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Construction and Building Materials 49 (2013) 915925

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Ductility of FRPconcrete systems: Investigations at different length

Oguz Gunes a, Denvid Lau b, Chakrapan Tuakta c, Oral Bykztrk d,

Department of Civil Engineering, Cankaya University, Ankara, Turkey

Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Department of Civil Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA

h i g h l i g h t s
" Ductility plays an important role in earthquake resistant design of structures.
" Environmental factors may adversely affect the ductility due to premature failure.
" Characterization of ductility at different length scales is described.
" Discussion covers from the continuum regime to the atomistic level.

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:
Available online 3 January 2013

a b s t r a c t
Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) materials have been increasingly used in the last two decades to improve
various structural characteristics of reinforced concrete (RC) bridges, buildings and other structures. Ductility of the resulting FRPconcrete system plays an important role in structural performance, especially
in certain applications such as earthquake resistant design of structures, where ductility and energy dissipation play a vital role. Wrapping RC columns with FRP has been shown to generally result in signicant
increase in ductility due to the connement of concrete by the FRP. Other applications such as exural
strengthening of beams involve tradeoffs between ductility and the desired load capacity. Furthermore,
environmental factors may adversely affect the FRPconcrete bond raising concerns about the ductility of
the system due to possible premature failure modes. Characterization of these effects requires the use of
more involved mechanics concepts other than the simple elastic or ultimate strength analyses. This paper
focuses on characterizing ductility of the FRPconcrete systems at different length scales using a combined experimental/computational mechanics approach. Effects of several parameters on ductility,
including constituent material properties and their interfaces, FRP reinforcement geometry at the
macro- and meso-level, and atomistic structure at the molecular level are discussed. Integration of this
knowledge will provide the basis for improved design strategies considering the ductility of FRPconcrete
systems from a global as well as local perspective including interface bond behavior under various
mechanical and environmental conditions.
2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composite materials have been
increasingly used to improve the load capacity and serviceability
of reinforced concrete (RC) members and structures in the last
two decades. Despite many favorable properties of FRP composites
that encourage their use in conjunction with RC structures, a key
concern is their typical brittle failure following a linearly elastic
stressstrain behavior [1]. The current transition in design codes
towards performance-based design and evaluation procedures
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (O. Bykztrk).
0950-0618/$ - see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

places increased emphasis on the deformation and ductility

behavior of structures for satisfactory structural performance.
Hence, accurate assessment of the ductility characteristics of
FRPconcrete systems at different scales as affected by major
inuential factors is a necessity to ensure their safety throughout
the intended service life.
This paper focuses on the ductility of FRPconcrete systems
based on investigations ranging from the structural- to nano-scale
involving atomic-scale simulations. The paper begins with the definition and signicance of ductility in the design and evaluation of
new and existing structures followed by a discussion of the ductility characteristics of FRPconcrete systems at different scales as affected by various factors. The scope is limited to use of FRP as


O. Gunes et al. / Construction and Building Materials 49 (2013) 915925

external reinforcement in concrete, which is one of the four major

types of FRPconcrete systems dened in the relevant ACI 440
publication [2]. The investigations at the structural scale are presented from a seismic performance perspective due to greater
emphasis on ductility as a performance measure in seismic design.
Due to the typical sizes of civil infrastructure components such as
buildings and bridges, previous research on ductility has usually
been conducted at macro-scale and those at meso- and nano-scales
are limited. In this paper, quantitative discussions of ductility are
presented also in the smaller length scales through both experimental and simulation approaches. It is expected that such fundamental understanding of ductility across different scales in a
bonded system will be valuable for development of better design
2. Signicance of ductility in design and evaluation of
Ductility of a structural system, its components, and the constituent materials has always had special importance in the design of
structures. Dened at different scales as the ability to undergo
inelastic deformation before failure, ductility not only results in
warning before ultimate failure but also it reduces the dynamic
load demand through increased energy dissipation and damage.
The latter phenomenon has had a profound signicance in the design of structures in seismic regions for at least the last half a century. The experience and observations during this time have
veriably demonstrated that structures can be economically designed considering only a fraction of the calculated elastic seismic
design loads without violating the safety and performance objectives [3,4]. Allowing ductility-enabled inelastic deformation and
damage in the structure, this design philosophy has been widely
implemented by the code-use of a Seismic Response Modication
Factor, R, to reduce the elastic seismic loads (VE) to seismic design
loads (VS) as shown in Fig. 1a [5]. This reduction implicitly relies on
the ductility (l) expressed by the ratio of the ultimate drift (Du)
and the yield drift (Dy) shown on the bilinear approximation to
the capacity curve in the gure. For design purposes, the design
shear (VS) is magnied by the overstrength factor, X, considering
force controlled members, and the drift (DS) is magnied by the
deection amplication factor, Cd, to realistically satisfy the drift
limitations for satisfactory seismic performance. Hence, even
though the design requirements are stated in terms of forces and
the design is based on elastic analysis, the traditional seismic design philosophy is rooted in the expected inelastic deformation
and ductility behavior of structures.
An alternative design approach proposed to replace the
traditional seismic design methods is the Yield Point Spectra

(YPS) representation of the seismic demand which allows convenient graphical superposition of the ductility and drift limits as
shown in Fig. 1b [5,6]. Applicable to design and evaluation of
new and existing structures, respectively, this design approach calculates the base shear required to limit ductility and drift demands
based on an estimate of the yield displacement and uses a plastic
mechanism analysis to calculate the required member load capacities. The transition in the code design approaches is in parallel
with the developments in the performance-based evaluation and
design procedures that put greater emphasis on the inelastic deformation and ductility behavior of structures to characterize seismic
demand and performance.
Evaluation of an existing structure for seismic performance
assessment and possible retrotting is relatively less exible than
design of a new building since the structural system is xed and
typically the available information is limited. The evaluation procedure generally involves nonlinear static pushover analysis [7,8] of
the structure to obtain the capacity curve and estimation of the
corresponding seismic demand to determine the peak displacement response. Ductility of the system and its constituents at various scales play a vital role in the seismic performance level. Fig. 2
shows the ductility characteristics and measures at the scale of
structures, members, and constituent materials for an RC structure.
At the scale of a structure (typically 1012 m), the total base shear
roof displacement/drift (VD) relation denes the capacity curve
for the structure which leads to its seismic performance. The measure of ductility at the structural scale is the ratio of the ultimate
drift (Du) and yield drift (Dy) identied on the bilinear approximation to the capacity curve in Fig. 2a. At the scale of members or
components (typically 1001 m) the forcedeformation relationship is generally expressed from a computational perspective
in terms of momentrotation (Mh) relation obtained from the
momentcurvature (Mu) relation using the estimated plastic
hinge length (Lp). Measures of ductility at the scale of members
and components include the ratio of ultimate curvature or rotation
(uu, hu) and yield curvature or rotation (uy, hy), respectively, as
shown in Fig. 2b. The load deformation behavior of members and
structures are determined by those of the constitutive materials
that make up the member section (typically 10(1)(0) m) at
macro-scale (typically 10(2)(1) m). The measure of ductility at
the scale of materials is the ratio of the ultimate strain (eu) and
the yield strain (ey) as shown in Fig. 2c for reinforcing steel and
concrete. While the ductility ratio (l) of reinforcing steel typically
exceeds 100, that of normal strength concrete (under compression)
is only about 2 using a bilinear approximation to the stressstrain
curve according to Eurocode 2 [9]. Composite use of these two
materials in a complementary fashion and proper design of the
members aim at producing a safe and economical structure with

Fig. 1. Signicance of inelastic deformation and ductility in structural design (adapted from [5]).

O. Gunes et al. / Construction and Building Materials 49 (2013) 915925


Fig. 2. Ductility measures for (a) structures, (b) members and (c) constituent materials.

satisfactory seismic performance, which rarely requires a system

level ductility supply of 46 for typical structures [4].
3. Ductility characteristics of FRPconcrete systems at different
3.1. Investigations at structural level
FRP composite materials have several favorable properties that
justify their use in concrete structures. Among these are the high
strength and stiffness to weight ratios, tailorable material properties and geometry, ease of application, and exceptional durability
against environmental and mechanical effects. In view of the discussions in the preceding section, however, certain characteristics
of FRP materials and FRPconcrete systems cast doubts about their
suitability for use in concrete structures. From the ductility perspective, the most signicant concern is the linearly elastic tensile
stressstrain behavior followed by a brittle failure common to
most FRP composites. The fundamental problem in this respect is
the use of (mostly uniaxial) FRP with a ductility ratio of l  1 [1]
in addition to steel and concrete shown in Fig. 2c, which at
rst look does not promise a favorable contribution to the system
ductility. A partially compensating property of FRP composites is

their typically much higher ultimate strain (euf  0.0120.023)

compared to that of concrete (euc  0.003) and the yield strain of
reinforcing steel (eys  0.002) [1]. Since the ductility of reinforcing
steel in a properly designed RC member is never fully realized due
to concrete failure, the additional FRP reinforcement if properly
designed and installed does not alter the failure mode and acts
as additional reinforcement to increase the load capacity and/or
ductility depending on the application [10].
Fig. 3 shows the inuence of FRP strengthening on the load
deformation behavior of beam and column elements. In the gure,
the shaded areas above the loaddeformation curves before
strengthening show the conceptual domain of typical responses
after strengthening. When presenting experimental results, load
deformation curves are often preferred as shown in the gure,
but these generally need to be converted to momentcurvature/
rotation relations shown in Fig. 2b for pushover analysis. For under-reinforced beam elements, bonding FRP reinforcement to the
softs and/or top surface along the positive and negative moment
regions, respectively, can improve the beams exural capacity.
This capacity increase, however, is generally accompanied by a
reduction in the beams ductility as conceptually illustrated in
Fig. 3 (left) [10,11]. FRP acting as additional exural reinforcement
results in earlier crushing of concrete in compression, reducing

Fig. 3. Typical inuence of FRP retrotting on the load capacity and ductility behavior of beam and column elements. In the gure, la refers to after strengthening and lb to
before strengthening.


O. Gunes et al. / Construction and Building Materials 49 (2013) 915925

the deformation capacity. The trade-off between exural capacity

and ductility in FRP strengthened beam elements is an important design consideration that may inuence structural
FRP strengthening of columns has been the most successful
application of FRPs to RC structures. Unlike the beams, FRP
strengthening of columns generally result in an increase in the column ductility as illustrated in Fig. 3 (right). This is due to the additional connement of concrete by the transverse FRP
reinforcement which increases both the compressive strength
and ultimate strain of concrete [12,13]. When column retrotting
is limited to FRP wrapping of column ends to act as transverse reinforcement for additional connement, the typical response under
lateral loading is a signicant increase in the member ductility
with a modest increase in the lateral load capacity [14]. This type
of retrotting is performed for ductility enhancement and the increase in load capacity is sometimes ignored in design for simplicity [1517]. When the objective is to increase the lateral load
capacity of columns, both transverse and longitudinal FRP reinforcement is used for strengthening and the typical response is
an increase in both the lateral load capacity and ductility, although
the ductility increase is typically less than that achieved by transverse reinforcement only.
Different orientations of the FRP reinforcement and their stacking sequence were found to have a signicant inuence on the lateral conning pressure and the corresponding FRP failure stress.
Fig. 4 shows the stressstrain behavior and failure of six axially
loaded concrete cylinders wrapped with one or two layers of GFRP
sheets with three different ber orientations [18,19]. All FRP
wrapped cylinders displayed an improvement in both axial load
capacity and ductility compared to the plain concrete cylinder.
The degree of improvement and the failure mode were affected
by the number of layers, ber orientation, and the stacking sequence. Fiber orientation may improve in load capacity and ductility due to the participation of the bers in load carrying capacity in
addition to that due to the connement effect of the FRP. Similar
improvements were obtained in lateral load and deformation
capacity of FRP wrapped columns [20].
Accumulated knowledge and experience in behavioral modeling
of FRP strengthened RC members have led to several recent exper-

imental and analytical studies investigating the performance of FRP

strengthened RC frames and subassemblies [16,17,2125]. FRP
strengthened member models combined with the recently developed performance based analysis and design tools allow for analytical investigation of the methods potential for RC frames. Fig. 5a
shows an RC frame model assumed to be retrotted through FRP
strengthening of beams for improved exural capacity and/or
wrapping of columns as shown in Fig. 5b for additional connement
and resulting ductility [26]. Fig. 5c shows the idealized moment
rotation relations normalized with the yield moment (My) obtained
from momentcurvature analyses using conned concrete models
by [27] and by [13] for steel and FRP conned concrete sections,
respectively. Fig. 5d shows the capacity curves for the frame before
and after retrotting the beam and/or column elements. As can be
seen from the gure, FRP wrapping of columns only increases the
deformation capacity and ductility of the frame without signicant
increase in its lateral load carrying capacity. FRP strengthening the
beams in addition to columns results in an increase in the frames
lateral load capacity, but this happens at the expense of partial
deformation capacity, resulting in relative loss of ductility compared to retrotting columns only. Signicance of the FRP retrot
scheme and the resulting ductility behavior in terms of seismic performance is shown in Fig. 5e using the Capacity Spectrum Method
[28] in the accelerationdisplacement response spectrum (ADSR)
format as initially described in the ATC-40 report [7] and later improved in ATC-55 [8,29]. As shown in the gure, the bare frame before retrotting does not have an intersection with the
corresponding seismic demand curve, which means that the bare
frame is likely to collapse under seismic design loads. Retrotting
the columns signicantly improves the ductility of the structure
and a performance point is obtained. If the corresponding ductility
and drift demand exceed the code specied limits, as conceptually
illustrated in Fig. 1b, then one needs to strengthen the beams in
addition to columns to obtain the performance point at a lower drift
value. As shown in Fig. 5e, strengthening both columns and beams
shifts the performance point to the left, but reduces the ductility of
the retrotted frame. With the described tools at hand, it is the
responsibility of the designer to optimize the retrot scheme to obtain satisfactory structural performance at a reasonable retrot

Fig. 4. Failure behavior of GFRP wrapped concrete cylinders under axial compression.

O. Gunes et al. / Construction and Building Materials 49 (2013) 915925


Fig. 5. Lateral load capacity and ductility behavior of an RC frame upon FRP retrotting.

3.2. Investigations at meso-scale level

The above FRP related ductility improvements are based on the
assumption that the FRPconcrete interfaces are always intact. In
case of FRP connement, ductility improvement can be achieved
as long as there is contact between concrete and FRP to provide a
required level of lateral pressure [30]. On the other hand, studies
have shown that ductility, durability, and debonding of interfaces
signicantly affect the strength and deformation behavior of exural strengthening system and may result in new and undesirably
less ductile failure modes. In this section, strength and ductility of
the FRPconcrete interface is discussed. In addition to material
properties, failure behavior of FRP-retrotted RC exural elements
signicantly depends on the properties of the interface between
concrete and FRP, in which interface comes into play as an additional structural component inuencing ductility and failure. Note
that the following discussion pertains to FRP retrot of exural RC
elements, where bond performance is critical.
Integrity of FRPconcrete systems and the inuence of interface
properties on system ductility and failure behavior can effectively
be characterized using fracture mechanics concepts. In this approach the major quantication parameter is the critical fracture
toughness of the interface. FRPconcrete bond joints, such as those
in FRP-strengthened RC beams, can be idealized as a three-layered
material system consisting of concrete, epoxy and FRP. In such a system, crack can propagate in ve regionsbulk concrete, FRP sheet,
bulk epoxy, the interface between concrete and epoxy, and the interface between epoxy and FRP (Fig. 6). Using energy considerations,
the energy release rate can be computed from the difference in the
strain energy of the cracked body (far behind the crack tip) and that
of the intact body (far ahead of the crack tip). The detailed derivation
of the tri-layer fracture toughness is given in [31]. The expression of

the energy release rate contains geometric and material information

of all the three material layers. To obtain the fracture toughness of
the system from the experiment, congurations of meso-scale peel
and shear fracture specimens were chosen to represent possible
loading cases found in a full-sized FRP-strengthened concrete beam
as shown in Fig. 7a. The opening (mode I fracture) and shearing
(mode II fracture) loading cases are represented by the peel and
shear specimens as shown in Fig. 7b. To compute the interface fracture toughness of the FRP/concrete bond system, critical loads obtained from the debonding tests and the material properties
obtained from the material characterization were used.
Fig. 8a and b shows typical loaddisplacement curves of the
meso-scale peel and shear fracture tests, respectively. For both
types of tests, load increases almost linearly as the displacement
at the end of FRP cantilever arm increases until crack propagation
initiates. After that point, loaddisplacement curves of peel fracture
test show stepwise decrease until complete failure. This corresponds to stepwise propagation of the crack front. The load at crack
initiation of each consecutive step is, in general, less than that of the
previous step. This is because the length of FRP cantilever arm increases at every step. Hence, smaller force is required to generate
moment sufcient for crack propagation. On the other hand, shear
fracture test shows almost a linear drop in load after crack initiation
and a sudden cut-off, which corresponds to FRP plate being completely removed from the specimens. The non-linearity near the
peak load in the loaddisplacement curve of the shear fracture test
implies that material in the vicinity of the crack has already reached
its elastic limit, and strain energy has partially been converted into
plastic strain energy. As a result, fracture behavior of FRPconcrete
interface in mode II displays higher ductility than that in mode I due
to plasticity. Nonetheless, if the relative displacement at ultimate
failure and crack initiation are considered instead, fracture behavior


O. Gunes et al. / Construction and Building Materials 49 (2013) 915925

Fig. 6. A tri-layer system consisting of concrete, epoxy, and FRP.

Fig. 7. (a) Idealization of loading state in FRP in the vicinity of a crack; (b) peel and shear fracture specimens for opening and shearing modes of loading.

Fig. 8. Typical loaddisplacement relationship of meso-scale peel and shear fracture specimens.

of FRPconcrete interface in mode I is more ductile in this regard. If

debonding failure was to occur in FRP-strengthened RC beam due to
environmental degradation, for example, it was more likely that
failure would be more gradual when mode I fracture dominated.
Mode I fracture generally exist in combination with mode II within
the shear span due to relative crack mouth opening, while mode II
fracture dominates at the plate-end. Therefore, provision of anchorage at the plate-end is very important when FRP strengthening system is to be used in a severe environment in order to avoid brittle
failure due to mode II debonding. It is worth noting that the ductility ratio of the FRPconcrete interface under shear maybe estimated as the ratio between the shear slip at ultimate failure of
the interface to the shear slip at rst yield of the epoxy. This gives
ductility values in the range of 23 from the test, which is higher
than that of concrete. It is interesting to observe from Fig. 8 that
the peak loads of peel and shear fracture specimens exposed to 4
weeks of moisture conditioning are lower than those of the dry
specimens. Moisture effects will be further discussed in Section 4.1.
3.3. Investigations at nano-scale level
Although classical fracture mechanics enables one to quantify the
interfacial deterioration through the critical fracture toughness, it

does not provide any insight into what is actually happening at the
vicinity of the interfacial crack. As a more fundamental approach at
the molecular level, molecular dynamics simulation has been
adopted for studying the interaction of materials at the interface.
In this section, we describe a new approach using the concept of free
energy for measuring the loaddisplacement response of the bonded
system at the nano-scale level, at which the uctuation of the response can be reduced. This approach is demonstrated using
epoxysilica bonded system as an example, in which the interface
is dominated by relatively weak van der Waals forces and Coulombic
interactions. Here, silica is chosen as a representative material for
concrete because it is a commonly found material in nature in the
form of sand or quartz and is the major constituent material in concrete (about 40% by mass). It is believed that the epoxysilica interface is representative of the FRPconcrete bonded system and the
investigation on the ductility of epoxysilica system can form the basis for future studies on ductility of FRPconcrete systems with the
consideration of the heterogeneous nature of concrete at nano-scale.
The rst step of this new approach is the reconstruction of the
free energy surface (FES) which describes the energy change in the
epoxysilica system from an attached stage to a detached stage.
Such reconstruction becomes feasible by using the metadynamics
approach [32,33] which is a powerful algorithm that can be used

O. Gunes et al. / Construction and Building Materials 49 (2013) 915925

for both reconstructing the free energy and for accelerating rare
events in the system. The principle of this algorithm can be qualitatively understood by lling the actual FES by a series of external
energy with a Gaussian distribution. By keeping track of the lled
Gaussians, the FES can be calculated. In other words, the debonding
process is initiated by an external energy source with a Gaussian
distribution of energy which is continuously added to the bonded
system and hence the entire process does not involve any direct
application of an external load to the system. It should be mentioned that the debonding mechanism of the bonded system captured from the FES is homogenous as shown in Fig. 9a and is not
likely to represent the detachment mechanism when a single
epoxy chain is separated from the silica surface by a mechanical
load acting at the far end of the epoxy chain. It is believed that
the nano-scale debonding mechanism can be regarded as homogeneous when such debonding is initiated at macro-scale structural
After obtaining the FES between epoxy and silica from molecular
dynamics simulation as shown in Fig. 9b, the loaddisplacement
response as shown in Fig. 9c can be predicted by considering the
rst derivative of the FES. Fig. 8 summarizes the approach qualitatively. The reader is referred to [34,35] for more detailed information on his approach.
The molecular dynamics simulation results show a softening
behavior in the loaddisplacement response once the peak stress
is reached (Fig. 9c). It is mainly because the interactions between
epoxy and silica at nano-scale are governed by the weak van der
Waals and Coulombic forces which do not allow any plastic shear
deformation to occur in the post-peak regime of the loaddisplacement curve. The ductility ratio (l) in the nano-scale epoxysilica
bonded system can be dened as the ratio between the total area
under the loaddisplacement curve (energy per unit area =
569 nJ/mm2) and the elastic energy per unit area (60.5 nJ/mm2)
which is calculated as l = 9.4. Such a high ductility ratio cannot
be observed at macro-scale structural level in general since the
weak van der Waals and Coulombic forces become extremely
insignicant when the separation is more than few nanometers.
Hence, the ductility will generally decrease from nano-scale to
macro-scale if the bonded systems lack meso-scale material features (e.g. surface roughness leading to mechanical interlock, connement effect) which can lead to signicant energy dissipation to
occur at the interface.
3.4. Ductility insights from various length scale viewpoint
For an FRP-bonded concrete system, multi-scale investigations
indicate that the ductility generally displays a decreasing trend
from nano-scale to macro-scale level. At nano-scale, the van der
Waals forces and Coulombic interactions are still signicant in


which certain portion of energy can be dissipated during the debonding process (e.g. sliding of epoxy chain on the concrete substrate). However, at the sub-micro-scale level, such interaction
becomes insignicant and the bonded system can be very brittle
if there is no other means to dissipate energy during debonding.
It is the reason why little ductility can be observed at the mesoscale with ductility values calculated in the range of 23 from
the tests. At the structural scale, the failure is not solely governed
by the interfaces of the FRP-bonded system. Various deformation
mechanisms can be involved at this scale, which lead to signicant
energy dissipation during the deformation process, such as the
connement effect in the column and the mechanical interlock between concrete and epoxy in the FRP retrotted RC beam. Therefore, even though FRP itself does not possess any ductility, the
ductility of the entire bonded system can still be within an acceptable level by introducing appropriate energy dissipation mechanisms when the system is beyond its elastic limit. This requires
implication of efcient design strategies at the structural level.
It should be mentioned that the above discussion is founded on
the basis that the system failure is initiated by the local debonding
at the interface between the adhesive and the concrete substrate.
Such an interface becomes the most critical region when the
FRP-bonded concrete system is subjected to prolonged moisture
and elevated temperature as reported in various research studies
[31,36,37]. Recently, the use of a higher elongation ductile resin
system as adhesive has been proposed for the ductility improvement of the FRP-bonded concrete systems [38,39]. However, the
long term performance of a ductile adhesive material in FRPbonded concrete systems still remains unanswered. Further investigation is required to understand how the ductility changes across
different length scales using ductile adhesive materials.
4. Factors affecting ductility of FRPconcrete systems
The discussions in the preceding sections illustrate the ever
increasing importance of ductility in structural evaluation and design of FRPconcrete systems through investigations at different
length scales. Implicit in these discussions, however, are a number
of assumptions that idealize or disregard the potential inuence of
various factors that may affect the ductility behavior of FRPconcrete systems at all length scales. Some of these factors are related
to the design issues. For instance, the FRP strengthened member
behaviors conceptually illustrated in Fig. 3 cannot be migrated to
the structural scale evaluations shown in Fig. 5 without considering and ensuring satisfactory performance of beam-column joints
[4042]. Other factors are related to the performance of materials
and their interfaces under mechanical effects, such as premature
debonding failures that may signicantly reduce structural
ductility and performance unless adequate bond or mechanical

Fig. 9. Illustration of the process of using molecular dynamics simulation (a) to determine the free energy surface (b) using advanced molecular dynamics methods such as
Parrinellos metadynamics (to sample for rare events while reconstructing the FES), to identify (c) the loaddisplacement response of the bonded system.


O. Gunes et al. / Construction and Building Materials 49 (2013) 915925

anchorage of the FRP reinforcement is ensured. Materials and

interfaces are also susceptible to the moisture and chemical effects
of environmental exposure that may alter the chemistry and
mechanical behavior of constituent materials and interfaces. Additional factors may include electrochemical effects such as the corrosion of internal steel reinforcement which may reduce the
effectiveness of external FRP reinforcement and hence the ductility
of the system.
4.1. Effects of moisture on FRP/concrete interface
Using fracture test conguration discussed in Section 3.2, it was
found that prolonged exposure to moisture condition may result in
signicant degradation of the FRPconcrete bond strength as
shown in Fig. 10 [36]. More than 50% of the initial bond strength
can be lost by exposure to moisture, even after a duration of only
two weeks. Degradation can be as much as 70% for specimens conditioned for 8 weeks. After a certain period of time, the bond
strength approaches a certain value, with no further signicant
degradation thereafter. This asymptotic fracture toughness is the
minimum bond strength an FRPconcrete bonded system can retain after a very long moisture exposure. Exposure to moisture
combined with higher temperature results in slightly lower bond
strength after the same period of moisture conditioning. For both
peel and shear fracture specimens, a shift is observed in the failure
mode from concrete delamination in dry specimens, to epoxy
concrete interface separation in wet specimens, at both room
temperature and 50 C indicating a signicant weakening of the
interface due to the presence of moisture. Similar weakening effect
on the FRPconcrete bond system has also been observed for the
case of cyclic moisture condition [36].

4.2. Effect of interface degradation on ductility of FRP-plated RC beams

a nite element simulation study
The effectiveness of FRP-strengthening system for exure depends on the ability of adhesive to transfer load from concrete
beam to FRP. If the FRPconcrete interface is weakened due to
environmental effects, unexpected premature failures may occur.
For example, debonding may take place before yielding of steel
reinforcement, causing FRP-plated RC beam to abruptly lose its
load capacity. To further study the inuence of interface degradation on the behavior of FRP-strengthened exural members, a nite
element (FE) model was created for a laboratory-size FRP-plated
beam specimen. Damage plasticity model with tension-stiffening
was used for concrete to capture nonlinear behavior in both tension and compression regimes, while bi-linear elasticplastic models were used to simulate yielding behavior of epoxy and steel
reinforcement. Concrete, epoxy, and CFRP were modeled using 4node quadrilateral plane-strain elements with plane-strain thicknesses of 150 mm for concrete, and 52 mm for the epoxy layer
and the CFRP plate. The interface between the concrete and the
epoxy layer was modeled by a single layer of 4-node cohesive elements with a uniform meshing throughout the entire length of the
bond line. The total length of the interface layer was 625 mm for
the half-beam FE model.
The linear tractionseparation law for the cohesive elements
representing the epoxyconcrete interface in this study requires
two types of parameters, namely the cohesive normal and shear
strength (t0n and t0s ) and the mode I and mode II fracture energy
(GIc and GIIc) of the interface. These parameters were obtained from
the meso-scale peel and shear fracture tests discussed previously
by performing a parametric study with t0n and t0s as the unknown

Fig. 10. Effect of moisture on bond strength of shear (a) and peel (b) specimens.

Fig. 11. Effect of Mode I interface properties on debonding behavior of FRP-plated RC beam.

O. Gunes et al. / Construction and Building Materials 49 (2013) 915925

variables. For each moisture conditioning period, the values of

cohesive strength were varied until the maximum debonding load
was obtained, while the corresponding values of GIc and GIIc were
obtained from the experiments. The values corresponding to dry
case were t0n = 6.1 MPa, t0s = 13.92 MPa, GIc = 900 N/m, and
GIIc = 1300 N/m. A series of parametric studies were then performed for the beam model by varying the values of t 0n , t0s , GIc
and GIIc. Reduction in the values of these parameters is equivalent
to degradation of the concreteepoxy interface due to environmental exposure. Figs. 11 and 12 show load vs midspan deection relationships and corresponding ductility ratios when the properties of
the interface in mode I or mode II were reduced to 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8
of those for controlled dry case.
In dry condition, the FRP-plated RC beam has higher stiffness
than its unplated counterpart, and ultimately fails by concrete cover delamination. However, when the interface is weakened, Figs. 11
and 12 indicate that ductility of FRP-plated RC beams, as measured
by the ratio uu/uy, decreases as mode I or mode II interface properties (i.e. cohesive strength and fracture energy) are reduced. In
most cases, this reduction in ductility corresponds to interface separation after yielding of the steel reinforcement. Once separation
starts, the beam signicantly loses its capacity. In the case of
extensive degradation of the concrete/epoxy interface in mode II
(i.e. when interface properties were reduced to 1/8), debonding
of the FRP plate is predicted to take place even before yielding of

steel reinforcement,
(Fig. 12).


rendering FRP-strengthening ineffective

5. Debonding failures under mechanical effects

Analysis and design of FRPconcrete systems are generally performed using the conventional approaches that assume perfect
bonding between the FRP reinforcement and the concrete substrate. Violation of this assumption would mean loss of reinforcement for exural members and ineffective connement for
column elements, both of which would have negative impact on
the member ductility. Countless studies to date have encountered
premature debonding failures especially in exural members that
may not only render the FRP strengthening ineffective, but also
may harm the structure by reducing element ductility. Reviews
of experimental and modeling studies regarding debonding failures can be found in [1] and [43]. Fig. 13 illustrates the signicance
of debonding failures in terms of the ductility of beam elements
through experimental results obtained from ten beam tests [44].
Each beam was strengthened using the same FRP exural reinforcement but varied in their shear capacity and anchorage conditions. The transverse load versus the FRP exural reinforcement
strain at mid-span P  ef was plotted for illustration. As can be
seen from the gure, for the same steel and FRP exural reinforce-

Fig. 12. Effect of mode II interface properties on debonding behavior of FRP-plated RC beam.

Fig. 13. Inuence of debonding failures on the ductility of FRP strengthened beams.


O. Gunes et al. / Construction and Building Materials 49 (2013) 915925

Fig. 14. Damage evolution and debonding propagation at the epoxyconcrete interface.

ment ratio, the ductility ratios of the beams vary between 1 and 2.7
depending on the beam shear capacity and the anchorage conditions, the latter of which cannot be designed using the conventional ultimate strength design approaches.
Different debonding failure modes and associated ductility levels are also shown in Fig. 13 which illustrates the essential design
issues in FRP strengthening of exural members. Cover debonding
was the most brittle failure mode which took place at the steel
reinforcement level and resulted in a ductility ratio of l = 11.2.
Absence of anchorage and insufcient shear capacity were responsible for this brittle failure mode. When adequate shear capacity
was provided through additional internal transverse steel reinforcement, the ductility ratio rose to l = 1.61.9 without any bond
anchorage. In this case, the failure was at the epoxyconcrete
interface, within the concrete substrate. Fig. 14 shows the evolution of debonding damage and propagation at the epoxyconcrete
interface [45,46]. Addition of transverse FRP reinforcement for
bond anchorage along half and full length of the shear span resulted in ductility ratios of l = 2.2 and l = 2.7, respectively. This
wide range of ductility behavior may have signicant impact on
the behavior at the structural scale and requires advanced mechanics tools for modeling and design. A fracture energy based design
approach was proposed for bond anchorage design for exural
FRP reinforcement to ensure ductile failure behavior of FRPstrengthened exural members [43].
6. Knowledge gaps and further research needs
Throughout the paper, discussions on ductility of FRPconcrete
systems at different scales were performed with the help of ductility ratios as a quantitative measure of the systems ability to undergo inelastic deformation before failure. Some important
observations can be distilled from these discussions that provide
guidance for identication of knowledge gaps and further research
 FRP composite materials, due to their favorable mechanical and
durability characteristics have secured a permanent and growing share in the construction market with current emphasis on
strengthening of RC members. Diverse applications of FRP composites on RC structures enjoy various degrees of success inuenced by various material and strengthening parameters.
 From ductility perspective, FRP and concrete materials with
ductility ratios approximately l  1 and l  2, respectively,
do not form an ideal couple considering that higher ductility
ratios are required at the structural level for satisfactory structural performance. However, in reinforced concrete applications, existence of reinforcing steel with superior ductility
characteristics may result in high system ductility ratio of the
FRPconcrete structures. In that respect, more research is
needed for better understanding of the interactive system
behavior under various mechanical and environmental effects.

 Multi-scale investigations on the ductility of FRPconcrete systems indicate a reduction in ductility at larger scales. This
important observation emphasizes the need for more fundamental research at smaller scales to better understand the ductility characteristics of FRPconcrete systems and to optimize
material parameters at smaller scales to minimize the reduction
in ductility at larger scales.
 Understanding and modeling the inuence of moisture, temperature and other environmental exposure conditions on the
integrity and ductility of FRPconcrete systems is a priority
research area that also concerns the performance and safety
of existing FRPconcrete systems. More fundamental research
at smaller scales is necessary to properly characterize the coupled chemo-thermo-mechanical processes associated with
environmental exposure conditions that adversely affect the
integrity, load and failure behavior as well as ductility of FRP
concrete systems in an effort to improve their overall
7. Conclusions
Multi-scale investigations on ductility characteristics of FRP
concrete systems are presented and discussed in this paper sharing
the insights gained into mechanics and durability of FRP concrete
systems with emphasis on failure behavior and ductility. Knowledge gaps and further research needs are highlighted with emphasis on the need for more fundamental research at smaller scales for
better understanding and modeling of coupled mechanisms and
processes as a basis for improved design strategies for better performance and ductility.
This research was supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) through the grants CMS Grant Nos. 0010126, 0510797
and 0856325 to Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
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