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JPOST Journal of Prosthetics Orthotics Science Technology

Volume x, Number x Year xxxx

ISSN (online): 2962-8016

DOI: xx.xxxxx/jpost.vxix.xx


(Trebuchet MS 14 pt, space 1, Bold, consists of 5-12 words)

Author1, Author 2, Author3 (Trebuchet MS 11pt Bold)

Prosthetics and Orthotics Department, Polytechnic of Health Sciences Jakarta I, Indonesia
Prosthetics and Orthotics Department, Polytechnic of Health Sciences Jakarta I, Indonesia
Prosthetics and Orthotics Department, Polytechnic of Health Sciences Jakarta I, Indonesia

Article History Abstract

Received date

Revised date

Accepted date

Keywords: Abstracts in English should have a maximum of 250 words, and be written in
Trebuchet MS, size 10 font, and sentence case. The abstract should be written as a
(consist of 3-5 words) single paragraph in a column format. It should provide a concise and factual
description of the core problems being addressed, the purpose of the research, the
method used to solve the problem, and the scientific findings obtained that directly
address the problem. The main conclusions should also be included. As abstracts are
presented separately from articles, they must be able to stand alone. Please avoid
using non-standard abbreviations. If an abbreviation is important, it must be defined
in the first mention of the abstract.

This is an open access article

under the CC-BY-SA license.

Copyright © by Author.

Published by Politeknik

Jurusan Ortotik Prostetik, Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta I

Jl. Wijaya Kusuma No. 48 Cilandak Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
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Kesehatan Kemenkes Jakarta I

Author Correspondence:


Merdeka Street No. 2 Blok X Central Jakarta, Indonesia


Jurusan Ortotik Prostetik, Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta I

Jl. Wijaya Kusuma No. 48 Cilandak Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Page | 3

Introduction (Trebuchet 11pt Bold) around your figures.

The introductory section is presented in an
integrated manner without subtitles, in the
form of a paragraph that comprises 15-20% of Table 1. Frequency Distribution
the article's length. It should contain the
background or rationale for the research, a Variabel Frequency Percent (%)
brief overview of the theoretical basis x 75 75
(including literature review), and the
formulation of research objectives. y 50 15
z 10 10
The introduction should include the
Source: Research data….
background of the problem, a concise
literature review, as well as the research
problems and objectives. The font used should
be Trebuchet MS with a size of 11 pt, and the
distance between lines should be 1 (one)
space. Each paragraph should begin with an
indented word, which is positioned 1 (one) tab
from the left edge of each column.

The method used is described in detail, and for
unusual methods, a reference must be
included. The description should contain the
research design, research objectives, Figure 1. Differences between FES and AFO
techniques, data collection instruments, and
data analysis techniques.
The discussion section is the most
important part of the entire content of a
Results scientific article. The purpose of the discussion
Results can be displayed in graphs, is to answer the research questions, interpret
the findings, integrate the research findings
diagrams/ pictures or tables typed with one
into existing knowledge, develop new theories
space, size 10. All non-standard abbreviations
or modify existing ones using logical and
are described in footnotes. Figure labels should
systematic language. For numbering, use A. 1.
be legible, with 10-point type. To insert a. 1). a), and so on.
images in Microsoft Word, position the cursor
at the insertion point and either use Insert |
Picture | Insert Picture from File or copy the Conclusion and Recommendation
image to the Windows clipboard and then use
Home | Paste | Paste Special | Picture. All The conclusion and recommendations in
figures and tables must be in place in the text answering research problems are made based
near, but not before, where they are first on the research results. Statements must be
mentioned. Large figures and tables may span firm and not contain numbers. The proposed
both columns, but may not extend into the recommendations should be logical, consistent
page margins. Figure captions should be below with research findings, and not arbitrary.
the figures; table captions should be above the
tables. Do not put captions in “text boxes”
linked to the figures. Do not put borders References
Jurusan Ortotik Prostetik, Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta I
Jl. Wijaya Kusuma No. 48 Cilandak Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Page | 4

Here are some guidelines for references in a An example of writing a bibliography is as

journal: follows:

1. Use a consistent citation style Book:

throughout your journal article, such as Seymour, R. (2002). Prosthetics and orthotics:
lower limb and spinal. Lippincott
APA, MLA, or Chicago style.
Williams & Wilkins.
2. Provide a complete reference for each
source cited in your article, including Article in Journal:
the author(s), publication date, title, Quintero-Quiroz, C., & Pérez, V. Z. (2019).
journal or book title, volume and issue Materials for lower limb prosthetic and
number (if applicable), page numbers, orthotic interfaces and sockets: Evolution
and any other relevant information. and associated skin problems. Revista de
3. Arrange references in alphabetical la Facultad de Medicina, 67(1), 117-125.
order by the last name of the first
author. If there are multiple sources by
the same author, arrange them
chronologically by publication date.
4. Use italics for book and journal titles,
but not for article or chapter titles.
5. Provide the DOI (digital object
identifier) or URL (uniform resource
locator) for online sources whenever
6. Use et al. when citing sources with
more than three authors.
7. Be consistent in the formatting of your
references, including punctuation,
capitalization, and abbreviation.
8. Check the accuracy of your references
carefully, including spelling and
punctuation, to avoid errors.
9. Be sure to follow the specific guidelines
and requirements of the journal you are
submitting your article to regarding
references and citation style.
10. Include all cited references in a
reference list at the end of your article,
formatted according to the chosen
citation style.
11. Each article contains at least 18
bibliography references. List only one
reference per reference number. If a
reference is available from two sources,
each should be listed as a separate

**Nb: The use of reference managers (e.g.

Mendeley, EndNote) is mandatory.

Jurusan Ortotik Prostetik, Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta I

Jl. Wijaya Kusuma No. 48 Cilandak Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia

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