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Project Report on


Government College of Engineering, Karad

Academic Year: 2022-2023

Program: B. Tech in Electrical Engineering
Semester: V

A Project Report on
Micro Grid Automation
Submitted By:
Umang Group

Roll No Name
20131119 Sayali Suhas Kamble
20131157 Vaishnavi Dattatray Nalawade
21133285 Ganesh Ambadas Patil

Guided by : Shri. S. K Mahindrakar





This is certified that, following batch of students, 1) Sayali Suhas Kamble , (20131119),
2)Vaishnavi Dattatray Nalawade (20131157), 3) Ganesh Ambadas Patil (21133285)
Have satisfactorily completed the project work entitled,


This work is being submitted for the award of Third year in Electrical
Engineering as a fulfilment of prescribed syllabus.
For Academic Year 2022-2023

(Dr. A. T. Pise )

Project Guide H.O.D

(Prof. S. K. Mahindrakar.) (Prof. S. R. Kurade.)



Sr Topic Page no
1 Introduction 5

2 What is Microgrid ? 6

3 Components 10

4 Project Layout and Execution 18

4 Software 19

5 Project algorithm 21

6 Testing and result 22

7 Procedure to run the project 23

8 Conclusion 24



Microgrid Automation is an effort to automate the processes of Microgrid. Microgrid is

an interconnected load and distributed energy resources that act as a single controllable entity
respect to the grid. It operates both generation and loads in a coordinated manner can offer
benefits to the customer and the local utility. The loads and energy sources in a microgrid can
be disconnected from and reconnected to utility system with minimum disruption, for
improving reliability.
Any small-scale, localized power station that has its own generation and storage resources
and definable boundaries can be considered a micro grid. Typically, microgrid is supported to
renewable wind and solar energy resources and also used to provide backup power to the
microgrid during periods of a heavy demand. Micro-grid increases reliability with
distributed generation, increases efficiency with reduced transmission length and easier
integration of alternative energy sources.
In our Project we are trying to automate the microgrid by connecting and disconnecting of
generating sources according to the load demand of consumers.


What is microgrid :
Microgrid is an interconnected load and distributed energy resources that act as a single
controllable entity respect to the grid.

Consumer 2

Microgrid Consumer 1



Operation of micro grid:

Micro-grid can operate in two modes:
1. Grid connected mode:
• In this mode micro-grid operate synchronously with the main grid.
• During the grid-connected mode the micro-grid sources will be controlled to provide
constant real and reactive power injection.
• A simple example is a small power system network with distributed generators such
as wind, solar and combined heat power (CHP) plants that can operate in conjunction
with the grid to supply a fraction of the total load.
2. Islanded mode:
• Islanding is the condition in which a distributed generator (DG) continues to power a
location even though electrical grid power is no longer present.
• During the islanded mode the sources will be controlled to provide constant voltage
and frequency operation.
• A simple example of islanding is a distribution feeder that has solar panels attached
to it.
A traditional wide area synchronous grid (macro-grid), but can also disconnect to
"Island mode" — and function autonomously as physical or economic conditions dictate.
A micro-grid connects to the grid at a point of common coupling that maintains voltage at the
same level as the main grid unless there is some sort of problem on the grid or other reason to
disconnect. A switch can separate the micro-grid from the main grid automatically or
manually, and it then functions as an island.

Distributed Generation System:

• Distributed generation is an approach that employs small-scale technologies to
produce electricity close to the end users of power.
• DG technologies often consist of modular and sometimes renewable-energy
generators and they offer a number of potential benefits.
• When energy is generated and distributed using small scale technologies closer to its
end users, it is termed as Decentralized Generation.
• These generations are based on the technologies, mainly renewable, including but not
limited to, wind turbines, photovoltaic cells, geothermal energy and micro hydro
power plants.
• Onsite power generation has many benefits over the centralized power generation
systems, as it eliminates the costs associated with the transmission and distribution of
power over long distances.
• These small-scale technologies can yield power from 1KW to as much as 100MW.
• Decentralized generation can take place at two scales.
• At a local level, site specific energy sources are used to generate electricity,
constituting a Micro-Grid which is a cluster of generations serving a limited number
of consumers. It can be either connected to the grid at a single point or can be totally
independent of it.


• At the second level, the same technologies are used at much smaller scale and are
installed by an individual energy consumer. Such a system is called Distributed
• These sources can be individually connected to grid, so that they can supply power to
the grid when required – creating a prosumer, i.e., a producer and a consumer of

Distributed Generation Sources:

A distributed generation system is very flexible, as it can be based on renewable or
non-renewable energy sources.
• Reciprocating Engines: Reciprocating engines can be fueled either by diesel or
natural gas, with varying emission outputs. Almost all engines used for power
generation are four-stroke and operate in four cycles of intake, compression,
combustion, and exhaustion. Reciprocating engines are manufactured in various size
ranges. Their typical usage is in providing continuous power supply or backup
emergency power.
• Micro-turbines: Micro turbines are an emerging class of small-scale distributed
power generation system in the size range of 30-400 kW. Micro-turbines consist of a
compressor, combustor, turbine, and a generator. The compressors and turbines have
radial-flow designs, and resemble automotive engine turbochargers. Most designs are
single-shaft and use a high-speed permanent magnet generator producing variable
voltage, variable frequency alternating current (AC) power. Most micro-turbine units
are designed for continuous operation with higher electric efficiencies.
• Photovoltaic (PV): Photovoltaic systems are most commonly known as solar panels.
Photovoltaic solar panels are made up of smaller cells connected together that convert
light radiation into electricity. The PV cells produce direct-current (DC) electricity,
which must then be inverted for use in an AC system. Photovoltaic systems produce
no emissions, are reliable, and require minimal maintenance to operate.
• Wind Turbines: Wind turbines utilizes wind to produce electricity and require no
additional investments in setting up large infrastructure such as new transmission
lines, and are thus commonly employed for remote power applications.


Need of Micro-grid Automation :

❖ Optimum and efficient use of distribution energy systems.
❖ Minimize the green gases production by adoption of renewable energy sources.
❖ Enhance the power balance in the grid and improve the stability of the grid improve
the power quality through the easy frequency and voltage regulation.
❖ Enables the use of micro level power generating plants by using renewable and
alternative fuels and thereby conserve the fossil fuels.
❖ Playing crucial role in optimisation of cost of energy.


1. DC Motor:

❖ In project for MG set both the machines used are permanent magnet DC series 12
Volts, 3 Amps.
❖ DC motors include two key components: stator and armature.
❖ The stator is stationary part of a motor, while the armature rotates. In a DC motor the
stator provides a rotating magnetic field that drives the armature to rotate.
❖ A simple DC motor uses a stationary set of magnets in the stator, and a coil of wire
with a current running through it to generate an electromagnetic field aligned with the
centre of the coil.
❖ One or more windings of insulated wire are wrapped around the core of the motor to
concentrate the magnetic field.
❖ The windings of insulated wire are connected to a commutator that applies an
electrical current to the windings.
❖ The commutator allows each armature coil to be energised in turn, creating a steady
rotating force known as torque.
❖ When the coils are turned on and off in sequence, a rotating magnetic field is created
that interacts with the differing fields of the stationary magnets in the stator to create
torque, which causes it to rotate. These key operating principles of DC motors allow
them to convert the electrical energy from direct current into mechanical energy
through the rotating movement.


2. Arduino:
Arduino Uno Board:
There are following output voltage pins.

• 3v output pin
• 5v output pin
• GND (ground)
Most of the Arduino components operate at 5v or 3.3v and so can be powered with these
pins. There are several ground ports which can be used to give ground to your circuit and
components. There is a Vin pin which can be used to power the Arduino uno from an external

I. Analog input/output(I/O) pins:

The Arduino uno board has 6 analog input and output pins from A0 to A5. The analog
pins can read the analog signals from them like temperature, proximity, humidity etc
and converts them into digital values that can be read and processed by the

II. SPI Ports:

The SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) is considered for an expansion of the output. In
most of the cases the ICSP Pin as a small programming header in Arduino Uno
consist of RESET, SCK, MOSI, MISO, VCC and GND.

III. Power Indicator LED:

When you power up the Arduino uno board, there must be an LED light up which will
indicate the board is powered up correctly. In case you don’t see the glowing light,
there must be something wrong with the connection you’ve made.

IV. TX and RX Pins:

In the Arduino Uno board, there are two LEDs labelled as TX (transmitter) and RX
(Receiver), Same are labelled on the pin 0 and 1 respectively. These pins are used for
serial communication and the corresponding LED glowing indicated if the data is
being sent by TX and if the data is being received by RX.

V. Digital Input/Output(I/O) pins:


Arduino uno board does have 14 digital i/o pins (input/output pins) out of which
contains 6 PWM output (Pulse width modulation). The digital pins can be configured
to read logic values such as 0 and 1 or can give logic (0 and 1) output for different
modules such as LEDs, Relays, etc. there is a symbol “~” corresponding to the PWM

3. Current Sensor:(ACS712)

❖ A Current Sensor is an important device in power calculation and management

application. Via this device the load demand is detected.
❖ It measures the current through a device or a circuit and generates an appropriate
signal that is proportional to current measured.
❖ The ACS712 Current Sensor is a product of Allegro Microsystem that can used for
measurement of both AC and DC currents.
❖ This sensor based on Hall effect.
❖ The output of the ACS712 Current Sensor, produces an analog voltage that is
proportional to AC or DC currents.

How ACS712 Current Sensor Works?


• The ASC712 is based on Hall Effect. There is a copper strip connecting the IP+ and
IP- pins internally. When some current flows through this copper conductor, a
magnetic field is generated which is sensed by the Hall Effect sensor.
• The Hall Effect sensor then converts this magnetic field into appropriate voltage.
In this method, the input and the output are completely isolated.

4. Voltage Sensor:

The Voltage Sensor is a simple module that can used with Arduino to measure external
voltages that are greater than its maximum acceptable value i.e., 5V in case of Arduino.

Pins of Voltage Sensor:

• Basically, a 25V Voltage Sensor, like the one used here, has 5 pins in total. Two of
them are on the two-pin screw terminal and three are male header pins.
• The Screw Terminal pins are marked as VCC and GND and they must be connected
to the external source of voltage i.e., the voltage that needs to be measured.
• Coming to the three male headers, they are marked as S, + and –. The S pin is the
“Sense” pin and it must be connected to the Analog Input of the Arduino. The “–”
pin must be connected to the GND of the Arduino. The pin marked as “+” is not
connected to anything (it is an N/C Pin).

Schematic of Voltage Sensor:


The Voltage Sensor is basically a Voltage Divider consisting of two resistors with resistances

of 30KΩ and 7.5KΩ i.e., a 5 to 1 voltage divider.

Interfacing a Voltage Sensor with Arduino:

• The Arduino Voltage Sensor Interface is pretty straight forward. Connect the voltage
to be measured to the screw terminal of the Voltage Sensor, connected the output of
the voltage divider to the Arduino.
• That’s it. After interfacing the Voltage Sensor with Arduino, you can either view the
results on the serial monitor of the Arduino IDE or on a 16×2 LCD Display.

5. Relay:

❖ A relay is programmable electrical switch which can be controlled by Arduino or any

micro-controller. For switching on the MG Set to meet the power demand the relays
are used.
❖ It is used to programmatically control on/off the devices, which use the high voltage
and/or high current.
❖ It is bridge between Arduino and high voltage devices.
❖ Relay has two groups of pins:


• Input (Low voltage) group

• Output (High voltage) group
❖ Pins in the input group are connected to Arduino, including three pins:
➢ DC – pin: Needs to connect to GND (0V)
➢ DC + pin: Needs to connect to VCC(5v)
➢ IN pin: Receives the control signal from Arduino.

❖ Pins in the output group connected to the high voltage device, including three pins:
➢ COM Pin: It is a common pin. It is used in both normally open mode and
normally closed mode.
➢ NO Pin: Normally open pin. It is used in the normally open mode.
➢ NC Pin: Normally closed pin. It is used in the normally closed mode.

In practice we usually do not use all of the pins in the high voltage group we
use only two of them:
➢ we use only COM pin and NO pin if we use normally open mode.
➢ We use only COM pin and NC pin if we use normally closed the mode.


❖ The input mode (IN pin): There are two input modes that make a relay works
• low level Trigger mode
• high level Trigger mode

❖ The output mode (for output pins): There are two input mode that make a relay works
• Normally open mode
• Normally closed mode
❖ The normally means if input pin is connected to low(0V).
❖ The normally open and normally closed the mode work oppositely.
❖ The low-level Trigger and high-level Trigger mode work oppositely.


6. Diodes:

❖ Diodes are two-terminal electronic devices / components that functions as a one-way

switch i.e., they allow current to flow only in one direction. Accordingly, it has been
used in project to avoid reverse power flow
❖ These diodes are manufactured using semiconductor materials like Silicon,
Germanium and Gallium Arsenide.
❖ The two terminals of the diode are known as Anode and Cathode. Based on the
potential difference between these two terminals, the operation of diode can be
classified in two ways:
• If anode has higher potential than cathode, then the diode is said to be in Forward
Bias and it allows current to flow.
• If cathode has higher potential than anode, then the diode is said to be in Reverse
Bias and it doesn’t allow current to flow.
❖ One of the main application of Diodes is Rectification i.e., to convert AC to DC.
Since diodes allow current to flow only in one direction and blocks current flow in the
other direction, diodes are used in reverse polarity protector and transient protector

7. SMPS: Stimulated Mode Power Supply


❖ Switch Mode or Switching Mode Power Supply or simply SMPS is a type of Power
Supply Unit (PSU) that uses some kind of switching devices to transfer electrical
energy from source to load. In project it feeds the MG set and also act as main grid.
❖ Usually, the source is either AC or DC and the load is DC.
❖ The common feature of any SMPS design is to convert input AC to High Voltage DC
and convert this High Voltage DC to High Voltage, High Frequency Square Wave
(AC). This High Voltage and Frequency AC is converted to Regulated DC.
❖ SMPS is an electronic power supply system that makes use of a switching regulator to
transfer electrical power effectively.

Working principles of SMPS

❖ In the SMPS device, the switching regulators are used which switches on and off the
load current to maintain and regulate the voltage output.
❖ Suitable power generation for a system is the mean voltage between off and on.
❖ Unlike the linear power supply, the SMPS carry transistor switches among low
dissipation, full-on and full-off phase, and spend much less time in high dissipation
cycles, which decreases depleted strength.



Before selection of components, MG sets are tested for the no load and full load current .
Result for single MG set :
Condition Motor Current Generator Generator Power (watts)
(Amp) Current Voltage (Volts)
No load 1.5 0 12 0
Full load 2.5 1.5 10 15

According to the MG set output ratings we have chosen the ratings of;
Current sensor 0-30 Amp
Voltage sensor 0-25 V
Voltage regulator IC: LM7805
Diodes: 6 Amps
Mounting of motors with the help of cable tie and glue gun.
Mounting of PCB base for Arduino uno and relay module .
Mounting of SMPS .
We have made the connection of MG sets and Arduino using Male-Female cords for Arduino
(control signals ) and 1/18 wire for power connections . As shown in diagram .






1 2
•connect the arduino to laptop and •current sensor and voltage sensor
Turn on the supply MG set 1 is output is fed to arduino and
turned on by default displayed on serial monitor.

3 4
•According to the cases ie load, the •The next MG set will further feed
arduino will actuate the respective the load around 15 watts .( the
relay to turn on or off the MG set . pair will supply 30 watts )

5 6
•once the load further exceeds ie •As of now the distributed
above 30 watts , next MG set will generating sources were able to
turn on and will feed along with feed the load , further load will
other 45 watts cause over loading

•further increaed load will cause
switching of main grid i.e. the
main grid will feed the load alog
with distributed sources .



Generator 1 Generator1& 2 Generator 1,2&3

Default mode 1 MG set on (load current < 0.8)


Second mode 2 MG set ON (load current >1.5)

Third mode 3 MG set ON (load current >2.5)

Fourth mode Microgrid is supplied by Main grid



First connect the Arduino with your

laptop and open the Arduino
software in laptop, open serial

Connect the rehostate at the load

end (use the rehostate having more
than 5 amp rating and 20 ohm
resistance )

initialy keep the rehostate at it's

maximum position .

open the serial monitor in arduino

(top right corner )

Gradually increase the load and

observe the rise in current on
sewrial monitor

as per the conditions given below

the generator sets will
automatically turned on

once all the realays are ON, that

means the generators are loaded to
there full capacity and the microgrid
is supposed to be fed by main grid .


The microgrid is an effort to utilize the distributed energy sources effectively,
our vison is to automate the process of turning the generating sources as per the
load variations, accordingly the project is completed to achieve automatic
switching of the generating sources with respect to variation in load.




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