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Design of Transmission Tower With Three Different Configurations On The Basis of Different Bracing Systems

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 7 Issue 1, January-February 2023 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Design of Transmission Tower with Three Different

Configurations on the Basis of Different Bracing Systems
Priyanka Soni, Deeksha Shirotiya, Abhay Kumar Jha
Department of Civil Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Priyanka Soni |

A transmission line is an integrated system made up of one Deeksha Shirotiya | Abhay Kumar Jha
subsystem for each type of support structure, a conductor subsystem, "Design of Transmission Tower with
a ground wire subsystem, and a ground wire subsystem. Transfer line Three Different Configurations on the
mechanical supports are a major component of the line's cost and are Basis of Different Bracing Systems"
Published in
crucial for the efficient transmission of power. They are designed and International
constructed in wide variety of shapes, types, sizes, configurations and Journal of Trend in
materials. The supporting structure types used in transmission lines Scientific Research
generally fall into one of the three categories: lattice, pole and guyed. and Development
The supports of EHV transmission lines are normally steel lattice (ijtsrd), ISSN:
towers. The cost of towers constitutes about quarter to half of the cost 2456-6470, IJTSRD52761
of transmission line and hence optimum tower design will bring in Volume-7 | Issue-1,
substantial savings. A transmission line tower's cost-effective design February 2023, pp.764-767, URL:
is greatly influenced by the choice of the ideal form and the
Copyright © 2023 by author (s) and
KEYWORDS: transmission, subsystem, power, efficient, mechanical, International Journal of Trend in
design Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

A transmission line tower's cost-effective design is line's cost and are crucial for the efficient transmission
greatly influenced by the choice of the ideal form and of power
the appropriate type of bracing system. The user sets
the tower's height, and the structural designer is
To design transmission tower with three different
responsible for creating the general layout, member
configurations (on the basis of different Bracing
details, and joint details. Every designer aspires to
Systems) for a given scenario and selecting the
create the greatest (optimum) systems possible. But
most economical design.
due to practical limitations, this was only possible by a
Towers in plain and hilly regions will be
successful combination of intuition, experience, and
considered, in two separate stages.
numerous failed attempts. India has a large population
Parameters for comparison are:
residing all over the country and the electricity supply
Weight of Tower
need of this population creates requirement of a large
Various Stresses
transmission and distribution system. Also, the Foundation
disposition of the main sources of electrical power
Cost (Member cost, Joint cost, Labour cost
generation, namely coal and hydro potential, are
highly uneven, which raises the need for transmission II. Literature review
once more. A transmission line is an integrated system Akbari et al. (2015) assessed seismic vulnerability of
made up of one subsystem for each type of support steel X-braced and chevron-braced Reinforced
structure, a conductor subsystem, a ground wire Concrete by developing analytical fragility curve.
subsystem, and a ground wire subsystem. Transfer Investigation of various parameters like height of the
line mechanical supports are a major component of the frame, the p-delta effect and the fraction of base shear

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD52761 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 1 | January-February 2023 Page 764
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
for the bracing system was done. For a specific more effective to compare single diagonal bracing
designed base shear, steel-braced RC dual systems system. Both bracing systems are increase base shear
have low damage probability and larger capacity than in building and provide more stiffness compare to
unbraced system. Combination of stronger bracing without bracing system structure. In a earthquake
and weaker frame reduces the damage probability on resistant system bracing system more effectively and
the entire system. Irrespective of height of the frame, provide more resistance during a earthquake. Bracing
Chevron braces are more effective than X-type system is less costly and complex compare to
bracing. While it is preferable to distribute base shear damping system and other earthquake resistant
equally between the braces and the RC frame in an X- techniques. When establishing a Comparison of
type bracing system, a higher base shear share should bending moment of both bracing systems. Deflection
be given to the braces in a Chevron braced system. in single and diagonal bracing systems is shown in
The damage probability is increased by 20% for Table 1 and Chart 1. When compared to a double
shorter dual systems and by 100% for taller dual diagonal bracing system, single diagonal systems
systems when the p-delta effect is taken into account. exhibit greater deflection, which causes jerk. Shear
With lower PGA levels, the p-delta impact becomes force is depicted in single and diagonal bracing
more pronounced. systems in table 1 and chart 1. The base shear is high
in the top of the single diagonal bracing system and
Atif1 et al. (2015) The comparison of seismic
average from floor to floor, as shown quite clearly in
analyses of G+15 buildings with bracing and shear
the chart. Shear force is now increasing with respect
walls is the main topic of the research. In Zones II,
to floor height in the double diagonal bracing system
III, IV, and V, the building's performance is
and approaching single diagonal bracing in
evaluated. In order to attain their suitable behaviour
comparison. The bending moment diagram in single
under future earthquakes, the study comprises
and diagonal bracing systems is shown in table 1 and
identifying the primary consideration factor that
chart 1.
causes the structure to perform poorly during
earthquakes. The structure under analysis is Qiu and Zhu (2016) investigated seismic-resisting,
symmetric, G+15, and an ordinary RC moment- multi-story steel frames with self-centering braces
resting frame (OMRF). The structure is modelled (SCBs) numerically through pushover and
using the staad pro. V8i software. The programme is incremental dynamic analyses. The seismic
used to obtain the structure's time period in both performance of self-centering braced frames (SC-
directions, and seismic analysis in accordance with IS BFs) is systematically compared with that of
1893(part 1):2002 has been performed. According to buckling-restrained braced frames (BRBFs), with
IS 1893(part 1): 2002, the lateral seismic forces of an emphasis on high-mode effect. The concentration of
RC frame are calculated using the linear static inter-story drift in the upper part of the buildings is
approach for various earthquake zones. The goal of more significant in SC-BFs than in BRBFs as a result
the current effort is to comprehend the necessity of of this effect. This high-mode effect strengthens with
earthquake-resistant characteristics on structures in the increasing intensity of ground motions.
order for them to safely withstand the strong lateral Parametric studies indicate that increasing the post-
stresses that earthquakes impose on them. Shear walls yield stiffness ratio and/or energy dissipation capacity
are beneficial in reducing earthquake damage to can successfully improve the seismic performance of
structures and in terms of building costs. SC-BFs, particularly in terms of limiting the high-
Additionally, braced frames are capable of absorbing mode effect. SC-BFs with enhanced post-yield
a significant amount of seismic energy. The results of stiffness and energy dissipation capacity exhibit
the performance and analysis of the models are then relatively uniform inter-story drift ratios and reduced
represented graphically, as well as in tabular form, record-to-record variability in seismic performance.
and are compared to determine the best arrangement Pathak et al. (2016),considered and examined G+9
of three different types of bracing with three different steel mounts with a diverse variety of bracing
bracing orientations, as well as shear wall, for a configuration and altered combination of soft-story by
building's resistance to lateral stiffness. Base shear, means of software STAAD Pro. In contrast to
displacement, axial load, moments in the Y and Z limitations like column shift, defined deflection, story
directions in columns, shear forces, maximum drift, maximum bending moment, maximum axial
bending moments, and maximum torsion in beams are force, and maximum shear force, the effect of these
all compared. modified bracings on the soft story is planned for.
Kanthariya et al. (2016) In this paper from the table Bhojkar and Bagade (2015), elevated-rise
and chart I am conclude in a double diagonal system development was evaluated for seismic risk using a

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD52761 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 1 | January-February 2023 Page 765
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
steel bracing method. Use of steel is recommended upper halves of the structure, three types of bracing
for seismically deficient reinforced concrete mounts are used: a steel X-bracing system, a concrete shear
Vol-7 Issue-5 2021 IJARIIE-ISSN wall system, and a combination of the three.
(O)-2395-4396 15245 There are 92 bracing systems Rectangular buildings deflect less than square
that are ready to solidify. The investigation makes use buildings along shorter base dimensions, but more
of a variety of bracing structures and completes a strongly along longer base sides.
seismic assessment for seismic area III in accordance
Pate et al. (2017) The need of making the structure
with IS1893:2002. The main restrictions that are
safe against lateral load is increased for high-rise
taken into consideration are adjacent movement, story
buildings made of RCC frames. The causes of these
drift, axial force, and base shearIt was believed that
loads include earthquakes, wind, and others. Various
the X kind of steel bracing supplemented the
steel or RCC bracing solutions are offered to resist
mechanical toughness and that excessive inter-story
lateral loads occurring on buildings. RCC bracing
drift of the casings also grows condensed. The
may offer advantages over other bracing, such as
bracing system produces the best results in terms of
greater stiffness and stability. The goal of this study
lateral rigidity, power aptitude, and movement
was to compare various RCC bracing systems under
capacity. They discover that the adoption of X type of
seismic activity in tall buildings. Moment Resisting
bracing arrangement results in a drop in lateral
Frames (MRFs), X-Braced Frames (XBFs), and V-
movement of the assembly that is up to 65%. In X
Braced Frames (VBFs) are three additional structural
kind of bracing mechanism, narrative wander
configurations employed in this paper for an 11-story
decreases. Axial force for the X bracing system
(G+10) building. The bracing systems that are
increased by up to 22%.
available around the column's perimeter. Software is
Srivardhan et al. (2016) Four distinct plan shapes, used to examine the frame models in accordance with
including a square, rectangle, plus, and a T shape, are IS: 1893-2000. The parameters which are considered
taken into consideration for typical 20 and 30 story in this paper for comparing seismic effect of buildings
structures with an area of 40 m x 40 m and a span of 4 are base shear and storey displacement. The results
m. Using the load combinations listed in the IS code showed that X-braced frames are more efficient and
book, each building is examined for its vulnerability safe at time of earthquake when compared with
to wind and earthquake loads. For the bottom and moment resisting frames and V-braced frames.
III. Analysis in Staad pro
The process of analysis and design of structure performed on STAAD–Pro V8i is shown through Flow Chart in
figure 1.

Fig 1 Flow Chart Model analysis of Staad Pro

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD52761 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 1 | January-February 2023 Page 766
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
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