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MRD-004 June 2020

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of Printed Pages : 4 MRD-004


Term-End Examination-2020



Time : 3 Hours] (Maximum Marks : 100

Note: Attempt all the five questions. All questions carry
"equal marks. Answers to question No. 1 and 2
should not exceed 800 words each.

1. Describe the types and techniques of interview for

conducting research. 20
Describe the important features of a research
report. 20
2. What is the importance of hypothesis? Describe
the characteristics and the forms of Hypothesis.
What is descriptive research? Explain various
types of descriptive research. 20
3. Answer any two of the following questions in about
400 words each:
(a). Describe the characteristics of experimental
research. 10
(b) What is action research? Distinguish between
action research and applied research. 10
(c) Explain the main steps of a Case Study
research method. 10
4. Attempt any four of the following questions in about
200 words each:
(a) Explain objectivity in naturalistic studies 5
(b) Mention characteristics of a good
questionnaire 5
(c) What is quota sample? 5
(d) What do you mean by univariate analysis? 5
(e) Distinguish between evaluation research and
basic research. 5
(f) Explain the nature and scope of research in
rural development. 5
5. Write short notes on any five of the following in about
100 words each
(a) Diagnostic Research 4
(b) Socio-Economic Surveys 4
(c) Research Design 4
(d) Multiple Realities 4
(e) Limitations ofAttitude Scales 4
(t) Expressive Documents 4
(g) Importance of Appendices 4
(h) Bibliography and References 4

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400 sTQ 4 4.Aq:
(a) grzilfrm Q t ititivrA 1aufiq tftql 10
(b) WEI( tiff 4zrr itzfr ATI aS afigoiRcp
if i I 10
(c) i i GNERF Rliq Wit * TAT wur pitz
iTl 10
4. 4-1 4# qr.( t (51-4- ) f
200 YIQ 4 41'47:
(a) S 3lt749" # ititItitc1X11 cICAqI 5
(b) 31-att A i it4)Tdiali
(c) tET -tit WIT t? 5
(d) ktvit ftvAtrur # ailtRi EIT GTO %? 5
(e)- att IF R114 4 id.4 trAgi 5
(f) R cbitf tET AttaR Wziti ITZ
trA71 5
5. f;"iRiRcin 4 #1%-4fik tr( tato Ruatii (lic44))
owl 100 %cal 4 itft17:
(a) 41110-Ic4, k 4
(b) o1'1iTigreTlNOT 4
(c) aTIETR Tritlifff 4
(d) c titiiti 4
(e) eifilee* 9imcb i ti19ik 4
(f) eTfiTarl Tefik 4
(g) ItittZ rigN 4
(h) T f 414 3.11-t 4

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