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WAS 7.0 - Overview and New Features

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Learn about WebSphere applications: Overview and new features

Use the Learn about WebSphere applications section as a starting point to study the programing model, encompassing the
many parts used in and by various application types supported by the application server.

The programming model for applications deployed on this product has the following aspects.
 Java™ specifications and other open standards for developing applications
 WebSphere® programming model extensions to enhance application functionality
 Containers and services in the application server, used by deployed applications, and which sometimes can be

The diagram shows a single application server installation. The parts pertaining to the programming model are discussed here.
Other parts comprise the product architecture, independent of the various application types outlined by the programming model.
See WebSphere Application Server product architecture.
Java EE application components
The product supports application components that conform to Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) specifications.
Web applications run in the Web container

The Web container is the part of the application server in which Web application components run. Web applications are
comprised of one or more related servlets, JavaServer Pages technology (JSP files), and Hyper Text Markup Language
(HTML) files that you can manage as a unit. Combined, they perform a business logic function.

The Web container processes servlets, JSP files, and other types of server-side includes. Each application server
runtime has one logical Web container, which can be modified, but not created or removed. Each Web container
provides the following.
Web container transport chains
Requests are directed to the Web container using the Web container inbound transport chain. The chain consists of a
TCP inbound channel that provides the connection to the network, an HTTP inbound channel that serves HTTP
requests, and a Web container channel over which requests for servlets and JSP files are sent to the Web container for
Servlet processing
When handling servlets, the Web container creates a request object and a response object, then invokes the servlet
service method. The Web container invokes the servlet's destroy method when appropriate and unloads the servlet,
after which the JVM performs garbage collection.

Servlets can perform such tasks as supporting dynamic Web page content, providing database access, serving multiple
clients at one time, and filtering data.

JSP files enable the separation of the HTML code from the business logic in Web pages. IBM® extensions to the JSP
specification make it easy for HTML authors to add the power of Java technology to Web pages, without being experts
in Java programming.

HTML and other static content processing

Requests for HTML and other static content that are directed to the Web container are served by the Web container
inbound chain. However, in most cases, using an external Web server and Web server plug-in as a front end to the
Web container is more appropriate for a production environment.
Session management
Support is provided for the javax.servlet.http.HttpSession interface as described in the Servlet application programming
interface (API) specification.

An HTTP session is a series of requests to a servlet, originating from the same user at the same browser. Sessions
allow applications running in a Web container to keep track of individual users. For example, many Web applications
allow users to dynamically collect data as they move through the site, based on a series of selections on pages they
visit. Where the user goes next, or what the site displays next, might depend on what the user has chosen previously
from the site. To maintain this data, the application stores it in a "session."

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SIP applications and their container

SIP applications are Java programs that use at least one Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) servlet. SIP is used to
establish, modify, and terminate multimedia IP sessions including IP telephony, presence, and instant messaging.

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Portlet applications and their container

Portlet applications are special reusable Java servlets that appear as defined regions on portal pages. Portlets provide
access to many different applications, services, and Web content.

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EJB applications run in the EJB container
The EJB container provides all of the runtime services needed to deploy and manage enterprise beans. It is a server
process that handles requests for both session and entity beans.

Enterprise beans are Java components that typically implement the business logic of Java EE applications, as well as
accessing data. The enterprise beans, packaged in EJB modules, installed in an application server do not communicate
directly with the server. Instead, the EJB container is an interface between EJB components and the application server.
Together, the container and the server provide the enterprise bean runtime environment.

The container provides many low-level services, including threading and transaction support. From an administrative
perspective, the container handles data access for the contained beans. A single container can host more than one
EJB Java archive (JAR) file.

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Client applications and other types of clients

In a client-server environment, clients communicate with applications running on the server. Client applications or
application clients generally refers to clients implemented according to a particular set of Java specifications, and which
run in the client container of a Java EE-compliant application server. Other clients in the WebSphere Application Server
environment include clients implemented as Web applications (Web clients), clients of Web services programs (Web
services clients), and clients of the product systems administration (administrative clients).
Client applications and their container
The client container is installed separately from the application server, on the client machine. It enables the client to run
applications in an EJB-compatible Java EE environment. The diagram shows a Java client running in the client

This product provides a convenient launchClient tool for starting the application client, along with its client container

Depending on the source of technical information, client applications sometimes are called application clients. In this
documentation, the two terms are synonymous.

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Web clients, known also as web browser clients
The diagram shows a Web browser client, which can be known simply as a Web client, making a request to the Web
container of the application server. A Web client or Web browser client runs in a Web browser, and typically is a Web
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Web services clients
Web services clients are yet another kind of client that might exist in your application serving environment. The diagram
does not depict a Web services client. The Web services information includes information about this type of client.
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Administrative clients
The diagram shows two kinds of administrative clients: a scripting client and the administrative console that is the
graphical user interface (GUI) for administering this product. Both are accessing parts of the systems administration
infrastructure. In the sense that they are basically the same for whatever kind of applications you are deploying on the
server, administrative clients are part of the product architecture. However, because many of these clients are
programs you create, they are discussed as part of the programming model for completeness.

See Using the administrative clients.

Web services
Web services
The diagram shows the Web services engine, part of the Web services support in the application server runtime. Web
services are self-contained, modular applications that can be described, published, located, and invoked over a
network. They implement a service-oriented architecture (SOA), which supports the connecting or sharing of resources
and data in a flexible and standardized manner. Services are described and organized to support their dynamic,
automated discovery and reuse.
The product acts as both a Web services provider and as a requestor. As a provider, it hosts Web services that are
published for use by clients. As a requester, it hosts applications that invoke Web services from other locations. The
diagram shows the Web services engine in this capacity, contacting a Web services provider or gateway.

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Data access, messaging, and Java EE resources

Data access resources
Connection management for access to enterprise information systems (EIS) in the application server is based on the
Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA) specification. The diagram shows JCA services helping an application to access
a database in which the application retrieves and persists data.

The connection between the enterprise application and the EIS is done through the use of EIS-provided resource
adapters, which are plugged into the application server. The architecture specifies the connection management,
transaction management, and security contracts between the application server and EIS.

The Connection Manager (not shown) in the application server pools and manages connections. It is capable of
managing connections obtained through both resource adapters defined by the JCA specification and data sources
defined by the JDBC 2.0 Extensions specification.

JDBC resources (JDBC providers and data sources) are a type of Java EE resource used by applications to access
data. Although data access is a broader subject than that of JDBC resources, this information often groups data access
under the heading of Java EE resources for simplicity.

JCA resource adapters are another type of Java EE resource used by applications. The JCA defines the standard
architecture for connecting the Java EE platform to heterogeneous EIS. Imagine an ERP, mainframe transaction
processing, database systems, and legacy applications not written in the Java programming language.

The JCA resource adapter is a system-level software driver supplied by EIS vendors or other third-party vendors. It
provides the connectivity between Java EE application servers or clients and an EIS. To use a resource adapter, install
the resource adapter code and create configurations that use that adapter. The product provides a predefined relational
resource adapter for your use.

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Messaging resources and messaging engines
JMS support enables applications to exchange messages asynchronously with other JMS clients by using JMS
destinations (queues or topics). Applications can use message-driven beans to automatically retrieve messages from
JMS destinations and JCA endpoints without explicitly polling for messages.

For inbound non-JMS requests, message-driven beans use a Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA) 1.5 resource
adapter written for that purpose. For JMS messaging, message-driven beans can use a JCA-based messaging provider
such as the default messaging provider that is part of the product.

The messaging engine supports the following types of message providers.

Default messaging provider (service integration bus)
The default messaging provider uses the service integration bus for transport. The default message provider provides
point-to-point functions, as well as publish and subscribe functions. Within this provider, you define JMS connection
factories and destinations that correspond to service integration bus destinations.
WebSphere MQ provider
You can use WebSphere MQ as the external JMS provider. The application server provides the JMS client classes and
administration interface, while WebSphere MQ provides the queue-based messaging system.
Generic JMS provider
You can use another messaging provider as long as it implements the ASF component of the JMS 1.0.2 specification.
JMS resources for this provider cannot be configured using the administrative console.

For transitioning users: Version 6 replaces the Version 5 concept of a JMS server with a messaging
engine built into the application server, offering the various kinds of providers mentioned previously. The
Version 5 messaging provider is offered for configuring resources for use with Version 5 embedded
messaging. You also can use the Version 5 default messaging provider with a service integration bus.
EJB 2.1 introduces an ActivationSpec for connecting message-driven beans to destinations. For compatibility
with Version 5, you still can configure JMS message-driven beans (EJB 2.0) against a listener port. For those
message-driven beans, the message listener service provides a listener manager that controls and monitors
one or more JMS listeners, each of which monitors a JMS destination on behalf of a deployed message-driven

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Service integration bus

The service integration bus provides a unified communication infrastructure for messaging and service-oriented
applications. The service integration bus is a JMS provider that provides reliable message transport and uses
intermediary logic to adapt message flow intelligently into the network. It supports the attachment of Web services
requestors and providers. Its capabilities are fully integrated into product architecture, including the security, system
administration, monitoring, and problem determination subsystems.

The service integration bus is often referred to as just a bus. When used to host JMS applications, it is often referred to
as a messaging bus. It consists of the following parts (not shown at this level of detail in the diagram).
Bus members
Application servers added to the bus.
Messaging engine
The component that manages bus resources. It provides a connection point for clients to produce or from where to
consume messages.
The place within the bus to which applications attach to exchange messages. Destinations can represent Web services
endpoints, messaging point-to-point queues, or messaging publish and subscribe topics. Destinations are created on a
bus and hosted on a messaging engine.
Message store
Each messaging engine uses a set of tables in a supported data store (such as a JDBC database) to hold information
such as messages, subscription information, and transaction states.
Through the service integration bus Web services enablement, you can:
 Make an internal service that is already available at a service destination available as a Web
 Make an external Web service available at a service destination.
 Use the Web Services Gateway to map an existing service, either an internal service or an external
Web service, to a new Web service that appears to be provided by the gateway.
Mail, URLs, and other Java EE resources
The following kinds of Java EE resources are used by applications deployed on a J2EE-compliant application server.
 JDBC resources and other technology for data access (previously discussed)
 JCA resource adapters (previously discussed)
 JMS resources and other messaging support (previously discussed)
 JavaMail support, for applications to send Internet mail

The JavaMail APIs provide a platform and protocol-independent framework for building Java-based mail client
applications. The APIs require service providers, known as protocol providers, to interact with mail servers that
run on the appropriate protocols.

A mail provider encapsulates a collection of protocol providers, including Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
for sending mail; Post Office Protocol (POP) for receiving mail; and Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)
as another option for receiving mail. To use another protocol, you must install the appropriate service provider
for the protocol.

JavaMail requires not only service providers, but also the JavaBeans™ Activation Framework (JAF), as the
underlying framework to handle complex data types that are not plain text, such as Multipurpose Internet Mail
Extensions (MIME), URL pages, and file attachments.

 URLs, for describing logical locations

URL providers implement the functionality for a particular URL protocol, such as HTTP, enabling
communication between the application and a URL resource that is served by a particular protocol. A default
URL provider is included for use by any URL resource with protocols based on the supported Java Platform,
Standard Edition (Java SE) specification, such as HTTP, FTP, or File. You also can plug in your own URL
providers that implement additional protocols.

 Resource environment entries, for mapping logical names to physical names

The java:comp/env environment provides a single mechanism by which both the JNDI name space objects and
local application environment objects can be looked up. The product provides numerous local environment
entries by default.

The Java EE specification also provides a mechanism for defining customer environment entries by defining
entries in the standard deployment descriptor of an application. The Java EE specification uses the following
methods to separate the definition of the resource environment entry from the application.
o Requiring the application server to provide a mechanism for defining separate administrative objects
that encapsulate a resource environment entry. The administrative objects are accessible using JNDI
in the application server local name space (java:comp/env).
o Specifying the administrative object's JNDI lookup name and expected returned object type. This
specification is performed in the aforementioned resource environment entry in the deployment
The product supports the use of resource environment entries with the following administrative concepts.
o A resource environment entry defines the binding target (JNDI name), factory class, and return object
type (via the link to a referenceable) of the resource environment entry.
o A referenceable defines the class name of the factory that returns object instances implementing a
Java interface.
o A resource environment provider groups together the referenceable, resource environment entries and
any required custom properties.
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Security programming model and infrastructure
The product provides security infrastructure and mechanisms to protect sensitive Java EE resources and administrative
resources and to address enterprise end-to-end security requirements on authentication, resource access control, data
integrity, confidentiality, privacy, and secure interoperability.

Security infrastructure and mechanisms protect Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) resources and
administrative resources, addressing your enterprise security requirements. In turn, the security infrastructure of this
product works with the existing security infrastructure of your multiple-tier enterprise computing framework. Based on
open architecture, the product provides many plug-in points to integrate with enterprise software components to provide
end-to-end security.

The security infrastructure involves both a programming model and elements of the product architecture that are
independent of the application type.

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Additional services for use by applications

Naming and directory
Each application server provides a naming service that in turn provides a Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)
name space. The service is used to register resources hosted on the application server. The JNDI implementation is
built on top of a Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) naming service (CosNaming).

JNDI provides the client-side access to naming and presents the programming model used by application developers.
CosNaming provides the server-side implementation and is where its name space is actually stored. JNDI essentially
provides a client-side wrapper of the name space stored in CosNaming, and interacts with the CosNaming server on
behalf of the client.

Clients of the application server use the naming architecture to obtain references to objects related to those
applications. The objects are bound into a mostly hierarchical structure called the name space. It consists of a set of
name bindings, each one of which is a name relative to a specific context and the object bound with that name. The
name space can be accessed and manipulated through a name server.

This product provides the following naming and directory features.

 Distributed name space, for additional scalability
 Transient and persistent partitions, for binding at various scopes
 Federated name space structure across multiple servers
 Configured bindings for defining bindings bound by the system at server startup
 Support for CORBA Interoperable Naming Service (INS) object URLs
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Note that with the addition of virtual member manager to provide federated repository support for product security, the
product now offers more extensive and sophisticated identity management capabilities than ever before, especially in
combination with other WebSphere and Tivoli® products.

Object Request Broker (ORB)

The product uses an ORB to manage interaction between client applications and server applications, as well as among
product components. An ORB uses IIOP to enable clients to make requests and receive requests from servers in a
network distributed environment.

The ORB provides a framework for clients to locate objects in the network and call operations on those objects as
though the remote objects were located in the same running process as the client, providing location transparency.

Although not shown in the diagram, one place in which the ORB comes into play is where the client container is
contacting the EJB container on behalf of a Java client.

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Part of the application server is the transaction service. The product provides advanced transactional capabilities to
help application developers avoid custom coding. It provides support for the many challenges related to integrating
existing software assets with a Java EE environment. These measures include ActivitySessions (described below).

Applications running on the server can use transactions to coordinate multiple updates to resources as one unit of work
such that all or none of the updates are made permanent. Transactions are started and ended by applications or the
container in which the applications are deployed.

The application server is a transaction manager that supports coordination of resource managers and participates in
distributed global transactions with other compliant transaction managers.

The server can be configured to interact with databases, JMS queues, and JCA connectors through their local
transaction support when distributed transaction support is not required.

How applications use transactions depends on the type of application, for example:
 A session bean either can manage its transactions itself, or delegate the management of transactions to the
 Entity beans use container-managed transactions.
 Web components, such as servlets, use bean-managed transactions.
The product handles transactions with the following components.
 A transaction manager supports the enlistment of recoverable XAResources and ensures each resource is
driven to a consistent outcome, either at the end of a transaction, or after a failure and restart of the application
 A container manages the enlistment of XAResources on behalf of deployed applications when it performs
updates to transactional resource managers such as databases. Optionally, the container can control the
demarcation of transactions for EJB applications that have enterprise beans configured for container-managed
 An API handles bean-managed enterprise beans and servlets, allowing such application components to control
the demarcation of their own transactions.
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WebSphere extensions

WebSphere programming model extensions are the programming model benefits you
gain by purchasing this product. They represent leading edge technology to enhance
application capability and performance, and make programming and deployment
faster and more productive.

In addition, your applications can use the Eclipse extension framework. Your
applications are extensible as soon as you define an extension point and provide the
extension processing code for the extensible area of the application. You can also
plug an application into another extensible application by defining an extension that
adheres to the target extension point requirements. The extension point can find the
newly added extension dynamically and the new function is seamlessly integrated in
the existing application. It works on a cross Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java
EE) module basis. The application extension registry uses the Eclipse plug-in
descriptor format and application programming interfaces (APIs) as the standard
extensibility mechanism for WebSphere applications. Developers who build
WebSphere application modules can use WebSphere Application Server extensions
to implement Eclipse tools and to provide plug-in modules to contribute functionality
such as actions, tasks, menu items, and links at predefined extension points in the
WebSphere application. For more information about this feature, see Application
extension registry.

The various WebSphere programming model extensions, and the corresponding

application services that support them in the application server runtime, can be
considered in three groups: Business Object Model extensions, Business Process
Model extensions, and extensions for producing Next Generation Applications.

Extensions pertaining to the Business Object Model

Business object model extensions operate with business objects, such as enterprise
bean (EJB) applications.
Application profiling
Application profiling is a WebSphere extension for defining strategies to dynamically control concurrency, prefetch, and

Application profiling and access intent provide a flexible method to fine-tune application performance for enterprise
beans without impacting source code. Different enterprise beans, and even different methods in one enterprise bean,
can have their own intent to access resources. Profiling the components based on their access intent increases
performance in the application server runtime.

Dynamic query
Dynamic query is a WebSphere programming extension for unprecedented application flexibility. It lets you dynamically
build and submit queries that select, sort, join, and perform calculations on application data at runtime. Dynamic Query
service provides the ability to pass in and process EJB query language queries at runtime, eliminating the need to hard-
code required queries into deployment descriptors during application development.

Dynamic query improves enterprise beans by enabling the client to run custom queries on EJB components during
runtime. Until now, EJB lookups and field mappings were implemented at development time and required further
development or reassembly in order to be changed.

Dynamic cache
The dynamic cache service improves performance by caching the output of servlets, commands, and JSP files. This
service within the application server intercepts calls to cacheable objects and either stores the output of the object or
serves the content of the object from the dynamic cache.

Because Java EE applications have high read-write ratios and can tolerate small degrees of latency in the currency of
their data, the dynamic cache can create opportunity for significant gains in server response time, throughput, and

Features include cache replication among clusters, cache disk offload, Edge side include caching, and external caching
- the ability to control caches outside of the application server, such as that of your Web server.

Extensions pertaining to the Business Process Model

Business process model extensions provide process, workflow functionality,

and services for the application server. Use them in conjunction with
business integration capabilities.
ActivitySessions are a WebSphere extension for reducing the complexity of dealing with commitment rules and
limitations associated with one-phase commit resources.

ActivitySessions provide the ability to extend the scope of multiple local transactions, and to group them. This enables
them to be committed based on deployment criteria or through explicit program logic.
Web services
Web services are self-contained, modular applications that can be described, published, located, and invoked over a
network. They implement a services oriented architecture (SOA), which supports the connecting or sharing of
resources and data in a very flexible and standardized manner. Services are described and organized to support their
dynamic, automated discovery and reuse.
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Extensions for creating next generation applications

Next generation extentions can be used in applications that need the

specific extensions. These enable next generation development by
leveraging the latest innovations that build on today's Java EE
standards. This provides greater control over application development,
execution, and performance than was ever possible before.
Asynchronous beans
Asynchronous beans offer performance enhancements for resource-intensive tasks by enabling single tasks to run as
multiple tasks. Asynchronous scheduling facilities can also be used to process parallel processing requests in "batch
mode" at a designated time. The product provides full support for asynchronous execution and invocation of threads
and components within the application server. The application server provides execution and security context for the
components, making them an integral part of the application.
Startup beans
Startup beans allow the automatic execution of business logic when the application server starts or stops. For example,
they might be used to pre-fill application-specific caches, initialize application-level connection pools, or perform other
application-specific initialization and termination procedures.
Object pools
Object pools provide an effective means of improving application performance at runtime, by allowing multiple
instances of objects to be reused. This reuse reduces the overhead associated with instantiating, initializing, and
garbage-collecting the objects. Creating an object pool allows an application to obtain an instance of a Java object and
return the instance to the pool when it has finished using it.
The internationalization service is a WebSphere extension for improving developer productivity. It allows you to
automatically recognize the time zone and location information of the calling client, so that your application can act
appropriately. The technology enables you to deliver each user, around the world, the right date and time information,
the appropriate currencies and languages, and the correct date and decimal formats.
The scheduler service is a WebSphere programming extension responsible for starting actions at specific times or
intervals. It helps minimize IT costs and increase application speed and responsiveness by maximizing utilization of
existing computing resources. The scheduler service provides the ability to process workloads using parallel
processing, set specific transactions as high priority, and schedule less time-sensitive tasks to process during low traffic
Work areas
Work areas are a WebSphere extension for improving developer productivity. Work areas provide a capability much like
that of "global variables." They provide a solution for passing and propagating contextual information between
application components.

Work areas enable efficient sharing of information across a distributed application. For example, you might want to add
profile information as each customer enters your application. By placing this information in a work area, it will be
available throughout your application, eliminating the need to hand-code a solution or to read and write information to a

To delve deeper into learning about any of the

extensions, see Learn about WebSphere
programming extensions.

Specifications and API documentation
Web applications
Learn about Web applications
Introduction: Web applications
Introduction: Portlet applications
Learn about portlet applications
Introduction: SIP applications
Learn about SIP applications
EJB applications
Introduction: EJB applications
Learn about EJB applications
Client modules
Introduction: Client applications
Learn about client applications
Web services
Introduction: Web services
Learn about Web services
Data access resources
Introduction: Data access resources
Learn about data access resources
Messaging resources
Introduction: Messaging resources
Messaging: Resources for learning
Mail, URLs, and other J2EE resources
Introduction: Mail, URLs, and other Java EE
Learn about mail, URLs, and other Java™ EE
Introduction: Security
Introduction: Naming and directory
Learn about naming and directory
Learn about Object Request Brokers (ORB)
Introduction: Object Request Broker
Introduction: Transactions
Learn about transactions

Related concepts
Object Request Brokers
Learn about WebSphere programming extensions

Concept topic

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Last updated: Jan 13, 2010 10:38:25 PM CST

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