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GROUP 6 - Pigar Feralsyah D P - Miftahul Huda - Muhammad ALifil M - DEVELOPING A MINI RESEARCH PROPOSAL

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Praise be to God Almighty who bestows His grace and guidance, as well as providing
guidance and so that the author can complete the Final Report Proposal entitled "CONTROL
WITH RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES". The proposal for this final report was
prepared to fulfill the requirements for conducting a seminar on the DIII Electronic
Engineering Study Program at the State Polytechnic of Malang.

On this occasion, with all humility, the author would like to thank those who have helped and
guided in the preparation of the Final Report, namely to:

1. God Almighty who has given health, blessings and His gifts to the author.
2. Parents who have provided prayer and material support.

3. Mrs. Almas Adibah, S.S., M.Pd

4. All Lecturers and Staff of the State Polytechnic of Malang and especially in the DIII
Electronic Engineering Study Program.
5. Friends and fellow students and those who have helped.

The author realizes that there are still many shortcomings and in making this Final
Report Proposal. Therefore, the authors expect suggestions and constructive criticism
and hopefully this Final Report Proposal can be useful.

Malang, 09 December 2021


1. . Chapter 1 : Introduction
2. Chapter 2 : Literatur review
3. Chapter 3 : Research Method


1. Smart grid is the next generation in power system. In this smart grid connection of
microgrid is at distribution level, where distribution generation (DG) used. The
DG is the small capacity of power generation. There are several types of DG,
which is used in microgrid such as power generation from renewable energy like
solar photovoltaic (PV), wind, biomass, tides, ocean wave, geothermal etc. These
all renewable based DG clean the environment and reduces CO2 emission, so its
importance increases today in world. Storage elements (SEs) is also important part
of microgrid due to intermittent nature of renewable energy resources and to
provide smooth power in microgrid.
1.1 The structure of microgrid system is in form of ac and dc system. It is small
grid which is combination of renewable energy sources (RES, storage
elements (SEs) and load. Microgrid can reduce transmission and distribution
losses, decrease cost, increase efficiency and reliability as compare to
conventional grid.
1.2 Microgrid is a single controllable unit to provide power or need to upper
network. It can also improve power quality like voltage and frequency
regulation. The microgrid is the basic power source that provide energy in
most of rural area. The microgrid system can operate in autonomously
islanding (standalone) or grid connected mode.
1.3 Explains what is the meaning of power generation from renewable energy and
the latest generation in the power system. Explained why the Microgrid is very
important for renewable energy sources. Using a microgrid system structure in
the form of ac and dc systems. Explained about the advantages of the
microgrid itself.


Renewable energy based Distributed Generators (DGs) play a dominant role in

electricity production, to reduce global warming. Emerging potential of distributed
generation can be realize using microgrid concept. A microgrid consists of cluster of
loads and Renewable Energy Sources (RES) that operate as a single controllable
system. The microgrid can operated in standalone and grid connected mode. The
objective of this paper is to maintained the constant voltage in AC & DC bus by
power management between AC grid, DC sources and load. The droop control
algorithm in interlinking bidirectional converter is used to manage the power in
microgrid. A microgrid has been modelled and simulated using the Simulink in the
MATLAB. Describes a Distributed Generators (DGs) based on renewable energy play
a dominant role in electricity production, to reduce global warming. Distribution
generation can be realized using the microgrid concept. A microgrid consists of a
group of Renewable Energy Sources and Loads (RES). A microgrid has been
modelled and simulated using the Simulink in the MATLAB .Aims to maintain a
constant voltage across AC & DC buses with power management between AC
network, DC source and load. The simulation results show that the system can
maintain stable operation under the proposed droop control schemes for grid
connected mode with variable load condition. the drop control strategy of the two-
way interlinking converter has been described here renewable sources that dominate
network-connected micro-networks. The results from MATLAB itself have also been
displayed well and get results and can be verified.

3.1.1. Islanded Mode: In this mode microgrid can work without grid. It provides power
to local load. The role of storage elements is very important in this mode.
1.2. Grid Connected Mode: In Grid connected mode microgrid is connected with
main AC grid and interlinking bidirectional converter works flow of power in both
directions. AC grid provide the power to microgrid in shortage condition and
microgrid dispatched power to grid in surplus condition The role of power
electronics interfaces is most important interfacing device to solve the power
management issue [6]. The overview of power management strategy in grid
connected mode is shown in fig. 1[7]. In which two method can be used for
voltage control and power management in grid connected mode with dispatched
and undispatched output power. In first method Interlinking linking converter
(ILC) work for control of DC bus voltage. In this mode DGs-SEs on AC bus
coordination with DGs-SEs on AC bus is necessary for dispatched power output
[8,9,10]. In second mode DGs-SEs on DC bus regulate the DC bus voltage control
on reference value and ILC and DGs-SEs on AC bus which provide dispatched
power. While ILC works on power control mode. In undispatched output power,
DGs works on MPPT mode for both AC and DC bus, while ILC on DC link
voltage control mode Due to use of power converter, microgrid require proper
control strategy to import/export power from network, to control of active and
reactive power and the voltage and frequency regulation [13]. Microgrid
controlled by centrally and autonomously. As per literature survey there are
several methods to control and manage the power in grid mode. But in this paper
droop control method is used for power management due to several its advantage.
This method control both active and reactive power in variable load condition.
Also, it maintains voltage in both bus and frequency in AC bus. There are 2
methods, namely Islanded Mode and Grid Connected Mode. It has been explained
in full what is meant by the method. These 2 methods can be used for voltage and
power control management in network connected mode with output power sent
and not sent, there are advantages and functions are complete.

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