fig 8.18. For directed graph (Graph and matrix)

In the above graph, an edge e1 is incident on vertex v1. So we put 1 from v1 to e1 in the matrix.
An edge e2 is incident on vertex v3. So we put 1 from v3 to e2 in the matrix.

An edge e3 is incident on vertex v2. So we put 1 from v2 to e3 in the matrix and so on.

Consider the following undirected graph:

Fig 8.19 For undirected graph (Graph and matrix)

In the above graph, a self-loop e1 is incident on vertex a. So we put 2 from a to e1 in the matrix.

An edge e2 is present in between vertex a and vertex b. So we put 1 from a to e2 as well as b to e2

in the matrix.

An edge e3 is present in between vertex a and vertex d. So we put 1 from a to e3 as well as d to e3

in the matrix and so on.


Q.1 Determine adjacency and incidence matrix for following graphs



Fig 8.21


Fig 8.22

8.8 Isomorphism of Graphs:

Two graphs are isomorphic if there exists a one to one correspondence between the nodes of the
two graphs which preserves adjacency of the nodes as well as the direction of the edges if any.

It is denoted by G1 G2

To check whether the G1 and G2 are isomorphic graphs, we have to check following conditions.

1. Equal number of vertices

2. Equal number of edges
3. Incidence relationship should be preserved

Example 1: Check whether G1 and G2 are isomorphic or not.

Fig 8.23

Soln: To check graphs are isomorphic

1. In graph G1 and G2, numbers of vertices are same.

2. In graph G1 and G2, numbers of edges are same.
3. Degree of vertices in graph G1 and G2

d(G1) d (G2)

d(u1) = 2 d(v1) = 2

d(u2) = 3 d(v2) = 3

d(u3) = 3 d(v3) = 3

d(u4) = 2 d(v4) = 2

In G1, vertices of degree 3 is adjacent to two vertices of degree 2. Same in G2 as well as vertices
of degree 2 is adjacent to two vertices of degree 3 in both the graphs.

 Incidence relation is preserved.


u1  v1

u2  v2

u3  v3

u4  v4

 G1  G2
Example 2: Check whether G1 and G2 are isomorphic or not.

Fig 8.24

Soln: Number of vertices are same in G1 and G2.

Number of edges are same in both the graphs.

In both the graphs, there are 4 vertices of degree 3 and 2 vertices of degree 2.

Also, incidence relation is preserved.

In G1, vertices of degree 3 is adjacent with two vertices of degree 3 and 1 vertex of degree 2.
Same in G2.

The vertex of degree 2 is adjacent with vertices of degree 3 in both G1 and G2.


u1  v1

u2  v2

u3  v3

u4  v4

 G1  G2

Example 3: Check whether G1 and G2 are isomorphic or not.

Fig 8.25

Soln: The number of vertices are same in G1 and G2

Number of deges are same in G1 and G2

In G1 every vertex having 1 indegree and 1 outdegree but in G2 it is not.

 G1 and G2 are not isomorphic.

Example 4: Check whether G1 and G2 are isomorphic or not.

Fig. 8.26

Soln: Number of vertices are same in G1 and G2

Number of edges are same in G1 and G2

d(G1) d(G2)

I(v1) = 2 O(v1) = 1 I(u1) = 2 O(u1) = 2

I(v2) = 1 O(v2) = 2 I(u2) = 2 O(u2) = 1

I(v3) = 2 O(v3) = 2 I(u3) = 2 O(u3) = 1

I(v4) = 1 O(v4) = 2 I(u4) = 1 O(u4) = 2

I(v5) = 2 O(v5) = 1 I(u5) = 1 O(u5) = 2


v1  u2

v2  u4

v3  u1

v4  u5

v5  u3

 G1  G2

Exercise: Check whether graphs are isomorphic or not.


Fig 8.27 [Ans: Graphs are not isomorphic graphs ]


Fig 8.28
[Ans: Graphs are isomorphic graphs]

Fig 8.29
[Ans: Graphs are isomorphic graphs]


Fig 8.30
[Ans: Graphs are not isomorphic graphs ]

Example 1: Prove that the sum of degree of vertices of a non directed graph G is twice the
number of edges in G.

i.e.  d(v) = 2E

This is called Hand Shaking Lemma.

Proof : Let G be a graph with vertex and edges i.e. G (V,E).

The number of incident pairs (v, e) where e is an edge and v is a vertex.

Vertex v belongs to d(v) pairs where degree is number of edges incident to it.
 The number of incident pair is the sum of degree since every edge is incident with exactly two
vertices, each edge gets counted twice, once at each end.

Thus the sum of degrees is equal to twice the number of edges.

 d(v) = 2E

e.g: Consider the following graph.

Fig 8.31

The number of edges in G are 10 and total degree of graph is

d(G) = d(v1) + d(v2) + d(v3) + d(v4) + d(v5) + d(v6) + d(v7)


= 20

= 2 x 10

= 2xE

Thus the sum of degrees is equal to twice the number of edges.

Example 2: A graph G has 16 edges, each vertex is of degree 2. Find the number of vertices in G.

Soln: Let G be a graph with n vertices and 16 edges.

Given that each vertex is of degree 2.

 By Hand Shaking Lemma,

 d(v) = 2E

2n = 2 x E

= 2 x 16

= 32

n = 32 / 2

= 16

Number of vertices in G is 16.

8.9 Summary:

In this chapter, some basic concepts of graph theory had been introduced and some results have
been obtained. After reading this chapter we can understand that graphs can be used to represent
almost any problems involving arrangements of objects. We can show the relationship between
the objects. We also discussed the walks, paths, circuits, Hamiltonian paths and Hamiltonian
circuits, matrix representation of graphs using adjacency matrix and incidence matrix. We also
checked the isomorphism of graphs.

8.10 References:

1. Tremblay J. P. & Manohar R., "Discrete Mathematical structure with applications to

computer science", MGH, 1999.
2. Deo Narsingh., "Graph theory with applications to Engineering & Computer Science",
PHI, 2000.
3. Rosen K.H., "Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications", 6/E, MGH, 2006.
4. Kolman B., Busby R.C. & Ross S., "Discrete Mathematical Structure", 5/E, PHI, 2003.
5. Liu C.L., "Elements of Discrete Mathematics", MGH, 2000.
Unit IV

Chapter 9


Unit structure

9.0 Objective

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Tree

9.2.1 Basic terms

9.2.2 Properties of Tree

9.3 Rooted Tree

9.3.1 Basic terms and definitions

9.3.2 Level of node

9.3.3 Height of node

9.3.4 Depth of node

9.4 Binary Tree

9.4.1 Full Binary Tree

9.5 Isomorphism of Tree

9.6 Spanning Tree and Shortest Paths

9.6.1 Fundamental Circuit

9.6.2 Minimum Spanning Tree

9.6.3 Prim’s Algorithm

9.6.4 Kruskal’s Algorithm

9.7 Summary

9.8 References
9.0 Objective: After going through this unit, students will able

1. To determine if a tree is a binary, m-ary tree or not a tree.

2. To understand the properties of trees to classify trees, identify ancestors, descendants,
parents, children, and siblings.
3. To determine the level of node, the height of a tree, depth of node
4. To check the isomorphism of tree.
5. To find minimum spanning tree using Prim’s algorithm and Kruskal’s algorithm.

.9.1 Introduction:

The concept of tree is probably the most important in graph theory. To describe any structure
which involves hierarchy, trees are very useful. Our family is the best example of tree. In this
chapter we shall define a tree and its properties. There are many new terms and definitions
introduced in this chapter. This chapter will discuss level of node, height of node, height of tree,
depth of node as well as some concepts of binary tree. Here we also introduced isomorphism of
tree, spanning tree, different spanning tree and shortest path. Prim’s Algorithm and Kruskal’s
Algorithm are used for finding the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) of a given graph. To apply
these algorithms, the given graph must be weighted, connected and undirected.

9.2 Tree:

Tree: A directed tree is an acyclic diagraph which has one node called its root with indegree 0,
while all other nodes have indegree 1.

Every directed tree must have atleast one node. An isolated node is also a directed tree.

A tree is a connected undirected graph with

 No simple circuit
 No multiple edges
 No loop

Therefore, any tree must be a simple graph.

9.2.1 Basic terms:

An undirected graph is a tree if and only if there is a unique simple path between any two of its

It consists of nodes with a parent child relation.

Examples of tree:

Fig 9.1

Examples of not a tree:

Fig 9.2

Figure a is not a tree because it contains a cycle or loop. Figure b is not a tree because it is not a
connected graph.

There is only one path between every pair of vertices in a tree.

Fig 9.3

If we want to travel from b to g, there is only one path. Every edge in a tree is a bridge.

If a tree has n vertices then it has n – 1 edges.

Any connected graph with n vertices and n – 1 edges is also a tree


Q. 1 Which of the following graphs are trees?

Fig 9.4. (a – e)

[Ans: Fig 9.4. (a) & (e) are Not a tree]

9.2.2 Properties of Tree:

1. Distance : Distance is the shortest path between two vertices. It is denoted by d (a, b).

Consider the following tree.

Fig 9.5

d (a, b) is distance between a and b.

d (a, b) = d (a, c) = 1

d (a, d) = d (a, e) = d (a, f) 2

d (a, g) = d (a, h) = 3

d (a, i) = d (a, j) = 4

d (a, k) = d (a, l) = d (a, m) = 5

d (a, n) = d (a, o) = d (a, p) = 6

2 Eccentricity: Eccentricity of a vertex is the maximum distance of a vertex from other end,
either from left or right side.

e (a) = 6 i. e. maximum distance from p

e (b) = 7

e (c) = 5

e (d) = e (e) = 6

e (f) = 4 i. e. maximum distance from p

e (h) = 4 i. e. maximum distance from b

e (g) = e (i) = e (j) = 5

e (k) = e (l) = e (m) = 6

e (n) = e (o) = e (p) = 7

3. Centre of Tree: Vertex having minimum eccentricity is called Centre of tree. i.e. minimum
eccentricity among all.

e (f) = e (h) = 4 is the Centre of tree.

9.3 Rooted Tree:

9.3.1 Basic Terms and definitions:

Rooted Tree: A rooted tree is a tree in which one vertex has been designated as the root and
every edge is directed away from the root.

Fig 9.6

Node: Element of tree

Here a to o are nodes.

Root Node: Starting node of a tree.

a is a root node. Tree will have only one root.

Edge: Edge is link or connection between two nodes.

If there are n nodes then there are (n - 1) edges in tree.

Here n = 14, e = 13

Every node in the tree is having some children.

If v is a vertex in a rooted tree other than the root, the parent of v is the unique vertex u such that
there is a directed edge from u to v.

Parent of d, e, f is b.

Ancestor: Ancestor is a node higher than parent.

If b is a parent of d, e and f then higher than b is a.

 a is ancestor for d, e, f.

Descendant: d, e and f are descendant of a.

Siblings: Siblings means having same parent.

Node g and node h are siblings because they have same parent i.e. parent c. But node f and node
g are not siblings because they have different parent. Node f is having parent b and node g is
having parent c.

Leaf Node: Leaf nodes are those nodes which do not have any child.

In the above tree, d, e, f, g, m, n, o, j, k are leaf nodes.

Internal/branch nodes: the nodes which are neither roots node nor leaf nodes are called internal
nodes or we can say that vertices that have children are called internal nodes.

In the above tree, b, c, h, i are internal / branch node.

9.3.2 Level of node:

The level of any node is the length of its path from the root.
Level of node b and c is 1

Level of node d, e, f, g, and h is 2.

Level of node i, j and k is 3.

Level of node m, n, o is 4.

Fig 9.7

9.3.3 Height of node: Longest path from leaf node to that node is height of node.

Height of node B is 2 (from GEB, or HEB)

Height of node A is 3 (from GEBA, or HEBA). Here don’t consider the path
DBA or FBA because these are not longest path.

Height of node H is 1 (from GE, or HE)

Height of a tree: Height of a tree is length of the longest path between root node to any leaf

So here height of tree is 3.

9.3.4 Depth of a node: Longest path from root node to that node.

Depth (B) =1 (from AB)

Depth (C) =1 (from AC)

Depth (D) =2 (from ABD)

Depth (E) =2 (from ABE)

Depth (F) =2 (from ABF)

Depth (G) =3 (from ABEG)

Depth (H) =3 (from ABEH)

Subtree: Node with child node forms subtree.


Q. 1 Show root node, leaves, siblings, internal nodes, ancestors of v11, descendants of v2, subtree
of node v4.

Fig. 9.8

Q.2 Answer the following questions from the given tree.

Fig. 9.9

a) Which is the root vertex?

b) Which vertices are internal vertices?
c) Which are the leaf vertices?
d) Which vertex is the parent of vertex h?
e) Which are the children of vertex f?
f) Which vertices are siblings of vertex i?
g) Which vertices are ancestors of h?
h) Which vertices are descendants of e?

Example: Consider the following tree. Find the height and depth of tree.

Fig. 9.10
Node Height Depth
a 3 0
b 1 1
c 0 1
d 2 1
e 0 2
f 0 2
g 0 2
h 1 2
i 0 3

Exercise: Find height and depth of each node of tree.

Fig. 9.11

9.4 Binary Tree:

m-ary tree: An m-ary tree is a rooted tree in which each node has no more than m children.
Fig. 9.12

In this tree maximum number of children are 4. i.e. the children of vertex e are f, g, h and i.

 It is 4-ary tree.

The tree is called a full m ary tree if every vertex has exactly m children.

Fig 9.14 full m ary tree. This tree is having maximum 3 children for every node.

It is full 3 ary tree or full ternary tree.

9.4.1 Full Binary Tree: A m ary tree with m=2 is called binary tree.

In a binary tree, if an internal vertex has only two children, the first child is called the left child
and second child is called right child.

The tree rooted at the left child of a vertex is called the left subtree of this vertex and the tree
rooted at the right child of a vertex is called the right subtree of the vertex.

Fig 9.13
This is full binary tree.

Internal node, i = 6

The total number of nodes in a full m ary tree with i internal nodes,

n = m*I +1, where n= number of nodes

= 2 * 6 + 1, m = 2

= 13

Fig 9.14

This is full ternary tree.

Internal node, i = 5

The total number of nodes with i internal nodes,

n = m*I +1, where n= number of nodes

= 3 * 5 + 1, m = 3

= 16

Example: Draw 2 binary tree with 6 leaves.

Fig. 9.15 (a) and (b) are two different binary trees with 6 leaves.

These are binary trees because it has almost two children and have 6 leaves as shown in the tree.

Note: Binary tree with n vertices has (n+1)/2 pendent vertices. (Pendent vertex is same as leaf

Example: Draw a tree with 7 vertices and count the pendent (leaf) vertices.

Soln: A tree with 7 vertices is as follows.

Fig. 9.16

Number of vertices, n = 7

Pendent vertex = (n + 1)/2

= (7 + 1)/2

= 8/2

Pendent (leaf) vertices are 4, i. e. vertices 2, 4, 6, 7.

Example: In a full 5 – ary tree with 100 internal vertices. Count:

a) Number of nodes
b) Number of edges
c) Number of leaf nodes

Soln: Given m = 5, i = 100

a) Number of nodes for full m-ary tree is given by,


= 5 * 100 + 1

= 501

b) Number of edges for tree with n vertices having (n – 1) edges

 number of edges = n – 1

= 501 – 1

= 500

c) Number of leaf nodes = other than internal nodes

= 501 – 100
= 401


Q.1. Draw two ternary tree with 11 leaves.

Q.2. How many edges does a full binary tree with 1000 internal vertices have? Find the number
of leaf nodes. [Ans: Number of leaf nodes = 1001]

9.5 Isomorphism of Tree:

Two trees are called isomorphic if one of them can be obtained from other by a series of flips,
i.e. by swapping left and right children of a number of nodes. Any number of nodes at any level
can have their children swapped.
Two Tree are isomorphic if and only if they preserve same no of levels and same no of vertices
in each level

The conditions which needed to be satisfied are:

1. Empty trees are isomorphic

2. Roots must be the same
3. Either left subtree & right subtree of one must be same with the same of other's,



Left subtree of one must been same with right subtree of other's & right subtree of one
must same with left subtree of other's.

So either of the two is present in the trees, trees are isomorphic.

Example: Check whether the following trees are isomorphic or not.

Fig. 9.17

Soln: Consider the above trees.

Here 1 = 1

The left subtree of 1 in T1 is isomorphic to right subtree of 1 in T2.

The right subtree of 1 in T1 is isomorphic to left subtree of 1 in T2.

Inside the subtree, left subtree of 2 in T1 is isomorphic to right subtree of 2 in T2 and

right subtree of 2 in T1 is isomorphic to left subtree of 2 in T2.

Fig. 9.18

In above tree, left child of 4 is equal to left child of 4 and right child of 4 is equal to right
child of 4.

Also, left child of 5 is equal to right child of 5 and right child of 5 is equal to left child of

 In every subtree of tree, isomorphism is preserved.

 Trees T1 and T2 are Isomorphic Trees.


Q.1: Check whether the following trees are isomorphic or not.


Fig. 9.19

9.6 Spanning Tree:

Spanning tree is a graph which contains all vertices with minimum number of edges. We can say
that a spanning tree is a spanning subgraph and it should be a tree.

Consider the following graph

Fig: 9.20

We have to draw the spanning tree for the above graph.

First, it contains all the vertices.

We draw an edge between v1 and v2 , then we draw an edge between v2 and v4 and from v4 to v3

Now if we draw, v3 to v1, it forms a cycle. As it is a tree, We do not want a cycle.

This would be final spanning tree.

There are more than one spanning tree for the same graph. Only condition is minimum number
of edges with all vertices.

The different spanning trees for graph given in the Fig 9.20 are,

Fig. 9.21

Number of edges in spanning tree are always (n – 1), for n vertices. If there are four vertices, the
number of edges are three.

In a spanning tree, there are two terms, 1. Branch 2. Chord

1. Branch: Branch is an edge in a spanning tree

2. Chord : Chord is an edge in a graph which is not in a spanning tree
Fig 9.22

Different spanning trees for above graph are:


Fig 9.23
n = 5, e = 4
Branch = {a, b, c, f}
Chord = {d, e, g, h}


Fig 9.24
n = 5, e = 4
Branch ={a, b, f, h }
Chord = {c, d, e, g}

9.6.1 Fundamental Circuit:

Let G be a connected graph, T be its spanning tree.

A circuit formed by adding a chord to spanning tree T is called as a fundamental circuit.

Consider the graph G.

Fig. 9.25

Take any arbitrary spanning tree.

Fig. 9.26

Branch ={a, b, c, f }, Chord = { d, e, g, h}

We add one edge from chord set to form a fundamental circuit. Number of edges in chord set
will generate that many number of fundamental circuits.

We add chord d, that form the following circuit:

Fig: 9.27

We add chord e, which form the following circuit.

Fig: 9.28

We add chord g, which form the following circuit.

Fig: 9.29

We add chord h, which form the following circuit.

Fig: 9.30

If graph G, having e edges and n vertices.

T is a spanning tree with n – 1 branches, then there are exactly (e – n + 1) chord.

 (e – n + 1) fundamental circuit

In the above example,

G is a graph having 8 edges, 5 vertices.

T is a spanning tree with n – 1 i.e. 5 -1 = 4 branches

 chord = e – (n – 1)


= 4.

 chord = 4 and fundamental circuit = 4.


Q.1 Draw the different spanning tree from the following graph:


Fig 9.31


Fig 9.32

9.6.2 Minimum Spanning Tree: Minimum spanning tree is a tree or a subgraph which has total
weight of all the edges to be minimum. For this there must be a weight over every edge.

The weight of a spanning tree is the sum of all the weight’s assigned to each edge of the
spanning tree.
Fig. 9.33

Here is a graph with 4 vertices and weights on each edge. In minimum spanning tree, total of
weights of edges must be minimum.

Here vertices are 4 so in spanning tree, there must be n – 1 edges .i.e. 3 edges

Consider minimum weight in the graph, minimum weight is 1 for the edge c to d.

Next minimum weight is 2 for the edge d to a.

Next minimum weight is for two edges. Take that edge which do not form a cycle. If we take
edge from a to c, then it forms a cycle so take another edge d to b with weight 3.

This is the minimum spanning tree.

Minimum spanning tree with weight = 1 + 2 + 3


Example: Draw the minimum spanning tree for the following graph.
Fig 9.34

Soln: In this graph, n = 6. Number of edges = 5

Minimum weight Edge

1 BD
2 BC
7 BF
12 BA
14 DE

Fig 9.35

Minimum spanning tree with weight = 1 + 2 + 7 + 12 + 14

= 36


Q. 1: Find minimum spanning tree for following graph.

Fig 9.36


Fig 9.37

[Hint: You can take all edges with same weight but the condition is there should not form a

Methods for finding the minimum spanning tree.

1) Prim’s Algorithm
2) Kruskal’s Algorithm

9.6.3 Prim’s algorithm for Minimum Spanning Tree:

Prim’s Algorithm finds a minimum spanning tree for a weighted graph. It is initiate with a node.
Prim’s algorithm consider the nodes as a single tree and keeps on adding new nodes to the
spanning tree from the given graph.

Following are the steps for Prim’s algorithm:

Step-1: Remove all the loops and parallel edges (keep that parallel edge which has minimum

Step-2: Find all the edges that connect the tree to new vertices, find the minimum and add it to
the tree (no cycle allowed)

Step-3 keep repeating Step 2 until we get (n-1) edges

Consider the following graph.

Fig 9.38

Here There are 7 vertices i.e. n = 7

 Number of edges in spanning tree are, n - 1 = 7 – 1 = 6.

Here we start with the vertex ‘‘a’’ and proceed

Visited vertices = {a}, Edges to choose from = {af, ab}

Here weight of edge af is minimum. So we select edge af.

Visited vertices = {a, f}, Edges to choose from = {ab, fe}

Here weight of edge fe is minimum. So we select edge fe.

Visited vertices = {a, f, e}, Edges to choose from = {ab, eg, ed}

Here weight of edge ed is minimum. So we select edge ed.

Visited vertices = {a, f, e, d}, Edges to choose from = {ab, eg, dg, dc}

Here weight of edge dc is minimum. So we select edge dc.

Visited vertices = {a, f, e, d, c}, Edges to choose from = {ab, eg, dg, cb}

Here weight of edge cb is minimum. So we select edge cb.

Visited vertices = {a, f, e, d, c, b}, Edges to choose from = {ab, eg, dg, bg}

Here weight of edge bg is minimum. So we select edge bg.

In above figure, there are all 7 vertices with 6 edges.

It satisfy both the conditions i. e. number of vertices n and n-1 edges.

 This is minimum spanning tree.

Weight of the minimum spanning tree = Sum of all the edge weights

= 8 + 23 + 21 + 10 + 14 + 12

= 88


Q. 1 Find minimum spanning tree for following graph using Prim’s algorithm.

Fig 9.39


Fig 9.40

[ Hint: Remove all loops and parallel edges

from the given graph. In case of parallel edges, keep the one which has the least weight and
remove all others.]


Fig. 9.41
9.6.3 Kruskal’s Algorithm for minimum spanning tree:

Kruskal algorithm is used to find a minimum spanning tree for a connected weighted graph. It
includes every edge of given graph and the total weight of all the edges in the tree.

Following are the steps for Kruskal’s algorithm:

Step-1: Arrange all the edges of the given graph. In ascending order as per their weight.

Step-2: Select the edge with minimum weight from the graph and check if it forms a cycle with
the spanning tree.

Step-3: Include this edge to the spanning tree, if there is no cycle. Otherwise discard that edge.

Step-4: Repeat step 2 and step 3 until we get (n-1) edges.

Example: Find the minimum spanning tree of the following graph.

Fig 9.42

Soln: From the above graph,

Edge with minimum weight Vertex pair

6 (a, f)
8 (c, d)
10 (b,g)
12 (c ,b)
14 (d, g)
18 (d, e)
20 (e, g)
21 (e, f)
24 (a, b)
Now draw all the vertices

We start with minimum weighted edge i. e. edge (a, f) with weight 6

After adding edge (a, f)

After adding edge (c, d)

After adding edge (b, g)

After adding edge (c, b)

Next minimum weighted edge (d, g). If we add edge (d, g), it will form cycle.

 We ignore edge (d, g).

Next minimum weighted edge is (d, e).

After adding edge (d, e)

Again if we add edge (e, g) then it will form cycle. So ignore edge (e, g).

Next minimum weighted edge is (e, f).

After adding edge (e, f)

Fig 7

Since all the vertices have been included in the minimum spanning tree, so we stop here. Number
of edges are 6 which is equal to n-1 (where n is number of vertices).

It satisfy both the conditions i. e. number of vertices n and n-1 edges.

 This is minimum spanning tree.

Weight of the minimum spanning tree = sum of all the edge weights

= 6 + 8 + 10 + 12 + 18 + 21

= 75


Q. 1 Find minimum spanning tree for following graph using Kruskal’s algorithm.


Fig 9.43

Fig 9.44

9.7 Summary:

In this chapter, we learnt the most important topic of graph theory i.e. tree. Other related
concepts such as distance, eccentricity, Centre of tree, height of tree, depth of tree were also
studied. Different types of trees such as rooted tree, binary tree, spanning tree were discussed.
We are now able to find out all different spanning tree of a given graph, find a shortest spanning
tree in a given weighted graph.

9.8 References:

1. Tremblay J. P. & Manohar R., "Discrete Mathematical structure with applications to

computer science", MGH, 1999.
2. Deo Narsingh., "Graph theory with applications to Engineering & Computer Science",
PHI, 2000.
3. Rosen K.H., "Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications", 6/E, MGH, 2006.
4. Kolman B., Busby R.C. & Ross S., "Discrete Mathematical Structure", 5/E, PHI, 2003.
5. Liu C.L., "Elements of Discrete Mathematics", MGH, 2000.
Chapter 10
Unit Structure

10.0 Objectives:

10.1 Introduction:

10.2 Possibility Trees and the multiplication Rule:

10.3 Counting elements of disjoint sets with Addition Rule:

10.4 The Pigeonhole Principle:

10.5 Counting Subset of a Set:

10.6 Combinations

10.7 Let us sum up:

10.8 Unit end Exercises:

10.9 List of References:

10.0 Objectives:

After going through this unit, you will able to :

 Possibility trees and multiplication rule.

 Counting elements of disjoint sets and addition rule.
 The Pigeonhole Principle.
 Counting Subset of a Set.
 Combinations and combinations with repetition allowed.

10.1 Introduction:

Combinatorial mathematics is the field of mathematics concerned with problems of selection,

arrangement and operation with in a finite or discrete system. Its objective is how to count
without ordinary counting. One of the basic problems of combinatorics is to determine the
number of possible configurations of objects of a given type. This chapter includes numerous
quite elementary topics, such as enumerating multiplication rule, addition rule and all
combinations of a finite set. These are called as counting techniques.
10.2 Possibility Trees and the multiplication Rule:

We define a possibility tree to track outcomes of a sequence of events as follows:

Definition: Suppose that there is a sequence of events occurring in a specific order. Then,
starting at a point, we draw a line out from that point for all possible outcomes of the first
event. From the end of each of these lines, we then draw a line for each possible outcome
from the next event and so on until we reach the final outcome of all events. We call such a
diagram a possibility tree for that sequence of events.

To understand this complicated definition of possibility tree of sequence of events with easy
to give actually example:

Suppose that there are two box, each containing an equal number of black and white marbles.
You take one marble from one box and then one marble from other box. Draw the possibility
tree to determine all possible outcomes.


Black White

Black White Black White

However since there are equal numbers of marbles in each box, it is equally likely that either
are drawn in both tree, and so we restrict branches to the two possibilities. As shown in
above tree.

Therefore above example suggest the following method to count the number of possible
outcomes which is the consequence of a sequence of events.

Example 1: There are 9 points A ,B, C, D, E, F, G,H, and I as shown in figure below.



Suppose man begins at A and allowed to move horizontally or vertically, one step at a time.
He stops when he cannot continue to walk without reaching the same point more than once.
Find the number of ways he walks, if he moves from X to D. Also find the number of such
trips which cover all points. Using possible tree diagram.

Solution: The possible tree diagram for all point by given condition is given below,

Step I: Start with X and towards D.


Step II: From D he can travel E and G.


Step III : From E he can travel B , G and F or From A he can travel B




Step IV: From B he can travel A and C, G to H, and F to C and H or from or from B he can
travel C and E.




Step V : From C he can travel F to H to G, From H he can travel F to C to B to A, from H to

G, From C to B to A, from C he can travel F , from E he can travel F and G.







Step VI: from F he can travel E and H than from E to G to H and from H to G to E, From F to G
and H to G , from G to H to F to C.









i) From possible tree total number of walks = 10 ways.

ii) Number of trips which cover all points = 4 ways.

Multiplication Rule:

If the procedure can be broken into first and second stages, and if there are m possible outcomes
for the first stage and for each of these outcomes, there are n possible outcomes for second stage,
then the total procedure can be carried out in the designate order, in ways.

This principle can be extended to a general form as follows:

Theorem : If a process consists of n steps, and

i) The first step can be performed by ways.

ii) The second step can be performed by ways.
iii) The step can be performed by ways.

Then the whole process can be completed by different ways.

Example 2: There are 8 men and 7 women in a drama company. How many way the director has
to choose a couple to play lead roles in a stage show?
Solution: The director can choose a man (task 1) in 8 ways and then a woman (task 2) in 7 ways.
Then by multiplication rule he can choose a couple from ways.

Example 3: How many four digits numbers can be formed contains each of the digits 7, 8, and 9
exactly once?

Solution: To construct four digits number we have four places.

_______ _______ _______ _________

Thousand place Hundred place Ten place Unit place

First for ‘7’ there are 4 places, for ‘8’ there are 3 places and for ‘9’ there are 2 places. For last
digit, we can choose any of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 so there will be 7 digits.

Thus these can be done by ways.

Example 4: To generate typical personal identification number (PIN) is a sequence of any four
symbols chosen from the letters in the alphabet and the digits , How many different PIN’s are

i) repetition is not allowed.

ii) repetition is allowed.

Solution: There are 26 letters of alphabets and 10 digits. Total different symbols are 36.

i) Repetition is not allowed:

There are four place to generate PIN with four symbols,
First place can be filled by 36 ways, second place can be filled by 35 ways, third
place can be filled by 34 ways and last fourth place can be filled by 33 ways.
By the multiplication rule,
Therefore these can be done by ways.

ii) Repetition is allowed:

Since repetition is allowed, so each place can be filled by 36 ways,
By multiplication rule,
These can be done by ways.

Check your progress:

1. A license plate can be made by 2 letters followed by 3 digits. How many different license
plates can be made if i) repetition is not allowed. ii) Repetition is allowed.
2. Mr. Modi buying a personal computer system is offered a choice of 4 models of basic
units, 2 models keyboard, and 3 models of printer. How many distinct systems can be
10.3 Counting elements of disjoint sets with Addition Rule:

In above section we have discussed counting problem that can be solved using possibility tree.
Here we discuss counting problem that can be solved using the operation sets like union ,
intersection and the difference between two sets.

10.3.1 The addition rule:

If a task can be performed in m ways and another task in n ways assuming that these two tasks
cannot perform simultaneously, then the performing either task can be accomplished in any one
of the ways.

In general from as follows:

If there are different objects in m different sets respectively and the sets are
disjoint, then the number of ways to select an object from one of the m sets is

Example 5: How many different number of signals that can be sent by 5 flags of different
colours taking one or more at a time ?

Solution: Let number of signal made by one colour flag ways.

Number of signal made by two colours flag ways.

Number of signal made by three flag colours ways.

Number of signal made by four flag colours ways.

Number of signal made by five flag colours ways.

Using Addition rule we get,

Therefore total number of signals ways.

Example 6: There are 4 different English books, 5 different Hindi books and 7 different Marathi
books. How many ways are there to pick up an pair of two books not both with the same


One English and one Hindi book is chosen, that selection can be done by ways.

One English and one Marathi book is chosen, that selection can be done by ways.
One Hindi and one Marathi book is chosen, that selection can be done by ways.

These three types of selection are disjoint, therefore by addition rule,

Total selection can be done by ways.

10.3.2 Additive Principle with Disjoint sets:

Given two sets A and B, both sets are disjoint i.e. if , than | | | | | |

Example 7: In college 200 students visit to canteen every day of which 80 likes coffee and 70
likes tea. If no one student like both than find i) number of students like atleast one of them? ii)
number of students like none of them?

Solution: Total number of students = 200

Total number of students who like coffee = | |

Total number of students who like tea = | |

Total number of students like atleast one | | | | | |

Total number of students like none of them

10.4 The pigeonhole principle:

We represent the basic principle of counting which is easily derived and extremely useful.

Statement: If there n -pigeons to be placed in m -pigeonhole where m  n . Then there is at least

one pigeonhole which receives more than one pigeon.

Pigeonhole Principle

Here is a simple consequence of the pigeonhole principle.

In one set 13 or more people there are at least two whose birthdays fall in the same month.

In this case we have to think of putting the people in to pigeonhole. it can be January,
February, March and so on. Since there are 13 people and only 12 pigeon holes one of the
pigeonhole must contain at least two people.

That this intuitively obvious result can be quite useful is illustrated by the following example.

Example 8: If eight people are chosen in any way what so ever at least two of them will have
been born on the same day of the week.

Solution: Here each person (pigeon) is assigned the day of the week(pigeonhole) on which he
and she was born since there are eight people and only seven days of the week, the pigeonhole
principle. Tells us that at least two people must be assigned to the same day.

Example 9: Consider the area shown it is bounded by a regular hexagon. Whose sides have
length 1units. Show that if any seven points are chosen with in this area then two of them must
be on further apart then 1 unit.

Solution: Suppose that the area is divided in to six equilateral triangles. As shown in figure 1.1

6 2

5 4 3

If seven points are chosen we can assign each one to a triangle that contains it.

If the point belongs to several triangles, assigns it arbitrarily to one of them. The seven points
one assigned to six triangles so by pigeonhole principle, at least two points must belong to the
same triangle. These two can not be more then 1 unit apart.

Example 10: Five points are located inside a square whose sides are of length 2. Show that two
of the points are within a distance 2 of each other.
Solution: Divide up the square into four square regions of area 1 unit. as indicated in figure 1.2.

1 1


By Pigeonhole principle, it follows that at least one of these regions will contain at least two
points. The result now follows since two points in a square of radius 1.can not be further apart
then length of the diagonal of the square is which ( by Pythagoras theorem) 2.

Example 11: Show that if any five numbers from 1 to 8 are chosen, then two of that will add to

Solution: Constructs four different sets each contains two numbers that add to 9, as follows
A1  1,8 , A2  2, 7 , A3  3, 6 , A4  4,5 each of the five numbers chosen will be assigned to
the set that contains it .Since there are only four sets. The pigeonhole principle tells that two of
the chosen numbers will be assigned to the same set. These two numbers will add to 9.

Example 12: Fifteen children together gathered 100 nuts. Prove that some pair of children
gathered the same numbers of nuts.

Solution: Now to prove that we use method of contradiction.

Suppose all the children gathered a different numbers of nuts. Then the fewest total
number is 0  1  2  3  4  5  6      14  105 , but this is more then 100. which is
contradiction to our assumption. There fore at least pair of children gathered same number of

Example 13: Show that in any set of 10 integers there are at least pair of integers who have same
remainder when divided by 9.

Solution: Set of 10 integers, when it divide by 9, lie in the same residue classes of modulo 9. i.e.
the remainder is 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Here there will be 9 remainder and 10 integers. There fore by
pigeonhole principle, at least one integer has same remainder.

10.4.1 The extended pigeonhole principle:

If there n -pigeons are assigned to m -pigeonholes, then one of the pigeonhole must contain at
  n  1 
least    1 pigeons.
 m 
  n  1 
Proof: If each contain number more then   pigeons, then there are at most
 m 
  n  1   n  1  n  1.
 m
 m  m

A pigeon in all this contradicts our assumption. So one of the pigeonholes must contain at least
  n  1 
   1 pigeons.
 m 

Example 14 : Show that if 30 dictionaries in a library contains a total of 61,327 pages, then one
of the dictionaries must have at least 2045 pages.

Solution: Let the pages be the pigeons and the dictionaries are the pigeonholes. Assigns each to
the dictionaries in which it appears then by the extended pigeonhole principle are dictionary must
  61,327  1  61,326
contain at least   1   1  2045 pages.
 30  30

Example 15: Show that if any 29 people are selected then one may choose subset of 5. So that
all 5 were born on the same day of the week.

Solution: Assign each person to the day of week on which he and she was born. Then n  29
persons are being assigned to m  7 pigeonholes. By the extended pigeonholes principle at least
  n  1    29  1  28
  1    1   1  5 persons.
 m   7  7

There fore 5 persons must have been born on the same day of the week.

Check Your Progress:

1. Show that if there are seven numbers from 1 to 12 are chosen then two of them will add to 13.

2. Let T be an equilateral triangle whose sides has length 1 unit. Show that if any five point are
chosen lying on inside T. Then two of them will be more then unit apart.

3. Show that if any Eight positive integer are chosen two of them will have the same remainder
when divided by 7.

4. Show that if seven colors are used to paint 50 bicycles at least eight bicycles must have the
same colors.
5. All 82 entering student of a certain high school take courses in English, History, Maths and
science. If three section of each of these four subjects. Show that there are two students that
have all four classes together.

6. Nineteen points are chosen inside a regular hexagon whose side length 1. Prove that two of
these points may be chosen whose distance them is less then .

7. In any group of 15 people there are at least three born on the same day of the week.

10.5 Counting subset of a set:

Sets: A set is any well defined collection of distinct objects. Objects could be fans in a class
room, numbers, books etc.

For example, collection of fans in a class room collection of all people in a state etc.
Now, consider the example, collection of Brave people in a class. Is it a set? The answer is no
because Brave is a relative word and it varies from person to person so it is not a set.

Note: Well-defined means that it is possible to decide whether a given object belongs to given
collection or not.

Subset: Set A is said to be a subset of B if every element of A is an element of B and this is

denoted by A  B or B  A . If A is not a subset of B we write A  B .

For example,

 
(1) A = 1 , B = x | x2 = 1, x  Z then A  B and B  A

(2) N  W  Z  Q  R

Note: (1) Every set A is a subset of itself i.e. A  A

(2) If A  B but A  B then we say A is a proper subset of B and we write A  B .

If A is not a proper subset of B then we write A  B .

(3)   A for any set ‘A’

(4) A = B iff A  B and B  A

Cardinality of a set: The number of elements in a set is called as cardinality of a set and it is
denoted by n(A) or |A|. For example,

(1) A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, |A| = 5

(2) B =  , |B| = 0

Power set : Let A be a given set. Then set of all possible subsets of A is called as a power set of
‘A’. it is denoted by P(A).For example,

(1) If A = {1, 2} than P(A) = {  , {1}, {2}, {1, 2}}

Example 16: If X is a finite set having n elements, then the total number of subset of X is
2n .

Solution: consider X contain n elements.

 X   x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ,......., xn  .

There are two possibility of every element of X it may or may not be the subset of X .

 It is true for every element of xi  X .

x1 x2 x3 x4 ………………… xn

2 2 2 2 …………………. 2

 By multiplication principle, the total number of way it can be done by

= 2  2  2  2  ..............  2 ( n times).

 2n .

 The total number of subset of X is 2 n .

10.6 Combinations:

Before giving the definition of combination, we need the following terminology, which are
useful in writing proofs and solving problems.

Factorial Notation: For any integer factorial is denoted by is defined by,

( )( )( ) ( )( ) for with an understanding Thus we
have a simple relation, ( )
In a set * + all the combinations taken three at a time are
* +* +* +* + There are four such combinations. In combinations we
are concerned only that and have been selected. and are the same
combination. Therefore the objects are an unordered. A formal definition for a combination
is given below:

Definition: An r-combination of n distinct objects is an unordered selection, or subset, of r

out of the n objects. We use ( ) to denote the number of r-combinations. This
number is called as binomial number.

If are n distinct objects, and r is any integer, with Therefore

selecting r-objects from n objects is given by

( )
( )

Example 17: How many elements of set 3-bit string with weight 2?

Solution: there are 3-bit with weight 2, i.e. .

These can be done by = ( ) ( )

Therefore the bit string is 011, 101, 110.

Example 18: A bag contains 4 red marbles and 5 green marbles. Find the number of ways that 4
marbles can be selected from the bag, if selection contain i) No restriction of colors. ii) all are of
same colors.

Solution: Total number of marbles: 4 Red + 5 Green = 9 marbles

To select 4 marbles from the bag with condition,

i) No restriction of colors:
These can be done by : ( ) ways.

ii) All are of same colors:

First select the colors by ( )
If all is Red in colors than these can be done by ( )

If all is Green in colors then these can be done by ( )

Therefore total number of ways ways.

Example 19: There are 10 members in a society who are eligible to attend annual meeting. Find
the number of ways a 4 members can be selected that
i) No restriction
ii) If 2 of them will not attend meeting together.
iii) If 2 of them will always attend meeting together.


i) To select 4 members from 10 members, it can be done by ( ) ways.

ii) If 2 of them will not attend meeting together,

Let A and B denote the 2 members who will not attend meeting together.
i.e. A or B but not both are together , these can be done by ( )
It possible that both will not attend meeting, i.e. Neither A nor B will attend meeting,
these can be done by ( ) ways.
Therefore total number of ways = 112 + 28 =140 ways.

iii) If 2 of them will attend meeting together,

Let A and B denote the 2 members who will attend meeting together.
i.e. A or B ( ) ways.
It possible that both will not attend meeting, i.e. Neither A nor B will attend meeting,
these can be done by ( ) ways.
Therefore total number of ways = 28 +70 = 88 ways.

Example 20: How many diagonal has a regular polygon with n sides?

Solution: The regular polygon with n sides has n vertices. Any two vertices determine either a
( )
side or diagonal. Therefore these can be done by ( ) . But there are n sides
which are not diagonal.
( ) ( )
Therefore total number of diagonals are

10.7.1 r-combinations with Repetition Allowed:

Till now, we have seen the formula for the number of combinations when r objects are chosen
from the collection of n distinct objects. The following results is very important to find the
number of selection of n objects when not all n are distinct.

The number of selection with repetition of r objects chosen from n types of objects is

( )
Example 21: How many ways are there to fill a box with a dozen marbles chosen five different
colors of marbles with the requirement that at least one fruit of each colors is picked?

Solution: One can pick one marble of each colors and then the remaining seven marbles in any
way. There is no choice in picking one marble of each type. The choice occurs in picking the
remaining 7 marbles from 5 colors. By the result of r-combination with repetition allowed,

These can be done by ( ) ( ) ways.

Example 22: How many solution does the following equation have
and are non-negative integers?

Solution: Assume we have four types of unknown and . There are 15 items or
units (since we are looking for an integer solution). Every time an item is selected it adds one to
the type it picked it up. Observe that a solution corresponds to a way of selecting 15 items from
set of four elements. Therefore, it is equal to r-combinations with repetition allowed from set
with four elements, we have

( ) ( ) ( )

Example 23: In how many ways can a teacher choose one or more students from 5 students?

Solution: Let set of student are 5, therefore total number of subsets are .

To select one or more students, we must deleted empty set,.

Therefore total number of selection = 32 – 1= 31 ways.

10.7 Let us sum up:

In this chapter we have learn;

 Possible tree with multiplication Rule.

 Counting elements of disjoint sets with addition Rule.
 The pigeonhole principle and its generalization.
 Counting subsets of set.
 Combination and r-combination with repetition allowed.

10.8 Unit end Exercises:

1. Suppose A, B, C, …., F is denote island and the line connecting them bridges. A man
begins at A and walks from island to island. He stops for lunch when he cannot continue to
walk without crossing the same bridge twice. i) Find the number of ways that he can take his
walk before eating lunch. ii) At which islands cab he eat his lunch?



2. 5 teachers are required to teach maths to 8 divisions of school. In how many ways can the
teacher chose the classes if one teacher teaches one class at a time?
3. In how many ways can 3 prize be awarded to 10students if i)a student is eligible to get
only one prize? ii) a student is eligible to get any number of prize?
4. How many four digit passwords can be formed using the digits 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 if i) no digit
is repeated in password? ii) Repetition of digits is allowed in password?
5. How many six digit Gpay PIN can be generated by using two letters and digits, if i) no
digit is repeated in PIN? ii) Repetition of digits is allowed in PIN?
6. 10 people want to go to the movies, and there are only 7 cars, then at least more then one
person in the same car.
7. Prove that among the 51 positive integers less than 100. There is a pair whose sum is
8. There are 33 students in the class and sum of their ages 430 year. Is it true that one can
find 20 students in the class such that sum of their ages greater 260?
9. A bag contains 5 black marbles and 6 white marbles. Find the number of ways that five
marbles can be drawn from the bag such that it contains i) No restriction ii) no black
marbles, iii) 3 black and 2 white, iv) at least 4 black, v) All are of same colors.
10. A student is to answer 8 out of 10 questions on an exam. Find the number of ways that
the student can chose the 8 questions if i) No restriction, ii) student must answer the first
4 questions, iii) student must answer atleast 4 out of the five questions.
11. There are 12 points in a given plane, no three on the same line. i) How many triangle are
determine by the points? ii) How many of these triangle contain a particular point as a
12. Which regular polygon has the same number of diagonal as sides?
13. How many committees of two or more can be selected from 8 people?
14. How many non-integer solutions are there to the equations

15. Find the number of combinations if the letters of the letters of the word EXAMINATION
taken out at a time.

10.9 List of References:

 Discrete Mathematics with Applications by Sussana S. Epp

 Discrete Mathematics Schaum’s Outlines Series by Seymour Lipschutz, Marc Lipson
 Discrete Mathematics and its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen
 Discrete Mathematical Structures by B Kolman, RC Busby, S Ross
 Discrete structures by Liu
Chapter 11
Unit Structure

11.0 Objectives:

11.1 Introduction:

11.2 Basic concept of probability:

11.3Probability Axioms:

11.3.1 Addition theorem of probability:

11.4 Condition Probability:

11.5 Independent events:

11.5.1 For Independent events multiplication theorem:

11.6 Baye’s formula :

11.7 Expected Value:

11.8 Let us sum up:

11.9 Unit end Exercises:

11.10 List of References:

11.0 Objectives:

After going through this unit, you will able to:

 Know the basic concept of probability.

 Probability axioms.
 Conditional probability and its examples.
 Independent events and multiplication theorem of probability.
 Baye’s formula of probability.
 Expected value of probability.
11.1 Introduction:

Some time in daily life certain things come to mind like “I will be success today’, I will complete
this work in hour, I will be selected for job and so on. There are many possible results for these
things but we are happy when we get required result. Probability theory deals with experiments
whose outcome is not predictable with certainty. Probability is very useful concept. These days
many field in computer science such as machine learning, computational linguistics,
cryptography, computer vision, robotics other also like science, engineering, medicine and

Probability is mathematical calculation to calculate the chance of occurrence of particular

happing, we need some basic concept on random experiment , sample space, and events.

11.2 Basic concept of probability:

Random experiment: When experiment can be repeated any number of times under the similar
conditions but we get different results on same experiment, also result is not predictable such
experiment is called random experiment. For. e.g. A coin is tossed, A die is rolled and so on.

Outcomes: The result which we get from random experiment is called outcomes of random

Sample space: The set of all possible outcomes of random experiment is called sample space.
The set of sample space is denoted by S and number of elements of sample space can be written
as ( ) For e.g. A die is rolled, we get * +, ( )

Events: Any subset of the sample space is called an event. Or a set of sample point which
satisfies the required condition is called an events. Number of elements in event set is denoted by
( ) For example in the experiment of throwing of a dia. The sample space is

S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } each of the following can be event i) A: even number i.e. A = { 2, 4, 6} ii)
B: multiple of 3 i.e. B = { 3, 6} iii) C: prime numbers i.e. C = { 2, 3, 5}.

Types of events:

Impossible event: An event which does not occurred in random experiment is called impossible
event. It is denoted by set. i.e. ( ) For example getting number 7 when die is rolled. The
probability measure assigned to impossible event is Zero.

Equally likely events: when all events get equal chance of occurrences is called equally likely
events. For e.g. Events of occurrence of head or tail in tossing a coin are equally likely events.
Certain event: An event which contains all sample space elements is called certain events. i.e.
( ) ( )

Mutually exclusive events: Two events A and B of sample space S, it does not have any
common elements are called mutually exclusive events. In the experiment of throwing of a die
A: number less than 2 , B: multiple of 3. There fore ( )

Exhaustive events: Two events A and B of sample space S, elements of event A and B occurred
together are called exhaustive events. For e.g. In a thrown of fair die occurrence of even number
and occurrence of odd number are exhaustive events. There fore ( )

Complement event: Let S be sample space and A be any event than complement of A is
denoted by ̅ is set of elements from sample space S, which does not belong to A. For e.g. if a
die is thrown, S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} and A: odd numbers, A = {1, 3, 5}, then ̅ * +.

Probability: For any random experiment, sample space S with required chance of happing
event E than the probability of event E is define as

( )
( )
( )

Basic properties of probability:

1) The probability of an event E lies between 0 and 1. i.e. ( )

2) The probability of impossible event is zero. i.e. ( )
3) The probability of certain event is unity. i.e. ( )
4) If A and B are exhaustive events than probability of ( ) .
5) If A and B are mutually exclusive events than probability of ( )
6) If A be any event of sample space than probability of complement of A is given by
( ) ( ̅) ( ̅) ( )

11.3 Probability Axioms:

Let S be a sample space. A probability function P from the set of all event in S to the set of real
numbers satisfies the following three axioms for all events A and B in S.

i) ( ) .
ii) ( ) and ( )
iii) If A and B are two disjoint sets i.e. ) than the probability of the union of A
and B is ( ) ( ) ( ).
Theorem: Prove that for every event A of sample space S, ( )

Proof: ̅ ̅

( ) ( ̅) ( ) ( ̅)

( ) ( ̅)

( ) ( ̅) or ( ̅) ( )

If ( ) than P( ̅) .

for every event ( )

11.3.1 Addition theorem of probability:

Theorem: If A and B are two events of sample space S, then probability of union of A and B is
given by ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).

Proof: A and B are two events of sample space S.

̅ ̅

Now from diagram probability of union of two events A and B is given by,

( ) ( ̅) ( ) ( ̅)

But ( ̅) ( ) ( ) and ( ̅) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Note: The above theorem can be extended to three events A, B and C as shown below:

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Example 1: A bag contains 4 black and 6 white balls; two balls are selected at random. Find the
probability that balls are i) both are different colors. ii) both are of same colors.

Solution: Total number of balls in bag = 4 blacks + 6 white = 10 balls

To select two balls at random, we get

( ) ( ) .

i) A be the event to select both are different colors.

( ) ( ) ( )

( )
( )
( )

ii) To select both are same colors.

Let Abe the event to select both are black balls

( ) ( )
( )
( )
( )
Let B be the event to select both are white balls.
( ) ( )
( )
( ) .
( )
A and B are disjoint event.
The required probability is
( ) ( ) ( ) .

Example 2: From 40 tickets marked from 1 to 40, one ticket is drawn at random. Find the
probability that it is marked with a multiple of 3 or 4.

Solution: From 40 tickets marked with 1 to 40, one ticket is drawn at random

( ) ( )

it is marked with a multiple of 3 or 4, we need to select in two parts.

Let A be the event to select multiple of 3,

i.e. A = { 3,6,9,….,39}

( ) ( )

( )
( )
( )

Let B be the event to select multiple of 4.

i.e. B = {4,8,12, …., 40}

( ) ( )

( )
( )
( )

Here A and B are not disjoint.

be the event to select multiple of 3 and 4.

i.e. = {12,24,36}

( ) ( )

( )
( )
( )

The required probability is

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Example 3: If the probability is 0.45 that a program development job; 0.8 that a networking job
applicant has a graduate degree and 0.35 that applied for both. Find the probability that applied
for atleast one of jobs. If number of graduate are 500 then how many are not applied for jobs?

Solution: Let Probability of program development job= ( ) .

Probability of networking job = ( ) .

Probability of both jobs = ( ) .

Probability of atleast one i.e. to find ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )

Now there are 500 application, first to find probability that not applied for job.

(̅̅̅̅̅̅̅) ( )

Number of graduate not applied for job = .

Check your Progress:

1. A card is drawn from pack of 52 cards at random. Find the probability that it is a face
card or a diamond card.
2. If ( ) and ( ) , ( ) than find i) (̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ ) ii) ( ).
3. In a class of 60 students, 50 passed in computers, 40 passed in mathematics and 35
passed in both. What is the probability that a student selected at random has i) Passed in
atleast one subject, ii) failed in both the subjects, iii) passed in only one subject.

11.4 Conditional Probability:

In many case we have the occurrence of an event A and are required to find out the probability
of occurrence an event B which depend on event A this kind of problem is called conditional
probability problems.

Definition: Let A and B be two events. The conditional probability of event B, if an event A has
occurred is defined by the relation,
( )
( | ) if and only if ( )
( )

In case when ( ) ( | ) is not define because ( ) and ( | ) which is

an indeterminate quantity.

Similarly, Let A and B be two events. The conditional probability of event A, if an event B has
occurred is defined by the relation,
( )
( | ) If and only if ( )
( )

Example 4: A pair of fair dice is rolled. What is the probability that the sum of upper most face
is 6, given that both of the numbers are odd?

Solution: A pair of fair dice is rolled, therefore ( )

A to select both are odd number, i.e. A = {(1,1), (1,3), (1,5), (3,1), (3,3), (3,5), (5,1),(5,3), (5,5)}.

( )
( )
( )

B is event that the sum is 6, i.e. B = { ((1,5),(2,4), (3,3),(4,2), (5,1)}.

( )
( )
( )

= { (1,5), (3,3), (5,1)}

( )
( )
( )

By the definition of conditional probability,

( ) ⁄
( | )
( ) ⁄

Example 5: If A and B are two events of sample space S, such that ( ) ( )

and ( ) . Find i) ( ), ii) ( | ), iii) ( | )

Solution: Given that ( ) ( ) and ( ) .

i) By Addition theorem,
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )
( ) .
ii) By the definition of conditional probability ,
( )
( | ) .
( )
( )
iii) ( | )
( )

Example 6: An urn A contains 4 Red and 5 Green balls. Another urn B contains 5 Red and 6
Green balls. A ball is transferred from the urn A to the urn B, then a ball is drawn from urn B.
find the probability that it is Red.

Solution: Here there are two cases of transferring a ball from urn A to B.

Case I: When Red ball is transferred from urn A to B.

There for probability of Red ball from urn A is ( )

After transfer of red ball, urn B contains 6 Red and 6 Green balls.

Now probability of red ball from urn B = ( | ) ( )

Case II: When Green ball is transferred from urn A to B.

There for probability of Green ball from urn A is ( )

After transfer of red ball, urn B contains 5 Red and 7 Green balls.

Now probability of red ball from urn B = ( | ) ( ) .

Therefore required probability =

Check your progress:

1. A family has two children. What is the probability that both are boys, given at least one is
2. Two dice are rolled. What is the condition probability that the sum of the numbers on the
dice exceeds 8, given that the first shows 4?
3. Consider a medical test that screens for a COVID-19 in 10 people in 1000. Suppose that
the false positive rate is 4% and the false negative rate is 1%. Then 99% of the time a
person who has the condition tests positive for it, and 96% of the time a person who does
not have the condition tests negative for it. a) What is the probability that a randomly
chosen person who tests positive for the COVID-19 actually has the disease? b) What is
the probability that a randomly chosen person who tests negative for the COVID-19 does
not indeed have the disease?

11.5 Independent events:

Independent events: Two events are said to be independent if the occurrence of one of them
does not affect and is not affected by the occurrence or non-occurrence of other.

i.e. ( ⁄ ) ( ) or ( ⁄ ) ( )

Multiplication theorem of probability: If A and B are any two events associated with an
experiment, then the probability of simultaneous occurrence of events A and B is given by

( ) ( ) ( ⁄ )
Where ( ⁄ ) denotes the conditional probability of event B given that event A has already

( ) ( ) ( ⁄ )

Where ( ⁄ ) denotes the conditional probability of event A given that event B has already

11.5.1 For Independent events multiplication theorem:

If A and B are independent events then multiplication theorem can be written as,

( ) ( ) ( )

Proof. Multiplication theorem can be given by,

If A and B are any two events associated with an experiment, then the probability of
simultaneous occurrence of events A and B is given by

( ) ( ) ( ⁄ )

By definition of independent events, ( ⁄ ) ( ) or ( ⁄ ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ).


1) If A and B are independent event then, ̅ and ̅ are independent event.

2) If A and B are independent event then, ̅ and B are independent event.

3) If A and B are independent event then, A and ̅ are independent event.

Example 7: Manish and Mandar are trying to make Software for company. Probability that
Manish can be success is and Mandar can be success is , both are doing independently. Find
the probability that i) both are success. ii) Atleast one will get success. iii) None of them will
success. iv) Only Mandar will success but Manish will not success.

Solution: Let probability that Manish will success is ( ) .

Therefore probability that Manish will not success is ( ̅) ( )

Probability that Mandar will success is ( ) .

Therefore probability that Mandar will not success is ( ̅ ) ( )

i) Both are success i.e. ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) A and B are independent events.

ii) Atleast one will get success. i.e. ( )

By addition theorem,
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

iii) None of them will success. (̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ ) or ( ̅ ̅ )

[ By DeMorgan’s law both are same]
(̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ ) ( )
If A and B are independent than ̅ and ̅ are also independent.
( ̅ ̅) ( ̅) ( ̅)
iv) Only Mandar will success but Manish will not success. i.e. ( ̅ ).
( ̅ ) ( ̅) ( )

Example 8: 50 coding done by two students A and B, both are trying independently. Number of
correct coding by student A is 35 and student B is 40. Find the probability of only one of them
will do correct coding.

Solution: Let probability of student A get correct coding is ( )

Probability of student A get wrong coding is ( ̅)

Probability of student B get correct coding is ( )

Probability of student B get wrong coding is ( ̅ ) .

The probability of only one of them will do correct coding.

i.e. A will correct than B will not or B will correct than A will not.

( ̅) ( ̅) ( ) ( ̅) ( ) ( ̅)

Example 9: Given that ( ) ( ) , if A and B are independent events than find i)

( ) ii) ( ̅ ), iii) ( ) iv) ( ̅ ̅)
Solution: Given that ( ) ( ) .

i) A and B are independent events,

( ) ( ) ( )

ii) ( ̅ ) ( ) .

iii)By addition theorem,

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

iv) ( ̅ ̅) (̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ ) ( ) .

Check your progress:

1. If ( ) ( ) and if A and B are independent events, find ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ̅ ̅)
2. The probability that A , B and C can solve the same problem independently are
respectively. Find the probability that i) the problem remain unsolved, ii) the
problem is solved, iii) only one of them solve the problem.
3. The probability that Ram can shoot a target is and probability of Laxman can shoot at
the same target is A and B shot independently. Find the probability that (i) the target is
not shot at all, (ii) the target is shot by at least one of them. (iii) the target shot by only
one of them. iv) target shot by both.

11.6 Bayes formula:

In 1763, Thomas Bayes put forward a theory of revising the prior probabilities of mutually
exclusive and exhaustive events whenever new information is received. These new probabilities
are called as posterior probabilities. The generalized formula of bayes theorem is given below:

Suppose are k mutually exclusive events defined in B (a collection of events)

each being a subset of the sample space S such that ⋃ and ( )

For Some arbitrary event B, which is associated with such that ( ) we can find out the
probabilities ( | ) ( | ) ( | )
In Baye’s approach we want to find the posterior probability of an event given that B has
occurred. i.e. ( | )
( )
By definition of conditional probability, ( | )
( )

such that .

( )

⋃ and ’s are disjoint.

i.e. ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ∑ ( )

( )
( ) ( | ) ( ) ( | )
( )

But ( ) ( | ) ( ) and ( ) ∑ ( | ) ( )

Therefore we get,
( | ) ( )
( | ) this known as Baye’s formula.
∑ ( | ) ( )

Example 10: There are three bags, first bag contains 2 white, 2 black, 2 red balls; second bag 3
white, 2 black, 1 red balls and third bag 1 white 2 black, 3 red balls. Two balls are drawn from a
bag chosen at random. These are found to be one white and I black. Find the probability that the
balls so drawn came from the third bag.

Solution: Let be the first bag, be the second bag and be the third bag.

A denotes the two ball are white and black.

First select the bag from any three bags,))

i.e. P( ) ( ) ( ) .

Probability of white and black ball from first bag:

( ) ( )
( | ) .
( )

Probability of white and black ball from second bag:

( ) ( )
( | )
( )

Probability of white and black ball from third bag:

( ) ( )
( | )
( )

By Baye’s theorem,

( ) ( | )
( | )
( ) ( | ) ( ) ( | ) ( ) ( | )


Example 11: A company has two factories and that produce the same chip, each producing
55% and 45% of the total production. The probability of a defective chip at and is 0.07
and 0.03 respectively. Suppose someone shows us a defective chip. What is the probability that
this chip comes from factory

Solution: Let denote the event that the chip is produced by factory. A denote the event that
chip is defective.

Given that ( ) ( ) ( | ) ( | )

By Bayes’ formula,
( ) ( | )
( | ) .
( ) ( | ) ( ) ( | )

11.7 Expected Value:

In order to understand the behavior of a random variable, we may want to look at its average
value. For probability we need to find Average is called expected value of random variable X.
for that first we have to learn some basic concept of random variable.

Random Variable: A probability measurable real valued functions, say X, defined over the
sample space of a random experiment with respective probability is called a random variable.

Types of random variables: There are two type of random variable.

Discrete Random Variable: A random variable is said to be discrete random variable if it takes
finite or countably infinite number of values. Thus discrete random variable takes only isolated

Continuous Random variable: A random variable is continuous if its set of possible values
consists of an entire interval on the number line.

Probability Distribution of a random variable: All possible values of the random variable,
along with its corresponding probabilities, so that ∑ , is called a probability
distribution of a random variable.

The probability function always follow the following properties:

i) ( ) for all value of .

ii) ∑ .

The set of values with their probability constitute a discrete probability distribution of the
discrete variable X.

For e.g. Three coins are tossed, the probability distribution of the discrete variable X is getting

X= 0 1 2 3
( )

Expectation of a random variable (Mean) :

All the probability information of a random variable is contained in probability mass function for
random variable, it is often useful to consider various numerical characteristics of that random
variable. One such number is the expectation of a random variable.

If random variable X takes values with corresponding probabilities

respectively, then expectation of random variable X is

( ) ∑ where ∑

Example 12: In Vijay sales every day sale of number of laptops with his past experience the
probability per day are given below:

No. of 0 1 2 3 4 5
Probability 0.05 0.15 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.2
Find his expected number of laptops can be sale?

Solution: Let X be the random variable that denote number of laptop sale per day.

To calculate expected value, ( ) ∑

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) 2.85

Therefore expected number of laptops sale per day is 3.

Example 13: A random variable X has probability mass function as follow:

X= -1 0 1 2 3
P( ) K 0.2 0.3 2k 2k
Find the value of k, and expected value.

Solution: A random variable X has probability mass function,

∑ .

k + 0.2 + 0.3 + 2k +2k = 1

5k = 0.5

k = 0.1

Therefore the probability distribution of random variable X is

X= -1 0 1 2 3
P( ) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2

To calculate expected value, ( ) ∑

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) .

Example 15: A box contains 5 white and 7 black balls. A person draws 3 balls at random. He
gets Rs. 50 for every white ball and losses Rs. 10 every black ball. Find the expectation of him.

Solution: Total number of balls in box = 5 white + 7 black = 12 balls.

To select 3 balls at random, ( ) ( )

Let A be the event getting white ball.

A takes value of 0, 1, 2 and 3 white ball.

Case I : no white ball. i.e. A = 0,

( )
( )

Case II: one white ball i.e. A = 1,

( ) ( )
( )

Case III: two white balls i.e. A = 2,

( ) ( )
( )

Case IV: three white balls i.e. A = 3,

( )
( )

Now let X be amount he get from the game.

Therefore the probability distribution of X is as follows:

X= -30 30 90 150
P( )

To calculate expected value, ( ) ∑

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Rs. 45.

11.8 Let us sum up:

In this chapter we have learn:

 Basic concept of probability like random experiment, outcomes, sample space, events and
types of events.
 Probability Axioms and its basic properties.
 Addition theorem of probability for disjoint events.
 Condition Probability for dependent events.
 Independent events.
 For Independent events multiplication theorem.
 Baye’s formula and its application.
 Expected Value for discrete random probability distribution.

11.9 Unit end Exercises:

1. A card is drawn at random from well shuffled pack of card find the probability that it is red or
king card.

2. There are 30 tickets bearing numbers from 1 to 15 in a bag. One ticket is drawn from the bag
at random. Find the probability that the ticket bears a number, which is even, or a multiple of 3.

3. In a group of 200 persons, 100 like sweet food items, 120 like salty food items and 50 like
both. A person is selected at random find the probability that the person (i). Like sweet food
items but not salty food items (ii). Likes neither.

4. A bag contains 7 white balls & 5 red balls. One ball is drawn from bag and it is replaced after
noting its color. In the second draw again one ball is drawn and its color is noted. The probability
of the event that both the balls drawn are of different colors.

5. the probability of A winning a race is & that B wins a race is . Find the probability that (a).
either of the two wins a race. b), no one wins the race.

6. Three machines A, B & C manufacture respectively 0.3, 0.5 & 0.2 of the total production. The
percentage of defective items produced by A, B & C is 4 , 3 & 2 percent respectively. for an item
chosen at random , what is the probability it is defective.

7. An urn A contains 3 white & 5 black balls. Another urn B contains 5 white & 7 black balls. A
ball is transferred from the urn A to the urn B, then a ball is drawn from urn B. find the
probability that it is white.

8. A husband & wife appear in an interview for two vacancies in the same post. The probability
of husband selection is & that of wife’s selection is . What is the probability that, a). both of
them will be selected. b). only one of them will be selected. c). none of them will be selected?

9. A problem statistics is given to 3 students A,B & C whose chances of solving if are , &
respectively. What is the probability that the problem will be solved?

10. A bag contains 8 white & 6 red balls. Find the probability of drawing 2 balls of the same

11. Find the probability of drawing an ace or a spade or both from a deck of cards?
12. A can hit a target 3 times in a 5 shots, B 2 times in 5 shots & C 3 times in a 4 shots. they fire
a volley. What is the probability that a).2 shots hit? b). at least 2 shots hit?

13. A purse contains 2 silver & 4 cooper coins & a second purse contains 4 silver & 4 cooper
coins. If a coin is selected at random from one of the two purses, what is the probability that it is
a silver coin?

14. The contain of a three urns are : 1 white, 2 red, 3 green balls; 2 white, 1 red, 1 green balls &
4 white, 5 red, 3 green balls. Two balls are drawn from an urn chosen at random. This are found
to be 1 white & 1 green. Find the probability that the balls so drawn come from the second urn.

15. Three machines A,B & C produced identical items. Of there respective output 2%, 4% & 5%
of items are faulty. On a certain day A has produced 30% of the total output, B has produced
25% & C the remainder. An item selected at random is found to be faulty. What are the chances
that it was produced by the machine with the highest output?

16. A person speaks truth 3 times out of 7. When a die is thrown, he says that the result is a 1.
What is the probability that it is actually a 1?

17. There are three radio stations A, B and C which can be received in a city of 1000 families.
The following information is available on the basis of a survey:

(a). 1200 families listen to radio station A

(b). 1100 families listen to radio station B.
(c). 800 families listen to radio station C.
(d). 865 families listen to radio station A & B.
(e). 450 families listen to radio station A & C.
(f). 400 families listen to radio station B & C.
(g). 100 families listen to radio station A, B & C.
The probability that a family selected at random listens at least to one radio station.

18. The probability distribution of a random variable x is as follows.

X 1 3 5 7 9
P(x) K 2k 3k 3k K
Find value of (i). K (ii). E(x)

19. A player tossed 3 coins. He wins Rs. 200 if all 3 coins show tail, Rs. 100 if 2 coins show tail,
Rs. 50 if one tail appears and loses Rs. 40 if no tail appears. Find his mathematical expectation.

20. The probability distribution of daily demand of cell phones in a mobile gallery is given below.
Find the expected mean .

Demand 5 10 15 20
Probability 0.4 0.22 0.28 0.10
21. If ( ) ( ) and if A and B are independent events, find ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ̅ ̅)

22. If ( ) ( ̅) and if A and B are independent events, find ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ̅ ̅)

23. If ( ) ( ) and ( ) , where A and B are events of sample

space S, find ( ) ( | ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ̅ ̅)

24. A box containing 5 red and 3 black balls, 3 balls are drawn at random from box. Find the
expected number of red balls drawn.

25. Two fair dice are rolled. X denotes the sum of the numbers appearing on the uppermost faces
of the dice. Find the expected value.

11.10 List of References:

 Discrete Mathematics with Applications by Sussana S. Epp

 Discrete Mathematics and its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen
 Discrete Mathematical Structures by B Kolman, RC Busby, S Ross
 Discrete structures by Liu

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