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Jurnal Kebidanan: Tittle of Manuscript (12pt Bold Capitalize Each Word, Written in English)

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Volume x Nomor x (20xx) x-x

p-ISSN: 2089-7669 ; e-ISSN: 2621-2870

Tittle of Manuscript
(12pt; Bold; Capitalize each word, Written in English)

Name of Author1 Name of Author 2 Name of Author 3 (10 pt)

Department of Midwifery, Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, Indonesia (10 pt normal italic)
Department of Nursing Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, Indonesia (10 pt normal italic)
Department of Dental Nursing, Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, Indonesia (10 pt normal italic)

Corresponding author: Written name of author (10 pt)

Email: written email of corresponding author (10 pt)

Received: written by editor; Revised: written by editor; Accepted: written by editor

(date of submission, 10pt)

The abstract should be clear, concise and descriptive. It is written in 11pt Times New Roman in
English only and preferably not more than 250 words. The abstract should be typed as concise as possible
and should be composed of: problem statement, method, scientific finding results, and a short
conclusion. The abstract should be typed in one paragraph only. All sections in the manuscript should be
typed using Times New Roman font. Authors should use this document as their article template. Articles
must be written in A4 text size (210 x 297 mm) and the left margin format 25 mm, right margin 20 mm,
top margin 30 mm, and bottom margin 20 mm. The manuscript must be written in Times New Roman
font with 11 pt font size (except article title, author name and abstract title), one space spacing, and in a
two-column format (except for article title, author's name and abstract). The distance between columns is
5 mm (0.2 inches).

Keyword : abstract; midwifery; words; research

(written in 10pt, maximum of 5 keywords separated by semicolon (;) crucial to the appropriate indexing of the
papers are to be given.)

Introduction state of the art study to show the focus of these

(Pendahuluan) studies what, what is lacking, why this research is
important and the purpose of the research.. The
Manuscripst is written in Indonesian (except author must avoid duplication/ repetition of
abstract tittle, abstract content and keywords), unnecessary explanations of his / her own work
11pts Times New Roman and single spacing. that has been published.
Background provides the state of the art of the
study and consist of an adequate background, the Methods
previous researches of the study to show the (Metode Penelitian)
scientific novelties of the paper. The introduction
must contain (sequentially) the general Method consists of research design, place
background, the state of the art as a basis for the and time of research, population and samples, data
statement of scientific novelty of the article, gap measurement and data analysis methods. Please
analysis of what has been produced by previous provide sufficient details of the methods include
research, and the statement of the importance of ethical conduct include number of ethical
the research carried out. At the end of the clearance.
introduction must be stated explicitly the purpose
of the article review. In the format of scientific
articles, literature review is not permitted as in the
research report, but is manifested in the form of a
Copyright @2019, JURNAL KEBIDANAN,
Results and Discussion References
(Hasil dan Pembahasan) (Daftar Pustaka)

The results and discussion contain scientific All references referred to in the text of the
research / development findings and discussions. article must be registered in the References section.
Scientific findings (scientific finding) obtained The bibliography must contain reference libraries
from the results of research that has been carried originating from at least 80% of primary sources
out are described in this chapter but must be (scientific journals) issued at the latest 10 (ten)
supported by adequate data. The scientific findings years. Each article contains at least 10 (ten)
referred to here are not data obtained from research references. The format of citations and preparation
results (can be attached as supplementary files). of bibliography must follow the IEEE format.
The scientific findings must be explained Writing references in text articles and bibliography
scientifically including: What scientific findings should use reference management application
were obtained? Why did that happen? Why are programs, such as Mendeley, End Note and Zotero.
trend variables like that? All these questions must
be explained scientifically, not only descriptive, if For Example
necessary supported by adequate scientific basis
phenomena. In addition, it must be explained the [1] N. Devi, Nutrition and Food: Gizi untuk
connection with the existing concepts and their Keluarga. Jakarta: Kompas, 2010
comparison with previous studies, whether the [2] Cornelia, E. Sumedi, I. Anwar, R. Ramayulis,
results of the study are appropriate or not, better or S. Iwaningsih, T. Kresnawan, and H. Nurlita,
not and other aspects. Result describe the major Konseling Gizi. Jakarta: Penebar Plus+, 2013.
findings of the study. It should be clear, concise [3] V. N. Wijayaningrum and F. Utaminingrum,
and can be reports on texts or graphics. Please “Numerical Methods for Initialization in
provide some introduction for the information Fodder Composition Optimization, “in 2016
presented on tables or images. International Conference on Advanced
The discussion should be explore the Computer Science and Information Systems
significance of the results of the study. The (ICACSIS), Malang, Indonesia, Oct. 2016,
following components should be covered in pp.397-400.
discussion. How do your result relate to the
original question or objectives outlined in the
background section (what)? Do you provide
interpretation scientifically for each of your results
or findings presented (why)? Are you result
consistent with what other investigators have
reported (what else)? Or are there any differences?

The Conclusion should answer the
objectives of the study or hypothesis. Provide a
clear scientific justification for your study, and
indicate possible recommendation for midwifery
practice and future practice. Conclusions are stated
as paragraphs. Numbering or itemize is not
permitted in this chapter.

(Ucapan Terimakasih)

Acknowledgements (if any). Briefy

acknowledgments research funders, and any
research participants in this section.

Copyright @2019, JURNAL KEBIDANAN,

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