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A Study On Operation and Claim Procedure of Motor Vehicle Insurance

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To list who all have helped me is difficult because they are so numerous
and the depth is so enormous.

I would like to acknowledge the following as being idealistic channels

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I take this opportunity to thank the University of Mumbai for giving me

chance to do this project.

I would like to thank my Principal, Dr. C.T. CHAKROBORTY for

providing the necessary facilities required for completion of this project.

I take this opportunity to thank our Coordinator, Dr. Nishikant Jha for
his moral support and guidance.

I would also like to express my sincere gratitude towards my project

guide, Prof. NIMESH JOTANIYA whose guidance and care made the
project successful.

I would like to thank my College Library, for having provided various

reference books and magazines related to my project.

Lastly, I would like to thank each and every person who directly or
indirectly helped me in the completion of the project especially my
Parents and Peers who supported me.

Motor Insurance in India deals with the insurance covers for the loss or damage
caused to the automobile or its parts due to natural and man-made calamities. It
provides accident cover for individual owners of the vehicle while driving and also
for passengers and third party legal liability. Motor Insurance is the branch of
insurance that most directly affects the general public. With over 55 million vehicles
on Indian roads and a legal requirement for insurance for every vehicle on road, it is
easy to mark why this portfolio plays such a major role in insurance services.
This project gives a gist about various policies under different types of motor
insurance in India, the procedure for buying the policy, need and importance and also
how one can apply for claim in case of any mishap to the motor vehicle.

Sr. no Topic Page no


1.1 Insurance 9

1.2 Motor Insurance 9

1.3 Vehicle Insurance 11

1.4 Importance of vehicle insurance in India 13

1.5 Types of Motor Insurance 15

1.5.1 Why do you need car insurance 15

1.5.2 This is how car insurance can protect you 16

1.5.3 Types of car insurance policies 17

1.5.4 Add on covers 17

1.6 Inclusion and Exclusion 20

1.7 Parameters of premium 21

1.8 Policy Premium Computations 22

1.9 How to purchase a new car insurance 22

1.10 Two wheeler Insurance 29

1.11 Importance 30

1.12 Features 30

1.13 Two wheeler insurance plan 31

1.14 Types of bike insurance policies 33

1.15 Factors that affect the bike insurance premium 40

1.16 Procedure for buying a policy 49

1.17 Top 5 motor insurance co. ltd 51

1.18 Role played by (IRDA) for vehicle insurance in India 53

1.19 Future of motor insurance in India 57


2.1 Objectives 59

2.2 Purpose of study 59

2.3 Methodology 59

2.4 Type of research 59

2.4.1 Primary Data 60

2.4.2 Secondary Data 60

2.5 Instruments of data collection 61

2.6 Research Methods 63

2.6.1 Survey Method 63

2.6.2 Observation Method 64

2.7 Sampling 64

2.8 Research Methodology 65

2.9 Research Approach 65


3.1 Meaning 67


4.1 Introduction 69

4.2 Structure of questionnaire 69

4.3 Data Analysis 70

4.4 Overall review of survey 73

4.5 Findings 73




Sr no. Figures Page no
1.1 Zero Depreciation Cover 18
1.2 Roadside assistance cover 19
1.3 Personal accident cover 19
1.4 No claim bonus 19
1.5 Engine and electronic circuit cover 20
1.6 Loss of belongings 20
1.7 Daily cash allowance 20
1.8 Inclusions and exclusions 21
1.9 Claim process 27
1.10 Oriental bike insurance 34
1.11 Bharati AXA bike insurance 35
1.12 National two wheeler insurance 35
1.13 ICICI Lombard bike insurance 36
1.14 Personal accident cover for pillions 38
1.15 Roadside assistance 38
1.16 Accessories cover 39
1.17 Consumables cover 39
1.18 Zero depreciation cover 40
1.19 Daily cash allowance 40
1.20 Engine cover 40
1.21 Return of invoice cover 41
1.22 Types of motor insurance 81
1.23 Methods of buying 82
1.24 Insurance providers 82
1.25 Customer satisfaction 83
1.26 Financial assistance 84
1.27 Claims 84
1.28 Overall review of survey 85


Insurance is contract between an insurer and the insured under which undertakes to
compensate the insured for loss arising from the risk insured against. In consideration,
the insured agrees to pay a sum called as Premium in advance. The instrument
containing the contract of insurance is called as the Policy. The things, property or
life, which forms basis of insurance is called as subject matter of insurance.
The Insurance Act, 1938 was passed by the Legislature on 26th February, 1968 and it
came into force on 1st July, 1939. It has been amended several times. It extends to
whole of India. It is an Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the business
of insurance. Risk is there at every walk of life, also endangers life itself. In the same
way all financial deals, as well as possession of money and property goods, etc. are
fraught with the element of risk. All risks do not actually occur at all times and hence,
it is possible to calculate probable chances of any particular risk materializing. It is
quite clear that all the people do not face risks at the same time. Thus, transfer of risk
too another i.e. the insurer is in fact a pooling the risks. If insurance did not exist, each
individual had to bear the losses on his own. Insurance, in effect means that each one
in pool undertakes to bear a portion of the loss. Such an agreement has proved to be
advantageous to everyone as it is uncertain as to who will suffer the loss. Thus, in
course of time, the idea developed that such a common pool of resource should be
managed by experts who would calculate the quantity of the contribution to be levied
on each individual. In this way the idea of insurance developed. In modern times, the
insurance has come to be highly commercial undertaking however the principle is still
the same viz., and the insurer collects premium for a large number of persons and
covers them against a large variety of risks.


Motor insurance is one of the largest non-life insurance of the world. This is because
it is statutorily mandated in most parts of the world. All motor vehicles are required to
be registered with the road transport authorities and insured for Third Party Liability.

The basic premise is that the motor vehicle could either cause injury or to a subject of
damage, and thus require insurance.
Motor insurance originated in U.K. where the first motor insurance policy was
introduced into England in 1894 to cover third party liabilities. In 1899 this policy
was extended to cover the accidental damage similar to what is known as
comprehensive policy. In 1903, the first company transact motor insurance was Car &
General Insurance Corporation. After World War 1, there was a considerable increase
in motor vehicles in all the countries and an increase in road accidents. This position
warranted compulsory Third Party Liability insurance in England through Road
Traffic Act, 1930 & 1934 which were subsequently consolidated by Road Traffic Act,
In India, the Motor Vehicles Act was passed in 1939 and in 1946 the third party
insurance was introduced compulsorily. The need for compulsory motor insurance
was obvious. There has been a phenomenal rise in the motor accidents in the last 4-5
years. Much of these are attributable to a sudden rise in the number of vehicles. Every
vehicle before being driven on roads has to be compulsorily insured. The automobile
insurance policy represents a combined coverage of the vehicles including
accessories, loss or damage to his property or life and the third party cover.
The Motor Vehicle Act, 1939 introduced compulsory insurance to take care of those
who get injured in an accident. The insurance for own vehicle damage is not
mandatory. In India, the Tariffs Advisory Committee regulates this business.

Vehicle insurance (also known as car insurance, motor insurance or auto insurance) is
insurance for cars, trucks, motorcycles, and other road vehicles. Its primary use is to
provide financial protection against physical damage or bodily injury resulting
from traffic collisions and against liability that could also arise from incidents in a
vehicle. Vehicle insurance may additionally offer financial protection against theft of
the vehicle, and against damage to the vehicle sustained from events other than traffic
collisions, such as keying, weather or natural disasters and damage sustained by
colliding with stationary objects. The specific terms of vehicle insurance vary with
legal regulations in each region.


Motor third-party insurance or third-party liability cover, which is sometimes also

referred to as the 'act only' cover, is a statutory requirement under the Motor Vehicles
Act. It is referred to as a 'third-party' cover since the beneficiary of the policy is
someone other than the two parties involved in the contract (the car owner and the
insurance company). The policy does not provide any benefit to the insured.
However, it covers the insured's legal liability for death/disability of third-party loss
or damage to the third-party property.


Comprehensive Cover
 The third-party cover is in-built within the policy (mandatory) that comes along with
the purchase.
 This cover also includes any damage to one‟s own vehicle in case of an accident.

Premium Calculation
 The premium of the insurance policy depends on a variety of factors like:
 Model, capacity, and fuel type of your vehicle
 Place of residence
 Past claims experience
 Modifications done to the vehicle

Add-on Covers
 The no depreciation cover,
 No claims bonus and
 An assistance facility if the vehicle is stuck due to failure.

Cashless Facility
 Private insurers offer cashless facility to their customers for any damage of your
 To avail this facility, it is necessary to take the vehicle to the network garages.
 Before you purchase or renew your policy, you can look at the network garages.

No-claims Bonus
 As with the Health Insurance policy, one can avail a benefit of a claim free year.
 This will enable one to avail significant discounts in the premium amounts if the
policy is continuously renewed without any break within the admissible time limit of
90 days.
 Usually insurer declares the no-claim bonus beforehand, thus you can estimate while
making a claim if it is worth giving up the no-claim bonus next year.

 Whenever a claim is made, there is a certain amount that the owner must pay out of
his own pocket. This is fixed at Rs. 50 for two-wheelers and Rs. 500 for cars.
 This deductible amount has been made mandatory to avoid any false claims on the

There are certain exclusions to this policy which are as follows:

 Driver not holding valid license

 Driver being under the influence of drugs or liquor
 Normal wear and tear of the vehicle
 Depreciation
 Mechanical breakdown
 Using the vehicle for other purposes than recommended
The above are some of the key features of a motor insurance policy that one must be
aware of before buying one. However, if one has decided to insure his vehicle; it is
important to have sufficient knowledge about how to buy the policy and the
documents that are required for the same.


Accidents are unfortunate events that can leave a tremendous lifetime burden if you
are uninsured. This article details several reasons why you must go for vehicle
insurance, apart from the fact that vehicle insurance in India is mandated by the law.

Lack of proper infrastructure makes vehicle insurance in India a necessity. With the
kind of traffic management we have in India, you will hardly find a day not seeing or
at least hearing about vehicles banging into each other causing major damages. Haste
and negligence on top of a poor infrastructure and lack of safety practices makes us at
Risk of road accidents in India.

India enjoys the dubious distinction of reporting the highest number of road fatalities
in the world. In the year 2009, there were around 4.9 lakh road accidents in India,
which resulted in the deaths of 1, 25, 660 people and injured more than five lakh
persons. And, this does not include the smaller accidents, most of which go
unreported. Another pertinent reason for the increase in the number of accidents is the
fact that we are witnessing a very rapid growth in the number of vehicles, but
paradoxically improvement in infrastructure is not in proportion. This exposes vehicle
owners to a greater risk of accidents.

One may be confident about his driving skills and would tend to avoid buying an
insurance cover as it always pinches to pay the Premium especially when you do not
have to make any claims. But you only realize the value of insurance, when you are in
a situation and you may need to make a claim. But remember, no matter how good a
driver you may be, you are always exposed to risk of getting hurt by somebody else's
negligence. The consequences of an Accident can be severe, and besides financial loss
and personal injuries it also causes severe mental stress. Having a motor insurance
helps relieve a lot of your financial and mental pain.





This is the fastest growing segment in the insurance sector as car insurance is
mandatory while buying a new car. Major car manufacturers are tying up with
leading insurance companies to provide quick insurance to its customers. Car
insurance covers loss or damage by accident, fire, lightning, riots, earth quake,
hurricane, terrorist attacks, explosion, theft, third party‟s claims and damages (like
liability for third party injury or death, third party property and liability to paid
driver). On payment of appropriate additional premium it covers loss or damage to
electrical or electronic accessories and other significant items.


Car insurance is required mainly for the following reasons:

1. Mandatory by law: The Motor Vehicles Act of India has made it compulsory for
all vehicles used in public spaces to have car insurance. A third-party liability
policy is compulsory for all vehicles, but you can decide to go for a comprehensive
car insurance policy too. The reason why third-party liability insurance is
mandatory is that in case of accidents, any damages or losses to the property of a
third party along with injuries to the said person are covered.
2. Effective investment: Recent studies have shown that one in six car accidents take
place in India. Whether you are at fault or not, these odds cannot be taken lightly.
As such, having a comprehensive car insurance policy in place will ensure that your
vehicle is covered for the costs incurred on repairs in case of accidents. It will also
cover the policyholder for any bodily injuries. In case of collisions with other
vehicles, the compensation could run into thousands of rupees, perhaps lakhs. Your

car insurance policy will help you breathe easy and cover the costs for you in
exchange for a nominal premium, making it a worthwhile investment.
3. Offers peace of mind: Having a car insurance policy offers peace of mind in the
sense that you can cruise on a highway or even squirm through peak traffic without
having to worry about the consequences of potential accidents. Sometimes, even
the tiniest of scratches to another vehicle could urge the driver to create a scene on
the road and demand money for repairs. With car insurance, you can put these
worries in the back seat and drive easy.
4. Health insurance boost: Many of the car insurance policies out there provide
coverage for the injuries you sustain, or the injuries sustained by your fellow
passengers during an accident. If the policy you choose does not offer this cover,
you can always purchase personal injury protection as an add-on cover, and it will
boost your health insurance, covering things that may not be covered by your health
insurance plan.
5. Saving time: Meeting with an accident can be quite stressful. You have to get your
vehicle repaired, pay for the expenses incurred on repairing the vehicle of a third
party, pay for the treatment of any injuries sustained by you or a third party, making
claims, finding a good garage, etc. Basically, you will have to run around a lot. But
with car insurance, your stress can be significantly lower and you can also save a
good amount of time as the insurance company will handle everything for you.


Purchasing a car insurance policy can financially protect you as well as your vehicle in
times of accidents. Given the rate at which new vehicles are entering Indian roads on a
daily basis, having a car insurance policy in place is crucial as there are several perils
of driving in the country. Here are five ways through which you can be protected with
car insurance.
 Damages: Cars are expensive to purchase and maintain, and repairing them if they
meet with accidents can be a costly affair too. There may be instance where your
vehicle could sustain damages because of a third party‟s negligence. Another
vehicle colliding with your car, or your vehicle crashing into a wall, or your
swerving in an effort to avoid a jaywalker, etc. can make you incur a significant
amount of money. Having a car insurance policy will ensure that your damages are
paid for by the insurance company.
 Lower liability: It is mandatory to have third party liability car insurance in India.
This policy will provide cover against the legal liability of an accident you have
caused. For instance, if you crash your car into the property of a third party, the
insurance will take care of the legal repercussions as well as cover the cost of
repairs to the damaged property. Similarly, the legal and financial ramifications of
injuring a person will also be covered by your car insurance policy, thereby
lowering your liability to a significant extent.
 Hospitalization expenses: While some accidents are rather mild, there are some
that see the driver and passengers suffer from more than just small bruises and cuts.
There are times when people have fractures or other severe injuries that need them
to be hospitalized. Given the rate at which medical and hospitalization expenses are
rising in India, having a car insurance policy will ensure that you don‟t burn a hole
in your pockets at times like these. The insurance policy will take care of these
expenses and lower your financial liability.
 Compensation for the family: The worst case scenario of a car accident is the
demise of the car owner. If you are the sole breadwinner of your family, it can be
extremely difficult for your spouse and kids to survive in your absence. A car
insurance policy will pay for the expenses your family will incur after your death,
such as funeral expenses.
 Lower cost for online purchase: Purchasing a car insurance policy online can be
cheaper as the premiums are often lower. The reason for this is that the operating
costs are lower for the insurance company when transactions are done online. Since
there are no commissions to be paid to brokers, the insurance company passes on
the benefit of lower cost to the customer. Even renewing your policy online is
simple and hassle-free in addition to being cost-effective.


The two kinds of car insurance policies available to car owners in India include third-
party liability and comprehensive insurance.
 Third-party Car Insurance:
Third-party car insurance is a type of car insurance policy that covers the policyholder
against legal liabilities that arise to a third party in case of an accident. If you are at
fault in an accident and injuries are caused to a third party, or if their property is
damaged, you will be covered by your third-party car insurance policy. Third-party
liability is compulsory under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 for those who purchase,
own, or drive a motor vehicle in India.

 Comprehensive Car Insurance:

If you wish to get the best kind of coverage for your vehicle, a comprehensive car
insurance policy is what you need. As the term suggests, the policy offers
comprehensive protection. In comparison with third-party liability car insurance, a
comprehensive car insurance policy not only covers the costs incurred on loss or
damages to a third party‟s property, but also covers damages to your own vehicle in
case of an accident. It also offers a range of extensive services that cannot be availed
through a third-party liability car insurance policy. A comprehensive car insurance
policy will cover damages caused by fire, vandalism, theft, severe weather, and
natural disasters. It also covers damages to your car caused by falling objects like the
branches of trees.


The following are a few add-on covers that you can purchase with your car insurance
policy to make it more comprehensive and effective:

Zero Depreciation Cover

Figure 1.1

Roadside Assistance Cover

In case you are faced with an emergency when driving in a remote area, the roadside
assistance cover will provide you with access to services that can fix your problems as
soon as possible.

Figure 1.2

Personal Accident Cover

A personal accident cover provides coverage to the owner of a car in case of

accidents. If the owner of the car is driving it and meets with an accident, 100% of the
claim amount will be provided to him/her in case of irreparable damage to limbs or

Figure 1.3

No-Claim Bonus

A no-claim bonus is a reward for policyholders who do not make any insurance
claims over the course of a policy year. In such cases, this cover rewards them by
providing discounts of up to 50% on the premium payment for the following year.

Figure 1.4

Engine and Electronic Circuit Cover

This add-on cover provides protection to the electronic circuit and the engine of the
vehicle. In case of flooding, the engine can fail if you keep trying to run it, and this
damage is not covered by regular car insurance policies.

Figure 1.5

Loss of Belongings

This add-on cover allows you to report claims because of loss or theft of your
personal belongings. In case you leave your laptop or some other expensive
equipment in your locked car and it gets stolen, this cover will reimburse you for the
loss at least partly if not fully.

Figure 1.6

Daily Cash Allowance

In case your vehicle remains in a garage for about three to four days, the daily cash
allowance cover will pay for your transportation costs. However, this cover is not too
popular among Indian car owners due to the fact that repairs usually take just a day or

Figure 1.7

Key Replacement

In case you misplace or lose your car keys, having a key replacement cover will
ensure that you are reimbursed for the cost of replacing the key. However, insurance
companies do not reimburse the whole amount needed to replace the key.

It is very simple to make your car insurance policy stronger and have comprehensive
coverage in difficult times. It is essential to consider the aforementioned covers as
they will not only come to your rescue when needed, but will also lower the costs you
would otherwise incur if you did not have them. However, not all add-on covers may
be beneficial for you, so it is advised that you go through them carefully and pick the
ones that could come in handy.


The cover offered by car insurance policies varies from insurer to insurer, but the
most common inclusions and exclusions in car insurance are as follows:

Figure 1.8

What is Covered (Inclusions) What is Not Covered (Exclusions)

Damages to vehicle when it was being used

Cover for damages to your vehicle
for illegal purposes.

Cover for damages caused by natural Accidents that are deemed fraudulent by the
calamities insurer.

Personal accident cover Damages incurred by the vehicle when it was

being driven by someone who was under the

What is Covered (Inclusions) What is Not Covered (Exclusions)

influence of alcohol or drugs.

Damages incurred by the vehicle when it was

Cover for damages incurred due to man- being driven by someone who does not have a
made disasters valid driving license and who has not attained
the legal driving age.

Damages incurred by the vehicle when the

driver was breaking traffic rules.

Damages incurred by the vehicle when the car

Damages to property
insurance policy had expired.

Note: Each policy has its own list of exclusions that you are expected to read
carefully at the time of purchasing one.


Car insurance components is combination of own damage and third party liability
coverage. Own damage part of the insurance covers any damages and theft (total or
partial) of the car whereas third part) covers any damages and injury caused to a
person and property by the insured car. The primary factors that determine car
insurance premium are the make and model of the car, age of the car and city of
registration on the basis of IDV (Insured Declared Value). The procedures for car
insurance segment are determined on the company package policy are mentioned
below :

 Insured Declared Value (IDV)

The make and model of the car and age together form the basis for arriving at the IDV
of the car. All vehicles are insured at the fixed IDV. This is calculated based on the
car ex-showroom price (and the listed price of any electrical and non electrical

accessories) after deducting the deprecation for every year, as per the schedule
provided by Tariff Advisory Committee (TAC). Now consider electrical and non
electrical accessories like music system, air conditioner, fog lights, overhead carrier,
seat covers, etc. If one opts for top of the line stuff, insuring them is a must, which
again will add to the value of the car and hence it would get added to the cost of
individual premium. Adding a Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) kits to individual will
further increase individual premium.

 Age
The age for car is explained in form of example: - Suppose a car that is less than 6
months old will incur a deprecation of 5%, compared to 30% for car that is more than
two years old but not exceeding 3 years. Apart from usage in calculation of IDV, age
is also used to arrive at the rate based on loss experience.

 Make / Model
Generally, the more expensive car the higher is the car insurance premium. So
insuring a BMW (Bavarian Motor Works) will definitely be more expensive than
insuring a Maruti car. However, value of the car is not the only determinant of
premium but most of the insurance companies follow "Risk Based Pricing" approach
wherein historical loss experience and risk assessment methods are considered for
deciding premium rates. Such rates when multiplied by IDV gives the final Premium.

 Location or city
As we know that more cars sold in a particular city means more cars on the road. This
high level of penetration may result in a higher probability of accidents as compared
to a city where there are fewer cars. Apart from density of cars, other factors such as
infrastructure, usage of the cars or driving habits are expected to have impact on
accidents. Hence location is one of the important factors while determining the


1. a. Basic OD (Own Damage) 1. a. Basic TP (Third Party)

b. Bi-fuel kit/ Fuel Types b. Bi - Fuel / Fuel Types
c. Electronic Equipments c. Passenger Liability
d. Other add – ons
Total Premium
2. Discounts 2. Other Liability
a. Voluntary excess a. Driver, Conductor, Coolies.
b. Automobile Ass Membership b. Non Fare Paying Passengers
c. Anti theft device
d. No Claim Bonus - %
3. P.A.
a. Owner Driver
b. Named passengers paid driver
c. Unnamed passengers
Total TP Premium (B)
Net OD Premium (A) Total Premium (A+ B)


Car insurance can be purchased through agents, dealers, or brokers.

 Agents

Insurance agents work with insurance companies and are paid by the company to sell
their products to customers. As such, agents are experts so far as the insurance
products offered by their employers are concerned. They have the ability and the
expertise to guide you and help you choose the policy that best suits your needs. If
you wish to change your insurance company, you should find another insurance agent
who works with the company from which you wish to purchase insurance.

 Dealers

Automobile dealers sell vehicles to customers, and these vehicles are sold with third-
party liability insurance. Generally, dealers have tie-ups with insurance companies
and may not be experts regarding the insurance policies. They take care of the

paperwork associated with availing a third-party liability insurance policy sold by the
dealership, but do not have adequate knowledge to guide you to find the policy that
best suits your requirements.

 Brokers

Brokers can either be individuals or companies that have a license from the Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority of India to sell insurance products. The
products sold by brokers can be from various insurance companies as they have the
expertise required to help you make an informed choice. They also offer assistance in
after-sales service. Brokers can help you compare various policies in an effort to find
the best one for you. Brokers can also assist you through the claim settlement process.



1. Do your research

You will have to compare a number of plans to find the one that best suits your four
wheeler insurance needs. You will have to consider various parameters such as the
cost of premium, the claim settlement ratio of the company, the coverage provided,
additional benefits, etc.

2. Claims

The Claim Settlement Ratio of an insurance company must be checked to ensure that
you have a hassle-free claims process.

3. Third-party insurance is compulsory

If you are purchasing a car for the very first time, the auto-dealer will offer you third-
party insurance. If not, you will have to purchase it from a broker or insurance

4. Understand the policy document

You must go through the policy document to understand who is covered, how much
coverage is provided, what are the exclusions, inclusions and etc.

5. Comprehensive cover offers greater protection

Not only will it protect you and your vehicle, but will also take care of the claims
made by third parties for damages caused to their body or vehicle.

6. Additional cover must be considered for your risk profile

Purchasing add-on covers for your car insurance policy will provide you with
sufficient cover against various situations in case of accidents.

7. Periodical evaluation

Experts say that you must evaluate your insurance plan on an annual basis to know if
you have adequate coverage or you need more.

8. Credit score

The credit-based insurance score of an individual can determine the premium rate
applicable to him/her.

9. Personal accident cover must be considered

The benefits of purchasing this cover is that it provides global coverage and covers all
legal expenses. It is also customizable based on the needs of the individual.

10. Voluntary deductibles

By going for this option, the cost of repairs during accidents will be shared between
you and the insurer, thus meaning that you will have to pay a lower premium amount.

11. Assess dealer insurance

The package may not be the best suited to your insurance needs and neither would it
be the least expensive option.

12. Understand your car’s Insured Declared Value

The Insured Declared Value of your vehicle is the maximum amount that can be
claimed under your car insurance plan.

13. Understanding the No-Claim Bonus

In case you do not make any claims over the course of a year, the No-Claim Bonus
will offer benefits such as reduction in your premium amount.

14. Consider cashless claim options

Look for four wheeler insurance companies and plans that offer the cashless claims
facility as it comes in handy during times of emergencies.

15. Car customization

It is important to note that coverage is not offered for some vehicle parts under a
regular car insurance policy. Engine parts or other mechanical parts may not be
covered after they are modified.

16. Customer service

When you purchase a car insurance policy, the customer support offered by the
company is crucial to ensure that you don‟t have any hassles in the future.

Car insurance is mandatory in India and is among the most commonly bought
insurance products. The reason for an increasing number of people purchasing car
insurance is the rising population which has a higher disposable income, thereby
resulting in a higher number of cars on Indian roads. However, there are times where
policyholders have no clue regarding the car insurance claim process. Here is a step-
by-step guide to go about filing your car insurance claims:

In Case of Damages to In Case of Damages to

In Case of Stolen Vehicles
Your Own Vehicle Third-Party Claims

As soon as you meet with In case you receive a legal

If your car is stolen you
an accident or notice notice from a third party,
will have to lodge an FIR
damages to your vehicle, claiming reimbursements
by filing your complaint at
you will have to call the for damages caused by
the nearest police station.
insurance company and you, you will have to
A copy of the FIR must be
intimate them about the inform your insurer about
submitted to the insurance
damage. You will also the same. It is essential to

In Case of Damages to In Case of Damages to
In Case of Stolen Vehicles
Your Own Vehicle Third-Party Claims

have to furnish a duly speak to your insurer company.

filled-in claim form in before communicating
addition to the necessary with the third party or
documents required by the making any out-of-court
insurer. The forms can be settlements or financial
downloaded from the commitments to them.
website of your insurance

A surveyor will be sent by

After the final police report
the insurance company to
is sent to you, a copy must
assess the damages
be taken and sent to your
sustained by your vehicle. A copy of the legal notice
insurance company. An
A report will be prepared must be sent to your
investigator will be
by the surveyor and passed insurance company.
assigned by the insurance
on to the insurance
company with whom you
company. A copy will also
will have to cooperate.
be sent to you.

In case of severe damages

Once your claim has been
that require immediate
approved by the insurance
repairs, the surveyor will Copies of the FIR, your
company, the RC book of
arrive at the location of the driving license, and the
the stolen vehicle will have
accident as soon as RC book of your vehicle
to be sent to your insurer.
possible, and your car can must be submitted to the
The owner‟s name will be
be sent for repairs after the insurance company.
changed to the name of the
surveyor has sent his report
insurance company.
to the insurer.

In Case of Damages to In Case of Damages to
In Case of Stolen Vehicles
Your Own Vehicle Third-Party Claims

The documents will then The duplicate keys of the

Following the completion be assessed by the vehicle will then have to be
of repairs to your vehicle, insurance company and submitted to the insurance
the duly signed forms and the details of the accident company along with a
documents must be taken will be assessed and if letter of subrogation. A
from the garage and given they are satisfactory, the notarized indemnity on a
to the surveyor who will insurance company will stamp paper must also be
send them to the insurer. appoint a lawyer for your submitted to the insurance
case. company.



The following are the details/documents you will be required to send to your insurer
when making a claim :

 Name of the insured individual

 Policy number
 Contact number
 Date and time of t he accident
 Number of the vehicle
 Make and model of the car
 Location and extent of loss
 Name of the garage along with contact information
 Brief description of the accident

In case of accident damages, the following documents will be required to make a


 Proof of insurance – cover note or policy copy

 Registration book copy and original tax receipt
 Driving license copy along with the original (of the individual driving the car at the
time of the accident)
 FIR or police panchanama (for bodily injuries or death or damage to third party
and/or his/her property)
 Estimate of the cost of repair
 Payment receipts and repair bills following the completion of repairs

In case of theft of your car, the following documents will be required to make a

 Original policy document or certificate

 Registration book along with theft endorsement from the concerned Regional
Transport Office plus tax payment receipt
 Details of the insurance policy, such as policy number, period of insurance, and the
insurance company
 All sets of service booklets, keys, and warranty cards
 FIR or police panchanama along with JMFC report or final investigation report
 Acknowledged copy of letter addressed to the Regional Transport Office intimating


If you wish to purchase a new car, you must also look at car insurance. It is essential
to pick a reputed company in order to have a hassle-free experience when making
claims. The following are the top five car insurance companies in India:

New India Car Insurance

 New India Assurance Co. Ltd. currently operates in 28 countries and is

headquartered in Mumbai.
 Cashless claim settlement option is available in all cashless garages across the

 New India Motor Insurance has an incurred claim ratio of 79.68%.
 The net earned premium of New India Motor Insurance stands at Rs.9,074.26 crore.
 New India Assurance offers both own-damage and third-party liability cover.

United India Car Insurance

 United India Insurance Company was first set up as a company in 1938.
 There is an option for direct cashless settlement of claims in network garages across
the country.
 United India Car Insurance has an Incurred Claim Ratio of 91.72%.
 Rs.5,748.32 crores is the amount of premium earned by United India Motor
 Offers coverage for own-damage, third-party liability, and personal accident cover.

National Car Insurance

 National Insurance Company is the oldest general insurance company in India.
 Can get vehicles repaired using cashless claim settlement facility available in all
network garages across India.
 National Car Insurance has an Incurred Claim Ratio of 121.67%.
 National Car Insurance earned a net premium of Rs.5,008.23 crore.
 Liability–only cover and package covers are the covers provided under this
insurance policy.

ICICI Lombard Car Insurance

 ICICI Lombard is one of the leading private sector insurance company in the
 Cashless Claim Settlement option is available in more than 3,400 network garages
available in different parts of India.
 The Incurred Claim Ratio of ICICI Lombard stands at 77.44%
 The Net Earned Premium of ICICI Lombard is Rs.4,142,19 crore.
 Offers covers like Zero Depreciation, Roadside Assistance, and Accident Cover.

Oriental Car Insurance

 Oriental Insurance Company was incorporated in 1947 and all the shares of the
company now belong to the Central Government.

 Network garages can be used to avail cashless claim settlements across the country.
 Oriental Car Insurance has an Incurred Claim Ratio of 68.19%
 Oriental Car Insurance has a Net Earned Premium of Rs.4,000.26 crore.
“Based on IRDA Annual Report 2017-18 on Net Earned Premium”

Car owners should be wise enough to choose the best car insurance coverage options
to minimize the risk and to maximize the benefits. While the mandatory liability
insurance is the cheapest option, it will not cover the policyholder‟s interests. Hence,
the selection of insurance policy should be done as per the make and model of the car,
frequency of usage, location and other factors. By comparing and analyzing various
kinds of coverage, you can settle for the best car insurance policy.


Two wheeler insurance is another type of popular auto insurance in India. It is
governed by the Indian Motor Tariff. This insurance provides protection against
natural and man made calamities like: fire, rockslide, landslide, storm, hurricane,
flood, earthquake, burglary, theft, riots or any damage caused to the vehicle in transit
by road, air, inland waterway or rail.

Two wheeler insurance provides mandatory personal accident cover of Rs. 1lakh to
the insurer. This accident cover can also be opted for passengers. It also protects
against legal liabilities arising due to third party injury/death or damage caused to its


The Indian Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, has made it mandatory for all vehicles that run
on Indian roads to be insured with a valid insurance policy. Riding your bike without
a valid two wheeler insurance plan is considered illegal. 2 wheeler insurance policies
are designed to offer financial coverage against unfortunate events and accidents that
could damage the insured two wheeler, or bodily injuries to the rider, the pillion, or
pedestrians, or damages to the property of a third party. With a proper bike insurance
policy in place:

You will be free of financial stress: In case your vehicle is damaged or stolen, you
won‟t have to worry about the costs incurred in fixing it or replacing it as the
insurance company will take care of it or you.

You will have legal protection: Considering the fact that it is compulsory to have an
insurance policy in place when riding on Indian roads, carrying a copy of your
insurance policy will ensure that you will be legally protected against paying fines or
penalties to the police.

You receive a personal accident cover: If you are insured, the insurance company
will cover you for up to Rs.1 lakh in case you suffer total permanent disability. In case
of your untimely demise, your family will receive the sum assured from the insurance


The following are the key features of a bike insurance policy:

 Bike insurance policies are categorized as motor insurance policies that are part of
the general insurance industry.
 Motorcycle insurance plans provide financial coverage against damages incurred by
the insured vehicle as well as theft of the vehicle.
 In case your two wheeler insurance policy has expired, all the damages incurred by
your vehicle will have to be borne by you.

 Bike insurance plans offer coverage against natural disasters as well as man-made
calamities such as earthquakes, storms, landslides, riots, theft, explosions, strikes,
 In case of the loss or theft of your vehicle, a pre-determined sum assured up to the
Insured Declared Value will be provided to you.
 When purchasing a bike insurance policy, you will be required to pay a pre-
specified premium to the insurance company over regular intervals of time for a
certain period.
 Premium rates are cost-effective and can be negotiated with the insurer at the time
of purchasing the policy. Premium amounts start from Rs.600.
 The personal accident cover on bike insurance is limited to Rs.1 lakh for damages
incurred by the insured vehicle as a result of an accident.
 Discounts of up to 70% of the premium can be claimed through the no-claim bonus
offered by most two wheeler insurance companies.


Insurance companies offer several incentives to prospective customers in the form of

long-term bike insurance policies, NCB benefits, etc. Vehicle owners may be
confused on the benefits offered by each of the policies. Look no further; given below
is a representative list of some of the best two wheeler insurance policies currently

Oriental Bike Insurance

Figure 1.10

Incurred Claim Ratio 68.19%

Cashless Network Garages 200+

Policy Term 1 – 5 years

Bharti AXA Bike Insurance

Figure 1.11

Incurred Claim Ratio 81.74%

Cashless Network Garages 2,500+

Policy Term 1 – 5 years

National Two Wheeler Insurance

Figure 1.12

Incurred Claim Ratio 121.67%

Cashless Network Garages Available

Policy Term 1 – 5 years

ICICI Lombard Bike Insurance

Figure 1.13

Incurred Claim Ratio 77.44%

Cashless Network Garages Available

Policy Term 1 – 5 years


There are two kinds of 2 wheeler insurance policies, viz. comprehensive plans and
liability-only plans.

 Comprehensive Insurance

A comprehensive two-wheeler insurance policy, although not mandatory, is highly

recommended for all bikes. This insurance plan offers extensive coverage to the bike
and its owner. It also protects from legal liabilities to third parties in an accident.

What Does Comprehensive Two Wheeler Insurance Cover?

A comprehensive insurance policy covers damage or theft of your two wheeler apart
from the third party that comes with a liability only policy. Comprehensive insurance
policies cover any damages incurred by the owner of the two wheeler. Opting for a
comprehensive insurance policy is not mandatory like the liability only cover. Here
are the features of a comprehensive two wheeler insurance plan

1. Personal accident cover

2. Offers protection for costs incurred due to damages
3. Coverage against third party liability
4. Coverage against death or bodily injury

Comprehensive insurance policies will not cover any damages caused due to a
electrical or mechanical breakdown or the normal wear and tear of the vehicle.
Coverage will not be provided if the vehicle is driven without a valid driving license
at the time of the incident. Damages incurred while driving under the influence of
alcohol or any other intoxicant.

Unlike the liability only insurance, there are a number of add-ons you can opt for to
improve the coverage you receive. Roadside assistance, return to invoice, pillion
rider, and zero depreciation are some of the popular add-on covers available. Even

though a comprehensive insurance policy is more expensive when compared to a
liability-only policy, the amount of coverage offered under this plan will help you
save a lot of money in case you meet with an untoward incident. Comprehensive
insurance policies are the best option to choose as the policy offers extensive
coverage when compared to liability only policies.


When you purchase a two wheeler insurance policy, you get covered against
unforeseen circumstances that could make you incur major expenses. While
comprehensive 2 wheeler insurance policies offer basic insurance coverage, going for
optional riders or add-on covers will significantly increase the level of protection
afforded to you. Most insurance companies offer add-on covers with their bike
insurance policies. Each add-on cover has its own benefits, thereby allowing you the
luxury of choice to pick only the ones that will suit your unique insurance needs. The
following are the optional riders to choose from:

Personal Accident Cover for Pillions:

Figure 1.14

When you supplement your bike insurance policy with a personal accident cover for
pillion, your financial liability can be lowered significantly in case of accidents where
the pillion rider is injured. This add-on feature provides coverage for the death or
permanent or partial disability of the pallion rider.

Roadside assistance:

Figure 1.15

By purchasing the roadside assistance add-on cover, you can avail roadside assistance
at any time in case of a mechanical failure or the breakdown of your vehicle. This
feature offers facility such as free towing, immediate repairs, etc. and it comes in very
handy especially when you are travelling to a remote place where it is difficult to find

Accessories cover:

Figure 1.16

Having this add-on cover will provide coverage for all the accessories of the two
wheeler, electrical or non-electrical. In case any of the accessories of the vehicle is
damaged, the rider will cover the cost to repair or replace it.

Consumables cover:

Figure 1.17

The consumable cover can be of great help when it comes to receiving compensation
for costs incurred on nuts, bolts, engine oil, etc. Since consumables are not covered
under basic two wheeler insurance policies, purchasing this optional rider will ensure
that you are financially covered for the aforementioned costs.

Zero depreciation cover:

Figure 1.18

Whether you purchase a liability only insurance policy or a comprehensive two

wheeler insurance policy, the whole claim amount will not be settled by either of
them. Depreciation is deducted by the insurance company and only the remaining
amount is paid out. Supplementing your bike insurance policy with a zero
depreciation cover, however, will eliminate the depreciation factor and you will be
eligible for the whole claim amount.

Daily cash allowance:

Figure 1.19

The daily cash allowance add-on cover is ideal for those who commute solely on two
wheelers. In case your bike is seriously damaged and is undergoing repairs at a
garage, you may have to incur out-of-pocket expenses to travel without it. Adding the
daily cash allowance cover to your two wheeler insurance policy will mean that your
insurer will give you a certain amount of money per day to meet your travel expenses.

Engine cover:

Figure 1.20

The engine cover can come in very handy if the engine of your two wheeler or the
ancillary circuit gets damaged because of flooding or waterlogging. Considering the
cost of repairs to engines can extend to several thousands of rupees, the engine cover
will cover these expenses and allow you to have total peace of mind.

Return to invoice cover:

Figure 1.21

When you purchase a two wheeler, there is always a risk that it could be stolen. Since
the value of every machine depreciates over time, the value of your bike will be
relatively lower after a period of, say, six months. However, purchasing the return to
invoice cover to supplement your motorcycle insurance policy will mean that you will
be reimbursed the actual value of the vehicle in case it is stolen or suffers total loss
due to natural calamities or theft.

Availability of discounts:

When you compare 2 wheeler insurance policies, it is advised that you go for
companies that provide concessions and discounts for certain factors like membership
of reputed automotive associations, no claim bonus (NCB), inclusion of anti-theft
systems, etc. Some companies also offer extra discounts on online renewal, purchase
of a policy using a credit card or certain apps, etc.

Since each of the aforementioned riders has its benefits, you can pick as many options
as you want to extend the level of protection available to your two wheeler. These
riders are available for a nominal fee and come in very handy in times of emergency.

 Third-Party Liability Insurance/Liability-only insurance

A third party liability insurance plan provides coverage against losses or damages
caused by the insured two wheeler to a third party or his/her property. Two wheeler
owner may also receive coverage in the form of a personal accident cover, but no
coverage will be provided for the theft or any damages.

What Does Third Party Insurance Cover?
It is mandatory as per law to have an insurance policy that covers third party liabilities
at least. This is according to the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. Third party insurance
offers this coverage. This third party insurance is most common in motor insurance
policies. Any third party involved in the accident will be provided coverage under this
policy. IRDAI will be evaluating the damages before deciding if the claim is valid or
not. The following are the coverage of a third party two wheeler insurance plan

1. Bodily injury or death to third party

2. Property damage
3. Permanent total disability of driver or bike owner*
4. Death of driver or bike owner*
(Personal Accident Cover is provided in the third-party liability insurance plans
offered by some insurers).

Apart from the legal aspects, third party insurance can be very useful in case a third
party or a third party property is involved in the incident. The victim in the accident
can register a case to claim compensation. This is where third party insurance comes
into play. This will cover all liabilities that will arise due to death or damage to third
party or third party property.

A Third party insurance will cover any damages or injuries incurred by a third party
or third party vehicle at the time of an accident. Any damage to property belonging to
a third party will also be covered under this policy. This policy will not cover any
damages incurred by the vehicle of the policyholder. You will have to purchase a
comprehensive motor insurance policy if you wish to get this coverage.
Comprehensive insurance policies offer so much more coverage apart from the
mandatory third party coverage.

Third Party Insurance Premium for FY 2018-19

Two Wheelers Premium

Not exceeding 75cc Rs.427

Exceeding 75 cc but not exceeding 150

Exceeding 150 cc but not exceeding

350 cc

Exceeding 350 cc Rs.2 ,323

The policy document will cover all the inclusions and exclusions of your motorcycle
insurance plan. Generally speaking, the following are the inclusions and exclusions of
a two wheeler insurance policy:

 Natural events: A bike insurance policy provides coverage for damages caused by
natural calamities such as fires, earthquakes, inundations, hurricanes, self-ignitions,
floods, storms, lightning, hailstorms, frost, cyclones, tempests, rockslides, etc.
 Man-made events: Two wheeler insurance policies also provide coverage for
damages caused by man-made calamities such as thefts, burglaries, strikes, riots,
etc., even when the two wheeler is being transported from one location to another
by air, waterways, railways, or road.
 Legal third-party liability: A 2 wheeler insurance policy provides cover against
any legal losses that are incurred because of injuries to a third party. It also covers
the death of a third party in addition to providing cover against damages to
properties of third parties.
 Personal accident coverage: In case the owner or a driver of a two wheeler meets
with an accident, a personal accident cover to the extent of Rs.1 lakh will be
provided as cover for permanent or temporary disabilities or loss of limbs resulting
in total or partial disability.

The following are the general exclusions of a two wheeler insurance policy:

 Damages incurred by normal wear and tear of a two wheeler.
 Losses incurred due to electrical or mechanical breakdowns.
 Damages to tubes and tyres.
 Consequential losses or depreciation from regular use of the vehicle.
 Losses incurred by the vehicle when it was being used for illegal purposes.
 Damages or losses incurred by the vehicle when it was being used by someone who
does not have a valid driving license.
 Damages or losses incurred by the vehicle when the driver was using the vehicle
under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
 Damages or losses incurred by the vehicle due to mutiny, war, or from nuclear risk.


 Vehicle model and manufacturing year: The premium amount that the insured
pays is decided on the Insured Declared Value also known as „market value‟ of the
vehicle. IDV is the sum insured by the insurance company that they promise to pay
at the time of total damage or accident. Therefore higher the price of your vehicle,
higher is the premium amount for the insurance.
 Age of the vehicle: Age of the vehicle is a vital parameter for premium calculation.
The rate of depreciation for a new vehicle is comparatively less when compared to
bikes which are old.
 Engine capacity and vehicle condition: Higher the cubic capacity of your engine,
higher the premium. For bikes above 750cc and super bikes which are 1200cc the
premium amount paid is higher. The condition of the vehicle is also important, the
maintenance of the bike is taken into consideration as well. If the vehicle has been
in an accident or the owner of the bike has a bad track record, the insurance
premium will also change according to it.
 Age of the insured: The younger you are the higher the premium amount. It is
believed by insurance companies that youth particularly aged below 20 years are
more prone to accidents and injuries because of their riding style. So anybody who
is below 20 years and wants to own a bike should be prepared to pay higher
premium. This depends on the insurance company.

 Deductibles: It is the amount the insured or policyholder pays voluntarily as a part
of the insurance claim, the rest is paid by the insurance company. The lower your
premium amount is, the higher the deductibles will be and vice versa.
 Geographical Location: The city you live in also matters in computation of bike
premium calculator. If you live in metropolitan cities like Delhi, Bengaluru,
Mumbai, etc. where the rate of road accidents and injuries are high, the premium
amount will be slightly higher than for regular cities.
 Anti-theft discount: If you have installed anti-theft device in your vehicle that is
approved by Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI), then the insurer
will give a discount of 2.5% on premium amount. You can install anti-theft alarm,
safety gear lock, GPS device, etc.
 No claim Bonus: If you have a good driving track record and have not claimed
your insurance in that policy year, the insurer will reward you with no-claim bonus
ranging from 20% to 50% at the time of policy renewal.


 Online renewal
Since all major insurance companies have their own websites, you can simply log in
to them and follow the instructions to renew your bike insurance online. All you have
to do is ensure that you enter the correct information regarding your policy as well as
your personal details into the system. The old policy must be with you when you are
renewing it as it will be easier to refer for details like old policy number. Your net
banking details and your debit/credit card must also be kept handy so that information
can be entered quicker and your renewal process is smooth and hassle-free. Insurers
usually generate digital policies in the PDF format once you pay the premium when
renewing your plan. The PDF can be saved on your system but make sure that you
take a print out and keep the document with you when you ride.

 Renewal at a branch

If you wish to take the old-fashioned route, you can visit a branch of the insurance
company to renew your two wheeler insurance policy. While the process of renewing
your bike insurance plan at a branch of the insurance company is simple, you will
have to take the time out to physically visit the branch. You will have to carry your

old policy along with details regarding the vehicle so that you can fill them out in the
application form. When you renew your insurance policy at a branch office, the new
policy will be handed to you immediately if the premium payment is made by debit
card, demand draft, or cash. Paying the premium by cheque will mean that it will take
some time to clear so your policy will be sent to your residential address by mail at a
later date.

 Through mobile applications

Considering the fact that a large number of insurance companies have launched their
own mobile apps or tied up with mobile payment vendors, renewing your bike
insurance policy is as easy as it gets. The applications request certain information
such as the registration number of the vehicle, the name of the manufacturer, the make
and model of the vehicle, etc. The apps also need details of your policy, such as the
name of the insurer, the policy number, etc. By filling in these details and paying the
premium, your motorcycle insurance policy can be renewed quickly and without any


Insurance companies have made it relatively easy for customers to renew their
motorcycle insurance policies online. In case your policy has expired and you do not
wish to renew it as you want to purchase another policy, you can do so easily on the
website of the company from which you purchased the plan.


Considering most insurance companies are customer-conscious, their claims process

is relatively simple and you can file claims with no hassles. The entire claims process
includes a few steps like intimating the insurer about the claim, filing an FIR with the
nearest police station, transporting the two wheeler to the garage, furnishing the
necessary documents along with the claim form, etc. In many cases, the insurer tends
to cover all the costs incurred as a result of an accident, with the owner of the vehicle
having to bear certain expenses that are not covered by the insurance policy, such as
the taxes and service charges. Considering how tedious the claims process can be at
times, you can take help from the insurance company.

The best insurance companies are those that have the highest incurred claim ratio and
provide the best customer service. These two factors along with cashless claim
settlement facility are the important factors to look at the time of picking an insurer.
Listed below are some of the best insurance companies in the country:

1. Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company

2. HDFC Ergo General Insurance Company
3. Bharti AXA Motor Insurance Company
4. National Insurance Company
5. IFFCO Tokio Insurance Company
6. New India Assurance Company Limited
7. L&T Motor Insurance Company
8. SBI General Insurance Company
9. Royal Sundaram Alliance Insurance Company
10. Tata AIG Motor Insurance Company
11. Reliance General Insurance Company

IRDAI REGISTRATION NUMBER – What is it and why is it important?

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India, which is the
regulatory body for the insurance industry in India, issues a registration number to
insurance companies. This number is called the IRDAI registration number. The
number is issued to insurers following mandated and rigorous stipulations set by the
IRDAI. If an insurance company does not have the IRDAI registration number, it is
probably a fraudulent organisation. The IRDAI registration number essentially serves
as a mark of legitimacy and authenticity of an insurance company.

The website of an insurance company will have its IRDAI registration number. It is
usually present in the footer of most insurer websites. You can also find this number
in the advertisements, brochures, and policy documents of the company. Another
place to find the IRDAI registration number of an insurance company is the website
of the IRDAI. Here are the IRDAI registration numbers of some of the popular two
wheeler insurance providers in the country:

 New India Assurance Two Wheeler Insurance – 190

 Bharti AXA Two Wheeler Insurance – 139
 Reliance Two Wheeler Insurance – 103
 IFFCO Tokio Two Wheeler Insurance – 106
 HDFC Ergo Two Wheeler Insurance – 125
 SBI Two Wheeler Insurance – 114
 Oriental Two Wheeler Insurance – 556


This type of insurance covers all those vehicles which are not used for personal
purpose. Trucks, buses, heavy commercial vehicles, light commercial vehicles, multi
utility vehicles, agricultural vehicles, ambulances etc are covered under this
insurance. The premium is calculated on the basis of the make and model of the
commercial vehicle, place of registration, year of manufacture, current showroom
price and whether the insurer is individual or corporate.

Insurance Companies in collaboration with the automobile manufacturing companies

chalk out different kind of easy and less complicated plans for safe and easy insurance
policy. HSBC India, New India Assurance, United India Insurance, Bajaj
Allianz, ICICI Lombard etc. are some of the prominent companies in India which
provide commercial car insurance or vehicle insurance.


If you are running a business and having a commercial vehicle, it is quite important to
buy commercial vehicle insurance. Here are some top reasons to buy Commercial
Vehicle Insurance.

 Legal Protection
Having a valid commercial vehicle insurance confirms that you are abiding by the
law. By buying a suitable commercial vehicle insurance, you stay protected against
any third party liability that may arise due to bodily injury/ property damage caused to
the other vehicle.

 No Financial Worries
By choosing a commercial vehicle insurance, you do not have to pay for the third
party liability or costs that may incur due to your bodily injury or any damage caused
to your commercial vehicle. Buying a comprehensive commercial vehicle insurance

provides you a complete cover and let you drive your business vehicle worry-
free.There are times, when business vehicles carrying precious goods are wrecked or
robbed during transit. A commercial vehicle insurance provides coverage against the
financial loss occurred in such scenarios.

 Employee Protection
Your commercial vehicle insurance helps you pay for your employees, in case your
employee becomes injured driving the business vehicle during the working hours. It
covers legal liability against death and/or injury caused to the passengers by your own

 Pays for Vehicle Repairs

With commercial vehicle insurance, you can get the costly repairs for your vehicle all
at affordable cost or free of cost under the scope of your policy. By getting vehicle
repairs on-time, you can easily maintain the resale value of your vehicle.

 Cashless Network Garages

Insurers have tied up with the workshops/garages known as network garages to
provide the cashless facility for the policyholders for the repairs done under the scope
of coverage in different cities and towns.


1. Liability Only Policy/ Third Party Commercial Vehicle Insurance

This commercial vehicle insurance provides cover against any liability towards
property damage and bodily injury/ death caused to a third party. Some Insurers also
provide cover for Owner/driver in case of accidental death, and personal total

2. Comprehensive/ Package Commercial Vehicle Insurance
You never know when a vehicular accident may occur and for this, you need to ensure
that you are completely covered against any loss/damage. With a Package
Commercial Vehicle Insurance, your vehicle is covered for,
 Third Party Liability
This component of the policy covers third party bodily injury/death and property
damage to any third party.
 Own Damage
This component of the policy covers damage/loss caused to your vehicle under natural
calamities which includes fire, lightning, flood, hurricane, storm, tempest, inundation,
cyclone, hailstorm, typhoon, frost, landslide, rockslide, explosion fire and shock
damage due to earthquake and Man-made Calamities which includes burglary,
housebreaking, theft, riot or strike, accident by external means, malicious act, terrorist
activity and damage during travel by road, rail, inland-waterway, or air.
 Loss or damage due to war or nuclear risks
 Deductible as stated in your policy
 Loss or damage due to ionizing radiation
 Vehicle driven by someone other than the driver, as stated in the 'Driver's Clause'.
 Accidental loss, damage or liability occurring outside the defined geographical area
for the vehicle
 Vehicles being used other than in accordance with the limitations as to use. For
example, if you use a private vehicle for commercial purposes.
 Consequential loss - if the original damage causes subsequent damage / loss, only the
original damage will be covered.


Add-on covers/Riders are additional benefits provided over and above to your base
insurance policy. Following are the add-on covers, that are available with the
commercial vehicle insurance.

 Legal Liability to Employees
This add-on provides coverage against accidental death and permanent total disability
to the employees (both paid and unpaid).

 Legal Liability to Passengers

This add-on provides coverage against bodily injury/death caused to the passengers
(fare and non fare paying passengers) present in your commercial vehicle at the time
of the accident.

 Zero-depreciation
When you raise claims, insurers usually pay for the depreciated value of the replaced
vehicle parts. However, by choosing the zero depreciation (Nil Depreciation) cover,
you become eligible to receive the full claim amount for the damaged vehicle parts.
With this add-cover, there is no need to worry about the depreciation component.

 Roadside Assistance
Have you ever faced a situation with your commercial vehicle running out of fuel,
breakdown, or other technical issues? You are stuck there, when there is no service
center or any other assistance. Choosing roadside assistance cover with your vehicle
insurance is the answer. This add-on cover provides you the swift services such as
fuel refill, battery jump-start, flat tire change, towing, spare key arrangement, and
many more.

 Personal Accident Cover

This add-on provides cover for owner and driver in case of accidental death,
Permanent Total Disablement, Permanent Partial Disablement, and Temporary Total

 No Claim Bonus Shield Cover

No claim bonus is a reward given by the insurer to the policyholder in case of a claim
free policy period. By choosing no-claim bonus shield cover, you do not lose NCB
benefit even if you make a claim in a policy year for your commercial vehicle.

 Accessories Cover
This add-on cover pays for loss/damage to accessories fitted in the vehicle, including
stereos, fans, and others. You may ask your insurer to ascertain which accessories are
covered under the vehicle insurance.

 Coverage for Vehicle Consumables

Engine oil, nut and bolt, washers, etc. are utilized for repairing the vehicles. By
choosing this add-on cover, you are reimbursed for the cost of these consumables.

 Penalty Coverage
By choosing this add-on cover, the insurer will pay for the penalty imposed on you by
your client in case of damage of goods or delay in delivery of goods caused due to the
accident of the vehicle.

 Additional Cost Coverage

This add-on cover provides coverage against amount spent on insurance, registration,
road tax, and additional expenses that may incur at the time of total loss or theft of the

 Towing Charges Coverage

In case your business vehicle met with an accident in a manner that it cannot be
driven on its own and requires towing, then the cost incurred in towing is covered
under this add-on cover.
(Add-on covers may vary from insurer to insurer and are available at an extra cost)



 Insured’s Declared Value (IDV)

IDV is deemed to be the „Sum Insured‟ and it is determined at the beginning of each
policy period for a vehicle. Insured‟s Declared Value is the current market value of
your vehicle that is paid by the insurer in the event of theft or total loss of vehicle.
With a lower IDV of your vehicle, you need to pay the lesser premium amount for
your commercial insurance policy and vice versa.

 Place of Registration

When it comes to commercial vehicle insurance rating, India is demarcated under
insurance zones which are Zone A (Chennai, Delhi / New Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai),
Zone B (all other state capitals), and Zone C (Rest of India). When you register your
vehicle in Zone A and Zone B, you are charged with higher premiums considering the
exposure of your vehicle to accidents and theft. Commercial vehicles excluded under
section 4.C.1 and C.4 are rated under Zone A or Zone C.

 Gross Vehicle Weight

It refers to the maximum operating weight of a vehicle as stated by the manufacturer
and it includes the chassis, body, accessories, engine, driver, passengers and goods.
Higher gross vehicle weight, will incur huge losses to other vehicles and thus carries
higher risk, so the insurer will also charge higher premiums to cover the risk.

 Vehicle Age
The age of the vehicle also helps determine the premium amount for your commercial
vehicle insurance. Insurers may charge the higher rate of premium for older vehicles,
as there is more risk of electrical/mechanical breakdown, wear & tear.

 Safety Devices
Commercial vehicle equipped with safety devices such as advanced braking systems,
audible warning devices, light signaling devices, and mechanical and GPS speed-
limiters, the insurer may charge you the lowest premium for the vehicle insurance,
considering the safety of the vehicle.

 Fuel Type
When buying insurance for diesel and CNG/LPG based vehicle, the premium is
charged at a higher rate than for a petrol-based vehicle. The reason being the diesel
and CNG/LPG run vehicles tend to have higher usage that may result to frequent
break-down and wear & tear.


It‟s important to assess the benefits of commercial vehicle insurance and then choose
an insurance policy that offers protection for your business vehicle. Here are the key
benefits of a commercial vehicle insurance.

 Cover for Third Party Liability

Getting a commercial vehicle insurance provides protection against legal liability to
the third party resulting from bodily injury, death and property damage. A third party
coverage helps you pay off the legal expenses for any third party liability which
includes bodily injury or property damage.

 Cover for Own Damage

Under comprehensive commercial vehicle insurance policy, any damages mentioned
under the scope of policy coverage is indemnified to the policyholder which could be
man made damage or damage by natural calamities.

 Medical Payments Coverage

A commercial vehicle insurance also provides cover against medical expenses that are
incurred due to your bodily injury caused by vehicular accident, irrespective of who is
found at fault.

 Avail Add-on Coverage

With a commercial vehicle insurance, you can also include add-on covers such as zero
depreciation, personal accident coverage for owner/driver, and many others to
enhance the scope of coverage.

 No Claim Bonus
Insurers also offer a No Claim Bonus (NCB) protection that you can avail for claim
free policy years for your commercial vehicle which will result in a decrease in
premium for renewal year.


Following are some of the key buying tips you can follow to buy the right Home
Insurance Policy.

 Compare before buying: Prior buying insurance, it is wise to compare and
choose the right commercial insurance for your vehicle. It is also important to
read the customer reviews and feedback to ascertain, it‟s the right pick.

 Buy Online: Buying a policy online saves time as you can get the policy in just
a few clicks of the mouse. Buying the policy online helps you grab huge
discounts on the premium amount.
 Pick the Insurer Wisely: Buying commercial vehicle insurance from an
insurer having IRDAI certification would a right move. So, assess the profile of
the insurer and then go ahead to buy the insurance policy. You should also
choose an insurer that offers 24x7 support so, you can contact them anytime
you need. Also ensure whether they have the quick and efficient claims
settlement process.
 Add-on Covers: There are various add-on covers available with commercial
vehicle insurance. Primarily, you need to assess your need and then pick add-
ons accordingly. Upon choosing add-on covers you need to pay additional
premiums as it will provide you additional cover.
 Read the Policy Wordings: Prior finalizing a commercial vehicle insurance, it
would be a prudent decision to go through the policy benefits, its inclusions &
exclusions and assess whether it‟s the right vehicle insurance, you are looking



Many insurance companies still do it the traditional way through the paperwork. So,
you need to be aware of it to be prepared with all the required papers

1. Submit the Declaration Form

 You need to make the insurer aware of the current coverage that you have on your

 The insurance company will then decide on what more can it offer to you.
 Submit the declaration page to get the quote from your insurer.
 If satisfied, go ahead with the procedure.
2. Driver’s Licence
 Submit the copy of your driver‟s license.
 The company can thus verify your previous record and the authenticity of your case

3. Check for Setting up an Electronic Transfer: Electronic fund transfer will enable
you to make payments of your premium amount in a hassle-free manner. For setting
up such an account, your insurer will want to do a voided check to accurately set up
the account for withdraw.

4. Discounts Available: Many vehicle insurance companies offer discounts for several
reasons. Types of discounts that can be available:
 Loyalty discounts
 Safety device discounts
 Multiple Car Discounts
 Good driving discounts
 Membership discounts (applicable for certain clubs)


The online procedure is easier as you need not indulge in filing documents separately.
Here are the steps you can follow to buy the vehicle insurance online:

 You can get quotes from them in one go by providing the following details:
 Your name
 Model of the vehicle
 Year of purchase
 Registration Number
 Driving license number
 After getting the quotes from your selected insurers, you can follow up with the one
you feel is best suited to your requirements.
 Submit the copy of the documents required by mailing them to the insurance
 Get in touch with them personally if required.
 You will receive all the papers from them through the mail.
 Check for all essential pages i.e. the insurance policy, the declaration page, the proof
of insurance, bills and updated declaration pages.
 All the above are to be secured in the safest place in order to produce them whenever
 Study all the features and exclusions of the policy to be clear on what exactly is
covered under it.
Keep in mind all these steps before you go on to secure your vehicle from any kind of
damage. Individual insurance companies may not offer you quotes from different
insurers but we do. Apart from proposal filing, policy management and claim
assistance Secure now also offers you 24×7 support and guidance in your decision



Among the private insurance players in Indian insurance domain, Bajaj Allianz is one
of the largest general insurance companies in the country.

A large number of industry experts reveal that Bajaj Allianz Auto Insurance leads all
the auto insurance players in terms of customer satisfaction, cashless claim settlement
and features rich policies. The brand is also widely recognized as one of the most
customer friendly insurance companies in India.

Services :

 Doorstep surveyor facility

 24X7 Towing assistance
 Online purchase on EMIs
 Instant SMS Updates on Claims
 Cashless settlement at 1500+ network garages


Tata AIG General Insurance was incepted in 2011. Even being a comparatively
younger company, TATA AIG managed to win over a major fraction of motor
insurance market owing to its robust channels of distribution and hassle-free claims.

Last year, the brand bagged reputed awards for being the best employer and
deployment of mobile application in insurance.

Services :

 Free car pick up

 Warranty on repairs
 Cashless settlement at network garages
 Claim settlement in 7 days
 Unique add-ons


Owned by the Central Government, Oriental Insurance Company Limited is one of

the best companies to get a motor insurance. The brand boasts of winning the most
reputed awards in the industry. The latest ones worth mentioning here are - „best
public general insurance award‟ and „best bank and financial institution award‟.
Oriental is one of the few insurance companies in India to get the IAAA rating by
ICRA, indicating its strong financial framework.

Services :

 One of the most reliable names in motor insurance

 High claim settlement ratio
 Fast claim settlement
 Valuable add-ons


New India is wholly owned by the government of India. Backed up by a strong

capital, infrastructure and human resource, auto insurance company in India. The
brand has embarked an international presence and is well known for being a pioneer
in introducing innovative insurance products.

It has been rated A- (Excellent) by A.M. Best Co., becoming the only Indian
insurance company to be rated by an international rating agency.

Services :

 Claim decision taken within 3 days of application

 Surveyor appointed within 48 hours of claim intimation
 Claim payment made within 3 days of discharge voucher receipt
 Grievance acknowledged within 3 days of receipt
 Grievance resolved within 15 days of receipt


Bolstered by a robust channel of distribution and customer oriented approach, HDFC
is the top notch brand for getting a motor insurance. HDFC boasts of having one of
the highest car insurance claim settlement ratios among private motor insurers. HDFC
ERGO is ISO 9001:2008 certified for its operations and claim processes and has been
rated IAAA by ICRA. It was recognized as the best general insurance company in
India by IAIR in 2013.

Services :

 Age and profession discount

 Zero documentation
 Fast claim settlement
 Cashless settlement at 1600+ network garages



IRDA plays a vital role for the regulations of Vehicles Insurance in India.
Procedures of IRDA in regulating the vehicle insurance are mentioned below:-
 The IRDA Act of 1999 has carried out its functions and exercised its powers
in terms of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999.
As per vehicle insurance it is important to provide commercial auto Insurance
cover, insurance companies have to use a standard insurance policy form
authorized by the Indian Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
(IRDA). which contains the following two main coverage's :- (i) Own Damage
to the vehicle (Comprehensive Package Policy coverage) (ii) Third Party
Liability (TPL) to cover claims arising from damages caused to property,
health and life of third parties. The cover contains no deductible and is
introduced on the first loss basis. The TPL cover is compulsory for all drivers
and can be bought separately. Unfortunately, the level of compliance with this
requirement is quite low. While no detailed statistics are available. the
surveyed insurers indicate that the level of insurance penetration for the TPL

coverage is well under 50 % of the driver population. The TPL cover is a
direct extension of the Motor Vehicle Act of 1988.
 IRDA supervises the functioning of the Tariff Advisory Committee (TAC)
which was established by an amendment to the Insurance Act, 1938 (effective
June, 1969) to control and regulate the rates, advantages, terms and conditions
that may be offered by insurers in respect of any risk or any class or category
of risks in the general insurance business. The non-tariff products are filed by
the insurers with the authority under file and use procedures. In 2002-03, non
tariff business constituted about 25% of the gross direct premium underwritten
in the non-life segment.
 IRDA to facilitate the supervision of the functioning of Tariff Advisory
Committee (TAC), the chairman of the authority is also the ex – officio
Chairman of the TAC, and its functioning is de - facto the responsibility of the
authority. Tariff Advisory Committee controls and regulates the rates,
advantages, terms and conditions that may be offered by insurers in respect of
general insurance business relating Fire, Marine, Motor, Engineering and
Workers Compensation (WC), provisions of IRDA on various motor insurance
pools also holds critical importance for vehicle insurance in India since the
Act of 1999.


The Indian Insurance regulator, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
of India (IRDAI) has recently brought about changes in the regulations governing
motor insurance in India. Under the Motor Vehicles Act 1988, insurance cover for
third party liability is mandatory for all motor vehicles at the time of purchase.
However, until recently, this third party liability insurance had a mandatory term of
one year, and was to be renewed by the policyholder on a yearly basis.

Recently, the Supreme Court of India directed in S Rajaseekaran v Union of

India , that a long term motor insurance should be introduced and made mandatory at
the point of sale and registration. Following the issuance of these directions, the
IRDAI has extended the term of the statutory third party liability insurance to three
and five years for private cars and two wheelers, respectively, with respect to new

vehicles sold from 1st September 20182. Indian General Insurers were directed to file
these products under the File & Use Procedure with the Authority before 15th
September 2018 which was later extended to 15th October 2018, on the basis of
representations received from the General Insurers3.


Earlier, the insurance cover for motor vehicles was offered in the form of "Third
Party Liability" and "Package Policy", where a Package Policy provided a more
comprehensive cover, including own damage of the insured vehicle, in addition to the
third party liability offered under the Act Only insurance. The mandatory term for the
third party liability component of these policies has now been increased to five and
three years respectively for two wheelers and private cars.

Apart from the Act Only policy and the long term package policy, effective 1st
September 2018, policyholders may also be offered a "Bundled Policy", where a one
year own damage component is bundled with a five year or a three year third party
liability cover, as applicable, for two wheelers and private cars respectively. Per the
directions of the IRDAI, General Insurers are now required to offer the following
motor insurance products at the time of purchase of a new vehicle, for a three or five
year term:

a. Long term Act only policy;

b. Long term Package policy;

c. Bundled Policy (with a 1 year component for Own Damage).

General Insurers may also offer motor insurance add-on covers with the foregoing for
a period co-terminus with that of the package product, i.e., three year or five years as
the case may be. Insurers have also been directed to take cognizance of the movement
of IDV over time for all relevant purposes including underwriting, pricing and
settlement of claims.

In line with the earlier directions issued by the IRDAI, General Insurers are required
to ensure that the mandatory five year or three year third party liability cover is

available through online channels, and also continue liaising with police authorities to
enable issuance, renewal and easy availability. General Insurers have also been
instructed to advertise the long term motor insurance available pursuant to the
Supreme Court's directive in S Rajaseekaran.


The IRDAI prescribes the premium rates for third party motor insurance, and the
same are usually revised on an annual basis and published on the IRDAI's website.
Since the term of third party insurance covers has been extended beyond a one year
period, the IRDAI has introduced a new premium rate structure for the 3 year and 5
year third party liability insurance, where the premium for the entire term would be
collected at the point of sale itself.

Existing Premium Long Term Premium

Vehicle Category
Rates (Rs.) Rates (Rs.)


Not exceeding 1000 cc 1,850 5,286

Exceeding 1000 cc but not

2,863 9,534
exceeding 1500 cc

Exceeding 1500 cc 7,890 24,305


Not exceeding 75 cc 427 1,045

Exceeding 75 cc but not

720 3,285
exceeding 150 cc

Exceeding 150 cc but not

985 5,453
exceeding 350 cc

Exceeding 350 cc 2,323 13,034

However, the premium collected shall be recognized on a yearly basis, where the
premium for that particular year is to be treated as income, and the remaining as
"Premium deposit" or "Advance Premium".


Pursuant to the directions of the IRDAI, no third party liability insurance can be
cancelled by either the Insured or the Insurer, except on the grounds of a) Double
Insurance; b) the Insured Vehicle not being in use anymore as a result of Total Loss or
Constructive Total Loss; or, c) the vehicle having been sold and/or transferred.

The IRDAI, however, has not prescribed the manner or basis for calculating the
applicable refund to the Insured in case of cancellation of policy, and Insurers have
largely continued to follow the short period scales for refund of balance premium.


No Claim Bonus (NCB) is a discount on the own damage component for each
preceding claim free year, generally ranging from 20% to 50% of the premium, which
is offered by the Insurer at the end of each policy year. Per the directions of the
IRDAI, for long term motor insurance covers, the NCB shall be applicable only at the
end of the policy term, ie, three years for private cars and five years for two wheelers.


The IRDAI has subsequently introduced a new structure for the

commission/remuneration payable, rewards, and the MISP's distribution fees for long
term motor insurance policies4. Payment of commission/remuneration for long term
motor insurance shall be paid in the financial year premium is booked by the Insurer,
and shall be restricted to the gross written premium recognized for that year.

No commission/remuneration or rewards are payable to insurance agents/insurance

intermediaries for the distribution of the Act Only long term policies. For bundled

covers, commission is 15% of the OD premium for new private cars, 17.5% for new
two wheelers, and NIL for the TP portion. For package policies, commission has been
capped per year as a reducing percentage of the total premium collected. The
distribution fees payable to MISPs is marginally higher than the
commission/remuneration payable to insurance agents/insurance intermediaries.


Pursuant to the decision of the High Court of Madras in United lndialnsurance Co

Ltd v R Rekha, the IRDAI has effectively amended General Regulation 36 of the
India Motor Tariff 2002 which prescribed the sum insured and applicable premium
for the compulsory personal accident cover for owner-drivers under the liability only
and package policies6.

Further, with the introduction of long term motor insurance policies, General Insurers
are now required to provide compulsory personal accident cover under Bundled
Policies as well.

The IRDAI has now increased the minimum capital sum insured for motorized two
wheelers from Rs.1lakh and private cars from Rs.2 lakhs, to a capital sum insured of
Rs.15 lakh for the single year policies, at a premium of Rs.750 per annum. However,
for long term motor insurance policies, General Insurers have been permitted to set
the premium in terms of their existing pricing approach.


In the past two decades, the Indian economy has witnessed an exponential growth of
several sectors. Out of which, insurance is one of the least evolved sectors in terms of
innovation and technology adoption for maintaining transparency and efficiency.
With an exponential boost in technology adoption, the Indian insurance sector is
projected to move towards its growth trajectory with innovation.

Technology is creating a buzz in the insurance sector with its interesting concepts of
connecting people with products and services. The latest offerings of technology and
digital systems are uniquely combining the physical groundwork of the insurance
sector with its overall efficiency and transparency.

There are some major transformations of technology, out of which, artificial

intelligence (AI),machine learning, blockchain and IoT (Internet of Things) are
significantly accelerating the growth of the insurance sector with a significant impact
on the auto insurance segment.

Traditionally, the pricing model and premium strategies in auto insurance were based
on assumptions – customers driving behaviour, their age and they life they lead.
Moreover, young drivers -- specifically between the age of 18 and 25 years are
considered more inclined towards accidents prone driving attitude with subject to high
insurance rates. However, not all young drivers believe in unsafe and reckless
With technology adoption, usage-based insurance plans are coming into the digital
picture. Starting from the ease of access, evaluation and purchase of the right
insurance plan, AI is going to improve the customer experience in purchasing and
renewing the policy online. Similarly, it is also going to improve the reach and
engagement of customers in understanding the process of buying the insurance plan
for their vehicle.

Moreover, the mix of new technology tools such as machine learning, telematics and
AI are playing a crucial role in raising the awareness and driving the adoption rate of
new products that are being offered by the insurance companies. They are now
becoming an integral part of every insurer‟s market plan to provide faster and better
insurance plan in a fully digital environment. These are becoming the epitome of
personalizing auto insurance policy by formulating usage-based plans. Additionally,
technology is also helping in driving the overall adoption rate in the two-wheeler
insurance segment. Non- renewal is considered as one of the major problems in the
two-wheeler segment due to its cumbersome process.

According to recent estimates, a whopping 70 per cent of two-wheelers operating on

the Indian roads do not have valid motor insurance that puts them under risk during

the claim process. Thus, in order to simplify the insurance buying process for two-
wheeler owners, various fintech companies are making the use of AI to lure the
customers in renewing their insurance policy with their smartphone.

Apart from AI, there comes the role of Big Data, which is crucial in recording the
driving habits of the customer and sharing with the car insurer. If a driver drives safe,
then this recorded data can benefit the policy holder with lucrative offers and
discounts. All this monitoring is done with the aid of telematics technology, which
records real time data pertaining to distance covered, braking patterns, speeding
history etc.
In simpler terms, Telematics data is more comprehensive and realistic pertaining to
analyze the risk profile of the driver. It not only determines the driver‟s safety profile
but also allows car insurer to accurately frame the insurance policy including its
pricing model for that customer.
Hence, it controls the damage in advance which also leads to reduction in number of
genuine and false claims. However, during the disruption of Telematics, the car
insurers need to focus on maintaining a perfect balance between utilizing the benefits
of data with keeping in view customers‟ security and privacy. In the auto insurance
segment, Blockchain has also perceived a lot many benefits for the insurers.
Blockchain is one such technology that establishes digital trust between the policy
holder and the car insurer by increasing transparency. This is also very helpful in
simplifying auto insurance claims, easing out high premium based plans and creating
a coverage specific product. Several fintech platforms are making extensive use of
Blockchain technology to increase efficiency and transparency in buying auto
insurance policies. These fintech platforms are creating a digital atmosphere which
alleviates long document submissions and third party verification processes. The
transformation of Indian auto insurance sector is projected with the disruption of new
technology tools. However, this transformation completely depends upon the business
models that auto insurance companies are going to formulate while making an
optimum use of technology.



 To understand the need for buying an automobile insurance and the procedure
for claiming losses arising due to motor accidents.
 To study the operations of vehicle motor insurance in India.
 To study the role played by IRDA(Insurance Regulatory Development
 To understand different types of policies covered under motor insurance.

 H0: - There is no need of automobile insurance
 H1: - There is need of automobile insurance


In India, vehicle insurance policy is mandatory under the motor vehicle act, while
other forms of general insurance are optional. The law mandates that every owner of
car motor vehicle must have the motor insurance policy. The need for vehicle
insurance of third party liability towards injury, death or property damage is
mandatory as per the motor vehicle act. Therefore, vehicle insurance becomes
important as it is not only for motor vehicle owners to minimize the risk for his or her
vehicle but for the persons who may get injured or damage etc. due to vehicle hit or so
on. The present study throws light on the various types of motor vehicle insurance in


Research methodology process includes a number of activities to be performed. These

are arranged in proper sequence of timing for conducting research. One activity after
another is performed to complete the research work. Research methodology includes
the following steps:

2.4 Type of Research

The topic for the research study is investment awareness and the nature of the topic is
Theoretical and descriptive. So the conduct the research study the type of research
suitable is descriptive research only. For the study purpose both primary and
secondary data are used. The primary data collected from college students. The
secondary data collected from the research papers from various countries and
especially India. The primary and secondary data have been collected to cover every
aspect of the study. These data used in combination as per need of the study. These
data having different merits and demerits and have serves our purpose of the research
study. These are explained below:
2.4.1 Primary Data
Primary data are information collected by a researcher specifically for a research
assignment. Primary data are original in nature and directly related to the issue or
problem and current data. Primary data are the data which the researcher collects
through various methods like interviews, surveys, questionnaires etc. The primary
data have own advantages and disadvantages:

Advantages of primary data:

Advantages of primary data are as follows:
• The primary data are original and relevant to the topic of the research study so the
degree of accuracy is very high.
• Primary data is that it can be collected from a number of ways like interviews,
telephone surveys, focus groups etc. It can be also collected across the national
borders through emails and posts. It can include a large population and wide
geographical coverage.
• Moreover, primary data is current and it can better give a realistic view to the
researcher about the topic under consideration.
• Reliability of primary data is very high because these are collected by the concerned
and reliable party.

Disadvantages of primary data:

Following are the disadvantages of primary data:

• For collection of primary data where interview is to be conducted the coverage is
limited and for wider coverage a more number of researchers are required.
• A lot of time and efforts are required for data collection. By the time the data
collected, analyzed and report is ready the problem of the research becomes very
serious or out dated. So the purpose of the research may be defeated.
• It has design problems like how to design the surveys. The questions must be simple
to understand and respond.
• Some respondents do not give timely responses. Sometimes, the respondents may
give fake, socially acceptable and sweet answers and try to cover up the realities.
2.4.2 Secondary Data
Secondary data are the data collected by a party not related to the research study but
collected these data for some other purpose and at different time in the past. If the
researcher uses these data then these become secondary data for the current users.
These may be available in written, typed or in electronic forms. A variety of
secondary information sources is available to the researcher gathering data on an
industry, potential product applications and the market place. Secondary data is also
used to gain initial insight into the research problem. Secondary data is classified in
terms of its source – either internal or external. Internal, or in-house data, is secondary
information acquired within the organization where research is being carried out.
External secondary data is obtained from outside sources. There are various
advantages and disadvantages of using secondary data.

Advantages of Secondary Data:

Advantages of secondary data are following:

• The primary advantage of secondary data is that it is cheaper and faster to access.
• Secondly, it provides a way to access the work of the best scholars all over the
• Thirdly, secondary data gives a frame of mind to the researcher that in which
direction he/she should go for the specific research.

• Fourthly secondary data save time, efforts and money and add to the value of the
research study.

Disadvantages of Secondary data:

Following are the disadvantage of secondary data:

• The data collected by the third party may not be a reliable party so the reliability and
accuracy of data go down.
• Data collected in one location may not be suitable for the other one due variable
environmental factor.
• With the passage of time the data becomes obsolete and very old
• Secondary data collected can distort the results of the research. For using secondary
data a special care is required to amend or modify for use.
• Secondary data can also raise issues of authenticity and copyright.
Keeping in view the advantages and disadvantages of sources of data requirement of
the research study and time factor, both sources of data i.e. primary and secondary
data have been selected. These are used in combination to give proper coverage to the

2.5 Instruments for Data Collection

For collection of data the following instruments have been used:

Questionnaire is a set of questions has been prepared to ask a number of questions and
collect answers from respondents relating to the research topic. A number of
questions usually in printed or electronic form are to be answered by the individuals.
The forms often have blank spaces in which the answers can be written. Sets of such
forms are distributed to groups and the answers are collected relating to research
topic. A questionnaire is a series of questions asked to individuals to obtain
statistically useful information about a given topic.
When properly constructed and responsibly administered, questionnaires become a
vital instrument by which statements can be made about specific groups or people or
entire populations. Inappropriate questions, incorrect ordering of questions, incorrect
scaling, or bad questionnaire format can make the survey valueless, as it may not
accurately reflect the views and opinions of the participants. A useful method for
checking a questionnaire and making sure it is accurately capturing the intended
information is to pretest among a smaller subset of target respondents. In a research or
survey questions asked to respondents, and designed to extract specific information. It
serves four basic purposes: to
(1) collect the appropriate data
(2) make data comparable and amenable to analysis
(3) minimize bias in formulating and asking question
(4) To make questions engaging and varied.
For our study purpose a set of questions has been prepared to collect information
relating to the topic of the study. In this study a structured questionnaire has been used
with different types of questions such as closed ended and open ended. Special case
has been taken to select the scales for the questions for collection of responses very

Telephone, Mobile Phone and Facsimile

Telephone and other devices can be used for collecting data verbally and written on
fax from respondents located away from the researcher and having these facilities plus
the researcher having their contact numbers. Use of interviewers encourages sample
persons to respond, leading to higher response rates. Interviewers can increase
comprehension of questions by answering respondents' questions. It is fairly cost
efficient, depending on local call charge structure. It is good for large national or
international respondents and gives wider coverage. It cannot be used for non-audio
information (graphics, demonstrations,
taste/smell samples) this instrument is not suitable for the respondents where the
telephone facility is not available.


For collection of data from the respondents who are located at a long distance and do
not have any communication facility. They can be contacted through mailed
questionnaire. Only thing is required that the researcher should have the postal
addresses of the respondents. The questionnaire may be handed to the respondents or
mailed to them, but in all cases they are returned to the researcher via mail. The cost
involved is very less but no clarification can be given to the respondents if required.
Respondents can answer at their own convenience. The respondents cannot be biased
by the researchers and the detail information can be collected for the research
purpose. Only one disadvantage this instrument gives is that the response rate is very
less due to lack of interest in the topic of respondents and low literacy rate.

In this method the interviewer personally meets the informants and asks necessary
questions to them regarding the subject of enquiry. Usually a set of questions or a
questionnaire is carried by him and questions are also asked according to that. The
interviewer efficiently collects the data from the informants by cross examining them.
The interviewer must be very efficient and tactful to get the accurate and relevant data
from the informants. Interviews like personal interview/depth interview or telephone
interview can be conducted as per the need of the study.


Advantages of interview are following:

• In this method information can be gathered from illiterate people too.
• There are no chances of non-response as the interviewer personally collects data.
• The collected data is very reliable since the interviewer tactfully collects the data by
cross examining the responders.

• The major disadvantages of interview are:
• There is a chance of bias.
• The informants may not answer some personal questions.
• It is a time-consuming process.
• Money and manpower requirements are very high.
• Sometime the interviewers are involved in pressurizing respondents to share their
personal information.

2.6 Research Methods
For collection of primary data for this research work survey and observation methods
have been used. Experimental method is not found suitable for this study because the
topic is a theoretical topic and there is no need to have experiments. These two
methods are explained below:
2.6.1 Survey Method
Survey is used to collect quantitative information about items in a population. Surveys
are used in different areas for collecting the data even in public and private sectors. A
survey may be conducted in the field by the researcher. The respondents are contacted
by the research person personally, telephonically or through mail. This method takes a
lot of time, efforts and money but the data collected are of high accuracy, current and
relevant to the topic. When the questions are administered by a researcher, the survey
is called a structured interview or a researcher-administered survey. When the
questions are administered by the respondent, the survey is referred to as a
questionnaire or a self-administered survey. It is an efficient way of collecting
information from a large number of respondents. Very large samples are possible.
Statistical techniques can be used to determine validity, reliability, and statistical
significance. Surveys are flexible in the sense that a wide range of information can be
collected. They can be used to study attitudes, values, beliefs, and past behaviors.
Because they are standardized, they are relatively free from several types of errors.
There is an economy in data collection due to the focus provided by standardized
questions. Only questions of interest to the researcher are asked, recorded, codified,
and analyzed.

2.6.2 Observation Method

Observation is a complex research method because it often requires the researcher to
play a number of roles and to use a number of techniques; including her/his five
senses, to collect data. The observer puts himself in the actual situation and watch
carefully. On the basis of his knowledge, skills and experience he collects the data
without contacting the respondents.
The results of observation entirely depend on the talents of the researcher. This
method can be used only by expert persons in the research. Observation methods have
been developed with the objective of 'observing people in their natural setting - as
they go about their everyday lives. Observation methods can overcome some of the
criticisms of quantitative research methods (Validity, bias etc.) and can be useful
when its subject can't provide information, or can only provide inaccurate
information. Out of available methods for collecting primary data, survey and
observation methods have been found suitable for the topic study. These have fulfilled
the requirements for data collection properly.
2.7 Sampling

The research is a systematic study to examine or investigate the issue or problem and
find out the relevant information for solution. For study data are to be collected from
the respondents. It is not possible to collect data from every one of the population.
Population is a very large number of persons or objects or items which is not feasible
to manage. A population is a group of individuals, persons, objects, or items from
which samples are taken for measurement. For research purpose a part of the
population is to be selected.
Sampling is the process in which a representative part of a population for the purpose
of determining parameters or characteristics of the whole population is selected. This
is called a sample. It is easier to contact a smaller part of the population for data
collection. It can be done within a limited time, efforts and with minimum cost. For
selection of a sample special care should be taken that the sample is proper
representative of the whole population. Every segment of the population should be
included but the number should not be very large which may become difficult to
manage within time and cost limits.


The research is the base of any thesis, it can be done in various method but there are
two methodologies to get the perfect research. They are qualitative and quantitative
research method. These two methods are tool for research process. But, research
method should be selected as per the plan and objective of research. Similarly, it can
be conducted within two different ways such as deductive reasoning method and
inductive reasoning method. Deductive reasoning is helpful for further research on
actual matter but inductive reasoning method is different. In inductive reasoning

method the topic needed to be created and have to do further research as per the need
of the topic.
For this thesis, both Primary data and secondary sources have been used. Primary data
has been collected via telephonic interview. Similarly, secondary data have been
collected from few books, articles, journals and thesis, research literatures as well as
sources from internet. The data available from annual reports of various insurance
companies were also taken for the present study.


Deductive Inductive


Qualitative Quantitative

Secondary (Books, journals, newspapers,
Primary (Questionnaire)


The reason for this research is to find out the different types of motor insurance
policies avail by various policyholders. There are various ways to carry out this
research method and we have used both qualitative and quantitative methods for
collecting data. The questionnaires are self-made and information are collected
through survey. The questionnaires are in English. There are ten questions. Later the
survey answers are analyzed with the help of graphs and charts into excel texts to drag
out the result and conclusion.


3.1 Meaning

A literature review or narrative review is a type of review article. A literature

review is a scholarly paper, which includes the current knowledge including
substantive findings, as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to a
particular topic. Literature reviews are secondary sources, and do not report new or
original experimental work. Most often associated with academic-oriented literature,
such reviews are found in academic journals, and are not to be confused with book
reviews that may also appear in the same publication. Literature reviews are a basis
for research in nearly every academic field. A narrow-scope literature review may be
included as part of a peer-reviewed journal article presenting new research, serving to
situate the current study within the body of the relevant literature and to provide
context for the reader. In such a case, the review usually precedes the methodology
and results sections of the work.

Producing a literature review may also be part of graduate and post-graduate student
work, including in the preparation of a thesis, dissertation, or a journal article.
Literature reviews are also common in a research proposal or prospectus (the
document that is approved before a student formally begins a dissertation or thesis).

Dheeraj Razdan "Insurance Principles, Application and Practices" Cyber Tech

Publication New Delhi 2008, Book no; - 20257 (NIA)
The details of history and origins of insurance business in world are mentioned in the
book. The analysis of general insurance business operations and decision making are
given in comprehensive pattern. Book analyzes the business policy of insurance in
India, claims procedures, salvage disposal. Basic claims settlements, insurance risk
management and its
procedures of insurance business in India is mentioned in the book. Operation of
insurance business in India along with the governmental procedures is also mentioned
in detail. The financial procedures and policies are given detail format. The concept of
history and origins of insurance is taken as a reference for study.

Janak Raj JAl "Motor Accidents Claims and Procedures" Universal Law
Publishing Co Ltd New Delhi 2007, Book No;- 19736 (NIA)
The book shows the detail of Motor Vehicles Acts in India 1988. Claims Tribunals
Formation growth. Compensations Procedures, Insurance of Motor Vehicles, Legal
Procedures Evidence, Appeals in Courts Relating towards Legal Aid, Criminal law,
Lok Adalats cases and settlements etc. The reference from the book is taken on the
definition on Motor Car,
Carriage Goods, Heavy Motor Vehicle and Light Motor Vehicle, and Motor Vehicle
Act difficulties in beginning, Compulsory Insurance, Lorum, Amendment of 1969.
Insurance against Third Party Risk, and the provision of third party insurance is
compulsory is taken as the reference study.

V.B. Kolhatkar, V.A. Pai "Motor Insurance" Insurance Institute of India

Mumbai 1999, Book no;- 1640 (NIA)
Author's book is a detailed analysis about the motor insurance. The history of Motor
Insurance, introduction about the Motor Insurance in India, legal aspects regarding the
rules and regulations on motor insurance in India. Motor policies and its impact in
India, motor tariffs, documentations process of motor insurance, underwriting
process of motor insurance in India, and the claim procedures of motor insurance in
India are mentioned in the book. The history of motor insurance, types of motor
vehicles, and the Motor Vehicle Act 1988 (Act no 59 of 1988). Act is effective from
1st July 1989 is taken for the reference study.

II.R. Sarkar "Motor Accidents, Insurance Claims and Compensation"

4"' Edition Sodhi Publications New Delhi - Allahabad 2009
The book is a detailed analysis of Motor Accidents, insurance Claims and
Compensation. The detailed analysis of claim procedure and the compensation
process of insurance procedure have been mentioned. The exhaustive coverage of
supreme court decision along with cases on trots and negligence where the motor
accidents claims trough tribunals rules and forms of applications is gi\en in the book.
The detail provisions of motor insurance, personal injuries
and disability, review and revision process of claims tribunal courts is mentioned in
the book.
The Motor Vehicles Rule Acts along with cases of certain states is given and the
essential aspects of insurance claims and compensations are extensive explained in
the book was referred for the present study.


4.1 Introduction

A set of 6 questions were made by me and circulated among policy holders from aged
18 to 60. They were chosen randomly. Everyone possess atleast one motor vehicle.
The sample was restricted to 30 respondants only.




1 What type of motor insurance policy are you 30/30

looking for?
2 Which method do you prefer while buying a 30/30
motor insurance policy?
3 Which motor insurance provider have you 30/30
opted for?

4 Are you satisfied with the services of your 30/30

motor insurance provider?
5 Do you feel that your motor insurance will 30/30
provide complete financial assistance to the
time of a mishap?
6 Have you ever been in a situation where you 30/30
have not received the correct claim amount or
have been denied your claim?


1. What type of a motor insurance policy are you looking for?

Types of Motor Insurance

20% Car Insurance

47% Bike Insurance

Commercial Vehicle
33% Insurance

Figure 1.22

47% of the policyholders are looking for car insurance which constitute a major part
of motor insurance. Whereas percentage of policyholders availing bike and
commercial vehicle insurance is comparatively less which is 20% and 33%

2. Which method do you prefer while buying a motor insurance policy?

Methods for buying

traditional method
Online method

Figure 1.23

Due to technological enhancement, number of respondents going for online method

while availing for a policy is more as compared to the traditional approach. 60% of
the respondents buy motor insurance policies online. Still 40% of the crowd are
comfortable with the traditional approach as they might not be familiar with the
technology and any have some trust issues with the security of online process.

3. Which motor insurance provider have you opted for?

Insurance Providers
Bajaj Allianz

New India Assurance

The Oriental Insurance
Company Ltd.

7% HDFC Ergo

12% Bharti AXA


Major portion is acquired by Bajaj Allianz as it is the most leading general insurance
company in India. 36% of the policyholders go with Bajaj Allianz. 26% of the
policyholders choose Bharti AXA while availing for motor insurance in India. New
India Assurance and Oriental company together constitute 31%. HDFC Ergo is on the
least with 7% of the respondents availing it. Thus we can say that nowadays people
are moving more towards private insurers as compared to govt. insurance companies.

4. Are you satisfied with the services of your motor insurance provider ?

Figure 1.25

Customer Satisfaction


Source: -Authors computation

69% of the respondents are completely satisfied with the services provided by their
insurance providers whereas 24% of them are somewhere satisfied. Only 7% of them
are not satisfied. This ensures that motor insurance companies are still at a developing
stage in India.

5. Do you feel that your motor insurance will provide complete financial
assistance the time of a mishap?

Figure 1.26

Financial Assistance




Source: -Authors Computation

Only 10% of the policyholders think that their insurers are lacking behind at
providing proper financial assistance, else 90% of them feel satisfied with the
financial assistance provided to them at the time of mishap.

6. Have you ever been in a situation where you have not received the correct
claim amount or have been denied your claim?

Figure 1.27



Don’t know


Source:- Authors Computation

75% of the policyholders have never been in any such situation rather they were given
proper financial assistance and also accurate claim amount. 8% of them were not
satisfied with the claim procedure and the amount they received and 17% of the
respondents don‟t know anything about the same.

4.4 Overall Review of survey

Figure 1.28

Chart Title
Customer Satisfaction Financial Assistence Claims

Yes No Sometimes

Source: -Authors Computation

4.5 Findings

 47% of the policyholders are looking for car insurance which constitute a
major part of motor insurance. Whereas percentage of policyholders availing
bike and commercial vehicle insurance is comparatively less which is 20%
and 33% respectively
 Due to technological enhancement, number of respondents going for online
method while availing for a policy is more as compared to the traditional
approach. 60% of the respondents buy motor insurance policies online. Still
40% of the crowd are comfortable with the traditional approach as they might
not be familiar with the technology and any have some trust issues with the
security of online process.

 Major portion is acquired by Bajaj Allianz as it is the most leading general
insurance company in India. 36% of the policyholders go with Bajaj Allianz.
26% of the policyholders choose Bharti AXA while availing for motor
insurance in India. New India Assurance and Oriental company together
constitute 31%. HDFC Ergo is on the least with 7% of the respondents
availing it. Thus we can say that nowadays people are moving more towards
private insurers as compared to govt. insurance companies.
 69% of the respondents are completely satisfied with the services provided by
their insurance providers whereas 24% of them are somewhere satisfied. Only
7% of them are not satisfied. This ensures that motor insurance companies are
still at a developing stage in India.
 Only 10% of the policyholders think that their insurers are lacking behind at
providing proper financial assistance, else 90% of them feel satisfied with the
financial assistance provided to them at the time of mishap.
 75% of the policyholders have never been in any such situation rather they
were given proper financial assistance and also accurate claim amount. 8% of
them were not satisfied with the claim procedure and the amount they received
and 17% of the respondents don‟t know anything about the same.


The Indian insurance industry cannot continue its old practices in the motor-portfolio
on which it has been operating since the nineties. Insurers in India have to keep pace
with the changing times and innovations. Demand in the motor market is growing at
steady rate. More and more automobiles will hit the Indian roads, so the growth is
assured. Product innovations and price differentiation will matter but not in immediate
future till the portfolio remains in the tariff regime. Competition in motor insurance
will therefore be for resources and competence in operations.

One must compare and choose the best vehicle insurance policy. Buying an insurance
policy, besides addressing your personal security, is also a social responsibility as
insurance, as a concept is successful, only if there is mass participation. There are a
host of insurance providers in India who offer various types of vehicle insurance
policy to suit the varying needs of individuals. It is always advisable to do an online
comparison of the premiums and benefits that are being offered by different insurance
providers before buying a policy.




Economic Times


1) What type of motor insurance policy are you looking for?

a) Car insurance b) Bike Insurance c) Commercial Vehicle

2) What method do you prefer while buying a motor insurance policy?

a) Traditional method b) Online method

3) Which motor insurance provider have you opted for?

a) Bajaj Allianz b) New india assurance c) The oriental insurance company Ltd. d)
HDFC Ergo e) Bharati AXA

4) Are you satisfied with the services of your motor insurance provider?

a) Yes b) No c) Sometimes

5) Do you feel that motor insurance will provide complete financial assistance to the
time of a mishap?

a) Yes b) No

6) Have you ever been in a situation where you have not received the correct claim
amount or have been denied your claim?

a) Yes b) No c) Don‟t know


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