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Structural Behaviour of Transmission Tower With Different Bracings Under Wind Loading

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11 II February 2023
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue II Feb 2023- Available at

Structural Behaviour of Transmission Tower with

Different Bracings under Wind Loading
Priyanka Soni1, Deeksha Shirotiya 2, Abhay Kumar Jha3, Barun Kumar4
1, 2, 3, 4
Department of Civil Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal (M.P)

Abstract: India has a sizable population that is dispersed throughout the nation, and this population's high need for energy
production results in the need for a sizable transmission and distribution system. The present work for the design of
transmission towers with foundations for two distinct zones, each with a different basic wind speed and kind of terrain. The
requirement of the members has also been optimised. With the aid of and MS Excel's VBA, this present work has
completed. Three distinct bracing systems were contrasted based on a number of factors, including deflection, weight, the
quantity of joints, and cost. has used to analyse the tower under various loading conditions, and Excel-VBA
interface has used to construct the connections and base. The technological analysis and economic design of transmission line
tower constructions have been the main aims of the present work. Under the specified loading conditions scenarios for both
zones, the K bracing tower showed the least deflection in terms of the deflection criterion.
Keywords: Transmission tower, Wind load, Optimal,, MS Excel's, VBA.

Before the availability of computers and specialized analysis and design programs, towers were often designed by graphical
methods. It was considered prudent to test new designs that would be used repeatedly on a transmission line, thereby confirming the
design assumptions with a full-scale test. Due to the unparalleled level of design refinement now possible thanks to analysis
technologies, many utilities believe testing is unnecessary. Despite significant advancements, there are still discrepancies between
analysis results and full-scale tests for latticed steel transmission towers. Modern user interface, visualisation tools, and powerful
analysis and design engines with sophisticated finite element and dynamic analysis capabilities are all included in STAAD.Pro.
STAAD-Pro is the professional's choice for designing low and high-rise buildings, culverts, petrochemical plants, tunnels, bridges,
piles, and much more out of steel, concrete, timber, aluminium, and cold-formed steel. This includes model generation, analysis, and
design, as well as visualisation and result verification. The following essential STAAD-Pro tools make previously difficult activities
easier: The STAAD-Pro Graphical User Interface incorporates Research Engineers’ innovative tabbed page layout. By selecting
tabs, starting from the top of the screen and heading down, you input all the necessary data for creating, analyzing and designing a
model. Utilizing tabs minimizes the learning curve and helps insure you never miss a step.
The STAAD-Pro Structure Wizard contains a library of trusses and frames. Use the Structure Wizard to quickly generate models by
specifying height, width, breadth and number of bays in each direction. Create any customizable parametric structures for repeated
use. Ideal for skyscrapers, bridges and roof structures.


Gajjar et al. (2011) Investigated, the design of multi-storeyed steel building is to have great parallel load opposing framework
alongside gravity stack framework since it additionally administers the plan . They exhibited to demonstrate the impact of various
sorts of supporting frameworks in multi storied steel structures. For this reason the 20 stories steel structures display is utilized with
same setup and diverse bracings frameworks, for example, knee support, X prop and V prop is utilize. A business bundle STADD
Pro is utilized for the investigation and plan and diverse parameters are analyzed.
Amini et al. (2012) studied the effect of bracing arrangement in the seismic behavior of buildings with various concentric bracing by
nonlinear static and dynamic analysis. In this study a set of regular multi-story steel building were considered with three kind of x, v
and chevron bracing, in two placements of ‘two adjacent bays’ and ‘two non-adjacent bays’ along the building height. Results
show that in all cases, bracing arrangement in non-adjacent bays leads to lower stiffness but higher strength than in adjacent

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 486
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue II Feb 2023- Available at

Zandi (2013) discussed on comparison between thin steel plate shear walls with dual system of steel moment frame and cross
bracing or chevron with a design method based on performance levels. The study focused and discuss on the dual system
comprising with thin steel plate shear wall and bracings. In addition, it is based on steel moment resisting frames and approach on
performance based design has been arrogated in this research.
Parasiya et al. (2013) has showed a review on comparative analysis of brace frame with conventional lateral load resisting frame in
rc structure using software. It has been represented that the parameters of bracings, locations & stiffness of bracings have notable
effect on the performance of a building.
Siddiqi et al. (2014) has conducted the comparative study of five different types of bracing systems for the use in tall building in
order to provide lateral stiffness and finally the optimized design in terms of lesser structural weight and lesser lateral displacement
has been exposed. For this purpose a sixty storey regular shaped building is selected and analyzed for wind and gravity load
combinations along both major and minor axes.
Rishi et al. (2014) This study's seismic analysis of tall RC building frames was done while taking various bracing techniques into
account. A particularly effective and uncompromising lateral load resisting system is the bracing system. In RC structures, bracing
systems are one of the components that increase stiffness and strength to protect buildings from damage brought on by natural
factors like seismic force. The 10 storey building frame of the suggested problem G+ is examined for various bracing systems under
seismic loading. To assess the efficacy of a specific type of bracing system to control the lateral displacement and member forces in
the frame, the results of various bracing systems (X bracing, V bracing, K bracing, Inverted V bracing, and Inverted K bracing) are
compared with bare frame model analysis. It is discovered that all bracing techniques efficiently control the lateral displacement of
the frame. But it's discovered that inverted V bracing is the most cost-effective. The study's key findings are that using steel bracing
to resist seismic stresses is helpful. When compared to a bare frame, the bracing system successfully minimises the lateral
movement of the structure by up to 80%. The amount of forces in the members is greatly reduced by steel bracing. In comparison to
bare frames, the bracing technique is helpful in reducing narrative drift in structures (up to 56%). When bracing members were used
as resistive members, the margin of safety against collapse grew.
Chavan and Jadhav (2014) studied seismic analysis of reinforced concrete with different bracing arrangements by equivalent static
method using Staad Pro. software. The arrangements considered were diagonal, V-type, inverted V-type and X-type. It was
observed that lateral displacement reduced by 50% to 60% and maximum displacement reduced by using X-type bracing. Base
shear of the building was also found to increase from the bare Page | 10 frame, by use of X-type bracing, indicating increase in
Montuori (2014) Perform analysis on high rise steel diagrid building of 351 m high with H/B ratio of 6.62. The analytical model's
steel framing members have a floor area of 53 m x 53 m in accordance with the euro steel table. Using SAP 2000 software, a model
was created and then examined for three various brace angles, including 600, 700, and 800 with and without a secondary bracing
system. A steel diagrid building needs a secondary bracing system, according to analysis. The 600 angle bracing method is
determined to have the lowest local inter-storey drifts.
Gowardhan et al. (2015) review of software-based comparative seismic analysis of steel frames with and without bracing. The
effectiveness of steel bracings in steel structures has been a key factor in this research. A comparison of structures with and without
seismically resistant steel bracing has been considered. It has been discovered that seismic bracings increase stiffness against lateral
loads, and using bracings as a retrofitting strategy may be a smart idea.
Bhosle et al. (2015) One of the structural solutions used to resist earthquake loads in multistory structures is the concrete- and steel-
braced reinforced concrete frame. Many existing reinforced concrete structures require retrofitting to address flaws and resist
seismic loads. An effective way to increase earthquake protection is to use bracing systems


Analysis and optimum design of towers has been done for the following requirements and configuration:
1) Transmission tower for 220 kV-3 phase-single-circuit.
2) Suspension and Tangent tower (0° – 2°)
3) Height = 28.2 m, Base width = 4.72 m
4) Batter width = 1.5 m
5) Deviation angle= 79° (40°-90°)
6) Shielding Angle = 30°
7) Sag = 8 m

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 487
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue II Feb 2023- Available at

8) Wind speed = 39m/s and 47m/s(IS-802 (Part 1)-1995)

9) Conductor Wire ACSR ZEBRA (Properties in Table No.3.1)
10) Earth wire (Properties in Table No. 3.2)

Table 1: Conductor wire electrical and mechanical properties

Voltage Level 220kV
Code Name of Conductor ACSR “ZEBRA”
No. of conductor/ Phase ONE
Stranding/ Wire diameter 54/3.18mm AL + 7/3.18mm steel
Total sectional area 484.5 mm2
Overall diameter 28.62 mm
Approx. Weight 1621 Kg/ Km
Calculated D.C resistance at 20 0C 0.06915 ohm/Km
Min.UTS 130.32 kN
Modulus of elasticity 7034 Kg/mm2
Co – efficient of linear expansion 19.30 x 10-6/ 0C
Max. Allowable temperature 750C

Table 2 : Earth Wire Electrical and Mechanical Properties

Voltage Level 220kV
Code Name of Conductor ACSR “ZEBRA”
No. of conductor/ Phase ONE
Stranding/ Wire diameter 54/3.18mm AL + 7/3.18mm steel
Total sectional area 484.5 mm2
Overall diameter 28.62 mm
Approx. Weight 1621 Kg/ Km
Calculated D.C resistance at 20 0C 0.06915 ohm/Km
Min.UTS 130.32 kN
Modulus of elasticity 7034 Kg/mm2
Co – efficient of linear expansion 19.30 x 10-6/ 0C
Max. Allowable temperature 750C

Figure 1: X-X Bracing

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 488
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue II Feb 2023- Available at

Based on the above study following conclusions can be made
1) Optimization of tower geometry with respect to member forces. The K-bracing tower with base width 4.72 m is concluded as
the optimum tower configuration with respect to geometry for both the zones.
2) As far as the deflection criterion is concerned, the K bracing tower has the least deflection under the same load cases for both
the zones.
3) The tower structure with the least weight is directly associated with the reduction of the foundation cost.
This work was completed with the grants and facilities of Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal (M.P.). Authors are
thankful to this institute and faculties for extending this cooperation.

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©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 489

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