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Ajg Guidelines To Developing A Fleet Safety Program

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Fleet Safety Program

Guidelines to developing a fleet safety program

Troy J. Guidry, CSP

This document is intended to help companies develop a written fleet safety program.
This document does not cover all state and local laws, as well as Federal DOT
regulations. Please consult with your company attorney on application of any of the
policies and procedures enclosed.
Sample Fleet Safety Program
Policy Statement
Our motor fleet safety program has been implemented to promote safe driving on and
off the job. When properly implemented, this program can help reduce the frequency
and severity of crashes and violations in our vehicle operations. Our focus is on
reducing the financial burden of crashes and the accompanying human suffering. It is
equally important that we present a strong public image of a company that puts safe
drivers on the road.

We will properly select and train employees who drive on company business and we will
keep well-maintained vehicles. (Company Official) is appointed our Fleet coordinator
with responsibility for managing vehicle and driver safety issues. He/she has authority to
implement our vehicle safety program and is accountable to (Executive Management
Official) for its effectiveness.

Our Fleet coordinator is responsible for investigating, documenting, contacting and

maintaining communication with our insurance carrier, and following up on automobile
claims handling. Our Fleet coordinator is also responsible for maintaining and complying
with all DOT regulations regarding Driver Qualification, Hours of Service, Vehicle
Maintenance, and Cargo Securement.

This program has been designed to address vehicles driven by or for (delete or add
functions as appropriate):

x Sales associates
x Supervisors/Management
x Delivery operations
x Transport operations between facilities,
x Related business purposes when using company vehicles or personal

(Assigned line manager or general manager) and a review board team will be
formed to promptly review all crashes or incidents.

Employees are required to immediately report all crashes and moving violations that
occur during work-related activities, if they are driving a company-owned or personal
vehicle on company business.
We will provide safe and reliable transportation to authorized drivers, and the resources
for properly maintaining company vehicles. It is each driver's responsibility to ensure
proper vehicle maintenance, exercise defensive driving habits, maintain a good driving
record, and adhere to the company safe driving expectations and objectives of this

Employees who are authorized to drive personal vehicles on company business are
expected to maintain their vehicles in safe operating condition, as well as provide the
fleet coordinator with proof of liability insurance with minimum coverage that aligns with
corporate risk management philosophy. All occupants of company vehicles and
occupants of personally owned vehicles driven on company business must wear seat
belts / restraints at all times.

We will adhere to all federal, state and local laws governing vehicle operation.

_____________________________ __________________________________
(Company Executive) (Designated Fleet Coordinator)

_____________________________ __________________________________
(Company Name) (Date)
Vehicle Safety Program Elements
The following driver evaluation, selection, training, and reporting tools will be used to
help administer a successful safety plan:

Driver Selection and Questionnaire

Employees with poor driving records expose our company to potentially significant
liability. We will only allow the use of our company vehicles, and the operation of non-
company owned vehicles on company business, by those drivers who are qualified to
drive based on the following criteria:

Applicants for jobs that require operation of a company vehicle must list all moving
violations or vehicle crashes (within the most recent three years) on their application. If
the application indicates an unacceptable driving record, the applicant will not be
considered for a position requiring the operation of any vehicle.

Current employees whose position requires driving on company business must also
complete the Driver’s Questionnaire (see page 7).

Employees who are assigned company vehicles or who regularly operate personal
vehicles on company business are expected to maintain acceptable driving records, per
our company’s Motor Vehicle Record Criteria definitions.

Motor Vehicle Record Check

The Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) is a list of moving violations and crashes reported
against a driver’s license number for the past three to five years, in most states. The
prospective driver may provide, in writing, a copy of their MVR once employment has
been offered. A copy may be obtained, for a small fee, with the employee’s permission
by writing to the proper state Department of Motor Vehicles.

Drivers with unacceptable driving records (refer to Motor Vehicle Record Criteria page
8), may be subject to having job review and possible removal from positions requiring

Drivers are required to report any crashes or moving violations to their supervisor
immediately following the occurrence (including those occurrences while driving a
personal car while on company business). Drivers are responsible for notifying their
supervisor of final outcomes of violations.

As a condition of their continued employment as a company driver, an MVR will be

obtained, at least annually, on all employees who drive on company.
Hiring and Retention Standards and Employee Agreement
The use of Motor Vehicle Records: Employee Acknowledgement and Agreement
objectively evaluates applicants and existing employees who drive. Our company policy
defines the number of violations a driver can have before losing his or her privileges to
operate a company vehicle, or to perform driving duties. A copy of the policy will be
given to the driver for their records, and a signed copy placed in each driver’s personnel

Road Tests
Prior to employment in a position requiring driving on company business, the applicant
will complete a driving test in the vehicle that he/she will most likely be driving. An
employee or manager trained in administering road tests will conduct the road test. It is
suggested that a Road Test be at least 20 miles in length over a planned route.

Crash Procedures and Reporting Forms

Any vehicle driven on company business must carry a vehicle crash reporting form (not
provided as part of this plan). All drivers are expected to conform to the state laws
governing actions at the scene of a crash. All crashes, regardless of severity, must be
reported to the Fleet Coordinator and the employee’s direct manager by using our
company’s vehicle crash reporting form.

Vehicle Condition Reports (Inspections)

Drivers must complete a company approved vehicle checklist at least annually. Service
and maintenance logs must be kept for each vehicle. Manufacturer’s recommendations
for vehicle maintenance must be followed.

Each vehicle shall have an emergency road kit containing our company’s vehicle crash
report form with camera.

Safe Driving Performance Expectations

Driving is a critically important part of the job for those employees assigned company
vehicles or operating their own vehicle for company purposes. Evaluations of their job
performance will include an evaluation of their driving performance.

Safe driving performance also includes responsible use of mobile communications

devices. Please make sure to read and follow the policies outlined in our Mobile Device
Use Policy for Drivers
Driver Training and Continuing Education
New drivers will undergo a preliminary new employee orientation for new hires or
transferred employees who now have driving responsibilities. Our Fleet Coordinator will
determine a schedule of topics for regular continuing education.

Topics can include, but are not limited to:

x Company policies and procedures for operation of company-owned vehicles

x Safe driving objectives and company expectations
x Vehicle use and limitations for personal use
x Annual MVR checks and methods for management evaluation
x Cargo handling and security precautions
x Driver training and crash reporting/response procedures
x Vehicle maintenance and inspection requirements
x Concepts of safe driving
x Territory and routes of expected travel
x License requirements (CDL, verification of physical/visual exams, etc.)

All other employees that drive a company vehicle or drive a personal vehicle for
company business will go through a defensive driving course every (time period). This
could include (Company Name) internal defensive driving or a recognized third party
driver training.

All drivers will also attend required monthly/weekly/daily safety meetings that should
also include a driving topic.

Post Crash or those receiving Moving Violations could also be required to attend
additional training.

DOT drivers will also go through various additional training:

x Hours of Service (Driver Logs)

x Drug and Alcohol Policy
x Cargo Securement
x Hazardous Materials
x Vehicle Maintenance (Vehicle Inspection)
Mobile Device Use Policy for Drivers

Policy regarding use of cellular phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), converged devices,
texting devices, computers and other mobile electronic devices.

Our company is committed to providing a safe work environment for all our employees. In
addition, we strive to prevent injury to third parties while our employees are performing work-
related activities.

Using cellular phones, computers, messaging devices, or any other mobile electronic device
while operating a motor vehicle is a critical safety concern for (Company name). As research
has shown, such devices significantly distract drivers. Distracted driving increases the likelihood
that a crash will occur.

This policy is intended to control the circumstances under which an employee can utilize a cell
phone or other remote device while operating a motor vehicle on company business, regardless
of whether the vehicle is company-owned or employee-owned.

(Company name) requires all drivers on company business and drivers operating a company-
owned vehicle for personal use to adhere to the following policy parameters while operating the
motor vehicle:

x Employees must comply with federal, state or local laws and regulations that may
exist to control usage of mobile devices while operating a motor vehicle.
x If it is necessary to place a cellular phone call at any time while operating a motor
vehicle, the employee will safely drive his or her vehicle to an off road location
where the vehicle can be stopped without risk to the employee or any third party.
x When pulling over safely is not an option, all mobile phone use must be hands
free. Any phone not equipped for hands free operation will not be used while
operating a motor vehicle. Focusing on the driving task should be the driver’s first
x Drivers will not send or review received text messages, either on a company-
owned or personally-owned device.
x Drivers will not operate any other mobile device, including but not limited to a
Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), converged device, pocket PC, binaural
headset-based audio device, such as an MP3 player or laptop computer, either in
a company owned or personally owned vehicle while on company business.
x Navigation systems will be programmed before the trip is started, not while the
motor vehicle is in operation.
Any employee who fails to adhere to this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, including,
for example, written warning and/or subsequent restrictions on using a vehicle for company
business. Employee safety is a priority at (Company name), and your adherence to these
guidelines will help us maintain the personal safety of our employees as well as that of our
fellow drivers on the road.

Driver Receipt

I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Mobile Device Use Policy for Drivers. I agree to abide by
the directives set forth in this policy and to conduct myself according to the standards
established therein.


___________________________________________ _________________
Printed Name Date

To be kept in employee file.

Driver Questionnaire
(Use this as a guide and customize to your organization’s needs.)

Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Present Address: ______________________________________________________________
In what states have you held a valid driver’s license? __________________________________

1. Do you possess a current vehicle operator’s license? _____YES ______ NO

Vehicle Operator License Other License (CDL, Chauffeur, etc)

State: _________________________ _________________________
Expiration: _________________________ _________________________
License #: _________________________ _________________________
Full Name: _________________________ _________________________
(As it appears on license)

2. Have you ever had an operator’s license revoked or suspended? _____ YES ______ NO
If yes, please explain. ____________________________________________________

3. List all moving violations and crashes you have had within the last 3 years. (If none, write
(1) ________________________________________________________________
(2) ________________________________________________________________
(3) ________________________________________________________________
(4) ________________________________________________________________

4. Have you ever received a citation for driving while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or
other controlled substances? ___ YES ___ NO
If yes, explain___________________________________________________________
5. Have you ever been required to attend an alcohol offender’s school, traffic offender’s school
or other remedial traffic school required by the courts? _____ YES _____ NO
If yes, explain ___________________________________________________________

6. Have you ever completed a driver’s education course? ______ YES ______ NO
If yes, when? (Date) __________________________________

I understand that all of the information provided on this form will be kept confidential, and certify
that, to the best of my knowledge, the above information is correct. Any falsification may result
in disciplinary action up to and including termination.
_________________________________________ ____________________________
Signature of Applicant Date
Motor Vehicle Records
(Use this as a guide and customize to your organization’s needs with consideration to
your company’s risk tolerance. Keep in mind that, in the event of future litigation, your
willingness to accept risk will be compared to other companies and carefully looked at
by plaintiff attorneys and juries.)

For All Drivers:

A copy of the driver's Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) should be obtained to ascertain that
applicants and existing drivers have a valid license and to review past driving records. A
history of crashes and moving traffic violations could indicate a problem.

There is no magic formula for analyzing MVRs that addresses the needs of all
organizations. Organizations that operate motor vehicles would prefer to see a “clean”
record (i.e., crash and violation free). Companies should establish criteria based upon
their acceptance of risk and best practices (outlined in industry recognized guidelines
such as ANSI Z15.1) for what constitutes an acceptable MVR and the penalties involved
in not meeting such criteria. NOTE: caution should be exercised to assure that all
applicant’s/employees are being evaluated under the same criteria.

MVRs should be used in the qualification process of new drivers, but may also be an
indicator that driver counseling or training would be beneficial for existing drivers.
Training after a conviction may help a driver recognize the importance a company
places on “safe” driving and helps reduce the likelihood of future, similar involvement.

There should however, be certain offenses which receive higher consideration for
action, such as:

x Any felony involving the use of a motor vehicle;

x Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (or refusal to be tested); and/or
x Leaving the scene of an accident.

For Existing Drivers:

This Employee Acknowledgement and Agreement defines the number of violations

received before action may be taken regarding losing privileges to operate a vehicle on
company business. The offenses are not limited to those committed while operating on
company business.
This written notice and signoff acknowledgement must be retained in each driver's
personnel file, indicating full understanding of the MVR criteria and respective

Minor Offenses

(Company to define individual offenses)

Within any 12 Consecutive Month Period

1st Offense: Written warning and counseling

2nd Offense: (Company shall define consequences)

3rd Offense: (Company shall define consequences)

Within any 24 Consecutive Month Period

2nd Offense: Written warning and counseling

3rd Offense: (Company shall define consequences)

4th Offense: (Company shall define consequences)

Major Offenses

Major Offenses are defined below and carry a consequence per the following:

x Any felony conviction in which a vehicle is used: (Company shall define

x Failure to stop, report or comply with state statutes when involved in a crash:
(Company shall define consequences)
x Any display or evidence of reckless driving, excessive speeding, endangerment
of others, (or your company’s specific offenses.): (Company shall define
DUI (driving under the influence), DWI (driving while intoxicated) or OUI (operation
under the influence):

1st Offense: (Company shall define consequences) Note: operating a motor vehicle
while impaired is a major offense. Companies must understand that continuing to allow
an employee to operate a motor vehicle on company business may be considered
negligent entrustment in future legal proceedings.

Preventable Crashes

As defined by the National Safety Council regarding what actions the driver took to do
"everything reasonable to avoid the crash, etc." A formal review by management and
the employee’s supervisor will convene to evaluate the circumstances of the crash.

Within 36 Months:

1st Crash: Evaluation and counseling

2nd Crash: (Company shall define consequences)

3rd Crash: (Company shall define consequences)

Commercial Drivers

All drivers who operate a commercial vehicle (Class A or B CDL or combination of

vehicles that make the vehicle a commercial vehicle) will be required to go through a
formal Annual Review process. The driver will complete a Certificate of Violations form
every 12 months after hire and (Designated Fleet Coordinator) will review the drivers
MVR and determine if the driver meets minimum requirements for safe driving
Driver Testing and Training
(Use this as a guide and customize to your organization’s needs.)


Establish a minimum level of driving skills needed to operate motor vehicles in a safe and legal

Driving skill and ability shall be demonstrated by the driver (and prospective applicant) by
having him or her operate the vehicle, or similar type that will be used in the job, under the direct
observation of their current or prospective supervisor. This evaluation will verify competency,
driving habits, skills and attitudes conveyed during the operation of a vehicle.


Management has responsibility for ensuring that vehicles driven on company business are
operated only by qualified drivers who have demonstrated their competency in operating the
vehicle under varied conditions.

Demonstrating Driving Ability

These tests will determine an applicant's skill in handling equipment in a limited area. Different
skill tests are required of automobile users versus operators of delivery vans or straight trucks.
For delivery vehicles, exercises will include parallel parking and backing. Performance will
measure the applicant's skill in maneuvering a vehicle and their ability to practice good
judgment and courtesy.

Road tests will be given in normal traffic conditions over a prescribed course or route at least 20
miles in length, and will be documented on an evaluation sheet by an experienced examiner.
The checklist will include various maneuvers to be performed by the driver.

Preparing to Conduct a Road Test

x Select a vehicle and test route that is the same or similar to the one the applicant may
drive if hired.
x Practice conducting the road test before actually administering it, to become familiar with
the route and scoring procedure. Be certain it is representative of the actual driving tasks
the driver will perform.
x Each applicant examined will be rated in accordance with the established standard.
Parking Lot and/or Dock Test

x Remembering to walk around the vehicle before moving it

x Ability to maneuver the vehicle in tight spaces
x Ability to judge the width and length of the vehicle
x Ability to back up in a straight line (using mirrors only if a van or straight truck)
x Ability to successfully judge spaces and distance using spotters for backing
x Communicating with dock personnel to pre-plan maneuvering and hookup (if applicable)
x Stabilizing vehicle after connection (if applicable)

Road Test

x Remembering to walk around the vehicle before moving it to determine if there are
x Controlling speed and flow with traffic
x Using mirrors effectively when maneuvering through traffic
x Stopping smoothly and accurately judging distances
x Anticipating and reacting to situations before they become critical
x Observing all traffic laws
Procedures to Follow in a Vehicle Crash
(Use this as a guide and customize to your organization’s needs.)

Protect the scene of the crash and take action to prevent additional collisions or injuries.

x Pull off the roadway as far as possible, unless otherwise directed.

x Place reflectors or flares in front of and to the rear of your vehicle. Follow
applicable federal or state laws.
x Contact emergency authorities immediately.
x Administer emergency first aid if trained to do so, following any applicable state
or local guidelines.
x Obtain and record the following information at the scene of the crash:
x Name and address of each driver, passenger, and/or witness to the crash.
x License number of each vehicle involved.
x Name and policy number of the insurance company for each vehicle involved.
x Complete a vehicle crash reporting form, including a diagram of the crash.

What to Do

x Be courteous. Do not argue. Keep calm.

x Give your name and address to the injured person or a police officer before
leaving the scene. If police respond to the crash, do not leave the scene until you
are told you may leave by the officer(s) responding.

What Not To Do

x Do not talk about the crash except to a police officer, your employer or your
insurance claim adjuster.
x Make no settlements or offers of settlements to anyone.
x Do not sign any statements or reports other than official police reports.
x Do not admit fault.
x Our Fleet Coordinator will conduct a review of each vehicle crash.
Vehicle Maintenance and Inspections
Employees operating company vehicles are expected to make a safety check on their
vehicle before driving. The inspection should include, at a minimum, lights, horn, turn
signals, brake lights, oil level, coolant level, tire pressure and condition, and adjustment
of rearview mirrors. The operator should complete a vehicle condition report according
to the schedule required by the driver’s manager.

(Company Name) ‘s Fleet Vehicle Condition Report records must be maintained by the
operator assigned to company vehicles for regular inspections and for recording
maintenance or repair needs.

All maintenance including oil changes, lubrication, repair, parts, etc., will be recorded on
an up to date vehicle maintenance log, which will be kept in the glove compartment of
each vehicle. All scheduled maintenance will be in accordance with the vehicle
manufacturer's recommendations. All repair needs must be highlighted and brought to
the immediate attention of the Fleet Coordinator.

Maintenance of personal vehicles used for company business is the responsibility of the
owner. The company reserves the right to inspect a personal vehicle at random, and will
subject that vehicle to the same safety criteria as with company owned vehicles.
Reports will be retained by the company and kept in the personnel file of the

Commercial vehicles

All drivers who operate commercial vehicles are required to complete a pre-trip
inspection prior to operating each day. A DVIR (Daily Vehicle Inspection Report) is
required to be completed at the end of the day to note defects found. If a defect is found
a mechanic needs to inspect the vehicle, diagnose the condition and make the
applicable repairs. The mechanic is to note what has been fixed and the driver signs off
prior to dispatch.
Sample Safe Driving Performance Expectations

(Use this as a guide and customize to your organization’s needs.)

x Seat belts must be used by driver and all passengers.

x Properly installed child safety seats or booster seats must be used for all children
under 80 lbs.
x Keys must never be left in the vehicle. Spare keys are to be kept in the office or
at your home.
x Materials and inventory must not be left in plain view where they may be
susceptible to theft or damage. Drivers are responsible for the security of
vehicles and cargo.
x Lock an unattended vehicle.
x Observe posted speed limits and rules of the road.
x Maintain company vehicles in accordance with our company policy and
specifications. You will be responsible for damage to company vehicles resulting
from reckless or abusive handling or operation.
x Be courteous to other drivers and pedestrians. Observation reports may be
utilized to identify your driving habits and will be used in your evaluation.
x Do not use controlled substances or alcohol prior to or when operating a motor
vehicle. Be aware of possible adverse effects of prescription drugs.
x Only the assigned driver or other company personnel engaged in the course of
their employment are permitted to drive company vehicles.

_______________________________ _____________________________________
Driver Signature Company Fleet Coordinator

_______________________________ _____________________________________
Company Name Date
Sample Company Vehicle Use Agreement
If any of your employees have company vehicles assigned to them, this risk management tool
may be very helpful to you in controlling your commercial auto loss potential. It provides some
useful suggestions for provisions you may want to include in a company vehicle agreement that
you create to meet your specific needs. If even one employee is assigned a company vehicle,
it’s essential that you spell out the ground rules for use and upkeep of the vehicle. We strongly
recommend that company vehicles be used only for company business. However, if you
determine that some personal use will be allowed, it should be closely monitored and controlled.

This document is not intended to be used as is. It is intended to serve as a guide for you to use
when developing your own company vehicle agreement.

Upon assuming the position of (Job Title) with (Company Name) (hereinafter referred to as
the Company), as appropriate, effective ________________, I will be allowed to use a
Company vehicle to perform my job duties. As such, the vehicle is a tool related to the
performance of specific jobs and is never to be considered a part of compensation. Therefore,
should I be transferred or promoted in the future to a position within the Company for which a
vehicle is not deemed an appropriate or necessary tool, I will cease to have the use of the

I agree to abide by the following when a Company vehicle is in my care, custody or control:

1. I will use the Company vehicle only for Company business and never for personal use
unless specifically authorized, in writing, by my supervisor or another Company person
having authority to authorize such use.

2. If personal use of the vehicle is specifically authorized, only I will drive the vehicle.

3. I will practice sound defensive driving techniques and otherwise exercise reasonable care in
the operation of the Company vehicle.

4. When used for company business, only company employees or other persons being
transported for business purposes will be allowed to ride in or enter the Company vehicle,
and only other authorized company personnel will be permitted to drive it.

5. I will not drive the Company vehicle while consuming alcoholic beverages or other drugs or
while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, nor will I allow anyone else to do so. I
understand that violation of this policy may mean termination of my employment.

6. I will obey all traffic laws, ordinances, and regulations pertaining to the operation of motor
vehicles. I will pay any fines, parking tickets, or other assessments for violations of traffic
laws, ordinances, or regulations imposed on me. I acknowledge fines paid by me for any
violations of such motor vehicle laws, ordinances, or regulations are totally my responsibility
and will not be reimbursed by the Company.

7. I will wear a seat belt at all times and will require all passengers to do so as well. I
understand that failure to do so will result in disciplinary action up to and including
8. Prior to driving the vehicle, I will check tires, lights, wipers, horn, turn signals, rear view
mirrors, and brakes to be sure they appear to be in safe operating condition. If defects are
noted, I will promptly report and/or have them repaired as appropriate.

9. In the event of an accident, I will promptly comply with the Company automobile accident
reporting procedures.

10. I understand that if I am involved in an accident with a company vehicle and the Company’s
insurance carrier assumes responsibility for payment of resulting claims, I may be required
to attend a Defensive Driving training course.

11. I am aware that the Company’s automobile insurance DOES NOT cover me when I am
driving a non-company car for personal use; it only insures the Company vehicles. I
understand that if I do not have my own personal auto policy, it is very important that I
contact my agent to purchase Named Non-owner automobile insurance to cover me when
driving other automobiles (vacation rentals, etc.).

These policies have been fully explained to me and I understand the contents of the Company
Vehicle Agreement. I am aware that the failure to abide by these policies will result in
disciplinary action, up to and including termination of my employment with the Company.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed in two
counterparts each of which constitute an original, effective this_________ day of
____________________, 20 _____.

(Employee Name)

By: __________________________ By: __________________________________

(Employee Signature) (Company Authorized Signature)
Personal Vehicles on Company Business
x Provide the Company with Make/Model/Year of vehicle
x Provide the company with proof of insurance (Insurance card at a minimum). Obtaining
the Insurance Declaration Page will allow the company to determine that the driver has
adequate auto liability limits.
x Require Drivers to provide a minimum auto liability limit of 100/300/100.
x The company must be named as an additional insured on the driver's liability insurance
x Driver to make sure that all vehicle registration/ annual inspections are conducted prior
to expiration.
x The vehicle must pass a documented company safety inspection.
x Driver will not drive the vehicle while consuming alcoholic beverages or other drugs or
while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, nor will I allow anyone else to do so.
Violation of this policy may mean termination of my employment.
x Driver will obey all traffic laws, ordinances, and regulations pertaining to the operation of
motor vehicles. Driver will pay any fines, parking tickets, or other assessments for
violations of traffic laws, ordinances, or regulations imposed on them. Fines paid by
driver for any violations of such motor vehicle laws, ordinances, or regulations are totally
their responsibility and will not be reimbursed by the Company.
x Driver will wear a seat belt at all times and will require all passengers to do so as well.
Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.
x Driver is not to engage in “Ride Sharing such as Uber, Lyft” without the consent/approval
of company management.

These policies have been fully explained to me and I understand the contents of the
Company Vehicle Agreement. I am aware that the failure to abide by these policies will
result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of my employment with the

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed in two
counterparts each of which constitute an original, effective this_________ day of
____________________, 20 _____.

(Employee Name)

By: __________________________ By: __________________________________

(Employee Signature) (Company Authorized Signature)

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