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Bachelor's Preparatory Programme (B P.P.) (For Non 10+2) Term-End Examination June, 2015 OMT-101: Preparatory Course

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No. of Printed Pages : 20 OMT-101

Bachelor's Preparatory Programme (B P.P.)

(For Non 10+2)
Term-End Examination
June, 2015

OMT-101 : Preparatory Course in General

Mathematics (Revised)

Time : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 50

k-iloch sm.( enitistoi

(1*-41' 10+2)
Tffiff lIft4Tr
T4, 2015

: 11I1miiNcri Lucktistiii (Tivilf4a)

Fria?. : 2 Eiu2 arrw----dv : 50

OMT-1 01
General Instructions :

Preparatory Course in General Mathematics (Revised) (OMT-101) Questions 1- 50

(i) This is an objective type question paper. Options for the correct answer must be
marked only in OMR sheet.

(ii) All questions are compulsory.

(iii) The question paper consists of 50 questions each of which carries one mark.

(iv) Each question has four alternatives, one of which is correct. Write the Sl. No. of your
correct alternative /answer below the corresponding question number in the OMR
sheet and then mark the rectangle for the same number in that column. If you find that
none of the given alternatives is correct then write 0 and mark in column 0.

(v) Do not waste time in reading the whole question paper. Go on solving questions one by
one. You may come back to the left out questions, if you have time at the end.

(vi) Use of calculators is not allowed.

OMT-1 01 2
Trmrsvirfard mti to 41ciiisoii (ti49 tin) (3ft.71.t.-101) V 1— 50

(i) uirg Wggli 3777-rff * / 3Ti * fie act OMR 412c 7:1 Atafq /

(ii) Mft 3R7 Name ff /

(iii) T 377-r/V #50 7417 glai? mre?ch 5R7 • aiw

streich P Finr Qehe-ci ff, k7 W / aft. 777.377-t. et? .f&ljfik

fi4 T ststich thir 3 7 FiZ5Eff * #N" Afs?' 371-( fez 3# stwict) 3r7.1?T
En' Tit et)i-crH c-fikb 377( arm 177(1 sit Ichr,-(1 art q-e 0
atk oicvi o #1-4 clill

(v) sgw-tiverroif Wiz/ cot 77-ff *,-OV / W1 7w9,4,7eq5( vihn urrn‘

# Rquir * r3/W e semi fichrn /

(vi) elegwie< • *. met it en<a NT/ft Ref*

OMT-101 3
1. The zero of the polynomial x3 — 7x2 + 8x + 4 is
(1) 1 (2) 2
(3) 8 (4) 7

2. 5
For which value of a, is the number — not a rational number ?
(1) 5 (2) — 1
(3) It (4)

3. 10% of 10% of x, is what percent of x ?

(1) 20% (2) 10%
(3) 1% (4) 100%
6 24
[r) x 5) - (A)

(1) (_ 4

5. If the area of a square is increased by four times, then its side is increased by
(1) two times (2) four times
(3) eight times (4) six times

6. On simplification 1.3 ÷ 5.2 + 10 ÷ 100 gives

(1) 0.26 (2) 1.25
(3) 0.25 (4) 0.35
7. Which of the following statements is false ?
(1) Two circles with equal radii are congruent.
(2) Two squares with equal sides are congruent.
(3) Two isosceles triangles are congruent.
(4) Two rhombuses with equal sides are congruent.

OMT-1 01 4
1. tlIT4 x3 - 7x2 + 8x + 4 kr4ict.)

(1) 1 (2) 2

(3) 8 (4)

2. a* chti TS* titse-ii 5 1:6#14 titNI qf ?


(1) 5 (2) —1

(3) it (4) j

3. X* 10% Wi 10%, X Wi (1,11 3rftzra- ?

(1) 20% (2) 10%

(3) 1% (4) 100%

x ( (A14




5. 'zft rchtil -44 ttiqicht 4 591 - 7foal TraT t, T4r anent Airfl

(1) t 5-4r (2) .qTK

(3) 373 TT (4) T4T

6. 1.3 ÷ 5.2 + 10 + 100 TIM IR MR

(1) 0.26 (2) 1.25

(3) 0.25 (4) 0.35

7. Pi-iroRgo -14 Aq-TIT W2R 3r6W/ ?

(1) istim 1qi airl t f I

(2) ATM T4T cm) t

(3) t t I

(4) cRitsik TT aIC1 Vird-T-17 61 # I

OMT-101 5
8. If 20 persons can build a wall in 28 days, then the time required by 16 persons to
build the same wall is
(1) 44 days (2) 32 days
(3) 35 days (4) 48 days

9. If V2n = 32 , then the value of n is

(1) 5 (2) 10
(3) 9 (4) _

10. The base of a right-angled triangle with hypotenuse 4-5 cm and perpendicular 4 cm
(1) 8 cm (2) 6 cm
(3) 4 cm (4) 4-Jd cm

11. Abscissa of a point is negative in

(1) I and II quadrants (2) II quadrant only

(3) II and III quadrants (4) I and IV quadrants

12. The degree of the polynomial j7 is

(2) 7

(3) 2 (4) 0

13. 100 m2 = ha.

(1) 0.1 (2) 10

(3) 0.01 (4) 100

14. The volume of a cylinder whose diameter and height are both equal to h is

n h2 7c h3
(1) (2)
4 4
(3) (4)
8 8

OMT-101 6
-1c4R amid A 28 f4q M1nd t, z7ftTait 16 '&1W -gm a.iia A
8. -zit 20 o1
amt 1:rgrzr t
(1) 44 tq. (2) 32 fqq.

(3) 35 1 (4) 48 -RR.

9. zft 271- = 32 t, nW 1:117 t

(1) 5 (2) 10
(3) 9 (4)

10. • 4.5 cm at -44 4 cm airl kiiiQuI 3TIVIK

(1) 8 cm (2) 6 cm

(3) 4 cm (4) 4J cm

11. A l -sw *.unclict, alai t

(1) 13lluiwgekr (2) 10 II altRT

(3) II III VOrttz (4) I afrK IV .pitV

12. Nr:g NF7- *1.14M

(1) 1 (2)

(3) 2 (4)

13. 100 m2 =
(1) 0.1 (2) 10

(3) 0.01 (4) 100

14. TEF 3.171-dq IATFC W4T drcil gml h et) %Melt t, t

7th2 Tc 113
4 4

rch3 ic 112
8 8

OMT-101 7
15. The mode of the data 7, 8, 10, 7, 11, 10, 11, 7 is
(1) 7 (2) 8
(3) 9 (4) 11

16. The solution of the equation 1--x+ 6 = 8 + x is

(1) x=2 (2) x=—4
(3) x=—8 (4) x=4

17. If 560 is the simple interest on 2,000 at the rate of 7% per annum in x years, then
the value of x is
(1) 2 (2) 3
(3) 5 (4) 4

18. If selling price is 374 and discount is 15%, then marked price is
(1) 440 (2) 450
(3) 500 (4) 550

19. Which one of the following is a factor of the polynomial x3 — 5x2 + 6x ?

(1) x + 1 (2) x — 4
(3) x — 1 (4) x — 2

20. In the figure given below, 0 ABC is an isosceles triangle with

AB = BC. Then
Z BCD is

(1) 132° (2) 96°

(3) 148° (4) 142°
OMT-101 8
15. 3ft-0 7, 8, 10, 7, 11, 10, 11, 7 Ard"

(1) 7

(3) 9

16. ti cntui — + 6 = + x

(1) x = 2 (2) x = - 4

(3) x = – (4) x=4

17. zft 7% *1 alga) art xWa 2,000 1R liTURTIT ts+4141 560 t, ]["1 TIR

(1) 2 (2) 3

(3) 5 (4) 4

18. zIfk f4W4 1:ff 374 att qg 15% t, 347

(1) 440 (2) 450

(3) 500 (4) 550

19. -4 4 0q-crT, tat44 x3 – 5x2 + 6x ±.tufritguS ?

(1) x + 1 (2) x – 4

(3) x – 1 (4) x – 2

20. 4 -1=47Tr 1=4.q ABC 'RW 1:11:11t4TE t, fki4 AB = BC t I L BCD 't

(1) 132° (2) 96°

(3) 148° (4) 142°

OMT-101 9
21. If Suresh invests 400 at an annual rate of interest of 15% compounded annually,
the amount that he will get after 2 years is
(1) 550 (2) 500
(3) 490 (4) 529

22. The quadrilateral having only one pair of opposite sides parallel is called a

(1) kite (2) rhombus

(3) trapezium (4) parallelogram

23. The next number in the sequence 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, .... is

(1) 200 (2) 216

(3) 205 (4) 206

24. How many one-fourths are there in 44 ?

(1) 11 (2) 176
(3) 4 (4) 88

25. If twice a number plus five is equal to seven times the number, then the number is
(1) 2 (2) 1
(3) 3 (4) 4

26. Which one of the following cannot be the probability of an event ?

(1) 0 (2) 1
(3) 0.11 (4) 1.1

27. If 10 is the number of sides of a regular polygon, then the sum of the angles is
(1) 360°

(2) 10 x 180°

(3) 8 x 180°
(4) 9 x 180°

OMT-101 10
21. zft t 41 15% e411•31 tf aiRct) t 400 cviidi t c I Icr) 3TRieeff (14z111"4ff) 14)eil
WrdT t, 2 Ali NTA ail tT7Tft @An

(1) t 550 (2) t 500

(3) t 490 (4) t 529

22. WIti7 (1t1ia -ErP343 TA-DA d,cki r witit t,

(1) 1:1 T1 (2) TITMT17

(3) koiciq (4)

23. 31WE 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, .... 317rr1tiglI t

(1) 200 (2) 216

(3) 205 (4) 206

24. 44A 14,A #?

(1) 11 (2) 176

(3) 4 (4) 88

25. zrft f*-Ift -44§ErT T..0 A Trta 7 sur tit90-11 31:1 -g4 \711(1) t,
tit90-11 t

(1) 2 (2) 1

(3) 3 (4) 4

26. Pi-IR-Rgd A .49.-41 cm-11 eichoi ?

(1) 0 (2) 1

(3) 0.11 (4) 1.1

27. zrft -1%-kft Tr4-457*'t 'gq-rall*r err lot, t ssti4, .r>lO zhrrch-F

(1) 360°

(2) 10 x 180°

(3) 8 x 180°

(4) 9 x 180°
OMT-101 11
12 36 b
28. —=— then a + b is equal to
If 15 a 5
(1) 49 (2) 41
(3) 81 (4) 72

29. The following marks are obtained by 50 students in a class in the Mathematics test
with maximum marks 50 :

Marks Group Frequency

5-10 5
10 – 15 6
15 – 20 15
20 – 25 10
25 – 30 6
30 – 35 4
35 – 40 3
40 – 45 1
Then the number of students getting marks more than 25 is
(1) 24 (2) 10
(3) 14 (4) 6

– 21a3c2
30. expressed in its simplest form is
14a2 c8

(1) – 2 a5c10 (2) – 3 a

2 c6

– 3 a
(3) — s
c (4)

31. The sum of – 16 and – 8 divided by 2 is

(1) 12 (2) 4
(3) – 4 (4) – 12
OMT-101 12
28. ziR 12 36 = b , t a+b w(r4.( t ?
15 a 5
(1) 49 (2) 41

(3) 81 (4) 72

29. -kkftk-TT 50 t4i1 1 Ai *If ttaiT A 3IRTWal:f 50 3W. A "NTA3 t:

3,* two allielkai

5-10 5

10 -15 6

15 - 20 15

20 - 25 10

25 - 30 6

30 - 35 4

35 - 40 3

40 - 45 1

2514 3li3 3111:1 "1-4 s.soll *1144§EIT t

(1) 24 (2) 10
(3) 14 (4) 6

30. A -&rw 14)til 7MT t

(1) _ 3 a5c10
_ (2) - 3 a
2 2 c6

3 a5 3a
(4) -
(3) - c6- c6

31. —16 311K-8*71)111: 214 RITTt4TR .5n1“41at

(1) 12 (2) 4
(3) — 4 (4) - 12

OMT-101 13
32. The ratio of 18 hours to 2 days is
(1) 34 : 1 (2) 6 : 18
(3) 1 : 32 (4) 3:8
33. The largest of the numbers 1.093, 1.930, 3.019 and 0.139 is
(1) 1.093
(2) 1.930
(3) 3.019
(4) 0.139

34. Which of the following is a G.P. ?

(1) 2, 4, 6, 8, ...
(2) 3, 5, 9, 15, ...
(3) 2, 4, 8, 16, ...
(4) 22, 42, 62, 82,

35. Which one of the following statements is ambiguous ?

(1) Maturity is attained at the age of 25 years.
(2) If n is a natural number, then n — 1 is also a natural number.
(3) A week has seven days.
(4) Every person in India has a PAN card.

36. If — , m, 2 are three consecutive terms of an A.P., then the value of m is
5 7
(1) (2) —
2 5
(3) (4) 1

37. The LCM of the numbers 50, 35 and 14 is

(1) 2 x 5 x 7 x 7
(2) 2 x 5 x 7
(3) 2 x 2 x 5 x 7
(4) 2 x 5 x 5 x 7
OMT-101 14
32. 18 litia WI 2 f4q argrd t
(1) 34 : 1 (2) 6 : 18
(3) 1 : 32 (4) 3:8

33. 144T33 1.093, 1.930, 3.019 at 0.139 A Trc4 ifff *NTT t

(1) 1.093
(2) 1.930
(3) 3.019
(4) 0.139

34. PA-1 cl A A .4m-Ift TINT (G.P.) ?

(1) 2, 4, 6, 8, ...
(2) 3, 5, 9, 15, ...
(3) 2, 4, 8, 16, ...
(4) 22, 42, 62, 82,

35. Pi-ifiZoci A 14 04-17 waR ?

(1) m1qcti 25 Ali At 31-4 tIT ATR 6)cn t I
(2) zft n3Trfft *WET t, tn—lt vr-t-ft *PR t I
(3) cr timi4 A 7 f(4 tI
(4) iTRff A m(-4 0446 ITTE1 4q (PAN) chig t I

36. zit , m, 2 Itfl kiHICIt 441* Alq 5b1-11, 1c1 m f 1TR. t

5 7
(1) (2)
2 5
8 (4) 1

37. 141§4T311 50, 35 At 14 -*-1. (LCM)

(1) 2 x5 x7x 7
(2) 2x 5x 7
(3) 2 x2 x5 x 7
(4) 2 x 5 x 5x 7
OMT-101 15
38. The number of faces of a tetrahedron is
(1) 3 (2) 6
(3) 5 (4) 4

39. Which of the following integers lies on the right of —18 on the number line ?
(1) 0

(2) — 20
(3) — 25

(4) — 36

40. If P(A) = —2 , P(B) = —4 and P(A n B) = —4 , then P(A U B) =

3 5

(1) —




41. If C(4, r) = C(4, 1), then r =

(1) 0 (2) 1
(3) 2 (4) 3

42. The distance of the point (— 2, — 2) from the point (— 8, 1) is

(2) 3 -Z

(4) 5

43. The coefficient of x in the expansion of (x + 2)5 is

(1) 10 (2) 32
(3) 40 (4) 80
OMT-101 16
38. mivt)ocn* TRA *MT t
(1) 3 (2) 6
(3) 5 (4) 4

39. (-1(9.041113T 7044-1 ci A AR-TIT Tift —18* Tzff 311( alMT t

(1) 0
(2) — 20
(3) — 25
(4) — 36

40. P(A) = P(B) = — P(A n B) = =

4 t, P(A U B) =
3 9 5




41. lift C(4, r) = C(4, 1) t, c r=

(1) 0 (2) 1
(3) 2 (4) 3

42. 1. (-2, —2) *t -S (-8, 1)AV t

(2) 3 ,/g

(4) 5 ,F7

43. (x + 2)5 ARR x3 t

(1) 10 (2) 32
(3) 40 (4) 80

OMT-101 17
44. In how many ways can 5 objects be arranged ?
(1) P(5, 5) (2) C(5, 5)
(3) P(5, 1) (4) C(5, 1)

45. The sum of the first 99 natural numbers is

(1) 4850 (2) 4900
(3) 4950 (4) 5050

46. The volume of a cone of radius 3 cm and height 7 cm is

(1) 88 cm3 (2) 264 cm3
(3) 198 cm3 (4) 66 cm3

47. How many axes of reflection symmetry does an isosceles triangle, which is not an
equilateral triangle, have ?
(1) 4 (2) 3
(3) 1 (4) 2

48. The expression ,98- — written in the simplest form is

(1) 3 ,rfo (2) 5
(3) 5 (4) 6

49. The line passing through (— 4, — 1) and having slope is

(1) y + 1 = (x — 4)
(2) y — 1 = —
3 (x + 4)

(3) y — 1 = (x — 4)

(4) y + 1 = 1-(x + 4)

50. The degree of (x2 + 2x) (x2 + 3) is

(1) 2 (2)
(3) 4 (4) 5
OMT-101 18
44. 5 wt:gall -1*-d41 r tit'. -4 -041 ci ?

(1) P(5, 5) (2) C(5, 5)

(3) P(5, 1) (4) C(5, 1)

45. 319-17 99 AT 4t9e41311 71)7th-F

(1) 4850 (2) 4900

(3) 4950 (4) 5050

46. 3 cm Ds3-4-ii at 7 cm .4rref aTrzr-dq

(1) 88 cm3 (2) 264 cm3
(3) 198 cm3 (4) 66 cm3

47. ZU TrecOTE ?AP filF Ter t, ki&1144* 11C14 aTtg ?

(1) 4 (2) 3

(3) 1 (4) 2

48. otrAct) Nigg — 1q1(111 q

(- Ritsa 1T( NTA cti

(1) 3 VT) (2) 5

(3) 5 (4) 6

49. (— 4, —1) l\Ata awn "MIT Mciuml corn 113IT chtui

(1) y + 1 = (x - 4)
(2) y - -(x + 4)
(3) y - 1 = -1 (x - 4)
(4) y + 1 = —(x + 4)

50. (x2 + 2x) (x2 + 3)*1 VM

(1) 2 (2)

(3) 4 (4) 5

OMT-101 19

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