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The Hybrid Denture1

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Paul A. Schnitman, DDS, MSD*

This article discusses a method for the predictable fab-

In patients with moderate to severe resorption, these

rication of fixed detachable maxillary reconstructions

complications are typically related to poorly contoured

that abut and precisely follow the gingival contours

denture-bearing areas, adverse law relationships, or sig-

regardless of implant angulation or position. The tech-

nificant loss of denture-bearing hard and soft tissue sup-

nique reorders the traditional implant protocol and delays

port. In such cases, restoration requires not only the

abutment selection until the definitive tooth position has

replacement of missing teeth; significant segments of miss-

been established. In this manner, final abutment selection

ing alveolar bone and soft tissue must also be restored

and framework design become a single, integrated pro-

to natural contours.

cess that results in improved aesthetics, reduced angula-

While sufficient bone may be available, it is often

tion difficulties, and elimination of the phonetic concerns

located in regions that complicate the prosthociontic phase

traditionally associated with fixed maxillary prostheses.

of treatment. The position of this bone tissue will be far

palatal to the position the teeth must assume in the defini-

sseoiniegrated implant therapy is routinely imple-

tive restoration. - This creates prosthesis design complex-

mented with a high degree of success to solve func-

ities and potentially compromises not only the aesthetic

tional difficulties associated with mandibular dentures used

result, but also hygiene access. In addition, encroach-

for the fixed reconstruction of the edentulous mandible.'

ment upon tongue space and lack of tissue contact

While patients with minimal bone resorption seeking max-

creates speech difficulties and patient discomfort: .

illary implant treatment can typically receive a functional,

Design complexies are compounded when the

aesthetic Fixed maxillary prosthesis,' the use of fixed restora -

patient does not have a low lip line. In patients with higher

tions in patients with moderate to severe resorption is often

smile lines, abutment cylinders, interproximal spaces,

discouraged by practitioners, who view this modality as

and longer teeth are often visible.' The obvious solution

unpredictable. As compared to the mandible, difficulties

to cover the abutments with a prosthesis flange or an

in the resorbed maxillary arch include reduced individual fixture and prosthesis survival percentages"; even
with adequate bone for anchorage there is a greater need
for bone grafting procedures to replace hard and soft tissue morphology,' and significant restorative challenges
leg, aesthetics, phonetics, hygiene) that result in the use
of removable overdentures." In sum, these difficulties affect
patient acceptance and clinicians' confidence in fixed
maxillary implant reconstruction as an elective treatment.
*Private practice, Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts.
Paul A. Schnitman, DDS, MSD
Wellesley Hills Medical Center
422 Worcester Street, Ste. 202
Wellesley Hills, MA 02481-5341
Tel: 781-235-9988
Fax: 781-235-6883

Prod Periodont Aesthet Dent 1998;1111 ):143-151

Figure 1. Preoperative facial view of a 56-year-old male. Note the

porcelain fracture of tooth #5. Decay was evident on teeth #2, #4, and
#12 that compromised the retention of the failing fixed partial denture.


Practical Periodontics &


Figure 2. Patient wore a fixed detachable provisional

prosthesis during sequential tooth removal and implant
placement. Healing abutments and standard abutments
were placed intraorally.

Figure 3. Occlusal view of the maxillary arch following

the removal of intraoral abutments and prior to taking
impression at fixture level.

artificial removable gingival-colored overlay' ' results

in compromised oral hygiene. Although the use of an implantretained overlay prosthesis has been recommended,
patient acceptance is low for removable prostheses .8 If
these aesthetic, phonetic, and hygienic complications
could be resolved by the predictable placement of implants
within the arch form of the teeth, maxillary reconstruction
would presumably achieve increased reliability and
usage. This article discusses a method for the predictable
fabrication of fixed detachable maxillary prostheses that
abut and precisely follow the gingival contours regardless of implant angulation or position. When an implant
cannot be placed into the position of the tooth root, the
surgical emphasis must be to gain optimal anchorage
for biomechanical support within the limits of restorabil-

Figure 4. The impressions are utilized to fabricate a model

of the soft tissues. The model replicated the position of the
intraoral healing and standard abutments.

ity. The following method allows the surgeon greater-flexibility for angulation and mesiodistal/buccolingual
placement with minimal compromise of aesthetics and

detachable provisional restoration is desired, several stan-

little difficulty in positioning the screw access hole. It uses

dard abutments can be placed to provide support for

concepts similar to those utilized in fixed partial denture

the prosthesis (Figure 2). After an 8-week healing period,

prosthodontics leg, diagnostic waxup, silicone matrix,

all the abutments are removed (Figure 3), and an implant-

wax cutback) and applies these techniques to traditional

level impression is made to provide a soft tissue model.

fixed detachable hybrid prosthoclontics.' ' The patient

Healing abutments and/or trial abutments are placed

described in the following section of this article experi-

into the soft tissue model to exactly duplicate the com-

enced a failed maxillary reconstruction (Figure 1). In order

ponents in the patient's mouth (Figure 4).

to avoid an interim denture, implants were placed in a

A light-cured provisional baseplate (Paladisc LC,.

sequential implant/ tooth removal procedure. This article

Heraeus Kulzer, South Bend, IN) is stabilized using three

addresses the final prosthetic phase of treatment.

cylinders that have been placed on selected trial abut-

Materials and Methods

so that the baseplate rests only on these three abutments,

Master Model Fabrication

which will be used to stabilize the base during the evalu-

As the procedure is presently practiced, healing abi-

ation of jaw relation records and try-in procedures. In order

ments are placed following second-stage fixture expo-

to verify complete intraoral seating, windows are placed

sure and the soft tissue is allowed to heal. When a fixed

into the base to visualize each abutment (Figure 5). If only

ments in a tripodal array. All other abutments are relieved


Vol. 11, No. 1


matrix (Vacu-Press Disc, Dentsply International, York, PA)

of the setup and the keyed border is subsequently fabricated. Following the fabrication of a silicone and stone
matrix, the wax is boiled out, and the baseplate is removed
(Figure 7). The denture teeth are retained in the silicone
and stone matrix, and all abutment components are
removed from the master model. Tissue depth is determined with a gingival simulation material (Softissue Moulage,
Kerr/Sybron, Orange, CA) in place, and abutment heights
are selected so that the margin of the gold cylinders will
be 2 mm to 3 mm below the gingival margin. The gingiFigure 5. Three standard abutments were selected in a
tripodal array to accept a screw-retained baseplate and
wax rim to ensure the accuracy of interocclusal records.
Note windows at abutments to confirm passive seating.

val simulation material is then removed to permit visual

access from the platform of the fixture to the final tooth
position using the silicone and stone matrix (Figure 8).
This vantage point provides superior control in the selection of abutments and framework design, and allows the
clinician to properly orient screw access openings.
Using the silicone, the stone, and the clear vacuumformed matrices, trial abutments are positioned on the
master model with the objective of positioning the screw
access openings within the buccolingual dimension of the
tooth at least 3 mm from its facial aspect (Figure 8). A
minimum of 2 mm should be present between the occlusal
aspect of the gold cylinder and the tooth to allow for
acrylic resin between the tooth and frame (Figure 9). The
abutments should be positioned to allow for the formation of an emergence taper, a finishing line shoulder of

Figure 6. Facial view of waxed restoration, which was

seated to permit assessment of aesthetics and function.

1 mm on each conical gold cylinder, and a minimum of

1 mm of interproximal space between shoulders. Twenty
millimeter guide pins are subsequently attached to the
trial abutments for precise determination of screw access

healing abutments were in place during the impression

phase, three of these are replaced intraorally with standard trial abutments (Nobel Biocare, Yorba Linda, CA),
in the orientation dictated by the master model to facilitate the taking of jaw relation records. When the patient
is wearing a fixed provisional prosthesis supported by
titanium abutments, the base is stabilized on three of
these abutments. Once a wax rim has been added to
the baseplate, jaw relations are recorded, and tooth
selection procedures are performed.

Abutment Selection
The denture teeth are subsequently fabricated in wax
and tried in for patient evaluation (Figure 6). Once the
waxup has been approved, the border of the master model
is keyed, and the setup on the model and keyed border
is duplicated in stone. A vacuum-formed clear plastic

Figure 7. A silicone and stone matrix was fabricated on

the model. The baseplate and wax were removed to leave
the teeth in this matrix and to permit optimal visualization
from the implant platform to final tooth position.


Practical Periodontics &


Framework Design
Critical to proper framework design is the establishment
of a natural and gradual emergence profile with a 1 mm
circumferential shoulder/finishing line at the gingival margin. The finishing line forms the junction between the acrylic
resin and the framework. It should be sharp, definite, and
where possible, undercut, in order to secure the resin in
position similar to the design of removable partial dentures. The gingival contours on the base of the gold cylinders are subsequently built up with pattern resin (GC Pattern
Resin, GC America, Chicago, IL). Since the cylinders are

Figure 8. The trial abutments were placed in a

manner that positioned the screw access openings
within the buccolingual dimension of the tooth.

placed subgingivally, pattern resin is more suitable than

wax for defining the sulcular emergence profile as the
gingival simulation material must be displaced during fabrication of the frame. In order to accomplish this, the conical gold cylinder is placed with a guide pin on the master
cast with the moulage in place. Pattern resin is flowed onto
the cylinder from its superior aspect in order to identify the
gingival margin. The cylinder is then removed from the
model, Pattern resin is added to establish a 1 mm shoulder
that tapers 1 mm short of the apical margin of the conical
gold cylinder. Once the supragingival portion of the framework has been completed, this gap will be finished in wax
prior to casting. The cylinders are then replaced on the

Figure 9. Gold cylinders were placed to confirm

tissue depth and adequacy of occlusal space
between tooth and frame.

model with guide pins, forcing the gingival simulation material aside as they are fully seated,
Using the silicone and stone matrix that contains the
denture teeth, the supragingival portion of the frame is completed in pattern resin and wax as necessary (Figure 10).
The frame is designed 2 mm from teeth and soft tissue
to allow for the resin material to completely encase the
final frame. Once the frame design has been finalized
and the abutment position on the master model has been
confirmed, the wax/resin frame is removed from the
model and set aside (Figure 111. Final waxing of the
apical aspect of the conical gold cylinders and frame-

Figure 10. The framework was subsequently

waxed to gold cylinders utilizing trial abutments
and the matrix.

work will be accomplished using a verification model

fabricated at the final intraoral abutment placement.

Abutment Placement and Final Frame Fabrication

During preparation in the laboratory phase, an impression coping assembly is fabricated on the master model by
adapting a light-cured material (Palatray LC, Heraeus Kulzer,
South Bend, IN to the impression copings that have been
placed on the trial abutments in the master model. The
material measures approximately I cm buccolingually,
and is positioned 2 mm from the soft tissue; the assembly
is separated between copings, leaving a 0.5 mm gap
between all sections.


Vol. 11, No. 1

Figure 11. The resin framework was removed

from the master model and set aside to await
intraoral abutment insertion and subsequent
verification model fabrication.


Utilizing 20 mm guide pins to visually orient their

placement, the final abutments are positioned in the mouth
precisely as the trial abutments are on the master model
(Figure 12). The position of the final abutments is then
verified with the master model by luting an additional set
of impression copings (not those that have been used in
the impression coping assembly) together intraorally with
pattern resin and transferring these to the master model
for verification (Figure 13). This process is continued one
Figure 12. In accordance with the position of the
abutment guide pins from the master model, the
definitive abutments were placed intraorally.

implant at a time until all final abutments have been

placed according to the predetermined position on the
master model. It is important that this procedure be completed with precision, as the framework was waxed to
the trial abutments of the master model.
In order to provide an accurate verification model
for the laboratory technician (which will be used for casting and soldering to ensure passive fit of the definitive
framework), it is critical to relate the abutment seating
surfaces together. An accurate registration of the abutment
position is subsequently made using the impression coping assembly; the resulting verification model will be
utilized to assemble the final frame in the laboratory. The

Figure 13. The position of the definitive abutments

was verified intraorally and transferred to the
master model.

registration is accomplished by placing the sectioned

impression coping assembly intraorally with the gold
screws (torqued to 10 Ncm) that will be used in the definitive prosthesis. The light-cured impression material sections
(Palatray LC, Heraeus Kulzer, South Bend, IN) are connected with pattern resin, and the accuracy of the completed
impression coping assembly is verified by loosening all
but the most distal screw on one side and clinically or
radiographically observing no interfacial gaps at the
coping/abutment junction. The impression coping assembly is removed from the mouth and abutment replicas,
held with pliers to avoid torquing the assembly, are placed

Figure 14. The framework was reseated intraorally to verify clinical fit.

into the copings using the gold screws, which are again
torqued to 10 Ncm.
The tissue surface of the impression coping assembly is blocked out and its replicas are placed into a
mounting stone (Whip Mix, Louisville, KY). When the
stone has set, the impression coping assembly is removed,
leaving a precise verification model that is used to assemble the final framework. The margins of the sectioned
wax/resin frame that was set aside are finished in wax
and placed on the verification model using the torqued
retaining screws and the sections are reassembled on
this model. Glass beads are added, the frame is sprued,
invested, cast in type IV gold, and evaluated for pas-

Figure 15. The framework was picked up in an

impression to record its relationship to the established soft tissue levels, which may have changed
from the first impression.

sive fit on the verification model. The emergence profile/subgingival aspect of the frame is then polished in
preparation for try-in and pick-up impression.

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Practical Periodontics &


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Figure 16. A hard tissue model was subsequently fabricated

from the impression.

Figure 17. The framework was precisely adjusted and

shaped to fit the hard tissue model and ensure optimal
soft tissue adaptation.

Figure 18. The opaqued framework was returned to the

master model, and the setup was repositioned using the
silicone matrix.

Figure 19. The framework that incorporates the teeth is

subsequently returned to the hard stone for final waxing
of its conical and emergence portions and adaptation to
the soft tissue contours.

Frame Try-In/Waxing Model

(Silicoater MD, Heraeus Kulzer, South Bend, IN) and

The framework is tried into the mouth and passive fit is

opaqued (Visio-Gem Opaque, ESPE, Norristown, PA),

verified by gently tightening all screws to initial binding,

and the teeth are transferred to the frame (Figure 18),

then torquing each to 10 Ncm. 13 Less than one half of

which is then transferred to the hard tissue model for final

a turn should occur between initial bind and final torque.'

finishing of the waxup (Figure 19). Jaw relation records

The screws (except the most distal) are loosened again to

are performed, and patient approval of the final waxup is

permit clinical or radiographic examination for the absence

obtained (Figure 20). The prosthesis is processed, finished,

of gaps at the cylinder/abutment junction (Figure 141.

and delivered (Figures 21 through 24). Two weeks fol-

The framework is picked up in a new impression

using an open tray and guide pin technique (Figure 15);

lowing the seating of the prosthesis, it is removed and

any pressure points are relieved.

this relation of the framework to the soft tissue is poured

in a hard stone model (Figure 161, which is utilized for


adjustment of the finishing lines to the gingival margins

Since 1995, 7 patients have been successfully treated

and final waxup of the tissue surface of the prosthesis.

with 12-unit fixed detachable maxillary prostheses using

Using the master model with trial abutments and the

this fabrication protocol. One patient had previously worn

silicone/stone matrix, the framework is adjusted to allow

a standard hybrid prosthesis; a second was converted

a 2 mm clearance between the framework and the

from a complete denture. In addition, two other patients

denture teeth (Figure 17). The framework is silicoated

were converted from fixed partial dentures and three from


Vol. 11, No. 1


Figure 20. The intraoral try-in is completed, and the

restoration is prepared for processing.

Figure 21. The acrylic-wrapped framework design was

visible prior to insertion. Note the pontic-like adaptation
of the acrylic to the soft tissue, without any ridge laps or
other hygienic compromise.

Figure 22. Occlusal view demonstrates the control of the

screw emergence gained by abutment selection as a
laboratory exercise following the establishment of final
tooth position.

Figure 23. Postoperative facial view of the implantsupported prosthesis. Note the manner in which the
prosthesis precisely abuts the gingival contours as it
replaces the alveolar morphology.

removable partial dentures, respectively. To date, pho-

to severe resorption, however, replacement of lost alve-

netic complications have not occurred for any of the 7

olar morphology and conventional tooth length in one-

patients, nor have they experienced resin fractures or soft

piece porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations requires very

tissue inflammation. These fixed detachable prostheses

large frameworks that are subject to distortion upon

were supported by 43 implants (Nobel Biocare, Yorba

repeated firing and consequently require exceptional tech-

Linda, CA) placed anteriorly to the maxillary sinus. One

nical aptitude to accurately fabricate.' Alternately, this

of the patients with 5 implants experienced screw loos-

restorative modality enables patients with moderate to

ening following 3 years of function. In this patient, one

severe resorption to receive biologically contoured fixed

distal unit was prophylactically removed from the pros-

detachable prostheses that provide significant aesthetic

thesis bilaterally to shorten the cantilevered extensions.

and phonetic advantages. Delaying abutment selection

Benefits of the Profile Prosthesis

operator control of framework design, which results in pre-

Full maxillary porcelain implant-supported reconstructions

to follow biological contours with great detail, and max-

until the final tooth position has been established increases

cise placement of screw access hole location, the ability

have been accomplished with excellent results in cases with

imum analysis opportunity and flexibility to solve angle

minimal resorption where implant position and tooth length

and implant proximity discrepancies. Since the prosthetic

can be idealized without significant soft tissue deficits

design is initiated with subgingival emergence of the con-

requiring larger frameworks.' In patients with moderate

ical gold cylinders, a natural extension of the framework

PP AD 149

Practical Periodontics &


and resin to the tooth position is achieved. Consequently,

this procedure addresses the soft and hard tissue deficits
associated with alveolar ridge loss and subsequent lip
support and facial profile without requiring a denture
flange or removable artificial gingiva (Figure 25). Since
the acrylic resin and teeth can be easily repaired or
replaced as necessary, this prosthesis design can be
utilized for long-term function. This restorative technique
can also be predictably and successfully utilized in the
mandibular arch. Eight mandibular 1 2-unit fixed detachable prostheses have been placed with similar results to
those achieved with the maxillary prostheses. This interdisciplinary treatment provides an effective solution for
the reconstruction of the resorbed totally edentulous maxilla and mandible as an alternative to grafting solutions

Figure 24. Radiograph of the patient following the delivery

of the prosthesis. Note the conical framework emergence
with cutback to accept the acrylic wrap at the soft tissue

that build up tissue deficits. Accordingly, this technique

may be successfully used with edentulous resorbed jaws.
It is of particular usefulness in situations when the patient
declines the utilization of bone regeneration or grafting
procedures to provide ideal contours for porcelain restorations as is demonstrated by the restoratively driven concept for the partially edentulous patient. 15. [B
The most effective use of this procedure is in instances
where the junction of the soft tissue and the prosthesis is
concealed by the lip, which allows the surgeon to reduce
and flatten ridges to maximize implant support. Since
this restorative procedure requires adequate space to
accommodate the framework design, it is difficult to use
in patients with limited intro-arch dimensions. Adequate
space must be provided for the formation of the cone
and shoulder/finishing line, the narrow vertical chimney
(for resin wrapping), and the occlusal connecting bar
which is triangular and should be 4 mm high and 4 mm

Figure 25. Soft and hard tissue defects associated with

alveolar ridge resorption and subsequent loss of lip
support can be addressed without requiring flange
or ridge-lap extensions.

wide at its base. In addition, the distance between the

top of the bar and the occlusal plane must be 3 mm.
This procedure is most effective when using conical gold
abutments lEsthetiCone, Nobel Biocare, Yorba Linda,
CAI because of its height. Since the reduced height of
the gold cylinders does not allow for the formation of the
cone and shoulder below the top of the cylinder, the technician also has limitations when using short abutments
leg, Standard or MirusCone, Nobel Biocare, Yorba
Linda, CA). This may result in a weakened frame in the
chimney area, although the author has determined that
it is possible to address this potential complication by
connecting the collars interproximally. In instances of
reduced interarch space and/or a sulcus depth of less
than 3 mm and angle correction is not necessary, a UCLA
abutment can also be utilized.

150 Vol. 11, No. 1

Figure 26. Occlusal view of a patient 10 months postoperatively. Note the healthy status of the tissues.


The selection of abutments following establishment


of tooth position allows the optimum choice for occlusal

Although admittedly time and component intensive, many

height, soft tissue sulcular depth, and degree of angu-

of the techniques used in this prosthesis design are appli-

lotion. This procedural revision permits the clinician to

cable to smaller and less complex reconstructions. The

significantly reduce the bulk of the prosthesis so that the

technique can be used virtually anywhere fixed detach-

access holes can generally emerge within the bucco-

able reconstructions are used - whether porcelain or

lingual dimension of the teeth, regardless of implant angu-

hybrid, whether three-unit or a large construction - with

lation. Implant abutment selection is more precise when

significant rewards. By delaying abutment selection until

determined by final tooth position and matrix in the lab-

the final tooth position is determined rather than making

oratory as opposed to conventional techniques that uti-

judgments on the basis of visual appearance and tissue

lize the tissue-supported surgical guide (previously used

height, abutment selection in the laboratory can be vir-

at implant placement) after second-stage surgery without

tually foolproof, resulting in an aesthetically pleasing max-

the natural teeth as landmarks to guide intraoral abut-

illary restoration free of implant angulation, phonetic or

ment selection and placement.

hygienic difficulties.

In terms of hygiene concerns, tissue contact is similar to the pontic area of several missing teeth in a con-


ventional tooth-borne fixed prosthesis, and is analogous

to a long pontic. While significant calculus and plaque

The author mentions his gratitude to the team of technicians at North Shore Dental Porcelains Laboratories, Lynn,

accumulation on the tissue-facing surface has been

Massachusetts, for the restorations featured in the article.

observed with the standard hybrid prostheses, the aforementioned prosthetic design permits optimal hygiene
and tissue health to be maintained (Figure 26). Mastery
of this technique eliminates uncertainty in the fabrication
of the prosthesis. In the past, particularly when angled
abutments were involved, one of the difficulties had been
the clinical assessment of fit since margins are generally subgingival. Using the revised method, fit can be
determined with accuracy since passivity can be felt with
screw-tightening procedures.'
While the procedure extends treatment duration arid
requires numerous components, it actually reduces chairtime since the entire framework fabrication and abutment
selection and position are performed in a laboratory
once tooth position is determined. The selection of abutments chairside frequently results in discarded abutments
and cannot achieve the precision afforded by the aforementioned technique, since the technician is able to confirm abutment position during the initial framework design
phase, prior to final abutment insertion.
The interaction of laboratory technicians is essential
since the procedure requires the collaboration of the denture and framework departments. The finishing process specifically, application of waxing, design of the prosthesis and application of acrylic - involves significant
collaboration between the two departments. In addition,
the volume of available information demands a clear understanding of abutment selection principles. From the clinician's
standpoint, however, the process is easier and more controllable, which often results in an improved outcome.

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