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Master of Commerce Term-End Examination December, 2019: No. of Printed Pages: 8

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Term-End Examination
1 -1-1 -1 4 December, 2019



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage : 70%)

Note : Answer any five questions. All questions carry

equal marks.

1. Discuss the following methods of research :

(a) Survey method 10

(b) Historical method 10

2. What do you understand by the term 'Research

Design' ? Discuss different components of a
research design. 5+15

MCO-03 1 P.T.O.
3. A detergent manufacturer wants to know
whether there are any significant differences
among male and female users between Brand A,
Brand B and Brand C of the detergent they use.
A survey conducted for the purpose gives the
following results :

Brand of Detergent
Brand A Brand B Brand C Total
Male 138 83 64 285

Female . 64 67 84 215

Total 202 150 148 500

Calculate chi-square statistics and determine

whether the brand of detergent is independent of
the users' gender given that at 2 degrees of
freedom and 0.05 level of significance the table
value is 5.991. 20

4. (a) What do you understand by the following

terms ? 5x2=10
(i) Range
(ii) Mean Deviation
(iii) Standard Deviation
(iv) Quartile Deviation
(v) Coefficient of Variance

MCO-03 2
(b) The following data relates to mean sales
and standard deviation of product X in
three departmental stores :
Departmental Mean Standard
Store Sales Deviation
Store-A 40 5.24
Store-B 70 8.12
Store-C 59 10.89
Among the above three stores, which store
is more consistent ? 10

5. (a) What do you understand by the following

terms ? 2x5=10
(i) Point Estimation
(ii) Interval Estimation

(b) Discuss the advantages of t-test in a survey

research. 10

6. (a) What do you understand by the term

`Statistical Fallacy' ? Explain. 5

(b) What are the stages at which statistical

fallacies may arise ? 5

(c) Discuss with examples how statistics can be

misinterpreted. 10
MCO-03 3 P.T.O.
7. (a) Differentiate between primary data and
secondary data with examples. 10

(b) What do you understand by 'Simple

Random Sampling' ? Discuss the process to
select a random sample using 'simple
random sampling'. 2+8

8. Write short notes on any four of the

following : 4x5=20

(a) Uses of Index Numbers

(b) Difference between Mean and Weighted


(c) Questionnaire Method

(d) Systematic Sampling

(e) Nominal Scale
(f) Interval Scale

MCO-03 4

gllu i%zq tAiliql TIt 3 141

/miff tritUr

Rtii-44 ,e, 2019

74.1:11.311-03 : 39*TM Rare 74 til t9c1 qui

F927: 3 /PS' 317 T 3/W: 100

(35ci : 70%)

fdp-0-7 InV Nw-7 aur ef4q Foft a* HAIM

ar§itrrq 144-1RiRsicr -ftfirzil %Hi *rf4R :

(c ) Raw ?A 10

. %IfZich %RE 10

2. `argitIT4 (31fiKFT)' aTTEM WIT 01c14 ?

argiVrq wwq-r 1 f1trz-4 f4-4-4-41
trNg I 5+15

MCO-03 5 P.T.O. .
3. (115-1 Czir=i4iicif (detergent manufacturer) A7
411.1.11 11W11 TEri "R.W #1. d'it1) 1 1chtliat q).
.115.1* Wig A, Wig B R4 C t,
* (differences) t I W 3-04 A PIA
TR 'Ow Tu P+R-Osid tritum:r Smr 7 :
11i5-1 (detergent) W g

Afir- *rf
Wig A Wig B ig C


347 138 83 64 285

Pit 64 67 84 215

z4rf 202 150 148 500

*Tt-q4 aTtwt (statistics) *I- iTuRT *I'N7 WiTT

i* At 2 (2 degrees of
freedom) 74 0.05 kiltichcIt (significance) 17R 7
vti 5.991 t, AlTiftff *IN7
Wig .344.4) , Ichil311 * (gender) A k<ICIA I 20

4. ()
14-.1 vr- 1 A 311 ,Tdit-44 ? 5x2=10

(i) 71-4 (Range)

(ii) id-dF4 (Mean Deviation)
iimen f49d7 (Standard Deviation)
(iv) q-24 149-FR- (Quartile Deviation)
(v) ±lulict) (Coefficient of Variance)

MCO-03 6
oRgcr 31-1-+-t cfo -rrh. TzW 4 3r41‹ X
TT 14Shel (mean sales) WM 1-1frich 1 FR.
4 *ruff :
f414TiTh 1:1112( +.11-14)
tell idsnt4 f4-4-e4
-d)t-A 40 5.24
c)t-B 70 812
-e-.1t-C 59 10.89
zcrzjw 41 .9. 4 4 0q4f tell alfir*TiTrff
(consistent) ? 10

5. PHIC16 f Yf 4 aiTEKT WIT cuc44 ? 2x5=10

(i) fis 3Tr*--eq (Estimation)
(ii) aidUF 31TWF4

(ii) rakit71 313.44R Zel-tfttquf (t-test)

W4-11 -‘t *rr--A7 10

6. (T) ITP:rwaf 4 aTrcrwr ?

*rfA-R 5

Oq-Tft 31-4.1:wr t A.1 (94414 v-P4--+-0

t *NA # ? 5

(7) 74r-gull (-1 o *zrrA7

-- tser‘l
fd)eit tI 10
MCO-03 7 P.T.O.
7. 3rrarrr t,4441 sir ferw 1144; 4 z7Fu1
3 W.A.Ri 10

(10 `(-ito 31i -tiem' (Simple Random

Sampling) A. 311T*7 47IT dicq4 ? 'kiln
m1"-aem ralV d'Ael) 4 1 mtcl T

lIr ed-oi a 1 m6tir ti frda-4T


8. -11-1RiRsid. 4 .4 WIT tR -414-Tud

few : 4x5=20

() TEA*4 (Index Numbers)* dgei)+1

(§) Trif64 (Mean) Wall. d Trruf 4 aim

(TT )
slY-ilcirit (Questionnaire) fAT

(1:1 )
eeici t.ei -ft-OR- ( Systematic Sampling)

(3) -11 10111 11TRE

(a) 34--dTm ti-RT

8 25,000

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