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Accuracy of Intraoral Scans An in Vivo Study of Di

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Accuracy of intraoral scans: An in vivo study of different

scanning devices
Florian Kernen, Dr med dent, MS,a Stefan Schlager, PhD,b Veronica Seidel Alvarez, BS,c Jürgen Mehrhof, MDT,d
Kirstin Vach, MS,e Ralf Kohal, Prof Dr med dent,f Katja Nelson, Prof Dr med dent,g and
Tabea Flügge, Prof Dr med denth

Intraoral scanners (IOSs) are ABSTRACT

routinely used to provide digital Statement of problem. The accuracy of intraoral scanners is a prerequisite for the fabrication of
information in clinical dentistry dental restorations in computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD-CAM)
for a range of situations dentistry. While the precision of intraoral scanners has been investigated in vitro, clinical data on
including diagnosis, restorative the accuracy of intraoral scanning (IOS) are limited.
dentistry, and implant- Purpose. The purpose of this clinical study was to determine the accuracy of intraoral scanning
supported restorations.1-3 A with different devices compared with extraoral scanning.
prerequisite for intraoral scan-
Material and methods. An experimental appliance was fabricated for 11 participants and then
ning is the accuracy of the scanned intraorally and extraorally with 3 different intraoral scanners and a reference scanner.
resulting virtual casts. Accuracy Intraoral and extraoral scans were subdivided into complete-arch and short-span scans and
is defined by 2 different terms: compared with the reference scan to assess trueness. Repeated scans in each group were
precision and trueness (DIN assessed for precision.
ISO 5725-2).4 Precision defines Results. Precision and trueness were higher for extraoral scans compared with intraoral scans,
the congruence between multi- except for complete-arch scans with 1 intraoral scanner. The median precision of short-span
ple virtual casts of the same scans was higher (extraoral: 22 to 29 mm, intraoral: 23 to 43 mm) compared with complete-arch
anatomic structure. Trueness scans (extraoral: 81 to 165 mm, intraoral: 80 to 198 mm). The median trueness of short-span scans
describes the congruence be- (extraoral: 28 to 40 mm, intraoral: 38 to 47 mm) was higher than that of complete-arch scans
tween the actual anatomic (extraoral: 118 to 581 mm, intraoral: 147 to 433 mm) for intraoral and extraoral scanning.
structure and its reproduction in Conclusions. Intraoral conditions negatively influenced the accuracy of the scanning devices,
a virtual cast. which was also reduced for the complete-arch scans. (J Prosthet Dent 2021;-:---)

Supported by a grant (ORF42001) of the Oral Reconstruction Foundation, Basel, Switzerland. The funders had no role in study design, data collection, and analysis, decision
to publish, or preparation of the paper.
Clinician Scientist, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Translational Implantology, Medical Center e University of Freiburg, Faculty of Medicine, University of
Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany.
Anthropologist, Division of Biological Anthropology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany; and Post-doctorate Scientist, Department of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery, Translational Implantology, Medical Center e University of Freiburg, Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany.
Doctorate Candidate, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Translational Implantology, Medical Center e University of Freiburg, Faculty of Medicine, University of
Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany.
Master Dental Technician, Mehrhof Implant Technologies GmbH, Berlin, Germany.
Statistician, Institute of Medical Biometry and Statistics, Medical Center e University of Freiburg, Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany.
Associate Professor, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Medical Center e University of Freiburg, Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany.
Full Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Translational Implantology, Medical Center e University of Freiburg, Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg,
Freiburg, Germany.
Full Professor, Charité e Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Corporate Member of Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery, Berlin, Germany; and Senior Research Scientist, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Translational Implantology, Medical Center e University of Freiburg,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany.


2 Volume - Issue -

Table 1. Study population with selected jaw, regions, and number of test
Clinical Implications
Participant Jaw Regions of Test Surfaces
The accuracy of intraoral scans is a prerequisite for 1 Mandible First premolar left, second premolars, first molars
the fabrication of dental restorations in CAD-CAM 2 Maxilla Second premolar left, first molars
dentistry. However, the longer the scanned distance 3 Mandible Second premolars
within the dental arch, the higher the inaccuracy. 4 Maxilla First premolars, second premolars, first molars
Clinical intraoral scanning did not result in clinically 5 Mandible First premolar right, second premolars, first molars
acceptable accuracy for complete-arch scans. 6 Maxilla Second premolar left, first molars
7 Mandible First premolar left, second premolar left, first molars
8 Maxilla First premolar left, second premolars, first premolars
9 Mandible First premolars, second premolars
The precision of intraoral scans in vivo has been 10 Maxilla First premolars right, second premolars, first molars
assessed by repeated scanning and comparison of the 11 Mandible First molars
resulting virtual casts.5-8 The lower precision of intraoral
scans compared with that of extraoral scans has been
reported, and intraoral conditions including moisture,
denture teeth were used to assess spatial deviations. The
salivary flow, and restricted space can complicate accu-
authors are unaware of a previous study that examined
rate intraoral image acquisition.5,7
the trueness and precision of multiple IOSs in vivo and
Trueness may be assessed in vitro by scanning an
assessed the spatial location of deviations. The research
experimental model with the respective intraoral scanner
hypotheses of the study were that the accuracy of IOSs
and a reference scanner and comparing the resulting
would be lower when used in the oral cavity and that
virtual casts. This approach has been used to assess
short-span scans would be acquired with higher preci-
trueness in vitro, but the trueness of IOSs has been re-
sion and trueness than complete-arch scans.
ported to decrease when acquiring a complete dental
arch compared with a short span.9-15
Trueness in vivo has been approximated by
comparing an intraoral scan with a virtual reference The study included intraoral scanning of voluntary par-
model produced from a conventional impression. How- ticipants using different IOSs and an individually fabri-
ever, the conventional impression itself introduces inac- cated experimental appliance. The study protocol was
curacy,16 and other studies have used different approved by the Institutional Review Board of the
approaches to study trueness. Nedelcu et al17 used an Medical CenterdUniversity of Freiburg, Freiburg, Ger-
industrial scanner and IOSs to acquire the facial surface many (434/17), registered at the German Clinical Trial
of the maxillary anterior teeth. This method captured Register (DRKS: 00014039), and performed in accordance
only a short span and did not evaluate the molar area with the institutional research committee and the 1964
most prone to deviations or the complex acquisition of Helsinki declaration and its later amendments. Study
multiple surfaces. Atieh et al18 focused on comparing participants were recruited in the Department of Oral
conventional impressions with an intraoral scanner by and Maxillofacial Surgery, Translational Implantology in
using a reference appliance made from metal alloy. The the University Medical Center Freiburg during July 2017
deviation of intraoral scans was measured only in small and July 2018. Participants gave written consent to the
areas distributed throughout the dental arch. Notably, in study before inclusion.
previous studies, the scans were aligned by using a best- Participants with partial edentulism in both posterior
fit algorithm including the complete surface before the regions of either the maxilla (n=6) or the mandible (n=5)
assessment of the deviations. With this method, the were selected (Table 1). This specific anatomic situation
deviations are arbitrarily averaged over the entire surface was required for the placement of the experimental
and their spatial location is not reflected. This becomes appliance and the arrangement of scan objects. Table 1
especially important when scanning larger areas, as po- displays the selected jaw and number and regions of
tential inaccuracies at the end of a long span are averaged the test surfaces. Participants with limited mouth open-
over the entire arch. This can be overcome by using a ing or hard and soft tissue defects, including extended
different method of alignment as implemented in the scar tissues in the oral cavity, were excluded.
current study. The experimental appliance was manufactured by
An experimental appliance comprising denture teeth using a pink acrylic resin base plate, denture teeth, and
and reference bodies was fabricated and scanned intra- cylindrical reference bodies. A stone cast of the respective
orally with multiple scanners, as well as extraorally with a jaw of each participant was poured from a conventional
reference scanner. Alignment of multiple scans was irreversible hydrocolloid (Pluralgin Super; Pluradent)
selectively performed by using reference bodies, and the impression. A visible light-polymerized denture base


- 2021 3

Figure 1. A, Individually fabricated experimental appliance with reference objects (R1, R2, R3) and test surfaces represented by acrylic resin denture
teeth (T). B, Occlusal view of inserted appliance.

material (Megatray Basisplatte; Megadenta Dentalpro- saliva ejector were applied. Passivity was confirmed and
dukte GmbH) was adapted to cover the dentate and the appliance was fixed by using a denture adhesive
edentulous areas of the arch. A geometric pattern of in- (Blend-a-dent Plus Haftcreme; Oral-B) Intraoral scans
dentations was created on the denture base material to were acquired by the same operator using the 3 scanning
achieve a morphology that was easily captured by the devices, and 3 scans were made with each IOS. Caution
surface scanner. Cast denture teeth (SR Ivocron; Ivoclar was used to scan only the intraoral device and not the
Vivadent AG) were fixed with an adhesive (Palapress; participant’s teeth because of the risk of movement of the
Kulzer GmbH) to the base plate in both the premolar and experimental appliance. The scheme for data acquisition
molar areas. Three cylindrical reference bodies (Strau- and evaluation are displayed in Figure 2.
mann Mono Scanbody, Art.032.041; Institut Straumann Standard tessellation language (STL) files of the refer-
AG) were fixed with the adhesive (Palapress) in the area ence scans, extraoral scans, and intraoral scans were im-
of the second molars bilaterally and in the anterior region ported into a 3D modeling software program (Meshmixer;
of the baseplate (Fig. 1). The experimental appliance was Autodesk Inc). The reference bodies and test surfaces were
designed to imitate the intraoral anatomy, including the cropped to prepare the scan for evaluation. The reference
test surface and the pink acrylic resin base plate, and host bodies were used for the registration of multiple scans and
reference bodies for data registration and evaluation. were therefore essential for the assessment of the spatial
A reference data set of the experimental appliance location of the deviations. Registration was defined as the
was established with a desktop optical scanner (S600 3D alignment of multiple scans using common surface
Arti; Zirkonzahn) with a manufacturer specified precision information. The protocol for registration is displayed in
of 10 mm. The accuracy of the acquired data was eval- Table 2. To elaborate the critical mass of information for an
uated by using a coordinate measuring machine (CMM) accurate registration, a randomly chosen scan was regis-
(DS 10; Renishaw). The positions of the reference objects tered multiple times. Randomization was achieved by us-
(R1-R3) were acquired with this high precision tactile ing a simple randomization sheet in Microsoft Excel
scanner (accuracy <5 mm) and used for verification.19 (Microsoft Corp) and applying it to all members of the
Comparison of the acquired optical scanner data with study population. Registration was performed with 1
the CMM data showed a median deviation of 22 mm reference body (R1), 2 reference bodies (R1, R2), and 3
when using a best-fit registration algorithm. reference bodies (R1, R2, R3), respectively. The comparison
The experimental appliance was scanned on the stone showed no differences in registration accuracy. Therefore,
cast with the following IOSs: TRIOS3, version the final assessment of deviations was performed by using
(3Shape A/S) (TR); CEREC Omnicam, version 4.6, 1 reference body (R1 or R3) at each distal site. The test
(Dentsply Sirona) (OC); True Definition, version 5.4 (3M) surfaces were used for the measurement of deviations
(TD). Each scan was performed by 1 operator (F.K.) using between scans.
the manufacturer’s recommended scanning path. Each The registration of only 1 selected scan body was
scanner was used 3 times for extraoral scanning. performed by using a best-fit registration algorithm
The respective experimental appliance was placed in based on an iterative closest point search procedure.20
the mouth of the participant and cheek retractors and a The scan body surfaces were first aligned according to


4 Volume - Issue -

Statistical analysis of the median deviations for each


test group was performed by using a mixed linear
T2 intraoral regression model and Bonferroni correction after pairwise

scan R1 R3
comparisons (Stata Statistical Software: StataCorp. 2017.
T1 T2 3 intraoral scans Release 15; StataCorp LLC) (a=.05).

R1 R3

Reference scan
extraoral T1 T2 Precision RESULTS
scan T2 extraoral
R1 R3 A total of 11 participants were enrolled in the study.
3 extraoral scans Three extraoral and 3 intraoral scans with each of the 3
IOSs resulted in 9 extraoral scans and 9 intraoral scans
Figure 2. Number of scans and comparisons for assessment of precision
and trueness.
per participant.
The median precision of extraoral scanning of short
spans was 29 mm (TD), 22 mm (TR), and 23 mm (OC)
(Fig. 3, Table 3). The median precision of extraoral
Table 2. Protocol for registration of multiple scans and evaluation of
scanning of long spans was 165 mm (TD), 81 mm (TR),
deviations between surfaces and interpretation of results with regard to
scan length
and 103 mm (OC) (Fig. 3, Table 3).
Registration Evaluation Result
The median precision for intraoral scanning of short
R1 T1 Short span
spans was 31 mm (TD), 23 mm (TR), 43 mm (OC) (Fig. 4,
R1 T2 Long span R2 Table 3). The median precision of intraoral scanning of
R3 T2 Short span T1 T2 long spans was 153 mm (TD), 80 mm (TR), and 198 mm
R3 T1 Long span T2 (OC) (Fig. 4, Table 3).
The median trueness of extraoral scanning of short
R1 R3
spans was 40 mm for TD, 28 mm for TR, and 36 mm when
using OC (Table 3). The median trueness of extraoral
scanning of long spans was 581 mm (95th percentile: 1387
mm) (TD), 132 mm (TR), and 118 mm (OC) (Table 3).
their principle axis, and then an iterative closest point The median trueness of intraoral scanning of short
search was performed. This was done by finding the spans was 47 mm (TD), 38 mm (TR), and 45 mm (OC)
closest point on the target surface. Correspondences (Fig. 5, Table 3). The median trueness of intraoral scan-
pointing in the wrong direction (normal vectors) were ning of long spans was 433 mm (TD), 147 mm (TR), and
discarded. Of the remaining corresponding points, those 198 mm (OC) (Fig. 6, Table 3).
further away than the 90th percentile of distances were The precision of the IOSs was significantly different
discarded to avoid invalid registration results. Based on for extraoral and intraoral long-span scans. Pairwise
these correspondences, the reference was iteratively comparison showed significantly higher precision for
rotated to the target surface. Finally, the transformation extraoral long-span scans with TR compared with TD
was applied to the entire scan. (P=.005) and intraoral long-span scans with TR
To evaluate the mesh discrepancies, the (unsigned) compared with OC (P<.001) and TR compared with TD
distance for each vertex in the region of interest on the (P<.001). The intraoral and extraoral precision of short-
reference mesh to the surface of the aligned scans was span scans was significantly higher than for long-span
recorded. This resulted in tens of thousands of error scans for all scanners (P<.001).
values per alignment that were averaged per vertex over The trueness of the IOSs was significantly different
all iterations and then accumulated over all participants.7 except for intraoral short-span scans (P=.87). Pairwise
Mesh alignment and error assessment were performed comparison showed lower trueness of TD compared with
by using the mathematical and statistical platform R and TR (P<.001) and OC (P<.001) for extraoral and intraoral
specifically the R-packages Rvcg, Morpho, and long-span scans, and extraoral short-span scans. The
mesheR.21-23 intraoral and extraoral trueness of short-span scans was
The primary end point was the precision of intraoral significantly higher than for long-span scans for all
and extraoral scanning with 3 different scanners, evalu- scanners (P<.001).
ated by comparing the 3 consecutive scans in each group
with 1 randomly selected scan as the reference. The
secondary end point was the trueness of intraoral and
extraoral scanning with 3 different IOSs, assessed by The results of the present clinical study supported the
aligning the 3 consecutive scans in each group with the hypotheses that the accuracy of IOS would be lower
virtual reference model. when used in the oral cavity and that short-span scans


- 2021 5

Table 3. Median of precision and trueness of IOSs TD, OC, and TR for
extraoral and intraoral scanning
400 Precision (mm) Trueness (mm)
Short Extraoral (95th Intraoral (95th Extraoral (95th Intraoral (95th
Span Percentile) Percentile) Percentile) Percentile)
Precision (uµ

300 TR 22 (123) 23 (125) 28 (120) 38 (214)

OC 23 (231) 43 (244) 36 (146) 45 (190)
TD 29 (129) 31 (179) 40 (174) 47 (195)
Long Extraoral (95th Intraoral (95th Extraoral (95th Intraoral (95th
Span Percentile) Percentile) Percentile) Percentile)
100 TR 81 (421) 80 (281) 132 (413) 147 (461)
OC 103 (626) 198 (538) 118 (496) 198 (499)
TD 165 (392) 153 (448) 581 (1387) 433 (1029)
Short Long Short Long Short Long
span span span span span span
Short Span
True Definition TRIOS Omnicam 200
Figure 3. Box plot for precision of TD, TR, and OC when used for
extraoral scanning. Values of deviation given in mm. Boxplots do not
show outliers, that is, whiskers restricted to maximum length of 1.5 times 150

Trueness (uµ)
interquartile range.


600 50
Precision (uµ)

400 True definition TRIOS Omnicam
Figure 5. Trueness of intraoral scanning of TD, TR, and OC for short span.
Values of deviation given in mm. Boxplots do not show outliers, that is,
200 whiskers restricted to maximum length of 1.5 times interquartile range.

The precision and trueness of IOSs have been previ-

0 ously studied in vitro using typodonts, master models
Short Long Short Long Short Long fabricated from metal alloy, or cadaver jaws.9-15 The
span span span span span span
precision of the IOSs used both extraorally and intra-
True Definition TRIOS Omnicam
orally were comparable with the findings of previous
Figure 4. Box plot for precision of IOSs TD, TR, and OC when used for studies with regard to short-span scans.6,10 The precision
intraoral scanning. Values of deviation given in mm. Boxplots do not of long-span scans was lower in this study compared
show outliers, that is, whiskers restricted to maximum length of 1.5 times
with the previous studies, presumably because of the
interquartile range.
method of alignment. The reported precision of long-
span scans in vitro was 30 to 42 mm (OC) compared
would be acquired with higher precision and trueness with the present findings of 103 mm (OC).10,11 The pre-
than complete-arch scans. The accuracy of intraoral scans cision of long-span scans in vivo was 41 mm (TR), 46 and
in vivo was significantly lower than for extraoral scans 71 mm (OC), and 52 mm (TD) compared with 80 mm (TR),
using 3 different intraoral scanning devices. The authors 198 mm (OC), and 153 mm (TD) in the present study.
are unaware of a previous study that has investigated the However, the study confirmed the previous findings that
precision and trueness of multiple IOSs in vivo. Median long-span intraoral scans in vivo have lower precision
deviations of the trueness of long-span intraoral scans than extraoral model scans.5-7 Restricted intraoral space
in vivo totaled 433 mm. Partially edentulous participants and humidity, as well as the image acquisition technol-
were enrolled in this study, as the experimental appliance ogy of IOSs, may have influenced the data acquisition.3,25
required sufficient space for the arrangement of scan An intraoral scanner incrementally acquires single im-
objects within the dental arch. Denture base material ages that are stitched together into a virtual model. Minor
with a dull surface was chosen based on Schnuth and displacements in every stitching may add up to a relevant
Buerakov24. Surfaces that were difficult to scan, such as deviation.1 Optical desktop scanners project a light or
reflecting, transparent, or shiny surfaces, were avoided. laser pattern on the complete object surface and acquire


6 Volume - Issue -

Long Span model. In addition to the restriction of only scanning 1

surface of anterior teeth, Nedelcu et al17 also did not
state numerical values for the trueness, making a
comparison impossible. Atieh et al 18 reported a mean
1000 deviation between long-span intraoral scans and the
Trueness (uµ)

reference model (trueness) of 46 mm. However, they

recorded deviations in the molar areas of 140 mm in
60% of the intraoral scans and 250 mm in 28% of the
500 intraoral scans.
Alignment of the intraoral scans was achieved with
the registration of only 1 selected scan body. This allowed
the consideration of spatial deviations on test surfaces
True definition TRIOS Omnicam (teeth). The alignment based solely on the reference
Figure 6. Trueness of intraoral scanning of TD, TR, and OC for complete- bodies ensures that the error was not arbitrarily averaged
arch. Values of deviation given in mm. Boxplots do not show outliers, that over the entire scan, as this would mask the effect of the
is, whiskers restricted to maximum length of 1.5 times interquartile subsequent “stitching” of partial scans as performed by
range. all 3 scanner models. This was hypothesized to lead to an
increased error relative to the size of the scan area.
Previous studies aligned scans using the complete
its reflection for virtual model creation. A subsequent model surface. The same surface was consecutively used
stitching of single images, potentially prone to error, is to evaluate deviations.5,6,8,18 This procedure masks the
therefore not necessary.26 spatial allocation of the deviation by arbitrarily aver-
The results of this study for the trueness of scanning aging the error over the entire surface and might
short spans in vitro using 2 scanners (TR, OC) was therefore be a contributing factor to the divergent
consistent with those of previous studies.10,12,15 Previous results.
studies on the trueness of scanning long spans in vitro A threshold for the clinically acceptable accuracy of
have been inconclusive. Values between 33 and 119 mm impressions or intraoral scans is currently lacking. The
(OC) and 32 and 70 mm (TR) have been reported.9-11,13,15 marginal fit of a dental restoration could be used as a
Therefore, the deviations within this study with 132 mm measure for acceptable accuracy. The fit of dental res-
(TR) are higher than those previously reported and with torations, however, is not only dependent on the
118 mm (OC) comparable with those of reported by impression or scan accuracy but also on the complete
previous studies. workflow with impressions or scans as a first step,
The study found an exceptionally lower trueness for followed by the manufacture of the cast and the
the extraoral and intraoral scanning of long spans with restoration and its intraoral delivery. Each step in the
1 scanner (TD) compared with the other devices. The workflow might introduce an error that adds to the
authors are unaware of previous studies on the trueness marginal discrepancies. Values for marginal discrep-
of long-span scans with this intraoral scanner. Notably, ancies of prosthetic devices between 18 and 119 mm
the trueness of short-span scans was comparable with have been stated.27-29 The American Dental Associa-
that of the other IOSs. The reasons for the unexcep- tion states that the proper fit of a fixed prosthesis
tional high deviations (median 581 for trueness ranges from 25 to 40 mm (ADA No. 8, ADA 1970/71).
extraoral/433 mm for trueness intraoral) could be The trueness of all the IOSs tested in this study was
explained by the design of the experimental appliance. lower, with deviations well above 100 mm for quadrant
The respective scanner might not adequately acquire and complete-arch impressions.
the composite design (including teeth, reference In this study, no different scanning paths were eval-
bodies, and edentulous areas) of the long span to uated for the respective IOSs. However, the manufac-
render a complete-arch virtual model. turer recommendations for scanning paths were
The trueness of IOSs in vivo has only been assessed followed. Previous in vitro studies have shown that the
in 2 previous studies. 17,18 Whereas Nedelcu et al17 scanning path does not significantly influence the accu-
used an industrial optical scanner to acquire the racy of quadrant scans, that the accuracy of complete-
facial surface of the anterior teeth and premolars of the arch scans depends on the scanning path, and that
maxilla in study participants and compared them with manufacturer recommendations are better than individ-
images acquired with intraoral scans, Atieh et al18 ual scanning protocols.11,12 Furthermore, it must be taken
used a test object in the shape of a denture that was into account that the experimental appliance did show 1
scanned with 1 intraoral scanner (OC) and with an possible intraoral morphological situation in every
optical reference scanner to create a virtual reference participant.


- 2021 7

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impressions of actual intraoral scanning systems in vitro. Int J Comput Dent Acknowledgments
2019;22:11-9. The authors thank Siegbert Witkowski for his advice and support with the design
11. Latham J, Ludlow M, Mennito A, Kelly A, Evans Z, Renne W. Effect of scan and production of the experimental appliance and to Johannes Wietschorke for
pattern on complete-arch scans with 4 digital scanners. J Prosthet Dent his support with the conduction of clinical procedures.
12. Mennito AS, Evans ZP, Lauer AW, Patel RB, Ludlow ME, Renne WG. Eval- CRediT authorship contribution statement
uation of the effect scan pattern has on the trueness and precision of six Florian Kernen: Validation, Investigation, Funding acquisition, Writing - original
intraoral digital impression systems. J Esthet Restor Dent 2018;30:113-8. draft, Writing - review & editing. Stefan Schlager: Software, Formal analysis,
13. Mennito AS, Evans ZP, Nash J, Bocklet C, Lauer Kelly A, Bacro T, et al. Eval- Data curation. Veronica Seidel Alvarez: Data curation, Investigation, Writing -
uation of the trueness and precision of complete arch digital impressions on a review & editing. Jürgen Mehrhof: Resources, Validation. Kirstin Vach: Formal
human maxilla using seven different intraoral digital impression systems and a analysis, Writing - review & editing. Ralf Kohal: Resources, Writing - review &
laboratory scanner. J Esthet Restor Dent 2019;31:369-77. editing. Katja Nelson: Conceptualization, Supervision, Validation, Writing - re-
14. Müller P, Ender A, Joda T, Katsoulis J. Impact of digital intraoral scan stra- view & editing. Tabea Flügge: Conceptualization, Methodology, Project
tegies on the impression accuracy using the TRIOS Pod scanner. Quintes- administration, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing.
sence Int 2016;47:343-9.
15. Renne W, Ludlow M, Fryml J, Schurch Z, Mennito A, Kessler R, et al.
Evaluation of the accuracy of 7 digital scanners: an in vitro analysis based on Copyright © 2021 by the Editorial Council for The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.
3-dimensional comparisons. J Prosthet Dent 2017;118:36-42. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
16. Chochlidakis KM, Papaspyridakos P, Geminiani A, Chen CJ, Feng IJ,
Ercoli C. Digital versus conventional impressions for fixed


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