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SSSI Company Manual

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2015 by Engr. LAMBERTO C. CASUL, a Civil Engineer by profession.
CBGMI is engineered by an experience professionals for both horizontal and vertical constructions,
serves both public and private sector clients across the nation. It is equally effective with the
comprehensive range of construction services.
In every step of the passing time, the management of CNGMI aspires to be the dedicated construction
company, not just in Cebu, for which the company has started, but in the whole country. Our expertise in
the construction business provides accurate estimating and effective cost-control resulting to a
resourceful project management. In building quality projects and value for our customers, we are also
building competitive people who create strong partnerships with our suppliers, subcontractors, banks, and
with our customers as well – that is, across the nation networking.
Our Vision is to be the most recognized and highly preferred construction company in the fabrication,
installation and construction of industrial plants, commercial buildings and horizontal structures in the
Philippines. Our company shall be well known for building structures with a high standard of quality at a
competitive price.
Our Mission is to deliver quality services to our clients at a good price by practicing cost efficient
methods and performing value engineering analysis while ensuring the timely delivery of their
requirements. We will create innovative construction ideas, through the support of a highly qualified
technical team
The company’s signature is an image- statement of the integral strength of the company’s vision/mission,
standards, values and commitments.
The owner and founder of Vineyard Construction says that the successes and future projects of this
company depend on God’s graces and men’s cooperation with His divine plan.
The background color is yellow indicating the color of the morning sun- accurate estimating and effective
cost- control resulting to a resourceful project management.
This is the statement embodying the company’s nature of business.
The company’s signature is an image- statement of the integral strength of the company’s vision/mission,
standards, values and commitments.
The letter V literally stands for the word Vineyard. It is a religious symbolism of God’s work-place. The
letter V also signifies human’s arms stretching and awaiting God’s grace.
The owner and founder of Vineyard Construction says that the successes and future projects of this
company depend on God’s graces and men’s cooperation with His divine plan.
The background color is yellow indicating the color of the morning sun- accurate estimating and effective
cost- control resulting to a resourceful project management.
This is the statement embodying the company’s nature of business

This Code of Conduct shall apply to employees of Vineyard Construction. This Code supersedes all
current policies, rules and regulations. Specific policies that are peculiar or not covered by this Code must
be established by each respective department based on their actual needs and organizational set-up.

1. Any and all acts violating and/or constituting a violation of the comprehensive policies detailed in
the foregoing section will be considered as violation and liable to disciplinary action. This will be
in concurrence with the appropriate provision of this code.
2. Ignorance of the policies declared in this Code as well as notices or memoranda that may be
promulgated in the future shall not justify an employee from non-observance nor from the
disciplinary action to be imposed thereon.
3. All disciplinary actions shall be imposed following the process enumerated in this code.
4. All actions to resolve or settle grievances shall abide by the relevant provisions of any
mechanism installed for such purpose.
5. Administration of disciplinary action on erring employees shall not hinder the Company from
filing criminal and/or civil charges in accordance with the applicable laws of the State.
6. In case where the infractions or offenses committed violate more than one provision of this Code,
these shall be dealt with separately.
The task of insuring that this Code will be understood and religiously complied with is collectively
entrusted to both the Human Resource Division and the Department or Division where the employee is
A. Human Resource Division will be responsible for the following:
1. Making sure that suitable measures are continuously taken to educate all employees on the policies of
this Code
2. Making sure that suitable measures are continuously taken to insure that the policies of this Code are
updated and consistent with the requirements of all operating units;
3. Making sure that suitable control measures are established to assist in the progress of the
implementation of corrective actions, to assist erring employees and to continuously forewarn department
and division heads on the negative standing, if any, of employees under them; and
4. Preparing all documents and reports as may be needed to efficiently implement provisions of this

B. All managers and supervisors of each department or division shall be responsible for:
1. Administering the policies made known in this Code, including the enforcement of disciplinary actions
to erring employees;
2. Facilitating in the resolution or settlement of any grievance that may come to light relating to this
Code; and
3. Preparing and submitting to HRD the required reports and documentations on cases investigated and/or
disciplinary actions meted out for proper recording and control.

Open Door Policy
Communication and teamwork lead us to achieving our business goals. However, every work group can
experience conflict. Our goal is to quickly resolve issues, while maximizing our work relationships.
Open, honest communication is the key to achieving this goal. If you have a problem, suggestion or
question regarding your job or working conditions, company rules and regulations we encourage you to
voice your concerns openly and directly to your supervisor. Experience has shown that when employees
deal directly with their supervisors, communication can be clear and overall morale can be positive.
However, if you feel it is not appropriate to contact your supervisor , or you feel that the situation has not
been resolved, you may wish to bring the issue to the Human Resource Department. This procedure,
which we believe is important for both you and the company and can resolve problem for the satisfaction
of both parties. The company values your input, and you should feel free to raise issues of concern, in
good faith, without fear of retaliation
It is the goal of the Company to provide a positive work environment and a solid economic foundation
upon which all employees may build a future. However, the Company is aware that personnel changes
are sometimes initiated by employees and management alike. In this regard, it is expressly understood
that employment at the Company shall continue only so long as it is mutually agreeable to each employee
and the Company.
No section of this handbook is meant to be construed, nor should be construed as establishing anything
other than an employment-at-will relationship, nor does it limit management’s discretion to make
personnel decisions.
1. Application Form
2. Two (2) 2 x 2 ID Pictures
3. NBI/Police Clearance
4. PSA Birth Certificate
5. Drug Test/Medical Certificate
6. Marriage Contract, If Married
7. SSS, Pag-ibig, Phil health, BIR TIN Number
8. Employment Certificate of Previous Employer
9. License Accreditation Certificates
10. Training/Seminar Certificates, If any.

Classification of Employment
The company will maintain standard definitions of employment status and will classify employees under
defined categories so that employees understand their employment status and benefit eligibility. These
classifications do not guarantee employment for any specified period of time.
1. Project Based – employee is hired as a project employee. If the assigned project reaches to its
completion, then the employment of the employee automatically ceases. It is within the discretion
of the company to extend such contract or convert the employment status into probationary
2. Probationary - employee is given 6 months’ probationary period and when can satisfactorily
meets the standard qualifications then will be converted to regular status
3. Regular – An employee satisfactorily meets the probationary period and is already liable to enjoy
the company’s privilege and incentives

Job Duties & Responsibilities

During your introductory period, your supervisor will explain your job responsibilities and performance
expectations. However, the Company reserves the right to alter or change job responsibilities, reassign or
transfer positions, and/or assign additional responsibilities. For example, you may be asked to work on
special projects or to assist with other work. Your cooperation and assistance in performing such work is
expected and appreciated.

Introductory Period
The first 6 months of employment are your introductory period. During this period you will have the
opportunity to determine whether you are comfortable with your position, and your supervisor will
determine your qualifications and suitability for continued employment. Your supervisor will also
conduct an informal review of your performance.
During or after the completion of the introductory period, you may be eligible for some of the benefits
described in this handbook.
Should you or your supervisor decide you are not suited for this position, your employment may be
discontinued before the end of the introductory period. The Company also reserves the right to extend the
introductory period in certain cases where the individual circumstances justify an extension. Successful
completion of the introductory period does not alter the nature of your employment relationship, which
remains at will.

Performance Evaluation
The employee will be appraised annually. Each employee will be given a chance for a salary increase
depending on the result of the performance appraisal. Supervisors and employees are strongly encouraged
to discuss job performance and goals on an informal, day-to-day basis. Formal performance evaluations
are conducted to provide both supervisors and employees the opportunity to discuss job tasks, identify
and correct weaknesses, encourage and recognize strengths and discuss positive, purposeful approaches
for meeting goals. Pay increases and promotions are based on many factors in addition to performance
and are solely within the discretion of the company.
The Human Resource department will provide the Performance Appraisal form to be duly filled up by the
employee’s immediate head and approved by the Senior Management.
Approved salary increase will be then effective on the next payroll period.

No Routing –No Work Policy

This is applicable to construction workers wherein no workers will be allowed to commence work
without any routing slip from the Human Resource Department.
Timekeepers should be keen enough not to allow any workers to enter the project site without the routing
In case any Project In Charge or Timekeepers fail to adhere with this, the said violator will be the one to
pay the payroll of the workers being employed and is also subject for the following sanction below;
1st Offense – Written Reprimand
2nd Offense - 1-week suspension
3rd Offense – 1-month suspension
4th Offense – Termination

Confidentiality Policy
Employee Records
In order to keep complete and current records, it is mandatory that you provide our office with the
following information and notify our office immediately whenever there is a change in your:
Address ,Telephone number ,Name, through marriage or otherwise ,Marital status, Number of
dependents, Emergency Contact Information .
Confidential employee information will not be given out without the prior authorization of the employee,
except as legally required.

Access to Personnel Files

The Company maintains a personnel file on each employee. The personnel file includes such information
as the employee’s job application, resume, and documentation of performance appraisals, and salary
increases, payroll records, and other employment records.
Personnel files are the property of The Company and access to the information they contain is strictly
restricted. Employees who wish to review their own file should contact their supervisor or management.
With reasonable advance notice, employees may review the contents of their own personnel files in
Company offices and in the presence from HR personnel appointed by Company to maintain the files.
Confidential Information
Employees may be privy to or have access to confidential information during the course of work. None of
this information should be discussed, revealed, or provided to any person, employee, or non-employee
unless specifically authorized or required in the course of daily business. An employee who discloses
confidential information, except as provided above, is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including
termination, and to other civil and equitable remedies that Company may have.
Confidential information includes, but is not limited to, personnel records of others, payroll and financial
information of others, property locations, business plans and strategies, and policy and personnel
manuals. Additionally, confidential information includes, but is not limited to: bid information, overhead
and other administrative burdens, bond rates, productivity, labor usage, costs, constructability, feasibility,
alternative methods of construction, customers and vendors (especially contact persons), special terms
and/or discounts offered by vendors, means and methods of estimating and bidding, terms and conditions
of prime contracts and subcontracts, quality control, construction claims, lawsuits and other legal actions,
accounting systems and controls, financial reports and formats, and computer programs.
Conflict of Interest
The Company requires that you do not engage in any outside activities that might result in a conflict of
interest. Vineyard expects you to observe the highest standards of ethics and good judgment in all
transactions relating to your duties as representatives of Vineyard and to review with your immediate
supervisor any situation that may conflict with Company’s interests or have the appearance of
If you are unsure whether your actions may constitute a conflict of interest or lead to a conflict of interest,
you must immediately discuss the matter with Senior Management. Violation of this policy may result in
disciplinary action up to and including possible discharge.

Work Schedules and Hours Policy

Each employee is required to work Eight (8) hours per day. Company office hours are from 8:00 A.M–
5:00 P.M, Monday – Saturday. There are some cases in which an employee is required to work on
Sundays and other days as requested by the management. During office hours, employees are not
allowed to get out the company premise. Only those with gate pass with valid transaction and complete
signatories are allowed to get out from the office.

Site Workers
Each site workers is required to work Eight (8) hours per day. Project site office hours are from 7:00
A.M– 5:00 P.M, Monday – Saturday. There are some cases in which an employee is required to work on
Sundays and other days as requested by the management. During office hours, employees are not
allowed to get out the company premise. Only those with gate pass with valid transaction and complete
signatories are allowed to get out from the office.
Anyone who will get out from the office without any authorization is subject for the following sanctions:
1st Offense – Written Reprimand
2nd Offense –Written Warning
3rd Offense- Written Final Warning
4th Offense- 3 Days Suspension
5th Offense – 1 Week Suspension
6th Offense – 1 Month Suspension
7th Offense – Dismissal/ Termination

Attendance Policy
Employees are responsible for being at their workstation at the beginning of their scheduled shift. If an
employee cannot report for work, or cannot be there at the starting time, he/she must notify their
supervisor before the beginning of his/her shift. Failure to notify the supervisor for 3 consecutive days
will be considered as resignation of employment. Company reserves the right to require a verification of
illness and medical release to return to work from any employee absent for three (3) or more work days.
Each employee should make the absence notification 2 hours before the planned absence. Any absence
without official leave is considered AWOL and is subject for disciplinary action.
Anyone who will violate this policy is subject for the following sanctions.
1st Offense- Written Warning
2nd Offense- Final Written Warning
3rd Offense- 2 days Suspension
4th Offense – 5 days Suspension
5th Offense- Termination

Overtime Policy
Employees are eligible to do overtime if they work beyond office hours. You must completely comply
the overtime authorization form before rendering overtime. It should be then submitted to the Human
Resource Department on the same day the overtime is rendered. The employee should make sure that the
Overtime Form is already submitted before 4:00 P.M with the specific details/ reason of overtime
indicated. Before rendering overtime it should have the signature of the immediate head approved by the
Operations Manager. Only approved overtime requisition will be subject for payroll computation.
Overtime entries should be religiously filled up and any dishonesty is considered a violation.
Any employee who will violate this policy will be subject for the following disciplinary actions:
First Offense – Written Reprimand
Second Offense – Written Warning
Third Offense – 3 Days Suspension
Fourth Offense - 1 Week Suspension
Fifth Offense - 1 Month Suspension
Sixth Offense - Dismissal/ Termination

Tardiness Policy
The company expects all employees to conduct themselves in a professional manner during
employment .Each employee is obliged to report to work 8 hours a day specifically from 8:00 A.M – 5:00
P.M, Monday- Saturday. Anyone who comes to work after 8:05 A.M is considered late. Late/ tardiness
committed with a minimum of eight (8) times per month is subject for disciplinary action. The following
will be imposed for those employees who will violate this policy.
1st Offense – Written Reprimand
2nd Offense –Written Warning
3rd Offense- Written Final Warning
4th Offense- 3 Days Suspension
5th Offense – 1 Week Suspension
6th Offense – 1 Month Suspension
7th Offense – Dismissal/ Termination

Application for Leave of Absence

Each employee is granted an application for leave of absence. It is advised that if the employee has a
planned leave, the leave of absence form should be filed 2 days before the said leave date. If in case the
employee files a sick leave he/she should immediately notify his/her immediate head and the Human
Resource Department that he/she will not be reporting due to sickness, the employee can make a call to
the office notifying his/her absence and should be done in the morning (8:00 – 9:00 A.M). In case of an
emergency leave the employee should notify immediately the immediate head and Human Resource
Department for approval. All employees should secure the Leave Form from the Human Resource

Employees who want to render under-time must strictly comply the Application for Leave Form with a
valid reason, notified by the immediate head and approved by the Construction and Finance Manager and
General Manager.
The Application for Leave Form is considered valid if and only if it has the signatures of approval from
the Construction and Finance Manager and General Manager.
Any employee who violates this policy is subject for the following disciplinary actions.
First Offense – Written Reprimand
Second Offense – Written Warning
Third Offense – 3 Days Suspension
Fourth Offense - 1 Week Suspension
Fifth Offense - 1 Month Suspension
Sixth Offense - Dismissal/ Termination

Uniform Policy
It is expected that all employees who already have their uniform is required to wear it in reporting to
work. Anyone who fails to wear the prescribed uniform of the day is subject for disciplinary action.
Please be guided of the following uniform schedule: I.D is also part of the employee’s uniform, not
wearing of i.d means not wearing the complete prescribed uniform.
The following will be imposed if the employee will violate this policy.
1st Offense – Written Reprimand
2nd Offense – Written Warning
3rd Offense - Written Final Warning
4th Offense - 3 Days Suspension
5th Offense – 1 Week Suspension
6th Offense – 1 Month Suspension
7th Offense – Dismissal / Termination

Wearing of pedals, shorts, slippers, sleeveless, short dress, extravagant accessories and any attire or
accessories not suitable for office is strictly not allowed. Anyone who will violate this is subject for the
following sanctions above.
Computer Use Policy
Each employee is provided with a personal computer to cater the needs of daily workloads. Unauthorized
use of personal computer during working hours is strictly prohibited. Opening of websites not related to
work is strictly not allowed. Anyone caught violating this policy is subject for the following sanction:
1st Offense – Written Reprimand
2nd Offense – Written Warning
3rd Offense - Written Final Warning
4th Offense - 3 Days Suspension
5th Offense – 1 Week Suspension
6th Offense – 1 Month Suspension
7th Offense – Dismissal / Termination

Drugs and Alcohol Policy

It is the company concern to prohibit the use of illegal drugs and alcohol inside the company premise. It
is strictly not allowed that anyone will report to the office under the influence of alcohol and illegal
drugs. Anyone who will violate this policy is subject for the following sanctions:
1st Offense – Written Warning
2nd Offense - Written Final Warning
3rd Offense – 1 Week Suspension
4th Offense – 1 Month Suspension
5th Offense – Dismissal / Termination

Insubordination Policy
Insubordination is a common problem in the workplace. It includes criticizing or challenging a superior's
orders, interfering with management, showing disrespect toward a supervisor, using threats, coercion or
physical violence, using abusive language and ignoring instructions. Anyone who will create
insubordination to authorized superior is subject for the following sanctions:
1st Offense- Final Warning
2nd Offense – 30 Days Suspension
3rd Offense – Termination

Malversation of Funds

Our Responsible Dominion Over Material Goods requires us to always practice honesty in its highest
sense. This also asks us to practice justice by respecting the rightful property of our fellow workers and
that of the companies we work with.

The following do not conform with the above mentioned virtues and is subject for termination.

A. Theft, robbery or appropriation for personal gain, benefit or profit of any property of the company or
of a fellow employee or a client or customer of the company, regardless of the amount involved.
B. Swindling or malversation (estafa) of funds or property of the company or of a fellow employee or of
a client or of a customer of the company.
C. Obtaining supplies or materials on fraudulent orders.
D. Alteration or removal, without authorization, of any property of the company,
or of other employees resulting in irreparable damage thereto

Falsification of Company Properties

This section seeks a behavior that manifests Love for Truth. This includes the practice of such virtues as
honesty, concern and loyalty towards our company which should go beyond self-interest. This hopes to
instill a true spirit of service with a high sense of responsibility. The following are subject for disciplinary
Work Negligence
A. Loitering, wasting time, leaving place of work during working hours without permission from his/her
supervisor, or department head or any designated person or leaving the company compound without
permission at any time before the end of the employee’s work shift
B. Malingering or feigning illness to avoid doing assigned work or reporting for work. (This includes
absence due to Sick Leave but employee is neither at home or medical institution.)
C. Sleeping on company time while on duty.
D. Failure to follow written or oral instructions made by Company superiors, as well as Company
memorandum and circulars, or failure to perform assigned work due to simple negligence
E. Persuading, inducing or influencing another employee to perform an act constituting a violation of this
Code or other existing rules and regulations or policies on an office in connection with the duty or
function of the latter allowing himself to be persuaded, induced, or influenced to commit such violation
or offense. Penalty for the violation committed shall likewise be imposed on the person who employed
persuasion, inducement or influence.
Anyone who will violate the offenses stated above is subject for the following sanctions;
1st Offense- Final Warning
2nd Offense – 30 Days Suspension
3rd Offense – Termination

Offenses Against Company Interest

Favoring suppliers, media, customer or any other person in consideration of kickbacks, personal rebates
or any valuable consideration.
Offering or accepting anything of value in exchange for a job, work assignment, work location, or
favorable condition of employment.
Directly or indirectly requesting or receiving any gift, present, share, percentage or any form of benefit or
favor, for himself or for any other person in connection with any business, contract, application or
transaction between the company and any other party, wherein the employee in his official capacity has
to intervene.
Directly or indirectly having financial or pecuniary interest in any business, contract or
transaction in connection with which he intervenes or takes part in his official capacity

The following are subject for the following sanction:

1st Offense – Final Written Warning
2nd Offense – 30 Days Suspension
3rd Offense - Termination

Company Conduct Policy

The Company will conduct its business fairly, impartially, in an ethical and proper manner, in
accordance with the company's Vision – Mission, and in full compliance with all laws and regulations.
The highest standards of ethical business conduct and compliance are required of Vineyard employees in
performance of their company responsibilities. Employees must not engage in conduct or activity that
may raise questions as to the company's honesty, impartiality, or reputation or otherwise cause
embarrassment to the company. Conduct that is prohibited under Company policy or does not comply
with laws and regulations may not be accomplished on an employee's behalf by anyone outside the
We would like Respect for Human Sexuality to pervade in our work areas. This is a divine gift given to
every man and woman whose purpose in marriage is definite-love and pro creation only in marriage.
Alongside this virtue is the observance of modesty, chastity and decency.
A. Reporting for work while under the influence of liquor and/or intoxicating drinks and/or prohibited
B. Drinking or bringing in any liquor, intoxicating drinks into company premises or on company
sponsored activities. Use of or bringing in prohibited drugs on company premises or on company
sponsored activities.
C. Making false, vicious or malicious statement concerning any employee
D. Any act constituting offense against honor (libel, defamation, slander) committed while in company
premises or in relation to work.
E. Conduct of grossly scandalous or indecent nature or using profane or indecent language
in addressing another person on company time or on company property.
F. Any and all acts constituting sexual harassment and/or any motives committed against co-employees
regardless of position, rank or gender.

Anyone who will violate this policy is subject for the following sanctions:

1st Offense – Written Warning

2nd Offense – 1 Month Suspension
3rd Offense – Dismissal / Termination

Resignation/ Termination Policy

In case the employee intend to resign from the Company, he/she is required to notify the Company at
least thirty (30) days prior to the effectivity of resignation, each employee needs to completely turn over
and delegate all tasks to the one who will take over the position, all existing accomplishment and works
should be also properly delegated to the newly hired employee and should not by any means be ruined or
deleted, otherwise, failure of the employee’s part to do so will render the employee liable for damages.
However, it is within the sole discretion of the Company whether or not to accept such resignation earlier
than the expiration of said period.
Termination of employment is made by, a.) Expiration of the contract; b.) Termination of the contract by
the company with just cause; c.) if the employee is unable to continue to work due to work connected or
work aggravated injury of illness; d.) Force of majeure; and e.) in such other cases when contract of
employment is terminated due to failure and non-observance of company’s standard operating procedures
Site Workers
Each site workers is required to work Eight (8) hours per day. Project site office hours are from 7:00
A.M– 5:00 P.M, Monday – Saturday. There are some cases in which an employee is required to work on
Sundays and other days as requested by the management. During office hours, employees are not
allowed to get out the company premise. Only those with gate pass with valid transaction and complete
signatories are allowed to get out from the office.
Anyone who will get out from the office without any authorization is subject for the following sanctions:
1st Offense – Written Reprimand
2nd Offense –Written Warning
3rd Offense- Written Final Warning
4th Offense- 3 Days Suspension
5th Offense – 1 Week Suspension
6th Offense – 1 Month Suspension
7th Offense – Dismissal/ Termination

Pay Adjustments
Salary increases or decreases are based on merit, business conditions or other appropriate factors
determined by management in its sole discretion. Any pay increase given would be determined by the
General Manager and Operations Manager.

Pay Advances
The Company does not provide pay advances on unearned wages to employees.
Administrative Pay Corrections
The Company takes all reasonable steps to ensure that employees receive the correct amount of pay in
each payroll and that employees are paid promptly on the scheduled payday. In the unlikely event that
there is an error in the amount of pay, the employee should promptly bring the discrepancy to the
attention of the Accounting Department.
Final Pay
If the Company terminates an individual’s employment, all wages and accrued vacation earned but
unpaid will be paid on the termination date.
Severance Pay
The company will not grant severance pay upon termination of employment. You will receive your final
paycheck for all hours worked and accrued vacation at the time of separation from the company.
Benefit Plans
The company is pleased to offer employees a variety of benefits. Our policy is to provide meaningful
benefits for the protection and well being of eligible employees. However, because business
conditions and affordability change over time, we reserve the right to modify or discontinue any
benefits currently provided. Information on available benefits will be provided at the time of hire.
Health Insurance Benefit
The company provides each employee a free Health Insurance plan that each employee can avail in cases
of medical attention. Such benefit is subject for management’s discretion.
Vacation / Sick Leave
All regular, full-time employees are eligible to accrue vacation/sick leave, beginning at the time of
regularization. Leaves are computed based on a calendar year. Part-time and temporary employees are
not eligible to earn, or be paid for, vacation benefits. Vacation / Sick Leave credits for regular employees
are subject for management discretion but will not lessen the standard labor service incentive leave
The company provides the following holidays each year: As per proclamation
The company likewise honor employee’s birthday. Any employee who will have their birthday can
receive a Two Thousand Pesos (Php 2,000) in cash, this serves as birthday incentive from the company.
Each employee is given an incentive for a cash advance request in case of emergency reason. The
company will cater the employee’s needs without interest and can be paid in a staggered payment subject
for payroll deduction.
The company will cater the 40% tuition of an employee’s child given that the child belongs to the top 5
of the whole class (this is applicable for elementary and secondary levels only). Corresponding
documents should be presented to the Human Resource department for verification purposes.
If it becomes necessary for an employee who is the parent or guardian of a child to attend the child's
school to discuss possible suspension, the employee should alert his or her supervisor as soon as possible
so that appropriate alternative arrangements may be made.
Employees who are hired and assigned to special work area assignment is subject for the following;
Free Accommodation
Incentive Leave every after 2 months (provided notice is given 1 month before
allowance worth Three Thousand Six Hundred Pesos monthly
Such privilege is only applicable for special work area assignment and is not valid for normal area of
work assignment.


Each employee has a personal responsibility in accident prevention. He or she has a responsibility to his
family, to his fellow workers, and to his employer. Some of the employee’s responsibilities are:
To report all injuries immediately, no matter how slight the injury may be.
To know and obey safety rules.
To understand the consequences for violating established company safety rules.
To caution fellow workers when they perform unsafe acts.
To discuss questions or concerns with your supervisor when there is any doubt concerning safety.
To refrain from tampering with anything which you do not understand.
To report all unsafe conditions or equipment to your supervisor or management immediately.
Safety Rules
Your safety, and that of those who work with you, is one of our greatest concerns. The company will
endeavor to provide a clean, healthy, and safe place to work. With an alert safety attitude, you can help
eliminate painful and costly accidents.
The following is an outline of Vineyard safety practices and procedures established for administrative
employees. All Vineyard personnel are required to read and observe these safety rules. Failure to comply
with established safety rules can be cause for disciplinary action.
The Company firmly believes in preventive safety measures and encourages all employees to participate
in the further development of our safety program by making safety suggestions and/or recommendations.
Safety Tips:
Report any injuries immediately to your supervisor or management. Report to work rested, and mentally
and physically fit to perform your work.
All employees shall drive safely and obey all traffic laws.
Report any unsafe conditions to your supervisor or management.
Keep “horseplay” and roughhousing away from the work place. Practical jokes often become painful
Keep your mind on your job – and temper under control always!
Never perform a task that you feel is unsafe.
Give your wholehearted support to safety activities

Safety Health
A poorly designed workstation or work environment can cause health problems. It also impairs
concentration and productivity. No matter how comfortable your workstation, sitting in essentially the
same position for long periods of time can be tiring and stressful.
So can prolonged periods of reading or viewing a computer screen. Eyestrain usually results in headaches
and fatigue, as well as loss of concentration.
Take stretch breaks, use eye-relaxation exercises, and make a point of diversifying work activities. As a
general rule, variety of physical motion reduces the likelihood of stress or repetitive motion injury.
If you have concerns regarding your work environment, let your supervisor or management knows
immediately. Additional educational materials on office ergonomics are available upon request.


All travel in company vehicles on other than company business must be authorized in advance by
Management. This includes vehicles that may be leased by the company as well as those vehicles that are
owned by the company.
The following are policies related to company owned/leased vehicles. Monthly records must be kept for
all mileage driven. Company owned/leased vehicles will be driven only as needed for jobs during
working hours. Company owned/leased vehicles will be driven only for transportation to and from
destinations as specified. Company owned/leased vehicles will not be driven for private use unless
specific arrangements have been made in advance. Only the driver assigned is authorized to sign for
gasoline, oil, etc...
All charge receipts must include the name and address of the vendor, the date of purchase, the number of
gallons purchased, the amount paid, the vehicle ID number, and the mileage on the odometer.

Alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs or chemicals will not be allowed in a company vehicle at any time.
No driver who has been drinking alcoholic beverages or is under the influence of drugs or chemicals will
be allowed to drive a company owned/leased vehicle.
No one, other than an authorized company employee, is permitted to operate or ride in a company-
owned/leased vehicle.
Vehicles must be kept clean (interior and exterior) at all times and thoroughly washed on a regular basis.
Vehicles must be properly maintained according to the manufacturer's schedule. Any employee who
misuses a company owned/leased vehicle will be subject to dismissal.
Any damage to a company owned/leased vehicle caused by employee carelessness or misjudgment is the
responsibility of the employee. This includes insurance deductibles.

Personal Vehicles
Employees may use their personal vehicles on official company business. A mileage rate based on
acceptable and current regulations will be paid to an employee who uses his/her personal vehicle on
official company business. Minimum insurance requirements as specified by the company's insurance
carrier must be in effect at the time the employee's personal vehicles is used and the employee may be
required to provide the appropriate proof of insurance.
Travel Expenses
The company will reimburse an employee for some expenses incurred when he/she is on assignment
away from the normal work location. The company will reimburse the employee for the cost of travel,
lodging, meals, or other expenses directly related to accomplishing the assignment.
Employees are expected to limit expenses to reasonable amounts.
All business travel must be approved in advance by the Immediate Supervisor. Travel and/or business
expenses submitted for reimbursement must be accompanied by receipts showing name(s), date(s),
business discussed amount(s) and the account to be charged.
Questions concerning the proper procedure for making travel arrangements or reservations, the types and
amounts of expenses that will be reimbursed, personal travel and traveling with companions,
All business receipts will be name under the Company.

Travel Per Diem

Each employee assigned to travel outside from his area of responsibility is given the corresponding per
Meals – Php 100 per meal
Accommodation – Php1500 – Php 2000 per room

Visayas & Mindanao

Meals – Php 80 per meal
Accommodation – Php 700 – Php 1000
All expenses are subject for liquidation and should be in accordance with the Accounting policies.


I further acknowledge that it is my responsibility to read this information, to ask questions of my
immediate supervisor if I do not understand any of the information in this handbook, and to abide by and
observe all of the information and rules, policies and procedures explained therein, including future
changes or additions to the Employee Handbook. I further understand that the company may change,
rescind, or add to any policies, benefits, or practices described in the Handbook from time to time in its
sole and absolute discretion, but that I will be notified in writing in advance of any such changes. I also
understand that this handbook supersedes all previous handbooks and all other rules or policy statements
on subjects contained herein.
It is expressly understood that employment at the Company shall continue only so long as it is mutually
agreeable to an employee and the Company. Either an employee or the Company may terminate
employment for any reason whatsoever, with or without cause, and at any time. No section of this
handbook is meant to be construed, nor should be construed as establishing anything other than an
employment-at-will relationship, nor does it limit management’s discretion to make personnel decisions.
This employment-at-will relationship can only be changed in a writing signed by both the Management of
the Company and the employee in question.
Employee signature________________________
Print Name ________________________
Date _________________________


A. Being late for five (5) times in a month or for a total of five (5) hours in a month.
B. Incurring three absences without proper notice or leave application.
C. Taking or drinking alcoholic or intoxicating beverages during working hours or while inside company
D. Possession of cellphone and cigarettes inside company premises.
E. Taking part in gambling game or any game of chance during office hours or within company premises.
F. Allowing or assisting the entry of unauthorized persons within company premises.
G. Deliberate or willful disobedience to a lawful order of the superior.
H. Possession and/or use of prohibited/regulated narcotic drugs in any form and quantity.
I. Theft of company properties, eg; company materials and equipment.
J. Gross negligence in the use of company property resulting in damage or injury thereto or to its
employee within company premises.
K. Inflicting bodily injury or harm to another employee within company premises.
L. Sleeping while on duty.
M. Non-wearing proper construction uniform and proper protective equipment and apparels, eg: safety
shoes, hard hats, hand gloves, welding and cutting mask, safety belt and lifeline.
N. Defecating or urinating to undesignated area (toilets) inside the jobsite.

1st Offense – Written Warning
2nd Offense – Final Warning
3rd Offense - Termination
Offenses which are not listed herein and which might have been committed by an employee shall be dealt
with appropriate penalty depending upon the gravity of the infraction.

The End

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