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Management of Lose Mandibular Denture: A Case Report

Article  in  Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology · March 2021

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5 authors, including:

Abhilash Mohapatra Debarchita Sarangi

Siksha O Anusandhan University Siksha O Anusandhan University


Upasana Dhar
Instiute of Dental Sciences, Bhubaneswar


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Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, October-December 2020, Vol. 14, No. 4  8109

Management of Lose Mandibular Denture: A Case Report

Abhilash Mohapatra1, Radha Prasanna Dalai2, Debarchita Sarangi3,

Subhrajeet Narayan Sahoo4, Upsana Dhar5
Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, 2Senior Lecturer, Department of Public Health Dentistry, 3Senior
Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics, 4Senior Lecturer, Department of Orthodontics, 5Post Graduate Trainee,
Institute of Dental Sciences, Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan (Deemed to be University), Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

A lose mandibular denture is the most common problem reported by complete denture patients. So to
improve retention and stability we support the denture by placing two implants. In this case report,a patient
with a lose mandibular denture is rehabilitated with two mandibular implants. The final prosthesis was stable
well retained and esthetically pleasing.

Keywords:  Overdenture, Implant, O ring attachment.

Introduction report three implants are placed with ball and socket
attachment which support a mandibular overdenture.
For a complete denture to be a successful prosthesis
is dependent on various factors like denture bearing Case Report: A 68-year-old male patient reported
area, psychological assessment of patient and previous to the department of prosthodontics with a chief
experience with dentist1,2. So the challenge for complaint of ill-fitting mandibular denture. The patient
prosthodontists is that it not only replaces teeth but also had no significant medical history and his dental history
the soft tissue. The usual problem with complete denture included extraction of teeth due to periodontitis. The
patients is retention of mandibular denture, so treatment patient was using a conventional denture for the past
option for it is implant-supported overdenture. So in this five years and due to non-retention of mandibular
era of implant dentistry mandibular implant overdenture denture the patient wants a new prosthesis. On clinical
has become the new standard for the treatment of examination the mandibular ridge exhibited a significant
edentulous mandible. So for practitioners this treatment degree of resorption and all other parameters like size
option is the most reliable definite treatment option. shape of maxillary ridge and condition of mucosa
Advantage of implant-supported denture is maintenance were found to be normal & healthy (Figure 1). But on
of bone volume and increased retention and stability. evaluation of denture it was found that extension of
denture flange was inadequate, retention & stability
The most popular attachment used for overdentures
was poor. Orthopantomograph was advised to evaluate
are locators and ball and socket overdenture. In this case
bone availability and architecture (Figure 2). The inter
ridge distance was assessed and it was decided to give
stud attachment. So for this patient a treatment plan of
conventional complete denture for the maxillary arch
and 3 implant-supported overdenture for mandibular
Corresponding Author: arch5. This treatment plan was explained to the patient
Abhilash Mohapatra and approved by him.
Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Crown
& Bridge, Institute of Dental Sciences, Siksha ‘O’
Anusandhan (Deemed to be University), Bhubaneswar,
Odisha, India
8110  Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, October-December 2020, Vol. 14, No. 4

Figure 1. Mandibular ridge of paitent

Figure 2. Orthopantomograph

Figure 3. Clear auto polymerizing acrylic resin surgical template

Treatment procedure: Conventional maxillary and denture was duplicated by using laboratory-grade
mandibular dentures with bilateral balanced occlusal silicon, using clear auto polymerizing acrylic resin to be
schemes were fabricated for the patient. The mandibular used as a surgical template (Figure 3). The vertical space
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, October-December 2020, Vol. 14, No. 4  8111
analysis was done and it was found to be 12 mm which
falls in class II category6 (Ahuja S & Cagna DR). So
stud with ball and socket attachment was decided for the
patient. Adin (TouregNP) implants of 11.5mm length
and 3.75 mm diameter were selected. Implant surgery
was carried out in two-stage protocol, first implants were
placed with the help of a surgical guide in B, D, E region
and loading of the implant was done after three months.
Two implant-retained overdenture is a very reliable
therapy for patients with edentulous mandible7. But in
the present case as the ridge is resorbed in the posterior
region and space is not adequate for the bar prosthesis,
three stud attachments were planned.
Figure 4. Secondary stage surgery
Implants should be placed as parallel to each other
as possible to increase the prognosis of the prosthesis.
For this the surgical stent was used to do the initial
drilling and all the osteotomy sites were checked with
paralleling pins. After completion of prescribed drilling
sequence implants were placed in prepared sites.
Surgical cover screw was placed and primary closure Figure 5. Polished & trimmed pick up
of flaps was done. The patient was told not to wear the
lower denture for two weeks after surgery and cleanse
the mouth with disinfectant mouthwash. After removal
of suture the intaglio surface of denture was relieved
and tissue conditioners were applied. The conditioner
distributed the occlusal forces to the denture bearing
area without transmitting it to the surgical sites. Three
months later the second stage surgery was done and
healing abutments were placed and left for 15 days to
help in maturation of gingival tissue. At this procedure
the denture is again relined. After completion of 15
days the ball and socket overdenture abutments of
2mm diameter & 2 mm height were placed.(Figure 4)
For blockout of the stud attachment a rubber dam was Figure 6. Postoperative photograph
placed and then O rings (RS-2664, yellow) were placed.
The second mandibular denture which was prepared First the patient was trained on how to place and
previously was loaded with pressure indicating paste remove the denture followed by home care instructions.
and placed on abutments to check the position of implant The patient was recalled after 24 hours and then after six
abutments. The number 6 bur was used to relieve the month and radiographs were taken. The patients were
intaglio surface to accommodate the metal housing of advised to clean the attachment with the unituft brush.
the O ring. The complete passive seating of the denture And it was found that the patient was comfortably using
was verified and then only GC pattern resin is loaded the overdenture for the last 3 years.
in prepared surface and the patient was asked to bite
on the lower denture with the upper denture in centric Discussion
relation position with a very light occlusal pressure. The Full mouth rehabilitation of an edentulous patient
pick up once fully cured was removed and trimmed and can be with fixed with 6 to 8 implant for a normal ridge,
polished. (Figure 5). and all on 4 in compromised ridge condition. And for
removable it can be hybrid prosthesis with 4 implants
and overdenture with 3 or 2 implants in place. Ideally
8112  Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, October-December 2020, Vol. 14, No. 4
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